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Topic: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission (Read 6084 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission ] Attn: @Havenborn
Now that Zrinka's fighter was behind Daniel's, she wondered what might actually be around this place. The big hole in the coreless moon they were orbiting showed clear signs of serious damage and from her Academy classes on stellar objects, Rini knew full well that no spatial bodies formed like that naturally.

So either someone shot it with a lot of firepower or mined the guts out of it. But it wasn't her job to work out what to do with it - she and Daniel were just up here to provide fighter cover while the others went in. It was fine with her as she really had been asleep in stasis yesterday. The Sabine and the others had gone in to explore. 

Zrinka wanted to show him that she could do the job, "Lieutenant, how do you want to do this? Standard patrol pattern or something else?"

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #1
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie Hellcat] Attn: @Josie

Daniel’s sensors registered that Ensign Agaixot had fallen in formation with his fighter.  Daniel hadn’t paid much attention to any of the other fighters since they arrived in system, most of his attention had been on the moon and watching out for debris.  He finally looked over at her fighter which was now in formation and he saw what looked like a non-regulation paint scheme, fortunately for her he wasn’t the SCO nor was he her flight leader.  He’d leave Commander Ravon to deal with her later when they made it back to the ship.

“Patrol pattern Beta-Five will suffice Ensign.”  Daniel said as he began to input the patrol pattern into his console.  The course, which was shown in his HUD, would take them a single rotation around the broken moon, taking into account for debris and other obstacles that his sensors could detect.  Although he was flying in manual control just in case he needed to make minute course corrections due to the nebula’s special properties.  “Take it easy on her Daniel.” Knight said behind him, “From what I heard she just came out of a stasis pod a day ago.”

“If Commander Ravon cleared her to fly then I will treat her like anyone else who is cleared to fly.”  Daniel responded.  Knight shook his head but said nothing going back to watching his sensor readings.

“Salvo to Honey Badger keep up your visual scanning as well, don’t rely on just what your sensors tell you.”  Daniel stated.

**** 30 Minutes Later ****

As they were nearing the completion of their first rotation Daniel was incredibly bored, he knew that nothing was likely to happen but he had hoped that something, even if it was something as simple as a rogue asteroid or a stray comet that was hurtling towards the outpost that they had to destroy.  However none of that had happened and now they were getting close to the outpost again.  “Salvo to Honey Badger fall in Echelon Formation.”  Daniel said as they kept getting closer to the outpost, he didn’t really know what he was going to tell Lieutenant zh’Wann, nothing had happened during their patrol so there wasn’t really much of anything to report.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #2
[ Captain Drex | Bridge | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl ] Attn: 1) @Josie 2) @Havenborn 3) Auctor Lucan 4) @Blue Zephyr
On the dimly lit bridge of the IKS Hakkarl, Captain Drex listened as his bridge crew sang, the anthem beginning before they entered sensor-range to SuD Lang,

Qoy qeylIs puqloD
Qoy puqbe'pu'
yoHbogh malthbogh je' SuvwI'
Sey'moHchu' may' 'Iw
maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'
nI'be'yInmaj 'ach wovqu'!

batlh maHghbej'jyoqIjDaq
vavpu'ma' DImuvpa'reH maSuvtaH
Qu' DamevQo' maSuvtaH, ma'ov!*

"Captain!" called Turg son of Gaaw, whipping his head around to look at Drex. The man's hair settled across his wide shoulders before he spoke. "Our sensors have the eyes of a Targ in this nebula... But I see two small crafts orbiting our destination. The warp trails are faint, but there might be more in hiding. Signatures are Federation, sir!"

Drex bared his sharp teeth. He had little love for the Federation, especially if its Admirals were corrupted, yet even worse, it would complicate the wishes from Imperial Intelligence; that SuD Lang were to be destroyed. Given the contents of the message, the warning, Drex had convened with his superior officers about the claim, yet he had not relayed the full contents of the message. The parasites were his to know, his information to share with his father, in a manner that would be in his best interest. He did not trust what he had heard, did not give one whit about this Captain Ives and his stolen ship, but the fact of corruption presented... opportunities.

Standing, Drex thought about how he had already made the Hakkarl set a course for the hidden outpost while he waited for clearance to destroy it, but if the Federation had already discovered SuD Lang... "Can this proud ship, the very Vanguard of the Empire, not go any faster?"

"Yes, Captain, it can!" said the female, Irkva, at the helm, sounding like she derived pleasure from pushing the Hakkarl harder.

"Then take us there, and when we drop out of warp, I want our Phantoms on the prowl!" he growled to his bridge officers, he sucked a breath through his teeth. "Stand ready for battle, for I have a feeling that when we arrive, our orders will read clearly... 'No... loose... ends.'"

There was mirth and excitement on the bridge, teeth glinting in the light of the streaming stars.

"When will we be there?" called Drex, clenching his fists hard.

"In one minute!" called Irkva.

"Then send this query back to the Empire...." he snarled, because he knew that if he got no answer in time, it would be his call to make. "If there are Federation vessels in orbit of SuD Lang, and only they know of its existence... should the Federation vessels be destroyed along with the moon... so that the Treaty of Alliance may continue? Send it!"

"Message sent, Captain!"

"I will speak to the whole ship now," he said, and got a nod before he raised his voice anew. "This is your Captain! Today, we have set out to destroy a moon, a place of old wars best left forgotten! Yet this be no simple errand! Because the Federation is there, and they must not know of this moon! Stand ready for battle, because we must help the Federation forget! Battle stations! Now!"

As he returned to his seat, he suspected the female in his Ready Room might join them. He had left her there, confident she would see this as an opportunity to prove her worth to the Empire again. He expected the doors to open any second, and he would leer at her, and wait for her to come stand by his side. The seconds passed, with no reply from the Empire, and Drex knew that soon, his crew would bloody themselves in battle, his orders being to silence the Federation before they could squeal about SuD Lang. If his superior officers ordered him to do differently, he would oblige them, of course... but only if he heard from them in time.

Little did he know, that the female in his Ready Room had means to access his messages...

OOC: At the point when the Hakkarl shows up on Daniel's and Zrinka's sensors, there is only a one minute window before the Klingon ship drops out of warp and deploys its raiders. One minute is too little to get deep enough into the hazardous space around the moon and enter comm range with the away team. If Tessa May Lance had remained in her fighter, she would have been able to get a message via her Valkyrie, but now, they need to enter the bandwith of the away team's short range channel in order to alert Ida and the rest. So, the choice is whether to speak with the Klingons - the both of them - or one of them trying to fly into the moon to alert Ida. Unfortunately, the raiders might give chase, if you opt to do that...

Translation of song:

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #3
OOC: Ooops, wrote a post and forgot to send. Have updated now for the extra bit.

[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission ] Attn: @Havenborn
Rini thumbed off the comm button before sighing. She did really expect Daniel to be a 'by the books' sort of leader, and she could accept that. Shrugging, she adjusted her course into the patrol pattern and once it was programmed, she put it to auto for a moment while she adjusted her fighter's sensors. Zrinka didn't want to be caught out and set it up for rapid tagging of anything that could be a target while she used her suit's hud component to look through the ship and see any possible signs.

Grinning when he gave the order, she smiled, "Lieutenant, I had already beefed up my sensors. I don't want to be caught out here and leave our ship-mates in trouble."

OOC: If Zrinka finds out about Knight treating her like she's cotton wool, she'll walk upto him and knee him in the family jewels ;-) Just saying.

**** 30 Minutes Later ****

Zrinka was a bit envious of actually having someone to talk to, but she had a thought that maybye, that might not be the worst thing as she got the idea that Daniel wasn't exactly the most chatty person - especially when on patrol. That made her miss the others who had passed on a lot more, and she wiped an eye before adjusting her couse.

Putting on a cheery voice, Rini spoke, "Aye aye, Lieutenant. Echelon Formation acknowledged."

There was absolutely nothing out here and she had even been wishing for something. When all hell went off her, causing her to swear in Czech, "Sakra!"

