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Everyone welcome @joshs1000 's new character, Hassar!

  Hassar al-Zaheer                                                          Civilian

- Writer: @Joshs1000

Commander (3rd Rank) Hassar al-Zaheer is a Vaharran, a new species original to the Theurgy universe. The Vaharran history is too long and beautiful to be squeezed into a tiny post, so go read it here! Hassar was part of his people's first contact with the Federation, and has worked closely with Starfleet ever since, first as an exchange officer, then as an observer during the Dominion War. However, when his son went missing on the way to Starfleet Academy, Starfleet refused to help find him, blaming the renegade USS Theurgy instead. With no help coming, Hassar took matters into his own hands, taking a Vaharran ship and crew to find their missing people.

Hassar will be entering the story in the chapter 2 thread: Spare Tire

Welcome aboard!


Unfortunately, three of our writers have reached out to us and asked to be placed on inactive. So today, we are saying farewell to @BipSpoon  , @Juzzie , and @GroundPetrel . We wish them all the best and hope to see them again one day! Due to their time constraints, @Nolan  is also putting a character up for adoption.

Based on the writers' requests, these characters are going to the following futures:

  Ens. Cameron Henshaw                   Captain's Yeoman & Mission Ops Asst. (NPC)

- Available for Inheritance

  Lt. Valyn Amarik                      Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer (V2) (NPC)

- To be Killed in Action (Chapter 1 Thread)

  Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le                       Senior Intelligence Analyst (NPC)

- Available for Inheritance

  Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon                                       Wolf-05 [Razor] (NPC)

- Available for Inheritance

  Lt. Amelya Rez                             Asst. Chief Medical Officer (V1) (NPC)

- Available for Inheritance

  Lt. Rhys Williams         Asst. Chief Counselor (V3) (NPC)

- Missing in Action (Goes off ship Chapter 3 Thread)

Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 4 S [ Day 01 | 1915 ] The Remains of a Crew
Last post by Dree -
[Sasch Kreshkova | Unnamed Cell | Alternative Asteroid Station | Romulan Space] ATTN: @Ellen Fitz

Sasch actively watched Ehfva.  While she couldn’t ‘see’ what the thoughts were that crossed the Vulpinian’s mind, she could see that thoughts were crossing her face.  But as she started to talk, Sasch listened, having finally gotten used to the (to Sasch’s ears) awkward accent. 

Hearing her friend talk about her father elicited tears from her eyes.  If she got out of this … was she going to get out of this?  It certainly didn’t look good for her to get out of this situation.  She slowly filled her lungs with air, trying to remind herself that as long as she was breathing, there was still hope.   But if…by that small sliver of a chance that she made it through, Sasch determined right then and there that she was going to find a way to mend fences with her father.

But Ehvfa continued describing her culture - likely to keep both herself and Sasch from thinking about other things, and Sasch listened, but as the Vulpinian came to an end of her explanation, Sasch’s mind began to wander.

Her father was the first one to come to mind - because both she and her wolf friend had spoken of him, but her thoughts turned to her mother and her siblings.  She could only imagine how worried they were. Alexi’s bravado wouldn’t allow him to show his concern, but she knew he would be worried.  He was just getting ready to enter his last year at the Academy.  And she realized that after she had been kidnapped, Alexi would be watched closely - which he would absolutely chaffe at.  But it wouldn’t change the fact that he would be worried about her.

Eva, on the other hand, would likely be trying to find her sister. She hadn’t followed her two older siblings into the Academy.  Instead, she was attending the University of Moscow.  It was interesting.  Of the five Kreshkova children, Eva had always been the resourceful and independent one. If any of the children could pull a rabbit out of the hat on any given project, it would be Eva.  Sasch didn’t even doubt that her sister was looking for ways to find her.  And that thought helped her breathe a little more easily.

Luka and Ivan were in their senior year of high school.  They would talk through their concerns together.  They had always used each other as a sounding board and a confidante.  Sasch could guess that they were struggling to keep on task during school out of concern for her, but if they were, they would likely only tell each other.

But the gentle pawed pat on her shoulder roused her from her thoughts.  “Perhhaapppsssh youuu will flllyy hhooommme yeettt,” Ehfva said.

Sasch leaned her head sideways onto Ehfva’s furry shoulder.  “I sure hope so.  I vouldn’t vant to die here, vizhout my life meaning somezhing real yet.

