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DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Three hours since he had been released from the brig, and Nathan was already regretting his choices in life. Having to give up his old rank, uniform and worse of all his quarters. He had liked his adjacent shower, he had really liked the space, and he had really really enjoyed having things. Senior officers could afford such things because they didn't have roommates. It had been a long time since Isley had to sleep in the same room as a stranger and share his space.

By the end of the week he very well might be back in the brig for murder. This time one he would actually commit.

His entire life had been packed up in those hours, tossing what he could carry into the regulation cylinder. He hadn't felt like this since he was a cadet. He had reported to Miles, and been dismissed from the wolves, given transfer orders. Oh the day just loved to pile on the humiliation. He already knew he would never be trusted around the wolves or behind the flight controls of a valkyrie. He had thought that maybe he would have been allowed to join the deck crew.

But Miles didn't want him anywhere near the wolves.  It wasn't like any of his old friends were going to speak up for him, truth was he didn't have a lot if any at the moment. He had no connections, no information, and most importantly no race. He had always thought he had been half vulcan, and he was still getting over the fact that a day ago he was discovered to be half Romulan. His mother was most likely a Tal'Shiar infiltrator. Outwardly he may have looked human, but he had never felt more alien than now.

Ever since he got the news he was becoming more and more paranoid that someone was going to try and have him killed. He didn't know the who or why, but the more time passed the more he was convinced there was danger around every corner. He was becoming as paranoid as his race would let him, and he must have looked crazy along with everything. He was still in his white tactical uniform the one he had been arrested in. He hadn't had a shower since he was moved to the brig, and of course the kicker on all of it.

He no longer got to be private about that kind of thing, tonight when he finally got this uniform off he would be getting into shared showers. The fact that it was co-ed was not a saving grace he was much older than any MCO or Ensign. Most would probably call him old man, or say he was past expiry date. They weren't entirely wrong apparently because he had never felt weaker. It was like something had broken and he was left to try and piece it all back together with shitty off brand glue.

Finally in the now he was to report to his newest supervisor. He was glad that he was dealing with the head of security, and not the deputy. The last few days had been bad enough, dealing with Ida again would be one of those things that he just didn't need. He had gone from almost being an item with her, wanting more than just one night, to very suddenly being arrested by her... all in all it was probably within the top five of his worst break ups.

He had never really met the Bajoran security chief he had no idea what to expect in the following hour when he reported to the mans office. Pressing the call button. "Nathan Isley reporting as ordered."

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Wenn Cinn | Chief of Security's Office | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos

Wenn Cinn sat behind the desk in his office, PADD in hand. A few hours ago, he'd received a request from Miles Renard. The big dog wanted a favor in helping him clear someone off his books. That someone was Nathaniel Isley. Cinn had already read the reports that Ida had logged on the subject of Isley and his momentary lapse of reason. He readily granted the request, only secretly begrudgingly. He knew that Renard wouldn't suggested the move to Security unless he felt that Isley was capable, but in the back of Cinn's mind there was doubt. If he couldn't be trusted to fly a fighter, could be really be trusted to step into harm's way when the going got tough? And what of his past fling with Ida? He trusted her to keep it professional, but would he? A lot of security was known when to push, and when to let things slide. If nothing else, today's meeting would help Cinn get an inkling either way.

Taking a break from Isley's file, Cinn leant back in his chair, looking around his office. It was a good size, certainly befitting of a departmental head. Against the back wall was a large LCARS display, idly moving between the day's rotations, key messages and activities. In front of the display was where Cinn had positioned his large desk and chair, arranged so that those entering from the main entrance would know to take one of the two chairs in front of the desk. To the side was a small seating area with a couch, coffee table and freestanding chair. Next to the seating area, there was a bookcase, filled with the occasional trinket, a number of different books and a couple of potted plants. A painting of Bajor hung next to the way to his deputy's office. A simple landscape but effective, it portrayed the various buildings a Bajoran city with its domed roofs against sweeping green land. The balance between technology and nature.

The door chime rang. Cinn brought himself back to focus, placing interest back to the device in his hands. The door opened and in stepped the man.

"Nathan Isley reporting as ordered."

"...Sir" Cinn finished for him, before finally looking up to give him a stern once over. "It's 'Reporting as ordered, Sir', or did your time with the flyboys strip you of basic manners? Have a seat Isley." Cinn pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk with his PADD, his face as stone. In fact, the hard-ass routine was just that, a routine which Cinn gave to all his new recruits. The same that was given to him all those years ago on the Crazy Horse when he was still an Ensign. Sometimes he doubted he was ever that young, but he knew it must have happened otherwise he wouldn't be sat on his ass going through all the old motions.

