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Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia

It might have been an illogical choice to depart Vector 2 for Vector 3 for little more than the simple reason of the ascetic of the Arboretum.  However as she walked, Hathev realized there had been at least one other reason- she preferred the environment to her quarters.  While it was not in her nature, or that of any Vulcan to get ‘stir crazy’ or experience ‘cabin fever’, Hathev had spent the better part of a week in her quarters convalescing.  She had hosted patient sessions and staff meetings in her quarters, taken her meals in her quarters and essentially lived in her quarters for going on four days straight.  The only time she had left her quarters was when she was due in Sickbay for follow up appointments and her daily dermal regeneration treatments.  Those were going well, and she suspected that within the next few days, that regimen would be complete.  The repair to her musculature would take a little more time, but even after four days she was already experiencing substantially less discomfort than she had before.

The change of scenery not withstanding, the Arboretum also permitted her an opportunity to walk.  Hathev  knew the value of exercise, even if it was little more than a brisk walk.  She often recommended it to her human patients.  For as resistant as most were to the act of a structured meditation to bring their minds into focus, she found it quite easy to provide other activities for her Human patients that would serve a similar, albeit less effective, purpose.  Hathev found herself considering the possibility that she might find more enjoyment out of her walks and a different kind of meditative focus herself now that her emotions were no longer fully in check.  Which presented it’s own level of consideration.

After her night with Cross, there was no longer any question as to the state of her emotional self.  That, however, did not clarify or evaluate the state of her logical abilities in the wake of all that had gone on. 

The Kal’Toh board in her hand would help her to determine that answer.

The Counselor had not had much opportunity to see or speak with Ensign Cir’Cie since she had come aboard.  It had been the ensign with whom Hathev had mind-melded in order to determine the veracity of the Captain’s claims about Starfleet and the infested.  At the time she had seen no evidence that Cir’Cie was concealing anything,  and she chose to accept that the crew of the Theurgy believed in what they were saying, even if it might not have been the actual face.  But during the time at Aldea, and the events of the recent days, any lingering doubts Hathev might have had about the objective truth of the matter, had been erased.

But in all that time, she had not properly reconnected with the Ensign, something she now considered an error on her part, one she needed to correct.

So Hathev was pleased…yes pleased when Ensign Cir’Cie had agreed to her invitation to the Arboretum for a game of Kal’Toh.

The last time she had been here, she had sat on the grass while she helped her gorn patient tend to the gardens.  She might have chosen to sit on the lawn once again, but such a setting was not appropriate for Kal’Toh.  Instead she found a small game table with seats on all sides.  She took her seat, and prepared the board for Cir’Cie’s arrival.

Re: Day 05 [14:00] Logical Strategy

Reply #1
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

The doors closest to the Hydroponics Bay would open and stepping out into the simulacrum of what was the closest thing the crew of the Theurgy had to a real outdoor environment, Holodecks excluded, Cir'Cie would promptly begin to make her way towards the section where the game tables were located within the large park like area.

Much like Hathev, Cir'Cie's own thoughts had been somewhat all over the place as of late, aside from her usual thoughts and self-doubts about her own dedication to the teachings of Surak, she had been finding the routine of things to be growing somewhat stale. Most of her days were comprised of tending to the same plants and going over the same notes in regards to her crop growth potential research. The one thing that kept her interest and piqued her imagination for untapped potential was the Niga. That same plant that had plagued her all those months ago was now a source of inspiration, and with Zephyr's work in her hands now, a number of vectors for study and possible exploitation had come to light.

It was something many a Vulcan yearned for after all - to seek knowledge in itself was a reward...but to crack open a Pandora's Box and master the chaos within and use it to benefit the many as opposed to just the was something Cir'Cie wanted to fully explore. She knew however not many, if any at all, onboard this ship would hear her viewpoints or understand her goals. Everyone was so enamored with the Federation...why they wanted to strive to save something that had clearly betrayed them and was still susceptible to parasitic take over, despite the precautions they learned from the Bluegill incident in the 2360's, she did not understand.

But that loyalty had cost many their lives and perhaps worse yet - their freedom. Being marooned on the Theurgy wasn't something she was particularly fond off...but moments like the one she was about to experience now - made it seem a bit more worthwhile in the long run.

She would approach the game table, carrying with her a small pot of Vulcan Spice Tea and two Steel made cups.

"Commander. It is most agreeable to see you here... I have not played Kal-Toh since my days in the Vulcn Science Institute... I hope to be a worthwhile opponent." she simply say, her voice carrying an acceptable level of emotional masking. Placing the teapot and cups to one side on one of the spare seats, she would then take her own seat directly opposite of the older woman and look at her intently with her piercing Jade Green eyes.