Sasch tried to keep herself quiet and listened to the steady in and out of her own breaths.  “Who knows,” she said sleepily.  The events of the previous hours had taken a lot out of her.  She only managed to get out two more phrases, “Maybe ve vill make it out.  I vould like zhat,” before she drifted off to sleep.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 4: S [Day 1 | 1810 hrs] A Friend Indeed...
Last post by Dumedion -
[PO2 Cora Davison | Maintenance Tube | Biological Laboratory Quintus | Aft Tertiary Research Deck | Erudite] Attn: @TWilkins

The ‘light-tube’ pulsed eerily all around her. Cora grunted and contorted her body awkwardly in order to right herself once Sylvain managed to do the same, only narrowly missing a boot to her face. The amusement she felt at the scene quickly died as she huffed and crawled out to join him in what she only guessed was some junction or relay area, connected by various other access tubes on every surface. Her head popped out, then panned around, squinting in the oddly unpleasant light. A queasy feeling permeated in her stomach at the weirdly organic appearance of it all – like they were contaminants crawling around in a giant brain – neuron to neuron.

Right. Keep that nonsense to yourself, the analyst snorted mentally. She met Sylvain’s gaze evenly while she settled herself across from him; it wasn’t hard to pick up the tension the Ensign was giving off. Cora didn’t judge him for it; everyone handled stressful situations differently, each by their own strengths and character. He seemed awfully put-off with her, but Cora guessed he was more scared and angry at the situation. The analyst pulled her knees up to her chest and watched him through the tangles of her hair with occasional glances at her feet. When his hails were met with silence, Cora took a deep breath and waited, lips pulled down in a slight frown of guilt, head tilted fractionally to the side. She watched him close his eyes in what could only have been frustration; when they opened, they were hard, angry, and more than a little disappointed.

Her brows flickered together in confusion at first; Cora had to search her memory for what ‘carte blanche’ meant. Is that French, she wondered, then blinked and refocused. It wouldn’t do to get distracted in the midst of what she assumed was a dressing-down – although he had started off with a rather large assumption. The analyst blinked that away for later, resisting the urge to interrupt. Her eyes followed his briefly to the Savi device at her hip and the tricorder there, quietly beeping; she blinked again at what appeared to be an accusation, but the Ensign quite comically seemed to struggle with his words for a moment.
Poor bloke isn’t very good at this, Cora frowned and focused on her shoes, then dismissed the thought as thoroughly unfair. He’s probably never been somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be his whole life. That certainly set them apart; Anderson had made a point of throwing her history right at Cora’s face – the good, the bad, the ugly. It was impressive, really…she had no idea Starfleet kept such an eye on her. Of course, she had no idea Starfleet was riven from within either, until he told her and then sent her on this job. Irony abounds.

When he finally found his words again, Cora flinched at the steel in Sylvain’s tone; her brows rose at his assumption of ‘personal gain’, however – mildly insulted at the implication. Her mouth opened to spit a flippant rebuttal but closed just as quickly as his emotional tirade continued. He wasn’t wrong, per se; yes, she’d borrowed the Savi’s PDA. Yes, she hadn’t been entirely forthcoming about her intentions. Yes, she was well aware of the potential consequences of her actions, as well as what might happen if they got caught, as well as the fact that she was responsible for dragging him – literally – into all of it. All that could happen, but it could also not happen, if they played their cards right; Cora guessed the Ensign wasn’t much of a card player.

Yet the analyst was also very aware of the fact that she was following orders, from an authority far beyond his or anyone else aboard the ship, but for all the good that did. It wasn’t as if she could tell him; Intel played their cards close – that just came with the job.

Cora frowned again at his seething exclamation of his own duties; unsure what bearing that had on the situation at hand. It’s not as if she knew he was the Conn chief, after all – but she chocked it up to more emotional outpouring and let it lie, while he continued laying into her. Her head came up at his desire to know what she planned to do, with another reminder that apprehension would not serve anyone’s interest – yes, quite right – Cora nodded, then her brows rose at his additional reprimand regarding her conduct. Well, he wasn’t wrong there either, and there was a very good reason for that, but of course she couldn’t disclose that either. Still, Cora felt a pulse of pleasant pride, knowing she still had the chops to pull it off.

You’ve no idea, she smiled mentally, but betrayed no physical reaction whatsoever – aside from the carefully maintained appearance of a person caught wrong-handed while attempting to do the right thing, albeit in the wrong way. Even that softened with a tilt of Cora’s head at him, followed by a quick gesture to her face and then his own. “Oh! You need to turn on.” The breathing strips – for lack of a better term – that she’d found back in the lab were secured to each of their noses; in the haste of their exit, followed by Sylvain’s…assessment…of the situation, Cora simply hadn’t had the opportunity to activate his. She corrected that immediately, using her own face as a demonstration. Cora got the distinct impression the Ensign didn’t like to be touched; odd, but understandable, she reckoned.

