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Topic: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper  (Read 17342 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #50
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

“So it's true,” Mickayla mused as her hand holding the dildo was saturated by the Betazoid’s carnal juices as an orgasm swept over her. Smiling at her lover, she enjoyed the sight of the trembling and bucking body before her as it shivered with pleasure. She considered pushing Faye through another peak, but her own body was beginning to demand attention. Taking pity of the Betazoid, Mickayla eased the Dildo out of her and set it aside on the tabletop next to her. 

Seeing that Faye was currently incoherent, the Klingon climbed to her feet, sighing at the full feeling in her backside as her gluts tensed around the inserted plug. Looking at her hand, remembering the taste of the fluid covering it and how she knew that, Mickayla walked into the bathroom again and washed her hands. With that simple task completed, the Klingon recovered her now cooler drink and moved to sit on the couch, moaning as ass was impaled ever so slightly more with her weight pressing down on the toy within her. Sipping her drink, she looked across the room at the sprawled nude form of Faye and wondered how long it would before she recovered enough to continue.

The night was still young after all.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #51
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Groaning, Faye could feel the cool surface of the table under her back, and tried to remember how she ended up like that. Thinkin was hard, memory was fuzzy, and her body was keyed up, shivering and shaking. She registered the wet thunk of the dildo on the table next to her before the loss of the hard rod from between her legs fully clicked in her mind. Winded, but pleased, she let out a low whimper, and tried to close her legs, feeling a delightful burn in her muscles from how they'd been forced to stay open to that point. She was going to be sore in the morning, a realization she'd had once already that night, and imagined she would have reaffirmed a few more times before the evening ended. 

Then again she was fucking around with a Klingon. Bloodied and beaten wasn't off the menu in such an encounter. She would know, after all. Mickayla wasn't her first of the warrior race. As she had said before - Faye wouldn't break.

She might need a minute to recover though, and so she lay there, giggling and whimpering, looking at her ceiling and listening, with ears, and her mind. She felt the satisfaction from Mickayla. The pride, as the other woman went to clean briefly, and then get a drink. Smart. Pretty and smart. A good combination. Faye liked that, and would remember that. more then just strong arms and a nice face. Good mind between the ears. Made things more fun. Her own mind was clearly still struggling to reassert itself, but soon she managed, not terribly long after laying there under the Klingon's gaze.

"I'm going to be walking funny tomorrow," she noted, as she carefully pushed herself up. She saw the toy and scooped it into her hand, giving the tip a teasing kiss, before she padded, nude, toward the other room to wash the toy - and her own hands. She hummed and mimicked the other girls' choice of drink, gulping down the cool liquid and sweeping sweaty dark locks from her forehead. Stretching as well, kicking her leg out to one side a few times to work a kink out of her thigh, she stood now in  the archway, still visibly flushed, watching the other woman. A smirk curled over her lips. 

"How's the ass feel, Mickayla?" Faye asked, having a pretty good idea but wanting to hear the other woman say it as she slowly sashayed her hips, strutting to the couch. "The plug feel good?" She let her fingers trail up against the woman's thigh. There were a couple of ways things could go, actions that she could take, or that the other woman might initiate all on her own, and the impish diplomat wanted a sense of where Mickayla wished to take things next. This night was for her, after all.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #52
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla felt a sense of satisfaction at knowing she was the cause for Faye’s observation that she was going to be walking funny the next day. And that it was because she had brought pleasure to the Betazoid instead of pain. Sitting there, sipping her drink, she watched as Faye slowly pushed herself up on the table, her hair a sweaty mess as it stuck to her face, head and body. The look made Mickayla ache with desire, something she knew would be fulfilled if only she had the patience to wait for it. 

She smiled when Faye kissed the tip of the dildo that had so recently occupied her, knowing that the Betazoid would be able to taste herself on the toy, before climbed to her feet and moved through into the bathroom. Mickayla heard water running and surmised that her companion was freshening up a little before they continued. At least, that was her hope. As much as Faye said it, a part of Mickayla still found it hard to believe that the officer was giving herself to the Klingon for the whole night.

The Betazoid’s questions drew her attention back and Mickayla couldn’t help shifting in her spot a little as the words registered and the view of Faye moving in a way that Mickayla never felt she would be able to. This served to send shivers anew through her nude body, sensations that were reinforced as Faye traced her fingers along the Klingon’s thigh.