"I've read your bio, besides an attitude problem you seem to be an adequate officer." He began, waving the PADD to indicate its contents. "Then, Carver..." He paused for a moment. Paying respect to the lost pilot. "Now Renard doesn't want you." He sighed, placing aside the portable device. "I've taken you on a favor to him, but can you explain to me exactly why I shouldn't have just passed you to O'Connell for plasma vent cleaning duty?"

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #2
Nathan breathed out as he was reminded to call the man Sir. It wasn't that he never reffered to Miles as such, it was just a very different atmosphere. The Wolves often caused problems, they were a close knit family in most cases and a lot of the time formalities were skipped. Sitting down in Cinn's office he was getting the feeling that this was going to be very different. He was used to getting the third degree, but Cinn was starting to look like one of those cops from those bad holo-novels.

'you're a Maverick Isley, you can't be trusted. you're off the case give me your badge and your phaser.' Of course the rogue cop would always tell the Chief that they could fuck the badge if they wanted too, they were going to solve the case if it was the death of them.

Nathan tried to keep himself calm even as he listened to Wenn, the mention of Carver had him drop his eyes from the man guilt and shame came cross every part of him. There was simply nothing he could say in his defense, and as for his reassignment. Miles had asked him where he had wanted to go, this had been the only place he could think of. The man had a point though, why shouldn't he just take out the garbage for the rest of his life? He already felt that way about himself.

"Sir, I..." Nathan really didn't know what to say to that. He paused as he looked at Wenn, he wasn't going to crack not again he was out of the Brig, and he knew at least part of who he was. "What happened to Carver was my fault, I understand everyone's hesitation to be around me at the moment. I allowed a momentary lapse of judgement when I should have been performing my duties."

Lies, but they sounded like the truth, and they fit the story, still every word made his mouth taste like he wanted to vomit. "I betrayed the trust of the wolves by being lazy that's why they won't have me anymore. It is not something I ever want to see repeated Sir."

He took a deep breath. "My name and service record are tarnished so you have me at a loss for reasons why you should do anything for me. So why don't I say something I can do for you?"

Nathan rolled his shoulders for a moment trying to get a little more comfortable in his seat. "I don't want to let this ship down again. If you give me this chance, I will personally see to it that I put my all into this service. I am done being a maverick, I knew that much the moment I was put under arrest. So instead let me serve you and show you that I can at the least attempt to do this correctly. Not for personal glory, or some shot at redemption, but for everyone else on this ship. Put me to use where I can help them, and I will follow your every order."

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Wenn Cinn | Chief of Security's Office | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos

Cinn sat and watched Isley. The disgraced Chief Petty Officer was currently pledging himself to the Bajoran and his service. Presumably everything that he assumed Cinn wanted to hear. At this point, Cinn wouldn't have been surprised to hear that Isley was ready to get down on his knees and crawl under the desk. Usually, this was the stage that Cinn would let up on his hard ass routine and welcome the new recruit into the folds, but there was something about Isley that wasn't sitting comfortably.

"I don't need you paying me lip service, Chief, I got a longer list with better looking people than you ready to kiss my ass. You can pledge your life to the service all you want, but you and I know that is all kosst." The Bajoran swear slipped out. Cinn wanted to correct himself, but he was in full swing now. "Old habits die hard. Mistakes get made. And when you start feeling lazy or have another lapse in judgement - which, by the way, are two completely different things, you come find me and I'll remind you of this little conversation."

He sighed, voice softening. It was time to change tactic rather than run the point into the ground. "You're starting again from new. That's fine by me. Just ensure to build yourself a life as well as a career. I have no use for tired officers or vigilantes who can't put down a case because they've gone nothing at home." Pausing, Cinn took the time to press a few buttons on his desk. Behind him, the LCARS screen showing during assignments shifted to an overview display of an Orunal class station. "Tell me chief, what do you know about Starbase 84?"

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #4
Nathan felt something curl in the back of his throat. He wasn't sure exactly what Wenn was going on with, but he did suppose that he had crawled a little too far up the mans ass. The thought of simply being stuck in maintenance or some other low pathetic job was just too insulting for him to take and he had a mission that he had to accomplish. It was simply that, if he couldn't get on the security team he would have to find some other way, but currently this was his only chance to ever really clear his name and find out what the hell happened.

