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Topic: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow (Read 13416 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #75
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Deep dark pools of warmth seemed to gaze back up at Riley as Faye hovered her mouth over the girls chest. The desire there was quite strong, and it ate at Faye, curling about in the pit of her stomach. Too fast, too fast, you're being very bold, the voice in her head refused to be silent, but the betazoid equally refused to listen, to deny herself something happy in the sea of sadness she'd awoken in. That probably wasn't the healthiest choice, but she could feel a matching desire radiate off the nurse in her quarters. With the slight tingling on her lips from the brush of flesh to them, the dark haired beauty was not about to deny the impulses that were building.

"Good," she quietly stated, allowing her lips to brush that taut skin as she spoke the word. Careful fingers moved up, brushed along the nurses rib cage before settling down on her hips. Using her grip for support as much as control, Faye tugged Riley just a bit closer. She knew, deep down, that she wouldn't be up for much - she couldn't even get dressed earlier without getting winded after all. Not that I'll let it stop me. not tonight. She'd go as far as she was able then. Slow, and tender.

With that firmly in her mind she pressed her lips to the offered nub of flesh, curling them over Riley's nipple. A light kiss at first, then another, and another, each more amorous than the one before, ending with her tongue swirling over the nipple and her lips clamping down to suck, popping free and leaving the little pebble to glisten. A low moan bubbled up out of Faye as she sucked away, trailing kisses across Riley's chest as her thumbs rubbed circles against the petty officers hip bones, dipping under the hem of her uniform pants.

It was the first time Faye had been with a woman since being stationed at Khitomer. Then, it had been a quick, one night affair with a half klingon diplomatic aide stationed at the historic conference center. A true union of Federation and Klingon cultures, their tryst had been brief and - in true Klingon fashion - left them both bruised, blood and sated. While Faye had enjoyed the moment, and treasured the learning experience, she knew there was no way they would work out. Thankfully, the aide knew it as well, and in equally true Klingon fashion, the relationship (such as it was) was briskly ended.

All of that fluttered across Faye's mind in between sucking on one nipple and slowly licking up the swell of the other breast being offered to her. Not at all like that time she thought to herself, purring as she pulled away from the right nipple now and very, very pointedly met Riley's gaze, licking her lips and moaning softly.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #76
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

The moment seemed perfect and Riley was lost to the touch of the ensign as she felt the nimble fingers run along her rib cage before she settled her hand down on her hips. She pushed her chest up more needy now as Faye had tugged her a little closer as well. The idea of Faye not being able to dress herself properly, yet being able to do this, crossed her mind. A reminder that she shouldn't push the buttons of the Betazoid too far, that last thing they needed was her to relapse.

The idea quickly being washed away when Faye went for it. Her lips curling over the offered peak before the light kisses turned into more. The wetness and warmth of the muscle painting against the skin of the petty officer, followed by a suck that made Riley moan out in joy before Faye popped loose. The cool air relatively quickly swept in and only made the nipple ache a bit as it hardened even more by the atmosphere. Riley allowed the diplomat to roam more kisses over her chest as her fingers were making her loins ache with desire. She could feel them dipping down the hem of her uniform pants and Riley ever so slightly raised her hips a little to allow the diplomat to reveal more.

The left breast was lavished with equal attention before popped loose from that one as well. Her face slowly coming back into view as she licked her lips and moaned ever so softly. Riley gently placed both her hands against the face of the diplomat, her fingers open as they cupped a bit behind her ears before she leaned in and kissed Faye full on the lips. Each kiss more passionate as after a few kisses, her tongue darted out to lick Faye's lips before teasingly prodding to gain entrance in the mouth of the other woman. She wanted to taste her, completely...

On hand slowly ventured over her cheeks down her neck. She felt up the structure of her skin, muscles and bones as she trailed her left hand over the shoulder of the diplomat before sinking down her chest. She felt u the swell of the other woman's breast before giving it a gentle squeeze, hands running further down to reach underneath the fabric of her clothing.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #77
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Those eyes grew wider, and wider, still smoldering dark, as Riley's fingers moved across her lightly golden skin. Her lips parted when the tips of the nurses nail crazed behind those ears, a shiver running down her whole frame. Briefly a soft, rolling moan bubbled up, but then there were soft, delicious lips crashing down onto Faye's mouth, muffling the noises she made. Pressure on her lips, wet, warm, demanding entrance, parting them with ease, and then their tongues were dancing and the darker haired Betazoid was falling back, taking Riley with her, fingers still hooked on the hem of those pants, using them to keep her new found lover pressed closer to her.

