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Topic: Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency (Read 4262 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Deacon stepped through the doors of Below Decks.  The day had been stable and without incident considering the issues of the day before.  Frankly, it was a wonder if he would ever have cause to step foot on the planet again, all things considered.  But he had already read through the entirety of Theurgy's introductory courses into the culture and customs of the Federation and selected a rigorous course load that would be more than sufficient to occupy his mind.  He needed his day packed-- the less time left alone with his thoughts, the less time he had to worry where they might take him.  K'Ren would be cleared back to duty any day now most likely and that was when he needed to be ready to occupy himself.

Terran History seemed an ideal place to start.  What little was known of Humans came only by means of intercepted transmissions and pirated data files the Patriarchy had "liberated" throughout the centuries.  There was no honest concern for the past of their adversaries.  In truth, they cared only so far as to wonder how much seasoning their flesh might require to tenderize properly.  Ironic that he now catered to the nutritional needs of his peoples' enemies.

But he was what he was, born of an unexpected union of a man and kzinrett.  That he survived at all was nothing short of miraculous given the fundamental incompatibilities between the species.  But in that regard, he supposed he owed the Federation some level of thanks, or perhaps condemnation given the life he'd lived to date.  Still, all of that was an aside.  An idle thought he had no care for and no desire to follow.  What was, was.  And for now, he was on duty and the dinner shift was in need of preparation.


Deacon lifted his gaze from the PADD he'd been reviewing to meet the gaze of his holographic "second", Xenia, standing in the doorway to the galley, her fingers intertwined about her waist.

"Xenia," he replied, before arching an eyebrow when his reply did not seem to dismiss her back to her duties.  "Did you require something?"

"Unfortunately, yes," was the response as she squared her shoulder as if preparing to give a status report worthy of the battlefield.  "It would appear that there is a discrepancy in this itemization of materials you procured from Aldea.  "Several products are unaccounted for while others do not coincide with the measurements indicated."  What she failed to tell him was that itemization was little more than a fabrication, a diversion, one that, judging from his expression, was met with certain irritation and unamusement.  She would have to make sure never to disclose the source of the fraudulent register, but at least her statement was a fact -- there were discrepancies with that particular list.

Deacon grumbled.  Aldea would be the source of his irritation even today.  He snatched the registry from Xenia, flipping through the pages, his expression souring by the minute.  "This will take the better part of an hour... maybe two.  I don't have time for this tonight," he hissed under his breath even knowing that it was his duty to review as it had been his to secure the purchases in the first place.  Leveling his gaze, he sighed.  What he wouldn't give for a week of uninterrupted duty sessions.  As it was, every other day seemed intent on interrupting the meal service.

With an irritated 'tch', his tail swinging pensively as he turned back towards the door, Xenia knew she had secured her objective for the night.  Moments later, she tapped her combadge.  "Xenia to Neko.  The deck is clear.  You may make your approach."

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #1
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix @everyone
Unlike the K'Zin who cared little for age, accomplishments mattered more then age, Caitians did care for age, and the passing of years. Caitian's saw age as wisdom, the gray hairs of a silver back, an elder, as one worthy of respect and deference. So, with her mate's okay, she'd spent her recovery period looking over Deacon's Federation records, as much to understand the man she was bonded to, but for the sake of curiosity. And her digging had brought up a tidbit that she could use, she'd spoken with the hologram Xenia, Deacon's assistant and set plans in motion for a surprise for her mate.

She'd read up on Human birthday customs, and sprinkled a few Caitian one's in for good measure, and with the hologram's all clear, she could begin to decorate the lounge, prepare it for the approx two hours it would take her mate to go through the list, cleaning up the mistakes in the manifest he'd been given. And in her reading of Human customs, Deacon's age, 21, was especially important as in human traditions, despite their cubs reaching maturity and a breeding age in their teens (same as the Caits), they treated their offspring like children, only permitting them limited privileges granted the adults at age 18, the remainder of the privileges at the age of 21. It should be noted however that while Cait's considered their cubs mature adults and afforded the same privileges and responsibilities as any grown adult, most young Cait's preferred to complete some form of vocational training before they took a mate, often waiting into their early 20's before they considered such things.