“My ass feel’s, er, pretty good actually,” Mickayla admitted, trying not to blush at the candor they were both displaying. Despite everything they had experienced together, saying it all still brought a flush to her cheeks. “I’m enjoying the feeling of fullness back there, and how when I move that I get little tingles. It’s making it hard to focus at times about what I want to try next. I just know I want more,” the Klingon declared.

“More new things. More pleasure,” Mickayla stated, her eyes locking onto Faye. “More of you!”

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #53
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Faye had dried her hands by expediently running them through her hair and smoothing it back away from her face. She'd tucked the strands behind her ears and pressed it down along the back of her neck, little curls pulling away here and there, leaving her flushed expression on full display. Along with the rest of her. Just like Mickayla, Faye too had a little ring in her belly button, and it was catching the gleam off of one of the lights, adding a sparkle to the vision of the tanned woman watching her Klingon lover of the night.

Watching the ochre skinned warrior squirm was truly decedent, and Faye's lips curled into a wicked smile, knowing just how Mickayla felt. Pride surfaced again as Faye was pleased to see the other woman enjoying the new sensations. A job well done, if Faye said so herself. And she did. Licking her lips a bit, she leaned in, her fingers still dancing against Mickayla's thigh, nursing her drink and wagging her eyebrows slightly. "Good is good," she teased a bit, pushing off from Mickayla and pacing around for a moment, stretching out the lingering cramps in her hips from the strong pressure brought to bear on them earlier by the other woman. 

"The distraction is part of the fun, I will admit. Having something like that, something you can feel with every step, is delightful really. Hmmm," she grinned again as she closed the distance once more, her lips moving in as if to kiss the other woman, but instead darting to the side, to press to her ear. "Imagine wearing one during your shift, hmmm? Might make guard duty less boring."

Planting her hands on Mickayla's knees, Faye met her gaze for a moment and then slowly wiggled her ass back, swaying from side to side, as she lowered herself. Kissing each knee, Faye murmured, "I did mean it you know. The whole night. Anything you want. To do to me. To have me do to you. Anything.  My body is yours to use as you please,"  she reminded Mickayla, happy to repeat herself over and over, if only to see those delightful bursts of desire in the other girls dark eyes. 

With a little effort, Faye pushed Mickayla's legs apart and hooked her hand behind her knees, giving a little tug. "Why don't you let me service you a bit, hmmm? Just...relax and let me taste you again while you think of what you want to do next." She damn near moaned the words, pressing her nose into the noncom's thigh and nuzzling, her eyes darting up to Mickayla.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #54
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The kiss she thought she was about to receive instead turned into one of the most hedonistic ideas that she had ever heard. She was even tempted, for a moment, to follow through on the thought one day. It would be so, so... no. She would not do it while on duty. She was not like that. As much as she was enjoying discovering this new part of herself, she would not let it interfere with her duties any more than it needed to. But off duty, that was a different story.

Mickayla’s train of thought was broken by the warm feeling of Faye’s hands on first one knee and then the other, drawing the Klingon’s attention back to the Betazoid as she wiggled and slid to her knees before the security officer. Once again, she repeated herself, giving herself to the Mickayla entirely and her position made the officer that much more enticing. It didn’t take much effort for Mickayla to be enticed to spread her legs, nor to shuffle down the couch until her backside was right on the edge of the seat. She knew what was coming, wanted it even, but still there was the doubt that this was anything but a dream that would end at any moment.

“Please don’t let this be a dream,” she stammered, staring down the length of her nude body at Faye. “Please,” she begged at the Betazoid, for multiple reasons.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #55
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Betazoid  telepaths did not need physical contact to read another's mind, to pick up their surface thoughts, nor to feel the emotions bubbling about in another. They trained themselves to never pry where not welcome, and to regulate the constant roar of others thoughts into a pleasing background murmur from which they could, with small effort, pluck something specific from the discordant cacophony at a whim. That being said, having such physical contact did make things rather easier, and sometimes thoughts bled through even if the telepath had closed herself off and asserted her mental barriers to the fullest.