Build a life? What like a find a girl and move in and have a wonderful family aboard the most advanced warship the Federation ever built? It wasn't a high priority that was for sure. Especially considering how his last few relationships have ended. Which he figgured he should go on record about something now that it was technically a conflict of interest. "Sir, I do feel now is a good time to mention that... I have had relations with Than Ida, the deputy chief of security. She broke it off before her investigation of me, so that she could have no official ties, but if I am to be working under her such a relationship is required to be on record."

His voice was almost tired by that simple admission. He swallowed for a moment thinking about the night of passion that he had come to both enjoy and regret. But as far as making a life? Ida was probably the bottom of the list a better vulcan then he was... especially now. "Starbase 84, that's the one on the edge of the Romulan Federation neutral zone correct? I'm familiar with the sector but I've never actually been there. I was born close too the neutral zone after all."

Which probably looking back should have been a huge tip that he wasn't a vulcan but he shrugged.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Wenn Cinn Chief of Security's Office | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos

Wenn Cinn tried, and failed, not to curl his lips while Isley spoke about Ida. Say what you will about the newly discovered half-Romulan, his timing sucked. Just as Cinn was starting to try to warm up to the man, he seemingly wanted to throw Ida under the bus. The rational part of his brain told him that Isley was only ensuring that it was out in the open and on the record, but something about this whole situation didn't sit right. Of course, Ida had come to him before starting the investigation. She was a professional.

"I already know." He said as a matter of fact. "And like any of my officers who are or have been intimate, both of you will be on different duty shifts and teams until I am confident that you two can play together nicely." He had complete faith in his deputy to do her job, he expected Isley to do his. With nothing else to say on the subject, he continued his briefing.

"Glad that you're well versed with Federation Station locations. Now, as you may or may not know, Starbase 84 is our next destination. The Captain has decided to use the element of surprise as an opportunity to avail ourselves of their whistle-blower system." Cinn depressed the controls on his desk. Behind him, the overview of Starbase84 zoomed to the top, showing the area in more detail. "I will be leading a mission with the objective to secure central communication. The plan is simple - capture the towers, clear the opposition, protect the engineers and hold the ground." As he spoke, the diagram updated to show the beam in location and suggested route of travel for the mission. Cinn didn't need to look behind him as he spoke, he knew the briefing document would work perfect. Instead he watched Isley take in this information, waiting for the reaction. The teams had been practicing already, but Cinn was ready to drop one of his more hardened officers from the roster. He wanted to have Isley with him, so he could assess his capabilities in person. That and there was the worry of leaving him untested to work autonomous on one of the ship vectors during the battle. It was better to keep an eye on him. Cinn's request was simple, but he wasn't really asking.

"I want you on my team. Think you can handle that?"

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #6
"Oh." it was the most elegant response that Nathan could make at the moment when Wenn told him that he already knew about the affair with Ida. The quesiton of how came up. She had explicitely told him never to mention it unless it was critical to the investigation. She had come to him before he was even to be brought to the brig and told that he was nothing and that the night was not part of the official investigation. So why then did she go and tell Wenn, he wasn't even part of the investigation or the fall out of it? The fact that Wenn knew made his life a little easier but also a little more difficult, and he kind of wished that information had been passed up the chain of the command. It would have prevented the awkward moment when the Captain had come to the brig and accused him of killing Skye because of some hidden affair between the two pilots. "Glad to know it's already on record."

part of the conversation floated back at him that she had told Wenn, before their investigation even came to light. Nathan let out a sharp breath of annoyance at himself forgetting that small detail when he was more focused on the fact that she had indited him, and carried out her job. He had called her a vulcan in the past, but now he was starting to see just how she handled her job. It was clean and efficient.

It made him look at the Andorian in a more accusatory light. They had been together for a few solid hours before the mission, it wouldn't have been hard for a member of security at her rank to get something to slip him, and her first instinct had been to cover it up. Even now the moment he was freed at least in part from that action Ida comes forward before him, making him look all the worse. For the first time he was feeling more like Ida had something to hide. Silently to be sure he was going to add her to the list of suspects of his own personal investigation.

His mind went back over to the station and the fact that they were going to be included in an assault mission on a Federation Starbase. He knew the attack plan for the wolves they had been prepping for that one around the same time as they had the attack on Black Opal. The last time he had been involved in an attack someone had died.