So with him turning 21, K'Ren wanted to make his birthday, today incidentally, extra special as he was now and Adult in the eyes of the Federation and humans. She'd put some feelers out, private messages sent to most of the crew, explaining the surprise she had planned, and even as she started putting up the decorations, she noticed a few people starting to trickle in.

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #2
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Below Decks Lounge| Deck 28| USS Theurgy] attn: @Anyone

It had been earlier in the day when Rhys had noted a message coming across to him and other officers. Apparently, there was some sort of birthday celebration going ahead in the lounge on the Theurgy. No one could ever accuse Rhys of being a social butterfly, but he was worried.

He knew that even taking into account his often-unreliable view of himself that his counterpart on the other vector did not like him. Or at the very least felt he was incompetent. She certainly seemed ambitious and Rhys was anything but. He liked his role and where he fitted in the command structure and was content to stay there. However, he knew that sometimes if officers appeared stagnant, they might be moved on to less desirable posts. Of course, the Theurgy was different. It was a renegade ship there was nowhere he could go, except down or bypassed entirely.

In his mind in order to fend off his ambitious rival he had to prove himself useful, and more importantly show that he had the desire to be here. The idea of a birthday party though caused his metaphorical antennae to wave. The crew was taking some well-deserved R and R after all that had happened. Indeed some had still not recovered. A party for a crew member could be a morale boosting exercise and helping facilitate was exactly what a councillor should do.

So it was with these, hardly festive, thoughts in his mind that he entered the lounge. Into the room stood a tall well built young man with reddish-blonde hair, and deep blue eyes, which turned and scoured for someone he could offer his help to. 

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Lower Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Being discharged from Sickbay yesterday Adam was still feeling the rush of what happened, okay partly due to the fact because of his foolishness with the safety protocols being disabled, but if the suits weren't tested under real conditions, greater injuries and even death could happen. He wanted to make sure all the suits would help save lives not assist in killing his fellow crewmates. It was noted by the medical staff that the suit did constrict where the impacts happened. He was glad the suit was working but now he had to patch it up again.

Now however was some down time, he had heard that there was a surprise party for the Lower Decks Lounge owner, Deacon. Who Thea had informed him is interested in gaining weapons and combat training 2 days ago. He really should chase that up and soon, the more help the better should the Theurgy run into more boarder situations. It is something he wanted to talk to Thea about as well. What could Thea do to assist Security in rounding up, securing and or neutralising any foes onboard should the department be dealing with multiple situations at once? He wondered as he walked.

He'd need to talk with both the Deputy and Chief about anything they may have in the works then he can ask if he could consult with Thea. Adam shook the thoughts aside as he entered the lounge and saw many party preparations underway. He grinned, he looked around for a Lounge staff member about offering assistance.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #4
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix @everyone
K'Ren was setting up some of the decorations, while there was no K'Zin tradition to birthdays, the humans seemed to enjoy decorating for parties, and she'd made up what she could think of based on her limited knowledge of human customs. Despite being once mated to a human, her knowledge of human customs was low as he'd not been one to make much of his birthday, they'd mostly spend the evening quietly together, maybe a small gift for him, something she knew he liked. So she suspected she'd make at least a few mistakes with the customs as they were setup.

She'd just finished pinning up a banner when in short order two human males came into the room, one looking a bit distracted, the other looking around. She climbed down off the ladder, going up to both men, purring a little as she approached. "Afterrnoon." She said, "You arre a bit earrly forr the parrty, but I would apprreciate some help setting up. I am somewhat unfamiliarr with Human customs and wish this parrty to be special forr my mate." She said, "Deacon has neverr celebrated his birthday, and as he turrned 21 today, I want it to be special."