Around those with whom Faye chose to engage in a playful, intimate, dalliance, there was no need for her to keep those shields firmly in place. Picking up surface thoughts and emotions simply helped to enhance the experience for her partners. In this case, with her hands on her friends thighs, the feeling of their lips lingering, Faye got a full on mental eyeful of Mickayla's reaction to the suggestion involving leaving the plug in during a shift. She made note of it, smiling wickedly. While that dedication to duty was probably for the best, Faye decided that she would get that girl to go out and have a walk about with a plug firmly inserted, at some point. Not on duty, fine, but it became a long term goal of hers. The sheer delightful tension would be something worth basking in for days.

Setting that aside however, Faye had more immediate concerns to attend to at that moment.

A soft look passed over her face as she stared back up at Klingon woman, and gave a gentle nod. "Oh, honey, sweet dreams are made of me," she purred, nipping against the woman's thigh, letting her teeth sink in this time, groaning softly. Just enough to leave a mark, to get the blood roiling in the warrior woman once more. Pulling back, with an audible pop, she cheekily wiggled, adding, "And while I'll be filling your dreams for weeks to come, this? This is very real." With those words she dove back in, taking no prisoners. She immediately locked her lips onto the other girls cunt, and forced her tongue in-between the folds, probing and tasting with a deep, satisfied moan, muffled between her mouth and Mickayla's twat.

Sweet dreams indeed.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #56
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The playful bite that followed Faye’s assertion that she was made of sweet dreams only served to heighten the Klingon’s already elevated excitement. There she was, naked as the day she was born with an equally naked female officer on her knees and between her legs, for all intents and purposes looking like she was about to start eating the chief out. Just visualising that in her head caused Mickayla to groan in want and desire as she felt her womanhood dampen at the imagery.

“It won’t just be my dreamsssssSSSSSS!” Mickayla responded, her voice pitching up dramatically as Faye’s mouth locked onto her pussy and drove her tongue between the sensitive folds and into the tunnel beyond. It was all Mickayla could do not to grab Faye’s head with both hands and push her in harder as the Betazoid set to work on the Klingon’s pussy. “I have known that it was one of the ways to refer to it, but before I always thought referring to it as a pussy was vulgar. Now it just fans the flames,” Mickayla thought as she groaned and moan with each new movement of Faye’s mouth and tongue.

“Damn that feels amazing,” Mickayla managed to groan out as she gave up resisting and reached down to wrap one of her hands in fair’s hair to ostensibly hold her in place as her other hand came up to play with a breast, her eyes practically rolling into the back of her head as her hypersensitive skin was simulated in multiple new ways.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #57
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Faye was the kind of soul that was more than happy to take whatever role came to her in the moment. She could be a pliant, willing submissive to a more dominate personality, or she could be a take charge, wrap a chain around your neck and lead you by whatever particular set of gentiles her partner happened to be sporting sort. Taking on the role of teaching someone else, of showing them what could be had, was a fun one, and not one she often indulged in. These past few weeks, that had been primarily something she did only with Mickayla. Anything else had been devil may care, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead romping with a friend or two, or very intimate nights with Riley. Given the other's current shift work, that wasn't happening any time soon, the pair stealing brief moments together. 

Leaving her plenty of time to devote her thoughts and attention to just what she might do for her Klingon friend in their exploration of Mickayla's more sexual nature. Leaving teeth marks wasn't always the smartest move, but she had her plans to get Mickayla riled up beyond anything she'd really managed so far, and those teeth marks were all part of the play. She happily devoured her friend, savoring that uniquely Klingon flavor that filled her mouth. How one could simply stick with their own species for sexual pleasure was beyond her. There was a universe of delights out there, and being a diplomat meant she got to meet all kinds. There were all kinds of diplomacy, after all. 

Purring and pleased with herself, she sucked in a breath through her nose as the security chief sunk her fingers into Faye's hair. A shiver ran down the lithe Ensign's spine, setting her butt to wiggling back and forth as she intensified her grip with one of her hands. With her mouth trapped against the Klingon's cunt, and the other woman not able to hear Faye's thoughts, she decided to show her appreciation by dragging her tongue and lips up just enough to allow her to slide a few fingers up under her own chin. Yes, it was kind of awkward, pressed in as she was, but she wasn't complaining. This moment was about satisfying Mickayla. 

