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Topic: CH02: S [D06|0620] A Drone and A Wolf Walk Into A Bar (Read 6864 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #25
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner & ENS Jaya Thorne | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
(A Joint-Post between Triton and @Firefox013) Attn: Doc M, Multificionado & Masorin

Jimmy swiped the MacCutcheon bottle, its napkin, his glass  and the first available seat to drag it with him to escort Jaya, Because, despite his good looks and manners, Jimmy had grown used to offering one hand in friendship while arming the hand other in such a Sun Tzu-esque devotion to safety whenever coming into contention in the off-chance Gorn were susceptible to lens flares. At least when a monster and a maiden were concerned, Jimmy had to take the role of a knight; The cavalier in him wondered if that brute was the reason for Jaya's scars.

If so, Mariner would've taken Marquez's admonitions from theory into practice: women liked leather.

Still his own student of pragmatism, Mariner's seat found itself between The beauty and the beast, meeting the alerted but disbelieving regard of fellow Dominion War dragonslayer Garcia, though it was clear she would not get involved with his escapades. Especially when his hardly-opaque humor presented itself.

In an almost-offensively accurate Californian accent, Jimmy wore a demeanor as if he'd been easily impressed by a parlor trick he'd seen through. "Wow. With manners like that, Cowabunga, Dude." Jimmy regarded the Gorn as less of a rival for Jaya's attention and more of a joke, regardless of his boasts. Now properly being in the splash-zone, as it were, Jimmy produced a napkin he'd swiped from behind the bar a moment ago, Mariner refilled his and Jaya's shotglasses, just enough to keep any spittle or other serpentine reminders from involved.

Even Meony had often had to compliment Jimmy on having a southern gentleman nature to him during his early dates with the Texan cowgirl and well after. To a secret extent, Jimmy was trying to restart an experience like the one with her. Mariner deliberately wiped off what he hoped was aftermath of the chicken from his plate of poured-over popcorn, wisecracking to Jaya, "Charming fella, really." was all he could say as he feigned courteous attention before offering another shot. And on second thought, perhaps he'd skip on the popcorn as Gorn goo coated his platter.

Jaya blinked, having settle in the seat a moment earlier and finished her second glass of The Dalmore before it was refileld with a different but still good malt. "My, someone is aquick serve!" She giggled a bit, nodding to him and trying to not eye the somewhat messy way of eating the Gorn had too much. Sithick wasn't a bad guy once you got around the whole 'i'm gonna eat you alive' kinda of predatory presence he had. She lifted her glass. "Mariner, right?" she said softly, winking as she held the glass up a bit more. "Slainte!"

Jimmy clinked his glass, and replied in a matching soft but soothing tone to match hers. "For you, Jaya, call me James." Jimmy winked to match her, hardly blinking despite taking this drink as steadily as he could permit, walking the line between bravado and survival. Even the occasional gore of chicken splattering about didn't seem to phase Jaya, and thus, Jimmy took the near-Australian moment of predator versus prey in stride with hardly a low remark, "Imagine Thanksgiving."

Alessia couldn't bear watch. She had a strong stomach, but the Gorn's manners were starting to make her sick. All the same, she raised an eyebrow and cast a wink, at Mariner wishing him luck. "I'll skip the appetizers." She averted Tessa's regard from the flow of spittle and poultry, as if shielding a younger sibling from a gruesome sight with an arm around Goldeneye.

Jaya smirked like she often did, observing him for a bit then giggling before litterally downing the glass in 1 go, her spine shivverred for a split second and her left eye fluttered for half a second too but she didnt cough, breathe out hard or anything. She smirked more. "Oh, did I surprise the big tough fighter pilot?" she said in a mockingly shocked tone, giggling a bit.

Mariner sneered appreciatively; as he was often mistaken for a fighter jock, given his will-do/hotshot attitude. "Nothing surprises me. I'm from Australia, and I'm in Security; go figure the combo." He chuckled lightly as he corrected her; Figured she'd attract his longtime rivals in TacConn for a chance with a pilot-- a beauty like her. "Well, maybe a perfect beauty." He held his smirk, blushing quite a bit as she studied him and he her, letting the Gorn chat up a storm as he held a gaze for a moment too long before adding, "Well, a perfect 10 who can start the day with a bang. Might be shocking--err in a good way. Err... bloody whiskey." He mockingly tripped over his own remarks, blaming it on the drink coyly.