"I took some time the other day to make the Arbetorum a bit more presentable for our occasion here today. I hope it is pleasing to your eyes."

True to her word, the plants seemed more fertile and supple while the bushes had been trimmed to give them a more orderly look. It was clear that while Cir'Cie was an uncertain mess interms of her ideologies and feelings, she at least still kept and maintained an adherence to physical order.

Re: Day 05 [14:00] Logical Strategy

Reply #2
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

“Greetings, Ensign,” Hathev replied as Cir’Cie took her position at the board.  “It is indeed agreeable to see you as well.


The word sliced her like the Klingon’s weapons had just days ago.  Odd how after just a few days of acknowledging her newfound state of emotion, she had started to develop an understanding of just how other species saw vulcans.

“The arboretum grounds look well cared for.  I appreciate your effort.”

Was that so hard? 

Yes, though not as difficult as might have been in the past.

She met the young Vulcan’s eyes as she finished setting the game.  “It has been some time since I have played as well and recently I have come to suspect my logic may be flawed.  I suspect our game will be interesting to say the least.”

She shifted in her seat, seeking a more comfortable position before they began their game.  With everything going on, Hathev had not realized that she had been missing one critically important aspect of her life..socializing.  She had her patients, and she interacted with the crew as her duties demanded, but by in large she had not chosen to socialize outside of that context.  He had Cross, of course, but she had disturbingly few individual upon whom she could call outside of a professional context.

Perhaps Cir’Cie might become one of those for her, as she might become one for Cir’Cie.

“I regret, that we have not had cause to meet like this sooner, Ensign,” she conceded.

Re: Day 05 [14:00] Logical Strategy

Reply #3
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

"You know the Ferengi have a tome containing the Rules of Acquisition called Golden Knowledge... If my time onboard the Theurgy has taught me anything; it is Logic, like Gold, is rather malleable. I'm sure your Logic will prove to be sufficient, even if it has become unconventional."

Cir'Cie would open with, reaching over to the pot she had placed upon the spare seat to their left just earlier and then carefully pour out two cups of Vulcan Spice Tea, cautiously offering one of them to Ha'thev once this was done. Sitting back and re-adjusting her own position, Cir'Cie would take a moment to crack her neck and roll her shoulders before looking towards the Kal-Toh device between the pair of them.

"It is all too often I find that the tasks of maintaining the others onboard the ship takes the most precedence in our work. Yourself for their mental stability, myself for nutritional supplementation that the replicators cannot match. But...this, I find quite...agreeable. I intend to enjoy the time we have here." There was that word again, "agreeable", but what else should have Cir'Cie said? Nice? Pleasant? That would have been a touch too personable perhaps...then again, the two had mind melded before. And although that was quite some time go, Cir'Cie felt some level of trust towards the older Vulcan.

It was strange, she hadn't really expected to feel this way - but a small yet noteworthy surge of competitiveness coursed through her and she gave a very small smile.

"I must confess, I find myself...excited to play. Who shall go first?"

The younger Vulcan would look over the Kal-Toh device once more, seeming eager, if a Vulcan could appear eager that is - to play.

Re: Day 05 [14:00] Logical Strategy

Reply #4
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Hathev took the tea offered to her.  “Thank you, Ensign, though it was not necessary to serve me.”

Despite the sincerity of her words, Hathev appreciated the gesture and took a sip of the drink before setting it to her side and turning her attention to the board.  Cir’Cie’s logic regarding the care of others was sound, and the elder Vulcan had begun to sense that herself.  With her recent time off from full duty, she had found more time to herself, to think, reflect, and come to a similar conclusion.  She had welcomed the solitude, and the visits from Mr. Cross, and in that time she had found a sense of rejuvenation she had not allowed herself to realize she needed.

“Under normal circumstances,” she said by way of response.  “Those in our positions would be able to find needed respite and self care while at port.  Unfortunately given our unique situation, friendly ports are few and far between.  I too, have been looking forward to this time and I expect I will enjoy it as well.”

Hathev noticed the smile of her opponent.  Unaccustomed though she was to seeing expressions on her fellow Vulcans, it did not seem out of place to her.  Hathev even had to acknowledge that with her own state of emotional awareness, she might be giving those around her very similar unaccustomed looks.  Yes.  This would be a very interesting game, indeed.

“I yield the opening move to you, Ensign.”

