Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland
Last post by RyeTanker -Zark happily looped her arms around Talia and Ida’s and practically dragged the two towards the fire that was starting to grow in size as other crew mates through various bits of flammables into the pyre. Definitely good times as she kept the smile fixed on her face while she nattered on “I haven’t seen snow in a while now and I forgot how much I missed it. I mean, this is a good size dusting by comparison to where I’m from back home, but one takes what they can get!” The vivacious Zhen bubbled on happily. “It’s really not that bad out here. Pretty close to when I would run outside naked when I was a kid.” Zark’s smile was dreamy while laced with a heavy admixture of mischief as she approached the bonfire.
“I’m sure those days are in the past and we won’t be seeing repeats now?” Ida inquired in an attempt to discourage her colleague from utilizing her exhibitionist tendencies.
Zark turned towards Ida and smiled back while bobbing her white eye brows. “But it’s so freeing to be clear of all this tight clothing.” Zark leaned in to brush her chest against Ida’s arm and the snow suit did very little to hide the figure underneath. Ida simply rolled her eyes and instead focused on keeping her painting supplies balanced.
As the group approached, Talia broke off to start warming herself up and the medic looked on in amusement and intrigue as the human did her best impression of being slow cooked by the fire. Ida busied herself with putting up the easel, then getting her self-warming palette out to put paints on. A crewman who’d appointed himself as waiter joined the group. “Can I get you ladies anything?” Zark smiled back as she began shaking out her hair. “One Betazoid mocha with a shot of tulaberry crème in it.” The waiter nodded as he punched in the item. “A ketheka with cream.” Ida simply answered as she checked on her case of paints. The crewman nodded once more and moved to see if Talia wanted anything to eat and drink.
After a fore more moments and satisfied at the setup, Ida decided to check on her subject. “Okay Zark, I’m ready…” The Deputy paused as she found medic lounging on a bench, one leg angled behind the other and her upper body twisted towards Ida. Her jacket was hanging around her elbows leaving soft blue skin exposed to the snow and elements as puffs of snow gathered in her long white tresses. One arm rested on top of a knee. Impossibly, she appeared to be only wearing a bikini top which looked ludicrously thin as a pair of small mounds could be seen poking out from her chest. The sultry look she was giving Ida told the painter everything the other Zhen was intending. “No arguing, you’d better get this look down quick so I can get dressed again or I’m going to sit here and let everyone ogle me till you start. And if you try to get me to cover up, we can have a fight, right here, right now.”
Ida opened her mouth to protest anyway. “You have a very questionable contact with the reality the rest of us are living in, and you can put some clothes on, or I can order you back to the ship.”
“Nah uh. Not happening. I told you, I haven’t seen snow in forever and I’m going to enjoy it.”
Whatever Ida was going to say next ground to a halt as the two Andorian’s turned their antennae towards the tree line as they heard a scream. A white clothed figure was scrambling out of the woods as fast as her legs would carry her in the deep snow. Dark brunette hair flailed away behind her as she’d lost he head covering. What in the hells? The two bickering Andorian’s simultaneously thought as they caught sight of the figure. Then they saw it, a charging black blur was chasing the woman with obvious hungry fell intent. Ida dropped her painting supplies and ran towards the fleeing figure knowing full well it would be too late, yet she had to try.
There was a sound of sliding metal and clicking behind her, then a loud crack rang out across the camp. Ida swore she felt the air split next to her head as a hot piece of metal flew past. It didn't stop the Deputy and she saw what was either a very good shot, or a very lucky one. Blue blood sprayed from the predator chasing the crewman and it tumbled head over heels for a moment as the bullet grazed its back. The beast eventually came to a stop on a cascade of snow before stopping once to snarl in the Andorian's direction then running back into the woods.
Ida stopped by the terrified crewman who was blabbering on about what had happened when she set upon by the beast. Her hands gripped the woman in the snow as she continued to scan the treeline when she heard the crunch of snow and looked up to see a cold faced Zark glaring at the woods. She didn't seem at all fazed by the predicament other wise as Ida noticed the medic holding an archaic Andorian rifle at low ready. Apparently the call to action had come first and quickly as she noticed the other Zhen's naked chest being barely covered by her jacket. "I think we have a bit of security issue here boss." Zark stated non nonchalantly as she continued to scan the tree line. Ida peered out into the woods and nodded. "Get dressed and loaded. We head out in ten."