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Lower Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Juzzie

Ah 21. Adam couldn't recall much of his 21st birthday, though he was already in Starfleet and on the Lexington being all sorts of misbehaviour, unbecoming of a Starfleet officer, to the enemy, the Dominion War did have Adam repeating many of the 'blood lust' urges but he had managed to conduct himself better. This was rewarded upon his transfer to the Crazy Horse as he earned Lieutenant Junior Grade. He quickly snapped back to the present and looked over at the other man who had offered to help. He was very attractive to say the least, the reddish-blonde hair was nice and suddenly Adam wanted to run his fingers through it. Again shoving that thought aside he faced the young officer in front of them and smiled.

"I'm Junior Lieutenant Adam Kingston, Master-at-arms. His first ever birthday celebration?" Adam asked a little surprised after he introduced himself, okay much surprised as humanity puts way too much energy in celebrating birthdays. Though as one gets older it does lose its appeal and is just a reminder of one's coming mortality. "I don't think a surprise party is best for a first time as it is not for everyone. Does Mister Deacon like being surprised with gifts or tasks that he was supposed to do but was done for him without his asking?" Adam asked trying to gage how the surprise would be received.

"Otherwise he may like the idea of being surprised by his fellow shipmates to celebrate an age that in human culture is a key one for the person celebrating has reached an age were they are now considered an adult to fend for themselves. Obviously their family supports them but they are responsible for their direction in life." He explained to K'Ren.

He turned to the other man in Medical blue. "Do you have anything to add Lieutenant?" Adam asked Williams without knowing who he was, prompting the other man to introduce himself.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #6
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Below Decks Lounge| Deck 28| USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @Sqweloookle

Rhys noted the attractive junior officer, who had introduced himself with a  confidence that was attractive. He seemed to Rhys to have a presence that indicated he belonged anywhere.  As the junior lieutenant revealed his name to be Adam Kingston, Rhys thought on what the Caitian had said. That her ‘mate’, boyfriend or husband he supposed, had never had a birthday party before. Rhys had celebrated birthday parties but those had stopped with the death of his mother. Not that he would have wanted them anyway. Having his father drunk, badly behaved, and with Rhys’ obvious fake enjoyment would have scared off his few friends.

It was possible Deacon himself may not want a party at all, Rhys knew many who found them cringey. However, he did not voice this after all the Caitian knew her mate better than Rhys did.

It was at this point realised there was an awkward silence. His brain replayed the last few seconds of conversation he had been only half listening to and flagged that he had been asked a question. Looking faintly embarrassed and greatly awkward Rhys responded. “Oh… er.. Lt. Rhys Williams….” He cast around looking for a safe topic to discuss, his irritated brain pushed a card to the forefront of his mind. “Well.. umm… what kind of decorations have you gone for?” Rhys spoke with a soft breathy accent, the words falling into place in a singsong kind of way demonstrating his Welsh heritage.

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #7
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix @Sqweloookle  @Juzzie @everyone
K'Ren purred a little as both men came up to her. "Ensign K'Ren. And no, he is not aware of this party. The reasons why he has never celebrated his birthday before are complex, and he would be the last one to want a party for himself." She paused, nodding her head to Rhys before she continued. "Given this birthday is important as I understand it to Humans, I felt a party is warranted, regardless of his desires in the matter. This is his coming of age celebration, as you refer to it, though he has been on his own for some years."

She turned her attention to Rhys, "I am not sure what these decorations are exactly. I will profess to much ignorance regarding Human customs around birthdays. I know there needs to be cake of some sort, and candles. But as to the decorations, I am winging it as some would say. My research on the customs was interesting, Humans seem to have as much variety in their customs around birthday celebrations, as there are cultural groups. And they all consider different ages to be when one is an adult, some as low as 12 years of age, tho I question why a cub would be considered an adult." She paused, "If you had some suggestions Lieutenant, I am open to them, as I said my knowledge of this particular celebration is lacking."