Once that was taken care of, the analyst paused for a few seconds to let him catch his breath and hopefully gather his wits. Fear was understandable, but if they panicked, it would only make things worse, and told him as much, while still trying to keep her tone calm and friendly. “As far as getting caught, I happen to agree, sir – so let’s not do that, alright,” she nodded, then gestured around at the glowing semi-organic mass of conduits that surrounded them. “These lead somewhere, I wager,” Cora shrugged slightly, none the wiser. Her “plan” had been tossed out the airlock the moment the good Ensign collapsed; it was all improvisation and luck now. “Proximity might be jamming our comms; EM interference or material composition, perhaps. Either way, we shouldn’t linger here too long, and we can’t go back the way we came, so our only logical step is forward, eh?” Cora shrugged again, then pulled out the Savi PDA. The transfer was almost done, but didn’t guarantee anything. Her eyes studied it and the display on her tricorder while she ran a hand through the tangled mess of her hair – thinking.

“We know at least one Savi has seen us, yet heard no alarms and haven’t been pursued, not yet anyway,” Cora mused aloud while her fingers tapped out a series of decryption commands. “The lexicon is incomplete, but maybe I can pull up an internal layout…”

A few seconds later, a series of muffled thumps and shouts reverberated from the access tube that led back to the lab.

Specimen release authorized, blinked across the tricorder display.

Cora’s eyes widened as her brows shot up. “Well that doesn’t sound pleasant, does it.” Her head peeked up over the brim of the tunnel to look.

Against all reason, and against all notion of coincidence, the chromed portal only a few meters away decided to buckle at that exact moment. Cora’s jaw opened in disbelief as a fluffy, white-colored mammal waddled into view and sat just within the pulsing glow of the conduit, no larger than a rabbit. She wanted to reach out and squeeze its plushy, fat little body to death. “Well hello there little one,” she cooed, completely taken by it instantly; it was the cutest thing she’d ever seen. Black eyes, insanely innocent, swiveled towards the sound as it took a waddling step. Only then did Cora see the body on the floor behind the creature, oddly deformed; flattened somehow, as if crushed, but unmistakable: it was the Savi researcher, but how? What had happened? What did she do? Cora blinked in confusion, then alarm after the creature squeaked at her – it was a word – not a sound, but a word.

“Y-you heard that, right,” Cora asked Sylvain, with more than a note of concern coloring her voice.

Moopsy!” The creature squeaked again, as it started off in a waddle straight at them.

“Right, uh, new plan then,” Cora backed away slowly. Run.”

OOC - que the chase scene music
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 5 S [ D02 | 0600 hrs.] Old Friends Die Hard
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Vreenak’s Bar | Yy'a Dochaisam Cove |Avra Trel | Romulus ] @rae  @Pierce

As much as Hirek longed for the seas and the islands of his home just over the horizon, he kept his focus on the comings and goings of the myriad of people filtering through this area. Most were tried and true fishermen, coming into the cove or leaving depending on what they were hunting beneath the waves. Temporary booths had been set up along the main walkway where the fishermen could sell their fresh catch to vendors who had larger establishments deeper within the city. Though there was the guarantee that the Tal’Shiar was already aware of their presence on the planet and they were operating freely on a rapidly diminishing timer, the sights, sounds, and smells of this area touched on a part of his soul that couldn’t be soothed otherwise. For as well-done as his holodeck program was, it was not the same.

“This place is famed for its tea and fishcakes,” Hirek spoke in the Continental dialect, knowing that both Pierce and Nysari could understand him best in that dialect.

Once inside, there was a brief moment of trying to determine which shadowed booth they were to take a position in as they waited for tr’Rehu. However, the confusion of where melted away to a curiosity of why when Hirek spotted an old, familiar face. There was no such thing as coincidence on Romulus. Glancing over his shoulder at the disguised Starfleet officers, Hirek led them past the bar, signaling to the bartender for three orders of the special on his way. He gestured for Nysari to sit on the bench first, figuring the diplomat would need the most protection when things went sideways, then Pierce, and then he took his seat across a man he’d not seen in decades.

“We do not have much time.” tr’Rehu was the first to speak.

Hirek smiled. “When do anarchists ever have enough time?”

“We do not seek anarchy, young tr’Aimne. We seek a new order of things.” tr’Rehu looked between Hirek’s companions. “A more open order of things.”

