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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1850
Welcome Striker!

I hope you enjoy writing with us. I for one look forward to finding out what the xo has been up to while this has been going down.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1852
Welcome Striker

Sorry about the ship, I know it's normally the first officers job to destroy these things :P.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1854
For once I didn't crash and/or blow up a ship...

*tries to look innocent*

Alright, but Keval didn't blow up the Harbinger! ;)

Welcome Striker, Welcome. You need me man, just hit me up.

Plays Keval, former CTS/SO (Chief Tactical and Security/Second Officer) of the Resolve.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1855
Welcome aboard Striker! Hope you'll find the new ship accommodations to your liking :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1856
Thank you all! From what I've seen and read, I think I've come to the most promising group endeavor I've come across, and I'm glad to be a part of it. I'm still trimming the loose threads and plot holes from the past, particularly the USS Resolve Crew. I look forward to filling in the past. I'll be getting in touch soon with PMs and skype.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1857
Welcome aboard Striker, may your journey into the stars be filled with adventure and excitement.  Peace.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1858
Just an FYI, the Kasheeta I mentioned in my newest post is one of the species you see in the background of the Federation Council chambers in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.  Looked them up on Memory Alpha.  ^^  Always fun looking up the more obscure stuff  ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1859


Greetings fellow Theurgists!

This may be the most important newsletter in the 6 years we have been running this story. I hope you are sitting down as you read this. Do not worry, though, because it's something really good, and you should not be worried at all.

Given the size of our story, and how many we are, it has gradually become apparent how we might have outgrown the hosting on House of Eros. At the start, it was a perfect solution, where being hosted here gave us immediate access to a large user base, and we could grow from four people, to six, and then to eight. By the time we reached the first Interregnum, we were nine or ten people (I can't recall), and since then, the story has simply continued, and grown. We had somewhat of a dip in Episode 02, part of it my own fault, but when we got through the ending of Whoever Gods May Be, and entered the second Interregnum, we have kept up the pace. Next, with some personal trepidation towards the immensity of it, we undertook the sprawling plot of our three-part feature Unconquerable Soul. It lasted from the 21st of April in 2013 to the 9th of October in 2015, the latter not just my birthday, but Thea's commissioning date. Yes, you read it right, Unconquerable Soul lasted for two and a half years of active writing, accumulating in 2910 posts, and considering our minimum word count, that is roughly a half a million words between us.

Since then, weary, some of us needed some respite from all the death-defying action, and we launched Interregnum 03-04 and Episode 04 simultaneously, so that all those who wished to engage in free-form role-playing and also the major story line could both write what they wanted to. Now, we are nearing the end of both, where the last threads on the Interregnum and Simulcast are both almost finished. We are writing a major turning point in the Theurgy story, and everyone are partaking in the greatest battle for the future and the galaxy I have ever had the privilege to write in a simm before. Furthermore, we are more than twenty active writers now, and we have accumulated so much detail and independent canon that we were forced to start a Wiki in order to store everything in an accessible way.

For a long time, it has been apparent that we have outgrown our hosting at House of Eros. Yet do not misread me, we could never have come so far as we have unless it had been for Eros. Arista put it quite eloquently, in how we have been renting an area at the mall for six years, but now, we really need to get our own building. So that is what I have done, slowly started to build the foundation, raised the walls and put a new roof over our heads. Currently, I am working on the interior design, making sure we have everything we need inside it, and within a week, I hope to launch it - to show you our new home for writing the story.

Immediately, I want to allay your concerns. :)

Months ago, Eros promised me to help moving all our posts to our new site, and he is working on the SQL file these days, so nothing will be lost except for, perhaps, your personal message histories. But then again, nothing prevents us from remaining members on House of Eros too and have access to those messages. In fact, I will remain here as a Forum Moderator, still helping Eros run the site, and I would imagine Brutus will too. There has been some commotion on the announcement page this week, with some staff removal, but it's an isolated event, because even if the ones who tried to use their position to recruit to a site that allowed for underage sexual role-playing had remained site staff and helped Eros run this site, I would still have remained here. It is the least I can do considering how Eros has let us write the story here for so long.