Jaya giggled. "Well sorry, I didn't mean to insult the pilots hah!" she said, punching his shoulder gently before leaning back in her chair as she winked at him, pointing to her empty glass.

Jimmy rolled into the punch and rubbed shoulders with her. "Crikey!" While her punch hardly phased him, it was just the surprise he deserved, "Helluva punch. Work double-duty as security over in Black Opal, or are you just naturally rough?" Jimmy asked, already heeding her charming request for another round, which he readily did after finding himself just closer to her than usual. Despite this, he was careful he wouldn't 'accidentally' touch her feet with his; he'd rather counter on that than make the first move to determine how interested she was behind that perfectly-formed smirk. Privately he was already wondering what else about her was perfectly formed.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #26
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Masorin@Multificionado@Triton

"I'm sorry Husker's gone, Tessa," Rawley said. "'s just the three of us, you, me and Razor, the last of the original Lone Wolves. And half our pack gone...yeh miss him, dinnae yeh, Tessa?"

”Y-yeah,” Tessa admitted miserably.  ”W-we got kinda close… at least until…” she stopped when she thought at about it.  When was a wedge placed in between them?   Tessa was about to say when Tali and T’Zantha came aboard but in truth the trouble truly started when she realized that Chris only made love to two or more women at once.  Tessa couldn’t think of a time when she had him all to herself.  Their relationship had been doomed before it ever got a chance to start.  It had all been in Tessa’s deluded and needy mind but had never got a chance to exist in reality.  Her eyes watered up and her lips trembled when she realized that even without Chris’ old squad mates showing up, she never had a chance to form an exclusive relationship with him.

"It's all right," Petty Officer Eliska Bremmer softly consoled her.  "Everybody here's lost people along the way.  And we all forget, sometimes."

”Uh-hunh,” Tessa sniveled as she bowed her head and covered her face with her hands.

"Hey, easy, don't worry, mija. I'm sure they're together up there. Husker, Tali and T'Zantha too.” Alessia chimed in.  "Easy, Gold-eyes....I'm sure Husker's legacy will still be honored. So say we all, right?"

”Oh my gosh, you’re right!” Tessa squeaked as she looked up to reveal her tearstained face.  ”I mean, you’re right,” she repeated in a softer voice.  There was no need to interrupt everyone in the Whetstone lounge after all.  ”Our legacy.  What about our legacy?  What will people be saying once we are gone?  Will we be remembered or will we be just a statistic…?”

“Here’s your breakfast, Lieutenant,” the lounge’s hologram said as it set down a plate of bacon, pancakes, and eggs on the table before her while simultaneously setting  down a glass of orange juice.

”Oh boy!  Pancakes!” Tessa cheered before digging in. 

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #27
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya smiled a bit, turned to six and nodded. “Oh yeah, I’m one of the Helm officers, actually… Just got this thing.” She pointed to her pip, shrugged and smiled. “Was a PO2 before and flew the Allegiant. The Allegiant is great but it’s nothing like flying Theurgy herself, intact or separated into her vectors.

She thought a second and went. “Wait, your name, oh you’re the former…” she didn’t say the word, not wanting to insult the young woman before her. “I mean, wow, you… look really good, I mean that, I would have never been able to tell!” She blurted out a bit uneasily then downed another drink, took a breath and sighed. “Okay, I am okay, I am so sorry if I was insulting there. I’ve just… well yanno, never meant a…liberated one before.” She said a bit meekly, blushing bright red as she stopped talking.

Jaya grabbed the bottle from mariner and poured herself three fingers worth, grabbing the glass, she sat there, sipping a bit nervously, thinking she’d just stepped on one big fat non-negotiable motherfucking landmine.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #28
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Firefox013 Doc M, Multificionado & Masorin

For being a pilot who could handle the thrills of high-G turns and fancy maneuvers, she was drinking like an Andorian during their first Oktoberfest. Jimmy laughed in support of Jaya, 'ha! good one' acting as if the drink was taking its toll. He'd probably have to apply his hypostim soon. "Don't worry. I bet the implants are real.". He privately felt at his sense of humor annoyed his colleague but figured it wouldn't offend her, especially if he was being light-hearted.

