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Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #50
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88  

Even had the duo not been sporting birthday suits as they lay in the sand, the position into which Faye had rolled could have been considered nothing but intimate. Given the mutual state of undress, anywhere else it might have been called downright improper. But most of Faye's planetside trips while the Theurgy was docked at the shipyards in the Aldean System could only be called intimate at best, and far more likely torrid. In that light, this simple proximity and placement of hands and naughty bits was really rather tame.

Not that Faye cared. Physical boundaries were all well and good and should be respected, of course but she hadn't done anything that Mickayla didn't approve of on some level, and they were in a socially acceptable location, bereft of rank. Well, technically the Klingon woman was still on duty and this was a rather gross violation of protocol but that had never really stopped Faye from a bit of mutual fun. And she harbored no illusions that her escort was enjoying the proximity, and had an inkling of what might be going through her mind.

She had pulled away though, and given her shipmate some space, instead of wiggling forward a bit more and pressing her own nipple to the dusky skinned security officer's lips. She did wonder, after all, how it might feel to have her kiss and suckle at the bud of flesh, and what a carefully placed nip of sharp teeth might accomplish, if done gently and proper. Not to mention that the past week or so at Aldea had reminded Faye that her rump rather liked attention too, not just her breasts, or her core.

A few euphemisms about warp core breaches and ram scoops ran through her head, along with the thought, All work and no play make Faye a dull girl, but she had to admit she was getting plenty of play during their extended repair layover. Today had been plenty off that, if a bit more adventurous than she'd intended. Which was par for the course for this whole past week. Her mind was again pulled toward the oddly numb, yet present sensation around her midsection of the piercing she'd acquired, and idly wondered (not for the first time) what her nurse would think.

What Mickayla was thinking was so evident on the girls face that Faye didn't need to read her mind, even as she felt the grip shift. Her eyes fluttered and then the girl smiled wide, dipping her head down slightly to look over the lenses and right at Mickayla, She'd realized the other woman was very quiet and introspective just then, which set a more definite curl in her lips.

"You didn't have to move your hand, unless you were uncomfortable," she said cheerfully conversational tone. As if this was nothing out of the ordinary to converse about. "I'm also not going to say no if you want a kiss, but you actually have to ask for that. Just getting an impression of desire is not at all good enough for me to just roll in and pounce you. As much fun as that might be." She winked at that, in what she hoped would an easy-going fashion. She didn't want to spook the girl.

"And if you'd rather i go dunk myself in the ocean and cool off, I'm perfectly happy to, Hanayr. The sun is pretty warm and we've been baking for a bit now." She gave the escort a nice, reasonable out to the whole thing if she wasn't quite ready to  act on some of her impulses. Faye was the type to rush in head long on a personal level, no matter how much she considered and deliberated at  the negotiation table. But not everyone felt comfortable exploring on a day they just met someone. Perfectly reasonable reaction, of course.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #51
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“I, ah, I didn’t want to move my hand,” Mickayla admitted, her hand having stopped moving once it had risen to a more appropriate location at the small of the Betazoid’s back where the curve of her backside began. She had listened to what Faye had said and even recognised the ‘out’ that she was providing to Mickayla in case the Klingon wanted things to stop. But the security officer, didn’t want to stop.

She wanted to feel more of Faye’s body, and be felt in return. To explore her companion, and herself by proxy, there on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. But unlike her first time, which she could admit just kind of happened and her enthusiasm covered for any lack of skill or experience, this time she was more cognisant, aware of her own inadequacies and state of mind; that is, her nervousness.

“I am uncomfortable, but not for the reasons you think, or even I would have thought,” Mickayla continued slowly, her hand unmoving even as she heard Mac in the back of her mind telling her to move her hand back. “I’m completely naked for everyone to see and while I wouldn’t go, ah, the whole way here, I’d like to think I could enjoy myself a bit at least. Does the make sense?”

“I want to kiss you, and be kissed,” Mickayla clarified, her voice clear, if quiet. “I want to know what this desire I have can bring and if it is worth going after. I have thought about other women a lot since the Artemis, but except for one time, I have never pursued it,” Mickayla explained as she took a deep breath, imagining Mac on the shore of the Loch once again encouraging her.

“I want to now,” Mickayla declared firmly, opening her eyes to look at Faye as she ran her hand back down over the Betazoid's rear to cup and squeeze it gently. “Here. With you.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #52
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

Now that they were no longer beating around the proverbial bush, Faye allowed herself a curving smile. There was a soft flash of playful hunger in her eyes as she wriggled in the sand. Washing that off later would be no hardship, and she remembered that most of the beachfront showers had towels (practical of the locals), or they had at the beach she'd been to five days prior with Riley. She had no reason to suppose this one did not equip their facilities in the same manner.

It did not escape her notice, as she leaned in closer to Mickayla, that she had been doing a lot of kissing of people that were not Riley since she'd come to the planet. If she had not been a telepath and had not the sure knowledge that so long as she held the nurse first among all others, the human would not mind (and enjoyed her own fun) Faye might have felt guilty. Iskierka had been an unexpected surprise; Tayban and Harnet had been targets of opportunity, and shared with Riley to boot, so they did not count in the least. Mickayla however was a willful choice to help someone discover themselves a bit more thoroughly.

"Let me help." The words had been emblazoned on a plaque dedicated to Captain James T. Kirk on the Academy grounds in San Francisco. She rather doubted that this was what Kirk had meant when quoted, but the man's reputation left her no doubt he'd approve of her course of help. And here she was going to do just that, with no strings attached. Let the girl see if she really did like what she liked. Sure, there was a lot of emotional baggage that Mickayla was carrying about her shoulders, stuff that was better left to the consoler’s department to deal with. Curiosity though, that was something that Faye imagined she could very thoroughly satisfy. Simple fact, not ego - if you asked Faye.

Never mind the pleasing weight of Mickayla's hand now back on her bum. That had seen a lot more play this past week than she was used too, not that Faye minded terribly. If one were to be polite one might call her enthusiastic in physical pleasure. A more accurate description would be an unrepentant hedonist, and no matter how much she claimed it was ‘cultural’ (it was, to an extent) it was also all Faye. Thus, she shamelessly wriggled about to ensure the petty officer had a good firm grip there, fingers just brushing the cleft between the cheeks.

"Let's do some exploring then. You set the boundaries," she added, as she had none herself when it came to cavorting about in public. She'd get quite the reputation though if she kept doing this at beaches on Aldea. ”You can place those hands wherever you like. Your lips too, just so you know.” That proclamation was delivered with a gentle wink - friendly, in lieu of saucy so as not to seem like she was coming on too strong.

But to follow up words with actions, the Betazoid lay her free hand atop Mickayla's shoulder, more for guiding the girl than for her own support. Then as casual as she liked, she leaned in and brushed her lips against her escorts. Just a light, gentle motion at first, simply to let both of them feel the passing pressure of soft lips. And then again, a bit longer, Faye enjoying the similarities to the women she’d kissed recently, but allowing herself to appreciate the differences as well. Her coal black eyes watching the Klingon’s reaction. And then again, going for a slow, deep kiss to see what it stirred up, even as she closed her eyes and let her hand slip from the shoulder, to cup her fellow shipmate behind the head.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #53
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

She had hoped that Faye would understand what she was trying to say. That while she had the desire, the want, the need; Mickayla did not have the experience. Perhaps it was a little rude of her to assume that Faye would understand but Mickayla couldn’t think of another course of action at that moment. Still, it seemed like the Betazoid lying beside her understood what she was trying to say; assuming Mickayla hadn’t imagined the passing look of desire or hunger that appeared on Faye’s face. And even if she had imagined that, the wriggle that followed, whose purpose seemed to be to reposition Mickayla’s hand a little close to the cleft of the Betazoid’s rear, confirmed it even as Faye spoke.

