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New Star Wars Project

So I've been having an itch to run a Star Wars RP again, but I really don't want to try to figure out the mess that was Star Wars Liberty's Answer.  As much fun as I had with that one, there's just too much baggage involved in trying to restart that and besides I'd like to try a new story.  On that however I am kind of stuck on a story, there are two that I like and I can't really decide on which one to run.

The first story option would be an Outbound Flight style of story, for those not familiar with the story; basically a group of colonists and Jedi set out to settle an extragalactic colony.  The characters would be part of the military or the civilian caretakers.

The second story option would be a edge of the known galaxy frontier style of story, one where the characters are part of a growing colony world that is having problems with pirates and the like and their only defense is a single corvette and a handful of soldiers to help the colonial militia.  The characters can be from the corvette or from the colony.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #1
Both sound equally good, really. I guess it's a matter of what the writers who are interested vote on?

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #4
So assuming that no one else is interested I've begun a preliminary plot outline for the frontier-type. 

The time period will be a year after the Battle of Endor, The Empire [lead by a Moff Council] is still fighting against the now newly formed New Republic [lead by an Senate with a Chancellor].  However the main focus of the plot will be taking place in the Outer Rim near the Unknown Regions, a private interests group called the Havenborn Foundation has recently managed to map several new hyperspace lanes into the Unknown Regions and has been settling colonies along the new route for the past five years. 

I'm open to feedback and suggestions as I slowly work on plot and background.  Characters can be submitted to the AU Character Profiles board on the 14th of April, I'll have a thread posted there by then.  Also this thread is fine for any OOC comments, etc.  I'd like to start 24th of April, but that may get pushed back depending on my work schedule.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #5
Seems fairly reasonable to me. Any kind of restrictions we should know about on what characters we can bring, backgrounds that are forbidden, that kind of thing? Don't want to break the RP, though at the same time I'm thinking of reworking my LA character, as she's pretty much my only SW RP character.  Temari has appeared in quite a few SW stories, or some flavor of her lol

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #6
So for restrictions right now I've only thought about Force-users.  Force-users such as Jedi can exist however if your character is specifically a Jedi they never made Master or Knight since, with exception, nearly all of them were hunted down and killed during the Jedi Purge and thus Padawns were really the only ones that managed to escape the notice of the Empire's Jedi Hunters.  Otherwise force-users who don't realize that they're Force-users are a thing, most attribute it to some sort of luck or fate-defying ability and not the Force.

I have no problem if people want to re-work their SWLA characters.  Keep in mind that the RP will be focused primarily on the planet.  I haven't decided on the population of the planet yet but it's not likely to be above ten thousand [10,000] beings, the planet will only have 3 major cities, one of which will have a spaceport, while the other two are likely where the PCs live.

I've come up with a little more background [I will re-post all this background info later in a single post].  The planet has been attacked recently by pirates, when the governor denied to pay them 'protection money' they executed him and decimated several farms declaring that they would return in a month and they expected the people to think about their options, and make the right decision.  The remaining leaders then contacted the Havenborn Foundation and asked for them to send reinforcements, to which they responded by sending the closest ship available while preparing a task force.  A single CR90 corvette bearing the Foundation's insignia, a Golden Lion on a blue background, dropped out of hyperspace and contacted that planet, the ship landed at the spaceport and the ship's Vanguard complement began to train those colonists that were in fit physical condition to fight.

This plot line is just the first chapter, my hope is that other stories will crop up after this one that will add other chapters.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #7
That seems more than reasonable to me. I'll dig up Temari's old character sheet and fluff her backstory. By this point and time in the canon even former Padawans would be in their mid 40's at the youngest, yeah? A year after the battle of Endor would be 5ABY, and order 66 was 19BBY so....23/4 years have passed?

Regarding her backstory - originally she was a Force sensitive character who had been kept away from the Jedi Order by parents on Corellia, and eventually received some training by the Force Witches on Dathomir. Other than shifting her birthday up by twenty some years so that she is still the same age - 30, I think it was? what kind of changes do/should I need. She's no Jedi, but she's is (at least in her most recent form) aware of her abilities, such as they are.

