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Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises


March 14, 2381
2100 hrs

[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Looking at her reflection in the changing room's mirror brought a scowl to the face of the Theurgy's 'senior' diplomat. Ensign Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers was the senior diplomat aboard by virtue of being the only accredited diplomat assigned to the Theurgy that survived the initial battle at Jupiter Station. As she flexed her false hand, she had to admit that surviving had been something of a miracle, and had not at all been a result of anything active on her part. Sheer chance had seen her blown out of the conference room, and on the right side of the blast doors after atmosphere was lost. That had only cost her an arm, and months in stasis.

She looked like she had been through it all over again. Yes, that was an exaggeration, but that did little to curb how the young officer felt. She had just spent a grueling 14 hour session in deep negotiations (arguing) with the Aldean Council on the subject of DNA submissions to the Gestalt program. That she was tired showed in the bags under her eyes and the way her hair hung limp against her head. Faye had the strongest desire to beam back to the ship, and curl herself around Riley Patterson, should the nurse be able to be spared from duty. As tired as she was, Faye could not recall what the petty officer’s current shift schedule was (unfortuante on her part, as she had leave planned with the woman in the very near future, but all such plans currently escaped her wrung out mind).

Thankfully the young woman had not been forced to do so alone. While the telepath could have managed, it likely would have taken much more time to pull off. Those would not have been the first solo negotiation that Faye had participated in, but usually such actions had been related to considerably more trivial matters. During her assignment at Khitomer, she had often handled the minor points of protocol and the like, and would serve as an aide for more substantial negotiations, though occasionally she would lead a team in such matters.

Having Lieutenant Commander Dewitt, the ships assigned Liaison along for the ride had taken some of the pressure off of the junior ranked officer, even if her position still left her big shoes to fill and a heap of responsibility on her petite shoulders. Shoulders now snugly encased in a fluffy, off white robe.

Hardly one bothered by nudity, given her cultures tendencies, Faye still acquiesced to the requirements of the establishment they were currently in. For the moment that meant a sinfully comfortable fluffy robe to cover her otherwise nude body as she and the more senior Dewitt prepared to be pampered. The meetings had started at 0700 hours and thus run far into the night. at 2100 now, and both women were more than a little wrung out, despite having won something of a victory over the local population.

More like a stay of execution, she thought to herself, but not without a smile, as she belted the robe tightly and turned to face the other woman. She ran her tongue over her teeth, under her lips, and gave Dewitt a once over. This had been her idea, to seek out a spa to relax in after the marathon session. Something, something, self care is important, something, Faye thought to herself in a sing-song sort of mental tone. It would have been quite rude to decline the invitation, though this would be the first time that she had interacted with the former commander of the Black Opal outpost since her actions during their flight from the Azure nebula had resulted in a power struggle in the middle of a space battle.

Jennifer Dewitt struck her as entirely professional. Dedicated and determined to make the most out of the situation she'd found herself in. Faye could respect that in a senior officer, but it was hard to ignore some of the harsh thoughts other crew directed at the woman. That Captain Ives had full faith in Dewitt had gone a long way toward quelling some of the crews less than kind impressions. But Ives was currently off ship on some mission of great import, and thus Dewitt and Eloi-Danvers had been thrust into a situation of working together on Ives absent behalf.

Nervously rubbing her hands together, the tired diplomat flashed a smile at the other woman, quietly asking, "So what do you think, Commander? Shall we find the councilors advice sound?' They had come here on the recommendation of one of the Aldean leaders they'd spent a majority of the day across a table from. And on that woman's tab, to boot.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
The question pulled Jennifer Dewitt from her thoughts, pulling on her robe as she was after having disposed of the tailored chlamys she'd worn for the whole day. She caught the Ensigns smile and returned it in full, even though she was quite weary after the long day. The suggestion from the Aldean representative, that she and Eloi-Danvers would visit the spa after the resolution had been reached, had not gone amiss. Dewitt took it as a peace offering, given the fact that the ADC had erred in demanding Human DNA samples for a defunct cloning program. What had they even been thinking? Of course they can't make such an outrageous demand...

"I do think we've earned to be a bit pampered," she said and set her steps towards the changing room's door, which would lead them to the treatment areas of the spa. "Today, we went beyond the line of duty to twist their wits back into place. Now, they will have to solve the issues they have with the Gestalt Program before they return to the negotiation table, and by then, we will have Ives present. There is no way we can make the whole Human crew consent to submit their DNA to their genome pool. Some might, some mightn't, and the Aldeans will have to accept whatever we might offer. That is, if we even offer them anything, outrageous as their manner of approach to this was."

Leading the way, Dewitt's assertion was meant to bolster Faye in case she was worried about what might happen. Dewitt was concerned, of course, but she felt that if not even Ives could dissuade the ADC from making the absurd demand, they might as well have to use Martok as a hammer to slam down this notion that they had rights to the Theurgy crew's Human DNA.

When they reached their allotted treatment room, they found two massage tables, suggesting it was a couple's massage room. Dewitt gave that little thought as she looked around, the toils of the day bleeding from her mind as she took in the details. Dimmer sensors that caught their entry set several pools of soft, diffused light aglow. Candles had already been lit, and rich Aldean wall tapestries made for a soothing contrast to the rough stone walls, which also dampened the sounds of their steps. A stylish mirror stretched across one whole wall, and a wide panoramic view of the sprawling city-by-night along the opposite one. They were on the seventieth floor of the building, and the view along the Ibai Besi and the coastline was quite exquisite. Despite being in the middle of the city centre, the windows didn't let any sounds inside, allowing the Aldean musical notes from hidden speakers underline the impression of the room - music likely picked for stress relief.

"Quite a view," she said. There were some decorative items on shelves, side tables, and the windowsills. Aldean plants and unique stones that meshed with the walls. Baskets for linens and bottles, and two rustic crates filled with smoking stones. By the edge of the window, steam rose from two cups of tea, and a small plate with sweets had been set between them. Dewitt smiled while she walked there across the black wood floor and picked up one of the cups, turning to look at the Betazoid and the two tables set in the middle of the room no more had she nibbled one of the sweets when two massage therapists arrived, clad in thin chlamys and carrying baskets of their own for the treatment.

"Good evening, I am Lanar," said the tall man and stepped towards Dewitt, "and I will be taking care of you this evening. Please, when you are ready, disrobe and lie down on the table, facing down. We will begin with a traditional massage, followed by hot stones to release deep tissue tensions, and finish with an full urun session."

The Aldean, gestalt or not, certainly was handsome, with shortly cropped hair and a discrete beard, and Dewitt found that she certainly wouldn't mind having him rub out all the tensions in her body. She gave Faye a quick look that kind of signalled her thoughts, but then again, she was Betazoid, so he glance was hardly needed. The diplomatic attache would know her thoughts already. "Thank you," said Dewitt and set her cup down, and before she disrobed and lay down, she couldn't help but steal a glance towards the massage therapist that would take care of Faye.

What's an urun session? he couldn't help but wonder.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #2
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn:

Tired as she was, it was easier now to simile at the more senior officer, especially now that they were both out of uniform. With the pips out of sight, the ever present pressure of rank seemed to dissolve away in the warmth of the changing room they'd been ushered into. With all that they had gone through that day, sitting across the table from the ADC and going round and round in circles about their 'pressment' policies in regards to individual rights and DNA sequences had been quite taxing indeed. Even if Faye had indulged a moment of private amusement that they had mistaken her for human at first, in their efforts to secure a copy of her own genetic code. Fat lot of good that would have done them, she thought with a mix of irony and malcontent.  Useless endeavor though it had been on the Aldean's part, her sensibilities had still been quite ruffled by it all, and some of her thoughts  had been rather less than diplomatic.

"I do appreciate their efforts to how shall we say, make amends?" she agreed as they moved from the changing room to the secluded parlor set aside for their use. She took in a deep, calming breath, smelling a faint perfume in the air, and closing her eyes to better listen to the music faintly piped in. It reminded her of a bathhouse back on Bodun, the betazoid colony world of her youth. This in turn had been styled in some of the more regal establishments on the homeworld of Betazed itself. "I understand their concern for viability but i'm astounded that any modern species could thing that they might impress upon us such a thing. Surely some of the crew would be more than happy to donate if just asked, but to take by subterfuge or overt means? As if it their due?"

Being charitable should have been her first recourse as a diplomat, and yet she found this issuance rather more difficult than most. "I wish Captain Ives all the best of luck dealing with this when they return. Assuming we can even help them sort out the issue with their program. The poor Gestalts." At this there was a genuine tone of sympathy and concern, nor did she make an attempt to hide such emotion. Their current plight was distressing to say the least, and if they could help stabilize what was happening, she would count that as a good turn well done, and never mind her thoughts on the DNA Harvesting practices of their current hosts.

But seeing Dewitt standing there, by the treat tray, did help Faye relax, which was the point of all this. The more senior ranked woman had been trying to put her at ease, and the surroundings helped in turn. Faye gave a little spin and walked to the window, looking out across the city. Struck by the beauty of it all, she sucked in a slow, humbled breath. This is what safety looks like, she thought, contrasting all of this with the cybernetic terror of the hard lined borg cube drifting out of a blue nebula could. The thing of nightmares, by any stretch of the imagination, more horrifying than the separation she had endured shortly after revival, and even so the attack that had cost the girl her original left arm.

Repressing a shudder, Faye turned from the window with a whispered, "It is beautiful, outside and in," and padded barefoot to join the Lieutenant Commander by the snacks. She smiled, and had picked up a cup of the tea to smell it, cataloging the distinct flora delights away in her mind and sipping, as their attendants entered the room.

Well, hello there, she thought, smiling brightly still, and setting the cup down, her teeth nearly gleaming as she beamed at the two, one male, one female, and both rather attractive. The evening was certainly looking up. He with the strong jaw and trimmed beard, and she, draped in a robe of her own, rich pink, or perhaps royal purple, with black accents, strands of blonde hair settling about her shoulders, and what looked to be an ever present smirk about her face. As the man made his introductions to Jennifer, so too did the woman, to Faye.

"I am Iskierka," she replied heartily, holding out a hand to Faye, whom took it with a light squeeze, taking the briefest of scans from the woman, so as to be polite. She detected a general sense of pleasure and enjoyment in her job, and a note that she found both of the clients 'easy on the eyes.' That crooked smile was endearing, and Faye felt herself quite enamored with the curved attendant, who could barely be considered 'restrained' by her attire. As she lent forward in a slight bow, Faye could make out some kind of necklace with a strip of pearles dangling from it. Needless to say it seemed to be designed to draw the eye lower, and she could only assume that this was done on purpose.

"The pleasure is mine. Call me Faye," she said genialy, and turned toward the table, catching Dewitt's eye. She needed not telepathy to pick up the other girls thoughts, for they were plain on her face, and Faye couldn't help but giggle, and then give a small wag of her eyebrows. It as a purely girlish thing to do, but she was tired, and this was going to be fun. She was, of course, in complete agreement with the other officer.

Iskierka, as she was called, dutifully helped Faye out of the robe, pulling it from her shoulders. The lithe girl stretched, nude, and not a care for it, never mind that her table was the one closer to the window, and then eased herself onto the table in turn. "Do you know what blend that tea is?" Faye asked of the blonde attendant, curiosity peaked. She had always enjoyed teas, and one of the first things that had happened upon her removal from stasis and surgery had been the assignment of Nurse Riley Patterson to oversee her recovery. The Petty Officer had quite the appreciation for Teas (and Faye) and had taken to introducing the Diplomat to many new blends. It would be nice to be able to return the favor for a change, and ideally with fresh leaves. "I found that to be quite fragrant, and a delight upon the palette. I'd love to be able to fetch some the next time I am in the markets." she felt the need to elaborate as she stretched out, her toes pointed toward the edge of the table, though short as she was there was still plenty of room beyond.