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #8
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Lower Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Juzzie

It seemed that Rhys was a little lost for answering the woman so Adam decided to step in. He would check with Rhys later if it was welcome or not once things got progressing. "I do suggest a banner with Happy 21st Birthday on it in whatever colour scheme you know your mate will like." Adam offered with a smile.

It was a little strange to see a counselor in need of emotional support since they are the one usually providing it, Adam mused but he decided to already check on the Lieutenant later. He stepped forward towards K'Ren and gestured to a few places around the establishment. "Perhaps some balloons and streamers around the wall and light fixtures," he said somewhat in planner mode.

He failed to realise that he should explain what the terms he used actually meant but he wasn't thinking about that, only about the practical side of the planning. He had attended a few and many from his youth so he had a fairly good idea as to the usual popular decorations a birthday party would feature.

"Any form of celebration type stuff his people used for important events Miss K'Ren?" Adam asked lastly. He thought it important for the subject of this party have all aspects of his life be present as it is who the man is.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #9
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Below Decks Lounge| Deck 28| USS Theurgy] attn: @SummerDawn   @Sqweloookle

Rhys was stunned by the flow of words. His social awkwardness nakedly on display again. That was infuriating to him. He hated that it was so obvious how uncomfortable and unskilled he was socially. He was grateful to Adam. Clearly the other officer had seen him stood mouth slightly open, wide eyed, like a shuttle in the path of a rogue planet.

Rhys felt most comfortable fading to the background of the conversation. Sometimes saying something but letting others motor ahead. It was an embarrassing feeling though. After all a Counsellor was meant to have good social skills, and he did to an extent. Professional Rhys and social Rhys were two very different beings, almost separate species. It was easier in a session, he had to get the ball rolling but, in the end, the other party dictated the flow of the conversation. He shed all notions of being an officer in that situation. He was providing a service from the lowest crewmember to a senior officer who outranked him. There were also a set of rules and procedures and ethical guidelines to follow. A social interaction had none of these things, at least none that were written down. No, the rules of a social interaction were unspoken, negotiated and perceived.

It did not help that the thought of Birthdays was not a pleasant one for him. Not since he was a child had he celebrated his own birthday. The fortunate thing was that Lt. Kingston seemed to be much more socially gifted. So, Rhys attempted to look relax and nodded along in the appropriate places. Then a half-remembered memory bubbled up to the surface. A cake, a beautiful cake in the shape of a starship before him, a small collection of candles burning merrily on its saucer section. “A cake might be a good idea.” He suggested shyly, “I mean possibly, up to you of course.” He said looking faintly embarrassed at having spoken.

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #10
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Juzzie  @Sqweloookle 

[ 1700 hours ]

An hour wasted.  An hour he should have spent preparing the dinner shift only to have it up-ended by a... what did the monkeys call it? ... a wild goose chase.  If he'd had one, it is likely that goose would be next on the menu, but now he would have to make due with some combination of left overs.  One of the crew had submitted a request for a 'taco Tuesday'.  He assumed they wanted a day thematically dedicated to tacos.  Curious, he had taken some time to review the basics of the meal and it was not overly complicated.  Admittedly, it was only Saturday but somehow he doubted there would be much disappointment in a salsa Saturday.

He hoped there was enough spice in pantry to make something passable of the leftovers.

Still, the bill of lading was much ado about nothing.  It was inaccurate, certainly, but the contents received matched what he'd recalled ordering.  He'd been assured that the locals were not a backward race and they seemed competent enough to produce the appropriate products -- so how was it that the shipping documents were so awry?

Emerging from the turbolift, he gave a steady sigh, pacing towards Below Decks with a set jaw and a half formed apology he was certain he would need to give to his patrons even as the door slid open.

He stopped short, staring at the decorations that had been hung from the various corners.  Balloons had been neatly arranged into tethered bundles and the tables neatly covered with holographic table cloths.  Racking his mind, he tried to confirm he had not overlooked any festivities -- no one had bothered to schedule any that he could recall.  He had only broached the subject of a celebratory feast for the local Klingon officials to the captain two days ago and he'd yet to hear back on that.