Hathev took another sip of her tea and waited for the first move.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #5
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

Cir'Cie would consider her first move, her eyes analysing the current chaotic nature of the pieces that laid crumpled before her. Perhaps her time on the Theurgy and how her life had been shaped by the Niga was affecting her; but she was struggling to see how to shape order into the game. It took her a moment, but with some hesitance she placed one piece on the left and upper segment of the mess of pieces; causing the Kal-Toh to shift and change accordingly to the next phase.

She would exhale softly; uncertain if she was happy with her move - but the move had been made regardless.

"Without the amount of people the Captain has so loyal to his cause, I sometimes wonder what it is that prevents them from assuming a life of piracy or starting a new colony...with a ship like the Theurgy, nearly anything is possible. Yet they choose to remain committed to Starfleet. It is admirable...yet also highly illogical, I find."

She would state, conveying in a subtle manner to Hathev that the young Vulcan has grown tired or bitter in regards to the Federation. She sits back and takes a sip of her own tea, then watches.

"It is your move." she would say, her eyes glancing to Hathev's own before looking back at the small pieces of holographic metal. Every piece, every rod that laid bare was supposed to represent the symbology that anyone could restore order to chaos, especially in regards to their own life.

It was a quaint idea and one certainly born from Vulcan philosophy, but they were times she wondered if it was nonsense.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #6
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn:  @UltimaImperatrixia

Hathev considered the board as she pondered her move and contemplated Cir’Cie’s comment and resulting conclusion.

“How so,” she asked, a neutral tone in her voice, one to be expected from any Vulcan, but one that Hathev had to give conscious thought to producing lest she sound judgmental.

In truth, she had no feelings, judgements, or conclusions regarding the idea Cir’Cie had put forward.  Rather the counselor had not expected such a statement to come from her.  After all, it had been Cir’Cie who had offered herself in a mind meld that had convinced Hathev of the truth of the matter in the first place, and the idea that the younger Vulcan found the Theurgy’s mission, one intended to restore the Federation and bring it back to peace once again, illogical.  Suffice to say, the concept intrigued her.

Hathev continued to study the board as she contemplated her move.  There were several that seemed to be logical, given the Kal’Toh’s new configuration.  She had not expected it to evolve in just a single move.

Things were rarely as they seemed any more and despite herself Hathev sensed confusion creep to her mind.  From where it had come, she could not tell, yet another unsettling thing for a Vulcan and she suspected this would be the latest in a long line of unexpected emotional experiences she would have.

Finally deciding on her move, Hathev gently plucked the piece off the structure and re-set it.

The Kal’Toh beeped again, but it was not the beeping of success, rather than of failure as, again, the structure morphed, but this time it seemed to have reverted to something even more chaotic in nature than they had started with.

Clearly her logic was off as well.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #7
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

Cir'Cie would watch the pieces of the Kal'Toh fall back to a more chaotic state; a sight that made the Vulcan elicit an annoyed grimace upon her lips. With a slight exhale, she would let her Jade green eyes move up to look at the older Vulcan before her.

She was indeed right; there was nothing really stopping the powerful USS Theurgy from going even more rogue than it already was. They had the chance to visit unknown worlds, or claim a new world all for themselves. Lord knows the crew would follow Ives; he seemed to have great influence upon the crewmembers.

"Laws of probability due to the Federation's behaviour over the years I would wager. The Federation is 220 years old and in that time has claimed more star systems than any other outlying faction, many of which are much much older. That belies an aggressive and overzealous need for expansion. " She would go onto explain, gesturing one of her hands in a way to convey her point as she spoke. Turning her attention back to the Kal'Toh she continued with "The core values of the Federation have also largely been eroded over time, especially with the rapid militarization of Starfleet now the Dominion War is over. Despite its successes and its notable advances, it has made many mistakes throughout its life time - some nearly costing its survival. Such an unstable and tenuous government is not worth supporting my logical conclusion at least. Others all appear to wish to support it for varying reasons."

Calmly reaching for her tea, she looks over the Kal'Toh unit for a few minutes, not making a move yet which gives Hathev time to reply, Cir'Cie's thoughts about contemplating both the Federation and her place within it temporarily drown out her method for sorting out the pieces on the board and the level of cold anger inside her bodice can be sensed by Hathev's abilities; if the Counsellor chooses to pick up on the emotions inside of the young Botanist.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #8
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Hathev did, indeed, pick up on the hint of anger in the botanist, but chose to remain silent on that particular sense.  Partially as a courtesy from one Vulcan to another and partially because it was not her place to say anything at all.  While this was not a counseling session per se, it was logical to approach this as such if for no other reason than to sound judgmental over what some might consider radical ideas.  Of course the right to the freedom of thought and the freedom of speech was guaranteed in the Federation Charter, a charter upon which the government Cir’Cie no longer felt she could support was based.