Coming up behind Faye, and looking her over, the barren expanse of her flanks exposed to the room, Iskierka shook her head gently, humming a bit. Her eyes flashed as she took in her charge, and spoke with polite regret, "Unfortunately I do not know the specific blend. But I am sure that I can find out for you, after we are finished here. Now, take a deep breath in through the nose. Hold release. Let's do that three times if you please, to settle yourself. Arms by your side, just let your face ease into the cradle there. yes. That's good." Thus instructed, so did Faye obey, taking the breaths and repressing the urge to giggle over it all, wanting to keep the pleased impressions coming from the masseuse.

Surreptitiously, she glanced over to where Lanar stood, his legs quite impressive - what she could see of them from this angle, and the way his chlamys clung about his body - before the table where Jennifer Dewitt was getting herself settled in. She tipped a wink at the other Stafleet officer, and mouthed ‘wow’.


Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
Lanar had helped Dewitt disrobe as well, given the massage parlour's setting and the atmosphere - it being a spa after all - Dewitt was not very self-conscious about baring herself. In fact, she was comfortable with her nudity, especially after leaving the Black Opal and starting to take better care of herself. She had no concerns on Faye's behalf either, her being Betazoid. So as she laid down and thought about what a urun treatment was, she caught the Ensign's facial expression, surely complimentary towards the Aldean that was about to pamper her. They were off duty, so Dewitt had no qualms about reciprocating the look. She even glanced towards Iskierka, her being quite a beauty as well.

"Our traditional massages include a cleansing of the body, so just breathe deeply and relax, and let your face ease into the cradle." Lanar's tone of voice was deep, reverberating in the air of the room, and Dewitt could see how he picked up a sponge-like thing from one of the bowls next to the massage table. She couldn't quite stifle the content sound she made when she felt the sponge with warm water rubbing over her back and the back of her legs - with Lanar's free hand joining in to rinse her. She could feel the lather of the soap run down her skin, and she began to relax entirely - eyes drifting shut. They only opened when she could feel Lanar spread her legs a little, and run the sponge between them. The warm water trickled down the apex of her legs when she cleaned her derriere, and she felt her eyes widen when Lanar didn't even pause before running the sponge up and down the outer folds of her labia. Her breath must have hitched, because he spoke.

"Relax, refresh, recharge... We are trained in applied kinesiology. The study of muscles, especially the mechanics of bodily motion. We understand your needs." Lanar's deep voice was very compelling, but Dewitt couldn't help but bite her lower lips when the sponge-bath continued, soon moving down her inner thighs. Meanwhile Lanar continued to speak. "Once your body has been cleansed, the massage will proceed using essential oils of the coastline, the finest kind to be found along the Ibai Besi. Now, please, it is time to turn over..."

Dewitt cleared her throat a little and did as asked, turning over on the layer of towels she laid upon, and in doing so glanced towards Ensign Faye to see how she was faring. In doing so, to her surprise, she noticed how the masseur had removed his own chlamys at some point, leaving him barechested. It looked expensive. Perhaps he didn't wish to ruin it. Lanar, however, did not comment on his state of undress. He wasted no time before calmly dunking his sponge in more water and soap, starting to rub it over Dewitt where she laid in the candlelight. "You are very... thorough," she murmured, giving the Aldean a small smile.

"Of course. Our services are believed to be the best that Aldea Prime has to offer, and you will be given our full treatment."

And Lanar didn't appear to have any boundaries when it came to modesty, since he lathered her up entirely using that delightful sponge and his strong hand, running them everywhere except her face. Jennifer found her lips pursed when he visited her sex once more, and gave due attention to her breasts. She barely kept herself from arching her back in delight, convinced that as meticulous as the Aldean was, the expensive parlour couldn't be that kind of establishment. Can it?

When Lanar finished, he picked up another bowl, and slowly poured the water over her body from throat down to her toes. Hidden cracks in the wooden floor took the excess water away, until he asked her to turn over again. She did, and a second bowl of warm water washed all the soap away. The cloth of the table beneath her must have been made of some nano-fabric, since the surface wasn't even very wet beneath her.

"Please tell me if the oils are too warm for you," said Lanar, but as expected, when his hands began to rub her shoulders and her back, the oils were at the perfect temperature. Dewitt saw movement in her peripheral vision... and she could be wrong, but had Iskierka also shed some of her clothing? Raising her head a little, she tried to gauge how Faye was doing.

OOC: Lanar: [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #4
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

"MMMmmmm," the younger Ensign let out a pleased noise from the back of her throat as she settled in after having exchanged looks with Dewitt. It seemed both women were rather pleased with the attendants they had been assigned. Each were strikingly appealing to the eye, and each's voice was soothing and steady, which Faye was sure they were trained to pull off. Quite well at that, as far as she was concerned. Just as Lanar's deep rumble was directed at Jennifer, so too was Iskierka's more subtle purrs to Faye.

"I want you to take another steadying breath, and let your worries be washed away," the blonde instructed as she swept the Betazoid's hair to one side, exposing the back of her neck, and Faye complied, letting her mind wander a bit. She picked up soft spikes of confusion and flickers of pleasure from her fellow shipmate, and mild levels of amusement from Lanar and Iskierka. Faye allowed herself a pleased little purr as the sponge, with its hot water, began to sweep across her tanned skin. From the nape of her neck, down across the expanse of her shoulders, heat and water sulcing away the grime of a day in uniform.

"Oh that is lovely," Faye said with little concern for the treatment. The sensations were delightful, and the young woman liked to be pampered. She thought nothing of it when the suddy water from the sponge dripped down between the cheeks of her bum, save to raise it up ever so slightly as the gentle touch worked over the rump, and then wiggle her legs apart to accommodate the way it swept up the inside of her thigh. Nor did she think it appropriate to stifle the small, pleased noise that escaped her lips when the foam pressed to her folds. It felt good, and she let the masseuse know, not realizing that this might not be the norm. Iskierka seemed unbothered by Faye's reactions, save for the occasional commentary.

"As the soap soaks into your skin, let your worries bubble to the surface. We will then wash them away," the aide intoned, leaning over at one point as hand followed sponge down Faye's leg. She gently raised the girls foot, scrubbing, and then running her thumb along the arch, eliciting a pleased groan from Faye, who had done a lot more walking in the past few days then she had expected, even with most of today spent in a sturdy chair across from stern Aldean Councilors.

"Take another long breath," she was told, but this time, the lips were hovering by her ear, and she shivered involuntarily at the warmth of the Aldean's breath. The sponge ran up her form, from between her legs, all the way to the nape of her neck, before Iskierka murmured, "Turn now, and lay on your back so that all of you may be cleansed."

The Betazoid compiled without hesitation, stretching out again and settling her soapy back onto the towels. She blinked in surprise, running a little behind Jennifer, who was already rolling back over. Just as Lanar had removed his robes, so too had Iskierka. The blonde stood now in a matching set of bra and panties, and Faye felt her eyebrows rise up a bit at that. But her attendant waved away the question in her eyes, saying, "This is nothing to us. The oils will be in use soon, and the less that is to  be stained, the better. Now, eyes closed, deep breath, and relax Focus on the feeling, the connection between your skin, soap, and the sponge."

Settling back, Faye did as instructed, keeping her thoughts and mind focused on the deliberate breathing, and the way the sponge washed over her skin. Her breath hitched in her throat when the girl washed her breasts, modest though they were, running the sponge first over the tops, then around the underswell, one after the other, before dragging further down, sweeping through the divot of her bellybutton. Lower still, across freshly shorn skin, and back, between her legs, eliciting another deep purr from Faye - and a graceful note of satisfaction from Iskierka, thought too loudly for Faye to ignore. To the telepath it seemed the masseuse was quite happy with how this was progressing, and the little diplomat felt herself blush.

Then the water came, and she let out a little yelp, giggling, eyes opening wide. Iskierka was still clothed as she had last seen her, in the form fitting underclothes, the permanent half smile on her face seeming somehow cockier now. "As the water flows off you, so too do all your worries. Roll over please." And now Faye was back on her stomach and the water was there again.

Thus washed, she wiggled, and snuck a glance over toward Jennifer, but Lanar was blocking her view. She could see his legs again - much more of them now, until Iskierka walked around her head to collect the oil. ”We harvest these oils almost daily, and each treatment takes roughly a month to be complied. They will seep into your skin, making you shine, and soft to the touch. Breathe deeper now, and let the scents fill your nostrils, bringing you a sense of peace and vitality,” The Aldean appeared to be barefoot,  and Faye looked up and up as best she could along the pale expanse of leg, without raising her head from the cradle. This time though when she gasped, it was much, much louder, and then it became a satisfied groan as the heat from the oil, liberally applied by Iskierka, flowed down between her shoulder blades. Jennifer just might be able to make out the way the girl wiggled on her table, adjusting to the feeling, as her toes gave a little curl. The position she was in had robbed her of the site of her blonde attendant, and thus Faye was unaware that the blonde had taken new precautions against ruining any clothing with the hot oil; removing anything that might get splashed by the oil at all.

"It is not too hot then, judging by your reaction?" Iskierka asked in a soft, husky voice. Faye could feel some of the girls hair trailing across her shoulder as she adjusted her stance to bend down to talk to Faye, as her fingers slick with oil, traced a line along the back of the Betazoid's neck. Taking Faye's pleased groan as an affirmative, she applied more of the hot oil, cupping her hands down the side of the girls neck now, and running the tips of her thumbs behind Faye's ears. The Theurgy's diplomat could practically give a cat their run for its money in a purring contest with the noises she were making, having no shame in showing her appreciation.

"S'really good," she managed to get out in a lazy sort of satisfied tone. The answer to that was what almost felt like a brush of lips against Faye's hip, but that couldn't have been what it was, and then oil slick hands were rubbing along the same spot, in a great sweep from her shoulders down her torso. That had to just be her hair again..,

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
Either it was the scented oils and candles that was making her delirious, or Jennifer could swear that Ensign Eloi-Danver's masseuse had not just removed her luxurious robe, but that she had no undergarments on either when she began to rub Faye's shoulders and back with warm oils. The city lights beyond the window cast the two women into mirage-like silhouettes, and the sensation of Lanar's hands running over her own back was making her lethargic with satisfaction. Dewitt's eyes were hooded and she believed it might have been a figment of her imagination that toyed with her.

The day had been entirely too long, and having all the knots and stresses rubbed out made Jennifer feel detached from reality. So she lowered her face back in its cradle, and breathed heavily in enjoyment - lips pursed and eyes shut. The amount of oil that Lanar was using was far more than she was used to, as if it was a gel covering her whole back. It warmed her muscles and skin, and those slow yet firm hands moved over her as if the man could read her mind - sense where she wanted them. It was, of course, just experience on Lanar's side, since Dewitt didn't believe Aldeans - gestalts or not - had any gifts like telepathy.

"The first stage of the urun treatment will begin shortly," said the dark-skinned man, pulling Jennifer out of her reverie, and she raised her head a bit in motion to answer him, since he was standing in front of her...

...only whatever she meant to say died in her agape mouth when she saw that Lanar had not just removed his chlamys, but stood completely bare before her - massaging her shoulders and neck as if nothing was out of the ordinary. What the...? Why... How...? Did Faye see the same thing she did? Before her hung the full endowment of her masseur, and besides the proximity, the second thing she noticed was how the man had groomed himself to the extent that there wasn't a single hair to be seen anywhere. A thousand questions ran through her alarmed state of mind, ranging from the customs of the Aldeans to how the ADC representative had insisted this particular parlour and treatment - even paying for it on her tab. Was this how they made amends, or was this a ploy to embarrass them after the negotiations? A way to get back at them? Dewitt had no way of knowing this since she knew too little of the representative in question.