“Now what do I do?” Mickayla asked herself, unsure how to proceed now that she had permission to do pretty much anything to the naked Betazoid beside her. The thoughts and images that passed through her mind gave her plenty of ideas, some even surprising her with their appearance but Mickayla wasn’t sure she was ready for those just yet. “In time, perhaps. But even I know that is not a way to start off.”

Faye though, either picking up on her insecurities or understanding that Mickayla wasn’t sure how to proceed, took over. She brought her hand up and lay it on the Klingon’s shoulder, seeming to Mickayla to offer her both support and guidance; as if it was ok to be nervous and that she understood. Mickayla was grateful in that moment, that Faye did the simplest thing to stead her without saying anything about it. She wasn’t sure she could have taken a spoken reassurance at that point, even though this was a course she had wanted and chosen.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Faye leaned in, her coal black eyes taking up almost all of Mickayla’s field of vision, to brush her lips against the Klingon’s own. Mickayla hadn’t even realised it had happened until it had ended and she found herself running her tongue across her lips, as if savouring a new taste before Faye returned for a second, longer kiss. Mickayla noted the softness of the Betazoid’s lips compared to the man that she had thought she loved. How they seemed to reflect their bodies; his firm while hers were soft. Even their way of kissing was different. Where he had tried to control things with his kiss, among other things, Faye was more passive, seemingly content to enjoy Mickayla’s own discovery. Maybe the Klingon was imagining all this as she began to lose herself in Faye’s eyes but when the Betazoid began to return for a third kiss, one she unconsciously knew would be a deeper one, what with Faye’s hand moving to the back of her head, Mickayla closed her eyes and tried to lose herself in the kiss.

She only partially succeeded. The intimate awareness of where her free hand rested was highlighted in her mind and Mickayla found herself softly kneading and rubbing the skin beneath her hand. As they continued to kiss, Mickayla began to trace a finger across the Betazoid’s skin, running the tip of her finger along the top of the cleft and down to where her legs met. She supposed she could have pushed into the cleft, or the join at it’s base but contented herself with this intimate caressing for the moment. Besides, there was another consideration to be had with their/her continued exploration.

“Tess,” Mickayla whispered when they finally broke their kiss. “How do you feel about sand in certain places?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #54
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

Faye was a creature of indulgence, perhaps to counter all the control she had to exert in her vocation. Diplomats were always gregarious, but often had to school every choice they made at the table, and even away from it. Shipboard duty was not as taxing in some ways as when deployed to a planet or station for negotiations. On the Theurgy she usually didn't have to worry about someone listening in when they shouldn't. On Romulus....during those failed talks, every word, every action was under scrutiny. 

Laying on the sand of another Aldean beach, as nude today as she'd been almost a week prior, was a certain kind of anonymity that allowed her to give into that indulgent attitude that always lucked beneath the surface. That manifested in the series of kisses, and shifting weight. The other girls tentative touch sent a shiver running along her back, and set her skin to prickling with goosebumps that the summer heat did nothing to diminish. Her skin was both heated and chilled at once, desire slowly building up from the light touches. 

She was not upset that Mickayla didn't press further. Faye did not mind taking it slow, though it might have been fun to wiggle her way right atop the other woman, then swing around and well, not quite sit on her face but...that would be pushing things entirely too far, too fast. Let her set the pace, Faye, she reminded herself. As sure as she was that she'd have a good time doing this, the goal was not, in fact, for her to get her rocks off in a way she wanted, but to allow a friend to explore a bit about themselves, by exploring Faye herself. Thus reminded, she purred as she pulled back from the last kiss and rolled her hip to let the hand on her bum more fully cup her.

"Ah, sand. That shit gets everywhere," Faye answered with a bit of a giggle, and the impression that she well knew how it could be troublesome. The question was certainly a valid one. Unavoidable if one were to do anything really intimate when at the beach. In truth, one side of her body was coated with the stuff by now. She let her leg curl up across one of Mickayla's, and sand brushed the darker skinned girls shin. "If it were a concern well, we probably shouldn't have laid down naked in it.

"We can get it all cleaned up in the surf later, or under one of the showers. But I don't mind it. Not really."
This was pretty fine grain stuff, though it might feel coarse on sensitive skin. That got her frowning a bit. as she recalled what Mickayla had said about her own body. "And you, Hanayr? You told me that everything is more...of an intense sensation for you, when it comes to your skin?" To illustrate this, she ran two fingers up the inside of the other woman's thigh, not quite touching anything 'sacred' but coming damned close. "Is the sand a problem for you?"

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #55
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Faye’s sentiments seemed to echo her own concerns regarding the sand. It had been nice, surprisingly so in some regards, to lay down and relax on. But with what they were both thinking about, perhaps it was not the best medium for their, uh, exploration. Mickayla was sure that much like Faye’s nude body, half of her own was now coated in a layer of fine grain particles. And that point was emphasised when the Betazoid lifted one of her legs up and draped it across one of Mickayla’s; sand was present in the mix.

“It’s been alright so far,” Mickayla noted, enjoying the added weight on her body. “I was just thinking about where it might end up, was all. Some places are more, uh, sensitive, than others,” Mickayla pointed out delicately. A part of her noted the irony of being unable to say things despite the increasing likelihood of what was coming, but Mickayla ignored it. Old habits and that. It seemed as if her words had reminded Faye of something as the diplomat asked about how the sand was feeling against the Klingon’s own skin, given its increased sensitivity.

“I’m OK just laying here. It kind of feels like laying on top of thousands of little ridges each pressing against me. Kind of relaxing even. But I don’t think I’ll share that feeling if the sand ends up in some other places,” Mickayla noted, thinking about the problem and possible solutions. Faye had already struck upon the answer; wash the sand off, but Mickayla didn’t want to search for showers. It would kill the mood the two of them were in. No, the surf was the way to go. And it offered different benefits as Mickayla thought about it.

Extricating herself from under the Betazoids leg, Mickayla rose up to her knees. Before Faye had a chance to say anything Mickayla acted, almost without thinking, and picked up her companion in both arms. Coming to her feet, she made a wild dash for the water’s edge, absently noting that Faye was somewhere between 50 and 60kgs and making a mental note to put more effort into understanding her newfound strength. Her confident strides soon had Mickayla wading through the water and as it came up to and submerged her sex, the suddenly different sensation sent a shiver straight up her spine. Eyes half closing in reaction, Mickayla’s grip on the Betazoid lessened and she half-lowered, half-dropped Faye into the ocean.