There was, however, some truth to the sentiment.

“There is some logic in your analysis.  Growth and development are necessary in order to thrive.  But at the same time sometimes that growth is often influenced by experience.  Those who do not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them.  To that end, there can be an argument made that the reason Starfleet remains somewhat militaristic despite it’s return to a mission of exploration is due to a desire to not be caught as off guard again in the future.”

Hathev fell silent, while she waited for Cir’Cie to make her move and as the minutes ticked by, a question occurred to the elder Vulcan.

“Do you believe the Federation is beyond redemption or do believe it is a proverbial lost cause?”

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #9
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

Contemplating the worlds her 'elder' counterpart bespoke to her, Cir'Cie would finally make her move, placing a piece upon the Kal-Toh that made the pieces shift into a slight less chaotic state, but not to any degree of substantial advantage in the overall game. Sitting back and letting out a frustrated exhale through her nostrils.

"A lost cause; perhaps. Beyond redemption? No, I think it could be potentially redeemed...but I do not see that happening." Running a hand through her short pixie styled hair; she showed clear frustration and then made an omission. "I will admit; my views are based in emotion...and Vulcans have often criticized those who base their foundings on what their emotions tell them. But I cannot help wonder if this conflict with the Infestation is a blessing in disguise. We could potentially make something new...something stronger. And with the Theurgy we have the means to do that..."

Reaching over to take a sip of her tea, she gulps the fluid down and closes her eyes, letting calmness along with the scent tea wash over her. "But I am merely a Botanist. I suppose it is not my place to question such things now."

Setting her cup down, Cir'Cie allowed her self to sit back and comfortably into her chair, looking over the Kal-Toh board for a moment before then simply saying. "It is your move."

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #10
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]  Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Hathev studied the board, contemplating both her next move and the comments of her opponent.  It was easy enough to multi-task the study of the board as well as contemplate the conversation between them and as she performed the latter, the Counselor found herself wondering just how many aboard ship felt as Cir’Cie.  Cir’Cie was, of course, entitled to her opinion, and Starfleet was not so imperialistic that loyalty was monitored and tested.  But if enough felt as the younger Vulcan, the ship and crew could face an internal crisis of its own.

“Your role aboard this ship or in society as a whole does not disqualify you for having an opinion, Cir’Cie,” Hathev said, choosing to invoke her name rather than her rank in order to better make her point.  “And your point is not necessarily invalid.  Nature, mythology, and history are rife with examples wherein destruction comes an inevitable conclusion to one cycle that yields a new beginning for the next.  Within Earth's forest biomes, dead wood chokes out new growth until eventually it is consumed by a fire.  The fire, destructive by nature, clears the death and decay, and permits new growth to occur where it previously could not.  The Federation may very well be on the verge of a similar such event.”

Hathev fell silent again as she considered her move and how best to address Cir’Cie’s admission of emotional influence.

“Additionally, please know that I offer no judgment whatsoever as it pertains to the way in which you have come to your beliefs.  While the inclusion of emotional consideration is not the Vulcan way as a society, every individual is unique.”

Deciding on her move, Hathev lifted the chosen piece and set it again on the structure.  The board beeped in response, but instead of a mellow tone, indicating success, it beeped a more disruptive tone as the side of the structure morphed into a new jumble of pieces, less organized than before.

“As you can see, my own logic is also flawed.”

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #11
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

Cir'Cie raises an eyebrow in an arched manner of puzzlement as she watches the board dissolve into disorder once again, fortunately she could see how to rectify the mistake Hathev had made and so she made her move with a succinct gesture; placing a piece atop the jumbled set of metallic pieces to force the unit to shift the pieces upwards. The mess was still apparent however; akin to the beams of a ruined house trying to defy gravity.

She found Hathev's words both encouraging and yet somewhat empty - a passive affirmation by using the apathy of time. It was certainly one way to reinforce the idea of neutrality, but Cir'Cie did not find it appealing. Neutrality - the power to not make a choice, was sometimes more of a killer than making the wrong choice.

She appreciated Hathev's recognition of her being different in regards to her emotions; but that didn't mean she would now allow them to spill freely. Keeping her relatively stoic composure along with an exhale; she took her cup and took a long sip to clear her thoughts before replying.

"Your words do hold some wisdom to them, and I will take the time to think over them...However I now find myself curious. You do not have to share; but I am pondering where your own thoughts and views lie in regards to this unconventional voyage we find ourselves facing. The enemy are clearly a force for evil; and no doubt they must indeed be stopped...but are we making the right moves. Are we using our time wisely?"