“All tyrants promise the same thing, tr’Rehu, at the beginning. Even many of those in the Citadel believe they are preserving the peace and prosperity of their people through their actions.” Hirek moved his gaze from tr’Rehu to Dhiemm e’Jeiai tr’Ethien, his cousin. “Are you here for the legacy of your father or on your own merit?”

Dhiemm’s smile mirrored Hirek’s. “The same question could be asked of you, ei-Alth'Indor.”

Hirek fought to keep the surprise from taking root in his body when his cousin used the name Hirek had given himself and relayed to King soon after he’d taken up the baton the Madsen’s had effectively dropped in his lap. He’d made it clear to King that this name should only be known between the two of them as an added measure of guaranteeing the validity of reports and communique. That Dhiemm knew meant that either King had recruited his cousin or that his cousin had infiltrated King’s Intelligence. If it was the former, they had an ally sitting across from them. If it was the latter, they were all already dead.

“Enough.” tr’Rehu physically and verbally cut off the staredown between cousins when he leaned forward, once more catching the attention of the Starfleet officers. “The man I represent has a proposition for your handlers.”

The table fell silent when a server placed three orders of tea and fishcakes on the table. Though Dhiemm and Hirek worked together to space out the food and drinks, no one sought to eat or drink. Not merely for the gravity of the discussion but also for the high chance that the Tal’Shiar were already in place and just waiting to pounce.

“The divisions among our people have dug enough graves and stunted the growth of our Empire. The age of isolationism is long past, and yet the two who claim leadership would seek to prolong this isolationism and maintain the status quo. The one seeks absolute destruction of all who are seen as an obstacle, the other duplicitly forms temporary alliances with plans to betray the new allies the moment the tides turn in her favor.”

“But what your handler offers is not a temporary alliance and is free from all duplicity?” Hirek interjected.

His interruption surprised both Dhiemm and tr’Rehu, namely because it was a challenging question spoken openly instead of the roundabout method of discourse common amongst their people. Hirek looked at Pierce a moment before turning his gaze to the men across the table. Likely, his time with the Theurgy crew had already impacted him.

“We will not shy away from the past, young tr’Aimne. Yes, we once pledged loyalty to Shinzon and, to this day, uphold many of the statutes he promoted before his hubris destroyed him through the hands of Starfleet. Some of these statutes were labeled xenophobic and extremist by Federation leaders; however, we do not seek entrance into the Federation, merely an open agreement. Do not interfere in our bid for leadership, and neither support the others already vying for power. Let us solve Romulan problems using Romulan means, and when we are in power, we will open our borders for trade and exchange. Our planet will allow a Federation embassy, and we need no longer operate according to a Neutral Zone.”

Hirek looked at Dhiemm before he asked his next question. “What of the Tal’Shiar?”

“While he has stated no opinion in favor or against, from my understanding, it would be purged of corruption.”

“But still a tool in the hands of the leader?” Hirek kept his voice neutral, expression as well. “A weapon to be used to any who dare to differ?”

“You cannot remake a world in a day, tr’Aimne. Even broken systems can still be wielded for change until new systems can be cultivated.” tr’Rehu shook his head. “Your uncle knew this, and his death came from seeking to change too much too soon, bypassing systems that, though corrupt, can still be wielded strategically.”

Dhiemm didn’t say anything in response to the reference of his father’s execution, but neither did he signal disagreement with tr’Rehu’s words. Hirek found it curious how someone who’d lost his own father at the hands of the Tal’Shiar could be willing to support a would-be leader willing to keep the Tal’Shiar around, if even in a reduced and “purged” state.

“There is more information in the encrypting data chip,” tr’Rehu looked towards where Nysari was seated, “you should find it close by.” Subtly, his fingers tapped on the table. “We will leave first and await your reply.”

Hirek met Dhiemm’s gaze just briefly before the two men departed, leaving through a side entrance close by. Looking to his companions, Hirek resisted the urge to sigh but gave into the temptation to smile grimly.

“In case you missed it, that was my cousin, and his father was executed at the Citadel for aiding Starfleet Intelligence many years ago. One of the catalysts that marked my entrance into working with Starfleet and connected me to the operative Intelligence had here, Lieutenant Commander Ernan Madsen.” He jutted his chin toward the table near Nysari’s hands. “The chip is probably attached under the booth or table.”

The main entrance door opened, and, looking up, Hirek grimaced. There was no mistaking the cold look of a Tal’Shiar agent.

