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USS Orcus: Off Duty Hours


[ USS Orcus | Year 2381, February | 2 Weeks Before the Battle of Starbase 84 ]

Lt. Devyrie "Dev" Okhala. Long white/blonde locks, and iron stare. Most in her prototype fighter squad gave her a wide berth when she was on duty, knowing that she could be all business, with little humor to her tone.

Off duty, though, was a little bit different. She could enjoy the lounge on the base, and had her own private stock of various alcohols collected from throughout the quadrant. For some, the off duty bonding was a rite of passage, a tradition as old as piloting itself.

For Dev, it was a way to release some of those emotions that buzzed inside her head. She sat at the bar, her temporary RIO, Hawkeye, or something, grabbing the bottle and pouring the next round, all the while regaling the rest with a wild story of buzzing local wild life.

"And then, the herd splits in to three and I do a quick barrel roll, bringing them all back in to the pen." The tall human was loud and obnoxious, but Dev just rolled her eyes.

"Sounds like animal herding just got a whole lot easier." The smirk played at the corners of her mouth.

"Eh, I do what I can. Now, one time on..."

He trailed off, as Dev took her glass and headed towards a more solitary table. Rarely did she prefer isolation, but this time was a little bit different. She sat down, but her sensitive ears could helped up keep track of the various conversations going on. Her mind wandered a bit, wishing she had decided on a different posting than the hotbed of activity for testing new fighters.

"Slag it all, he's loud," another TAC CONN officer sat down, no drink in hand. His hair was darker, short cut and matched the eyes. Dev took him in, a quick glance that told her that he was a bit more easy going that he initially let on.

"I guess it comes from being around engines all day. Fry your ears."

"Ah, so you do have a sense of humor." The newcomer's face broke in to a smile. "Vincent Ferris, or Vinnie for short."

"Deveryie Okhala." A sip at the drink to give him a moment, and she wondered if her reputation was preceding her.

"Ah, one of the test pilots. I heard that program is pretty stringent, so I'm guessing that explains the drinking."

"Nah, I actually fly to relax." Dev smirked again, but this one was full on, her eyebrows raising.

"Hah, well it takes all kinds, am I right?"

"You don't do the squad bonding?"

"Oh, I do. Just I usually prefer being on the holodeck with some free time. Keeps myself sharp."

At this, Dev perked up. She typically spent off duty studying tech manuals, or flight plans. The one hour social hour was about the most freedom she gave herself. "You find time for that?"

"I make time, Deveryie." Vinnie drummed his fingers on the table top, idly. "All this combat prep keeps people too wound up.. I'll send you a program, something I found while doing research on Earth culture while at the Academy. I think you'll like it."

Dev looked thoughtful. She appreciated the blunt approach, and then smiled in appreciation. "Well, I'm always open to new experiences."

Vinnie stood up, sliding a PADD across the table. "Let me know what you think."
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #1
It was the next day, after flight quals, that Dev managed to get down to the holodeck. The pilots had their own station, which they had free run of to craft training simulations or unwind after the logging in their hours for the day. Since most of the pilots were working together, times to be on the holodeck to unwind could be hard to come by.

Dev had already pulled of her flight suit and dressed in loose fitting pants and a tank top, her hair held back so it wouldn't get in to her eyes. She headed towards the holodeck section, and, to her annoyance, most were in use.  Dev managed to avoid spouting off curses, but turned to see when something might come available. Some of the programs sounded interesting, at least from their scant description, if present, beyond name and designation.

She was feeling antsy, and pent up, and decided that she could head in and see what martial arts this pilot enjoyed. The doors hissed open with their familiar sound, and then clicked closed behind her. She took a moment, brushing hair away from her face and ears, and listened.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #2
Tali was going through the motions as T'Zantha watched and enjoyed the sight of her cohort dressed simply in a pair of tight fitting black leggings with a black sports bra with a look gray workout top on over that with no sleeves and the albino Vulcan couldn't help but admire the clash in colors.

Tali was on the other hand much more focused on going through the motions of her warm up for Shan-dru-shaan which was Andorian version of the Terran Wing Chun style of martial arts and it was one that she had tried several times during the course of their career on the Harbinger that she had tried to teach Christopher..but his build wasn't built for the much more fast paced style unlike those taught to him by Paran Katar all of those years ago.

Tali brought herself back up to center, focused herself and then slowly exploded into a series of quick motions as she quickly thrust her right arm out in an overreaching arc from the straight over the top of her head and down to just below her flat stomach before switching it over into a rather savage and quick high kick with her left leg before placing it back on the ground with her left foot at a sixteen degree angle which she then used to pivot her whole body as she quickly started to move like a snake in a series of mimed dodges and strikes.