She spoke quickly as she watched the sensors, "Lieutenant, incoming Klingons. What should we do? They probably can see us if I can see them."

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #4
[Zyrao Natauna | Ready Room | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl]
@Auctor Lucan

Thick boots rested on the edge of the desk in the Ready Room.  The soles worn down a bit from the time that they had been used.  Oddly, a shine permeated the surface leather that lay against the desk.  One foot crossed over the other.  Zilm'kach sat in a small metal shallow dish beside her.  Slender fingers picked up yet another piece and placed it against her lips while the striking grey eyes surveyed the information that was on the screen.  Her eyes shifting over the information, reading the message that lay there just waiting for Drex to do something with. 

Take a break, rest, she was told.  As if she actually needed to.  She was old, there were days that the weight of her life felt heavy upon her muscular shoulders.  Other days she seemed to be light the way that she moved through life and the ship.  Having taken the Captain's attention just recently she was told that she could recooperate in the Ready Room until she was ready to rejoin the Bridge.  Zyrao did not need the time to take a breather it was not as though his attentions were all that rigorous.  Oh she told him that was the case, yet, she was also an adept liar. She would take the time alone in the Ready room.  Trusted enough his computer screen lay open to her and the message upon it, the communique from some Captain Ives of the Federation struck her interest.

She tilted her head to the side for a moment surveying the words over and over again.  Dropping the favorite snack she reached over and picked up the glass that she had replicated after her activities.  One thing Drex could do was make her thirsty.  The Raktajino was something that she enjoyed drinking as much as any of the Klingons that she served with.  Her cool eyes watched the screen reading through the content of the message again.

He has not  yet forwarded this correspondence.  There are several reasons, including this message from Hi'Jak. 

That was the message that was almost more intriguing than the original from the Captain of this USS Theurgy ship.  The fact that they had a man on the ship, one that she did not know about, and that he was giving feedback on the ship concerning some sort of infiltration.  She had not heard of any of this before, and that meant that Drex was keeping secrets.  I cannot adequately keep your Klingon hide intact if you are secretive. she thought to herself as she ran a finger along the rim of her glass before she took a long sip of the strong Klingon beverage.

Putting her glass down on the desk to her left, she shifted in her seat.  Letting her slender hands rest upon her stomach while she thought about her options.  She was incapable of contacting the Captain on her own, the encryption would have to require Martok. 

Options are as follows:

wa':  I could contact Martok myself and explain that I came across the correspondence.  However, that would put me in an odd position and he would likely just want it to be forwarded to him anyway.

cha': I could go out on the Bridge and tell Drex that I found his dirty little secret and air out his laundry.  He would likely take it as an afront to his honor and I don't feel like getting bloody today.

wej:  I could possibly find out if someone on our ship could hack the encryption and get me to answer it myself.  I want to know more about these little creatures.  However, that would be brought to the attention of Drex as I would have to pull someone else up here.  That will not do.

IoS:  I think that contacting Martok has the most merit, but .. this talk Ives mentions that happened on Romulan.. I think that might be the key.  It would make sense that whatever the encryption key is would be hidden in something that Martok would remember all too well.  Something mutually shared.

Leather crinkled as she moved her legs and her boots hit the deck plating in front of the chair.  She sat forward stroking her thumb over her lower lip while she thought about all her options.  Her hand dropped as her eyes lost focus while she slid into her mind for clearer thought.  A piece of fruit lifted to her lips and she chewed the juicy fruit for a moment, and then a slow smile crossed her face.  She knew what she was going to do and how she was going to play it. 

Taking another sip of her Raktajino she shifted over to the computer.  She doubted that Martok would be shocked too get correspondence from her anyway.  He was used to seeing her working for and with Drex.  Not to mention the few times that he had called while they were otherwise indisposed.  She didn't mind either way, she had little to hide, and didn't believe in being modest.  There was nothing wrong with someone seeing the naked body, they came into and left in the same form. 

Drex's familiar voice came over the ship com unit and Zyrao listened for a moment.  Her brow rose hearing that they were about to destroy a moon.  She found it was interesting that the Federation was involved, and yet they were going to destroy the moon.  Something about battles long gone and best forgotten.  You could not dig your grave with any other phrase. she thought to herself as she drummed her fingers on the table, the rings she had collected over her travels with the Klingons glistened in the low lighting of the Ready Room.  It was time for action.  If battle loomed, he would expect her to come out on the Bridge soon.  Time was limited, and if she was going to make a move it needed to be now.  You betray those whom trust you twice now. her mind mocked her momentarily before she shut it's mouth.

Rising smoothly from her chair, the slight squeak in protest of the chair missing the weight of her body seemed loud in the room.  She went over to the view screen that she intended to use for the conversation.  She crossed her arms over the leather garment that she wore, the Klingon symbol emblazoned on her chest as it had always been.  She called Martok and waited for him to pick up.  She hoped that there would be little surprise seeing her face. 

“QaleghneS.” she stated smoothly as he answered.  She wanted to give him a moment to speak.  That way she could feel him out before she went in the direction that she had chosen. 

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #5
[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | First City of Qo'noS | House Martok Citadel ]

A deep voice was heard in the grandest citadel of the First City of Qo'noS, rasping in the dim light of the highest floor. "qaStaH nuq jay'?"

Curling his upper lip, the ageing Klingon sneered at the glowing letters on his screen. He took a deep breath, thinking, The High Chancellor of the Klingon High Council and the leader of the House of Martok. Former general during the Dominion War.  I fought at Deep Space 9, in Operation Return, the First and Second Battles of Chin'toka... and at the Battle of Cardassia. I have brought more honour to the Klingon Empire than the lineage of all these toDSaH combined!

Throwing away the communique, he rose to his feet, the anger animating his limbs as he walked towards the balcony. "Why do they come to me... asking me to preform functions better suited for the petaQ that are supposed to say the words in the first place. Have they no shame, thinking they may impose upon my time, or do they just seek to let their Qovpatlh guests bask in my ghuy' presence?"

Curling his thick fingers around the railing of the balcony, his remaining eye sought the lights of the fleet orbiting Qo'noS - elusive smudges of light far beyond the clouds. "Give me a ship... and I will know my purpose once more..."

He felt he had lost something when he had the dubious honour of becoming High Chancellor, but more so when he lost his wife Sirella... and his daughters Shen and Lazhna. They were all killed five years past, during Gothmara and Morjod's usurpation.  Emperor Kahless, Worf and Ezri Dax had helped restore him to power, yet given the cost... he wondered if he hadn't preferred to die in battle. The grief was still strong; this foe he could never strike down, fogging his mind.

His thoughts were disturbed by an incoming hail.

Few had the means to reach him directly, and those who did, he knew he shouldn't ignore. With leaden steps, he walked towards the main screen in his office, and he opened the channel. The face that met him was the least inconvenient of those who might seek him. He let a small smile creep into his grisly face. "Zyrao Natauna," he said and could not help his chuckle of mirth, "I trust you are keeping my unruly son from making a fool of himself? Ignorant question, of course you are. Have I ever told you how grateful I am that you remain by his side? If it wasn't for you, I am certain he would have been demoted three times over by now."

Rumour had it that the El-Aurian had caught his son's eye for more reasons than her military acumen, and should that be the case, Martok looked forward to the day when they presented themselves as Par'Mach'kai. It gave him the idea to present her with a jinaq, just to help things along, even if that was not the true tradition. It was given to a Klingon daughter when she became old enough to select a mate...

...but he had no daughters left.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #6
[Zyrao Natauna | Ready Room | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl]
@Auctor Lucan

Zyrao was unsuprrised to see the scarred vissage of the Captain's father.  She looked at the man, his thick mane of hair was unruly at best, but then it wasn't a very Klingon thing to keep it nice and neat.  In fact, the Klingon's that did tended to get flak for it.  And rightly so, anyone who's hair was better than her own was seen as weaker, and that wasn't a precedent she had sent herself, but one that had been set on it's own.  Zyrao had taken to keeping her hair short some time ago.  For many reasons; it kept people out of it, it made her more formidable an opponent, it could not be used against her, and hair was just plain heavy.  The men on the ship prided themselves on the length of their ratty locks, while Zyrao kept hers short, neat, and to the point.