An almost intolerable yearning built in Faye's chest, something cracking inside, as the kiss deepened and the diplomat gave herself over to her partner, to their shared desire. Her walls crumbled, and she picked up on the need coursing through Riley, feeding her own. She sensed, before she felt, the impish impulse in the other woman, before fingers tips moved to squeeze against Faye's restrained perky breast. The cloth denied her the joy of skin to skin contact but the attaché felt her eyes go wide and a whimper escape all the same.

"Riiilllley~" She managed to get out before those sweet lips stole her breath away again. Her fair skin began to flush, darkening in color as her hips rolled up to press against the nurse now mostly atop her. A few more tugs, and Faye had Riley where she wanted, her hands sliding around that waist band to fumble at the clasp. She wanted the nurse out of everything, right then right there, and knew deep down that the brunette was eager for it as well. But she also sensed, deeper still, that mantel of a healer, determined to care for her charge. That urge to protect melted Faye, and she rolled up again, pressing as much of her body to Riley as she forced those uniform pants open, the sound of a zipper pulled apart cutting into the noises the two women made.

Eventually though, Faye broke the kiss, her head lulling back into the crook of the couch. Those hands still reached out, holding Riley's pants open, catching a glimpse of the panties underneath. Darting up, along the bare body, to the nurse's face, Faye moaned again, licking her lips visibly once more. Despite the sports bra and the tank, her own nipples were tight little peeks, clearly visible under the darkened clothes she wore, and her breathing was slowing back to normal, even as her pulse raced. All the reasons she shouldn't do this were long forgotten in the moment, as she let go of the pants and slid her fingers along the swell of Riley's stomach. In that moment, the only regret she had was that she couldn't let Riley feel what she herself felt.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #78
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus  

The entrance to the mouth of Faye was easily granted and Riley took her time to explore the warmth of it as their tongues collided and fought out a small battle for dominance. It would be fair to say that neither party won or lost as the muffled moans and groans from both parties were silenced. Patterson could feel the shift in balance as they french kissed and dropped forward against Faye as she sunk into the couch a bit. The hands of the diplomat still holding on to the hem of her pants.

The kiss broke slowly and Riley licked her lips as she pulled back a bit to get some air. When she heard the diplomat call out her name, she grinned before she seized the space between them once more to kiss her. The audible click was heard when the claps of her pants were zipped opened and Riley wiggled her hips out of the pants, her underwear still on her body, yet shifted out of it's original position.

Every now and again Patterson could feel the hips of the diplomat roll up against her own as the need to melt into one another became bigger and bigger. The muffled sounds between them only becoming more frequent as the nurse noticed the peaks under the clothes of the ensign. She started to tug at the clothes of the woman underneath her. She needed to feel her skin against hers and the fact that the diplomat was far too weak to participate in such lusts were pushed to the extremities of the nurse's mind.

The kiss was broken once more when Faye's fingers trailed down the swell of Riley's stomach, the fingers slipping under the uniform pants, yet also under the fabric of her underwear. It didn't take long for Faye to feel that stripe of hair, leading the way for the warmer moister core of the nurse. Riley looked into the dark eyes of her lover as she pushed herself up a little, granting Faye the view of Riley's body and where her hand was going.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #79
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Long gone were the mental warnings of 'too soon, too fast,' replaced instead by the deep seated desire to touch what had once been seen and was now being so freely offered. Stupid of her, perhaps, but she was willing to pay any price for that after the fact. Faye latched onto that burning need for contact, for reassurance in the cold dark night of space and the wake of all the horror she'd learned of before. Sunk her emotional claws into the waves of desire and curiosity she felt rolling off her current paramour, and basked in that warmth like a cat, stretched out in a ray of terrestrial sunlight.