Then what in the Hunt was this?

Stepping forward midst of the lounge, still attempting to make sense of the unexpected changes to the venue, his eye caught sight of the banner hanging prominently over the bar.  "Happy 21st Birthday... Deacon?"

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #11
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn, @steelphoenix, @Juzzie & @Sqweloookle
Heather had bumbled into the lounge, with a strange floating device following behind her at a slow pace. With her propensity for clumsiness seemingly increasing of late due to problems getting accustomed to her new body, the girl didn't trust herself to be able to safely carry what might be deemed as a fragile gift in her hands, which led to her using a specialized floating platform to carry the gift, and configured to follow Heather at a few paces.

A record twelve times of tripping over her own feet or kissing walls later, Heather had finally made it into the lounge. She'd heard about the surprise party for one Deacon, and in the last few days of observing, she'd decided they were safe enough to be given as gifts. She only hoped he didn't mistake them for dinner.

Am I late? Did I miss the date? asked Heather tentatively, as she looked around nervously. It would be just like her to muddle up details. She had actually left a reminder for herself on the computer, which appeared to be developing something of a personality and the oddest wit she had ever seen. It certainly wasn't thanks to any input from herself, so she didn't understand where it came from when she'd inquired if she was forgetting something and the response was shown to her in big red letters nearly a foot long: DEACON'S BIG FAT COMING OF AGE PARTY, HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, DON'T FORGET PRESENTS. ALSO, K'REN IS WRITTEN BY SUMMERDAWN.

Most of that made sense, but Heather had no idea what the last sentence was supposed to mean. The text finished off with: SO FLUFFY.

Below Decks Lounge

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #12
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @SummerDawn @steelphoenix @Juzzie

Adam smiled at Rhys’ mentioning of a cake, cake is the best. He went through all the cakes he had eaten in his life and it wasn’t easy identifying any flavours he didn’t like, he was about to suggest the ones he preferred but he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and saw the subject of the party walked in.

"O-oh, I think we have just been had," Adam said to K’Ren and Rhys as he gestured over at Deacon, he had seen a new arrival but didn't know who she was and he'll greet her after he spoke to Deacon. He smiled as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and made his way over to Deacon and offered his hand.

"Hello Mister Deacon. It seems the cat’s out of the bag. Your mate was setting up a ‘surprise party’ for your birthday and let me be the first to say ‘Happy Birthday’." Adam said with a grin. Since he knew from K’Ren that Kzinti didn’t celebrate birthdays as humans and many other species did but that didn’t mean that there couldn’t be an exchange of cultural ideals and customs.

Once the party got started and things got a little less awkward, Adam will approach Deacon about his request to the Captain that Thea informed him several days ago and only now had some time to follow up on this request.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #13
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix @Sqweloookle  @Juzzie @everyone
K'Ren followed close behind Adam, smiling a little as the surprise came to light. She had zero idea how the suprise was supposed to be sprung, but it had been a suprise, and Deacon had been suprised, she could tell from his demeanor and his stance as he looked around. Once Adam and Rhys had said their congratulations, she figured it was her turn. "I know K'Zin don't care about age, only accomplishments, but for Humans, and Caits to an extent, age is worth celebrating." She grinned, "I discovered you turned 21 today, and humans consider 21 an important age, something about being considered a full adult, and now their own person."

She purred a little as she took his hand, "I wanted this to be special Deacon, a celebration of your independence from your past, and a milestone in life." She looked up into his eyes, "You are not mad I created a diversion to keep you away for a few hours?"

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #14
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Below Decks Lounge| Deck 28| USS Theurgy] attn: @steelphoenix @Sqweloookle @SummerDawn @Triage

Rhys did not know Deacon to well and felt no shortage of envy for Adam’s easy manner with other people. So Rhys simply smiled politely behind the other two. Rhys let them speak to Deacon, and only after they had said what they intended to, did he in as genuine way as possible wish Deacon a Happy Birthday. “Happy Birthday Deacon, and many happy returns.” He offered. It sounded awkward and trite even to him. Why should Deacon care at all about birthday wishes from a stranger.