The smile, surprised her only slightly though that surprise did not touch her carefully schooled face.  She had found a good ease with Martok.  They got along well, though she had no ideas of his hopes for her future.  Zyrao had never been married and highly doubted that it would ever come to pass.  She lived far too long a life to be saddled with one person and one person alone.  Furthermore, she enjoyed switching things up, and grew bored time and time again with the same partner.  Though she didn't particularly like to, she did know how to use her body to get the things that she needed from them.  To gain their trust, it seemed that men were rather apt to give up a great deal to the women that warmed their bed.  Perhaps it was something about trusting them enough to show them their naked bodies, or the fact that they felt that women who were naked and taking the right things from a man were more vulnerable more trusting.

Either way, she had found herself adept at such things, and used them to her advantage.  Like with Drex.  She knew not of any feelings the Captain may nor may not have for her.  She felt nothing for him what so ever outside of loyalty and the pride of her position.  But he was a good person on the ship to make hers.

He sung her praises, and her back straightened slightly with them.  She was not above allowing her pride to take a little buffing.  Her eyes zeroed in on the screen and she was trying to think about how she was going to handle this. What was she going to say?  It was easy for her to have a plan in her mind but she had to walk a careful balance.  If she pushed too hard Martok was going to figure out something was going on, and she needed to get as much information out of him as possible.  Especially before he figured out something was going on.  And that Drex wasn't actually involved.  She gave him a grin.

“All my pleasure Martok.  He just needs a steady guiding hand that's all.” she gave a shrug downplaying her abilities and her presence in his son's life, as she always did.  Klingon males, especially Drex, did not seem to like being thought of as 'under' her, even if they were physically so.

“It is your son, the reason that I call you now.” she stated as she leaned against the table in the room, her sharp grey eyes watching the screen and meeting his one unscarred eye.  “We have communications from the Federation ship the USS Theurgy.  The Captain there has mentioned he has a history with you from a time on Romulus where you met and spoke.  I've been tasked with finding out more about Captain Ives and the Federation ship that I speak of.  The more information the better.  As we are sharing air space.” she stated.  Of course she made it seem that she had been tasked, presumably by Drex himself, not that she had tasked herself with this information.  But, you had to do what you had to do to get the information that you needed. 

Thus, she was playing a game.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie Hellcat] Attn: @Josie, @Auctor Lucan, @Blue Zephyr

As Daniel had begun to lay in a course for the moon to get into communications range of the away team, his sensors picked up a Klingon vessel incoming.  “What are the odds that a Klingon ship would show up while we’re at a secret Klingon outpost?”  Knight said behind him.  What are the odds indeed, Daniel thought to himself. “Bring us about, raise shields and arm weapons.”  Daniel told his RIO.  “Salvo to Honey Badger, raise your shields and arm weapons; do not engage the Klingons unless they engage us first or I give you the order to fire.”  He said over the communications channel.  “Shields up and weapons armed, but Daniel we have a treaty with the Klingons we can’t just attack them.”

“Fighting them is not my intention, defending our people down on that moon is, Klingons can be unpredictable even in the best of circumstances and I’m not taking any chances.  We will not fire first but I want them to know that we are ready to defend ourselves if they mean us or our people harm.”  Daniel explained to Knight as he got an acknowledgement from him.  Daniel brought his small fighter around, expecting that Ensign Agaixot would follow his maneuver.  “Open a communications channel with the Klingons.”  Daniel said as he heard the familiar chirp of an open frequency.

“Attention unidentified Klingon vessel, please state your ship registry and your business here.”  Daniel said, he knew that the Klingons were technically allowed in Federation space as per the treaty but at the same time it couldn’t be a coincidence that the Klingons showed up while they had people down on the station.  Either they had tripped some sort of silent alarm or someone down there had alerted the Klingons to their presence.  One way or another this would hopefully buy them some time for Lieutenant zh'Wann to realize that something was wrong and try to make contact with him.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #8
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission ] Attn: @Havenborn, @Auctor Lucan, @Blue Zephyr
Rini had aleady been reaching for the shield switch, and shifted it maximum once her wing commander gave the order. Due to the debris, Zrinka had it on low to stop any debris but if they were going into combat, she wasn't going to become a pancaked mess.

The next moment, she activated all of her fighter's weapons, and when she noticed Daniel shift course to line up with the Klingons in a way that would make it obvious they had all seen each other, she adjusted course and spoke to him, "Acknowledged, Lieutenant. My shields are up to full and weapons hot. I will not engage first or until you order it, Sir."

It was quite obvious to a seasoned pilot like Zrinka that there wasn't much chance two fighters could hold off a Klingon ship like that, but it could be all of a chance their friends had. Tactical CONN officers were the first to risk their lives for the greater good, and she had always been doing that - from the Marines to now.

She listened into his words on the comm channel and hoped that maybe someone on the station would pick it up too & start bugging out. Best case would be to slink away and let them have it, but she doubted the Klingons would allow it.

OOC: Sorry it took time to respond. Got some real life issues going on. Douchey husband got himself knifed in jail due to his temper. They transferred him to a hospital under guard, and he is dealing with the repurcussions - he finally accepted anger management therapy as an option.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #9
[ Captain Drex, son of Martok | Bridge | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl ] Attn: 1) @Havenborn 2) @Josie
When the hail from one of the fighters came, Captain Drex had expected it. He bared his teeth as he thought of an answer.

What irked him was that he had no word from the Empire whether or not he was permitted to eradicate the two fighters - and whomever might have docked at SuD Lang - so if he was to engage the puny Starfleet crafts, he might be causing a 'diplomatic incident'. The fact that he was forced to consider such an aspect in the protection of the Empire's hidden base was a sour thought, and he found he missed the Dominion War. When the threat against the Quadrant had been high enough, the diplomatic relationship with the Federation hadn't mattered one whit. Yet now? Oh, is made him growl how it was more honourable to talk than to engage in battle, especially when it was in the Empire's best interest that he would forsake diplomacy. Where is Zyrao? I need her counsel...

While he thought, Turg, son of Gaaw, raised his voice anew. "Two dozen Phantom raiders are launching now, Captain," he called then turned his head, "shall we forsake words and destroy these two fighters, before we do the same with SuD Lang?"

Drex was compelled to say 'yes'. He did not wish to look weak before his bridge crew. With no word from the Empire, he had to do what was best given the situation, and that was to eradicate any evidence of both the base and the presence of Federation small craft in the vicinity. He rose to his feet, made a low, rumbling sound in his throat, and was about to give the order....

"Captain," called Irkva, daughter of Farmek, from the helm, and she turned towards Drex. "One of them is a fighter of old, the kind we've seen after the end of the war, but the other... It is new. It is the newest 'Val-kyri', and the reports have said the prototypes were only found aboard to the Te-argy. Remember? The renegade ship Starfleet lost to a mad Captain."

"The Te-argy?" said Drex, and after a moment, he remembered the reports of Captain Ives, the message received from the Imperial operative, and he curled his upper lip in a smile. "If they were sent from that ship... then Starfleet won't miss them."

The implication made most of the bridge crew grin and laugh, expecting the glory of victory, however small. They would not just bring honour to the Empire, destroying SuD Lang, but do the Federation a favour as they kept the base's existence from them. A favour, in eradicating their traitors where they had failed.

As for the claim of 'parasites', and the honour gained in spreading the word about Starfleet Command... Drex did not need Captain Ives' favour. The Chameloid was desperate for allies. Whatever befell these fighters, Drex would likely hear the claims of the Captain nonetheless, and learn enough to incite the Empire's call-to-arms.

"Answer the hail!" called Drex, clenching his fists at his sides where he stood. It did not hurt to make sure Irkva was correct. On the screen, the face of a human with a pilot's helmet appeared. "This is Captain Drex of the Hakkarl... We are on the prowl for the... Orion Syndicate. They have been sighted in this sector."

