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Topic: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer (Read 2537 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

[ Ens. Isel Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
Isel had a vague awareness that she was moving, almost a floating sensation, though her efforts to raise her eyelids to see where she was proved fruitless. She heard nearby voices, though to her ears they sounded muffled and distant, their words little more than gibberish. Her mind registered all of this, though it too seemed sluggish, her thoughts seeming to drift slowly through a thick, gooey haze. She tried to speak, to ask where she was, what was happening, but her mouth refused to obey. She had no idea how long this sensation had lasted before sleep once again overtook her, her mind drifting off within the confines of her uncooperative body.

Some time later Isel's mind became aware again, her body slightly more responsive, though she had no recollection of her previous attempt at waking. Isel's eyes fluttered open, then quickly squinted against the glare of the lights above her. She inhaled sharply at the unpleasant sensation the lights caused in her head, her nostrils catching familiar scents around her. After another moment, she braced herself and forced her eyes open a second time. The results were little better than the previous attempt, and pinpricks of pain danced through her head. She urged her mouth open, her jaws reluctantly complying, and managed to utter a single syllable which she felt rather eloquently articulated her current state.


Closing her eyes tight against the offending headache, the Vulpinian raised her left hand to her head and covered her eyes, then slowly propped herself up on her right elbow. She far so good, no shooting pains, no sudden urge to scream, cry or vomit, and both upper limbs seemed to be working. Next. she wiggled her toes, feeling the sensation of both feet.

All four limbs present and accounted for, sir!

Her head, she knew, was still present, as was made all too clear by the booming cacophony of her own pulse in her ears. It pounded like a hellish war drum, and her brain seemed to be trying to tear itself apart in time with the drum's rhythm. Ignoring the pain for a moment, Isel cracked one of her eyes open and shifted her fingers slightly, peering out though the gap in the two furry digits to take in her surroundings while minimizing the light striking her angry nervous system. It took her only a moment to recognize the environment around her.

"Sickbay? Again?" Isel closed her eye tight and let her hand fall away from her face, then flopped back onto the biobed. The flop proved to be a poor decision, as the impact of her torso on the surface sent another jolt of pain through her head. Isel winced, letting out a soft groan as she waited to the pain to subside. As it did, she head movement nearby.

"Whoever you are, please tell me you have something for this headache..." Isel murmured, not daring to open her eyes to see who the newcomer was. Her voice sounded throaty and strained as she added, "Or a phaser. That works too. Just set it to kill."

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #1
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
[Show/Hide]Vinata was already in the Recovery Ward, so he noticed the Vulpinian patient coming to in his peripheral vision. A chirp emanated from the PADD in his four-fingered hands just as he turned his large, black eyes towards the biobed. Gratified that the fighter pilot hadn't suffered any post-surgery complications, he muted the notification on his PADD and headed over there. With his hips idly undulating from his digitigrade gait, he pulled up Ensign Nix's medical journal before reaching the biobed. That was when the patient spoke, and while the headache was equally a concern as well as expected, the show of humour was neither. Vinata blinked and then found himself letting out a trilling laugh.

"I'm Ensign Vojona, Head Nurse, and while short on phasers, we do have hyposprays, so perhaps you'll settle for an inoculation instead?" he said to her, and smoothed down a crease across the bottom of his skirt-variant uniform. He moved over to the closest tray put the PADD aside and prepared a shot of hydrocortilene. While doing so, he continued, the question posed largely rhetorical.

"After the Battle of the Houses, as the Klingons have begun to call it, you were on a mission aboard the Allegiant, where you suffered an injury on the bridge," he said, checking the settings on the hypospray before turning to his patient with a reassuring smile. "You will likely be relieved to hear that, while the diagnosis you got aboard the Erudite still holds true, you will be making a full recovery from your most recent incident. You suffered a severe shrapnel injury to your back, compounded by the manner in which you extracted it yourself, and then fell to the deck plating. Blood loss was the most immediate concern, but Doctor Kobol managed - despite the circumstances of the situation - to stabilise you enough for later surgery. You were lucky he was aboard the Allegiant."