The more Rhys thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that he was superfluous here. If anything Rhys with his weird slightly off putting manner was just going to put a damper on proceedings. So he started to look around for a way out of the situation.

It then he noted the young woman who had entered again someone new to him. However, no else seemed to be addressing her. So reluctantly he raised his hand to her in greeting and headed towards her. “No you are right on time as far as I can tell.” He indicated Deacon standing ahead of them. Of course, the problem with this strategy was this was another conversation he had to engage in with someone he did not know. If only they were in his office in an appointment talking would be so much easier. He fell back on an age old strategy when words failed, “Uh I can get you a drink if you would like?” Something within his head was jumping up and down trying to cut trough the social awkwardness and panic and bring something to his attention. The young woman was being followed by something. “Um…. Whats that?” He said pointing over her shoulder. 

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #15
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Juzzie  @Sqweloookle @Triage 

"Hello Mister Deacon. It seems the cat's out of the bag. Your mate was setting up a 'surprise party' for your birthday and let me be the first to say 'Happy Birthday'."

Deacon's gaze lowered from the sign hung above the bar to the Human male who approached him first, his expression still somewhat frozen with slack-jawed incredulity although this faded quickly.  Cat's out of the bag?  Was that an insult?  His mind, numb with a combination of shock and having spent the past hour rifling through an itinerary of supplies, struggled to find the appropriate Human translation, but the phrase invariably turned back to the mockery of monkeys to his own race.

He narrowed his eyes, weighing a response, even as the his mate approached, making her explanations for the disruptions arrayed before him.  His lips tightened, small stress lines denting his cheeks as he squared his shoulders and turned his gaze once more to the sign, measuring his breath carefully.  A human custom.  Of course, it was a human custom.  Another reminder of his circumstance at Savi hands.

"You are not mad I created a diversion to keep you away for a few hours?"

He paused.  K'Ren had been... ill at ease since their trip to the planet's surface the day before.  Although the Savi had managed to strip away his ziirgah, he still remained keenly aware of what feelings lay below her exterior.  A side effect of the Caitian bonding, she had explained once before.  He had to admit, it was what had helped him cope with the growing silence in his mind -- the inability to feel the others around him.  It was the lighthouse that told him he was not alone in the dark shore of his own thoughts.  But being but the one voice left, he found he paid far more attention to it, noting every variance, any disruption, and her brave face aside, he could feel her wariness.

Slowly, the tension along his spine relaxed.  This was a lesson in humanity.  He had to admit that it was no less than he'd requested of the captain although it took a form he had wholly unexpected.  But that was, he supposed, the nature of education.  Taking a breath, he finally spoke, "No.  But I would've preferred you mention it to me. This is rather... abrupt."

Taking another breath and nodding in acknowledgement as another lieutenant approached offering his own well wishes, he snapped his fingers, pointing at Kingston.  "Disclosing a secret," he said as the answer managed to settle into his thoughts.  "Letting a cat out of a bag."  He shook his head.  "Honestly.  All this time and some Human phrases still don't make any sense."

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he looked about at those assembled.  "Still, I suppose such things could be disclosed under worse circumstances," he noted, quirking his lips sideways in consideration.  "And if this is a Human tradition, then I suppose I owe it to my father to figure it out."

His gaze fell on the young Radiant who stood off to the side, seemingly now engaged with the second male who had seemed to display almost as much discomfort as he, himself, had felt.  She still looked different from when he had first met her, and he considered whether her presence might foretell another lecture from the doctor.  If nothing else, the Savi had managed to strip much of his sensitivity to her more luminous properties and what remained was off-set by the glasses he'd been given since returning from the Versant.

"So... how is this... birthday thing done?" he asked with a tone of academic resignation.