In practicality, that lead to Faye arching her back upwards, practically thrusting her chest at Riley when the woman attacked her clothes, pushing the tank and bra up out of the way. Her breasts felt slightly cool for a moment, the heat from them fading into the air, and her darker, dusky nipples were just as taut as the half hidden peeks had suggested. Up close it was easy to see that her well defined globes were somewhat smaller than Riley's, but had a nice heft to them all the same, a pleasant perkiness that demanded attention. They were perfectly framed by the bottom band of the sports bra, having been pushed up over the top of her tits, drawing a firm line across her collar bone.

But to be fair, Faye wasn't as concerned with her own personally exposed state (Betazoid's and their lack of physical modesty) and more so with the state of the nurse straddling her. Giving up all pretense of not starring - because she knew how much Riley wanted her to stare just then - Faye's obsidian gaze dropped  to follow her hand as she twisted it around a bit, flattened her palm, and let her fingers follow the father soft downy hairs hidden mostly from view. She slid along the trail, delighting in the texture of that happy little tuft, until her breath hitched and she let out a low gasp. The fine hairs gave way to a different, warmer texture, soft petals under her fingers.

With a dexterous ease that belied the fact that Faye was not at 100% by any means, the diplomat hooked her thumb up and over the hem of Riley's panties, pushing them down slightly as her hand trailed south. Her fingers danced, so gentle at first, over the folds she felt there, before she carefully parted them, spreading the flesh under her hand, then rolling her palm down over the other girls sex. She closed her fingers again as the tips reached the bottom of those precious folds, squeezing upwards against Riley's slit, covering it with her hand. Her thumb caused some of the fabric to dig and rub against the sensitive flesh, and Faye could just see the tips of that strip of pubic hair poking up above the line of her arm.

"Good?" She asked, her voice husky, already knowing the answer.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #80
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

With the exposure of the flesh to the nurse, Riley felt the skin on skin contact of their chests against each other.  Their breasts grazing against one another before she looked down to view the slightly smaller globes. She smiled a little and kissed her way to them, starting at Faye's neck, chin, back down her throat and over the pushed up clothing to the perkiness that begged for her attention. Riley didn't waste any time with them as her warm, tongue caressed over the skin, encircling the darker nipples before swirling around them and planting her lips against them. She moistened them, each in turn before pulling back and letting the cool air do it's work.

There was little time to savor the victory of turning Faye on when she felt the Betazoid's flat palm traveling further south. It sent a tingly surprise through her body and Faye closed her eyes to enjoy every bit of it. Her breathing hitched and her mouth formed an O-shape as the hand went further and further. She could feel her fingers over her aroused lips, slipping over them, causing her to moan softly.

It didn't take the diplomat long to push down the panties of the nurse, granting her even more access now as she tugged them down. This wasn't exactly new territory for Riley, yet it had been quite some time ago. Her eyes rolled around behind her closed eyelids as Faye parted the sensitive lips before rolling her palm over it. It caused for the pretty girl to push her hips into the hand, craving for as much contact as she could with it as she mewled in pleasure. Yet Faye wasn't done as she continued with the enhanced pleasuring of the nurse. She could feel how damp the nurse got by her actions and the question she posed was pretty much answered by her low groan while her pelvis rocked against her hand.

Regardless Riley nodded quickly, not stopping before she opened her eyes and was almost at the verge of begging for more "Very..." she replied softly as she wanted Faye to be pleased as well. Her heart pounding in her throat as this situation had escalated rather quickly. From bringing her out of Stasis to being pleasured by the same woman in just hours. Riley couldn't really believe it as she rested her forehead against Faye's. She tilted her head so she could kiss her lover, eagerly and hungrily claiming her lips as her hips grinded against her hand for more attention.

Her hands roamed over the diplomat, tugging at the tank and sports bra, wanting to free Faye from any clothing she was still wearing on her upper body. Yet at the same time she wanted to free the diplomat from her pants and underwear. However everything at it's time she imagined as Faye was driving her mad with desire already while on the outside the Betazoid looked rather calm herself.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #81
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

There was something incredibly arousing about literally holding a woman's desire in the palm of one's hand - or so Faye managed to think, between panted breaths and heated kisses. Her nipples were hard as the rocks that made up the fabled Janaran Falls, Riley's devious attentions leaving her wanting more, so much more, as the coolness of the air caressed the wetted nubs. The nurse may have thought Faye to be calm and collected, compared to the rolling desire that came off of Riley, but the diplomat was anything but inside. Breathless, flushed, and so needy. With the nurse concentrating on Fayes top, she'd be unable to see - until they came off at least - the pooling heat between Faye's legs. The way that dampness spread, darkening the panties she wore, hidden by the shorts entirely.