Coming to Nix's side, Vinata pressed the muzzle of the hypospray against the patient's arm, which was bare since she was merely covered by a blanket after the end of her surgery. With a mechanical hiss, he inoculated her, and kept talking about what she might wish to know. "That was one week ago, during which we have been taking care of all the patients after the battle. Doctor Rez preformed your surgery after you were thawed, and she will likely come by in a little while to check on you."

Unbeknownst to Vinata, there was a bygone incident between Nix and Doctor Rez - involving another Lone Wolf - that might provoke a reaction. In ignorance, Vinata merely went about his duties by raising a holo-curtain around the biobed and himself with a couple of taps on a display. "I already replicated a new uniform for you," he said, and retrieved it from a small compartment next to the biobed, "but first, I would like you to try and sit up. In your own time, and let me know if that headache is clearing up. Oh, and given the abilities native to your species, I saw that Doctor Rez also wanted to make sure you can still alter your form. Apparently, the surgery she preformed was extensive, and ventured close to your morphogenic matrix."

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #2
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]Isel cracked her eyes open as the source of the movement nearby let out a laugh, then introduced itself as Vojona, Head Nurse. Apparently phasers weren’t an option, though he instead promised a hypospray. Isel supposed that would have to do. The Head Nurse proceeded to fill her in on the circumstances which had led to her return to sickbay so soon after her previous discharge, and Isel let her head fall back on the biobed and closed her eyes once more as she listened. Memories flittered back to Isel as he retold the details of her injury, and she found herself remembering pulling the large piece of shrapnel out of her back.

She could hear him moving again, and felt him press the hypospray against her arm, feeling the white fur which covered her from head to toe stir as the muzzle of the injector found it’s way to her skin beneath. As the hypospray hissed, Vojona continued talking, adding the surprising detail that it had been a week since the events aboard the Allegiant, and that Doctor Rez, as name Isel was quite familiar with, had performed her surgery.

”One week…” Isel muttered, wincing behind closed eyes at the lost time, ”Damn…”

Nurse Vojona wasn’t finished, asking if her headache was subsiding yet and asking her to try and sit up. She complied with the request, carefully pushing herself up to a sitting position and swinging her legs sideways to dangle off the biobed. Blinking several times, the Vulpinian gave her head a shake and opened her eyes completely.

”The headache is getting better, thanks.” Isel reported, having found it no longer hurt to have her eyes open. The throbbing was lessened, and she could feel the intensity beginning to fade. When the Nurse mentioned a concern about the wound’s proximity to her morphogenic matrix, Isel blinked again, then held up a hand in front of her. She shifted form, watching the white fur retreat into her body until only pale skin was left behind, then turned to Vojona and gave a pained grin. ”All seems well there.” Pushing herself forward off the biobed, Isel shifted again, this time into her Feral form, the blanket which had been covering her falling to the floor as her four paws hit the deck. Isel padded forward, then gave her coat a shake before shifting back to her Vulcine form, the fur disappearing once more. ”Everything seems to be working just fine.” She confirmed, giving the other Ensign a grin.

The grin faded a moment later as the hypospray pushed away the last vestiges of her headache. As the pain subsided, it was replaced with questions.

”Oh shit…” Isel cursed herself for having not thought of it sooner, ”The mission! The away team! Did they get out?” Isel asked as she turned to face Vojona, seemingly oblivious to her nudity as a panicked concern filled her mismatched eyes. ”The bomb. Did they stop it? Did they make it?” More questions flooded into her head, but Isel pushed them aside, worry over the fate of the away team being her primary focus for the moment.

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #3
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
[Show/Hide]The series of transformations the Vulpinian underwent in front of his eyes made, Vinata confident that Doctor Rez had successfully preserved the functions of the patient's morphogenic matric. He smiled and nodded, seeing how she was - perhaps - as carefree about her state of nudity as an Ovri might be. Vinata didn't know enough about Vulpinian culture to make that assumption, however, and even less so when it seemed the patient may have forgotten about her state of undress in her sudden recollection of her mission.