A lie, of course, which made his crew grin wider. Since they had stated their business... it was time for the pilot to answer. "Now, state your business here, and you will tell me from which ship you two have been deployed. There is no Federation starship on our sensors... and you are a long way from any starbase of yours. Could it be... that you are with the Syndicate too?"

[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | First City of Qo'noS | House Martok Citadel ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr
Zyrao had official business with him, and Martok's face became sombre when she spoke, mentioning the Theurgy and Captain Ives. The treason was a development that Martok had not foreseen, but couldn't dismiss given the numerous reports that had reached the Empire. He had not the impression that the Chameloid would betray his fleet over the very same ideals he had fought to preserve for years, but if the reports were to be trusted, Captain Ives had found fault in the tenets of the Federation, thinking that they had no right to forsake civilisations that couldn't achieve warp speed. He had seen the message. The broadcast from Starbase 84. Who hadn't?

While Martok did not care for the choice of the Chameloid, what stank about the whole situation was how Ives - of all people - would defect to the Romulans because of disagreements about the finer points of their 'Prime Directive'.

"So the Theurgy fled into the Azure Nebula?" he rumbled and looked away from the screen, thinking the situation through. Likely enough. A good area of space to stay lost in. To hide from the pursuers. "Why would Ives contact the Hakkarl? To get in contact with me? What is his aim now? To try and gain favour with the Empire?"

Rhetorical questions, all of them. He chose to answer Zyrao instead of demanding the El-Aurian to know the mind of a shape-shifting lunatic. "Aye, I spoke with Captain Ives on Romulus during the peace talks... before they fell apart. The Theurgy was there, along with the Titan and other Federation ships. Reports now say that Ives defected to Romulan Star Empire at this time, and I was surprised to hear of it. Ives did not strike me as the kind. Too much a proper Starfleet commanding officer, and a diplomat at that. Knew how to handle the Praetor and her cohort, to placate the fiery tempers of the Remans, and to keep Donatra from acting too soon. Ives was one of those who advocated caution and understanding, seeing the positive potentials of a strengthened tie between the Federation, the Empire and the Romulans. The Chameloid was not the only diplomat there, of course. Captain Riker was there too. A lot of prominent faces, new and old. For some time, the... atmosphere in the chambers resembled that of when the Dominion signed the peace treaty. There was hope..."

Martok shook his head. "While I would not have minded 'peace', I was not too disheartened when the Romulans' civil war began. I even recognised Commander Donatra's claim, and we have lent ships in her war efforts, seeing benefits to make her the new Romulan leader. Aiding her, we would have a powerful ally in the Imperial Romulan State, as opposed to the antiquated reign of the current Star Empire, who sees us as naught more than warring pirates. Donatra sees us for what we are, and respect the Klingon Empire for it."

Having said this, Martok realised Zyrao was interested in Ives and the Theurgy, and not the development of the failed peace talks on Romulus. "The Theurgy is a fierce quarry. The Hakkarl is not equipped to take her on. It has an artificial intelligence, and a lot of teeth. Advanced fighters too. Do not consider it, for it will deprive me of my son and you both, and I have lost enough..." Martok frowned, not lingering on that note since there was no time for sentimentality. "Ives has managed to keep her afloat despite how many starships have gone after her. Since the Theurgy has been persecuted for over five months now, it makes me believe that the shape-shifter has become an even more seasoned battle commander than during the Dominion War. When I commanded the Rotarran, I fought alongside Ives when he was First Officer on the Vendetta , and we drank to victory more than once. Even on Romulus, we drank to the last feats of the Vendetta. As the years bleed on, I remember my comrades-in-arms fondly, and before this... defection to the Romulans... I admit I considered Ives a comrade."

Not sure what else he could say to counsel Zyrao, he had a question of his own. "Did Ives wish to speak to me? Is this why you ask?"

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #10
[Zyrao Natauna | Ready Room | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl ]
@Auctor Lucan

Klingons were wordy.

There was something to be said about those that could be quick, concise, and get to the point.  But, there was also something to be said when you needed secrets to break down an encryption code.  Instead of having to ask a bunch of questions that might raise alarm bells no matter how long she had been a trusted member of the Klingon Defense she knew that eventually questions might lead to a 'why'.  That was a question she could and would not want to answer.  So while she could appreciate those that just answered simple questions without having to vomit their worldy stories upon the listener, today, she found herself grateful.

She watched the large Klingon on the screen as he spoke more to himself.  She had been working with them long enough and in contact with puqbe' long enough to know when he was talking to her and when he was speaking to himself.  It was easy for her to tell the difference at this point.  Drex had many mannerisms that his father did, though he was impulsive and easily swayed, his puqbe' was not. 

It was clear though, he knew a great deal about this Captain Ives and what she could garner from his reactions he was surprised that the Theurgy was here at all.  As presumed the man began to launch into the tales of his past with the Captain.  It was pleasing that one could always count on people to remain the same.  Klingon's loved stories and telling the tales of their lives.  Mostly battles, but Martok was an ambassador and chancellor and thus he seemed to enjoy telling the stories of his meetings with other races.  Treaties and battles.  Things like this were the stories of his life.  She didn't mind them all, many times she feigned boredom when the Klingon's told their stories but for the most part she listened, learned, and retained.

The same could be said for men.  While they liked to talk about women, and how they could talk to walls and doors if they thought it would do any good, men were much the same.  They enjoyed hearing themselves speak.  They enjoyed bringing out the stories where this time the battle had more people, more deaths, and somehow another scar had come from it.  She often wondered if they scarred themselves ahead of time in preparation for telling their fantastic tales.  Though the truth was, one scar was usually just received from about six different battles.

She was surprised no one ever called anyone out on it.

But men were simple creatures.

bljatlh e' ylmev she cursed at herself and focused back on the man on the screen.

Finally, he got down to business.  She perked up as he began to talk about the Theurgy itself.  How the Hakkarl would not be any match for the beast, and that she had a Artifical Intelligence and a lot of weaponry.  The ship was massive, and she could not even remotely imagine working on a ship that large, though it appealed to her.  She was mostly interested in what was going on. 

If Ives is a stand up Captain and all around good person like Martok believes then why would be ignoring his communications.  Though Hi'Jak as some kind of ulterior motive I think, and perhaps he has swayed the stupidity of the Captain.  As much as I would like to think that Drex has actual intelligence hidden behind the deep ridges of his forehead I think that the ridges left little room for a functioning brain. she thought to herself, still listening to Martok as he told her about how they should not engage the Theurgy, which was gratefully not one of the many options she had been entertaining. 

Still, time was short.  If she did not get out to the Bridge soon she was going to make Drex come in after her and that was something that she didn't need him to be doing.  She didn't usually require a lot of 'rest time' after one of their moments together, and she was always out there to offer her sage advice when they were dealing with a possible battle.  The words that Drex had announced to the ship meant that he was probably going to go in after the Theurgy.  Which meant the Hakkarl was going to die, and she with it. 

I have come too far to die now.  At the hands of stupidity is never a good way.

For a moment, her lips quirked as he mentioned that he desired neither to lose his son nor her.  That he thought of her as qorDu' meant a good deal to her, and she almost.. almost felt bad that she was not going to tell him about the communications, but she needed to figure this out herself.  Drex was being an idiot, and she was going to have to step in.  She would not die because of Drex.  If she died, that was fine, but it would not be because of that fuck hole in center seat.  She gave a nod as he finished up talking about Ives, she was about to speak when he asked that question that would probably be her death nail no matter what happened.  She was either going to lie to him and have to save her skin again, a talent she seemed to have a knack for, or she was going to tell him the truth and have Drex wrap his hands around her neck.  It was touch and go, what could she do.  Zyrao had a strong survival instinct and she was not about to need to employ it too much at this moment.