While all these questions ran through her head, Lanar had stepped around her side, and she suddenly felt the surface of the massage table shift beneath her to accommodate the weight of her masseur. She could feel Lanar's thighs outside her own as well, and realised that he was straddling her thighs where she laid face-down with her face in the cradle. Her eyes were wide, wondering if she ought to defy all cultural and social conventions and just push the man off her and run for the dressing room. Another glance towards Faye made her realise that she was there in the company with a Betazoid, and Faye would likely not have anything remotely against the development of naked massage assistants. Dewitt realised that she was the only one in the room with any objections in mind, and had no immediate answer to her predicament.

Without further ado, having lifted her head a little, she saw Lanar's hands wrap around the edges of the massage table on both sides of her head... and he began to rub his hairless body along her back. She wanted to shout and push him off, but it was as if the weight of the man had smothered her, even if he in no way laid his full weight upon her. Some sort of sound escaped her when he continued, his limber and strong frame undulating and sliding down her oily back once more, only to reverse direction and run his torso from her thighs to her upper back. She could feel him slide along her inner thighs! Lanar had been... impressive before he began this 'urun' treatment, but now she could feel how his hairless endowment had begun to quicken as well.

What do I do? she asked herself, despite how good the man made her feel when sliding up and down her back - the oils making sounds between them. She supposed... that regardless if the representative had ordered them this particular treatment out of genuine well-meaning - or out of spite - the best thing she could do... was actually to accept it, and enjoy it. Strange as it seemed, it appeared to be the best answer... and perhaps... Just perhaps... Lanar was making the experience more than just endurable.

It certainly seemed like the man was enjoying himself, given the way his hardness was sliding along her inner thighs and across her outer lips without visiting her. When had she begun to breathe like she did? She could not recall, but once she'd resolved her inner thoughts about the development, and relaxed where she laid on the table, she idly wondered if it was all business for the man, and if it was, how many women had he been with in his line of work? Surely, if the Aldeans paid the obscene amount of money the parlour asked for their treatments, the masseur was scanned and treated of any deceases after each session?

Dewitt was running out of excuses to object... and found her noises becoming bolder by the moment, that she was even beginning to undulate her hips a bit in answer when Lanar slid up her body... and his hardness rode up her slick inner thighs. She'd felt the swollen crown brush over her entrance several times already, and if she just shifted her hips... just so... she felt him line up...

...and push inside.

Jennifer let out a hiss of satisfaction through her teeth, and she lifted her face from its cradle to look behind her. Lanar had paused, meeting her green eyes across her shoulder. "This is your first urun treatment, is it not?" he said quietly in that deep voice, his lips close to hers. For a moment, Jennifer thought she'd done something wrong, a feeling of panic almost overtaking her. Lanar, however, smiled for the first time. "Relax, you need not move. You will be completely satisfied without any need to reciprocate. This service is all about your fulfilment, not mine."

"I..." Dewitt found her own smile, and leaned up a bit further, her chest lifting from the table a bit, "I don't care. Customer satisfaction, isn't it?" And even though it might have been wildly inappropriate to do so, she laid her lips to Lanar's, kissing him deeply for only a moment. The Aldean took it in stride, however, and smiled to her in the dim candlelight... before he began to move again.

Panting shallowly in rhythm with Lanar as he thrust into her, still rubbing his body against her back, Dewitt wondered what the Ensign next to her might say... her conduct not becoming of her rank, until she - again - reminded herself that the younger woman was a Betazoid. All her worries were mitigated when she looked over towards the other table.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #6
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Although she herself was still unaware of it as of yet, Dewitt was right - Faye's attendant had stripped herself bare while the lithe Betazoid was getting settled about on the massage table. The curvaceous blonde now had nothing at all to worry about when it came to any possible staining of her clothes. The oil being used was quite viscous and slid across Faye's skin with a delightful heat. What caused a sharp gasp was the press of a pair of lips against her back of her slicked neck. For there could be no other source of the sensation. Faye was very much aware of what lips felt like, having had recent experience with a different pair. 

There was just a brief spike of shock, and then she heard another rumbling purr from Iskierka, admonishing softly "There is no cause for alarm. Just breathe, in, and out as before. Relax. We are here to take care of you both." And true, Faye picked up no hint of deception from the blonde woman. When on Aldea, she thought with a bit of a giggle, then, in a soft whisper of her own, "Well, if you insist..."

Consent thus given, Faye took another one of those long, deep breaths, as she was instructed, and tried not to squirm too much as she felt those lips make a line down her spine, following in the wake of the masseuse's dexterous fingers as she plied the oils upon the Betazoid's tanned skin. There was none of the hesitation that Jennifer was feeling present in Faye. And while there were momentary spikes of anxiety coming off of the ships liaison, the Betazoid hardly noticed. She was entirely too preoccupied with the hands roaming across her body, working their way along her lower back. 

"An urun massage is an intimate experience designed to leave the client well and truly at peace upon completion," the steady rumble from Iskierka seemed to be as soothing as the way the girls hands moved. There was a pause, and then more of the hot oil was dribbled down over Faye, from the small of her back, down over her ass. She gasped, quite loud, as it dribbled between her cheeks and across her sex, the heat of it causing her toes to curl and her body to arch a bit. "We will purge all the tension from your body, through a vigorous application of external and internal pressure point manipulation to realign your humors and balance mind, body and soul."

As a pilot Faye had once known would have said, it all sounded like a mountain of claptrap. But she knew there was something to being mindful in the moment. Such techniques were often taught to young Betazoid children as they came into their telepathy. So she shouldn't discard the overly philosophical tones being used to describe was mostly a physical act. The table shook slightly, and then Faye felt a new warmth, settling down on top of her. She lifted her head and turned, to see a very naked Iskierka straddling her legs, having pulled a small stand over to balance the bowl of oil on. As Faye watched , a bit wide eyed, she saw the girl dip her hands into the bowl, then pull them up, drizzling a second handful of the heated liquid onto the Starfleet Officers butt.

The oil sizzled slightly and slid down the surface, of which Faye could just make out, before she shut her eyes and groaned in pleased delight. "Yeah, okay," she murmured, contented to let her head rest in the pillowed hole, as she felt the blonde's hands spread her cheeks apart. Even here, the oil had preceded Iskierka, and Faye's puckered hole glistened with the slick fluids. There was a noise, off to the side, and it dawned on Faye that she wasn't the only one getting a special treatment. From her limited vantage point, she could tell that Lanar was no longer just standing beside the massage table assigned to Lt. Commander Dewitt. Judging by the slight noise she was hearing, Dewitt was already further engaged along the same lines that Faye and her own attendant were venturing along. 

Thumbs ran down the crevice of her bum, sweeping low to circle the darkened rim and it was Faye's turn to squeak. That earned her a giggle as the voice said, "Now now, none of that. We're  here to stretch you out and release all the tension." The girl was starting to sound like a broken record, but then she quit talking and got back to pushing. There was a swelling of resistance for a moment, followed by a slick pop and Faye groaned again, feeling the girls thumb breach her rear. She tensed, and then flopped, sagging a bit as she was toyed with. 

Heat flowed along that thumb, from the oil and the general intrusion. She felt stretched, all right. Fuller than she was used to being, even if Iskierka's intruding digit wasn't all that big. The telepath could feel the satisfaction coming off of the rather cheeky Aldean, and got just a hint of what was to come next, before she was rising up on her knees. Her free hand dipped once more into the oil, then came back out, slick as could be, and slid up, under Faye. While she kept the Betazoid pinned with a well placed thumb, the freshly coated hand moved up to cup Faye's folds directly. 

Heat sunk into the sensitive skin, and she moaned, loud enough now that she felt she might have distracted the others. When she bothered to think about Dewitt at all, she got just the barest hint of pleasure. Her mind was too scattered by the sensations being dished out to her for her to really pick up anything from anyone else. This was an unexpected, but not unwelcome turn in the evening's entertainment, and the diplomat found herself thinking more charitably toward the representative that had booked this little excursion. 

"Thats...really hot," she mewled, as the warm oil seeped into her. The fingers slid back and forth along her mound, leaving it glistening and red, before the masseuse began to flick her fingers between the petals of Faye's folds. Dewitt was getting drilled, slowly but surely by Lanar, while Faye was getting a slightly more hands on treatment. Through no conscious effort of her own, Faye felt her hips rising up to meet the dual intrusions, pressing back against each hand, though her legs were trapped under Iskierka's hips. She rolled, and groaned, her hands moving to grip either side of the table for leverage, to better allow herself to brace against the intrusions. Her ass felt like it was stretching more and more around the thumb shoved inside of it, and the Aldean girl was wiggling that thumb about quite a bit, but it was her sex that wanted - craved more. So far though, her wigging did not yet entice Iskierka.

"Now now, you need to let me do all the work, not you," the native woman crooned, that voice all the more cocky now, as if Faye was dancing right along to the tune she wanted. Protesting slightly, Faye forced her hips back down, and she could feel the weight above her shift, so that Iskierka was sliding back along her legs. Then there was a sharp scrape of teeth over flesh, as she Aldean lightly nipped one of Faye's cheeks. The thumb popped from Faye's ass, and the hand under her twisted, sinking two fingers into her sex even as her bum clenched back into place, now that the thumb had been removed. "Isn't it better when you let us guide this? Your friend certainly thinks so..."

Being in no position to argue, Faye just grunted her assent and looked over, her head raising up a bit. Sure enough, there was Dewitt, getting...well, plowed, or so the young ensign thought of it, giggling slightly, before moaning louder. "I'm going to lift up, and I want you to roll over." Instructions easy enough to follow, though the movement necessitated the removal off the Aldean's fingers from the Betazoid's channel as she slid about on the table, to lay with her face looking up now. This offered her a better view of Iskierka, who was once again dipping both hands into the bowl, to raise the heated oils up, and trail them once again over Faye's skin. This time however the diplomat was impatient, mewling as the heat washed over her, wondering how she could contrive to get the other woman to return her attention more fully to the now aching folds of her snatch.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
Indeed, it hadn't just been Lanar that had taken the massage in a bold direction. Dewitt's eyes were hooded when she saw how the blonde woman was pleasuring the Betazoid Ensign, fingers stretching the younger woman and easing tensions. She realised that, while she had coaxed Lanar inside her, it might just have been that the man had meant to enter her per anum instead. Was this why he admonished me?

To his credit, the man had obeyed her wishes and continued to slowly, but firmly, slide his slick body across her back that he also thrust his hardness all the way inside her. The warm oils was heavenly, making everything burn a little with satisfaction and easing the tensions in Dewitt. Jennifer was panting and couldn't stop herself from moaning, feeling the burning hot phallus stretch and fill her completely, hitting her back wall with every heavy, grinding motion that Lanar made. Just like Lanar, Dewitt was grabbing the edge of the massage table hard, so hard that her knuckles were white, and she could barely form coherent thoughts any more, her lips pursed in a blank expression of deep bliss over what the urun treatment was doing to her.

Though as if Lanar could have read her earlier thoughts, Dewitt was proven right when he suddenly withdrew his hardness from her needy, warm sex. Thus vacated, Jennifer found herself mewling silently in protest, which made Lanar speak. "You have more tensions to treat. Breathe, and relax, while I take care of the larger internal pressure points..."