Nothing was hidden from Faye however. Not physically, as she felt the dripping heat on her palm, and rubbed it in turn back into those precious folds; nor visually. She could see the thin strip of pubic hair every time she slide her palm back down, letting her finger tips brush the space behind Riley's sex, tickling that between space, before dragging them back over the petals. And in her mind - well, Faye could feel that need build,that want for more, much more. If her hands weren't already so occupied, she might very well have thrown one across her forehead, so overwhelming were the sensations coming into her mind, assaulting her abilities. She let the wall crumble further, cracks spreading as the Betazoid's brain bloomed like her paramour's core.

She felt that amazement at how fast things were going, and how long it had been, but also how welcome it was. She felt that need to drive Faye (her) wild. And she felt that burning, ceaseless want for more, much more. And as the kiss broke, Faye sagged back and bit her own lip, eyes sparking with mischief. Bare-chested, her breasts rising up with each long breath, Faye spread her fingers, in turn parting those slick folds, and then eased the middle finger of that hand up. Her other hand moved to tweak one of Rieley's nipples, tugging it sharply, just before she pushed the first knuckle of her finger into the girls channel.

The moan that escaped Faye's mouth as she felt Riley's heat enfold her was downright lewd, and that thought made her giggle softly. "oh my, did I do this?" She was trying to tease the other girl but failed to realize how breathless her words sounded. What was meant to tease instead came much closer to a tone of wonder. Thinks had rapidly escalated, leaving better judgement and regulations far behind in a cloud of dust. Once again, she groaned out a soft, "Riley," as her own hips wiggled under the nurse. Her face was flushed, and soon a thin sheen of sweat would break out, but for the moment Faye had no intention of stopping.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #82
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Faye never ceased to stop the simple yet ever so gratifying movement of her hand against the sex of Riley. The nurse herself was surprised by how aroused and moist she got from the simple teasing of the Betazed woman. It was crazy that she was even doing this with her as a patient under her care. A new stifled moan left her lips as her hands ran from over Faye's sides over to her globes before scraping down the front of her body to her shorts. The fingers of the nurse hooked behind the two pieces of fabric that held the core of the woman hidden from her and she tugged them down eagerly, hastily and with a certain need.

Faye however made that simple task far harder than it would appear to be. The diplomat had spread her fingers and spread the petals of the lovely nurse as Riley felt the cool air caress her core. The eyes of the naked woman closing and tightly squinting them a bit as a new hungry moan escaped from her lips. The entire process became even harder when the middle finger of the diplomat dipped in to run through her. The legs of Patterson starting to tremble while her hips leaned in more to the touch of the other woman. Top top it over, Faye lashed out her attention to her nipples, and the eyes of Riley widened with a loud groan when Faye popped the first knuckle inside of her womanhood.

"Oh my, did I do this?"

The attempt to tease her was working perfectly for Riley, however her words were something entirely different as Riley looked down at Faye. A spark of concern went through her as she heard how breathless she had sounded, however, it was nothing compared to the pleasure the ensign was giving to her. In response, Riley pushed her pelvis down, moving Faye's finger deeper into her channel, as another knuckle was pressed passed her folds and the warm walls of the nurse hugged against the finger. The ensign could feel the wall tightening around the finger every now and again as Riley panted and bit her lower lip as she rolled her hips against her hand, almost riding her hand in a desperate attempt to get more pleasure out of it.

In the meantime her fingers hand finally managed to get a decent hold of the shorts and underwear Faye was wearing. The tug Riley gave Faye was one with a strong message behind it. She needed to get out of these clothes. Right now. She couldn't stand that she was completely nude while the ensign was still semi clothed, it wasn't fair really... Riley was impatient though as her hand didn't completely tug down the fabric and instead just snaked down under it and slid down the smooth skin in search for the warm core of the ensign.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #83
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Ens. Eloi-Danvers got her answer all right, in the way that Riley decided to take over. The nurse sunk down further, pushing Faye's finger deeper into her wet channel, eliciting a new wide eyed moan from the Betazoid. She could feel the need, the want - and the concern - boiling inside the nurse and it made Faye's pulse quicken in lust, and perhaps a hint of something more. Too soon to analyze she told herself, trusting her impressions of the nurse to guide her, and allowing herself to sink deeper into a haze of lust. Easily aided, of course, by the rocking of Riley's hips, grinding against the officer's hand.