“Fuck that’s cold!” Mickayla exclaimed silently. The water was now around their hips, rising and lowering gently as waves headed to shore. “Uh, sorry,” Mickayla apologised after adjusting to what she was feeling.  “The, uh, water was, uh, cold,” she tried to explain as she brought her hands up to rest on Faye’s hips so that they stayed close together.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #56
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

Curiosity had gotten the best of Faye, mixed in with genuine concern, and she listened with an eager sort of rapt attention to what Mickayla had to say. Having never been given a 'new' body, and not having to readjust so, she had little basis for comparison. Such a unique sort of experience for the other woman to have, and thus she wanted to know, some fascination drawing her attention so fully, even while she was well aware of the negative emotions around the cause of it.

She giggled a bit, with a smile of her own, letting her leg gently move up and down the other woman's in turn, paying attention in a way she might not normally, to the grating of the sand between their legs. It was...well it was a sensation, to say the least. And she could with some insight understand - emphatic and telepathic gifts had their uses after all. She allowed herself the private enjoyment of the sensations from Mickayla's view, in a limited sense, as her hand began to draw circles on patches of skin where no sand yet lay. She was teasing, of course, and might have flung herself upon the other girl, who tactfully danced around the subject of sandy vagina's. The thought did cause Faye to giggle softly in her own right, so she supposed she could understand.

"Well then we should of course take efforts to spare your sensitive bits quite so much...potentially unpleasant stimulation." drawing things back into a neat bow, as she'd already made a few of her thoughts on just how to do so plain. This was about all she got out before the Klingon leapt into action on her own right. She rolled away from Faye, who ended up on her stomach in the sand, blinking in bright surprise. This was only compounded as Mickayla engulfed her in those dark, strong arms, lifting the tanned Betazoid with ease, earning her a startled, "What?? Oh!!"

There in followed a long series of giggles as the lithe officer clung tightly to the broad shouldered woman, burying her face in the crook of Mickayla's neck. She managed a soft kiss there, just one, between her fit of giggles, before the duo were crashing into the waves. She'd every design in leaning back in and making a second kiss, with the goal of leaving a mark, when things shifted. There was a sharp exclamation from the stronger woman carrying her, a gasp of surprise from Mickayla. A spike of shock raked across Faye's mindscape, strongly broadcast from the petty officer, and Faye had just enough time to realize what was going to follow without not a stitch of time enough to do anything about it except squeak, before falling into the freezing surf.

She went fully under, then popped back up, sputtering and laughing, as she swept her damp hair from her face. "Not how I might have done it but here we are," Standing, the water pooled around Faye's hips in turn, and she shivered a bit. It was cold, colder than the waves she remembered from the trip to the other beach, Hondartza Luzea. Much colder. Toes shifting in the sand beneath her, she strode and closed what distance there was between them, as she leaned in and ran her hands over the other girls skin. They were of a height, so it was easy to lean in and kiss Mickayla as she began to dutifully clean away the sand from her skin, taking her time, and touching...everywhere that sand lay, without a hint of hesitation. If this meant that she had her hands over the girls rear end, squeezing it tightly in the process, all in the name of being thorough, well then, so much the better.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #57
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Standing in the ocean, the motion of the waves causing the water around them to rise and fall gently around then, Mickayla relished in the kiss she was sharing with Faye as the Betazoid washed the sand from the Klingon’s nude form. Faye’s plunge into the water before had had a similar, though quicker, effect and Mickayla found herself just relaxing as she enjoyed the diplomat’s ministrations. The confidence that Faye had in herself was evident in that she acted without any hesitation towards her task, using water from around them to wash the sand away and not caring if it was on stomach, back or breast. The latter, Mickayla found particularly nice as her nipples were engorged from the shock of the water’s temperature; something she was sure was mirrored on Faye’s form.

It was when the diplomat laid a hand on each of her buttocks and squeezed hard that Mickayla decided that being passive, as much fun as it was, wasn’t nearly half as fun as being an active participant would be. Moving her hands from Faye’s hips around to her butt, Mickayla copied the tight squeeze she had received while also pulling the Betazoid against her until their bodies were pressed together so hard that Mickayla could feel the diplomat’s erect nipples pressed against her own.

“She said that I could set the boundaries,” Mickayla considered mentally as she enjoyed the full body press and kiss, deepening the latter and opening her lips a little to allow her tongue to dart out and flick across Faye’s. “But what if I don’t know what they are?” she wondered, parting Faye’s buttocks with her hands a little. She didn’t enter the gap but the feel of grasping and holding tight was nice. “I need to trust. I’ve come this far.”

“You said I could place my hands wherever I like,” Mickayla repeated after breaking their kiss and catching her breath. “And my lips too?” After listening to Faye’s reply, Mickayla took a deep breath as she released Faye’s backside and moved her hands back to her hips before taking a half step back to create space in between them. Letting go of one hip, Mickayla ran her hand up the side of the Betazoid’s body as she lent over, bringing her mouth to hover over Faye’s rigid nipple. “Like this?” she asked before lowering her lips over her target, taking it into her mouth and running her tongue up and over it.

She wasn’t sure if she was doing something that the Betazoid would like. All she had to go on was what she had liked in the past. Hopefully, Faye would be similar.


Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #58
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88  

No hesitation was the theme of the moment for Ensign Eloi-Danvers, as she went about her self appointed task to clean off the body of Mickayla MacGreggor. The cold water provided ample excuse for being close to her escorts body, and her self assigned task a perfect pass for letting her hands explore the Klingon woman. She liked Klingons - they were all muscle under the surface, and ridges in interesting places that were fun to play with. She rather liked the ones that followed down the spinal cord. Very different from human or betazoid women. Not for the first time, she thought about her personal tastes were so varied as to be the embodiment of a hedonistic version of IDIC; she truly celebrated the infinite diversity she found in infinite combination with a myriad of partners, friends and lovers.

Though, only one Imzadi, of which she held brimming pride for.

A grin crossed her face as she palmed one of Mickayla's breasts and rolled the nipple under her touch, brushing away the sand there and leaving a trail of water. She swept her fingers under the swell of the breast, then down the flat planes of the woman's stomach, brushing around, but avoiding touching, the new piercing prominently displayed, covering her belly button. For the moment she contented herself to tactile exploration, allowing her hands to drift over the girls hips and get a good, firm hold on the darker woman's rump. A nice, tight ass, she thought with an audible giggle, teasing the cheeks apart just a bit, sure that water would run up between them in the surf.

Though if she were being honest she was certainly contemplating what it might be like to dip her head down, just above the water, and nip at the Klingon woman's hip, or squirm around behind her to lavish some kisses on those spine ridges.  That would be particularly fun, especially if she let her hands slide between the security officers legs while she did so. Faye didn't even realize she was humming as she pondered all the different ways things could go.

A firm squeeze against her own bum tore Faye from her wandering thoughts and planted her firmly in the present. The grin turned sly as she let her eyebrows rise up on her forehead slightly, giggling. This melded into another pleasing kiss, one in which she let her tongue flick in and out of play, darting and tasting and cataloging in her mind all that made Mickayla delightfully unique. There was certainly plenty, and the warmth of the woman's embrace, the taste of her lips, and the press of breast against breast were all among those she found she liked in that moment.

Squirming now as water flushed against her folds and puckered star, Faye purred a bit and gave a long, slow nod. "Why yes I did say something to that affect. You may touch, or taste whatever you like," she confirmed happily so. This afternoon was shaping up to be another pleasing escapade to add to her collection of stories and fond memories.  The girl pulled back and Faye got an impression of what was to come, her toes digging into the sand under the surface in anticipation.