Is he going to? she thought, eyes widening when she felt the pressure of his slick grown increase against her bared and oily sphincter. Stop him! No! I have never... Oh... Her objections went unvoiced, her body ready and able to accommodate what happened. Lanar knew his craft well, the angle just right... and Jennifer felt the head of his hardness pop inside her. "Nnnnggghhh...." she managed when she felt it, and as if she'd been speared like a fish, she shuddered all through her body. Her thighs quivered and a shiver ran up her spine. As if receiving acupuncture, Lanar had hit the centre of her bodily tensions with a large nail, and with the warm oils of the Aldean treatment easing her up, Jennifer's objections were quickly forgotten - the blissful treatment of her internal pressure points truly beginning.

"Rest your head in the cradle and relax, you are clenching when you needn't to," he said quietly in his deep voice, and that was easy for him to say! Of course she was clenching around him, but with the instructions in mind, Dewitt tried to settle down - which made Lanar begin to move. Oh, and how he moved... It was as if he was massaging her entire body with his oil-coated member, making everything burn with blissful release. Idly, a cursory thought was directed to how she'd never engaged in this kind of sex before, and that she had been missing out. Then again... what Lanar was doing was entirely different than what a lover might - the oils making everything that much better than she supposed it would be otherwise.

Still, as heavenly as it felt, she kind of missed having something more - having stolen a few minutes of having her sex massaged by Lanar. She supposed that she had herself to blame for disrupting the intended progression of the treatment, which now left her wanting more, even though she was completely and utterly grateful for what the man was doing to her. It felt wrong, forbidden... but oh, so incredible. The diligent man continued to undulate his entire frame to massage her body with his own, while his internal massage continued in it's thorough way. He reached the very deepest of her tissues, and while the pace was moderate, the firmness of each pass was undeniable. It was driving Jennifer crazy, wanting to tell him to go faster, but he couldn't possibly do it harder than he already was. Dewitt was entirely certain that Lanar would put all future massage experiences to shame, unorthodox as his method might be in Federation space.

As unstimulated as her sex was, Jennifer was beginning to feel like she might actually have an orgasm from the rectal massage alone... She was feeling completely relaxed, her hands no longer gripping the edge of the table, and she was pliant to each thrust made... when Lanar stopped moving, his lips next to her ear. "It is time to turn over."

She wanted to protest, to tell him to continue, but she just couldn't find the words. She didn't want to turn over... but she had already disrupted the urun treatment once, and decided to not do it again. Lanar slowly vacated her, and as limber as a cat, he got off from her, coming to stand next to the table. Mind leaden, Dewitt slowly shifted over to lie on her back, seeing in the shift that Eloi-Danvers had received the same instructions. Lanar was still in her field of vision, and she could see how he picked up a bowl to rinse his phallus completely, cleaning himself after having been inside Dewitt's rear. As if hypnotised, she watched him, and saw how he soon came to straddle her hips on top of the massage table. The candlelight danced over his oily torso, and once more, he scooped up more of the burning warm oil and dribbled it over Jennifer's front.

She could feel her pulse throb at the side of her throat, and when the oil ran thickly over her breasts and down her sex, she couldn't stop the unbidden moan of anticipation. She forced herself to relax, swallowed when Lanar gripped the edges of the table, and lowered himself down unto her. Like before, he ran his strong frame against hers, almost smothering her with his weight and yet making her feel grateful. The intimate level of the massage was unprecedented, and she found herself wanting to kiss the man when his lips passed within reach. She didn't however, closing her eyes instead...

...until she felt him once more, his hardness rubbing across her oily mound. "Please..." was all she managed, in spite of herself. Lanar listened to his customer... and obliged, making Dewitt gasp. Her eyes open wide again, she even smiled a little in feeling Lanar beginning to thrust inside her once more. Unable to sop herself, she raised her hands from the massage table, and ran her fingers and nails over the Aldean gestalt's buttocks and back, wanting more.

"This internal area has already been loosened," he said, with just a hint of a smile touched by candlelight.

"Don't s-stop," she quickly whispered into his ear while he preformed the blissful treatment. Perhaps a redundant exploit for him and his fancy treatment, but not for her. "Don't you dare stop."

She was so close...

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #8
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 


Patience seemed to be the order of the evening, at least from Iskierka. Faye, wanton creature that she was, lacked all of it entirely. She shifted about as the hot oils dripped over her skin, and then purred as she watched the blonde pour some down her own chest. That was a sight to see, as the Aldean had a much more impressive bust than herself, and if she were  being honest, than Riley did. Variety being the spice of life, Faye passed no further judgement on the issue - Iskierka's were bigger, but she loved Riley's build for all its own unique expressions and complexion. Though she did now wonder - given the situation they were in - what Lt. Commander DeWitts chest looked like. Since she was making idle comparisons.

The current angle didn't quite lend itself for snooping and sneaking peeks, however, so Faye contented herself with the view before her. Not exactly a hardship, she thought in the privacy of her own mind, where none present could look, though she could listen. And listen she did, to all the feelings, if not the specific thoughts, bounding about the room. She neither wanted nor needed the intimate details of what went on in the others minds, not right now. She was not trying to search out the best possible way to reciprocate, and she'd already ascertained the lack of ill intent on all parties involved. Thus, she was content to leave their thoughts private and unread. Emotion was more than enough to help egg her on in the moment, allowing the hedonistic diplomat to feel connected to the whole gathering.

The blond wriggled her hips suggestively,  flashing Faye a smile, dragging her own heated sex along the girls torso. Faye  wondered, as she was want to do, what the blonde might taste like, and despite herself, she licked her lips, locking her coal black eyes with the warm, inviting gaze from Iskierka. And then the attendant leaned forward, rubbing her oil stained torso along Faye's body. Breast to breast, and then lower, as her puffy lips closed over Faye's. The Betazoid shut her eyes and simply allowed herself to enjoy the kiss of a stranger with no shame, noting the way they tasted, and yes, unable to resist making some minor comparisons. The girls shared a soft moan, then Iskierka moved lower, rubbing with hand and chest as she whispered, "Open yourself up to the moment. Loose yourself in the touch, the sensation. All your tension, all your worries, I will take them from you." Easier said than done, perhaps, but Faye didn't protest. She forced herself instead to let the other woman set the pace, and soon enough, she was mewling and squirming as fingers were once more probing into her.

A delicate thumb was rubbing the hidden nub above her entrance, teasing it lightly, heated by the slick oil. Faye's clit was circled, was pushed at from below, and tapped down on, in a rhythmic pattern that the young woman could not quite follow or anticipate. The diplomat's breath hitched in her throat and she let out a loud enough groan that she was sure the others had heard. She ought, she supposed, be embarrassed, but she was not. Everything - and everyone - felt too good for Faye to care. She did not notice, nor know, that Dewitt had not before now been teased in such a fashion, having a man sink himself so deep into her rear. Faye found that kind of attention relaxing, if done right - and the amount of oils involved tonight, she was certain everything was right. It certainly had been when Iskierka had fingered her before, and was doing so again to her wanton core. Which, Faye noted with an almost academic remove, was clenching tighter and tighter on the massage therapists' fingers, in complete contradiction with the whole concept of 'relaxation.'

For her part, Faye basked in the irony of the moment, gripping the sides of the table as even under the weight of Iskierka, the lithe alien felt her hips rise up as the heat built and built, threatening to burst like a dam. The Aldean giggled and leaned in, kissing at Faye's oil coated hip, though not dragging her lips any closer. "Just relax, release, and let go. Listen to my voice," she implored of Faye, and the Betazoid found herself nodding in agreement.

"There is nothing but this moment. All the surface aches, the tightness in your skin, your muscles. All the upper worries, the stresses of the day to day. I have them gathered in the palm of my hand." It was flowery language to accompany what followed, the Aldean plaming Faye's pussy and squeezing tightly with her hand, the two fingers wriggling about inside of her, scissoring for effect. You will give these to me, so that I may remove them, and ready you for a deeper release."

Faye failed to notice the glance that was sent form one table to the other, from one masseuse to the next. "Pour out all your" For just a moment, Faye caught sight of perhaps the cockiest smile she'd ever seen on another woman, and then Iskierka placed her lips where her thumb had been, while curling her fingers inside of Faye. The dexterous digits were not nearly as long as Lanar's gifted member was, and could not stretch, nor hit, the tension points as deeply inside Faye as Dewitt had been attended to. But that wasn't Iskierka's roll. She focused far more on the surface and the near subsurface tension, teasing points that fingers could achieve where phallus could not.

What all this training and attention resulted in was a gasp, and shuddering cry, soft, covered by one oily arm in a moment of shameless release, as Faye came undone, despite all her best efforts to stay relaxed, with her legs jerking up, toes curling and her back arching up high off the table, held there, by finger and lip.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
As if Lanar could read Dewitt's mind, he did not let up for a moment, continuing the exact pace and dealing the meticulously precise force with each pass he slid his body along hers. The transition between being imminent and finding release, at last, was drawn out as long as possible - making Jennifer tether on the edge just one more second, and another, and another...

...until there was no way for Lanar to prolong the exquisite edging, despite his best efforts. The warmth, the force, the oils, and the deep penetration had driven Jennifer wild with need, and when she finally got what she longed for - the second time around - it was more profound. A deeper sense of release that made her breathless, choking on the release because it felt like she was collapsing on herself. Towards the end of the rush, she was able to draw breath at long last, and she made this deep, guttural mewl that in any other context might have been jocular. As it were, it was almost animal in gratification.

Lanar, to his credit, continued through it all, and it soon dawned on Dewitt that the Aldean hadn't come inside her. Indeed, he remained unabated in his hardness while he rode out the aftershocks of her bliss, and when she began to still, he slowly - almost politely - vacated her.

"Now, my assistant and I will trade places, and we'll complete the urun treatment with the areas where we complement each other."

Dewitt realised that she heard the blonde woman say something similar at the other table, but she couldn't quite register the words because she hadn't quite come down from her state of euphoria yet. Heart beating fast, shivering still, she tuned her head where she laid and looked at Lanar as he once more cleaned his phallus with his little bowl, and reapplied the damnable oil that seemed to drive Jennifer crazy. She could see Lanar and Iskierka passing each other by between the two tables, in an almost ritualistic manner - perfectly timed. How could they... They must have... Do they find their clients so predictable...?

Hearing Lanar speaking to Ensign Eloi-Danvers, Dewitt's attention stayed on the male assistant. "Relax, and I will release your innermost tensions," he said. Iskierka saw something similar, but something about her surface areas instead. She couldn't quite make herself pay attention - riled up as she was.

For a moment, Dewitt might have thought the two massage assistants were going to start over, with all the talking, all the build-up, and all the steps... but she saw that this was not the case. On the contrary, it became explicitly clear that the two assistants wasted no time at all resuming the urun treatment, and as she felt the Blonde woman gracefully climb up and begin to stimulate Jennifer's sex with fingers and mouth, Dewitt understood the ambition. The treatment would not allow her or the Betazoid to come down from the heights of pleasure they felt. No, instead, the two assistants would complement each other, and waste no time on giving her and the Ensign another release. With different methodology, they would give multiple releases.

Sucking a breath through her teeth and moaning at the touch from the blonde woman, Jennifer's listless gaze saw Lanar on top of the Betazoid, already sliding along her... and making his slick hardness squirm inside the Diplomatic Attache. Whatever else happened, whatever was said, went unheard, for she found herself entirely consumed by the blonde woman's ministrations.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #10
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

The diplomat was distantly aware that she was not the only one gasping out in delighted release, as DeWitts mewls mixed into the background of the warm room with its inviting candles, soft music, and delectable natives. Her hips humped the air - and Iskierka's fingers - for a moment longer, before falling, slick and gleaming, back down, to the padded table that bore the combined weight of lithe Betazoid and curvaceous Aldean with ease.  The small part of her mind that had not just been utterly devastated with pleasure noted the construction with some approval, concluding that this really had to be common place. One did not build massage tables quiet so sturdy unless one expected multiple humanoids to bring their mass to bear at the same time.