Moreover, while he had been intrigued by the sexual dimorphism of the Federation species since he was sent to Starfleet Academy, and had found himself attracted to different attributes of both the male and female sexes of other species, he was also a nurse. Whatever intrigue remained in his mind despite the acceptance of nudity and sexuality in his native culture was mitigated by his sense of duty, so while he enjoyed the sight of the Vulpinian, he made no outward reaction. Especially not since Ensign Nix was so worried and needed to be reassured that all was well.

"They did," he trilled with a smile and picked the blanket up from the floor. "Now, now, calm down. Please, sit, and I will brief you about what I recall from the reports about the Praxis mission." Saying so, he wrapped the blanket around the shoulders of the former fighter pilot and indicated the biobed with a gesture.

"Commander Cross successfully commanded the Allegiant to traverse the mining tunnels of Praxis, and reached the main mining shaft just in time to collapse it. Doing so, the bomb never reached the main vein of dilithium and safely exploded far higher up in the moon's bedrock. The mining facility collapsed into the sinkhole following the explosion, but the infiltration team was beamed back aboard the Allegiant before they'd be lost. In short, the mission was successful, and Praxis was not split in pieces. Had the bomb reached its intended vein of dilithium, Qo'noS would have been rendered uninhabitable. Added with all other accomplishments of the day, in which Martok could remain High Chancellor, we are rather popular with the Klingon Empire."

Vinata patted Nix's shoulder with a smile, blinking with his black eyes. "So, you have no cause of concern. We're on shore leave, orbiting the planet now, in wait for the next part of our mission." Indicating the Vulpinian's unclothed state with hand, not lingering with his gaze even though her pale pigmentation was quite riveting, he added, "If you want, you can get dressed before Doctor Rez comes by."

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #4
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]Isel let out a long, shuddering sigh as Nurse Vojona filled her in on the outcome of the mission, her shoulders sagging with relief. She found herself wondering, not for the first time, how she had become so invested in the mission and the crew she served with. Recently she'd begun to feel almost at home aboard the Theurgy, a new feeling for her to be sure.

"Thanks, Vojona. I'm glad they made it out." Isel said as she accepted the blanket the Ovri had wrapped around her, shrugging into it to seat it more comfortably on her shoulders. "It sounds like I missed a lot. Though shore leave doesn't sound like a bad idea at the moment." Isel gave the nurse a smile and took the uniform which the nurse had replicated for her. "Thanks, I'll get dressed and wait for the Doc."

With that, Isel shrugged off the blanket once more and deposited it on the biobed, then began to don the provided uniform.

Isel had just finished shoving her legs and tail into the legs and tail hole in the trousers and was snugging  them around her waist when another thought finally clicked in her mind.

”Wait, did you say Rez?” Isel asked, her mismatched eyes wide as they sought out the Ovri’s for confirmation. ”Like, Doctor Rez?”

Donna’s Rez? Great…

Pulling her thoughts bacl to the present, Isel looked up at the nurse with a weak grin. ”Sorry, never mind. I’ll just wait for the Doctor. Thanks for everything, Vojona.”

She and Donna were no longer an item, and her former lover’s past with the Doctor was thus no longer any of her business, yet the name still elicited an unexpected pang of jealousy from the Vulpinian as she shrugged into her uniform tunic. That done, Isel picked up the blanket and deposited it in the replicator to be recycled, then returned to her biobed and hopped up to sit with her legs dangling over the side. Looking down at her knees, Isel wondered what was next for her. She reached up, fingering the white shoulder of her tunic which she should no longer be wearing. She wasn’t a Lone Wolf anymore, medically grounded as she was. Where did she go from here? Ops? CONN?

Shaking herself, Isel pushed such thoughts away. There would be time for that later. First, she had to get through this encounter with Doctor Rez without making an ass of herself. Then she had to escape sickbay and, with any luck, get herself a strong drink.

Kicking her legs as they dangled off the bed, Isel sat with her own thoughts as she waited for Doctor Rez, wondering about her future.