"OooooOoOO," she crooned, reaching up to run a hand over the crest upon Mickayla's head, and into her wet hair, gripping. She pressed her modest bust against the girls face, her stiff nipple sending little bolts of pleasure out in pulses from every lash of the girls tongue. "Yes, quite like that. mmmm that is good indeed. I...mmmm rather like that."

She bit her lip for a moment, head tossed back, chest arched forward. Swallowing, she mewled, being perhaps a bit more vocal than she might usually be, as a way to encourage the other woman. "You're rather good at this, you know." she added, hoping she sounded reassuring, and more than a little turned on, because she rather was, and itching to return the favor.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #59
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

"I’m not so sure,” Mickayla thought to herself at hearing Faye compliment her and her actions. Truthfully, she was just doing what she thought she might like done to herself and what she had enjoyed in the past. Some of it had been enjoyable the other night, her first time since being turned fully Klingon; other bits, well, she’d have to find out if she liked them in time. If there was one thing that she seemed to have more of now, it was time.

Thinking of time, Mickayla wasn’t sure how long she had been attached to the Betazoid’s breast. Had it been seconds, a minute, ten? She didn’t know, and didn’t much care either. She was enjoying herself and judging from the sounds that Faye was making, along with her wet, lithe body’s reactions, she was enjoying it as well. One of her hands was holding Mickayla’s head against her breast, her fingers entwined within the Klingon’s hair. 

The motion of the water was also having interesting effects on Mickayla herself now that her body was adjusting to its temperature. With the waves lapping about, she was getting a nice little shock each time the water receded and returned. A part of her wondered if that was because this was her first time naked at a beach or if it was her newly sensitive skin. Maybe it was both. Either way, it didn’t matter too much and Mickayla ignored it as she finished up on Faye’s breast for the moment, giving the nipple a soft nip with her teeth as she pulled away.

“That’s kind of you to say, Tess,” Mickayla acknowledged the compliment, smiling slightly. She was flushed from excitement and desire and when the next wave broke past them, she couldn’t hold in the squeak as water slipped between her cheeks and washed over her loins, eliciting another little shock. “But, ah, I think we both know that it is excitement rather than skill that is carrying me at the moment. I am very new to all this, even if I like to think that I am a quick learner at times.”

“So, what do you think I should do next?” Mickayla asked, a small grin on her reddened face. “Afterall, if I am the student, wouldn’t that make you the teacher?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #60
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: 

Purring as she was, Faye had not failed to notice that Mickayla was spending a good deal of her focus and attention on the one nipple, peaked up delightfully atop her breast. Currently captured in the Klingon woman's mouth, the nub was quite engorged and stimulated by this point. It throbbed almost to a point of hurting, just shy of that line. The resulting sensations had the lithe Betazoid panting, her chest almost feverishly warm, contrasted to the cold water lapping at her pussy.

"OHhhh," she let out a ragged groan, that turned into a sharp gasp as the petty officer nipped her teeth scraping in a sharp flash across that swollen tit. She very nearly clasped her hand to it after, so stimulated as it was that the relative cool of the air caused her to shudder anew.

"You are quite welcome, Hanayr," Faye noted the slight high tone in her voice, and the way she herself couldn't quite stay still. She flushed and grinned, listening a bit, reaching out to run a finger over the girls jaw, ever so slowly. "There is something to be said for enthusiasm. The most skilled of partners is not enjoyable if they are also not enthusiastic about the tryst they have fallen into." She paused as she drew her finger away, and then tapped the side of her wet head, where the water left hair clinging along her cheeks and down her neck.

"Telepath, remember? If the person I'm with isn't enjoying what they are doing and happy about it, then I'm not either." She was not so naive as to not understand that some people did enjoy it when their partner was not pleased about what was happening. But she knew of only a few truly sick and twisted individuals whom were telepaths that felt that way. And all of them were secluded way in treatment centers to help them overcome such illnesses.

Irrelevant to the conversation at hand as they were, those thoughts were banished with a disciplined effort on her part, shunting them away as she delved a bit into Mickayla's mind, searching out desires. Faye wasn't exactly used to being in the role of an instructor, more a facilitator and negotiator. She hummed and drew a wet finger along her own breast, the one not yet teased and grinned before moving in close again, kneeling down.

"You've had a little taste of me," she began, pressing a kiss to the darker woman's collarbone and tasting some of the salt left from a higher wave. "Now I'm going to do the same to you. I think, tet e tet is the nature of our game now. You try something, then I return the favor. The only way to truly comprehend is to not only try for yourself, but feel, for yourself. Men and women, after all, are so very different in how they give physical attention to one another."

Putting action to her words, she left a trail of kisses across Mikayla's skin. She nipped and licked down between the valley of the girls breasts, then up over the underswell of one fine orb. She circled her tongue slowly around one nipple, not quite touching it, before laying her head to one side and breathing lightly across it. Only then did she close her lips over the teased point, hot mouth engulfing it as she sucked slowly.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #61
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

From the moment that Mickayla finished speaking, it was plain to see that Faye was indeed much more skilled than she was. Where Mickayla had enthusiasm and desire fuelling her, Faye had experience. She understood that it wasn’t just about the touch upon another that could elicit a response. Touching yourself in the right way could also be effective as Mickayla noted as she watched Faye run a finger along her own breast before closing the distance between them once again.

Words, too, were also effective has Faye spoke softly, pressing a kiss to the Klingon’s collarbone as she did so, describing what she intended to do, or rather, allowing Mickayla to do to her before returning the act in kind. It wasn’t specific, carnal or graphic; but its effect was just as potent as a thrill ran up Mickayla’s back even as the Betazoid’s mouth descended down the valley between her breasts. 

And Mickayla learned that sometimes being less than direct could be much more effective as her breathing and heartrate both climbed as Faye passed along the underside of one of her breasts. Circling her tongue around the nipple, Mickayla was tempted to grabbed the officer’s head and force her mouth onto it but she held herself in check even as Faye breathed over it, causing tingles to emanate from the hardening nub. Finally, she too pity on the petty officer and engulfed the stiff point in her hot, moist mouth, sucking on it gently.

Mickayla’s eyes half closed as she moaned, one of her hands coming up to rest on the back of the Betazoid’s head while the settled on her hip. The ocean lapped at her hand and she was half-tempted to run it down under the water but held herself back. She wasn’t sure if it was nervousness, fear or just a desire to not break contact with Faye at that moment. Instead, she moved her hand around to rest on the upper curve of the officer’s rump; her fingers drumming away gently at where the cleft began between them.

“In time,” Mickayla thought to herself. “No need to rush through everything. If someone had told me a month ago that I would be naked, on a beach, with a female officer latched onto my nipple, I would have punched them senseless. Now, I don’t even want to do something that might make her stop,” Mickayla told herself mentally. “There will be time in the future to explore everything. Just focus on the now. Enjoy myself. Relax.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #62
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

Taking more than a little delight in the anticipation that Mikayla exerted over her own actions, Faye mewled ever so softly as she teased and sucked. If she let herself, she could almost pretend that the stop over at Aldea was just one perfect shore leave. She'd been doing quite a lot of exploring since she'd come to the planet - exploring her own boundaries, the natives, her lovers, and now her new friends limits and desires. Very hands on explorations. To boldly go, she thought with a mental giggle, wrapping her tongue around the nipple trapped between her lips and lashing it thoroughly. Yes, as long as she didn't think about why her ship was at Aldea, and all they had struggled through to get there in the first place, she could enjoy herself.