“Not that I am aware of.” she said quickly and smoothly because honestly, she should not be able to read the messages that Drex had been given from the Theurgy.  That she could was probably an accident, and she didn't need it to be out in the open.  And this way she left herself open to plausible deniability.  Always a good thing to fall back on when you were dealing with Klingons. 

“I appreciate your time, Martok.  I will converse with Drex and explain to him the situation and the amount of dangerous potential that we face should we decide to initiate in combat.  Zyrao put her first to her chest and tilted her head for a moment as a show of respect then said.  “Qapla'!”  before she ended the call.  For a moment she stood there in front of the ready room. 

Vendetta, I'm certain that is going to be the code. she thought as she turned smoothly, the tread of her boot biting into the deck plating as she moved back to the computer that sat open before her.  She slumped in the seat and reread the message that sat there waiting a response.

She sat forward.  Popping another piece of fruit in her mouth, her fingers moved smoothly to the Klingon keyboard and checked to see if the encryption code she thought was going to work, actually did.  Carefully, to avoid misspellings she typed in the word... Vendetta.. and waited.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #11
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr  
Caught up in the affairs aboard the Theurgy, Ives had been writing out orders on a PADD in the sitting area of her Ready Room when the repeated chirping began. In her female form, her oaken eyes moved from her datapad to the computer console on her desk, and she realised that... perhaps... the away team to SuD Lang had actually sent the message. Could it be?

She got up, raking her hands through her hair, and seated herself. She tapped her combadge before answering the incoming transmission. "Cam, please hold all messages and delay the next appointment. I need privacy. Thea, do what you can to strengthen the bandwith of the transmission that has been routed to my personal console."

[Aye, Captain. Transmission enhancement made. Viability remains at 70 %.]

"It will have to do." She took a deep breath... and answered the subspace transmission, only to see that it was not Martok on the screen. She kept her face unreadable, looking at the flickering image of the woman, who seemed to be seated inside a Klingon ship, at least judging by the interior of the room she was in. When she spoke, her voice was even, not quite sure what to expect. "This is Captain Jien Ives of the Federation starship Theurgy. Please identify yourself. I asked specifically that his message was sent to High Chancellor Martok, and it is of the utmost importance that I may speak with him."

The woman on the screen had dark, short hair, appearing human, but she wore clothing with the Klingon Empire's emblem on the left side of her chest. Jien did not know what to expect, but it was clear that somehow, the message had been intercepted before reaching Martok. The most troubling thought was that this woman had been granted the password for the encrypted subspace channel they shared, and as far as Jien knew, only Martok would have been able to lift the encryption.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #12
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie Hellcat] Attn: @Josie, @Blue Zephyr, @Auctor Lucan

Daniel smiled inwardly to himself, a Klingon warship of that caliber hunting the Orion Syndicate was overkill, and most Syndicate vessels weren’t a match for a Bird-of-Prey.  Besides the fact that the Klingon was obviously lying; it couldn’t be a coincidence that they’ve been hanging around an abandoned Klingon base and a Klingon warship shows up.  As much as he just wanted to open fire on them he realized that might not be the best idea, he needed to make sure that the away team had time to complete their objectives and the longer he could stall this Klingon the more time they had to complete said objectives.

Daniel decided to play into the lie a little bit.  “Well Captain it seems that we have mutual interests.  We’re from Starbase 84, under the command of Captain Ian Hawthorne.  My wingman and I are on a long-range patrol of this sector when we also detected Syndicate signatures.”  Daniel stated, his turn to lie now.  “I’ve sent word to Starbase 84 and they’ve sent the USS Chester who should be arriving shortly, maybe the three of us could search for the Syndicate pirates together.”  Daniel said.  He was hoping that the Klingon would keep up his end of the lie but if he didn’t he was ready for the inevitable attack, though he realized that they didn’t stand much chance against the larger Klingon warship, the smaller fighters that they were launching they could likely take on just fine but Klingons weren’t known to just sit and watch.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #13
[Zyrao Natauna | Ready Room | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl]
@Auctor Lucan

It worked.

Zyrao grinned, sometimes people made it exceedingly easy for her to do her job.  A quick chat with the big man and she had figured the best word that would likely be the key to the encryption.  It had worked and soon, she could see the little bars on the screen that meant it was establishing a connection.  She hoped that she could do this quickly and without the notice of the crew of the Hakkarl.  She waited for the connection to be made, the little bar slowly moving across the screen.  She did not much care for how she looked.  It was unimportant.  She was not here for a dating service, to establish a mate, or to woo the Captain of the other ship.  Physical appearance would do less than her words would and it was those she was currently going over in her mind.

How to approach the Captain.

According to Martok, the Captain was on the run from the Federation, but inaccurately accused.  Clearly, the Captain had not gone and allied with the Romulans.  Which was good, Zyrao could stomach many things, but the Romulans weren't high on the list of the things she wished to be tackling today.  She had a feeling though, that Martok was right.  The tone in the message that was sent earlier, seemed calm, informative, and to the point.  Seeking aid, not a battle.  The problem lay in the fact that Drex was a man addicted to the scent of blood underneath his fingernails.  He was the sort to enjoy the mere thought of going down in a bloody battle of honor and strength.  The true Klingon way.  Even if it was a less than honorable way to attain the fight in the first place.

A small chime sounded on her computer and the grey eyes shifted to the screen to see a woman.  Zyrao was not exactly surprised, but in a way, she was, though her face heavily school against showing such a thing.  The woman sat there was likely equally surprised, and was probably expected that her call would be from Martok and not a woman that she had never met.  That was okay.  Surprise was good.  Surprise caught people off guard, and likely they were at least momentarily willing to listen. 

She needed to make her first statement worthwhile.  Gain the woman's interest.

The woman spoke first.  Identifying what Zyrao already knew, but she was ready to play the game.  To enjoy the ride.   This was how one should live a life.  Moment to moment, choosing the best decisions as one went along.  Making sure that it was the choice with least regret.  The woman was quick, to the point, it was refreshing.  Luckily, she is not male, she would have gone on for minutes.  It's rather a tiresome scenario.  Zyrao sat up slightly in her seat, she was clearly comfortable where she was and with whom she was.  Not a single flicker of indecision reigned on her face or in the striking grey eyes that studied the Captain through the screen on her console.

“Greetings from the IKS Hakkarl, Captain.” Zyrao said smoothly her voice steady and true as she spoke.  “I am Zyrao Natauna, Strategist for the Hakkarl and for the Klingon Defense Forces.  I fear you have a mole and traitor in your midst.” she stated calmly, her eyes never once leaving the Captain's.  She was not afraid, not even really nervous.  If Drex got mad at her, she could fight him.  She'd been dying to scrape her bat'leth against his body for years, yet he had only fought her from time to time and always called it before it could get to the good parts.  If this didn't work, then she could always forward the transmission to Martok, but she was fairly certain she could take care of it herself.

“Curiously, does the name Hi'Jak come with any... “ she tilted her head back and forth for a second.  “..recognition?”

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #14
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr 
The woman's name did not surface in her memories, and Jien would not break eye-contact to pull up whatever she could find in the database. Whoever it was on the screen, it was evident that the away team at SuD Lang was compromised. It sent a cold shiver up her spine, and aside to the survival of the team, the dilithium alone was key to the entire crew's survival and the continuation of the mission. Carrigan had warned her about trusting the Imperial operative that had come aboard from Starbase 84, but she had seen the opportunity to let this Junior Lieutenant Hi'Jak prove his loyalty, and to use his connection to the Klingon Empire in order to reach Martok. It remained unclear how the woman on the screen had actually lifted the encryption, and there was too little time to delve into how she might have done it. Either she actually spoke for Martok - him not able to affiliate himself with Ives - or she was acting on the behest of someone else's interests. Could it be her own?

Jien had no way of knowing if the woman had actually heard the message she had left with Deputy zh'Wann. She could but assume the worst, and sort out her priorities. "What has become of the rest of my away team?" she asked, keeping her tone civil. Like steel sheathed in silk. "I have no interest in exposing the Empire's deceit in maintaining a hidden Klingon base in the Azure Nebula. My ship and crew needed dilithium crystals from your outpost on the moon, and I sought to reach High Chancellor Martok, to tell him about the conspiracy involving Starfleet Command."