Stuffing two fingers into her pussy while she still had that plug up the ass was simply Faye's chosen method of attack. Not that's she let up on her oral assault. That was simply refocused on a more sensitive point, the hooded nub of the warrior's clit. "Let see if that tips the balance, my sweet little student.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #58
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The sudden plunging penetration of the Betazoid’s fingers into her drenched pussy was the final piece of the puzzle that was the Klingon’s orgasm. Stars formed in Mickayla’s eyes as pleasure flooded her body, emanating from her groin and flowing through her entire body in a tidal wave of ecstasy that felt like it could go on forever as the chief lost herself in it. It was pure and clean, draining and energising at the same time and unlike any orgasm that she had felt before. It was all encompassing.

Seconds lasted for what felt like minutes, and minutes turned into hours as she dove through the waves, happily being carried along and submerged in them time and time again as her whole body shook and her skin came alive as if electrified. Eventually though, the sensations slowed and ebbed away, bringing a groan of annoyance from the Klingon. She wasn’t finished. She wanted to experience that all over again. She felt freer than she ever had before. She wanted more. And two fingers just weren’t going to cut it as she gently pulled Faye’s head up from her groin so that she could see her whole face, a face that was half coated in the Klingon’s juices.

“Get a dildo,” she ordered in a commanding voice filled with desperation and need. “I don’t care which. Just get one!”

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #59
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Sweet, sweet victory, Faye thought to herself as the sturdier Klingon came hard for the slender diplomat. Even if she wasn't a telepath all the tell tale signs were there. The sudden tensing of Mickayla's body; the way the woman's core clamped down on Faye's probing digits, squeezing almost tight enough to cause discomfort, but one that Faye was willing to bear. The sudden slickness pooling against her lips as Faye parted her mouth, clamped down and hummed, swallowing against the Chief's swollen clit. Her face was going to be a mess (again) and Faye couldn't be happier.

Of course, being telepathic had its advantages in such a situation, and Faye could feel her own legs growing slick with the wet warmth trickling down as she allowed herself to bask in the emotional sensations roiling about within Mickayla. When the woman came, Faye got a psychic backlash of it, causing her body to flush with warmth and need. Her ass bobbed up and down as she clenched tight and moaned - a noise utterly smothered by the Klingon's own tortured twat. Given how much Mickayla had given herself to the moment here, how those fingers, curled inside of her, had sent the other woman over the edge, Faye wondered to herself just what she might have accomplished if she had been wearing a toy strapped to her loins.

There's a happy thought... Faye purred at the notion of having her strong, fearsome friend pinned under her. Though like as not, Mickayla would be pinning Faye down sooner or later. Pulling away from her friends cunt, the Betazoid licked her lips and took a moment to catch her breathing. Much to her surprise, it was as if Mickayla had been reading Faye's mind, instead of the other way around. Her eyebrows shot up briefly, and then a sly smile passed over her lips as she leaned backward, her butt planted against her heels. She was still catching her breath, and her toned form was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Even though she wasn't the one that just had an orgasm, she was panting and breathless. 

Then again, eating someone out can take your breath away.

"I Can do that," she noted, rolling up onto her feet in a fairly fluid motion. She managed not to topple over as she padded past Mickayla. Her lips still shown with the juices from the other woman as she moved to the collection of toys that had been created. A spread of dildos lay before her, and she tapped her fingers across each. In the end she settled on the middle-sized one - not a small starter toy, and not as large or oddly shaped as the third option. Faye glanced back at her friend, seeing that plug still nestled in the girls ass and purred. It was certainly a bit thicker than she might have gone with had they not been so warmed up. And since Mickayla hadn't used the words 'double ended' she'd leave those for later. This one had a nice little curve to it, and bumps all up and down the mid section, flared at the front. Vaguely human shaped with just a few extras. All in all it was a great toy and Faye was pleased that her friend had selected it from the catalog. Or well, perhaps it had been Thea? Thinking back, Mickayla had left it up to the computer....That set her into a fit of utter giggles as she turned and made her way back to her friend.

Smacking the toy into her hand she stood before Mickayla again with an impish grin on her face. "Think this will work?" Again, she popped it against her hand, and then gave it a firm little squeeze, wagging her eyebrows.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #60
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The impish grin being delivered to her only served to fan the flames that were smouldering in Mickayla’s slick loins. A slickness that still was evident on the Betazoid’s face giving evidence to just what she had been doing moments before. All of that, along with the popping of the dildo that Faye had selected against her hand just added fuel to a fire that already was not going to be extinguished without considerable effort from the two of them together.