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #5
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @BipSpoon
[Show/Hide]When the Vulpinian said she was relieved that the away mission had been accomplished, and that she would wait for the Doctor, Vinata inclined his head and took that as a sign the patient wanted some time on her own before Rez made her rounds. Vinata took this in stride, understanding how the former Lone Wolf might need to collect her thoughts a bit.

"Of course," he trilled with a smile and began to step away, "the Doctor will be with you shortly."

Mid-stride, Vinata paused when Nix spoke anew, wishing to confirm she'd heard Vinata correctly, but before he could answer her, it seemed the Vulpinian dismissed her own question. Instead, she expressed her thanks to Vinata, who smiled and inclined his bare head to her.

"It was my pleasure," he said, and belatedly realised that the woman might take him literally, and get the idea that he'd referred to her showing a lot more skin than she may have intended. He almost corrected himself, but realised that he would just make matters worse if he tried to explain what he'd meant, and definitely not meant. Or had he? By Dejino, just walk away!

So he did, with his digitgrade stride carrying him out of the Recovery Ward. He went to the large LCARS scheduling screen in the corridor and scanned it with his black eyes for Amelya's name. He decided to go tell Rez about her patient in person rather than just sending a notification to her PADD, so he set off towards the area where he believed Doctor Rez would be at. Once he found her, he approached with his four-fingered hands clasped behind his back, holding his PADD.

"Doctor Rez?" he chirped to this Trill who used to the Chief Medical Officer of the ship they had in common, the USS Harbinger, "your patient from this morning's surgery, Ensign Isel Nix? She's awake and ready to see you when you are available."

Vinata handed over the PADD with the patient's journal, including the notations he'd made himself. "When... I mentioned that we feared her morphogenix matrix may have been damaged by her injury, she - unbidden - changed between all three of her forms, so it would seem it wasn't compromised. Neither by the injury nor by the surgery you preformed in close proximity to it."

With a pause, during with Vinata - not for the first time - wished to speak with the Doctor about what she was experiencing with the faulty joining to her symbiont, he decided to not impose upon his superior officer with his curiosity. Instead, he opted for someting more duty-related and pragmatic. "Do you wish that I accompany you, or shall I see to the other patients in the wards?"

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @Auctor Lucan
Amelya had been in another room in sickbay, wearing a surgical gown and attempting to repair a lacerated liver. It was a relatively simple procedure, particularly given the technology Thea held within her, but it was still a somewhat time consuming one. Amelya had needed to first locate the bleed, calculate the rate of bleeding, and then devise the best strategy to stop the bleeding itself. The procedure had been a success and she had found her way to an office space to write the surgical note, before moving on to seeing her other patients. Her first procedure of the day had been far more complicated than the liver lac.


She reviewed the file quickly, retracing her steps through the surgery she’d performed, mostly to just refresh her memory on the patient. While she was good with names for the most part, there were times that she saw so many patients that she struggled to put a name to a face, and to their exact medical problem. The most complicated issue that Isel faced, was her ability to shape shift. Amelya had very little experience with her species, and in the time leading up to the procedure had spent as much time as she possibly could practicing on a holographic member of Isel’s race. Amelya was nothing if not thorough.

She snatched a PADD from her desk, containing her most recent information on Nix, and made her way towards the patients room, stopping first to speak to Vinata. She shot a warm smile at the nurse, and leaned against the wall, waiting for report on the patient. “Here for…Isel Nix, yea?”  She wanted to verify before she continued, but she still gave a nod and canted her head to the side. “The morphogenic matrix.” She clarified, ensuring they were speaking of the very same procedure. The one that had kept her up stressing about the unfamiliar anatomy of her patient.

The mention of her shifting form though, had Amelya let out an audible sigh of relief, and the whole of her body language changed. “Oh, that’s wonderful. I was worried I’d be having a very…complicated conversation with her.” She placed a hand on Vinata’s arm and gave it a thankful squeeze. “Up to you, I’m happy to have you join.” Without pause then, Amelya entered the medical bay, and smiled to Isel herself.