Her palm flattened against Riley, teasing that finger in to the hilt of her hand, trapping it in the girl now fully speared on her probing digit. And probing was exactly what Faye did. As she felt those silken walls pulse around her, she curled the tip of her finger and dragged the pad across the roof of Riley's channel in a slow, teasing rub, back and forth, back and forth. Never really leaving the tight hole, Faye did her best to literally stroke Riley's fires, barely noticing as her own pants were jerked down.

Hips rose, making it just a bit easier, but with Riley on top of her, and the diplomat not being at full strength by any means, the flustered women could not get the shorts and underlaying orange panties completely off. But that left her girlfriend - girlfriend? undeterred, and suddenly it was Faye who was feeling fingers caressing that trimmed patch of fuzz, cut close to the skin. And then, as she let out a keening moan of want, and pushed up hard with her own finger, she felt the hand close across her damp slit.

"Oh yes, oh please," she whimpered, realizing she badly craved this connection. Thoughts poured in to Faye's mind, some of them Riley's, like the wonder at how long it had been for her to be with a woman, and some of them Faye's own, like the ideal question about Riley's preferences, and whether or not she aught to fully shave herself for that wedding lesson. It all seemed to buzz around in her mind, over and over, the same thoughts, the same observations, repetitive to the point of becoming a pleasing background noise of desire and curiosity, all to be sated upon the hands of the wonderful woman caring for her in every way.

Faye did the only thing she could think of, the only thing her instincts and desires would allow her in that moment. She leaned up and grabbed the back of Riley's head with her false hand, lacing her fingers into the lighter locks of hair, and pulling the woman down into a searing kiss as heat built around the hand trapped between her legs.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #84
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

Wit her slick sex trapping the finger of Eloi-Danvers in her, Riley though t things couldn't get any worse. How wrong she was when the Betazoid started to curl her finger against the roof of her core. Shock of pleasure pulsing through her entire body was the response as the hips of the nurse started to ride the flattened hands of the nurse even more. The feeling of pleasure only being amplified as the darker haired girl moved her finger back and forth without ever leaving her. If anything, Faye was fueling Riley's fires instead of putting them down.

In the meantime Riley got her hand where she wanted it, the response of the diplomat was to push her own digit deep inside of Riley and it caused for a needy moan from the nurse as she closed her eyes again and panted a little. Sweat was forming of her skin, causing her to glisten a little in the light of the nebula. She could hear the whimpering words of the ensign as her hand had traveled over the little bush and finally reached the moist heated core.

Riley returned the favor to Faye as she used her fingertips to brush over the clit of the woman, dipping over it to slide the tips of those fingers through the soft delicate lips. She ran them all the way through at a torturing low pace and once she reached the bottom of it, she lead them back up, applying just a bit more pressure as she felt her fingers turning more slicker. "Oops..." she teased before Faye pulled her in for a searing kiss.

Riley kissed Faye back with as much passions as she could muster, moans muffled together with groans as her hips kept riding the inserted digit in her womanhood. Riley deepened the kiss once more by slipping her tongue passed Faye's lips, rubbing her tongue against hers. Yet at the exactly same time, she inserted her own middle finger into the diplomat's heated channel. Pushing in knuckle by knuckle until she too had the finger dragged in to the hilt. A small grin decorating her lips as she kissed Faye more hungrily.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #85
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

There was a certain distinctive thrill that ran right up Faye as the tips of Riley's fingers slid down, and teased her clit. The little nub seemed to strive to keep contact, slick and prominent and electrified to the touch. The betazoid's dark eyes snapped wide, and her mouth made a silent little 'o' of delighted pleasure that quickly became a look of horrified glee as she remembered something key:

At the end of the day, Faye was ticklish, down below the belt. Her feet as well, and a few other places, but all that mattered then was that she was sensative and easily tickled in a rather intimate place. And that silent moan became a sharp  giggle, as her body squirmed up in reply to Riley. It wasn't bad, by any means, but it had been so long that the sudden shock of a gentle touch across those parted petals was enough to make her twitch and giggle, totally missing Riley's sweet, snarky little "oops". Then there were kisses being poured onto her mouth and the giggling moans became lost between the two women's mutual desire.