If this required some mental juggling to push reminders away, then so be it. Faye was a diplomat and a Betazoid. Mental juggling came with the territory. Gymnastics of the mind were as much par and course for Faye as breathing, and she executed a perfect flip then, pushing aside the darker thoughts and letting her attentions wander to the mutual desires that she felt from herself, and from the Klingon non-com whom she doted on. With a bit of enthusiasm, she pulled away from the nipple, emitting a loud pop as her lips left it, now wet from her mouth and more than a little peaked.

"The thing about nipples, as I'm sure you know," Faye noted, looking up Mikayla's chest, and catching her gaze, "Is that they are a very jealous lot. When one gets attention," she smooched the nipple she'd teased, and then trailed a string of kisses - between words - toward the other, "Its neighbor gets envious, and wants attention to. And we can't let it feel left out, can we?" Yes, she knew she was laying in on thick as she teased and nibbled the Klingon in the Aldean surf, but so what? Vacation, baby, she thought as she did undo the left breast that which had been performed for the right. Again she licked around, then blew across the nub, before engulfing it in her warm mouth and - to borrow the Terran phrasing - going to town. That thought did cause her to giggle.

And Mikayla's touch caused her to wiggle as she giggled and sucked. She liked the little drumming motion against her bum, as the water lapped between her legs, salty and cool against warming folds. This too reminded her of the previous trip she took to a different beach with a different partner, and how they had soaked their sore bodies in the ocean spray after their impromptu orgy. Different situation, that, she thought, eventually pulling away from this nipple with the same audible pop as the one before. She stood up straighter, and pressed her considerably smaller chest to the Klingon warriors, and leaned in to very lightly kiss the girl on the lips. A fleeting gesture, just enough to be felt, as she judged the girls emotional state and general impressions of desire.

"That was nice, wasn't it?" Faye asked, knowing the answer already. Shooting the girl a coy look from a few inches away, she murmured, "What else would you like to try, Hanayr? Whatever you'd like, whatever you are comfortable with or curious about. I'm more than happy to indulge and...instruct." She found it almost funny, how much of a power trip she could get from how she said that one word, and the little inflections she could wrap into it, the flick of the tongue that made it sound so brazenly suggestive.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #63
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“Its been a long time since I felt this good,” Mickayla thought to herself as she enjoyed Faye’s mouth on her breast. The Betazoid was demonstrating her skill with her tongue and lips, driving Mickayla to heights she hadn’t experienced in a long time; and never from another woman’s touch. And after most of her recent life experiences being overwhelmingly negative, she needed the positive. “Pity I can’t stay here forever.”

Mickayla’s silent musing was interrupted by a loud pop as Faye released the nipple she had been tending too. Looking down, Mickayla’s gaze was captured by the look in her companion’s eyes and she listened as the Betazoid described the nature of nipples. It was odd, how something so strange could be both truthful and spoken about in a way that inflamed Mickayla’s passions even more. As Faye latched onto her other nipple and did to it what she had done to the first, Mickayla’s head tilted back and the Klingon moaned at the sky. 

Her perception of time disappeared as Mickayla enjoyed the Betazoid’s touch. Memories of previous lovers flashed through her mind and Mickayla found herself recalling and rating how she had felt during those times. And she couldn’t remember a time where her prior lovers had put her first. Not like how Faye was. Even though Mickayla had next to no experience, Faye was allowing her to guide them, to set the limits of their interaction. And she appreciated her for it as Faye released the engorged nipple from between her lips.

Everything was different with Faye. She wasn’t rushing or focused on themselves like the men Mickayla had been with and she knew what she was doing, unlike Mickayla’s first entirely female experience the week before. The Betazoid was confident and relaxed, despite the two of them standing naked in waist deep water exploring each other. The warmth of their bodies pressed against each other was in stark contrast to the water around them; the temperature ensuring that their mutually rigid peaks were able to dual as Faye leaned in to kiss her lightly before offering herself up once again.

Mickayla almost panicked at the innuendo that was laced into the Betazoid’s words before she settled, the feel of Faye against her serving to calm her while also inflaming an intense desire to know her better; both physically and personally. She thought about the question, wondering just how far she would be willing to go with her companion and she realised that, unlike her first, she would be willing to try anything with her. Perhaps it was her own experience or desire influencing her but Mickayla accepted in that moment that with Faye, she would try anything. Just not on the beach.

“It was very nice Tess, thank you,” Mickayla responded, her gratitude entirely honest. “I’m, ah, very curious,” Mickayla admitted, a little awkward to be speaking so openly, in the open. “But I don’t think I could, ah, try, it all here. If that’s ok?” Mickayla offered, hoping not to disappoint her new friend. Even that thought, that Faye was a friend, was both disconcerting and comforting at the same time.

“But ah, if you’d like, there is something that I’d like to try,” Mickayla said, stepping a half step to the left to offset their bodies a little, moaning as her nipples was first released and then one mashed against Faye's again. Keeping her left hand on Faye’s delightful rump, the Klingon brought her right hand around to rest over her companion's new piercing before slowly dipping below the water and stopping, her intent hopefully obvious. “The other night, I wasn’t, ah, very good, even if they didn’t say so. So ah, I could use a lesson or two,” Mickayla stuttered, her nervousness ramping up even as her passion did.

“If you, ah, lead, I’ll copy,” Mickayla suggested, swallowing to get herself under control. “And we can hold each other up?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #64
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

Far above the cry of some native bird rippled across the air, adding to the moment. The wind tickled Faye's back as the waves tickled her thighs and waist, causing her to press in against her partner, whom was broader than the lithe diplomat, if of the same height. Not that Faye minded in the slightest. The setting, as much as whom she was with, made the moment for the young diplomat. Even the similarities to her dalliance in the waves with Riley Patterson only added to the moment here, the subtle differences making it all the more precious, not representative.

She ran her tongue over her lips, slowly, as Mickayla brought her own thoughts into order. Even as she heard 'Tess' on the other woman's lips, so to did she 'hear' her true name, 'Faye' in the girls thoughts. Playing out as if we are different people can be quite the thrill, she thought, knowing that this too added to the flavor of the encounter. So too did the bird's cries above strike an odd dycnomy with the unabashed moans Faye had elicited from Mickayla. It turned the Betazoid woman's smile into something outright impish, and had her running the fingers of one hand gently up and down the ridges of the Klingon's spine.

"This is just the first step on a long journey for you, Hanyar," the words came easily to Faye, a gift of experience and training being put to use in a situation utterly non-diplomatic. She rolled her shoulders in a flowing sort of shrug without actually breaking any contact with the other woman. "You don't have to do, to try, everything at once. Only what you are comfortable with. And I certainly don't mind if you can't do everything that comes to mind here in the middle of a beach on an alien world." Giggling a bit she gave the girl a wink, adding, "It's not like you're limited to this one time."