“Hi, I’m Doctor Rez, I performed your surgery this morning. I just wanted to come check in, and see if there was anything we could get for you before we start on your discharge. I’m told you aren’t having any problems morphing which is excellent, given the proximity to your matrix I had to operate. Given there aren’t any complications evident, I think you can likely recover in your quarters, on the condition you only return to light duty this week, and normal duty next week. I want to see how you’re doing before you hop right back into a cockpit. I don’t see a reason you can’t take part in shore leave though.” She rambled for a moment, but once she was finished she approached the patient and began to do a quick scan with a medical tricorder, verifying the readings with a hand-on physical exam.

“Do you have any questions for me?” She paused, and made certain to make eye contact before she canted her head to the side, questioning Nix.

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #7
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Isel was still seated on the biobed when Doctor Rez entered, the Vulpinian’s eyes blankly staring at her hands folded in her lap and her thoughts on her future. It was only when Rez spoke that Isel’s mind was snapped back to the present, the slight woman jumping slightly as she looked up at the Doctor with wide eyes.

”Crap, sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” Isel said with a slight laugh, her right hand drifting up to brush errant strands of white hair out of her face. ”So you’re Doctor Rez, huh?” Of course she’s a knockout surgeon. Makes me wonder what Donna ever saw in me! ”Nope, no problems shifting between forms. I had a headache when I came to, but Nurse Vojona gave me something for it.” Isel hesitated about Rez’s remark about hopping in a cockpit.
Not much risk of that… Isel thought to herself with a pang of remorse as the Doc moved closer and began to scan her.

There was no reason that Doctor Rez would know she was grounded and would not be flying with the Lone Wolves any more. Hell, there hadn’t really even been time for Isel herself to process the information before she was off on the Allegiant and then back in stasis. The thought brought her full circle to what she had been thinking about when Rez had startled her.

What the hell do I do now?

Isel looked up and peered at Rez as the physician finished with her scans are began and physical exam to confirm the readings. The Trill had, at one point, been a point of contention between Isel and her now ex-lover. Some distant connection between the two. Isel could certainly see why Donna had found the Trill attractive. Had she been in better spirits, Isel herself might have made some characteristically idiotic comment about “playing doctor”. As it was though, she simply smiled at the Doctor as Rez asked if Isel had any questions, canting her head to the side in a way that made Isel feel an irrational pang of jealousy for the briefest moment.

Damn you, Donna…

”Questions? Uh…” Isel began, her mismatched eyes meeting those of the Doctor’s. ”Nothing that comes to mind. Are there any lasting effects from my injury? Anything I should be careful of?’ Isel’s eyes narrowed theatrically. ”You didn’t sneak a kidney to sell to some Ferengi, did you? Because if you did, I want half the profit!”

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #8
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @BipSpoon
[Show/Hide]"I can accompany you, Doctor. I don't have any patients in urgent need for me just now," Vinata had chirped with a smile, and he'd followed Doctor Rez into the Recovery Ward at a small distance, not wanting to get in the Trill's way when she spoke to the newly awakened patient.

He had listened to the exchange in quietude, and he realised that there was still a factor in Nix's medical file that had yet to be accounted for. The reason it hadn't was because the Vulpinian hadn't received treatment aboard the Theurgy, and the report provided to them by the Savi medical team aboard the Erudite had yet to be verified. The injury the patient had suffered during the mission to Andoria had yet to be uploaded to her medical journal because Nix hadn't come to sickbay after her mission aboard the Erudite and before she was injured anew. Therefore, the Savi medical journal on Nix was a completely separate file, and Vinata thought it was best to speak up about it.

"Actually," he trilled, speaking up behind Doctor Rez. "We received the account from our allies aboard the Erudite that you were hurt and underwent treatment for blunt force trauma to the head? The Savi wrote that you had neurological trauma that would likely keep you from preforming your duties in the Lone Wolf squadron? The data points they sent weren't compatible with our technology, so would you please tell us what the Savi told you? That would allow us to verify their findings..."