All those ticklish muffled squeals shifted rapidly into a muted, needy groan of pure wanton lust when Riley's finger rocked up into her. Those hips arched upward and Faye clamped down, hard as wet warmth blossomed around the invading finger. Riley pushed on though, tight cleching walls non withstanding, until the betazoid could feel her finger buried up inside of her own sodden sex.

Both women, in short, had each other in their mutual grasp, spearing one another, and both were starting to grind and rock in synch. All of her teasing of Riley had left the diplomat woefully unaware of her own dripping need until she had Riley sheathed inside of herself. The fire quickly began to build from there, heat engulfing her whole frame, or so it felt like to the lithe diplomat.

Letting her head fall back into the couch again, and allowing her finger to probe deep, Faye writhed under Riley, biting her kiss swollen lip. "gods, but you're beautiful, Riley," she whispered, loving the way the light played on the nurses sweat soaked skin, the desire sparking in her eyes, all of it lead Faye to voice what she was thinking. Which was followed by embarrassment, which she hid by burying he own glistening face between the girls breasts, nibbling and licking with a renewed enthusiasm.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #86
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

The ticklish response of Faye made Riley startle for a second before she had to laugh a little at her cute laughter. It didn't stop her in continuing her goal. The kissing helped and while the hips of Faye rocked up as Riley had entered her, the warm wet blossoming sensation that wrapped around her finger felt wonderful. Unlike Faye, Riley didn't go for a scraping action with her finger. She instead chose for a circular motion inside the warm soft sex. Her fingertip grazing along the walls before slowly being extracted in a spiral like way. Before her finger was out entirely though, she pushed it back in and repeated the notion over again.

The kiss was broken when Faye pushed her head back and the heat in Riley's body was tremendous. She sucked in some air as her body writhed and turned while her hips kept rocking against the hand of Faye. The whispering words of Faye only made Riley blush a bit more and the heat build up as well. "T-Tha-nk y-you..." came out of her lips in a broken and hungry moan. She chewed on her own lips for a second before she let out a ragged moan when Faye went up and started to nibble and lick at her breasts.

She felt pure pleasure now and with her free hand, she grasped the dark locks of Faye as she feasted on her skin. The sweat adding some extra flavor to it as Rile sneakily pushed in a second digit into Faye. She wanted the diplomat over the edge, her own orgasm building up far too quickly  by the actions of the diplomat and the fact that the touch of a women was ever so different of the touch of men. It was more subtle and Faye seemed to know exactly what places she needed to hit with that finger buried inside of her. She brought her face closer to Faye's ear and purred "I'm... s-so cl-ose.." she ended her statement with a nibble on her earlobe, sucking it as her second digit amplified the movements she produced within the diplomat.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #87
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

"Ah, ah, ahhhhh," Faye moaned, opened mouth, around Riley's tit as she began to pant louder and louder. She treasured the way Riley had moaned out her gratitude, right when Faye had went after the woman's nipples.  And now her whole body was shacking, luxuriously, as she felt fingers tugging her sweat soaked hair. She was glad that Riley had a larger chest than her, so that she could hide herself against it, sure that she looked am ess just then, full of wanton desires. Betazoids were not self concious about nudity at all, but this sort of intimacy could make the best of them sensative.

And right then, with Riley's mind open to her like a book, Faye was extremely sensative. The twisting, circular teasing inside of her core was different from how she usually attended to herself, but it was no less wonderful for that difference. She basked in feeling, knowing how close she was making Riley, how she was edging the other woman on, and how that in turn fed her own impending climax, adding fuel to the sweltering fire. Faye was sure that her new couch was going to be stained by the time they were done.

However, for all her vaunted telepathic abilities, she had no inkling what so ever that Riley was about to spread her wider. So when that second finger entered her, Faye managed to be caught unawares, and the moan turned into a new squeal as she was stretched around the second finger. "OHHHHHhhhh~ Riley," she mewled, eyes wide now, hips jerking faster and faster. A wet, slick noise filled the air, and Faye realized it was the sound of her core riding up and down on Riley's fingers. She pressed up harder in turn with her own digit, working her hand more forcefully, rolling it at the wrist so that her palm pressed to the girls clit.