Furthermore, I would never settle for anything less in quality when it comes to our new forum. Therefore, I have opted for an Elkarte board, which has all the SFM features we have here and more. Here is a list of extra things available (listed from their site):
  • Drafts, including auto save (never loose what you are writing)
  • Posting by Email (not even having to visit the site)
  • Integrated video embedding for youtube, vimeo and dailymotion
  • Drag and drop file attachments
  • Likes for posts and topics
  • And a lot of other tech stuff that is great for me who run the Forum
I aim to make the transition from this board to the new one as smooth as possible, and in that spirit, I have already created user accounts for you all, and I will be giving you login details as soon as it is launched. I might not have added avatars to all your accounts, and you will have to update to your emails, but I am sure the last work on your forum profiles will not be too time-consuming to add.

In the meantime, before the new forum is finished, we continue to write here, and if we finish Interregnum of Simulcast before we launch the site, all the better, but it does not matter in the end whether we finish them here or on the new site. With the transfer of the posts, it hardly makes any difference.

On the flip-side, I realise that all of you who have threads ongoing elsewhere here on House of Eros will not be 100 % happy with this decision, having to have two sites to log into instead of one, but if there is anything I can do to convince you to come with me to our new forum, I will do my utmost to meet those requests. I do not wish to loose any of you in this transition. Eros has given us a fantastic opportunity in becoming stand-alone, and I had never thought it possible until I started to talk with him about it a few months ago. We all owe Eros not just for the years he has hosted us, but in his generosity of time and effort to make this transition happen.

Now, I will not show you the fledgling new design of the forum yet, because it is not ready enough to display. There is still a lot of design I haven't fixed yet, but I can tell you what the child-boards are on the new board as of the launch-date. Here they are:

Out-of-Character Message Boards
OOC Main Board
R&D Board

Star Trek: Theurgy Story
Episode 04: Simulcast
Interregnum 03-04
Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2
Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 1
Interregnum EP 02-03
Episode 02: Whatever Gods May Be
Interregnum EP 01-02
Episode 01: Outbreak
Director's Cut

Alternate Universe Boards
Alternate Universe Stories (Note: Any franchise, not just Star Trek)
Character Profiles

Off-Topic Boards
Star Trek Discussion Board
General Off-Topic Discussion
Writing Tutorials & Resources
Controversial News, Politics & Religion

I am still working on the description of all these, so bear with me. I just wanted to show you the rough idea I had in mind at this point.

Now, as I have to head home from work, I will leave this here and open up for questions, be it here in the OOC, over PMs or Skype. I hope you are all as excited as I am about this, and if you have concerns about this move, I hope to answer them as best as I can.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1863

I got a question about the loss of the user base here at House Eros if we moved to our own forum, and I figured it would be good to add the answer here for everyone's benefit. I will not be PMing this reply since it might be too much traffic for you guys, and I know you all read this thread anyway.

I have the advantage of knowing roughly how you all found Star Trek: Theurgy, and these last years, I think we've only had one or two that joined us because of the exposure here on House Eros. In other words, that you were writers here on House of Eros before you joined us. The rest of our latest new members have joined House Eros because of Star Trek: Theurgy, just so that you could write with us. From the start, we had no other means of exposure to attract new writers than the Group Request thread, but as my artistic skills grew better, and I set up our DeviantArt gallery, most of you now find your way here because you saw a character or ship image somewhere, and looked us up.

So, these days, here are our means of reaching new writers:
  • Our DeviantArt Gallery (with 765 watchers)
  • Our Tumblr Account (with 485 followers)
  • Our Sketchfab 3D Account (with 27 followers)
  • A couple of Facebook Groups (one being the Star Trek Sim Hub with 433 members)
  • Our Vimeo trailer (which sorely needs an update, I know... It has 4,605 plays though)
  • A TrekCORE forum ad (and other posts)
  • A STPMA forum ad (and other posts)
  • Ca 10 Yahoo Groups ads
  • House or Eros Group Request ad
If we move to our own forum, the only exposure we would loose would be the last one, unless Eros kindly lets us leave something behind for people to find us. It has not been discussed yet, so we'll see what we end up with there.