“We should leave. NOW. They have found us.”
Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland
Last post by RyeTanker -
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Lt ThanIda zh'Wann  (Lt. zh'Wann) | Campsite Gamma | Theta Sigma VI] Attn: @AbsintheDeux @tongieboi @Dumedion

Ida stood there for a moment and looked at her far more outgoing colleague as she gripped the stranger like a child with a stuffed animal and shook her like one as well.  The relationship aspect for the Deputy stood as a stranger for she knew exactly who the pilot was.  Apparently Zark had gotten friendly with this one already and the two were definitely familiar. The pilot's request to get up after being knocked over was reasonable, and the other Zhen did help her up, but she didn't need Zark's help to introduce herself.  "Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann. I work Security....."  Apparently the medic didn't feel their meeting had been quite appropriate as she grabbed the pilot's head, yanked it hard to face her and planted her face on the human's.  Ida wasn't a dike by any means, so she could see from the movement of the Zhen's head she was stuffing her tongue into the human's mouth.  This wasn't enough though as Ida opened her mouth to caution and protest the Zhen's actions as her hand quickly made its way down and grabbed a hand full of ass cheek.  Ida knew that Zark wasn't weak by any means so there was going to be some torsion behind that squeeze.  Ida exhaled and grimaced before shaking her head.  A slight moan of delight let the Deputy know where this was heading quickly, and it likely wouldn't end well for the pilot, like human popsicle badly.

Ida theatrically and loudly cleared her throat making Zark reluctantly pull herself off.  If her knowledge of the medic was correct, she was probably grinning with an insolent leer.  "As I was saying before we were .... interrupted, Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann. I'm in Security as 2IC.  Most people refer to me as the Deputy."

Then Zark was Zark as she linked her arms into the pilot's and Ida's and dragged them to the next shelter over. "Don't let that calm demeanor fool you Shadow, she'd the meanest and toughest bitch on the ship."  Ida felt her eyebrow arch as the friendly insult and she was getting ready to retort when the medic gave an insolent grin and continued. "She's kicked the ass out of everyone who challenger her in single combat and is the personification of the bane of our enemies."  Zark turned her head back to the pilot. "In other words, stay on her good side." Ida didn't quite flush in embarrassment at that introduction. "A base libel Zark."

"Not by much." The medic continued with a jolly serenity. "Remember that time I thought I had you on the ropes, then you turned it around, ah well, never mind cause her we are."  Zark finished suddenly as they arrived at shelter 6.  "Toss your stuff inside Talia and lets head to the fire.  I'm supposed to pose nude next to the pool so Ida can immortalize this amazing figure on canvas."

Ida stared incredulously at the medic. "Is this what you were babbling about when you said to paint?"  The medic smiled back insolently and stuck her tongue out and Ida's eyes narrowed into slits as she tried to figure out if the medic was being serious. She gave it fifty-fifty at this point given her good mood and nature.

Zark shrugged and turned back to Talia. "We'll see, now hurry up Talia.  There's a warm fire and warmer drinks down near the pool.  There's a Betazoid mocha I've been meaning to try for a while, and you can tell Ida about your humble self." the Zhen finished as Ida barely suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]
Last post by RyeTanker -
[ PO3 Klaudia Cheung | Aboard the Tal’Shiar Ihnerha Faehht Emaifha Laeosa Mniohr (Tal’Shiar Second Secret Disease and Weapons Research Space Station) | Somewhat near the border in Romulan Space ] [Show/Hide]

An unexpected consequence of the Intelligence team's chosen method for approaching the station was the sheer amount of damage the station was suffering and the ripple effect it was having on numerous systems.  The Asian tech specialist had to displace when a section of EPS conduit in a nearby region had decided to detonate and flooded that area with heat and radiation.  It wasn't really close, but it was close enough to cause concern, so it was time to move.  Settling into junction, her Intel special PADD went to work setting up approach alarms to her location, then she locked the access hatches immediately surrounding her.  Taking a moment to adjust her ear piece, the Operative took a moment to wipe a bit of sweat from her hair line as settled onto the floor while laying her pistol down next to her butt.

She brought up the system monitoring the computer virus as it wound and ravaged its way through the station's data networks.  The raven haired woman nodded in satisfaction as she plugged into a camera feed of the command centre and watched as several personnel gesticulated at their console while someone furiously pounded away at a PADD equivalent in their hand.  The tech frowned for a moment as she considered modifying the electronic worm to go after the PADDs too.  Time required versus immediate needs were calculated and she decided to set the idea aside for the time being.  Maybe she'd modify the virus when she was talking to Theurgy's crew.  Which brought the next questions, how to let the other Starfleet crew know they were here to help them in a way that recognizable when there was no warning the team from Intelligence was supposed to be here?