Try as she might, she couldn't quite managed to convince her own hand to get a second finger into Riley. Instead, her fingers twitched about, sliding along the girls folds, teasing the space between Riley's slit and her bum, touching pretty much everywhere they could reach, but failing to find purchase. So all Faye could do, through the ever building wall of lust, was stroke Riley inside with her middle finger, scraping along that spongy spot she knew that both Betazoids and Terran's shared.

A new squeal burst out as Riley attacked her ear,, and Faye found her heart racing faster and faster at the revelation. She could feel it, that burning need between Riley's need, and it was something she loved about being a Betazoid. Haphazardly, she tossed her left arm back over Riley's shoulders, almost hanging onto the nurse as her own attentions began to grow erratic.

"Oh please, please oh please," she wailed out,  rushing head long towards the same end goal as Riley. "Please, please, don't hold back. Go. go, go for me, Riley, please, please please I want to feel you to hear you, oh please, with me please" Faye was babbling and pleading now, poised on the edge, giving into every repressed desire.
"so close, so close, Oh Riley, please."

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #88
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The squeal Faye let out when her tight sex was invaded by a second lean finger was priceless for Riley as she giggled through a moan. It had been an impulsive move, one that she didn't think through or rolled around in her head, so she imagined it must've come as a complete surprise for her. Yet she could tell by her hips jerking faster against her digits that she fully enjoyed it. The sound of her wet slick noise only added to that edge closer to their mutual orgasm as Riley bit her lip and felt the response of Faye on her actions.

The harder upward push of her finger stifled the giggle of Riley and turned into more of a crying moan as her legs clamped down against the hand of the telepath. She had been ever so close and was about to tip over as the movements of her hand only fueled that tipping point more and more. She wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. Faye had replied to her own climax nearing in the meantime, almost begging to push her over so they would reach a mutual peak. That time was now...

Faye was hanging on her shoulder which caused for Riley to insert herself as much as she could on the finger and hand beneath her. Her hips bucking violently now as Faye could feel the slick warm core of Riley contracting. A surge of bodily fluids pooled on her hand as she was not only teasing the inside of the nurse, yet also the skin just behind her sex while her palm and wrist had caused for the desired friction against her swollen clit.

In the meantime Riley didn't hold back as Faye requested, she pushed both fingers deeper inside of Faye and once they had been deep enough, she spread them as far as she could, stretching the walls a little while moving her fingers against those warm velvet walls up and down. Patterson closed her eyes as her breathing hitched, the flood of warmth rushing through her as she kissed Faye's neck and sucked it gently as she used the skin to muffle her own cry of pleasure. The lower body of the nurse bucking erratically as her breathing hitched as she had been pushed over that edge and pure bliss ran through her body.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #89
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

There it was...there it was! Faye could feel it, could feel Riley tensing, responding, giving into Faye's pleading and her own bodies desire. Her hips were sinking down onto the diplomats finger, her legs were termbling, her body was slick with sweat and her mind - oh by the gods what a beautiful, beautiful mind - Faye thought to herself, the pure bliss washing over her as Riley's fires were stoked.

And then they broke.

Riley latched onto Faye, her lips sucking onto the hollow of the darker woman's neck, and her legs trapped that hand, one finger deep inside. Flesh rippled and squeezed and the release that Riley succumbed to soaked Faye's hand. She could feel the heated surge pool and drip past her wirst and she bit her lip, hard, as stars threatened to blanket her view. It was everything she could do just to keep her finger working in Riley, as the sensations the other woman was broadcasting crashed down onto Faye's conscious. This, more than anything, was what Faye enjoyed about making love - feeling her partners release. She wished so deeply, as her whole world became heated and fuzzy, that she could share it in turn. But bonds like that, with non betazoids took time and whatever was blossoming in that moment was too new, too fresh.

Too overpowering.

As Riley sucked away at her neck and muffled those sweet cries, she also wrenched her fingers apart, spreading the diplomat wide from the inside. She felt the resistance of her own muscles crumble to the sudden force, again catching her unawares and shocking her, with rippling pleasure. Faye coiled up like a spring, her whole body locking onto that one burning point, and then split into a million pieces as the orgasms rocked throughout her frame. She seemed to shake apart around Riley, a heat burning from within, fed by one from without, like a warp core breach had detonated between her juice slicked legs. Her hips came right on up off the now drenched couch, and her head flung back.