“I think so,” Mickayla breathed, her eyes lidded slightly as she imagined what she was about to feel from the toy as it pierced her slick folds. “I’m so worked up now that I don’t care. I just want something inside me,” she admitted, flexing her gluts around the plug firmly seated in her rear passage. It dawned on her that she was about to be double penetrated, after a fashion anyway, and it was another log onto the fire of desire within.

“Fair warning though. I don’t know how long I am going to remain so, ah, passive,” Mickayla admitted somewhat shyly, which was ironic given their situation. “You, ah, might find yourself pinned down rather suddenly,” she added before laying back and bringing her knees up to her chest, spread wide to give Faye all the room she needed.

“Now come over here and put that thing in me, please.”

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #61
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Not for the first time that evening, Faye had to wonder if she were laying things on perhaps a bit too thick. Slapping a girthy, phallic toy against her hand while standing back lit by stars in front of the woman she had just thoroughly eaten out, with her taste still on the diplomats lips was perhaps a bit much, even for one as prone to theatrics and hedonistic abandon as Faye was. Then again, she was having the desired effect on her partner of the night, so the lithe woman decided she was doing just fine, and ought to stop worrying about going too far too fast. Yes, Mickayla was new to all this, and yes, Faye was being a tad dramatic, but it was all for the ambiance of the moment. Her audience was drinking up her every little twist and turn, and to Faye the woman's emotions and need was almost jumping out with every heavy smack of replicated prick against warm hand.

Satisfied that all was right in the world - or at least with her approach to what was to come next - Faye grinned, lavishing anticiation and delight upon her every action. Faye giggled slightly at Mickayla's confessions, of a need to be filled, and a concern that restraint was not going to be something the other woman could offer much longer. As she was favored with a heavenly view, Faye wished she had a holo-camera in her hands instead of the artificial rod of mimicked man flesh that she was going to put to use on the security officer. Seeing the strong woman splayed out like that, the gleam off the toy Faye had left in her ass, the glistening pussy lips, knees pulled back toward plump breasts. Yes, it was quite the pictur and Faye did her best to commit it to memory as she stepped closer. 

"Shall I let you in on a little secret?" she asked, running her tongue slowly up the side of the toy, and over its flared head, giving the fake dick a quick flicking lick on the tip. She drooled down the other side, getting the toy slick, though given how thoroghyly she'd feasted on her friends cunt, she probably need not have worried. Her bed partner was splayed out and clearly ready to be fucked. 

Faye let her knees hit the edge of the bed and wiggled up onto them, closing the distance. She set her left hand on the other womans right tigh, as much for leverage as to keep the woman's legs spread, and placed the tip of that toy against those swollen, slick lips. Locking her dark eyes onto Mickayla's she leaned forward. With a sharp twist of her wrist, she sent the toy slamming into her friend, applying what she hoped was enough force to catch Mickayla off guard and stretch her a bit, but not hurt, given that this was a fairly thick toy, and the girl beneath her had a plug up her butt. 

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't pin me and fuck me till I screamed at some point tonight. Preferably in both holes." Let her mull that over. Faye knew she was being wicked now, but really, that was the idea, wasn't it?

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #62
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla had no idea what secret Faye wanted to share at that moment. All she wanted as for the Betazoid to come over and fuck her dripping pussy with the toy she was slapping against her free hand. Although, she had to admit that the sight of Faye lubricating the dildo using her own tongue and saliva was certainly doing wonders to heighten her own pleasure. She felt so horny she was starting to wonder if it was possible to orgasm from visual aids alone. She didn’t have to wait long as Faye came over and positioned herself between Mickayla’s legs again, the tip of the toy just parting the Klingon’s moist lips. With the toy poised to penetrate her, Mickayla looked up into Faye’s dark eyes, seeing the joy and hedonism there that was driving their night beyond anything the Klingon could have imagined. Mickayla was just about to say something when she felt the dildo twitch.