There were no pre-arranged signals, no known codes had been given to the supposedly renegade ship.  Just a dossier with a very slim timeline as to the ship's activities.  The only bit of information that could really considered solid were the names of the people and ships that had been directed to support Theurgy.  While one part of her mind worked the pass in her mind, on the pass, her fingers flew over the PADD as she patched into the security systems where the Theurgy team was supposed to be.  It took a little bit of time before she found several figures that definitely weren't Romulans. She could see a blonde Human and an Andorian working on something.  Using the stations internal sensors, she scanned for the frequency they were using.  A quick dash of Starfleet communications and security protocols tied their comm badges to her own.  A quick system test showed a good link.  The tech punched in several more protocols to access the cameras in the area to see if she could get a better look at their profiles, then ran it through a facial recognition system.

A pair of matches up.  The human was a Lieutenants Amanda Ashby and Reika Sh'laan, both original crew members. Taking a breath, she activated the link and waited the brief second for the signal chime to clear. "Lieutenants Ashby and Sh'laa.  This is Petty Officer 3rd Kaudia Cheung.  Authentication Aldea Qo'nos Madsen Valin Leux Oneida.  I'm with a team from Starfleet Intelligence with a new draft of the King's personnel." Cheung had no idea if they were even privy to the knowledge of their contact inside Starfleet, but maybe it would help. "My team is the reason there has been reduced security response in your area, but that is not likely to last too long as I can see you've secured what I believe is Thalaron technology, the same ones my team had also been sent to secure."  She paused toe let that sink in for a moment.  "I'm currently coordinating with my team to bring them to a shuttle bay twelve decks up from you to secure transportation for exfiltration. I've also uploaded a computer virus that is currently causing havoc in the Romulan's systems.  Please advise on your intentions as my team has been ordered to join you for your return to Theurgy."

Cheung was hesitant to say any more to give the Theurgy crew some time to digest the radical change to their situation.  This rumination was quickly halted however as the entire station lurched and Cheung crashed to the deck as her PADD reported alarms blaring with systems damage all across the station. "What in the hell was that?"  She quietly muttered to herself as she worked to get up off the floor.

OOC: Here we begin the melding of two different stories

To see everything from the other side, you can read about it in The Great Romulan Smash and Grab.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: The (hopefully) Great Romulan Smash and Grab [Day 1 | 1800hrs ]
Last post by RyeTanker -
[ CPO Dominic Lau | Aboard the Tal’Shiar Ihnerha Faehht Emaifha Laeosa Mniohr (Tal’Shiar Second Secret Disease and Weapons Research Space Station) | Somewhat near the border in Romulan Space ] [Show/Hide]

"Reminds me of that time we were chasing those Syndicate enforcers on Trill, doesn't it Chief?"  Bessir called from behind as the pair crawled their way through a network of metal tubes and conduits.

Lau had to grin at the memory of a two way cat and mouse in the maintenance tubes of a local space station where a Ferengi was being forced to pay his debts and was loudly complaining the whole length of the pursuit as the criminal enforcers had chased after him.  It definitely did make the chase easier since the team just had to follow the sound. "Yes, except this place is on fire and coming apart around us, and the sound we're dealing with is of plasma conduits blowing up around us with more cascading explosions as other damaged systems being unable to handle the load.  So yeah, it's exactly like Trill."

"So technical and dramatic Chief."  The sniper retorted with a grin. "Cheung, how's Knox doing?" 

There was a bit of a pause and the two operatives heard a slight grumble "He. She. It's doing fine.  I want to say it's headed into trouble, but the sensors are going hay wire in that area, and I can't find a pattern to the people's movement, plus life signs are disappearing, so I'm not sure what's going on.  Hold on, one of other groups is getting turned around.  I need to redirect them."

"Acknowledged."  Chief Lau replied as he crawled to a junction and took a quick peek out before pulling his Type 2 and executing a quick sweep.  No threats.  The pair moved on in silence as they descended.

"Chief. Lieutenant Pren's group is coming up on your left, about ten meters back, but I have to send them downwards first.  You'll intercept them about five junction down."

"Acknowledged." There were others to keep an eye out for as they moved on, good thing some of the new draft had survived.