Her words were chosen carefully, her questions seemed reasonable; at least Cir'Cie felt they were reasonable. She did not wish to appear treacherous, Captain Ives had done their best to see them through thick and harsh times, so why did she feel so disgruntled? She now considered whether or not if she was just being selfish.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #12
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

As always, Hathev considered the question before answering it.  But in this case there was information to which she was privvy that she could not currently share with anyone outside the senior staff.  The concept of this temporal war they had gotten themselves wrapped up into had put the concept of time into an entirely different context.  If they failed in this effort, would agents from the future come back and in essence try again?  If they succeeded, would the enemy try the same.  Was this the first ‘cycle’ or was this the Xth cycle?  How many times had this happened before?  How many times would this happen again?

The permutations and potential outcomes were complex to say the least.

“For obvious reasons,” she began, “we can not know the objective answer to that question until it is too late to affect said answer.  Further I am no strategist.  But from my point of view, I believe we are making the best moves possible given the information we have at the time we must make them.  I find the Captains strategy to be logical and practical under the circumstances and is one that has allowed this ship to transition from a defensive and reactive strategy of survival, to a more pro-active approach that has allowed us to intercede directly.”

The counselor let that sit as she considered her next move.  After a moment she placed her piece.  The board chirped indicating a successful placement.  Again the pieces morphed, this time revealing a new pattern, this one cleaner and more organized than the one before.  A definite step forward.

“What about you, Cir’Cie?  What is your perspective on that question?”

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #13
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

Cir'Cie blinked in surprise at how the pieces of the board moved closer to it's completion, but these pleased her - even making her elicit a small smile upon her bronzed features. She would contemplate both her next move and Hathev's moves, carefully hovering a piece over the remaining pieces that were now starting to assemble and form the base of the shape required to grant victory to whomever might reveal the sound structure and order of its multi-faceted beauty.

Upon hearing her older and wiser's question however, she would hesitate and place the piece in an area that while making the piece shift closer towards its desired shape, only did so in a near negligible manner. Perhaps making a mistake would have been preferable to make Hathev think more, but what was done, was done.

"I think, we should be taking a more active approach to visit the outlying Starfleet Colonies. Tell them what is happening, try to garner support from loyalists who will listen to the information we have on offer...running to the Klingon Empire is not wise. They have long since sought to overthrow the Federation, and even during times of supposed peace have concocted schemes or plans to give them clear cause to declare war on the Federation. Infested or not; I could see them doing it again."

Letting out a slight sigh of vented frustration, even with her stoic training in place; she is still a youth and as such fiery. Even if her words hold some truth; they are largely driven by perception.

"This is the most powerful vessel in the two quadrants, crewed by some of the most talented and dangerous individuals from the various home systems...We have the chance to act as a banner, to rally people to a cause that could save the more then ever, that's what we need. Especially when they are those would love to see the Federation fall. The Federation is sickly and bloated with red-tape. And our answer to saving it is skulking, avoid Miranda's and Galaxy's like the plague and turning to people we cannot fully trust, for help?"

Exhaling once more and then taking a moment to take a sip of her cold tea, she shakes her head before continuing.

"I...apologize. I know Captain Ives has done their utmost best to keep us safe, to ensure our survival and our critical success in this...long endeavour. I just...feel powerless as a simple Botanist, but I take my time to listen and find out about what has been happening and at times it feels cyclical, like we're going in circles. I want to help in some other way; I just don't know how."

With her brief spat of emotion now quenched and back under control; she makes an apologetic nod before saying once more. "It is your move."

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #14
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Hathev continued to study the board, almost as intently as she was now studying her opponent in this game.  Cir’Cie was not the first junior officer to express concerns with their limited role aboard ship during this mission and the counselor suspect she would not be the last. 

“There is no need to apologize,” she replied.  “Your concerns and frustration is most understandable.  This mission has not been the kind that would require the expertise of a botanist.  Under normal circumstances you would be able to transfer to a different, more suitable posting.  Not being able to, I can certainly appreciate your frustration on the matter.  To that end, you might consider if there is another department or team aboard ship to whom you could loan your time and talents”

She picked up a piece as if to place it, but almost immediately set it back down as she continued to consider her options.

“I can not speak for them directly, but I believe the Captain is working with the Klingon Empire so as to ensure they do not fall victim to the same infiltration that has beset the Federation.  If you believe the Empire is unstable as it is, imagine how much worse it would be with an infestation.  I further submit that the Captain’s efforts to avoid contact with Federation starships despite our tactical superiority is, at least in part, an attempt to avoid un necessary conflict.  If our intelligence is correct, most of Starfleet is unaware of this infiltration and believe they are following justifiable orders.  It would be illogical for us to seek a conflict that could result in the deaths of those who are ignorant of the truth and simply trying to do what they believe is their duty.