This time simply had to be different. He was grounded now, he had to work with a new team, and work on a 'social life'. But most importantly he had a loss to make up for and he couldn't fail the crew a second time. "Yes sir."

He took a deep breath but didn't immediately exhale. "I won't fail you. Thank you for giving me this chance." He knew full well that Wenn was keeping him on the mission to keep an eye on him, this was a chance to have someone else judge his performance.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Wenn Cinn Chief of Security's Office | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos, SummerDawn

Cinn harrumphed at Isley's further thanks. Either he was trying to firmly establish himself as a kiss-ass or that he was actually grateful for being allowed the don the yellow shirt. It was then that Cinn realized something. When did he become so grumpy, disillusioned and distrustful? He suspected that, it was somewhere between being torn into space and Isley squeezing the trigger to send Carver to meet her maker. He just hoped that Isley was good enough to kill that poor girl straight out. As someone with first-hand experience of dying by vacuum, he wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Moving on from such morbid thoughts he carried on as if nothing had sidetracked him.

"You've a lot of catching up to do. Mission parameters, operation guidelines, training runs." He said laying down a list of priorities for the half-Romulan. Remembering something from within his background reading, Cinn added an addendum.  "First things first though, I've been looking through your file and despite exemplary scores, your Phaser Proficiency needs updating. As such, before any form of training, you need to see our mistress-at-arms. I've already messaged Ensign Ryuan to expect you at some point, and you [/i]will[/i] jump through as many hoops as she deems fit to throw at you. We don't get ex-TacConn down here, so I'm sure you can understand that we want to see how our boys in white fare." He joked lightly, hauling himself up out of his chair. Cracking his neck, Cinn squared off his shoulders before standing to attention.

"Chief Petty Officer Nathaniel Isley, I hereby accept and approve your transfer to the position of Security Officer, USS Theurgy, effective immediately. Your primary duty is to this ship, her crew, and all those who sail upon her. Make us proud." And that was it. Traditions honored. The security team was officially one member greater. Cinn turned away from the half-Romulan and started pulling up various reports onto his large LCARS display behind his desk. He pondered about actually saying dismissed, but he imagined his demeanor said enough. As Isley gathered himself to leave, Cinn turned back, grabbing a final look at the man. "Welcome to the family, Maverick."

Cinn turned back to his display, reviewing reports of the latest patrols, there was consolidated area of the gossip, rumors and topics heard while on patrols. Besides the norm, one name stood out to Cinn more than the others. Sarresh Morali...

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #8
Nathaniel Isley Chief of security's Office | Deck 7] Attn: SummerDawn, Arista

There was a moment of aggravation when Cinn called him Maverick, as grateful as he was for dawning the yellow shirt he felt part of him really couldn't let that slide. His old call sign felt like a guillotine hanging over his head, and Nathan's entire body tensed at the mention of it. Tests and phaser proficiency left his mind as he was left dealing with a man whom he wasn't at all sure about. For one he got exactly what he wanted a fresh start, no secrets held out, but on the other he was pretty sure that he came across as a kiss ass.

Some of Maverick was still around inside his head, and decided that protocols were damned, he was already accepted, and dismissed. Anything he said at this point would only be held against him for future references. "Don't call me that." His voice was a little soft when it first left him as he was standing next to the door he really didn't know what to cuss about.

He turned towards Wenn anger still apparent on his face. "I'm not a conn officer anymore, I don't get a callsign, the wolves can't even look at me, and while I am glad that I can still have a position of value and help with this ship sir, I am done with that part of my life. From here on out I am your problem and that can go one of two ways. Way one is that I obey the rules and try my best to live up to my position on this ship for once, or I go off and be a maverick and we both know how that worked out last time. Maybe next time I will be lucky and kill myself, but currently the only thing stopping me from doing that is the great desire to start things over. So sir, Thank you for the warm welcome, and I hope we can work together in the future, call me Isley, or Chief Petty Officer or any other name befitting of my rank and file, but call me maverick again and I will do what I can to make your life miserable."

That said Nathan walked out the door and closed it on his way out. Immediately he knew he shouldn't have done that, but after an hour of that mans dick in his mouth it felt great to actually flick off the door on his way around the security center. The last time he had been here was as a prisoner of the brig. So he didn't feel like he needed a grand tour of the facility. There were things like the gym, and of course finding a locker was a must, all and all he just kept looking around the place waiting for a summons with the mistress at arms.