Captain Ives wanted to rise to her feet, lean closer to the screen and make unveiled threats about what might happen if the Empire turned against her, about secrets she knew, yet Jien had been a diplomat for far too long, and she was in no position to make promises she couldn't keep. She could not end the repairs of the Theurgy in order to respond to the situation at the Coreless Moon. She could send more fighters, but they were too far out to make any difference. What she said, instead, was something she hoped the woman could take to heart. It was a gamble, for Jien did not know her. Still, it was all she could do to save the away-team.

"I know not if my message was clear enough, but there is a rot spreading from within the Federation. If you are the strategist you claim to be, I ask you to see the larger picture. If the Federation falls, where will that leave the Klingon Empire once Donatra's rebels are dealt with?" she asked, clenching her jaw. "The Praetor will eventually wipe them out. It's only a matter of time. Because Martok recognised Donatra's claim, the Praetor will turn on you next, and she will put the might of the entire Romulan Star Empire behind an invasion of Klingon space. Moreover, you should know that it is the Treaty of Alliance with the Federation that has kept the Romulans from invading you already. You are not Klingon yourself, so perhaps you can be objective, and see how the Klingon Empire is no match against Romulus."

Now, she paused for emphasis, and leaned forward a little - eyes unblinking. "The crew of my ship alone knows the truth about Starfleet Command, and we need the dilithium on that moon. If my away-team doesn't make it back with enough of those crystals, our voice will fall silent, and the Federation will be none the wiser about the usurpers in Starfleet. Put aside your pride, and know that if the Federation falls, the Empire will be next."

OOC: @Josie is next in the situation outside the Ready Room. I will post with Drex after that. :)

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #15
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission ] Attn: @Havenborn, @Auctor Lucan, @Blue Zephyr
Rini could tell that Captain Drex was a bit of an.. asshole in her opinion, and that it was likely to be really difficult to bullshit him. With the fighters that she and Daniel had, it was likely that it could give them a good idea from whence they came - especially her one, which was a prototype.

So she blinked in surprise and swore in response. "Wow, Daniel. You have some big brass balls there."

Adjusting her fighter's comms to do a tight-beam, she sent a message to Knight, "Honey Badger - I hope the Lieutenant knows what he is doing, but I have his back.. My newer fighter might make this difficult. Please let the LT know when he's off channel."

While Daniel and the Klingons chatted, Zrinka began plotting various attack runs on her computer and trying to figure out how long on the optimal route it would be to get to the moon.

She knew that type of ship the Klingons had, and there were some weak-points that could be taken advantage of if they got in close. It wouldn't stop the ship or cripple it, but it might given some Klingon engineers a few hours of work - the best that they really could do.

OOC: Husband is doing better - physically and mentally. And I arranged a deal with the psychologists & the jail warden on something to help out with my husband & the inmates, which tok up time between hospital visits & stuff. As of Monday, my studio & I will be running some bi-weekly yoga classes in the open-air yard on a trial basis. They will have plenty of guards for our safety.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #16
[Zyrao Natauna | Ready Room | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl]
@Auctor Lucan

The Captain seemed like a stern woman, someone that took no nonesense, but likely, gave none either.  Someone that Zy could easily respect.  Someone that she could find herself following if the cards laid out correctly.  Zyrao did not mince her words, she did not believe in deceit without good reason.  She liked those that were honest.  The ones that were hones were the ones that would enable her to give respect.  She did not respect those that could not embrace who they were and what needed to be done.  This Captain had the aire that stated it was exactly the way that she was.  Zyrao had met many captains in her past, but very few of them were women of this caliber. 

At the mention of an away team, Zy tilted her head, just slightly.  Away team, hmmm.  What does she think happened to them and why does she think that we are involved.  If she doesn't know their status, they are likely beyond her reach.  If that's the case, they could very well be on SuD Lang...If that's the case... and Drex wants to destroy it then he will murder the officers on board.  Innocent or not, lives will be unnecessarily lost.  Many thoughts were running through her mind.  Zyrao had been with the Klingon empire for a very long time, they were her home, her family. 

But, that didn't make them intelligent or right.

The Captain continued, Zyrao was just taking it all in, speaking very little but her mind was analyzing every tidbit of information that were given to her.  The woman spoke about how they needed dilithium cyrstals from the outpost and wanted nothing to do with the Klingon secret base out there.  Zy's lips quirked for just a brief second, it would be hard to see it, but the Captain was a wise woman.  The Strategist shifted in her seat as she listened to the woman saying that she wanted to talk to Martok because of the whole conspiracy with the Federation.  That must be what Martok meant, that the conspiracy about them going to the Romulans instead of being wrongly accused.

Zyrao said nothing of Martok. 

If she did so, then they would start to realize she had put herself as the middle man, and she most definitely wasn't ready for them to realize that.  The lovely grey eyes of the Strategist examined the woman, it seemed that she wished she could try to intimidate.  Zy could be wrong but she was very adept at reading people and she felt that there was some part of Ives that was holding back.  She almost wished that she wouldn't but it was all right, really, she was very much enjoying letting the Captain spew her information, it was the same thing she had done with Martok.  People liked to talk, and when you gave them nothing and let them just do whatever they wanted.  People tended to fill in the spaces with information and they didn't even realize it until it was too late.

One of the best strategies.

Captain Ives continued.  Talking about how the Romulans would be coming after the Klingon's next and that she should know they would not survive such a thing.  Zy gave a bit of a smirk.  She wasn't wrong.  If they took out the Federation, then they would come after the other powers of the universe.  She knew well enough about how powerful the Klingon's were and could be.  The Romulans would want to take them down so that they wouldn't have to worry about the warrior race turning against them.  And they would, eventually.  Klingon's held pride and valor above all else, but they were not about useless deaths.

The woman leaned forward, Zyrao didn't flinch, her grey eyes continued to study the woman as she told her that the Federation would fall unless someone did something.  The Theurgy alone knew exactly what was going on and they were the bearers of truth.  Without the dilithium that was on the moon, their voices would fall silent and the Romulans would be free to make a move with the corrupt Federation that was currently in place.

Zy's thumb stroked over her lower lip. 

I have this crew's life in my hands.  I can condemn her and them to a quick death, or I could help them.  Martok believed in her, believed that she was not corrupt.  There were few people in life that she would trust no matter what.  Martok was one of them.  They trusted each other pretty stoutly.  She ran a single hand through her short hair.

“I will see what I can do.  I will speak to the Captain.  A pleasure, Captain Ives.” Zyrao didn't give much time for the Captain to say anything she ended the call and she rose.  She didn't need to say a lot, the woman understood that she would do what she could.  She was not Martok, and she was not the Captain.  But the Captain would never have taken Ives' call and he would not have done anything but taunt her into a battle that would soon destroy the Hakkarl.

There is a better way.

She straightened her uniform, signed Drex out of the computer system so that he would not easily put anything together, and then she headed for the Bridge.  Zyrao was loathe to see the man, he was a good mark.  Someone that she could control here and there, so long as she made sure that he believed that it was his idea and not her own.  That was much easier than it should be.  She stood behind the door for a moment brushing another hand through her short hair she took a deep breath and tossed her shoulders back.  Casually she pushed the access button and strolled onto the Bridge.

It was ripe with activity, of course it was.  Drex had basically just declared war on a moon that would doom an entire ship full of people and possibly start the fall of the Federation.  Who am I kidding, it would be just the first step.  Sliding her hands into her pockets she walked over to the man in the center seat.  The blood thirsty man that she had spent a lot of time with.

“I would like to make sure the job is done right.” she stated to Drex as she came to stand beside him.  “Send me in a Raider.  You know that I can make this happen.” she looked over at Drex with her cool steel grey eyes.  Her hand slipped out of her pocket and lay against his shoulder.  “You want to send the best.  And we might as well make sure this gets done right.  We don't need any accidents, the moon is a liability for us, we need to take care of it.”