"Ha...ah..ha ha," she laughed and panted with the release, letting her head lull back into the cradle of the table, eyes shut. Languid now, her legs went limp, trapped under Iskierka, which was good, for they would have slide wide on either side of the woman had she not had her weight across Faye's thighs. The diplomat was giddy with the orgasm, and purred low, or as close as she could manage. Words were a bit of a struggle for the Betazoid as she felt fingers curl inside of her, then slowly, slowly drag back out, scraping along her the upper walls of her channel. She groaned, not unlike the noise that Dewitt made when Lanar withdrew, and watched through now heavily lidded eyes as the blonde dismounted and then padded around the table. 

Iskierka washed off her hands, diligently, her body glistening with the oils that had been poured upon her, and then leaned over, with a pleased smile on her face. "Your surface tensions, having been resolved, now leave you open to the deeper stresses in your body. My colleague shall relieve you of these as thoroughly has he has relieved your friend across the way." Faye grinned, wickedly, though still short of breath, lapping at her lips. That invited a lingering kiss from the blonde, who doted upon Faye, patting her cheek as she pulled away and winking saucily. She timed everything so that she and Lanar passed each other, exactly half way between the two tables. Faye picked up a sense of mutual satisfaction from both masseurs. A professional pleasure in a job well done, in the 'well oiled' machine that the duo were. Well oiled, indeed, Faye thought with an audible giggle, that teased a relaxed smile from the dark man that stood next to her now, reapplying a little oil, before directly mounting the table. 

"Oh, my," she got a good, good look at what had been inside Dewitt not moments before and grinned wider. Lanar had nothing, nothing at all, to be shy about. Iskierka had bent over Jennifer, and was, from what Faye could tell, running her hands up the other woman's thighs. In an echo of Lanar, the blonde said, "Relax, and I shall attend to the surface tensions still lingering about you." Her words were that soft, cocky purr, a counterpoint to the rumble of Lanar's, that stoked an eagerness in Faye, who was just now catching her breath, her chest rising and falling at a more even place.

Glistening in the low light, she eased her legs apart, as strong, firm hands worked across her body. Lanar wasted no time, and Faye appreciated that. She was ever so much the impatient creature when she wasn't working, and the release she'd been given by Iskierka had left her primed for entry. The weight of the large man pressed down on her petite frame, but with a gentle sort of control that she herself appreciated. Since he had not told her otherwise, she let her hands move up, and run over the oiled muscles on display. "oh m - " she started, but then he slid his swollen tip along her folds, and then rolled in, with a smooth, precise thrust, and she groaned aloud, the words cut off. Eyes fluttering, an intrusion that might have hurt otherwise was nothing but pure pleasure, sliding into her slick channel, hastened by her desire and the sweet Aldean massage oils. 

Laughter flashed across her mind, a pleased sort of noise, though she could not tell if it were from the man atop her, or the women across the way. Her shields were failing from the desire, but she gave no real focus to sort out what came from whom. Why bother? Who thought what didn't matter to her in the slightest. All she cared about now was the feelings coursing through her, the way she was stretched wide, and probed, deep. Each slow thrust sent a jolt up her spine, and she mewled in delight, running her fingers down his spine and over his hips - just touching, not gripping. 

Across the way, Iskierka was bending down, bringing her lips into play upon the proffered fruit of Jennifer Dewitt, humming a merry tune in the back of her throat as she went to work, resuming where Lanar had left off. Neither Aldean was inclined to give their guests a moment's rest, far from it, in fact. Only through multiple releases, each, coming rapidly on the heels of the last, would true urun be achieved.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
Her knuckles whitened by the grip around the edges of the massage table, Dewitt was so sensitive after what Lanar's part of the urun treatment that it took Iskerka no time at at all to build up Jennifer towards another climax. Rather than the sensitivity making Dewitt want to pull away, the woman had a way of easing into the post-release sensitivity that used it it to its best advantage. Her chest heaving where she laid on her back, Dewitt's eyes rolled on the waves of pleasure, and her eyes fluttered shut as the woman gradually built her up with her nimble fingers and tongue.

The first time she cried out, her eyes shot wide open again, and in the direct aftermath, she saw how Lanar was still on top of the Ensign on the other table. The Betazoid appeared to enjouy herself immensely, just like Dewitt, but the younger woman seemed even more open about her enjoyment that Jennifer felt - never having experienced anything of the like. While more reserved, she rather felt caught up in something beyond her control, but still something which she couldn't bring herself to stop. It seemed like Faye didn't have any issues with this, and it might even have had something to do with how she might have read the thoughts of the two massage assistants, and sensed no ill intent from them. That might have been why the diplomat was able to be so at ease with the two, just because she knew that this development was nothing to be concerned about.

Movement in her peripheral eye caught the woman between her legs, Iskerka, climb up a bit on the table, just so that she could lay her warm mouth against Dewitt's chest, taking each of the hardened peaks between her lips while her fingers still kneaded and thrust into Jennifer's sensitive sex - the thumb teasing the swollen nub above her opening. Dewitt debated running her hands through the blonde woman's hair, but it was as if she held on to the railing of a ship in a storm with her grip around the edges of the table. The city lights outside danced in the oily surfaces of their heaving bodies, and the candlelight cast everything in a warm glow. In short order, the woman - who seemed more familiar than Dewitt was about what her body wanted - brought her yet again beyond the edge of control. Dewitt choked on the cry, raising her chest to the teasing mouth of the woman on top of her.

By then, it appeared that Lanar was due to move on to the final phase with Faye, as he gently ran his arms below the Betazoid's legs and raised them up so that her heels rested dainty on his strong shoulders. By then, likely after having brought the woman to higher states of euphoria a few times already - all without spending himself once - he moved to press himself against her rear entrance. "Please take deep breaths, for I will now loosen the last of your innermost tissues."

With his warm and oily hands running over Faye, he slowly and gently pushed inside her, only to build a methodical rhythm once she began to accommodate his girth. Little did Dewitt know that Iskierka had already prepared the Betazoid for the final phase of the treatment on her part, while her own session was drawing to a close with the way in which the blonde woman milked each new culmination out of her as if she was an instrument being played, and knew more strings than Dewitt knew she even had.

Admittedly, Jennifer lost track of time at this stage of their shared treatment, and it was only until some time later that she realised that the woman was saying something, and that she was finally able to descend from the heights of pleasure in which she'd found herself. "Your urun treatment is now complete. It has been our pleasure to serve you. Please rest, and when you are ready, you will find that we have drawn you both a shared bath in the adjacent chamber. You may stay there for as long as you want, and you need just chime the bell on the table if you want our further assistance in cleansing your bodies."

Hearing these words as if from a distance, Dewitt slowly opened her eyes and found the woman's face above her own, smiling, until she stepped away. Jennifer's eyes followed the woman, and she saw Lanar leave Faye as well. Only then did the two massage assistants, in a carefully planned routine, wash each other off with the cleaning bowls. There was nothing overtly sexual about this end of their ritual, merely done for sake of display even though they appeared quite content with their performance. What Jennifer was most amazed by in the ritual was that Lanar was still hard when they began, yet having to spend himself as he treated Faye, and by the end of the cleansing, he was finally flaccid - Iskierka's cleansing not having finished him off either.

Once they were alone, Dewitt wasn't sure she could trust her legs yet, but she couldn't quite help the languid smile she gave the Ensign on the other table. "I'm ready when you are..." she said, a bit hoarsely, and couldn't quite find the words for a comment on behalf of what they'd just experienced together.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #12
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Things were building to a head in every sense of the word. Thoughts and emotions were filling the close, warm air of the massage parlor. Desire rolling off of Jennifer Dewitt, and the pleasure of jobs well done, the professional (and yes, personal) satisfaction from the two Aldean's tending to the representatives from the Theurgy Heads too were twisting about on tables as attention was given, partners exchanged, and methods tested on new flesh. The 'head' that Faye was most focused on, however, was the one currently spearing her between the legs, spreading her sex wide. 

She coo'd some wordless noise of encouragement, going taut as the flesh of rod strove deeper, up inside of her. Iskierka had done wonders readying the Betazoid, and was now plying the same sort of attentions, in reverse order, to Lt. Commander Dewitt. Idly Faye wondered what that felt like, starting with the more penetrative and ending with the surface tension ministrations, instead of the way that she had done so. Just have to come back and find out she concluded, her hedonistic tendencies in line with that train of logic. This was, of course, an abuse of the concept of logic, but such philosophical thoughts were quite beyond Faye at that point. She at least, seamlessly embraced the Aldean philosophy of living in the moment that came with urun treatments.

"OoohhhhHoooho," her voice rose in a crescendo as Lanar's deft thrusting tease the first deep orgasm from within the lithe diplomat. She quivered along his shaft, squeezing and rippling, as if determined to draw out from the massive Aldean a release as deep and satisfying as her own, but to no avail. She sensed the barest trace of amusement from Lanar, some sort of pleased inner humor, at his own self control and the way her body tried all the same. She didn't mind if he didn't mind, and really, she minded nothing at all right then, for she was seeing stars, and on the whole they were rather quiet pretty. She paid no further notice to the way that Iskierka practically devoured Faye's diplomatic partner in crime across the way, something that at any other time, Faye would have delighted in observing.  If only for the enticing way that the blonde woman's bum swayed in the air, bent down as she was atop Dewitt. Perhaps Lanar appreciated the sight, but Faye couldn't be sure, because when she did finally open her eyes it was to stare back into his deep chocolate orbs, and the slightly aloof smile that played across his lips, as if he'd never stopped watching his own, controlled work.

"Please take deep breaths, for I will now loosen the last of your innermost tissues," she heard, and then, for just a moment her eyes went wide with understanding. She bit her lip hard enough so that the skin turned white, then she let go, small impressions there, on her now swollen smile as she gave a nod of consent and acceptance. He'd effortlessly lifted her legs, and she giggled as they fell to the sides, each heel resting atop his shoulder, offering the man quite the view of her puffy sex, so recently speared and red from their fornication.

But as he had done with Dewitt, Lanar did not delve back into the Betazoid's sex. Instead, he pressed his oil slick cockhead to the equally glistening rosebud that sat behind Faye's slit, lower and tighter, though teased before by Iskierka. It had been just enough that, though Faye let out a deep, guttural groan, and though it was an insanely tight fit, it was not painfully so. The oils, the attentions already given by the blonde, and the pleasure still sending aftershocks through Faye allowed this pure luxury. Plus, the simple fact was that Lanar was not the first man to ever plumb those particular depths. But the pleasing memories of this particular encounter would likely linger in the Betazoid's mind in the weeks that would follow, as the dark man attended to her with the same steady, diligent thrusts that he'd plied upon both her sex, and the other Theurgy representative in the room.

The position, forcing pressure down on her her hips and allowing such a deep anal penetration, did deprive Faye of the ability to easily touch Lanar with her fingers. As tactile dependent as she was telepathically, she lamented this loss, but she could still feel his muscles bunching under hre legs, and the girth of him stretching her darkest depths. Thus her hands fell to the side, hanging off the table as she grunted and moaned her way to one more shattering release, that left her body as limp as rag doll, after sending her back rocketing off the table as the climax ripped all thought from her. 