"So, what do you think of your squadron thus far?" T'Zantha asked plainly as she watched Tali.

"They could use some more work in a few places. I'm concerned about Metalhead's ego for one, Witch King is another one I'm wanting to keep my eye on." Tali admitted as she kept at her workout.

"Hm, how so?" T'Zantha mused.

"Much like you, he agreed to join the unit under the condition that the remains of his squadron joined as well. Come to find out that he served on the Phoenix under Maxwell when he was a younger man as a flight controller..but you know how that turned out." Tali admitted as she drew herself back up to a center before exploding into a furry of motion again.

The albino didn't say anything at first but her red eyes looked over in one direction for a moment and a ghost of a smile appeared on her face ever so slightly for less then a second before her Vulcan heritage clamped back down. "You know that you don't have to hide over there." she mused out loud.

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #3
Dev moved from behind her barrier, pushing her bunched up locks back behind her shoulders.

"I patiently waiting my turn, not hiding," she replied, a twitch of a smirk on her lips. Her arms folded neatly under her chest, and she took the scene in. It was clearly a martial arts training program, with these two were completely familiar. Dev could appreciate the physical endurance such training demanded, and had enjoyed seeing the demonstration.

"I rarely get to see such movements outside of combat sims. It's a nice change a pace."

It was not meant as a compliment, and her face still held a small smirk, managing to hold back more sarcastic remarks.

"Perhaps you could teach me a trick to two. It would be a nice change of pace from the test flights we've been doing."

Dev stretched her arms out, loosening up her shoulders and legs, eager to move. She could feel the slow burn of need to become more active, more physical, that came from the Romulan side. It had become more necessary to be physically active due to all the stress of the piloting and flying rigors. New equipment was temperamental, at best, and could make her skin crawl from the constant cycle of take offs and landing as each system was evaluated.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #4
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"

A vibrant Latin beat echoed over the cacophony of a crowded marketplace.  Brilliant blue skies mingled wispy white clouds above the treeline.  Everywhere held snippets of color with robust reds, purples, oranges, pinks, yellows and greens decorating the various carts, stalls and homes.  Even though the buildings were made of simple mud, bricks and wood, they felt alive in this atmosphere.  The artificial sun covered everything in hues of golden warmth, making the programmed people wipe the sweat from their brows. 

Alessia felt the heat too, and even though she knew it was all a part of the holoprogram she had input, it didn't stop her from sweating alongside them.  This was her country and these were her people.  Her parent's house was just over that rise in the distance.  Here, they knew her.  She spoke with them in her native Spanish and they responded with more-or-less accurate accents.  The computer wasn't perfect, but it would replicate many things.  The food carts were her favorite, but today she had come by for a match.  Unfortunately, she had also given her program parameters for "free will".  So when the busty Spanish woman rapped her caramel knuckles on the door of her opponent, Gabriel de Santos, and his sister answered instead, she was understandably peeved. 

"Im sorry but Gabriel isn't here today.  He told me to tell you that his match with you was not important because you were so far beneath him that he could squish you like a beetle."  The girl shrugged.  "I'm sorry Alessia. Come back tomorrow.  I will make sure he is home."

Alessia grumbled, but nodded in response.  There was nothing she could do if her opponent wouldn't fight her.  Well, she could alter the program, but things like this made it feel real to her even with the disappointment.  The door shut and Alessia turned to stroll back down the street.  She still had some time to kill before she was needed anywhere, and she suddenly had nothing to do.

"Computer, Exit please."

The holodeck chirped and an exit arch appeared.  Alessia walked through it into the Orcus' hallway and saved the program.  Tomorrow she would have her fight.  But today?  Her chocolate brown eyes glanced down the hallway as a fellow pilot she recognized hovered outside the second holodeck.  The woman seemed to be watching, or listening, and debating on whether or not she should enter.  Alessia approached, but as she neared, the woman walked inside.  Now it was Alessia's turn to stand and stare.

Some kind of martial arts was taking place in the room and Alessia recognized the other party as another pilot.  Dev and Tali, if she remembered correctly.  She flashed a smile and entered the holodeck program.  Looks like she'd get her workout in after all.

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #5
[ Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami) | USS Orcus | Year 2381, February | 2 Weeks Before the Battle of Starbase 84 ]

" ... Remind me again, Minjae? Why didn't you simply use the standard work out uniform?"