She figured that aught to settle some of the security officer's concerns. This seemed to prove true as her companion for the outing shifted and stepped in closer, their bodies dragging across each other, allowing Faye to enjoy the rush of skin on skin contact. Her arm went around Mickayla's hip now, her hand lingering for a time in a fashion that allowed her to gently tease the Klingon's rump as she had been teasing Faye's earlier.  Her own stomach gave a sort of flutter when the security specialist began to trail down the wet skin, darting near the piercing (this area still mostly numb from the procedure) toward more sensitive, and aware, flesh.

Understanding dawned behind the deep dark pools of Faye's eyes, and the young woman gave a slow nod. The smile never left her face, but it shifted to something softer and less mischievous; more open and accepting. Faye was an expressive creature when she so wished to be, and today was one such occasion. "In situations like this," she noted, as she shifted as well, bringing her other hand into play (as Mickayla suggested, the one on her rump tightened to something more supportive, less teasing). She ran a line up the cut of the Klilngon's hip bone, then flattened her palm, and continued to speak. 

"I find it most enjoyable to begin with simply palming your partner. Hold her in your hand, squeezing, feeling the warmth. Leading to little circle motions, or rubbing up and down. Take your time with it. Every woman is different of course, but cupping her in your grasp, rubbing, before spreading her open can be a delightful warm up." Her tone was instructive, but soft and gentle. Not clinical. And like a good instructor, she followed her lecture with a hands on application. In this case, that meant worming her hand down, between Mickayla's legs, nice and slowly. The water was cold, but she sought out, and found, that hidden warmth. With practiced ease, she cupped the girls mound, squeezing it gently with her small hand, rubbing her palm against the top of Mickayla's folds, and letting her fingers squeeze and caress the lips proper. 

" this..."

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #65
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

In hindsight, Mickayla would look back on this moment and wonder why she had been so nervous. Faye had been so nice and accommodating, going out of her way to make her feel welcomed and relaxed. She’d teased and prodded the Klingon, making no secret of her own openness, experience and willingness to move at Mickayla’s pace. All she had had to do was take the leap.

As she listened to Faye speak while staring into the depths of the Betazoid’s eyes, Mickayla felt her companion’s hand slide across her skin, following along the line of her hip before sliding beneath the water. Breathing deeply, nervous despite her wanting this, Mickayla shuffled her feet apart to allow Faye access to her while beginning to lower her own hand, mimicking the Betazoid’s actions on her body on the empath’s own.

Finding Faye expecting her, Mickayla edged her hand lower, shivering from the feel of the Betazoid’s hand on her own core. Tensing and shuffling slightly, Mickayla tried to focus on what she was supposed to be doing; pleasuring her partner in equal measure to what she herself was experiencing. The heat from the Betazoid’s skin contrasted with the coolness of the water and Mickayla found herself easily following along with Faye’s instructions. She was patient, trying each of the motions one after the other and repeating a few when she thought that Faye liked them. 

Soon though, a moan escaped the Klingon as the Betazoid ceased her with purely external explorations and teased a finger deeper into the expanse between her lips, threatening to plunge deeper before withdrawing. Such was the suddenness, before Faye had even started speaking about it, that Mickayla wasn’t expecting it. Still, her instincts kicked in and she imitated the action, using her middle finger to part the empaths lips before hooking her finger through them, going deeper than Faye had to her.

“Like that?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #66
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

There must have been something in the water of Aldea. It was the only real cause that Faye could see for her being quite so indulgent over the past 10 days. Normally, even an unrepentant hedonist such as she was, Faye would not allow herself this kinda of escapade. What happens on shore leave stays on shore leave, she repeated the oft used mantra of many an officer in the fleet, as she allowed herself to sink into the moment - and Mickayla.  The waves of the ocean added a delightful chill to the whole affair, while also hiding much of what was happening below the two women's waists. 

Though it would not be all that hard to discern, were anyone really watching. Perhaps not with the naked eye, but any sort of visual enhancement, binoculars or the like, not at all uncommon on a beach, would probably allow the more nosy observer to discover the actions of the two women snuggled up in the surf, holding tight to each other as they were opened apart and explored. Fingers were probing, palms rubbing, and breath was hitching in two separate throats, each alien to the other, but both equally delighted in the days events and excursions. 

Faye felt Mickayla part for her, felt the girls petals spreading and the hidden warmth beckon for more than just mere petting. That had been the plan all along, and the Klingon officer was behaving quite well. An oh so attentive student.This was a novel sort of experience for Faye, being the one to instruct, and she was pleased with her pupils dedication to the finer things in life - primarily, her finger sinking into the woman's tight snatch. And it was tight, there was no doubt about it. Tight and strong. Very...Klingon. 

The thought brought a giggle to Faye's lips, that soon parted into a satisfied sigh of delight. She hitched up a bit, on her toes, when the security officer probed further and faster than Faye, but the telepath didn't mind, and soon settled back, letting her weight fall into Mickayla's grasp, allowing her finger to fill her crevice deeply. She squeezed down, very much on purpose, and redoubled her own efforts to wiggle another digit in. And wiggle she did, curling the finger and starting to stroke with in her bodyguards core. 

"mmmhmmm, just like that. Give it a minute...oo, for me to adjust. Unless you've been with your partner long and know their limits, its always good to ...adjust." She pulled her eyes away and pressed her face into the crook of the other woman's neck, resting there, purring into her skin and start to nibble ever so gently. All the while, she stroked, carefully, keeping her palm pressed to the Klingon's folds and her finger deep inside. "Be gentle with it, but do as I do. There's a little bundle of nerves in there...just... caress. Wiggle, probe and stroke...mmmmm yes just like that. Just like that." 

The Betazoid woman was doing her damnedest to keep her voice even and her breathing controlled, but it was hard to do when someone was carefully exploring her twat and taking mental notes. That brought another delighted giggle, and she leaned up to press a kiss to Mickayla's ear, murmuring, "You're doing just fine."

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #67
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

There was so much to feel. The saltiness of her companion’s skin from the water around them. The coolness of the ocean lapping at her hips. The warmth of Faye’s breath against her skin where she nibbled at it. The humid dampness that was the Betazoid’s core that engulfed her plunging finger. The crooked rigidity of the finger exploring her own depths. So many different textures, temperatures and tastes for her to experience and she was loving every moment of it. How could she not?

Mickayla moaned as Faye plunged once more into her depths, opening her up, not only to her fingers but the ocean beyond; the sharp contrast between the two intruders sending little shocks through her body. The Klingon reviewed the description she had, knowing what was being described but, for what seemed like the first time, feeling along with it. And she knew when the Betazoid found it. The contact caused her breath to hitch and her whole body to shake as a wave of pleasure raced through her whole body. It was only a precursor, she knew, a taste of what was to come but Mickayla couldn’t wait for more.

Once she had steadied, her mind clearing from the intensity caused by Faye, she began to return the favour in kind. Her head lowering, she took to kissing at the Betazoid’s neck, mimicking her actions in nipping at the skin a little even as her finger rose upwards. She fought the urge to add a second finger, taking to heart the advice to allow her to adjust, not wanting to ruin the moment. Tracing the inner folds of sensitive skin gently, Mickayla searched until she found what had been described. Running her finger sideways across it, Mickayla tensed her free arm to hold her companion tighter. It certainly wouldn’t do to have her principal drown.