She was, in every sense of the word, absentmindedly in awe of the fact that Lanar had not climaxed himself, during any of this. He was saying his own parting words, a smile on his face and satisfaction in his mind - though not physically in any case - as he tenderly lay Faye's legs back down on the table. "Thanks," she managed with a little giggle, shutting her eyes. She'd felt like she'd nearly squeezed the mans shaft in twain, and yet it still stood proudly intact and unspent. Even through the ritualized cleansing that followed, Lanar did not allow himself any release, though he and Iskierka were quite professionally thorough in their attentions to cleansing each others bodies. Its a shame. I'd love to see the two of them perform with each other, she thought, shamelessly. 

To the duo, she gave a slow, languid wave and allowed herself to lay back on the table. Deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth, as the hot oil cooled on her flushed skin. She could almost fall asleep, until she heard Dewitt calling out. Blinking her coal black eyes, Faye rose up with a fluid sort of motion. Like a puppet pulled by strings, there was a jerk, and then she was swaying to her feet, daintily braced against the massage table, naked in all her oiled glory. Her eyes darted across to the liaison officer, and she had to privately wonder if her own hair was quite so messy, and her own body as flushed as Dewitt. Deciding she probably was, Faye gave a little shrug of her shoulders. She didn't speak yet, but padded over to the other table. Not that it was a terribly far walk, but it served to illustrate that she could actually walk, if a bit bow legged. Her usual grace was gone, though she didn't too terribly put out over that little fact. Far from it in fact, as there was a sort of pleased glow about the telepath. Satisfaction of the deepest order.

Would it be inappropriate to send the two masseuses, and perhaps the nice lady from the council a thank you card? Probably wouldn't cause a major diplomatic incident. A minor spat of amusement  at most.

"That was a first," she noted as she offered the senior officer a hand to help her get situated. There were robes around there somewhere, that they could wear after the bath to the changing room to retrieve their uniforms, though Faye was sorely tempted to simply call for a direct transport to her quarters, naked as the proverbial Terran Jay bird. Or maybe she'd let the poor transporter operator get an eyeful. It was all pointless meandering, as she'd do no such thing. She doubted Dewitt would want anyone to know what happened, so she didn't suggest it. She wouldn't, in fact, say anything at all really about what had happened outside of this room, save perhaps to Riley, and even then she would gloss over DeWitts participation. She sensed confusion about how to go forward coming off the human woman, and it would be unwise to make a superior officers life more difficult. Especially when Faye was completely content to keep mum on the subject.

"Very stimulating culture they have here. I wonder why this was left out of the contact logs." A shameful oversight, she decided with a giggle. Nodding all the same, and readying herself to support her superior if Jennifer had any struggles making it to the other room, Faye added lightly, "I think I'm going to like this place." How she managed to look completely innocent as she said it would be a question for the ages. 

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
Taking the Ensign's hand gratefully, Dewitt didn't quite trust her balance when she stood up from the massage table. Coming down from the heights of euphoria, she still noticed how blessed the Betazoid was in terms of her body - lithe and surely attractive in the eyes of many species. Jennifer hadn't had a good opportunity to see it during the massage session they'd enjoyed, but standing right there next to her - with the oils on her body reflecting the candlelight and the nocturnal lights of he Ibai Besi cityscape - it was hard not to notice it.

"Likewise," she said by means of comment, chuckling while the two of them walked towards the door to the adjacent area. Her heart had yet to settle, and she was sore in a very good way, yet at the same time, she felt soothed in a manner she couldn't remember to have ever been. Whatever stiffness in her shoulders that she'd gained over the course of the day was entirely gone, of course - every area where knots had developed now warm and loose. "I can't help but wonder if the councilor had any idea that this aspect of their culture is not so common..."

They entered what could be best described as a marble sanctum of heated water and lit candles, with another panoramic view across Aldea Prime by-night. This bath was settled in the corner of the building, and the level of the floor allowed them to see all the way to the oceanic horizon. As for the marble bath - which might be incorrect since the Aldeans wouldn't call the stone 'marble' - it was large enough for five or six people, with seats along the sides and with waterfall-feature along one of the four sides - which steadily poured water unto any bathers that wished to rinse their hair or bodies in such a fashion. The bottom of the bath appeared to be in shelves, allowing for the bathers to either completely submerge themselves or perch with half their bodies bared to the warm air of the room. The ventilation system in place appeared to be set for the windows primarily - preventing the glass from fogging up by the warm water.

With an appreciative glance towards the view outside, Dewitt set her leaden steps towards the side with the waterfall-feature. "I realise that as a Betazoid, this might not be entirely unfamiliar to you - this level of comfort offered and.... received."

Gratefully, Dewitt stepped into the warm bath and into the light waterfall, beginning to run her hands over her body to rinse herself from the excessive residues of oil. All the while, she couldn't quite help herself from looking at the beautiful officer in her company. After what they had enjoyed together, there wasn't a lot of modesty to be preserved between them - rank somehow having become secondary in this bond of a luxurious Aldean spa treatment.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #14
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Even after everything that she had just gone through, Faye felt a certain satisfied tingle as she came under the Lieutenant Commander's gaze and scrutiny. There was something universally pleasing about being judged and found attractive. Sure such scrutiny could turn down less than pleasant paths, but at the moment all Faye picked up was genuine appreciation for her form. She managed not to preen, if only just, though her eyes did seem to sparkle, little pinpricks of mirth scattered about her onyx eyes. Perhaps the lights from the city around them reflecting back at Dewitt. 

And as she was observed,so too did she observe. Of a different build than herself, or Iskierka had been, Jennifer was certainly very easy on the eyes. A visual treat unto herself. As much as the human admired Faye's lithe form, so too did the openly hedonistic Betazoid enjoy the more curved figure before her. All the flavors of the rainbow, she thought, bastardizing something her adoptive mother had once said to her. Faye fell into step next to Dewitt, the duo padding their way toward the next room where they would both bathe. There was a distinct limp to Faye's movements, though she did not bother to check to see if Jennifer suffered under a similar fate or not.

Staggering to a halt, Faye paused in the entrance and looked about the room, letting out an appreciative, low whistle. Now this is a bathhouse. A girl could get use to this, she thought rather loudly, hands on her hips as she took the whole room in with a sweep of her gaze. It was a toss up as to which appealed to Faye more - the clear glass windows that looked out over the city scape, and the coast in the distance, hiding nothing in the room from any prying eye (not that there were likely any), or the marble tub that beckoned the sore Betazoid with a sirens call. Shutting her eyes, Faye drew in a long, slow breath of air through her nose, smelling the oils on her skin and the scent of sex about her person, mixing with the humidity of the bath. 


 She sensed the words a hairs breath before they were spoken, and turned her gaze back on Jennifer. She shrugged and offered what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "Well, yes and no. This really was a first for me. I've had some um...intense massages, in the past, mind you, but not in quite so professional a setting," she explained, following in Jennifer's wake. "A place like this, I'd expect to see on Argelius, or at an Orion Establishment. The bathhouses on Betazed are just as opulent and clothing free, and people certainly....enjoy each others company."

Despite the rank difference, being buck naked and thoroughly rutted allowed Faye a bit of lee way in her actions toward the senior officer, and she winked suggestively as she sunk into the water, oh so slowly. "Oh, gods that's just perfect. Where was I? Oh, yes, there's nothing exactly like this back home. If we ever get through all this, I should open up a place like this on the home world. I'm sure it would be a hit. Or on Bodun colony. All those poor tired farmers," she snickered a bit, then sank down, and down. While Dewitt favored one of the falls, she sought out submersion. 

Pursing her lips for a moment, she tilted her head and then smiled sheepishly, "Thats kind of a long winded way of saying that this isn't the wildest thing I've done, but it was a very pleasing way to spend the evening." She was curious as to Dewitts thoughts on the experience, and asked, "I gather from your tone this isn't exactly something you're used to, then?" To the Betazoid, the answer was obvious, but she wanted to give Jennifer a chance to voice her thoughts and feelings on what had happened. Faye was naturally curious, of course, and it would be a way to learn more about her negotiating partner without outright prying past any defenses and breaching any sort of trust. Picking up surface emotions was one thing. Rummaging around uninvited in someones head outside of the line of duty, for curiosities sake, was  a line that Faye was unwilling to cross.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
To say that the experience had been new to Dewitt would have been a grave understatement, her not being entirely sure what had happened to be honest. She cleared her throat a little and flicked her eyes towards the other woman.

"I was not prepared for the development in the slightest," she confessed, one of her hands running over her breasts in the waterfall and feeling how the hardened peaks were still a tad sore from Iskiera's lips, and when her other hand went down between her legs to take care of the oils that had collected there, she felt how sensitive her sex was after the combined efforts of the massage assistants to 'relieve her tensions'. The Aldeans sure had a different sense of propriety, yet then again, perhaps this establishment they had visited weren't the norm when it came to spa services. "I got the impression you were at ease with it all, and with your abilities, I told myself to trust in the intentions of our dear assistants. It took me a while to settle into it..."

Reaching behind herself and arching her back a little, she reached down to rub away the oil on her posterior, and she sucked a breath through her teeth when her fingers skirted between her buttocks - the slight soreness there something she wasn't used to. "I even disrupted the intended order of things," she said with a bit of of embarrassment, chuckling as she stepped down from her shelf  in the pool and submerging herself more with each step towards Faye. "Got a little bit carried away, to be honest - unable to see what dear Lanar had planned for me. I may have... ahem... got a bit ahead of things. Impatient and riled up as I found myself with a man such as him... teasing me in such a particular fashion."

Reaching Faye, she sat down next to her - the both of them facing the vista of the cityscape. Jennifer laid her arm behind the Diplomatic Attache and leaned back against the edge of the pool, with her still aching breasts just barely above the surface of the steaming water. Jennifer ran her other hand through her wet hair to clear it from her eyes, and she looked at the oceanic horizon in the far distance.

"I think we might have to leave this out of our report," she said soon enough with a rueful smile, not entirely sure what Ives' and Ducote's reaction would be if they learned what had been offered to them by that Aldean Councillor, and especially how they had indulged themselves as much as they had. "I am not even sure what the intentions were, giving us this appointment. Either way, as you may have sensed on my behalf earlier, the best option was to go along with things, since the opposite ran the risk of embarrassing us if Lanar and Iskierka were to work directly for that Councillor. Now, we still have the upper hand - pretending as we can that this was nothing out of the ordinary."

Jennifer turned her head and looked at the Betazoid's profile, her red hair falling off her shoulder with the moment - warm water dripping over the top of her chest. "Honestly, the exotic nature of the treatment aside, being with a woman wasn't something new to me. In fact, it is something I rediscovered after I stepped off the Black Opal, and I was no longer the Commanding Officer."

She let the woman take her words at face value if she wanted, but if she would look into her green eyes, she hoped the officer she was sharing this adventure with could see the veiled invitation. In fact, she might not even need her abilities to learn how Dewitt was intrigued by the Betazoid, and wished for a closer acquaintance.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #16
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

It wasn't as if Faye had been any more prepared for what had happened than Dewitt, save perhaps in the general carnal experience. The telepath flashed the other woman a sympathetic smile all the same, nodding in understanding. Things such as this could be quite disorienting, and past experiences - and a general lack of boundaries or taboo complex - allowed Faye to adapt to the events far easier than the human woman had. One of the many benefits of an open society, she thought, glossing over the fact that she was more open than the typical member of her species, despite what she might profess, and the advantage full on telepathy and empathy brought to her in these situations. None of which she said aloud, of course. That would be rude.

Smiling instead, the dark haired woman gave a little nod, "I will admit that it did put me at ease, reading their intentions. I'm glad my presence could help you...get into the swing of things," an acknowledgement of the situation and what Faye had brought to the (massage) table seemed in order and she was happy to accept it, letting her arms stretch out along the edge of the tub, water running off of her skin. Beneath the surface she let her legs ease open, and the warm water sooth pleasantly sore flesh. She had to admit that by the end of things, 'at ease' was a gross understatement as to how she felt.