Vinata realised that it may be a sensitive topic, but it was important to address it, since it may affect Nix's ability to preform her duties. If what the Savi had claimed was actually true... then perhaps Nix might never fly a warp fighter again. Vinata opened the Savi file on his PADD and handed it to Rez, as much as that helped since besides the translated text at the top, it didn't make much sense.

OOC: I suggest @Fife posts again for this development to make sense, but I realised we have an unturned stone in this scene since Nix never got to sickbay between her two separate injuries on the Andoria mission and later on the Praxis mission. :) As for why Vinata and Rez didn't know what the Savi's verdict was, I just chalked it up to incompatibility between Savi and Federation medical data. *grin*

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #9
[ Ens. Isel Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon

Isel blinked several times in quick succession as she turned her attention back to Nurse Vojona, then found herself raising her hand to her head as another brief wave of dizziness washed over her.

She allowed her hand to fall as the wave subsided, and gave her head a shake to clear away the last vestiges of the fogginess which clung to her mind.

"The Savi? I didn't understand half of what they said either. But from what I gathered they had to patch me up quite a bit. Lots of bruises, breaks and burns. And apparently they had to regenerate my brain, which gives me the fucking creeps just thinking about it." Isel feigned a shiver before she continued. "They said I'd have frequent headaches following them rebuilding my brain which, again, is super creepy, and that I'd have lasting neurological issues which would make me sensitive to high inertial forces. They said that sensitivity would not allow me to continue piloting a fighter. Said it wouldn't be safe." Isel let out a dark chuckle. "Apparently it wasn't much safer aboard the Allegiant..."

Isel looked from the nurse to the doctor, then shrugged. Then, still looking at Rez, Isel squinted. "Have we met before, Doc? You look familiar, but the memory is fuzzy." Isel grinned and shrugged again. "I guess having the Savi regrow your brain isn't so great for the memory..."

Isel squinted at the doctor again, seeming to concentrate on the faded memory. "Did I threaten you or something?" The question was asked in a half-joking manner, though Isel was genuinely curious. Honestly, it would hardly have been out of character for her, especially of late.

OOC: Sorry for the delay, I was hunting down old threads to double-check details.

@BipSpoon, here's the link to Isel and Amelya's previous run-in. I'm playing it off as a memory gap on Isel's part.,2621.0.html

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Fife
Amelya gave Nix a smile. They’d met before and it hadn’t been the most pleasant of interactions. It had worked out in the end though, and Amelya was a Doctor, she would treat her patient no matter what her personal feelings were about them, even if she did hold any negative feeling about Nix, which she did not.

“Good. Honestly, I was a little worried. It was a tricky operation.” She gave Nix a playful wink and a sly but subtle smile. “Let me know if the headache comes back. It’s likely just a reaction to the sedatives you were given during the procedure, not entirely out of the ordinary. We’ll send you home with something to help with that for the next day or so, but if it persists after that please come back.” An operation as complicated as hers held a multitude of risks, and while Amelya was confident all had gone well, it was always better to remain cautious.

“You may from time to time experience some amnesia, at least at first. Those effects should fade with time though. Nothing major, and odds are you won’t experience any problems. Over the next few weeks though I would suggest keeping a log of anything strange or out of the ordinary that happens, physically or mentally.” Amelya gave her a quick nod and crossed her arms, narrowing them briefly.

“If I wanted to make a profit I wouldn’t sell your kidney!” She laughed, trying to lean into the idea that she’d ever even think about joining the illegal medical black market, though from a simple look at her, it was clear she seemed the sort to be clean as a whistle, not a criminal.

Amelya took the PADD from Vinata, immediately letting her eyes fly through the text on the device. Her face made it clear that she had no clue what she was looking at. So, she simply handed it back to Vinata, giving him a small smile of gratitude before turning her attention back to the patient, listening intently. She’d have to add an addendum to her medical record with the new information, so she was trying to get every detail she could.