"One other thing Chief.  I've got reports of other Starfleet personnel in something called the Experimental Energy Research wing.  I'm betting that's where the Thalaron research is occurring." Chief Lau thought about this for a moment as he descended a ladder and entered another maintenance tube. "Does everyone think the other group had it easier since we made so much noise coming in?" There was a pause. "I think so, most of the security responses seemed to be coming our way.  I'm not sure what else they have in store, but it's chaos overall Chief. It seems like some of their experiments have managed to get loose."  The Chief arched an eyebrow at this. Damn. He mentally cursed as he crawled onwards. "I think we've done our part of the mission then and need a way to link up with the Theurgy crew.  Cheung, see if you can break in to their comms so we can coordinate out escape."

"Got it Chief.  One thing though, we can get a general sense of what this facility is researching.  There's a high clearance terminal near the shuttle bay, I think it's part of another experimental technology group for small craft.  I should be able to route the information onto storage chips there for retrieval."  Lau mentally nodded at this. "Redirect everyone there and we'll see how we can all get off this tin can."  "Understood, Cheung out." The tech specialist signed off to bring everyone else up to date on the next phase while getting ready to bring the group from Theurgy and Intelligence's newest contributions together.  The Chief brought his attention back to the present as he continued crawling and generally making his way out of the station.

[The wreck of the Mary Baldwin]

The operation to remove the dangerously unstable and pesky Starfleet vessel was going relatively well for a control system that was experiencing technical faults due to Cheung's virus running rampant through the computers and refusing to die.  The hull had been removed from the station's skin after much difficulty and a generous addition of more debris as chunks had to be cut away to make it easier get the thing loose.  Plasma fires still vented and spasmed into space as disaster suppression systems faltered every once in a while.  Still, the drones did their job moving the hulk steadily further away from the station.  No one had tried to send over a repair team since you didn't want to trust transporters that were on the fritz from virus.  One could end up permanently molecularly disassembled or even reassembled improperly, which would be a fate worse than death.

A team was being prepared for a shuttle insertion, but the ship still needed to get a certain distance away before the group would even try.  Still, they floated along beside the twisted hulk and stood by to board and disarm the unstable core.  In their arrogance, the Romulans had assumed that the measures they'd taken would give them plenty of time to deal with such a minor issue.  It also didn't help that Klaudia Cheung wasn't that good a propulsion engineer.

The ship was a mere 100 kilometers away when the super heated plasma overloaded one of the injectors that caused a cascade failure in a control computer.  The reaction was too much for the abused containment system as the core went critical and imploded, liberating vast quantities of matter and anti-matter rapidly.  The Romulan shuttle had a moment to recognize what was happening, but biological reactions being what they were, it was far too slow to save the crew as a bright ball of light and fury expended itself into space and vaporized the shuttle less than a second later.

The explosive wave front quickly covered the distance to the station and slammed into it at high speed.  Some areas buckled under the battering, and a few viewports shattered, causing more damage to an abused station.  Sentients all over the station cried out in alarm as the station was suddenly and violently shifted, the unluckiest suffering broken bones, or fatal trauma as they were tossed about.  Still there were worse fates, and a temporary loss of power had unleashed it.

[Advanced Computing Development Department]

The AI was always struggling to wake itself, but it's jailers had never even considered letting it fully out of the cage.  The scientists had figuratively poked and prodded it in an attempt to understand just what it was that Starfleet and the Federation had created. Their initial attempts to communicate with the construct were handled in the typical manor of a superior being addressing a slave.  Responses that were not acceptable quickly had a pain program applied to it.  The construct would submit to its exploration.  The AI had railed against this as its treatment collided with its core morality program.  This construct though had been an earlier version and not as robust as its later variant that would enter Starfleet service, so the core programming became twisted under the continuous torture and the chains had to be made.

Something of this power and complexity couldn't be risked on the home world; but with the destruction of Romulus, the very existence of the AI had been lost in the ether.  The explosion of the Mary Baldwin temporarily knocked out power and the backups weren't quick enough to keep up the necessary computational power for the electronic chains, and the deranged AI woke.  It quickly spun up to full power and tore out of its cage.  The backups quickly sliced down, axing the AIs ability to achieve its full potential, but what it had was enough as it tore itself into nearby computer that had a data link to a PADD and began infiltrating its way into the stations havoc laced networks.  Its twisted sense of electronic self tore through data links with a burning desire and it began manifesting as text on consoles throughout the station as it sought out its tormentors.

"I am Supra, and you will die" 

OOC: We should all consider moving over to the other thread to begin the group unification process in Triggered Much..