“I, I want, moreee,” Mickayla groaned as Faye continued her work. She teased a second finger at Faye’s entrance to elucidate what she meant. She could feel her passion building, the pot filling, so to speak, towards the point where it would overflow. And she couldn’t wait for that moment.

“Please,” she begged uncharacteristically but uncaring given the situation. “More!”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #68
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88  

Breathing faster now, Faye allowed herself an open mouthed moan as she rocked her hips forward. Though underwater, she found she had little issue moving in time with the hand cupping her cunt and the fingers forced up inside of it. They'd be slick now, and squeezed tight, she was sure. Just like Faye's fingers, though perhaps not quite as tightly squeezed.

Her snatch was no slouch, but she simply didn't have the same genetic disposition toward muscle definition the way a Klingon woman did. 'Vice-grip' was the word that came to mind to describe just how tightly clenched up Mickayla was, between her strong legs. Privately the younger Betazoid woman hoped she didn't end up with broken fingers when this was all said and done.

But the way her temporary lover mewled and demanded more, Faye found herself thinking it just might be worth it.

"More you say?" The diplomat was teasing, though she had an innate appreciation for the spoken word, and making one's demands clear. It helped so much at the negotiating table, though it was something of a rarity. True, she could cheat by reading the surface thoughts and emotions of the other parties minds - and she did so now, drinking in the desires rolling off of her partner. Giggling and then groaning, as she rocked her hips down harder still, the trembling woman pushed a third finger up, into the Klingon's channel.

"Was this what you wanted?" She asked, leaning up and scraping her teeth along the shell of the other girls ear. She was getting a bit more aggressive, feeding off some of the slightly repressed desires she was picking up. Bit down on the lobe, then licked the small marks (not strong enough to have drawn blood, but enough to leave an impression) and added, "Or maybe this?"

As she spoke, the thumb of the hand currently plumbing Mickayla's depths shifted up and over. She made a pinching motion, as if trying to bring her thumb to touch her middle finger. Of course, her finger was up, inside of Mickayala, and this had the affect of pressing said digit against the top of the girls vaginal wall, and the spongy pad inside. Not all species possessed such a point, and Faye wasn't 100% sure about the differences between the Klingon anatomy and her own, save that past experience told her it tended to work. The thumb, in turn, swept up, and over the nub of flesh designed for one thing, and one thing only at the top of her folds - pleasure.

It might have been  a mean thing to do - it was certainly mischievous of her, but then the Klingon had asked for more...

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #69
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Pleasure and desire filled Mickayla’s world like it never had before. Her whole body felt like it was supercharged, each and every caress, nip, lick or thrust sent a wave through her; each one cresting higher than the last and coming ever closer to breaching. She wanted more. At her deepest, basest level, Mickayla wanted more of what Faye was bringing out in her. She didn’t care how she got it or what she had to do in that moment. All she cared about was more.

Mickayla ground herself down on the Betazoid’s hand, her pussy squeezing tightly around the fingers inside it, trying to get more sensation from the contact. The arm holding onto Faye also tensed, causing Mickayla to mash her breast into her companions, the feel of skin against skin and meeting of nipples causing her to groan. Her hand under the water was far from idle but Mickayla wasn’t focused on it as her body looked to override her brain with pleasure. She just hoped that whatever she was doing that it was giving Faye as much pleasure as the Betazoid was giving her.

She wouldn’t come to realise it until later that night, but the increased skin sensitivity that she was now subject to affected everything she felt; pain or pleasure. And nothing exemplified that more clearly to Mickayla than the moment when Faye pushed a third finger inside her. It was as if some sort of threshold had been broken inside her and that, combined with Faye speaking directly into her ear before dragging her teeth across the Klingon’s ear inflated Mickayla’s desire to new heights. Or so she thought.

The first instance of being proven wrong came moments later when Faye bit her ear lobe and the small amount of pain on pushed her higher. Gripping the Betazoid tighter, Mickayla rocked her hips faster and harder against Faye’s hand, her eyes half closing as waves of pleasure washed over her. If she had had more conscious control, she might have been worried about knocking both Faye and herself over but she did. All there was to her, was the pleasure Faye was giving her.

It all came to a head when her new lover did something with her hand, and while Mickayla wasn’t sure what it was that Faye did, the result was incredible. Her loins exploded, sending pleasure like she had never felt before coursing through body. Moaning loudly, Mickayla’s mouth latched onto the Betazoid’s neck to try and stifle the sound even as her legs trembled, threatening to pitch them both into the sea. Somewhere, somehow, in the back of her mind, Mickayla tried to repeat the motion that her lover had performed using her own hand that was probing Faye’s tight depths even as her eyes closed as another burst of ecstasy surged through her.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #70
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

Standing in the middle of the ocean Faye felt like she was on fire. It didn't matter that the water was cold and the breeze was there. It didn't matter that someone was probably watching - the beach wasn't empty. The heat was too strong for Faye to ignore. It was building between her legs, it was building in the pit of her stomach. It was building in her chest. And it was building in her mind. She basked in the heat, the need, the desire rolling off of Mickayla MacGregor. Her desire, pleasure and lust fed Fayes.

As much as the telepath tried to maintain her own control, it was slipping, just as her fingers were slipping in and out of the wet crevice that was the Klingon's snatch. Her thumb twitched and shoved up against the other woman's clit with deft precision from years of practice. That experience was part of what had brought the two Starfleet officers to this moment, after all. Experience told her that the Klingon wasn't going to last much longer at all, and this was what Faye saught. The lesson, the instruction was over as far as the lithe woman was concerned. Now it was time for her 'student' to reap the rewards of study. The analogy wasn't perfect, but Faye was well past caring about that. She craved to feel the Security officer's release, knowing, inevitably, that it would lead to her own.

There was no reason that she could not, or should not, also feel wonderful about what was happening. Not all couplings needed to end in an orgasm to be an enjoyable outing, and there was deep satisfaction to be taken in the giving of pleasure and the instruction of one new to the arts of such intercourse. But if she could grasp a climax of her own, there was no reason she should not allow herself such a desirable treat.

True, the other woman's attentions were not as deft as Faye's. They lacked a certain precision. That was to be expected, of course. She was learning. With time and practice would come the technique. What it lacked, however, was made up for with enthusiasm, and, most importantly for the telepathic Betazed, raw, unfiltered emotion. The barriers that the woman erected around herself were long gone in the throes of passion. Faye was getting a front row seat to Mickayla experiencing all of this without any real restraint. In turn she was feeding off of that desire, basking in it, soaking it up and letting it fill the gaps that lack of skill might have left in her own path toward climax.

In the end, it was a brutally swift sort of affair. Faye was lucky that the brawny woman did not break her fingers when she came, given how tightly she clenched down on all three digits that the cheeky diplomat had managed to worm up into her. Faye had forgotten just how powerful Klingon's were until that moment. She'd need to use a dermal regenerator on her skin later, because she was fairly certain Mickayla had gripped down tightly enough to leave a smattering of bruises on her deeply sun kissed skin. No matter.