If it meant getting points with Jaya, he'd just have to go with the flow of her humor, however wild the ride. Anything, really to not think about just exactly of what Borg considered 'viruses'. In something referred to as a Russian Maneuver, Jimmy refilled and looped his arm around hers and timed his net drink without making contact, though his reflexes were as aimed as he'd practiced to be to show spontaneous his reflexes could be without making contact. "Nazdrovie" he said in a passable accent. It was a risk but he kept his arm from touching hers, though he made the slightest of clinks of their glasses.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #29
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado @Masorin @Doc M.

One thing someone could say about Goldeneye, she was very much like a weathervane when summer heat would give birth to a thunderstorm.  She could go from her current state of nearly broken, to explaining why the realization hit her so hard, to accepting the realities of being on a ship that was effectively at war, to being downright cheerful at the sight of pancakes, all on the head of the same pin.  In a way, it was heartening to see someone so resilient they could bounce back that fast; but on the other hand, knowing a pilot was so quick to change her frame of mine was a mite concerning.  But so long as she kept it together while doing her escort or fighter support, Bremmer could forgive a degree of eccentricity.  "You'll be all right, Ell-Tell, you'll be all right," the Petty Officer said as she patted the officer's shoulder before heading back to her breakfast. 

As she sat down, Eliska took a long pull from her coffee and considered what she had been asked while she had been dealing with the pilot.  And, as it turned out, she could answer both questions at the same time.  "Well, yes.  Right now, I'm dealing with small arms and the exosuits.  And yes, the gravity guns, too."

A few bites later, she turned to look at the Gorn.  He wanted how many of those weapons to experiment on?  Three of them?  She had been authorized only one for testing and adaptation, and there was no way she'd just hand over such a large portion of what they'd acquired like that.  "Sorry to disappoint, but I was allowed just one to play with to make it more friendly to most of us, and it's not leaving the armoury, sorry to disappoint.  But when there's a chance and I'm in the shop, access could be arranged."

Re: CH02: S [D06|0620] A Drone and A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #30
[Ensign Six | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Triton @Masorin @Doc M. @CanadianVet @Firefox013

As Six watched Ensign Mariner happily taking in Ensign Thorne, something stirred in her, that was bothering her…

“Hold up…Ensign Mariner?” she asked. “How was Jack a traitor? I might have missed it. Did you say he sold you out to the Klingons?”

As she said it, she remembered her suspicions, back in Starbase 84, that Jack was a spy. How else could he have been so charming? But he couldn’t be; she can’t imagine that he was a spy for the Klingons: he was too…charming.

It somewhat struck at home strongly to Six. She and Jack were more than just close; Six was in love with Jack. She wanted nothing more to be with him again; she missed him badly, with him gone, abducted by the Savi…

…and this news came at her as if she had been delivered a jawbreaking punch. Jack? A traitor?

Of course she didn’t know; she had been so immersed in setting up a forensics lab, not knowing there already was one on the Theurgy (she kept berating herself for it) and designing the Revelation Array. As such, she needed to know the details.

“Mariner, can you provide any details as to what happened? And who else was there when Jack betrayed us?”

Re: CH02: S [D06|0620] A Drone and A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #31
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Masorin@Multificionado@Triton

”W-what?” Tessa gasped in disbelief.   ”Hi’jak betrayed us?  Why would he do that?  And why would the Klingons try to kill us in the first place?  Wouldn’t it be a good idea if the Klingons knew the truth about the parasites?  That should make us the last ship they’d attack, not the first!”

When she noticed everyone looking at her, Tessa quieted down, a crimson glow appearing on her cheeks and her topaz yellow eyes glanced around bashfully.  ”Um, I was on that mission too,” she admitted.  ”I don’t know what happened, but Hi’jak was wounded and there was no sign of Lieutenant zh'Wann.”  She paused again and bit her lip.  ”Uh, I guess that looks kind of suspicious now that you mention it, but I didn’t think anything about it at the time.  What with the ancient superweapon wiping out the Klingon ships and the survivors flying into the shuttlebay and all.  I still don’t know why the fight started, I mean, that was an abandoned mine so it wasn’t as if we were trespassing… I mean technically I guess we were trespassing, but there wasn’t anything there that belonged to the Klingons that was worth fighting over.  Personally, I think the trouble started because of that woman who came with them and started shooting them.  I don’t really know who she is or what she was doing there but for all I know she was the one who started the fight.”