Part of him of course hoped he wouldn't run into Ida, he wasn't sure how the Andorian would react to seeing him in Yellow. Their last encounter was still painful to recount, he passed the deputy's office and kind of wished that no one was home. But there was an equal part of him that hoped she was home. Some closure on that side of things would be nice.

Of course closure he wasn't sure of what that actually meant. Any chance of a relationship had gone into the void of space with Carver. Focusing he walked past that and down to the lockers finding an empty one where he could stow his gear and set up a combination for himself.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Complex | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos, Arista

It seemed like the small pleasures in life got interrupted by duty and today was no exception. Not even 24hrs out of sickbay, with a medical exemption and still tangled up in the arms of Sarresh Morali, she'd gotten the summons to certify a new security officer. New in this case meant a cross transfer from another department and she wondered who might have requested that. Soon enough she would find out and having given her lover a peck on the heek, slipped on her uniform, not really worrying too much about her her hair, the cut seemed to stay put rather well, why she liked it.

[5min later]

Ryuan ventured into Security, going to the lockers to get a few things, and then when she noticed the Petty Officer lingering around the lockers. She recognized him as a pilot but why would a pilot be getting cross trained for Security. "Petty Officer," she addressed the man, "You are here for a phaser proficiency exam?"

(Sorry for not getting on this sooner. Excuses are in the pm's. Will flesh this out a bit more as I have time today. Final part to tag from won't change so feel free to respond.)

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Nathaniel Isley Chief of security's Office | Deck 7] Attn: SummerDawn, Arista

phaser weapons had never been Isley's favorite. Just holding one felt kind of odd in his hands so being a part of security where he would be required to carry one on him as part of his working kit at all times just made everything kind of odd. He was a pilot, he didn't mind pulling a triggure to take someone down, but to think that was soon going to be his full time duty was still a disquieting thought.

When his eyes first met Sel, a few thoughts came to his mind. The first and foremost being what was with that hair cut? It looked like something out of the early 20th century anarchist movement or a throw back to the atomic horrors, he wasn't really sure which it was, but aside from the fact that half the woman's head was shaved she was actually rather stunning.

In any other situation Nathan may have tried to pull out some of his old charms or something. If he had met Sel just a few days earlier he would have done everything in his power to make a good impression, and try to bribe her with drinks or any other attempt he thought could have woo'd a woman of security off her feet.

What she got however was a man just tired enough to wave at her and nod when she asked what he was here for. The fact that she addressed him by his new rank rather than name was odd. He would have thought that anyone and everyone would have known and hated him, and yet as he searched Sel's face for any kind of recognition all he got was the impression that she was annoyed by being here.

"Hiya. I don't believe we have met before. I'm Nathan Isley. I'll be joining security for the next... forever?" Forever was a short time frame really. He didn't know if he was going to stay here. He couldn't be a wolf, even if he was able to eventually prove his innocence once he was ousted from the pack he was never going to come back. Which was heartbreaking because he had really cared about that Puppy.

Now he had been told he needed to find a new hobby, and start a new life. Drinking, drinking was definitely a contender for the new hobby in his life. As for a new life outside of work... he really didn't plan on that part of it.

"So proficiency tests... where do start?" He said asking her to lead the way, aside from this locker he really didn't know where he was going from here. Any and all directions were good he supposed.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Complex | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos, Arista

Sel hadn't given much thought to why Nathaniel was here, just that he'd been assigned to her for phaser proficiency training. The end of the day he was a transfer in from another department, why she could care less, that was for the powers that be but it most likely meant she'd have to train him from square one, not something easily done in a short period. As for right now, it wasn't that she was in a foul mood per se, but she'd been entangled in the arms of a lover, enjoying his close intimate touch after a rather intense but pleasureable round of sex, and now here she was, less then an hour later, about to instruct a newbie if how to handle a weapon.

"First things first Petty Officer," Ryuan responded, growling but trying not to let too much of her displeasure at her bosses get taken out on him, "We're going to go to the range and you are going to show me your skills with the Type 2 and type 3 phasers. From there I will decide what comes next." She looked up at the man, "Our people are amongst the best in the fleet and I expect no less of a new hire. Understood?"