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #16
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @SummerDawn @steelphoenix @Juzzie @Triage

Adam smiled at Deacon’s confusion and he nodded. "Mister Deacon, you are not the only one who finds my people’s sayings… some getting used to. Most are so old that we have even forgotten where they came from. Unfortunately our language continues to evolve and re-invents itself as we encounter other languages." He explained, though not a genius Adam was surprised by his reply and how philosophical he sounded.

"To help keep things to a minimum our society saw fit to introduce birthday culture, music to dance to with specific dance steps, much eating and drinking of a variety of foodstuffs and beverages. Mostly cake once it has been cut by the birthday person. Who gets to make a secret wish when the blade makes contact with the bottom of the cake." Adam explained, "Am I missing anything?" He asked the other humans present.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #17
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn, @steelphoenix, @Juzzie & @Sqweloookle
Oh, hi, said Heather with a tiny jump when she was approached by Rhys Williams. Y-yes, a drink sounds nice thank you.

She brushed some golden hair back over her ears, although no longer as featherweight as they used to be, her hair still took noticeably longer than normal before gravity took hold and brought them back down. She was shocked to learn that Deacon (not Beacon, and certainly not Bacon) had no idea and clearly never had birthdays before. Her eyes were wide and showed clear surprise. There were some Earth customs that the Radiant cherished and adopted wholeheartedly. One of them was birthday parties.

You've never had a birthday surprise before, haven't you? she asked rhetorically. The holes in her mind and memories sometimes made her say or do something silly, mind-numbingly stupid, or just plain weird, so she hoped this wasn't one of them. Maybe she had tourettes?

Choosing to answer both Adam Kingston and Rhys simultaneously, she started to gesture to the floating little platform behind her that had a few beautifully wrapped gift boxes of varying sizes, Well, one of my favourite parts in birthday parties, surprising or otherwise, would be the giving of gifts! Primarily to the person who's celebrating their birthday! It's the time of the year when people tend to treat the celebrant like royalty, and basically...uhm...celebrate them being around. It's a rather wonderful way to show our appreciation. Some birthday parties give out party favours or tiny commemorative gifts to the participants...but it's not a necessity.

She abruptly blushed by glowing a soft red when she realized she'd been babbling and running her mouth again in a room full of mostly strangers. Uhm, anyway...happy birthday, Deacon. I hope you like my gifts. If you have any problems...well, you can always come to me, and I'll see what I can do, but I think they're quite self-sufficient.

She'd been studying the strange little rodents that hatched from the eggs she'd recovered from the coreless moon, and they were fairly docile with a preference for seeds, plants and herbs as their main diet, and required very little upkeep to be happy and content. So she'd made a small habitat and wrapped it up as a gift for Deacon, along with a pair of the elephant-snouted mice. She really hoped Deacon didn't think of them as a meal. She'd wait until he unwrapped the gift before she explained what they were and how to care for them. Probably best to quickly mention they weren't a snack.

You basically tear apart the wrapping, or unwrap it to see the gift inside...

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #18
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Juzzie  @Sqweloookle @Triage 

Deacon regarded Kingston as he offered a bit of an explanation.  "To evolve would imply that it improves with later iterations," Deacon offered in response.  "Rather, it merely convolutes upon itself in an effort to incorporate elements otherwise unnatural to it.  The Heroes' Tongue remains as true and immutable today as was spoken in the days of the fist patriarchs."

Kingston continued, elaborating on some of the traditions expected as part of this celebration.  Music, dance... various rituals not unlike other celebrations, he supposed.  While the specifics may elude him, the fundamental concepts were not overly dissimilar.  It was the impetus that gave him cause for concern -- to celebrate a matter of functional coincidence?  There was no such thing as emerging victoriously from the uterus.  It wasn't some land to be conquered or foe to be vanquished.  He could recall no warrior granted a name for exceptional service to the Patriarchy in the Vaginal Wars.

Then there was the matter of the wish.  Silently asking for things unearned rather than actively working towards such objectives?  Humans.  Celebrating things they had no part in, requesting yet further gifts and favors as a result.  Deacon smirked.  How could he take this seriously other than to treat it as the parody it seemed.  "Thank you, lieutenant."