From poised to enter, Faye pushed the toy into her firmly, stretching her tunnel around the girth of the phallus. Her eyes exploded open as her body shook at the pleasure brought on by the penetration. Her hands released her thighs so that they could grasp her breasts, but her legs didn’t move as Faye’s body held them open. Rubbing her nipples, Mickayla moaned as Faye began to work the toy in and out of her, finally revealing her secret. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't pin me and fuck me till I screamed at some point tonight. Preferably in both holes." 

Time fell away as an orgasm overtook her and Mickayla was only dimly aware of Faye leaning forward to work the piercing at her navel with her tongue. Thoughts of what Faye wanted her to do were like oil to the fire within the Klingon and Mickayla could do nothing as a second orgasm overtook her. Her hands fell away but her nipples were not abandoned for long as her lover moved up to take one of them into her hot mouth, her tongue teasing it until it was harder than duritanium before tugging on it with her teeth. The sharp pain, though not strong, was enough to ground Mickayla again. Faye though, had other ideas as she continued to work the toy within the Klingon’s tight tunnel, withdrawing it before plunging it in anew and eliciting another moan. Amazed at what she was feeling, Mickayla didn’t fight it as a third orgasm overtook her, her eyes rolling back into her head until she saw stars.

The descent from her peak of pleasure was slow at first, but as more mental capacity returned to her, so did the fire of want and desire within Mickayla. As fun and incredible as being served was, she was a woman who hated when she had no control, so it was time to exercise some. Even as she drew Faye up for a deep kiss, forcing her tongue past the Betazoid’s lips, tasting herself as she did so, her other hand reach down between her legs and grasped the toy just as it filled her.

“My turn,” Mickayla declared, breaking the kiss for only a moment before locking lips again, just in time to moan directly into Faye’s mouth as the Klingon pulled the toy completely out of herself and dropped it beside next to her. Using her strength advantage to good effect, Mickayla pulled Faye across her lap before sitting up, pressing their bodies together. Taking a firm grasp of Faye’s butt in each hand, the Klingon stood up and carried her lover across the room, depositing her on the dining table once again before releasing her. “Excuse me a moment.”

Knowing that she was being watched, and not wanting to lose the momentum her body had been on, Mickayla grabbed the double-ended strap-on, swiftly undoing the harness. Unfortunately, her eagerness and haste worked against her, and she tangled the harness trying to get it on. She was all thumbs as she tried to untangle it, failing terribly.

“Fuck,” Mickayla growled, wanted to throw the offending article of pleasure across Faye’s quarters. “This is not going how I planned.”

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #63
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Faye's mother had some saying or another that she was fond of, about wickedness, and comeuppance. Faye's mother had all sorts of sayings for any sort of situation, as was the custom of her culture back on Earth. The Betazoid child she had adopted was often puzzled by those sayings, until she grew older and met more humans. They made much more sense after her years at the Academy. Faye of course did not make a habit of thinking about the woman that had raised her while she was engaging in intimate activities of a sexual nature. That was generally speaking, a huge turn off for the woman, as she imagined it would be for anyone not suffering under an oedipus complex. Tonight however, the ghost of the memory of one of her mother's sayings came up to the fore front of her mind, regardless of her general desire to separate getting a good fucking from anything whatsoever related to her family. 

She was immensely annoyed that she could not recall the specifics, to see if they applied to the situation she found herself in. Then again, she had baited the Klingon, and Mickayla's people probably had a saying of their own about how foolish that was. Klingon's were as fond of sayings and proverbs as Humans from that weird place called Texas where her mother had been born. She was fairly certain neither group would appreciate the comparison, and wasn't about to bring it up now. She had more important issues at hand in any event.

For one, it had taken very little effort on her part (a modest confession of desire, a little rough fucking with a toy a tad thicker than her partner of the night was used to) for her to help Mickayla hit another orgasm. Faye had considered keeping a tally but really the total number was irrelevant and she needed her brain to focus on fucking her friend senseless, not keeping score. She was above such petty things, she insisted to herself as she drove that dildo deeper with each twisting thrust (the twist was key, she was certain).

Nibbling on some pert nipples was a pleasing distraction as Faye kept up a steady pace, feeling another orgasm ripple across her friend. She herself was dripping at this point, basking in the empathic riptide she'd been caught up in as the Klingon woman succumbed to the throes of passion that the diplomat delivered. Never mind that her wrist was getting a bit sore from all the twisting and thrusting - it was a price well worth paying for temporarily robbing her friend of all her senses. 