Deciding on her move, Hathev placed her piece.  As expected nothing happened to the board itself, but the move would set up the next two or three she expected to make.

“Have you considered if there is another posting aboard ship to which you might consider transferring?”

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #15
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] @P.C. Haring

Cir'Cie would scowl briefly. "Those people are still are complicit tools being used by the Infested and that makes them our enemy. Most of those people are not ready or prepared to know the truth and even if they did; they would discard it. Many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the Federation, that they will fight to protect it. Even if it is corrupted or supplanted by the Infested entirely in a discreet manner." Glancing over the board - she would decisively move and place her piece upon the board, causing some of the pieces to advance closer to the goal while a few disintegrated back to a lower level of chaos.

"How do you surgically remove a tumour once it is connected to such vital components within a patient. How do you tear out that which is grafted to the very mind of the Federation and tainting those within it with subtle changes to the rhetoric and philosophy that the Federation stands for."

Sitting back and letting out a slow and frustrated exhale, her jade eyes sharply swept upwards to meet Hathev's darker and beautiful orbs. Despite the level of clarity in the green pigmentation of her own eyes, there was definitely some level of fury...or lust...behind them.

She could press on, explain her reasons further; but something tells her Hathev would not see eye to eye with her so she chooses to address what she had said prior about feeling of use upon the ship. With a slight nod of concession she would agree and respond with: "Yes, perhaps you're right. I have experience in other fields of science due to my time at the Vulcan Science Academy...It would take time to fully learn a new subject and make a proper transition...but it could be good for me. I will see if I can talk to the Captain about it later..."

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #16
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Hathev decided to offer no response to Cir’Cie’s latest line of commentary about the future of the Federation.  At the same time she could not disagree more with Cir’Cie’s assertions, nor could she provide a logical counter argument that she felt was sound.  So, instead she allowed the conversation to focus on the younger Vulcan’s need for a purpose aboard ship.  It also seemed as though that issue had been resolved, at least for the moment.

Hathev found herself distracted as she considered not only her next move in the game, but also whether or not she should broach that which was on her own mind with Cir’Cie.  As a rule, Vulcans did not discuss such things and while she was a counselor and used to pulling her patients out of cultural taboos as needed, this one remained illogically important to her to maintain. 

Cross was the obvious exception, of course but Hathev did not regard him in the same way she regarded Cir’Cie or T’Less, or any of the other Vulcan crew.  Perhaps it was because her paramour was only part Vulcan as well as the fact that he had not been raised in the Vulcan way.  But to bring it up with one who had seemed taboo at best.

And yet, perhaps there was none better on board than Ensign Cir’Cie to provide perspective.  It had been her perspective that had convinced Hathev of the validity of the Theurgy’s mission, and given just how outspoken the Ensign had been, Hathev found herself considering that Cir’Cie might be willing to discuss her perspective and offer Hathev needed guidance, even if only directly.

“May I make a personal inquiry?”

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #17
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] @P.C. Haring

Cir'Cie would arch one of her eyebrows in a manner akin to Spock; the trade mark of any Vulcan expressing curiosity or incredulity.  Hathev in her mind was, overall, of not only in a better state of sound mind but also more logical than herself. Naturally; she couldn't help notice how the Lieutenant Commander had not yet made her move and this annoyed her slightly; but not enough to warrant any physical reaction - that was something she could keep under control at least.

Leaning forward and re-adjusting her posture, she would take the steel tea pot and pour herself out some more of the hot and calming substance, taking the cup within her dainty yet long fingered hands before then leaning over the desk slightly so that her unusually vibrant green eyes might look into Hathev's own set of orbs.

"I open to any and all questions you might have, but you may not always agree or like what I have to say, please Counsellor, put forth your inquiry.

Despite the fact that they had not agreed on their stance in regards to their mission or the state of the Federation, Cir'Cie found she was having a good time...a good time? Well; being able to play a game and simply some of the work she had performed on the various plants around her in the Arboretum made a pleasant change from only being able to enjoy them whilst tending to them.

This was a break well needed; she realized and that in turn made her wonder if she was acting in a somewhat passive aggressive manner... she would endeavour to try and make her words and actions less sharp going forward.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #18
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Why it surprised Hathev that Cir’Cie had given her assent to Hathev’s request the elder Vulcan did not know and yet she found herself caught a bit off guard.  Perhaps it was because Hathev knew what question she was about to ask and Cir’Cie did not and that said question was considered a major taboo among Vulcans.  But she and Cir’Cie had shared a mind meld and while that, in and of itself, did not justify a break in cultural taboo, it did mean that if there was anyone on board withwhom Hathev could have this conversation, other than Cross, it was Ensign Cir’Cie.