Unable to bury her face against Riley, as the nurse had done for her, Fayes long, broken moan rang out to fill the small quarters, ringing off the duranium laced walls.  She clamped down tight on those invading fingers, milking them as hers had been milked in turn, her own wails of pleasure joining in with the nurses sweet mewling. She let out a stream of expletives and sweet nothings, all of it in her native tongue, rolling from her lips as she came apart, with mixed whimpers of "Riley," punctuating her convulsions. She slumped back down, body shivering uncontrollably, and clung to the nurse as consciousness threatened to leave her entirely. She couldn't focus, not her thoughts, not her vision, not even on controlling her breathing, simply panting and gasping as her whole body broke out in a fresh coat of sweat.

It was all so much, so sweet, so wonderful and heated, but too much, too too much. Had it ever been like this before? So swift? So deep. So fulfilling? No, It hadn't.

Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #90
[ PO Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

It seemed that it didn't take long for her paramour to reach the same level of pleasure as she did. The peak one could feel at a certain point when stimulated just right was something marvelous and as Faye seemed to shake apart against Riley, her head flung back and the loud ringing moan seemed to echo through the room. At some point Riley wondered if anyone could hear them outside the quarters onto the corridors, yet the idea quickly dispersed when Faye said things in her native tongue, her name popping up a few times before she slumped down.

Riley nestled herself against Faye and slowly guided her back down against her end of the couch so she could rest on top of Riley. That way she could still keep an eye on her instead of laying on Faye and possibly cutting off her air supply by the intensity of the feelings running to her. While doing so, she pulled her fingers out of the heated sex of the Betazoid. Her fingers slowly being brought to her mouth as she parted her lips and tasted Faye. She licked and sucked her fingers clean before she giggled and placed the blanket back over them as their naked bodies rested against one another.

"You alright? Warm enough?" she asked softly to ensign Eloi-Danvers as she pushed her brown locks out of her face and behind her ear as she calmed down herself from her high and just basked in the afterglow of it. Her eyes feeling heavy as a small nap could be appreciated. She was curious enough to ask how it felt for her, though she sort of got her answer to that. She refrained from asking so again as she toyed with the hair of the ensign.


Re: Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow

Reply #91
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Faye was finally aware of herself again as she was pulled down on top of Riley. Everything from the moment of the explosion of passion to then, had blanked out for the recently revived officer. She didn't remember her hand sliding away from Riley, and she had only the faintest of impressions from the other woman about something tasting good. When she eventually sorted through the tumultuous thoughts, she'd blush as she realized what it was Riley had enjoyed so thoroughly. But just then, she was still too punch drunk to really focus on much of anything, her right hand tucked in between the two of them, her left, dangling off the side of the couch.

It wasn't until she was nestled in against Riley's chest, and she could hear the nurses heart beat thudding away against her ear that Faye seemed to come back to her senses. She drew in a slow breath through her nose and nuzzled the slick skin  under her face. When she'd first been brought into her quarters by Riley, in that hover chair, the place had smelled antiseptic, sterile. Unused. But now, she could detect the odor of a heavy round of sex. Enthusiastic sense, as memory and emotion flooded back into her mind. The environmental controls would take care of that shortly. But as a result, the blush in her cheeks grew deeper, as did the smile on her list.

Dragging her false hand back up, she grabbed the hem of the blanket and pulled it just a bit further up her shoulder. She loved the color of it, she decided. The way it felt. And that it had been Riley that had selected it out of the replicator memory banks. With it settled over her shoulders, and the nurse stroking her cheek, Faye purred, deep and low. Or as close to a purr as a non felinoid could manage. Those dark eyes sprung open and darted up to meet Riley's blue orbs, and nodded, turning her head so she could kiss the nurse hand - tasting the faintest impression of her self on the girls palm.

Needless to say her cheeks became the color of her own uniform division as a few things settled into place.

Embarrassed, she answered, in a hushed voice, "I'm ...oh damn, there's no word for it in Standard," she huffed, smiling, "Closest I have is...overwhelmed with affection and contented. Exhausted and light headed, but...amazing. I just wish you could feel it too....feel what I'm feeling," she murmured. She knew how Riley felt.

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