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Nathaniel Isley security complex| Deck 7] Attn: SummerDawn, Arista

The woman had for the second time now refused to give her name. It was one of those awkward moments where he knew who she was only because their boss had told him he was working with the mistress at arms, Which gave him a name and a title, but without any kind of formal introduction it was clear that there would be no actual conversation be it casual or professional. The wolves had been like a family, sure they had the chain of command, and yes they had spent time working side by side with one another in professional mannerisms but there had also been a friendship between it's members that was lacking here in security.

The best in the fleet had no social skills so it seemed, and Nathan was oddly fine with that. It meant that while he was stuck down near the bottom of the ranks for the moment, he had every opportunity to work on his projects and steer clear of the radar. While he wasn't excited about having to shoot from the hip on all of this, he was more then fine with being lead around and told what to do. At this point he was burnt out on decisions making, and could have spent the rest of this trip in the brig.

So whatever freedom the security team allowed him was more than enough as long as he could walk around he really didn't have much of a qualm. "Okay then Ma'am please lead the way to the shooting range."

He gestured her to lead towards the door, half because he was still learning the complex's layout (he did only have a days experience in the brig last time he was here) and he had nothing else he could say to her. Already he could tell that she wasn't interested in any facit of him. He was being regarded like a rotten piece of meat that she had been told to clean up.

'Maybe I can just shoot her and call it an accident' the little devil at the back of his mind told him that it would be funny to stage such a thing. "So what's the break down of security like? I mean I know there is the basic stuff like the guards and all which handle intruders, but shouldn't there also be more too it? Do I need some remedial in investigative actions? I haven't exactly done any kind of detective work in the past, but were sort of the cops of Starfleet now right?"

Despite how he worded it and was clearly acting disinterested in the answer, if there was one thing that he wanted out of this experience it was to be put on it was internal affairs. The security team with the most access to other logs, and the ability to investigate ongoing problems on the ship.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #13
Ryuan looked at the man, planning to give him a withering stare, instead she kept her anger to herself. Letting out an audible sigh as they made their way to the armory and range, she looked at Nathaniel. "You have a lot of questions Nathaniel, questions I can't answer. My responsibility as Mistress at Arms, name is Sel by the way, Ryuan Sel, is to ensure that you are proficient at the use of our phasers. As long as you can shoot straight and hit what you aim for, and show a measure of situational awareness under fire, then you are considered proficient at the basic weapons."

She paused as they entered the  armory and she unlocked a compartment with a basic Type 2 and Type 3 phaser. "Basic two weapons." she said, handing Nathaniel the Type 2 while she slung the Type 3 over her shoulder. She paused before they entered the range, "I'm sorry if I seem a bit gruff Petty Officer. 24hrs ago I was fighting for my life in Sickbay. Less then an hour ago I was getting intimate with a freind when our DH interupted. It's not your fault but I've had better days." She keyed open the door to the range, "After you."

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #14
Nathan returned her glare with a tired glance. He kept eye contact but he honestly wasn't looking for a fight. In truth if he were going to pick something or anything out of the roles in his life he could really use a friend he had a short few of those now a days or so it seemed. When Sul actually did give her name his glance became a little more warm towards her. First impression was terrible but at least she was trying to explain why. He had to admit that she was running a gambit for the last 24, fighting for her life, to a lovers session and now she was here.

They both knew she would be happier back with her lover, but that was life. He would have been happier back with the wolves, or in the embrace of some other woman, but instead he was going to get shot at by target practice while returning fire. When the door opened he walked into the firing range. "Thank you."

"I get it, I mean 24 hours ago I was in the brig, and before that I was a junior lieutenant with a promising tactical career, and his own quarters. Now I have to get a roommate. We all have places we would rather be." He rolled his shoulders as he picked up the type 2 phaser checking over the hand held device for a moment as he ran a tumb over the power settings making sure that it was set to stun first, and then taking the safety off. 

"You know I kind of hate these things.  When your in a ship you have some help with targetting, but there is a lot more to it. Spatial awareness, speed, you have to track and aim firing for where an enemy is going. Compare that to a ground fight. This thing feels like I could snap it in half, and the worst part is the thing only travels in a strait line."

He shrugged slightly. "Ever play paintball mistress?"

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #15
Ryuan had to smile a little at the man's remarks. She also knew his backstory now, and why the man was in her 'care' now. "Quite honestly Nathan, why you are here and what happened in your last 24 hours isn't relevant at this point, nor is mine really, but at least we understand each other to an extent. She checked the settings on her own weapons as they entered the phaser range.