“I am aware of your struggles with containing your emotional self.  I offer no judgment.  Rather, I am curious to know about your experiences as you have come to terms with your nature.”

Hathev picked a piece up as she considered her next move.

“In the interest of full disclosure, I too am suffering from an inability to suppress my emotions.  The incident is the result of a mind-meld which had far stronger emotional transference than I had predicted, the affects of which seem to have damaged me potentially permanently.”

Hathev looked up to meet Cir’Cie’s eyes.  “You are of course free to decline this request, but I thought it wise to ask you for any advice you might have on techniques to manage and address this so as to keep them from overwhelming you?”

Turning her attention back to the board, Hathev played her piece, yielding the turn to her partner.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #19
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] @P.C. Haring

Cir'Cie listened intently to Hathev's words. Internally she felt surprised and she also could genuinely sympathize with what the older Vulcan was going through - it had been the story of her life for the last four months ever since the Niga had tainted her mind with Nymphomania like tendencies.

She would set the piece down on the edge of the table, gently tapping away in frustration for a moment before she would then exhale through nostrils as an answer was formulated in her mind. Doing her best to stifle the agitation within, she would nod as if agreeing with herself upon how she had managed to...mostly...cope with her urges and the enflamed instincts within her.

"If you're as I am; then you will quickly come to realize why Humans are so uncertain about the ways Surak taught us...and why the Romulans outright opposed his teachings...our brethren had the audacity to say that mastering our emotions was more important than suppressing them...that was something we as a people failed to do. We could not do and still do not...but Humans..."

She pauses, placing her piece on the Kal-Toh board, causing the shape to shift once more, getting slightly closer to an orderly matrix before she continues.

"They don't try to pretend to be more than they are...each Human knows their limits, knows their strengths, knows their perversions and demons...they master what they can, suppress what they feel does not tempt them...but those emotions, those thoughts that fuel their darkest urges and make up a segment of their personality? They satiate...they direct it, into something useful. Or they find a way to temper it."

Letting out a soft sigh; she thinks about the times she has fallen into lustful relapses, either with herself or other members of the crew and she even glances at the tattoo of the Niga plant that sprawled around her wrist. It was apart of her pysche, and she would have to accept it and live with that fact - at least, maybe until something could be done to repair her brain.

"For some reason our people hold stigmatized and forbidden rituals when it comes to battling our own demons or relying on the help of others to purge or control our basest, darkest wants... I don't think that is the right way to be. We all need someone we can confide in...someone we can indulge with safely...somewhere, where we can just...let ourselves be who we really are; without it causing harm or duress."

Sitting back and resting her hands in her lap she finally finishes with simply saying; "You're going to have to stop listening to Surak and trust your own instincts in this matter. Life is too short to be constantly worrying about what a dead Vulcan dictated to us more than fourteen hundred years ago."

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #20
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy@UltimaImperatrixia

The words hit Hathev like a slap across the face.  For over a century she had engrossed herself in the teaching of Surak.  Like all Vulcans she had begun to learn of him at a young age and while she had not studied for nor attained the Kholinar discipline, mostly due to it being an illogical choice given her vocation, she had over the years studied many of the texts that were a part of the academic studies.  To a certain extent, Hathev had known that would be Cir’Cie’s answer, at least in part and yet hearing the younger Vulcan telling her to abandon Surak’s teachings in lieu of her own instincts, struck her as far harsher of a response than she had anticipated.

Her instinct told her to dismiss the younger woman’s suggestion. But as she considered it, Hathev realized the wisdom.  She, herself, had often counseled her own patients to harness their emotional energy and channel it into productive action.  Why that should not apply to her, Hathev could not find a valid reason.

“I must admit,” she finally said, “that I did not anticipate this response.  You are correct that there are those back home who would consider your comments to be nothing short of heresy.”

Hathev considered the board, realizing they had entered into the endgame sequence.  There might be only one or two moves remaining for each of them.  She picked up her piece and ran it between her fingers as she evaluated her options; the corners pressing into her skin as  it rotated.

“That said, your advice is both logical and practical, if not difficult.  But I have never once believed difficulty to be a valid reason to not try.  Do you have any suggestions on how best to begin?”

She made her move and waited for her opponent.

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #21
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] @P.C. Haring

Cir'Cie considered the question that Hathev had put forward. As she did; she also considered her move, her piercing gaze analysing the game before them, it would not be long till she conducted her play. Reaching forward deftly and swiftly; she placed the piece of her choosing in the correct sequence causing the Kal-Toh to transition to a more orderly and structured form the holo-emitters letting out a distinct whirr as the game changing move was implemented.