Languid and sated she leaned her head back and shut her eyes, simply feeling for the moment. The eyes shot back open when she felt as much as heard Jennifer hiss. Her head rolled to one side, tilted, as she watched with no shame in the observation, understanding slowly dawning. She settled on what she hoped was a sympathetic smile - something she had trotted out before at the negotiating table as she learned perhaps more than the seasoned officer wished her to. "I must admit, he was rather...breathtaking, wasn't he?" The words weren't quite a purr, but it was fairly close. The man in question had stretched her out in all kinds of delightful ways, and she could tell he'd done the same for Jennifer Dewitt.

As the Lieutenant Commander settled in, Faye turned her gaze from her diplomatic partner to watch out the window at the city scape. This too was something truly beautiful. Her gaze darted back to the other woman as Dewitt laid a plan of action for how to proceed. Faye considered it, then gave as short not. "Of course, sir. Nothing at all out of the ordinary." If there was a knowing inflection in her tone, or if there was a smirk on her face, well, the only other person whom would know that was Jennifer, and as they had just established. But Dewitt was right - while they would certainly pretend that this was nothing out of the ordinary - a stretch more for Jennifer than Faye - the question of motive was still on the table. 

That brought a frown to Faye's face. She'd have to do something about it all. So it was a frown that Jennifer saw in profile, but only for a moment as the Betazoid's dark eyebrows shot up high. Slowly, she turned, running her tongue over her teeth, behind her lips. Her eye brows settled a bit and she allowed herself to meet the other woman's gaze, working not to smile in a fashion that might come off as condescending, or too amused. She didn't want to send the wrong impression just then. Far from disinterest, she was, in fact, quite intrigued by the possibility. 

Leaning against the edge of the tub, Faye turned to fully face Dewitt, shoving aside thoughts of Aldean councilors and intriguingly attractive masseuses, and let her mind settle on the woman next to her, and just what she was saying, and implying. An impish look passed across her face. "Iskierka was a lovely woman." She leaned in a bit, the lights from outside catching on her eyes, once more making them sparkle like onyx. "But you say this was something you've recently returned to, women, I mean, since ....well, since you came aboard the Theurgy?" she paused for a moment, and then, reached out, running a finger very gently across the first bit of exposed skin that she could reach, which happened to be Jennifer's forearm.

She had to choose her next words carefully. She took stock of herself, how she felt, and then of Dewitt. There was a pause, and then, "See, now I find that fascinating." Being bold was the order of the evening, and Faye decided she just might have one more in her. Maybe. "I'd love it if you would care to...elaborate?" These words were purred with her lips roughly a inch from the other officers.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
Suddenly, the difference in rank might have been forgotten before they entered the bath, but by the time the Betazoid leaned in and touched her, it was as if it didn't really exist any more.

They were well beyond off-duty already, as far from any speck of protocol they could get, with not a thread of clothing to separate them - much less differing in their mutual desires. If anything might have crossed Jennifer's mind, it could have been the fact that as a Starfleet officer, Faye Eloi-Danvers knew quite well how to separate duty from pleasure. It was a lesson Dewitt had recently been reacquainted with, now that she was no longer a Commanding Officer - without the entirety of a research facility's staff looking up to her.

A fact she might have come to terms with through the help of Zyrao Natauna, as well as Thomas Ravon. In this liberty, she had made up for the years lost at the Black Opal - enjoying a freedom she'd never thought she'd find on a renegade ship on the run.

"Oh, I just decided to let my hair down a little," she said in her adopted British accent, inherited from her studies at Oxford University. As it were, most traces of her Dutch upbringing had faded away, but it hadn't been until she was in Starfleet Academy that she'd first been with a woman. After her relapse with Natauna, she had been confident it wouldn't be the last time either. It appeared she'd been quite right about it too. Her green eyes remained on the dark orbs of the Betazoid, knowing how plain her wishes already must be. "For who am I to deny myself such pleasures now when I can thoroughly enjoy them?"

Oh, it wasn't like the urun treatment had left her wanting. Rather, it had incited this greed for more, and the Ensign was just too beautiful a woman to ignore. This close, her wet body reflecting the city lights, Jennifer couldn't refrain from running a hand up her thigh and side underneath the surface of the warm water. Her fingers slid behind her waist and up her back, puling her closer. So close that there was barely any air between their lips, and no distance at all between the front of their well-kneaded bodies. She felt the woman's skin against her own... and then she laid her lips against Faye's - kissing her deeply. Hungrily, even, since all sense modesty and daytime inhibitions had been rubbed out of her much earlier that evening.

Knowing how sensitive the other woman ought to be, judging by her own experience after the treatment, it was with fickle and light fingers that Dewitt began to caress her. The warm water seemed laced with essential oils to moisturise their skin, since there was no water-wrought roughness when she fondled the Betazoid - no friction when her palm and fingers spanned a firm breast.

Of course, at that point - in wake of all the things they had enjoyed - Jennifer wasn't late in vocalising her enjoyment with a quiet moan into Faye's mouth.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #18
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

The shift in the room was such that one did not need to be telepathic to sense it. This was not some subtle thing, despite how Faye might have attempted to slide into the situation, easing the transition. Nor was it as if Jennifer flung herself at Faye in a splash of water and limbs.  But for all the control shown, the change was readily apparent all the same. Heavy as it was with the scents of perfume and the heat of the bath, the air in the alcove lit alive with a charged sort of electric desire, that both women felt, and acted on. 

There were lines crossed in that moment that had as of yet not been, despite the intimate situation on hand. What some might forbid, they indulged in, under the auspice of knowing that come the following day, there would be a return to normalcy, unspoken but understood. A line that was barely there in the metaphorical sand, and one Faye pranced right over with nary a hesitation, having done so on more than one occasion of the years of her service in Starfleet, from the Academy to Aldea. What was rank when measured against mutual desire and understanding? 

Devoting her entire thought and focus onto the woman before her was easy enough. Jennifer had plenty to distract with, and there was that air of curiosity and mysteriousness about her past dalliances and willingness to dabble now that drew Faye in like a moth to a flame. It was therefore fortunate that she had made her tendencies and hedonistic habits well known to the one partner she intended to keep around. With the wrong kind of person an evening such as this could ruin everything. With Faye, it was simply a treat to be treasured.

Given the stare of both of their hair at the moment it was a struggle for Faye not to giggle at the word choice. She persevered all the same and smiled that languid, pleased smile that colored her face with a lazy sort of intrigue.  "All good things in proportion, right? Outright denial of something harmless is well...harmful. You know....when..." Faye responded, drawing those last few words out into the space between the two officers. A tingle running down her spine in the wake of Dewitt's hand, pulling her in. Her own hands moving, dragged off the stone surface as Jennifer's lips crashed to Faye's.

As with many first kisses, it was not perfection, but it had hints and traces there in. The kind of kiss that promised much more, a probing sort of 'get to know you' affair. Faye loved those, treasured them, and hoped she showed it with her own eagerness to return the proffered affection. As with Dewitt, the younger ensign felt no compulsion against being audible in her appreciations, mewling at the soft touches, breathing in deep and then groaning out her breath. Both of her arms settled around Dewitt's shoulders, and she shifted herself to allow the older of the pair unfettered access to her lithe body. A natural 'giver' as it were, Faye tended to conform herself to the desires of her partners. Not exactly hard to do, when one could read those desires like an unlocked padd. 

Thus she found herself gently nibbling on the other woman's lower lip, tugging it with her teeth and then letting it pop away with a giggle. "You don't seem out of practice," she whispered, leaning in to press a kiss to the shell of the liaison's ear, then a few more, trailing down her neck. During all this she panted, rising and falling gently against the touches delivered. And though she had started this by embracing Dewitt, she did not let her arms simply linger. Her hands began to track across the wet skin as if trying to map out every little curve and divot, to commit to memory, not only the feeling on a physical level, but the desire, the emotions in play for both women.

Where her hands went, her lips followed, sucking soft kisses and nibbles across skin that had already been pampered by two others that night. It all culminated in a new, open mouthed moan that bubbled up out of Faye's throat, before she closed her lips over a point just above Dewitt's collar bone and sucked hard, rocking herself back against the woman's expert touch, with her hands sliding under the water, then up, to squeeze the tantalizing orbs of Jennifer's breasts.  There was certainly no going back by that point, and though this was a slow burn sort of affair, with gentle motions being the order of the moment, it did not lack for passion on either parties part. ""

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
There was little of hesitant, gradual build-up as Jennifer indulged herself in the company of the Betazoid. Skin against skin, and their lips fighting greedily for more of the other's taste, Dewitt didn't mind loosing herself in the ancient dance.

The younger woman seemed to appreciate the touch of her, and Jennifer certainly didn't mind the way the diplomat's palms and fingers slid over her chest. The scents of the bath - and the scenery overall - certainly invited the type of adventures they were having. The shimmering lights that bounced off the waterfall, and shot spectres across the panoramic view of the city, it seemed almost a mystical place of imagination rather than the high-end luxury accommodations they were in. Then again, as high a floor as they might be on, there was also the tantalising notion that there might actually be onlookers in the buildings on the other side of the Ibai Besi. Opportunists that had learned what kind of treatments were being dealt in the spa. Voyeurs with binocs. Who knew? Dewitt wasn't sure what she thought of having an audience, but right then and there, it wouldn't stop her from having a bit of levity after a long, tough day defending the crew of the Theurgy from Aldean interests.

"Out of practise or not... do you mind if I brush up a little?" she murmured against Faye's lips, and slid her hand down the younger woman's flat abdomen, well below the surface of the warm water. Passing the pubis mound, she wrapped her fingers around the apex of her legs, and began to slide her oil-coated fingertips along the nether lips and the centre crevice.

At first, she let the Betazoid vocalise any reaction she might have, before she muffled any further sounds with her own mouth. With her green eyes closed, she leaned into the woman, and trapped her against the side of the bath, not about to let her escape what she had in mind for her. With a grin against the woman's mouth, she began to mimic what Iskerska had done to them both, only with less focus on loosening tissues... but teasing the swollen clit above her entry-way.

"It seems your species have a lot in common with my own," she commented huskily, as she didn't let up.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #20
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 


Light banter and wordplay were all part of the build up, the game as it were, for the younger diplomat, and Faye found herself giggling in an obliging fashion. "Mind? Not in the slightest," the Betazoid confirmed with a lush smile and playful lit. "In fact,  I insist." This was added almost in a low purr, as the lithe woman got more into the swing of things, finding a tempo with Dewitts teasing.

Of course, fingers still slick from the oils used on their skin caressing her petals certainly had a tempo of their own, causing the delighted diplomat to let out a fluttering moan and bury her face in against the crook of Jennifer's neck for a moment. The gentle teasing was just that - gentle - and was a good sort of build up after all the attention that had been delivered to her earlier. Her moans filled the room, until they were swallowed, a kiss returned with pure hunger.

Trembles ran up and down Faye's body, with every little brush pass of a fingertip padd against the most sensitive bundle of nerves that the younger woman possessed. This wasn't the measured teasing of a professional, but the enthusiastic attention of an experienced partner testing new waters. Intent as much as precision was the name of the game here, and it had Faye digging her fingers into Jennifer's skin wherever she could grasp. At that point, it was her hips, and Faye used that leverage to roll herself even closer, pressing in against Dewitt's affections.