"And how is that any different Nathan? Spatial awareness and knowing how much to lead your target are integral to operating a weapon like the handheld phaser. Ground forces don't have access to targeting sensors and all the fancy gadgetry in a fighter, we do all those calculations in our heads, which is why we drill often. You can't have a brain fart in combat, especially close quarters battle, or people die in front of you. Not a flash and explosion on the sensors but real life, gaping hole in your chest at your best friend's feet sort of dead."

Ryuan began to program the initial parameters  for the first part of the test. "That old earth game involving the use of non-lethal projectiles to simulate actual combat? Heard of it but never saw the point. Holodeck does a good enough job simulating the real thing, and you can't cheat to boot."


Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #16
"The difference is this." He pointed at the first stationary target and fired watching a straight line of phaser fire strike the thing and it barely move to register the fact that it was hit in what was supposed to be the representation of it's head. He looked at Ryuan as if this single motion had explained everything that he was trying to tell her about the differences in weapons, and when it clearly did not he let out a small sigh.

"Weapon drop off, when you fire a torpedo or a missile it doesn't go in a strait line, and while the targeting computer is there for a reason it can only do so much. Hitting another fighter in the middle of combat is basically trying to hit a needle that's in motion while your sitting on a centrifuge upside down. the void of space offers no resistance but torpedo's constantly curve while in space due to the gravity of every little thing nearby." Compared to that rush and feeling this was literally just pointing and clicking and watching as everything goes off in a straight line. The Phaser in his hand was almost boring by comparison to a valkyre, but then that was part of the job he knew he was going to have to face. He knew that it would take a while for him to adjust to the fact that he would never be allowed near a comm unit ever again or allowed to fly in a tactical environment.

"The point of paintball is to get you used to the feeling of munitions dropping or curving in flight. It helps you learn how to better track targets while standing on your own two feet, and yes it puts you under fire in a simulated environment. Honestly I think you would enjoy it. Even if it is just a game." Nathan smiled back at Sel for a moment of course the current weapons they were using had no drop off, but that didn't mean that the skill of tracking an opponent was useless, in fact knowing how to read a humanoid in combat was probably one of the better skills to build upon.

"Any way lets set up this range and see what we have to work with right, I haven't held one of these things properly since the academy."

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #17
Ryuan Sel listened as Nathan explained about arcing trajectoreis and projectile based weapons tactics in space. "For typical phaser fire, you are correct. However do not forget that ground forces are equipped with several types of weapons systems for which an arcing trajectory is normal. The Grenade launcher some of the advanced tactical officers are equipped with do exactly that and practice is even more important as we don't have targeting systems to adjust and compensate for the drop, nor do the projectiles used have any sort of steering system."

As the range came up, not the traditional range most officers qualified on, but a holographic simulation of the shuttlebay of a starship, Ryuan glanced around. "Basic boarding simulation. Enemy forces have penetrated our main shuttlebay and are advancing on our position. "Enemies start off easy but will get harder as you demonstrate your skill. When you miss the same target three times, or the target scores a strike on you, the simulation will end." She paused, "Simulation starts in 10." she said, stepping back to the edge of the phaser range.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #18
We have grenade launchers? it was the very first thought that popped into Nathan's head as he listened to the mistress at arms, suddenly the thought that their may have been more than the two hand held models in their armory hit him, and after years of piloting vessels and ships learning his ways around the tactical flight maneuvers of a valkyrie he had one new greedy thought come into his head. 'what dotted line do i need to sign to get a flarging grenade launcher?'

Nathan took up his position and eyed the now breaching airlock. All in all he had to admit that it was a good test, but with Ryuan still standing by he didn't really feel comfortable turning up the power on his phaser to anything other then the highest level of stun, they were fighting computer generated targets, he probably didn't have to worry about anything heavily armored till later in the simulation even though if he was leading this invasion he would have started with that exactly.

As the count down ended the airlock was breached and Nathan ducked behind his cover returning fire on one of the people who walked in, sure enough the foot soldiers didn't have the kind of heavy armor one would have expected for this kind of breach and fell flat on their backs not moving to get up again.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #19
Ryuan watched Nathan as he began the exercise. Unlike the basic phaser range tests, which only sought to verify a crewman could shoot straight, Ryuan had used her authority as Mistress at Arms to alter the basic test quite substantially, turning it into more of an actual exercise then a test. The idea was that anyone could shoot a phaser straight, but under fire you had to keep your cool, and use all your training to survive, and the Theurgy could scarce afford to lose anyone to the enemy, so the training was harder, tougher, but also kept her coworkers alive.