Ego? What ego? 

Everything began to shift once Mickayla got her wits about her once more. The kiss was the first clue. As far as kisses went, it was pretty damn great, in Faye's expert opinion. Kissing was a whole different level of intimacy, in truth. She had fucked people raw and not once pressed her lips to them. With people she liked - friends or lovers, generally - kissing was a bit of an extra bonus. And this was turning into a really great kiss. Of course during all of this the tables were turned. 

'Be careful what you wish for,' while not being the specific saying she had been looking for was certainly an app one all the same, as suddenly Faye was not the one doing the fucking. Faye let out a little yelp - which was utterly muffled by the swift return of Mickayla's lips - and soon found herself pressed chest to chest with the other girl. While the Klingon was bustier than Faye was, she wasn't complaining. Far from it, in fact, feeling her own smaller orbs pressed in against the Klingon's larger one's was a delightful sensation that sent a shiver down her spine. The shivers only intensified as two strong hands gripped her ass and lifted her up.

Throwing her arms around the other woman's neck, she held on tightly, until she was returned to the table of their previous encounter. I am going to have to give this a deep cleaning, she thought idly as she settled onto the relatively colder surface (not that there was really any cold place in her quarters after running the shower for as long as she had, and all the screwing around assuredly left her feeling hot and bothered in every way).

"You're excused," the diplomat teased playfully, though there was a breathless quality to her words as she recovered from the kissing. Excitement ran through her and she started to swing her legs idly, the toes just barely able to brush the carpet if she stretched. And it felt good to stretch as Mickayla meandered away. Unfortunately, the Klingon appeared to have little experience in sorting out the strap-on she had gone for, and swore as she muddled her efforts. It brought a smile to Faye's face, for she found the whole thing rather adorable. Perhaps not the confident, arousing persona that Mickayla had wanted to put forward however. 

"Allow me," Faye said, easing herself down and gingerly walking over to the other woman. With practiced familiarity, Faye untangled the leather straps that would hold the device to Mickayla, and then began to guide the security non-com into the rig. "Let's start with the left leg shall we?"

The whole thing took maybe five minutes to get properly situated. Especially given that Faye took her time with hooking up the bits that would rub against, or sink into Mickayla. She wanted to be sure that whatever pleasure she herself was feeling, her less experienced friend would also be getting physical enjoyment out of the act, not just the emotional satisfaction that came with fucking someone. Once happy, she gave the jutting dildo strapped to Mickayla a jaunty flick, sending it bobbing up and down as she sauntered herself back up onto the table.

Kicking her legs out wide - offering up another view of her swollen, slightly red and very wet cunt - Faye braced herself by gripping the edge of the table. An almost manic grin of delight split her face as she tossed sweaty hair back and fixed her gaze firmly on Mickayla, purring, "I believe you have something for me, Miss MacGregor ?"

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #64
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

She wasn’t sure how she had managed it my Faye had the harness untangled in an instant and herself strapped within it mere seconds later. It was phenomenal the speed with which the Betazoid had manipulated everything until the harness was securely fixed around the Klingon’s hips with the inner dildo just casually separating the folds of Mickayla’s womanhood. When she speared her way into Faye, that Dildo would spear into her as well, impaling the two of them simultaneously. Which was the whole plan.

Watching Faye saunter back to the table, her bum jiggling with each step, Mickayla was hard pressed not to tackle her to the carpet. When she turned and mounted the table, spreading her legs widely, the Klingon unconsciously licked her lips in anticipation of what was about to happen. Still though, she held her ground...until Faye spoke.

"I believe you have something for me, Miss MacGregor?" Faye purred. And that was all it took to once again shatter what control the Klingon had and she sprang across the floor, the dildo bobbing with each movement, to take up a position between Faye’s legs. Grasping the Artificial phallus with one hand, she rested her other on a Betazoid hip to steady them both.