(I'm more than willing to tweak/change things to fit the narrative you're trying to tell, I just need to figure out how much changes are needed, and what her awareness of her abilities are, whatever they might actually be).

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #8
Yeah about 24 years since the end of the Clone Wars, a Padawan could be anywhere from mid-30s to late-40s depending on how old they were when the war ended.

She still could have gotten the force training from the Dathomir Witches, otherwise there are other hidden force-user institutions that could possibly have helped as well.

One thing that everyone should keep in mind is why they joined the colonial expedition that the Havenborn Foundation funded and organized.  Did you join for the adventure, a new life, contract work, avoiding authorities, witness protection, etc.  The colony is five years old and most of the structures are pre-fabricated buildings that were built off world and transported to their destination.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #9
I could have a cowgirl character, frontier doctor/gunslinger type (think a female Doc Holliday) who's Force-Sensitive but not aware of the fact. Kind of a freelancer who hopped a ride, sort of following a gut-instinct to join up with this outing, not aware she was being guided by the Force.

On an unrelated note, would it be possible for Padawans to have children of their own, whom they've trained with whatever they know of the Jedi ways?

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #10
Good question, Triage!

Right, I'll stick with the background I have mostly established for Temari then. Tweak the reason why she was being hidden - easy enough, gotta hide from those pesky Jedi Hunters - which also plays into why she's going to a colony world in west bum fuck, unknown regions.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #12
I don't see any reason why a Padawan couldn't have children and have trained them in the ways of the Force.  I suppose it would depend on how much they dedicated themselves to the Jedi Code really.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #14
A little more background information:

Astronavigation Data: Acantha System, Alpha-Rho Sector, Outer Frontier Region
Orbital Metrics: 416 Days per Year/26 Hours per Day
Government: Corporate Republic
Population: 50,000
Languages: Galactic Basic
Terrain: Mountainous, deserts, weather-beaten forests, large seas, temperate zones
Major Cities: Atalanta [capital city], Antiope [major spaceport], Athelfad [artisan city]
Areas of Interest: Baligant super-farms, Silvered Hushwind [Athelflad warehouse restaurant-bar], Pryderi starport
Major Exports: Agricultural products [raw and processed foodstuffs, fibers and textiles], artisan crafts
Major Imports: Manufactured goods, medicinal goods, luxury goods, raw materials and weaponry
Trade Routes: Sorrell Trade Route
Special Conditions: Two moons [Arminius and Artemisia], strong magnetic field creating planetary aurora phenomena, strong tidal phenomena

This is information is not known by the characters at the current time:

The Havenborn Foundation maintains a Black Site on the planet, this facility is where their super-soldier project is currently being researched and developed.  As such there is a Vanguard presence on the planet and it also warrants a faster response from requests that threaten the planet.  Also the Foundation maintains a small task force nearby for immediate defensive response; this is not typical of other colonies in the frontier.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #15
Sorry for the long wait, I do intend to start this next week hopefully.

Between the eye infection I had, and my D&D/Pathfinder group asking me not to show up anymore and my upcoming LARP weekend [in which my character could die] I've been stressed out so I haven't had the drive to write the first post quite yet.  Hopefully my muse will return so that I can write the first post after this weekend.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #16
Sorry for the long wait, I do intend to start this next week hopefully.

Between the eye infection I had, and my D&D/Pathfinder group asking me not to show up anymore and my upcoming LARP weekend [in which my character could die] I've been stressed out so I haven't had the drive to write the first post quite yet.  Hopefully my muse will return so that I can write the first post after this weekend.

Damn dude. good luck with everything do what you need to do to mitigate stress. We'll be here whenever you're ready.

Re: New Star Wars Project

Reply #18
Also something I thought of for characters playing colonists, since the colony is owned/governed by the Foundation all of the colonists are technically civilian contractors for the Havenborn Foundation, that being said it doesn't mean that they have to follow the company rules and regulations, just the colonial ones, or wear a Foundation uniform.  The characters do get a small stipend of credits every month [250 credits] for their service.  The characters are free to introduce themselves however they wish but they can also introduce themselves as a civilian contractor specializing in a specific area, such as agricultural or commercial or industrial or medical, etc.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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