With this play completed; she would glance over at her elder and then nod. "Do not shy away from your weaknesses. Analyse yourself and ask yourself, how can I be a little bit better than the person I was yesterday? How can I take a step forward to becoming the person I have chosen to idealize myself as."

Shaking her head in slight annoyance she continues with "Stoicism is powerful, but it instils a sense of stagnancy if we do not choose to temper it with a will to consistently improve ourselves or to simply accept ourselves for who we are. I believe it was a Human philosopher who once said that a sailing ship without direction will not benefit from the wind in any way"

Glancing at the Kal-Toh board, then back at Hathev she closed her opinion with; "Commit to a move that feels right and hope the game of life works in your favour...they are always options to fall back on if failure graces you."

Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #22
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

A few weeks ago, the concept of doing something that ‘felt right’ would be an unheard of idea for Hathev.  But now it seemed that Cir’Cie’s counsel was the most logical piece of advice she had received as yet.  Considering that, Hathev found herself having to concede the merit of finding a proper balance between her logical and emotional self as there was no logic in attempting to embrace pure logic or pure emotions given her personal circumstances.

“Thank you, Cir’Cie.  I appreciate your insight.”

With that, the elder Vulcan turned her attention back to the Kal-Toh board.  There appeared to be no logical moves for her to make and while she knew that one existed by definition, she could not see it.  True certain masters could take days if not longer to make their move.  But she was no master.  Not by a long shot.

But then, something came to her.  She could not explain how or where the insight came…  It was certainly not from a place of logic but rather something that humans might call a ‘gut feeling’.  She picked up her piece and placed it on the structure.

The structure morphed and the board beeped a different chime.


Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #23
[Ensign Cir'Cie] | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

Cir'Cie would stare at the board with a look of slight disbelief, she would raise her eyebrow in a quizzical manner, analysing the board to ensure no mistakes had been made. She could not find any. Slowly sitting back and exhaling through her nostrils, the moment of defeat took a few seconds to process; but she quickly pieced together what had happened.

In her efforts to give Hathev concise and helpful albeit personal advise in regards to how she carried herself and the issue of facing whatever problem it might have been that was ailing her; Cir'Cie had told the wiser and older Vulcan to rely more so on her feelings, on her instincts, than to do so on her logic. And in this way; she had given her the edge she needed to win this little game.

"Hoist with his own petard, as the Humans would say." she would muse to herself, a very faint smile forming across her lips before she would then lightly shake her head to look directly back at Hathev.

"Well played Hathev...I hope you are able to find more moments of clarity like that in going forward with your tasks and challenges..." she would state sincerely before reaching over to help herself to the last of the tea.

As she sipped; she would take a moment to listen to the ambience and sounds of the Arboretum. Usually they did not do much effect for her; but in this moment - with another member of her kind, having someone to engage with and kill time with in a manner that didn't provoke the darker aspects of her mind...

It was refreshing, it was like being cleansed in a way. She found it somewhat difficult to believe that in all the time she had spent onboard the Theurgy that she had not played a game of any sort with anyone. A sorely missed opportunity...perhaps others would be interested in passing the time with her in such a manner? That would be a question to answer for a later date; Cir'Cie's attentions quickly returned back to the regal Vulcan sat opposite of her.

"I do hope we can play again some time...I have very much enjoyed your company, Hathev" Cir'Cie would confess in a polite yet genuine manner.


Re: Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy

Reply #24
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Arboretum | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] ATTN: @UltimaImperatrixia‍ 

Hathev sat back in her seat as an unexpected sense of satisfaction took her.  She was victorious in this game and while there was little logic in her senses but she made note of it and cataloged the experience in a way that only she could.

“I thank you,” she said in reply, “for the game and the insight.  It has been both illuminating and worthwhile.  I will take the conversation and, frankly, the lessons to heart.”

She wasn’t sure what else she could say in response as she was still a bit perplexed by her emotional reaction and the way in which it had come about and it concerned her that any further discussion on the matter might be considered ‘gloating’.  Not only would that have been counter productive, it would have also been inappropriate. 

Instead, she followed Cir’Cie’s lead and took a sip of her tea as they took in the ambiance around them and Hathev did not again make eye contact with her fellow Vulcan until her suggestion of another game sometime in the future.

“I would like that,” she said.  It was more than colloquial.  The elder Vulcan did *want* to play again.  “I have found this time to be most enjoyable and would welcome another opportunity to sit with you again.”

As the two of them talked, and compared their upcoming schedules as they set a date for a rematch.


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