The male in question turned curiously, glancing at the source of the soothing, feminine voice. An eyebrow briefly raised before he shrugged and turned back around, causing his dog tags to jingle slightly. "Preference," he stated in a simple, matter-of-fact voice. "Before you say it, I know there's almost difference in what I have on now versus what I should. But isn't that just another reason not to fret about it? I mean ... " Minjae lowered his head, sneaking a peek at himself in the new, slightly unorthodox set of work out clothes.  "Even you just confessed I'm wearing pretty much the same thing. So why worry about it?"

A defeated sigh coming from his RIO, revealing herself to be Karma ein Yueh; another pilot whom went by the call sign of Tide. "Fine. Whatever. By the ocean lord's wrath, are you humans all this stubborn?"

"Not all, but a lot I've known, yeah."

Karma merely sighed softly, replacing the slightly irked reaction with a soft giggle.

" ... Am I amusing or something?" Minjae curiously inquired. Reactions such as that were exactly why the two had originally been paired together. Any other person, regardless of gender or race, would have groaned or gotten too exasperated with Minjae's original answer. But somehow ... nothing seemed to ever really piss Tide off. Or, on the rare chance she did get sincerely upset, she tended to get over her emotions rather quickly, more often than not.

"In your own regards, yes."

Minjae raised an eyebrow, only to smirk slyly at his pilot-in-crime. "Fair enough. You can be in your own ways, I suppose. So, what did you wanna do? Any specific activity?"

Before he could hear an answer or Karma could even try to give one, she nodded to what they suddenly found. In front of them, Minjae saw something he hadn't expected to run into, but was pleasantly surprised to come across anyway. When his head whipped around, he found he'd almost walked through a barrier and in the midst of a small group of people that had been gathering in holodeck program.

But what made Minjae's eyes widen wasn't seeing a small group start partaking in a martial arts program. Rather, it was a very familiar face. Any doubts or hesitations the young man may have had vanished as he stepped through, with Tide close behind him.

"Angel! I'll be damned!"

It was definitely not the usual greeting. Alas, that was how Minjae was, more often than not. Blunt - sometimes a bit  too much, as it had gotten him in his fair share of trouble.

Regardless, even if Angel didn't remember him, he definitely hadn't forgotten her, proven by Minjae using her call sign to address Alessia instead of her actual name.

"Good to see you again. Hope you've been well enough. Umm ... " Taking a moment to study the other faces, he tried to place names on them. When no immediate answers came to his mind, he decided to take the precaution and introduce himself, "Yo. I'm Minjae Soh and this is my flying partner, Kar -- "

"I can speak for myself. I'm not a child, Minjae. Thanks."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she walked beside the ensign and flashed the others a sincere smile. "I'm Karma ein Yueh. Most people just use Karma though."

"So ... martial arts? That what we're gonna work on, I suppose?" Minjae inquired, smiling at the thought. That'd be more than okay with him. In fact, it tended to be one of his favorite ways to work out, especially any martial arts that relied more on speed than pure strength. Still, he could adapt if and when the occasion called for it.

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #6
Tali couldn't help but smile as she watched the various other members of her test squadron enter into the room before casually looking over at T'Zantha who was slowly licking her lips as her long time partner was seemingly also enjoying the sight in front of her as Sniper's red eyes flicked between the various people.

"That's the tricky thing, Dev. I tried to teach it to someone once in recent years and even HE couldn't get the moves down pat." Tali said as she laced her fingers together over her head and then bent backwards just a little bit which allowed her back to pop with reassuring pop.

T'Zantha couldn't help but let the ghost of a chuckle escape from her as she watched Tali do the motion. "Don't let her sell you short, Husker was many things and could take down the both of us..but he wasn't that flexible in the end." she added as she redirected her attention to the entire assembled group.

Tali stopped her stretching and then cast a slightly dark look at her partner before turning to regard the rest of them. "Angel..Karma, good of you too join us as well I think. Don't get a chance to interact with most of you outside of the training courses and what not." she admitted with a faint grin on her light blue face.

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #7
Alessia stretched her arms out in front of her and clasped her hands together.  With a push, several of her knuckles popped and a grin spread across her pretty Spanish face.  She had come prepared for a fight that got canceled, so if Tali wanted a go, she was down to tussle.  Alessia wondered only briefly how her capoiera skills would match up against Tali's martial arts.

She moved forward, intending on naming herself a contender when the holodeck door whoosh open and a familiar voice called out to her from behind.

"Angel! I'll be damned!"

Alessia flashed a smile at him as he entered the program.  "Shinigami!  Heh, looks like we all had training reservations today.  Except I made my program too real and it told me to piss off so now I'm here."  She nodded at Karma and eyed the two of them up.  "Looks like you had a date with the gym.  Did she cancel on you too?"  Alessia chuckled.