Lastly, House of Eros has kind of filled the role a Star Trek sim fleet would, like Bravo Fleet, Theta Fleet or Obsidian Fleet etc., but with the big difference that only a small percentage of House of Eros have had any interest in Star Trek whatsoever. If we feel that we absolutely cannot survive on our own, despite all the means we have to reach new writers in the above list, then we have the option of putting up an add on Facebook or something where we tell the Fleets out there that we would be interested in joining either of them, as long as they know we'll not change anything about our forum, story, rules or ratings for their sake. Given our size and what we could bring to them, they should feel privileged to have us listed as a member site. *smiles*

I hardly think we'll need a fleet though, and I keep hearing we - as a successful, independent Star Trek sim - should stay away from all the OOC drama pertaining to such memberships. Allegedly, they do not contribute more than they drain you of energy.

I hope this has answered the question in full, and that you agree with the fact that we should still be able to have access to new blood. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1864
Quite exciting news. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to more. I believe this calls for a drink (spoilered because image is so big)

And that image was too good not to share.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1865
As a former member of a few of those umbrella sim groups that Auctor mentioned, I can honestly say that we've got more fire then they did around this time.

I was in the NEO branch of Bravo Fleet and was hoping to create a few of the things that I use for the Slayton family there and it is still a very beautiful thing to use almost a decade and a half later but eventually after a while, those sims shut themselves down due to over extending themselves.

What I'm trying to say is in much more simpler terms, there is a certain fire, a spark that is only making us get even better and be brighter.

Let us keep up the great work shall we? ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1866
As a former member of a few of those umbrella sim groups that Auctor mentioned, I can honestly say that we've got more fire then they did around this time.

I was in the NEO branch of Bravo Fleet and was hoping to create a few of the things that I use for the Slayton family there and it is still a very beautiful thing to use almost a decade and a half later but eventually after a while, those sims shut themselves down due to over extending themselves.

What I'm trying to say is in much more simpler terms, there is a certain fire, a spark that is only making us get even better and be brighter.

Let us keep up the great work shall we? ;)
Yes, sir.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1867

I'll have you know that I work for a living  ;) ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1868

Due to RL issues with lacking time to write at all, Dam025 has decided to pull out. This, after they have been holding up a lot of writers in No Cosmic Justice. As according to our General Rules, I have just had to step in and post with Alessia Garcia in order to unlock the scene of battle and let DocReno post with Sniper and Terror.

With their membership in Star Trek: Theurgy terminated, Dam025 will not be allowed to post here until they have re-applied to the group. Re-admittance to write with us will only be granted once they have faith that they will be able to post frequently and not keep the group waiting for weeks between posts.

The matter about the Alessia Garcia character being available for inheritance is undecided. Having spent many hours on the character images of her, I do not want the character or the work to go to waste, but at the same time, Dam025 says they may return when RL matters ease up, but there is no telling when that will be.

For the time being, as required, I will post with Garcia as an NPC, but only in terms of absolute necessity, and no more. I will not be writing her in any one-on-one threads in the upcoming Interregnum, and I might even re-purpose the character images to some other use.

If any potential applicants for this group reads this, think over your RL situation before applying to join. We do not accept inactive writers, and I will try to take measures to avoid this situation from occuring again.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1869
In the spirit of communicating, my reply to Hylota and Maal is coming tomorrow.  I apologize for holding things up.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1870
My reply with Jaya is also coming.  I had some reading to catch up on, but the post is happening today!  Sorry for the wait :)

Also, Welcome Striker!  I play Jaya Thorne, a recent acquisition to the Theurgy due to them blowing up her previous posting... haha.  She pilots the Allegiant and once this battle is over, she's due for some R&R and multiple crew interactions!  It is good to have you and I look forward to writing with you!
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1871
Hey, it was blow up the station (after getting everyone off it, along with everything of value not nailed down they could carry... and a few things that were nailed down after fetching a crowbar) or leave it out there for the Romulans and Sankolov to make use of it...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1872
It did blow up in spectacular fashion.  Just saying :)
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1873
But where's the kaboom? The Earth Shattering Kaboom?

In other news >.> Not sure how I feel about a Deatheater as my new Star Trek Captain :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1874
Say what now, Brutus my lad??

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