She didn't state how, or why, or what liability she was talking about.  It was easy and good to let him make assumptions.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #17
[ Captain Drex, son of Martok | Bridge | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl ] Attn: 1) @Havenborn 2) @Josie
Drex watched the man with the helmet on the viewscreen, this human that lied through his teeth right back to him. Drex curled his upper lip in a smile, Irkva already having called out the facts known about the second fighter, this prototype belonging to the Theurgy. Yet at the mention of the starbase, Drex fought the urge to laugh in the human's face. Word had already spread about the battle at this 'Starbase 84', the Federation starbase much too close to the Klingon border for such an engagement passing unnoticed. Details were lacking, but to the pilot's credit, the Chester had been listed among the ships engaged in battle.

Tonguing the back of his sharp teeth, Drex was at odds with himself about calling out the human, asking about the fate of the Chester in this very recent battle, or if he would play along with this pretence for a short while longer. At the forefront of his mind was the fact that Turg had said there were two more warp trails leading towards the moon, which suggested that the two Federation fighters in orbit weren't alone.

In the end... wasn't it so, that he had nothing to loose in playing along? He could destroy the lying pilot and his companion at any time, so why not toy with them a bit? After all, he had the upper hand, and more options than the two pilots that faced the Hakkarl. He still hadn't heard back from the Empire, but since he had time on his side as well, he might as well get his orders to destroy them sanctioned by his Admiral. Surely the leaders would see the boon in destroying fighters that hailed from the Theurgy too.

"I have two dozen Phantoms out already, so feel free to join them in the search of this sector," he said, baring his teeth in a grin. "In the meantime, I will launch another dozen to search the surface of this moon for any hideouts. If we find any, my orders are clear..."

There was no mistake in his tone about what would happen. He returned to his command chair and seated himself. "As long as you don't get in our way... more eyes are always welcome. The Syndicate scum are a... tricky lot to rout out." After he said this, still smiling, he glanced towards Turg and ran his thumb across his own throat. The transmission to the Gryphon fighter was cut.

This was when he heard footsteps behind him, and Drex saw that Zy had already emerged from his Ready Room. Recent memories what they had done in there flashed before his eyes as he grinned to her, wondering if she also saw how cleverly he had treated the two Theurgy fighters. Their only choice was to either continue the charade to buy time and wait for reinforcements, or try and defend the moon at their peril. What Zy said, however, surprised Drex. Her touch on his shoulder, however, settled it. He'd let her play. It was hardly like she'd be in any danger with so many Phantoms launched.

"Fine," he said, a fleeting thought going to asking her what had taken her so long, but he reckoned she had just needed to... recover a bit from how thoroughly he had pleasured her. "Our base down there is named SuD Lang, and its somewhat of an embarrassment to the Empire. Make sure the raiders you lead destroys it completely. Be aware, the human you saw on the screen and his companion are from the outcast ship named the Theurgy. The Federation will be pleased to see them dead, so there is no need to spare any torpedoes if you happen to detect more of them down there. Starfleet would just commend us for it." He gave her a grin, showing sharp teeth. "I'll have you beamed down to the Raider Bay. Turg. See to it."

"Aye, Captain," said Turg, keying up the transporter system.

"I'll see you here when it is finished, Zy." Drex reached out to pat her rear where she stood at his side, drawing the jealous eye of Irkva at the helm, yet his eyes were for Zy alone. "To celebrate."

Then, she dematerialised - vanishing in a shower of light.

[ Raider Bay | IKS Hakkarl ]

In front of Zyrao Natauna sat a NIyma raider with its wings folded up, and the cockpit compartment opened. Two Klingons were listening to new orders in there, and in unison, they looked towards the El-Aurian next to the raider. One of them called down to her after they had been dealt their orders from the bridge.

"Strategist Natauna! We didn't know you cared to lead us raiders in battle. Waqbogh Squadron reporting, all riders ready. The seat is up here with us. Tugh, we're launching now! "

Waqbogh Squadron had already primed their engines for launch, the roar loud in the bay as all raiders were waiting for the lead raider to launch, which was the one that Zy stood next to. As opposed to the Federation pilot on the viewscreen just earlier, the Klingons wore no exosuits in the cockpit, their regular armour believed sufficient, which meant that Zy wouldn't have to get into any flight gear either. The third seat in the cockpit waited for her, and outside the bay doors...

...the Azure Nebula shone in all its terrible beauty, along with the dire choices that laid ahead of her.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #18
[Zyrao Natauna | Bridge | VoD'leh-class carrier IKS Hakkarl]
@Auctor Lucan

She could read his face like the many books that she owned.  Stacked neatly in her Quarters.  In rows, carefully categorized.  They were very important to her, each and every one, she didn't even let Drex touch them the few times he had been in her Quarters.  He had only tried once, but she had distracted him with a bit of physicality and he was much more happy with that than an archaic collection of paper written in languages that he could not understand.  Most of the time they were together in his Ready Room, his Quarters, or .. well.. where ever he was feeling like he needed a release.  Zyrao was not the sort to be shy, she had long ago let go of any sort of modesty.

She was glad that the war behind his eyes did not rally for long.  Perhaps it was her touch, perhaps it was his mislaid trust in her.  Truthfully, were he not a supreme example of eternal intelligence lacking and rash decisions she would have been more than happy to stay where she was.  She had grown very used to the Klingon way of life.  It suited her very well.  She wasn't the sort that needed to be coddled and given reassurances.  She was very confident in herself and her ways of life.  However, Drex had over stepped his bounds of the amount of stupidity she could handle.

This was on another level.

One that pushed her over a threshold she did not know existed until she had stepped over it.  Lying to his father, pushing diplomacy out the window, when it was clear that the Federation was struggling all for the thrill of blood.  It would do nothing to help anyone.  If he was going to take the Theurgy down it would have behooved him to make calls to the Federation itself and warn them of the arrival and location of the Theurgy.  But he instead, thought he could go toe to toe with the massive fully armed ship.  She for one, did not entertain the thought of being space vapor at this point in her life.  She was fine with dying, it did not scare her in the slightest.

He gave her a run down.  She pretended to be listening, and it wasn't completely a lie, honestly.  She was listening to his words, his tone, and the way that he was greedy for her to be part of taking down the Theurgy crew.  She looked at the screen where the face of the pilot that he had been talking to had been.  The Theurgy was a large ship, and while torpedoes weren't going to be misplaced if she took down some of the fighters she knew for a fact she would not live long.  Once the Raider started shooting at the Theurgy and making their crew diminish even slightly they would be seen as enemies.  It would be a full on war. 

He told her that he would beam her down to the Raider bay and she gave him a quick nod.  He popped her on the ass, the hard muscle underneath only jolting slightly beneath his hand.  She hated when he did that.  It was highly degrading and she had suffered such moments many times over the years and there were sometimes, like now, that it felt out of place and made her Bat'leth finger twitch.

I will be the death of you one day.. she promised internally as she felt the tingle of the transportation technology taking her away.  Not before she noticed the jealous glares of the Helms officer.  The one that had been pining for Drex and his attention and yet, he had chosen to bed someone that wasn't even remotely Klingon in anything but demeanor. 

[Raider Bay | IKS Hakkarl]

Zyrao was not a huge fan of transportations.  She would much prefer to propell herself to her destination without having to deal with technology and the sheer chance that atoms of her person could get lost in translation.  While there were safety protocols and what not she did not put it past someone to alter the system enough that she could get lost in it. I t would probably be the best way to take her out since very few could master her in fighting.  There were some, and she thrived on fighting with them.  She enjoyed being beaten, learning, honing her skills.  Beating others honed their skills but it was a bore for her.  Both challenging in their own, separate ways.

The raider was directly in front of her position.  She took a deep breath filling her lungs with air before she let it out.  Shrugged her shoulders back and moved leisurely into the Raider.  There were already two Klingons in there, she recognized them.  She ahd been with this crew long enough to know most of it.  She might not know all their names, but she did know their faces at the very least.  She slid into her seat.  Giving the Klingons a grin.