Seeing her reach for her head as she did, Amelya moved across the room for a simple motion sickness cocktail, tapping the commands into the synthesizer and inserting the fresh cartridge into a hypo spray. She approached Nix and asked quickly, “Just something that may help as well if you want it, shouldn’t have any side effects.” If she wanted it, she would inject the medication.

“Ah, well-“ She briefly nodded, “That explains the headache then. We can try a few medications for breathrough pain when they occur, if they are going to be chronic.” There we plenty of options, and Amelya had already begun formulating her treatment. She would likely need different medications for when she was on shift, versus when she was not.

Amelya smiled before giving Nix a nod, “Yes, we have met. I met you some time ago with Donna Patterson. I believe you may have threatened me, but honestly, I can’t remember.The past months have seemed like a blur.” She waved her hand dismissively, clearly not caring about the past interaction, and instead taking Isel as she currently presented herself. She hoped that would jog her memory, but if not she would continue to attempt clarifying her identity. “I’d like to get a couple of more thorough scans of your brain once you’ve recovered from today's procedure. It’ll give me a closer look at what’s going on, and maybe we can work on treating both the headaches and the amnesia on a systemic level, instead of only treating the symptoms.” She wasn’t sure if it would work, but she wanted to give Nix a little hope at least that it may not be permanent, and that perhaps they could help.

OOC: So sorry for the delay guys, I totally missed this one.

Re: Day 08 [1130 hrs.] Frequent Flyer

Reply #11
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon

Isel nodded as Doctor Rez spoke of medications that would help with the pain of her now chronic condition, as well as in agreement with the Doctor's suggestion that she keep a log of any strange occurences that the Vulinian might experience over the next few weeks.

Isel watched as Rez synthesized a hypospray and approached, offering it as something that might help. Isel tilted her head to the side to give the Doctor a clear approach to her neck in reply, hearing the hiss of the hypospray as the mechanism injected the medication. "Thanks." Isel said, giving the Doctor a grateful smile.

As Rez acknowledge that they had, if fact, met before, adding that she believed that Isel may have threatened her but that she couldn't remember, Isel's shoulders slumped slightly. That was a very polite way of converying a resounding yes. Even as the Doctor played it off, statign that the past months had been a blur, Isel felt a rising pang of guilt. She knew herself well enough to know that she had probably acted like an irate and aggressive asshole, even if the amnesia prevented her from knowing the exact details of the encounter.

"Sorry Doc..." Isel muttered, dropping her gaze to her feet which still dangled off the side of the biobed. "I can tell you're being nice about it, but I know what I can be like. I'm not always known for keeping a level head. I hope it wasn't too bed." Isel glanced up at Rez, giving the Doctor a weak smile. "And thanks for not selling any organs." She added in an attempt to lighten the mood.

As Rez stated she wanted Isel back for some further scans once she'd recovered from the events of the day, Isel nodded and hopped down from the biobed, glancing from Rez to Vojona. "Can do, Doc!" Isel said with a half-hearted grin, "Though for now, if it's alright with you, I think I need to go get some sleep. Cryogenic stasis isn't as restful as you might think, and I've spent entirely too much time in it in the past few months..."

Isel waited for the Doctor to dismiss her, thanking the Doctor once more and nodding a thanks to Nurse Vojona as well, then exited sickbay and made her way to her quarters.

"Home sweet home." The Vulpinian muttered as the doors to her quarters hissed open ahead of her. Isel made a beeline for her bed, flopping down on the mattress with her arms stretcher out to either side. "Now what?"

The question hung in the air around her, seeming to echo in her ears. No more Lone Wolves. No more Tac CONN. What else was she good for? She spoke several languages, but she hardly had the compromising demeanor of a Diplomat. She could operate all the systems used on the ship's fighters, but she didn't think that would qualify her for full duty in Ops or Engineering. She needed to find a place where she could help out, where she could be of use.

Just then, as though answering the question which still seemed to ring in the air around her, her stomach let out a growl that felt like the concussion from a photon torpedo. Fresh out of stasis, her stomach had made up her next more for her.

The question of her future still echoed in her mind as she dragged herself off the bed and padded across her quarters towards the replicator.


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