Now there were 7 people in the holodeck: 4 pilots and 3 rear intercept officers.  As far as she could tell, none of them had gotten in much of a workout yet, except maybe Tali.  So Alessia addressed them all.

"So, you guys wanna make a game of it?  My capoiera against all your martial arts?"  As she spoke, she backpedaled further into the room.  "I was trained to take down 6-man teams by myself, and there's 6 of you.  Unless you'd rather start somewhere smaller."  Her fighting style was more of a deadly dance, but it had been designed to keep a large number of foes at bay.  "We can pair up.  If you want, we can even make a tournament of it.  Winner buys lunch?"

She was amping herself up for whatever her first match would be.  To that end, Alessia had begun the ginga step, though she hadn't fully committed to it.  Her arms were mostly just swinging by her sides and her feet weren't covering as much ground as they normally did when she fought.  It was clear, though, that she was beyond ready for the activities to commence.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #8
"Oohhh, she wants to play Tali..can I play?" T'Zantha asked with a ghost of a smile on her face after the albino heard Angel's challenge and the offer of free food.

Tali simply covered her face with one hand and muttered "Oi Gevult" before lowering it to look at the assembled group. "You all have to forgive Sniper, she's from a small town in the extreme southern polar reaches of her homeworld..they don't teach Kolinar or manners there." Tali said while shooting a look at her longtime partner.

Sniper simply shrugged as she got up to her feet and quickly did a couple of warm ups. "Is it my fault that the elders simply chose to lessen my training in the arts of logic due to my...condition, no but it did free me up for more interesting pursuits." Sniper explained as she then stepped forward and lowered herself into the opening stance of Fu Jow Pai or "Tiger Claw System" as it was more commonly known on Earth which was descended from Terran Shaolin Kung Fu.

She placed her right foot out front before slightly bending that knee as she moved her left foot in counter line with the right and bent it as well before flexing both of her hands palms outward but facing down as she flexed her fingers slightly so that that they were kind of hooked.

"T' nice." Tali chimed in as she noticed how the vulcan was moving. "You know how you get when you start getting showy."

Sniper looked at Tali then looked back to Angel and simply said "She's no fun sometimes."

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #9
[ Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami) | USS Orcus | Year 2381, February | 2 Weeks Before the Battle of Starbase 84 ]

... I see. So Karma gets acknowledged but not me?

Minjae latched slightly onto his lower lip, trying to keep a more neutral expression. It was a bit irritating, if only because he made an effort to try to address everyone. And yet, it didn't exactly feel like that gesture had been returned. To be somewhat fair though, he was a new face here. Well, for most people, he was.

He thus grinned, happy to hear and see Angel react to his greeting.

"Something like that, yeah. Let's go with that logic."

The truth was even more embarrassing than what had happened with Angel's program. She had a much more legitimate excuse. Minjae had ... well ... gotten impatient. Pressed one button too many and ... well ... decided to pretend he had never been in the other room. Karma had damn well nearly ratted him out, but decided against it simply out of fear of being guilty by association.

As Tali spoke to Karma, she bowed her head, grinning as she moved towards the spectators side, as it were. Anyone who was merely watching.

"Oh?" Minjae mused curiously, shooting Karma a sly smirk as he stood beside T'Zantha. "Getting cold feet, are you?"

"No. I just prefer to test myself when the odds are ... decent."

"You do realize you'd be with me, not against me, right?"

"I do, Minjae," Karma paused, looking past her co-pilot, over to Angel, and then back at the Asian pilot. "But if what she says is true about being able to take on larger groups, even you may have trouble. I'm going to remain here and ... gauge how this goes. See what I may or may not need to work on."

" ... I guess," Minjae mumbled, shrugging as he turned and gave his full attention to Alessia. It was a better excuse than trying to say something more childish, like Karma simply not feeling like sparring anymore. But honestly, Minjae was definitely a bit disappointed.

Ah well. Her loss, my gain.

Hopefully, that'd be the case, anyway.

Standing up perfectly straight - not yet getting into a pose of any kind - Minjae waited, curious to see if anyone else would join. Yet, his eyes remained firmly planted on Angel. Should she declare the fight to begin before anyone walked forward, he would make as certain as possible she wouldn't take him off guard at all; or at least not easily.

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #10
[ Lt. Jg. Devyrie Okhala (Callsign: Dragon) | USS Orcus | Year 2381, February | 2 Weeks Before the Battle of Starbase 84 ] attn: Esyel

Dev's body was lose, ready for the action, even as the other squad members squared off. She found it to be invigorating, her body anticipating the up and coming sparring session. It was relaxing to her, giving her the chance to get to know how everyone's fighting style lined up.