“I thought I would like a bit of action tonight.  Lets enjoy ourselves.  Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!” she said with her fist raised to the men.  As the cockpit closed and they began to head out of the Raider Bay she could see the beauty and majesty of the Nebula.  Her eyes were already moving from her seat.  Watching how the fighters were, where their positions were.  What she could gather from it.  She was going to have to make some hard decisions and they were going to change the course of her life no matter what she chose.  She would either die this day, or she would change sides in a temporary war.

I have a feeling I will not be returning. she thought to herself as she shifted to be comfortable in her seat.  She didn't secure herself in her seat because she didn't want to be constrained when and if she needed to make a move quickly.  Sometimes, that had to happen and right now she had a sinking suspicion that it was going to happen here.  In her gut, she had already made her choice, but she hoped that Drex would come to his senses. 

Though she knew he would not.  He thought himself Klingon, more so, he thought himself the bravest Klingon there was.  That he would single-handedly create a name for the Empire.  That name would be his death, and nothing more.  She would not let such a simple minded Klingon be her death.  Not in the least.

She didn't say anything, right now she was taking it all in, and watching.  When the time to strike came, she would know and she would move then.  If she moved too soon she would be taken out by Drex or one of the ship crew.  She needed to be far enough away that they could not intervene easily and close enough that she could ping the Theurgy.  She could still ping the Captain, when she took over the Raider, that was her current plan. 

The Encryption would keep everyone out of seeing what she was doing.  It was the best method.  Now was a waiting game.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #19
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie Hellcat] Attn: @Josie, @Blue Zephyr, @Auctor Lucan

Daniel betrayed nothing in his lie; he was a professional soldier and commander, and he had led men and women into combat knowing that they would die.  He had honed the art of lying so as to keep morale high, this lie was to save those down on the moon.  “Understood Captain Drex.”   Daniel said, he wasn’t happy that there were now more potentially hostile bandits in the aerospace but there wasn’t much he could do about it currently.  As the channel closed he heard Knight from behind him.  “Honey Badger wants you to know that she’s got our back, she’s worried that her Mark-III will cause us problems however.”  Daniel nodded.  “I was hoping that Captain Drex would have inquired, I was going to say that our squadron was mixed and we had both Mark-II and Mark-IIIs, but he didn’t ask so we’ll have to assume he knows we’re lying and he’s playing along with our lie.”  Knight acknowledged him.  “So Daniel, what do we do now?”  Knight asked him.

Daniel thought it over for a moment then spoke.  “We split up, we’re going to try to get a word down to our people on the surface by following the Phantoms that are heading to the moon, while Honey Badger keeps an eye on the other Phantoms.”  Daniel said, he didn’t like having to split up but he didn’t really have very many options.  “Splitting our forces could be dangerous but you’re in charge.”  Knight said behind him.  “I know, but it’s not like we have much choice, open a channel to Ensign Agaixot.”  He said as he heard Knight acknowledge him.

“Honey Badger, fall in formation behind the Klingons, keep an eye on them but do not engage, if they engage you withdraw back to base.”  Daniel said, he knew that her fighter wasn’t going to be a match for all of the Phantoms and better for her to fall back and live another day then die in vain.  As soon as his message was sent Daniel watched for the new Phantoms launched from the carrier and moved to join them.  “Knight, hail the lead fighter.”  He said as he heard the communications channel open.  “Phantom Lead, this is Gryphon Lead, we’re falling in formation with you.”  Daniel said over the comm.  He heard Knight switch to their personal helmet communications channel.  “Daniel, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”  Daniel said nothing as he typed a message to Knight to inform the away team as soon as they were in communications range about the incoming threat.

Knight quickly cycled through the range of communications bands until he found one that he was sure the Klingons likely weren’t using.  He typed in a text message, ‘Buddy Spike inbound, immediate tactical withdrawal is recommended.’  Then he set the communications receiver to auto-send as soon as they were in range of the away team.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission

Reply #20
[Zyrao Natauna | Klingon Raider] 

It wasn't easy, flying in a debris field this massive and large.  The whole area was heavy with the floating debris.  Small and simple things could set the debris spinning in different ways.  You could not count on them not to move, and even then there were some tight spots that you could not really avoid being touched by the debris.  The small shields on the Raider were taking a beating, her eyes constantly darted to the klingon text that displayed the varying status of the small ship that held her life in it's hands.  She was not going to die here, not at the hands of Drex and certainly not at the hands of the smooth headed dick holes that were in front of her flying the thing.

“Be careful.” she said from her seat behind them.

“Don't worry Strategist, this is all normal for such a field.  We are Klingon!  We will persevere!” 

Zyrao was glad that she sat behind them, because the roll of her eyes was probably loud enough to hear.  There were times for Klingon bravado and there were times that she wished they would remember that while honor was fantastic and being remembered after death was all well and good you were dead and could do no more.  You were exactly that last moment in the minds of the people around you.  While you might be brave, that was all you were, and all you would be remembered for. 

Zy wanted more.

“I'm not dying in this death trap.” she said with a sigh lacing her words.  Exasperation at it's finest.

“We will not die this day, but even still, today is a good day to die.”

It took all her self control not to put a phaser round in the back of his head.  Only because, she didn't think she could navigate the debris field any better.  Another piece brushed against the shield causing the Raider to jolt slightly to one side.  Zyrao had been through so much pain and torture in her long life.  Her body a walking reminder of her past.  The Klingon tattoos, the tattoos she had been given in the Gladiatorial ring she had been a part of.  This was all on her body along with the scars.  She would never forget her past, and she was fine with that, but she would not let these two Prideful men take her out. 

She needed a salvation.

A catalyst for her next moves.

“The fighters are moving in.”

“We should take them out of play now.  No need to wait.” said the second Klingon.

“That's idiocy.  Drex did not give you that order.” Zyrao said nastily as she sat behind them wondering if it was really the smartest idea she had to sit in a Raider with these two at the helm.

“Drex will appreciate initiative and taking down Starfleet, it is the blood wine to a good Targ Steak.”

Zyrao let a long slow breath out.  “Sure and when you start an all out war and the Hakkarl gets destroys it'll be on your heads and I can't imagine that Martok will be kind and generous.”

Silence descended.  Blessed silence.  Then...

[Phantom Lead, this is Gryphon Lead, we're falling in formation with you.]

A slow grin crossed the Strategist's face as she heard the words coming over loud and clear from the speaker system of the Raider.  The Klingon's were about to answer, she could tell.  False bravado and probably something about shooting the engine's out of the ship.  Neither of which would help.

“I'll answer.” she said quickly before the Klingon's could push the button.  They shrugged, they were quite used to being bossed around by powerful women and she was one of the most powerful women on the Hakkarl.  She was the Captain's woman.  To piss her off meant you dealt with an angry woman and an angry Klingon.  So they didn't say much of anything.

“Gryphon this is Phantom...” she shrugged, might as well go with the code names given for expediency as well as full understanding.  “.. we copy.”

She didn't say what she really wanted to say.  That would give her and the plan in her mind away.  She had to be sneaky.  She pulled out a communication device and copied the comms destination from the Raider's main computer so that she could actually write to the pilot.  This Gryphon fellow.  She thought about what she wanted to say.  Her thumb brushing across her lower lip for a moment, while she thought about the best way to word this.  She needed to be quick, concise.  The man was flying a fighter and if he was worth his weight in dilithium he wouldn't have time nor the car to read a novel.

[Gryphon, Phantom Leader here, Drex is planning an attack, it is a trap.  I am in a prime position to help you and your crew.  I have spoken with your Captain Ives and promised to try to help.  Heed my warning, only by working together will we survive what is to come.] she sent this in text, so hopefully the incoming message would read to the leader and they could work together.  She hoped that he understood the reason for her secrecy and not reaching out with her voice.  [Further messages to this comm channel only.]

Ahead, the Coreless Moon loomed closer by the second - the depths growing darker.


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