The pleasure far out dwarfed the pain, washing it aside until it was nothing more than a tingly after thought in the wake of the wave that crashed over her body. Mickayla's orgasm triggered Faye's, as the slender woman knew it would. Her pleasure built and burst, pulled down, drowning in her lovers bliss, pulled in the riptide. She gushed, soaking the intruding digits, and bit down sharply onto the dark woman's shoulder as she muffled her own cries of pleasure, her face scrunched up with release. Each woman marked the other in their moment of explosive joy, and Faye felt her legs give out utterly, dragging the duo down into the surf.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #71
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla’s whole body felt like it had electricity coursing through it as her climax continued. Even the abrupt dunking she had received when Faye’s own peak caused her legs to give way didn’t diminish it. If anything, the sudden sensation of being bitten and then submerged only enhanced the myriad of feelings within. She felt absolutely incredible as she planted her feet in the sand beneath her and rose from the water, sending droplets flying from her breach.

Sucking in air, the Klingon’s body shuddered as another wave of pleasure cascaded through her. Her eyes shut for a moment as she basked in it before opening again to take in the ocean disappearing over the horizon. She almost felt as if she had been reborn. Movement beside her drew her attention and she reached out to help her Betazoid companion/lover regain her feet. Were they lovers? Or just friends enjoying a good time. Mickayla wasn’t sure and couldn’t care less as her body shook again.

“I, ah,” Mickayla stammered, at a loss of what to say. She certainly hadn’t started the day expecting anything even close to this occurring. And yet, here she stood, naked off the coast of the city, having just experienced what she was pretty sure was the best orgasm of her life. “Still experiencing,” she corrected herself, her thighs tensing again.

“Thank you, Faye,” she whispered just loud enough for the Betazoid to hear, knowing it was a risk to use her real name but she considered it worthwhile given their distance from shore. “That, everything so far today; it has been amazing.” She stood there, gazing at the horizon, before turning back towards the shore. Then it hit her. She was naked. Post sex. On a public beach.

“Oh fuck,” she blurted as she felt her skin begin to redden from embarrassment.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #72
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

Saltwater washed over the brunette Betazoid as she and her Klingon partner in crime were submerged. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, though in the moment Faye failed to appreciate the sudden, bracing chill in the wake of the heated climax. Not did she enjoy the mouthful of water she spat out upon surfacing again, having nearly swallowed a solid lungful.

She was going to need a long sonic shower after she got back up to the ship. The salt from the water was going to dry in her hair by the time she got back to the transporter hub. A good sonic dousing would get the particulates out of her locks, and then a soak in the tub after would be just what the doctor ordered. None of which mattered right then, given the maelstrom of emotions she was picking up from her bodyguard/friend with benefits.

Giggling, and still flushed, Faye swept a few stray hairs from her face and beamed back at Mickayla. "You're very welcome, Mickayla," she said earnestly. The Klingon would go back to being called 'Haynar' once they were in earshot of the shore. The duo had drifted far enough away that the diplomat wasn't worried about identity security just at the moment. They had - well, Mickayla had - other concerns.

Pressing a hand into the small of the woman's back, Faye ambled up next to her in the surf and let her hip gently bump the dark skinned girl. "Cheer up. I don't think any of them could really hear us moaning as we came buckets," she teased, rather crudely for someone whose bread and butter revolved around word choice. She gave a cheeky wave at the shore, wagging her eyebrows. She thought she saw someone wave back, but so what?

"I can promise you this isn't the first time something like this has happened at an Aldean beach." This was perfect truth - Faye and Riley had screwed each other, and a pair of useful locals, on another beachfront days before. She was becoming quite the exhibitionist, but that wasn't really all that new for Faye. After all, she was a betazoid, and being naked in public was hardly worth mentioning.

"Besides, no one out there knows who you are. Odds are that none of them will ever see you again, after today. So, they're seeing a beautiful woman in her birthday suit, on a beach full of beautiful people that is clothing optional. I think it's okay." She tried to reassure the Klingon with the praise. She hoped that the constant physical contact would help calm the security officer down as well. The two would need to head to the shore, soon, and she would rather not have the woman in a mild state of panic over something so simple as public nudity.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #73
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

If Mickayla had been embarrassed before, Faye’s comment about cumming mortified her. Despite wanting to and agreeing to, realising that she had done what she had done was overwhelming. She almost didn’t recognise the person standing there in the gently lapping waters with a Betzoid bumping against her. And the reassurance from her that this was not the first time did little to assuage her feelings.

“Easy for you to say,” Mickayla muttered before Faye continued, reassuring her that no one on the beach knew who they were. She had also noted that Faye hadn’t moved her hand from the small of Mickayla’s back and that, combined with their bare hips touching, served to settle the Klingon’s rampant emotions. “I doubt they are noticing me at all with you beside me. I wouldn’t notice me with you here. Even if you weren’t naked.” She’d spoken from the heart and when her brain caught up, her skin reddened all over again.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t meaning to,” Mickayla stammered, not knowing what she meant by her words. “Ah, I meant. It’s just...” Her voice trailed off and Mickayla looked away, not wanting to meet the eyes of the Betazoid. She knew she sounded foolish and didn’t want to compound it any further.

“That, today,” Mickayla said, forcing herself to take some deep breaths. 

“Thank you.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #74
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

A giggle slipped out that might have been just a bit tactless, but oh well. Faye was amused by the light grousing coming from her new-found friend and currently assigned body guard. In a word, it was 'cute.' She wondered if anyone had applied that particular adjective to a Klingon woman. Knowing her human crew mates, she was certain that someone had, at least once, in the past 200+ years of Klingon/Federation relations. She was not entirely sure how many had used such a descriptor and lived to talk about it afterward however. Mickayla was a Starfleet officer, of course, but all the same, why push her luck and speak it aloud? It was enough to think it. For Faye, at least.

Turning and leaning up on her toes just a bit, Faye moved to whisper into Mickayla's ear. "You are the kind of woman that wet dreams are made of. I know its a major adjustment, everything that has happened to you, but if you don't trust your own views of yourself, you can put a little trust in mine. I'm stunning, you're stunning. We're both gorgeous." Reassuring people was easy when you could flirt with them at the same time, or so Faye's logic went. She followed her words with a peck to the Klingons' cheek, not bothering with some cultural tripe about honor - what very little she knew of her guard, given her name alone, told her that sort of tract was pointless. Shameless flattery however, that was a tool the young diplomat was more than willing to bring to bear.

Besides, one of those honor bound types would never stammer over praise and the realization that they'd given a hefty compliment. That Mickayla did spoke volumes to Faye, even without her ability to pry inside the girls mind, or taste her emotions, which were rather loud at the moment. "You are very welcome.

"And I should be thanking you. Keeping me safe and company while I go on a walk about, shopping. Making a new friend is always fun. So its making out with a new friend."
She shot the broad shouldered security officer a saucy wink. They'd done a sight more than just make out. But now it was time to head back, she reasoned, slipping her hand from behind Mickayla and intertwining her fingers. "Come along, Hanyr. We need to get back to shore - perhaps a few extra meters that way," she noted, pointing down shore. "Give us a bit of space from our curious fans."

Even as she spoke, the naked ensign began to wade through the gently lapping surf, still swirling about her thighs, as she set off on a trek toward the shoreline, and the lockers that contained their clothes from earlier. The beach might be a nudist establishment, and the Aldeans might have a loose understanding of what qualified as 'properly dressed' but there was no way that Faye would let Mickayla beam back to the ship in her birthday suit. She imagined the poor non-com would pass out from (unnecessary) embarrassment, if that happened.

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