It was a unique yet fascinating insight in to their mindsets.

She moved up to the two standing closer to the outside, feeling like gauging the scene, and seeing the combat styles. She elbowed one guy, standing by his RIO. "What do you think? Think we have a chance against them?
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation


Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #11
@DocReno , @Esyel , @Auctor Lucan

Alessia watched her comrades closely as they shifted around her.  A couple of them bowed out of the fight, preferring instead to watch or perhaps spar each other.  She noted who they were, in case they decided to jump in later when they expected her to be tired and our of energy.  As the circle closed in around her, Alessia's grin widened.  She counted as many as five contenders.  Her martial art was designed to allow her the freedom and movement to deal with up to six at once.  She had the advantage here.

"Is this it then?  Ok chicas1, don't come crying to me when this is over."  Her body now fully committed to the ginga step as her arms took their positions.  She stepped back with her right foot as her right arm raised and held itself perpendicular to her body.  Her forearm was now poised to block an attack, but already her weight was shifting.  Her right foot returned to it's former place as her left foot now stepped back.  As her legs moved, her arms also switched positions.  The arm not being used to block a frontal attack was positioned strategically out and back, with palm open and fingers splayed.  In this way, she was keeping her options open for any kind of attack that she might receive.  Each time she brought her leg back to the center, she kept her stance low and wide for optimum balance.  Her arms swung with purpose as well, keeping both momentum and defenses up as she moved in a slow circle.

Alessia's eyes were ever-watchful of her opponents.  With her basic capoeira step, she would be able to evade or counter any of them, as long as she could see their movements.  Which meant she needed to keep her back free and clear of any attackers.  In order to do that effectively in a group fight like this, it also meant she needed to keep moving.  Mobility was her greatest strength.  It was the core of her martial art and provided her with the fluidity to execute her movements with startling ease. 

Of all the physical disciplines she'd experimented with, it was this one that held her fascination the most.  Sure, she could kickbox and she knew enough of various karate, taekwondo and judo to have an effective match, but capoeira was fun for her.  And significantly less deadly than the krav maga she'd learned.  Her goal there had been submission and take-down moves for when she was really in a pinch.  With capoeira, she had continued her study because she enjoyed the form, not out of self protection.

As she moved, Alessia began wiggling her fingers.  She was ready for action, the question was.. were they?

1,) chicas = girls
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #12
[LT Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna & Lieutenant JG T'Zantha "Sniper"USS Orcus | Year 2381, February | 2 Weeks Before the Battle of Starbase 84 ]  ATTN @Even Angels Cry, @Auctor Lucan, @Esyel

Sniper's eyes widened slightly as she understood what the human had just said. "Girl?!" the albino vulcan said before she relaxed her stance just enough to run the palm of her left hand down from her right shoulder over her breast to her left hip before saying "I'm all woman as Terror here would say."

Suddenly Sniper moved with a surprising swiftness at Alessia, the hand that she used to run across her trim form suddenly lashed out high towards Alessia's face but then suddenly T'Zantha spun around with that same hand quickly arching downward to slap the mat as she thrust her momentum downwards so that she could aim her feet at her fellow pilot's calves instead.

Meanwhile Terror couldn't help but pinch the bridge of her nose and wince at the comment her lover had made. "Please..for the love of all that's holy..please forgive her attempt at a joke, my lord she knows not how to TELL one." she muttered darkly to the room before relaxing her own stance. "I blame our mutual ex boyfriend for that one actually, he is a good man but his sense of humor I think corrupted T'Zantha's mind just a little bit." she teased with a wink at Minjae.

Re: Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours

Reply #13
[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Year 2381, February | 2 Weeks Before the Battle of Starbase 84 ]
Watching the development, it seemed that the present White Wolves were about to engage in some sparring, and Devyrie decided that she would simply wait for one of the other holodecks to become available. She smiled and stretched before she turned on her heel to leave. "Stay if you feel so inclined, Vinnie. I will be looking for another holodeck. I will see you all down in this new Fighter Assault Bay when the shift begins."

Saying this, Devyrie left through the exit arch, her white locks catching the lights of the corridor outside.

Devyrie didn't know what to think about this mission that they had been pulled off Luna Base for, only having heard about the Theurgy on the Federation News Network and what had been stated by Marcus Slayton. Being a sceptic by nature in thanks to her Romulan father from the Tal Shiar, she would reserve her judgement for the day when they flew out to meet this behemoth of a starship, and judge this renegade shapeshifter Captain by his - or her - actions.

OOC: Withdrawing Devyrie from this thread to allow for a continuation between the two of you @Even Angels Cry and @DocReno  :) I have too many threads as-is anyway.

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