The first wave of attackers had been easy enough, basic troops, intended more for getting into the test then anything. Wave two would be harder, the AI programmed to react, the body armor thicker, their maneuvers smarter. And they didn't give Nathan a break, as these Klingons came through the door firing, not accurately but this was only level two, the skill presented had to progress and soon enough he'd find himself in over his head, the only question was how far would he progress before that?

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #20
Nathan always kind of wondered why even now a hundred years after the Khitomer Accords they still used the klingon's in Federation tests. Was it the Xenophobia? What were the Empire's thoughts on the Federation running simulations wars with them? Ah who was Nathan kidding the Empire probably found that to be hilarious. Still in this troubled time it felt wrong to be fighting the Klingons when there was another race that shared their dominant strength hate of the Federation.

His race. Try as much as he wanted to focus on the battle he had to deal with outside of his body as he felt his phaser no longer have much effect against Klingon body armor he was still more focused on the war going on inside of his head. How could he be half Romulan? Sure he knew vulcan's were compatible with humans so their cousin race was probably as well, but how the hell did his mother end up in her position? Questions were unfocusing his mind, making him a little less accurate and a lot more angry till eventually he decided fuck shooting from a safe corner.

Taking the phaser in his hand he charged outward, jumping on the nearest Klingon he whipped his gun at it's face watching as he was stunned for a moment as he grabbed the mans body and used him as a human shield against the phaser fire of the others. That was the other thing about these simulations that pissed him off. no Diversity all klingon warriors decked out in uniforms that were probably designed a hundred years ago and all male.

Once the man he was holding was sufficiently dead he lifted the dead man up and threw him with grace and ease towards his fellow warriors before he fell on them with the furry and vengeance that his years of hand to hand training could allow breaking bones, and crushing skulls under hand and foot.

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #21
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Complex | Deck 7] Attn: Kaligos
As much as the test were a measure of weapons proficiency, the tests also evaluated how a person handled the added stress of coming under fire from multiple angles and targets. Some froze, some took a measured approach, and then there was this, Nathan's response. She watched dispassionately as he let his anger take control, letting his emotions govern his actions. Letting the level come to it's conclusion she paused the simulation and stepped out onto the simulated battlefield and went up to Nathan.

"You mind explaining what you were thinking when you stepped out from cover?"

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #22
"Did I get tagged?" Nathan said with all the arrogance one would expect from the former pilot. He huffed for a moment folding his arms over his chest as she admonished him. He knew that breaking from cover was the wrong thing to do, but also pointed over to the weapons the klingons were using.

"This setting was too boring, look half of them used Bat'leths, You can't shoot people with a Bat'leth. I broke cover, and I took out the wave single handed I may add. If that isn't doing your job then what is?" He knew that this would earn him a strict talking too, and a repeat of the session, but at the same time he just rolled his shoulders at the entire thing.

"You want me to stay in cover, make me, but when I see an advantage or way to win quicker, your not exactly going to punish me for taking advantage of these guy's weaknesses, from what I know about security that's part of the job."

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #23
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Complex | Deck 7]

Ryuan let the man have his vent, as he did raise valid points, but at the same time a certain adherence to protocol was expected of security officers. Knowing what the man beside you would do made it easier to adapt to the enemy's movements and plan your moves accordingly. It was obvious to her he was a loose cannon and a potential hazard to her department in combat. "This isn't a game Petty Officer. Tactics exist for a reason. You want to be a hero, go join the marines. You want to be in this this detachment? You follow our rules and our tactics." She knew it wouldn't do to blow her cork at him so with measured words she finished her feedback. "This test is finished. Your results and my observations will be forwarded up the chain for review but I would strongly suggest you review our procedures before you meet with Lt Cinn again."

Re: DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]

Reply #24
"Wait that's it?" Nathan blinked after she said that the evaluation was over, had she just failed him? On one hand that could make sense all things considered, but at the same time he had been told that he would be more or less running these programs until he got it right. Which in his mind meant repeating the exercise again and again.

Why he suddenly felt disappointed in not having what was essentually a punishment was kind of odd, but in his books she was letting him off easy, and he hardly deserved that. "The way Cinn pitched this I thought you were some sort of task master. Wasn't it supposed to be your job to break and remold me?"

Cause seriously if she couldn't do it, then what was he supposed to do? Was he just supposed to go on with his day? "I didn't realize bootcamp lost it's teeth over the years."

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