Next, the Radiant approached, handing him a package that had been ceremonially adorned in colorful paper and after balking at the idea that one should simply destroy what had seemed to him some form of artistic expression, he neatly removed the sealant strips and unfolded the wrapping to reveal the small habitat within.  He stared at the small creatures it contained, clearly too small to be an appreciable snack -- a thought reinforced when she adamantly stated that they were definitely not intended as such.

"Pets?" Deacon asked, finally making the connection between the small furry creatures and the genetically engineered raspars of his homeworld, although in terms of size and relative functionality, there was no comparison.  Yet, there was a certain simplicity in their presence that he found comforting -- an element of planetside nature otherwise missing in the sterility of space.  He nodded appreciatively.  "Thank you."  Lifting the gift to show to K'Ren, he added, "H... Heather.  I understand that you have an... appreciation for human culture.  I have asked Theur.... Thea... I have asked Thea to provide me with a series of course on humanity... to compensate for... well..." he motioned one hand towards the party as an example.  "I would appreciate any recommendations from an aficionado's perspective."

Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #19
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @steelphoenix @Triage @SummerDawn @Juzzie

Ain’t that the truth, Adam thought as he began laughing about Deacon’s reply about human’s language. "I have to agree with you on that Mister Deacon,” Adam said, he gave a nod though frowned. "I’d have to take your words on the Heroes’ Tongue language remaining unaffected by outside influence,” he added before Heather took over the situation and explained presents as well as gestured to the hoversled with the presents on it.

Why did Heather give Deacon rats? Isn’t that an insult? Adam wondered as he peered at the unwrapped habitat. Well at the very least a joke considering Deacon’s heritage as part Kzinti. Though most birthdays end with ironic, teasing gifts that unless specifically asked for the givers want to have laughs with the Birthday person. "Well if you want to eat one,” he said to Deacon before he gave Heather a ‘what? why?’ look.

When Deacon asked about what courses about human culture to take, Adam brought his right hand fingers to his chin and rubbed it while in thought. After a few moments he spoke up. "If I may, perhaps start with all Earth cultural customs with social interactions and first impressions,” he suggested.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency

Reply #20
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Juzzie  @Sqweloookle @Triage 

As the event progressed, Deacon found himself subjected to an assortment of human customs.  As expected, there was a large cake with iced cream -- it was something he tolerated but only to a limited degree as after nearly a lifetime of carnivorous habits, his tolerance for sweets was perhaps only undercut by his tolerance for alcohol. 

But still, traditions were as traditions were.  It wasn't until later that Xenia explained such festivities were open to a certain level of personalization -- something he would have to request should something await his 22nd cycle.  Fruit, if a sweet must be included, would be a far more welcome element as it did not set his stomach in knots and his muscles twitching.

Something called "carrieohkey" came next, where the participants one by one engaged in mimicry of Human musical practices.  It was an event that met an abrupt ending when the microphone was placed in Deacon's hand only to be met with utter silence and an incredulous stare-- Earth music was decidedly not among his topics of study and was far from something he intended to dedicate many hours to researching now.

Another event involved blindfolding participants, spinning them and then setting them on a course towards the image of a deformed Terran pack-animal with the intent of stabbing them in the posterior with an artificial appendage that they lacked.  It made very little sense to Deacon as form of practice for hunting, predatory engagement or even animal husbandry.  His reactions, too, given time and inebriation, seemed a growing point of amusement, but as hours seemed to stretch on, Deacon found his attention ever more distracted from the cultural experimentation as his connection with his wife bore a growing hint of distress, although she did all she could to obscure the truth of this behind a forced smile.

In time, Deacon, having reached his own tolerance level for socializing, thanked each party-goer for an educational experience and for the celebration in the spirit it was intended, but felt that it was in time to call the night to a close as he wished to spend some time with his wife and such was not exactly meant for public consumption.  And final adieus bade, the night came to a quiet close.

- FIN -

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