Paling under the scrutiny she was receiving from her shipmates, Tessa decided to deflect.  ”Um, now that I think about it I don’t really know as much as I think I do, so what do you think Mister Mariner; do you have any idea what happened?” Tessa finished lamely.  

Re: CH02: S [D06|0620] A Drone and A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #32
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner & LTJG Alessia Garcia | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Multificionado  @Doc M.  @Firefox013 @Masorin

Oh, man. Jimmy's expression blended in with a bad tequila shot he'd made the mistake of sipping in preparation for this one. Luckily, a photonic waitress had just finished bringing in a tray of ice-cool Andorian springwater. Just the right anti-intoxicant he needed right now as a chaser. Without realizing it, he'd held the glass in an Andorian hand-gesture of a salute, roughly akin to its Vulcan equivalent. The handprint left the mark of a head with antennae. "That was when we lost Ida and Heather but also, hmph, lost a bit of ballast." Jimmy's face seemed less jeery and more humble, despite his fading smile at Hi'Jak sharing in whatever scenario poor Heather was also unwillingly involved in.

At the flashback of that half-depressurized shuttle and the ensuing chaos and transporter kidnappings, Jimmy shifted in his seat as if he'd been bitten in the ass by a red-bellied snake but had to summon every fiber in his being not to react, while having a shot to give him a moment to form an answer before thoughtfully remarking in a deliberate tone, "Don't get me started. But if you've heard scuttlebutt and can understand our reputation in the quadrant, you can probably figure out the long and short by now. Without the ballast, it saved us some keelhauling for the one most responsible... *sigh* … for your mates' losses. I'm sorry, but you had know, Tex."

Jimmy might have idly or passively called Tessa Lance 'Freckles', just to get a rise out of her but he was already feeling vulnerable, especially when he accidentally rubbed his foot against Jaya's in the subtlest of innocent overtures. Jimmy then had some more of the clear, minty water and exhaled some mist in what incidentally looked like a mushroom cloud. Indicating Rawley, also a pilot, and Garcia. "You too, ya Scot Pixie. But said 'ballast' got a facefull's worth of 20 silver pieces, literally: Disruptor blew up and turned him into a bloomin' incomplete Picasso. But I'll tell ya what: The Cr-" [-oc heads]

Alessia glared at him. There was an actual reptile at the table. Jimmy coughed lightly and continued after a beat.

"--lingons left some goods down there. Slim chance we'll revisit that spider-motel but if we do, there's Klingon fighters ours for the takin'. And enough Dilithium to run a Nyberite Alliance fleet. Allegedly. That reminds me, PO Sithick:" Jimmy uncharacteristically spoke as an officer while off-duty: "We got some weapons from Sud Lang maybe you could take a look at sometime, with the QM's permission, of course. The ride back was heavy one El-Aurian hotshot with a high opinion of herself and I did some repairs to the sidearms. Maybe you might want to give them an inspection in case we need them." It was in the nature of an actual off-hand unconventional anti-Borg drone strategy best left for akimbo practitioners. Like him. Speaking of guns, he realized he'd left those in particular back on the Allegiant when they first reunited with the Second Vector. If he needed an excuse, he just about realized he'd had one, but played it by ear on whether to sober up or clear his schedule.

"Actually, I should go." Mariner got to his feet. "I have something to do before I begin Alpha shift. Let's hope Vector 01 is there when we reach the last Rendezvous, eh?" He smiled to the present people and fixed his collar. There wasn't enough time for more frivolities, and as for the traitor, he was in Security, and knew better than to throw shade on people before the brass made a decision on the fate of culprits like Hi'Jak.

Angel was ready to leave as well, coming up short on things to say. So she finished her drink, set it down, and gave the present people an exaggerated salute in parting - giving them all a grin before vanishing in the opposite direction.


GM Note: Added the two last paragraphs to have these two characters exit the scene.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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