Breaking the kiss, the Betazoid laughed a bit and nibbled her way along Dewitts neck, paying attention to the visible pulse point as she purred. "More similarities than differences at a surface level -" Her breath hitched and she let her hands move down to squeeze each cheek of the other girls bum, playfully, "And perhaps, just below the surface level as well." Anatomically most of the species differences were internal - redundant organs and nervous system pathways, brain scapes, chromosomal and the like. Certain terran foods were simply a no go.

But sex...well those organs were pretty much exactly the same. Not quite a universal constant, and for Betazoids the act of coupling was far more than just a physical thing (though not to the extent of species like Deltan's). Embracing all of this, Faye quit being a 'passive' partner in the affair.  "Both species have a fasicnation with -ooooo- secondary sex organs, for example."

Faye was proud of herself that she'd managed to get those words out with only minimal moaning. She bent a bit, back arching out, head ducking down and brought her hand up to cup one of Dewitt's breasts. With an eager sort of hunger, she brought the wet orb to her lips, kissing it, licking at it, before closing her mouth around the nipple proffered before her. The next moan that Dewitt teased out of Faye was loud, and deep in her throat - but muffled but the mouthful of tit-flesh she sucked hard on. She could feel the nub puckering under her attention, taste the distinct flavors of the oils in the bathwater and that unique taste that was Jennifer’s skin exploding across her tongue. It made her heady, and the moans of her mind were as loud (to her) as the ones in her throat. This diplomatic mission had taken a sharp turn to explore deeper cultural nuances for the Aldeans, Terrans and lone Betazoid involved, and the hedonist in Faye was simply ecstatic.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
As it were, Dewitt had committed herself to making the Ensign cross the threshold, readily inserting two fingers and kneading the Betazoid's sex underneath the surface of the water. She wasn't about to let up, merely calibrating her minute movements for best possible reaction and effect.

However, it wasn't without its tantalising, intermediate reward, in how Faye was teasing Jennifer in a more than just practised manner. Her breasts aching with need already, the Diplomat was eliciting a response with her lips and tongue, and Dewitt squared her shoulders - proferring her chest to the other woman in anticipation for more. Once she'd managed to make Faye revisit the level of euphoria that their massage assistants her got them to, she wanted to climb the edge of the pool and spread her legs for the Betazoid, so that she might repeat what Iskierska had done - only with the finer purpose of earnest sex rather than a mere service provided. However well-executed, it had still been with the intent to provide rather than get anything in return.

With Faye, it was a mutual exchange of greed and generosity. Traditional yet true.

"Mmmmhh, don't stop," she breathed quietly in the shimmering lights that surrounded them, making sure to rub that hooded pearl with each time her fingers stirred and churned inside the young alien woman. With her red hair a wet waterfall behind her head and back, Dewitt imagined how riled up she might look - predatory and animal in her elevated state of arousal. With her free hand, she sought Faye's chest as well, and brushed a thumb and a palm across the hardened peak.

Soon, she anticipated that she'd let the Betazoid return the favour, and she longed for it as much as she enjoyed making her squirm - all the way across the finish line.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #22
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

A loud, audible 'pop' precluded an equally loud moan of pleasure as Faye disengaged her lips for a moment from Jennifer's tit to let her delight be heard by the other woman - and anyone else in the complex that might be in earshot of the washroom. For all Faye knew the walls were sound proofed - that would be how she would run such an establishment. But then, maybe there were unseen sensors recording every moment. She'd not picked up any sense of such prying, and really, truly did not care in the heat of the bath - and the heat of her loins. She was clamping down on the intruding fingers, welcoming them and the release they promised. What did trivial things like possible observers matter when compared to this?

"oh, I won't," she managed to promise, her mouth agape and her head pressed into the wet skin of the other officers chest, before pulling her lips to the far tit, that as of yet had been untended too. Never one to let a breast go jealous, Faye devoted her attentions once again to Dewitt's bust, moaning and suckling all the while. Her hips began that gentle, tell tale rocking, sending waves splashing lightly against the tub walls. Back and forth, she squirmed and wiggled, while grasping tightly to the senior officer's body, as if afraid she'd somehow fall into the water if she did not. 

Letting her teeth scrape along tender skin, Faye nipped a nipple and then tossed her head back in a throaty release of noise and tension. "hrrrnnngh,". It was a wordless cry, but no less understood by either party. Her chest pressed into Dewitt's hand, her heart pounding beneath her breast, and her mouth was open, letting out ragged breaths and sharp, mewling moans. She bounced a bit, then surrendered to the moment, her hands tightening around the other woman, grasping for dear life. Jennifer had sought out the release, the climax, in Faye, and the Ensign had obliged, by clamping down on the fingers as if trapping them in a vice that rippled along their length. Her core did not care that what was trapped inside it could not be properly milked in the biological sense. That did not stop her channel from massaging the digits, sucking them in as it opened itself and at the same time squeezed tightly, with every intent to drain. 

Finally the wave of pleasure crested and fell, and Faye with it, tumbling forward, into Jennifer. Her arms moved, lazily, to wrap around the other woman's back, and she gripped tightly, hugging herself in, panting to catch her breath. This was not the first orgasm she'd received that night, though it was the first one visited upon her for the simple sake of making her cum. "I'd're....quite skilled....for someone who claimed to be out of practice." Perhaps she was putting words in Jennifer's mouth right then, but she didn't care. In fact, it gave her an idea, and she found herself pressing a deep kiss to the older of the two, seeking to place her tongue there instead of words, drawing it out as a means of expressing gratitude. 

Eventually however, she pulled away and licked her lips, leaning back against the wall of the bath. She groaned a little, wiggling, and carefully drew her finger down in a lazy arc. She started at Dewitt's chin, but finished just above her pelvis, having sketched a wet line between the valley of the woman's breasts, and circled her belly button in the process. Then she wet her lips with her tongue, a silent invitation. Faye was not consciously probing Jennifer's mind, but passively picking up impressions of desire. Specifics eluded her, unless she was willing to focus, and there was no fun in that now. She wanted the other woman to show her what was desired with actions, not thoughts.

Re: Day 04 [2100hrs] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Aldean Spa & Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 
When Faye came against her hand, and as Jennifer felt the woman quake and shudder with the release, Jennifer let out an elated sound and grinned. She found herself be rewarded for her efforts with a deep kiss, which she returned readily. Her own anticipation was rising, much to the help of Faye's insistent teasing of her chest. Of course, what also added to the atmosphere was the exotic setting, and the manner in which the water, lights and oils made the experience almost otherworldly.

"Well thank you," she murmured against Faye's lips, grinning at hearing the appreciation for her technique - outdated and nigh-forgotten as it might be. Already, she felt the Betazoid's fingers skirting their way downwards, and her heart skipped a beat at the wish for those digits to go even lower. She might be highly sensitive from the urun treatment, but this was something she'd entrust a woman of Faye's abilities to handle.

The kissing ended, and with the look Faye gave her, Jennifer knew what she wanted. The Betazoid leaned back against the edge of the tub, and at first, Jennifer followed her, pressing herself against the younger woman while she continued to savour the taste of her lips and tongue. She slid her hands over the woman's wet body... until she put them on the edge of the tub on either side of her lover and pushed herself up. Doing so, her breasts became level with the young Diplomat's face, and she chuckled ruefully at whatever opportunities the woman might leap at - her head light with need for more. It was, of course, just an intermediate step, since she wouldn't be able to keep herself in that position for very long.

No, instead, she slowly rolled over to the side, ending up with her back against the floor of the exotic room. Her body was beaded with essential oils and water, and the lights of Aldea Prime played over her. She spread her legs for Faye as she laid there, with her bum outside the edge of the rub and still partially submerged in the warm water. She ran her hands over her own body in wish to have Faye's hands on her instead, and if her body language and spread legs didn't give a hint to her needs... then surely her mind had to be ablaze with specific desires?

"Come here," she murmured, and put one foot behind Faye's shoulder, pulling her closer...

Once the Betazoid began, Dewitt would prop herself up on her elbows so that she could be rewarded with the sight of the younger woman's face between her legs. She'd be able to maintain eye-contact, and vocalise everything that her mind didn't already betray.

Re: Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises

Reply #24
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Delight and intrigue sparked across Faye as the girl watched Jennifer following in her wake. There had hardly been any kind of hesitation on the human's part. Yet again, this was something that the Betazoid loved about the human species as a whole. They were adventurous and eager as a rule. They burned bright, though in her book Riley burned the brightest. Jennifer Dewitt had pulled Faye in like a moth to the flame as well, and the feeling of her bust pressing in against the lithe woman's, and those sweet lips, elicited another long, pleased moan. It was easy peasy as her mother would have said, to return the kiss, with all the hunger she could muster, while settling in against that wall of the tub.

Caught between a hot woman and a hard rock wall, Faye was in heaven.

Soon, there were breasts dangling in her face, and Faye wasn't one to look a gift tit in the ....well. She reached in, with just her mouth, and licked her way up to suckle a nipple, hollowing her cheeks out, then popping off the tight nub, groaning as she did so and settling back again. Jennifer couldn't hold the pose long, and Faye wasn't going to try to force the issue. Just a little extra foreplay, a little more fun, for both of the women.

The lights were catching Faye's dark eyes even as Dewitt's body cast a shadow over her, setting the deep pools of blackness sparkling like onyx stones. Hungry little gems of desire set in features darkly tanned and slightly tilted. Flush with passion, and heat from the tub, skin glistening, and lips swollen from all the kissing. She looked like something out of a holonovel, and felt like one too.

She tilted her head to the side, watching as the older woman found herself on her back, legs dangling over the pool. The telepath kept in her own head, thought it was so deeply tempting to peek, but satisfied herself with watching, and cocking an eyebrow up high on her forehead. A smirk tugged at her lip, curling, her finger reaching out and running up the side of one of the pale woman's legs. No amount of self-control could stop her when Dewitt began practically to broadcast her desires, and then that low purr of a voice summoning Faye. The pressure of a heel in her back, turning her body, and the slick feeling of wet skin on wet skin. 

"Oh, yes ma'am," Faye purred the words, as her hands slid up the inside of both thighs, and she kissed first the right, then the left leg, no where near her evening delight's groin. Breathing in the scents of desire, bathwater and oils, the lithe diplomat grinned up with a smile that matched her namesake, Fae in origin and full of promise. "How could I ever refuse?"

These words were spoken - nay, breathed - into the girls wet folds, on full display for the Betazoid. With a mind screaming need to any that might listen, and a body flushed with want, Faye was drawn in like a sailor of old to a sirens mythical call. She wet her lips, barely, and then ran her tongue over the folds in a slow, wide stroke from top to bottom, flattening the muscle out and tasting the mix of flavors that assaulted her senses. There was the bathwater, easy to identify that taste, and with the second lick, the flavor of the oils that had sunk into Jennifer's skin teased the tongue. 

When she plunged her tongue into the other woman though, in what amounted to an open-mouthed kiss below the belt, that's when the own woman's natural flavors really shown through, and Faye found herself groaning in delight as she applied herself to the task at hand. Well aware, of course, that such vibrations had to be an...interesting sensation, if nothing else. Though she was willing to bet by what she felt, mentally and physically, that they were quite pleasurable indeed. 

Thus she dove in, like a starving woman offered a feast. Slow at first, as if unsure it were real, but then with true gusto, savoring each and every metaphorical bite as her jaw worked up and down, and her hands dug into Dewitt's legs, keeping them pried wide apart. Her eyes rode up the girls body, appreciating the way the lights played across her bare skin, and the way that Jennifer looked back down at her from above the crests of her breasts. Oh yes. I think I'm really starting to like this mission, she concluded as she changed the angle of her attack, to focus on the nub hidden at the top of Dewitt's folds, teasing it out into play with her tongue in a series of determined, rapid flicks.

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