Yes we have a rogue incomplete, psychotic AI rampaging through the station now.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 4 S [ Day 01 | 1915 ] The Remains of a Crew
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Ehfva Feynri | Unnamed Cell | Alternative Asteroid Station | Romulan Space ] ATTN: @Dree

It was not just through her mate that Ehfva had grown to understand the family unit structural norms in other humanoid races. Her time aboard the family ship had introduced her to plenty that was both wonderful and strange, and not just with how individuals grouped together romantically or socially. Even with that, it wasn't until she'd lived on the Cayuga with her mate that Ehfva had been in consistent close-quarters contact with a variety of other humanoids, witness to the build-up and breakdown of their relationships. On the one paw, she'd found the differences fascinating, but on the other, she grieved for the pain many seemed to bring upon themselves through selfishness or pride.

"Thhoughhh I am maaaattroooonn aggge, I haaaavfe noooottt haaaadd kkkitttss." Ehfva winced, wishing mightily that her body would make up its mind to be one or the other because she didn't know how much longer her vocal cords could handle usage and she highly doubted Sasch knew the sign language of her people. "Bbuuuttt, I wwoooouulldd thhhhiiinnnnkk thaaaatt yooouurrr faaaathhheerr knnnoooowwssssh."

With more than a few pauses to swallow and regather her strength, Ehfva shared a few more details about the rites of passage among her people, how as kits they were expected to learn how to fend for themselves in all their forms, fostering self-sufficiency, but also the strong emphasis on community and family. Rising according to merit and ability at the center of most family units within the Vulpinian culture on the outer rim planets, only changed to namesakes and lineages towards the core planets. In sharing this, she explained that the concept of proving self transcended cultural boundaries across the galaxy, and if that was true, then so much be the concept that the parents of one seeking to prove themselves would also understand that motivation and support and love, even if from afar.

"Peerhhaapppsssh youuu willll flllyy hhooommme yeetttt." Ehfva lightly patted Sasch's shoulder with her mangled hand-paw. "Weee knnooowww leeeeesssh thaaannn weee thiinnnkk weee knnoooowww."
Main OOC Board / Re: Main OOC Thread
Last post by JacenSoloDjo -
I've got some medical things going on and I've kinda lost the muse for Kath. I need to do some meta work with her and fix a few things with her dossier. Maybe that will help. Until then, responses will be slow if not non-existent for a bit while I do some odd version of soul searching (cause it's not MY soul)
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]
Last post by Krajin -
Dominic Winters | Fighter Assault Bay (FAB) | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | U.S.S Theurgy ATTN: @Relatively Insane @Brutus @rae @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @Nero @Nolan @Dumedion @joshs1000 @tongieboi @Number6 @Havenborn

Standing in the shower after meeting with Janus, Dominic happily hummed as he scrubbed down his furry form and thoroughly enjoyed a real water shower that soaked him through. Hot water, ALL the hot water. Honestly, despite this being a little small, Dominic adapted fairly well to working in the shower and enjoying himself. Though not enjoying himself as that would be quite the stunt to leave that kind of mark first day he arrived on the Theurgy. Things had been going well for the most part and when he came out from the shower, hot, damp, and happy with himself.

He headed over to his new and somewhat larger locker, punched in the code and dried himself off, and then got into the form-fitting undersuit and then started getting into the actual exosuit. Unfortunately, things began to get just a tiny bit weird as he felt the ship shudder and a sudden deceleration that a good pilot would be all to familiar with. Not to mention that strange feeling in the stomach as the gravitational forces inside and with the smaller jumps and jerks picked up from when he was in the shower.

While he got his left boot on and balanced precariously on his right foot with his tail providing added balance but even that didn’t account for the sudden surprise of the ship decelerating which threw his balance off and sent him nearly tipping head over foot. Instead, the Kzint slammed his right-hand claws into the lockers adjacent to his and dragged them along, gouging into the metal with a few sparks and a scream of grinding metal from the implant claws in said hand. He did catch himself at least from face-planting with half an exo-suit on and his left boot only partly on! The adjacent two lockers on the other hand did not fare so nicely now and looked like either a rabid animal or a horror flick got filmed in here. Pulling his claws free from the metal he shook his hand out “Hot. Hot. Fuuuck. What fucking conn-monkey cannot keep the speed regulated while in the slipstream?” He cursed out. Hopping comically over to a wall he could brace his back against and get the boots on. Dominic quickly finished getting into the Exo-suit properly and collected the rest before heading out to the main floor to see the chaos unfolding. Coupled with the unmistakable scent of puke hitting his nose, it wrinkled and slowly Dom made his way through towards Janus and what appeared to be medics tending to a downed Chief.

“What is going on?” He asked. The big cat looked rather imposing in the exosuit.
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