“I do,” Mickayla confirmed, rubbing the tip of the dildo against Faye’s glistening lips. “And I am going to give you it alllllllll.....” The last word descended into a moan of pleasure as Mickayla thrust her hips forward and clenched her ass around the buttplug. The motion sent a dildo spearing into the depths of Betazoid and Klingon pussy alike as Mickayla continued to push home.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #65
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 

For just a moment, there was that sweet feeling of pure anticipation. Knowing what was going to happen, eagerly awaiting for it, but not quite yet feeling it. Imagining the penetration, the force, the stretching that would come, feeling her heart begin to race all over again, thumping beneath her breasts. Perspiration beading on her skin, running down the hollow of her throat, which in itself contracted, bracing and ready for what was to come. A deep breath, and another, as the Klingon woman crossed the room toward her, like a great, majestic cat, stalking her prey. Faye never felt so small as in that moment, and never more eager to find out just how it would feel. 

As good an imagination as she had, it paled in comparison to the actual result. It always did, and that was what Faye loved about moments like these. Moments when her partner let loose, gave in and embraced their base instincts. To take. To claim. To fuck and ravage. Taunting the Klingon, while in a friendly fashion, had ensured that Faye would get exactly what she wanted out of the moment, and that the security officer would push herself past some of her own hang-ups all in one go. A win all around, and the plastic phallus wasn't the only cocky thing in the Betazoid's quarters. 

A sharp yelp rang out in the room, and not for the first time, Faye was glad that most quarters were heavily soundproofed. Her cry warbled and curled down into a long groan as she slid back on the table, pushed away from the edge by the force of Mikayla's thrust. Sure enough, the toy was stretching her, even though she'd already been thoroughly fucked earlier in the night, and had been dripping and ready for something thick and solid between her legs the entire time she had been getting the other girl off. Even with all of that, this toy was much bigger than the one from earlier, and this one was filling her cunt up in a rapid fashion. There was no pretending that it didn't hurt, but it was, as they saying went, a good hurt.

Faye's knuckles went white as she kept herself braced on the table. She considered throwing her arms around Mickayla, and clinging on for dear life, but thought - when she could think and not just see dancing stars in her vision - the table would give her extra leverage and allow Mikayla a better outlet for pent up desire. Then there was the fact that the strap on that was currently shoved inside Faye had another end, facing back from the harness, wedged up into the Klingon's cunt. The harder the Chief fucked Faye, the more that toy would fuck Mickayla in turn. 

So even though her head was already swimming and a ragged cry of, "FUCK," had left her throat feeling as raw and violated as her pussy, Faye doubled down, and rocked her hips forward. This forced about another inch of the toy deep into her, but she knew at the same time it would send a jolt back down the well made fake prick, and hopefully cause a nice throbbing wave of pleasure for her ferocious partner.

"Give it to me, give it to me, come on baby give it to me, don't you dare ~ohhh fuck~ hold back." There was a keening tone laced in with her demands, each one punctuated by a roll of her hips, her ass sliding back and forth on the table, the low lights glistening off sweat soaked skin, and her mind wide open, drowning in all the feelings and desires of her friend as she explored the depths of their shared need.

Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #66
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla groaned as she felt herself being filled by the dildo strapped to her hips. Despite it penetrating her from the moment she put the harness on, the rocking of her hips as she worked to push the other end into Faye’s pussy caused the end within her own pussy to be worked even deeper. And ass wasn’t being excluded either as with every thrust, the harness shifted and the strap that passed between her legs rubbed over the plug in her bug, stimulating Mickayla anew. She had thought she’d be over it by now, but she was delighted to be wrong as her insides tingled anew.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Mickayla gasped out between breaths, each of them matched to a rolling of her hips and a thrust that drove equal amounts of synthetic cock into the two lovers. Faye was giving as good as she got and the Betazoid’s movements succeeded in working even more of the twin phalluses into each of them, driving them both wilder. With a keening wail, an orgasm overtook the Klingon and she gripped Faye tighter, not wanting to ease up on the pleasure she was receiving.

"Give it to me, give it to me, come on baby give it to me, don't you dare ~ohhh fuck~ hold back."

There it was. The demand. The want. But most importantly, the permission. Even now, after everything she had experienced with Faye, tonight and before that as well, she felt like she needed the permission to be herself. To release all of the constraints that she had, ultimately, placed on herself and to be the person, the individual that she chose to be. She wondered if she would still have them later, but that thought was drowned under a renewed tidal wave of lust and desire for the Betazoid laying before her and she allowed herself to be carried away on it.

Gripping Faye’s thighs, Mickayla began to make long thrusts, working the dildos almost all the way out of the officer’s pussy before rolling her hips and pushing it back in until her pubic bone met the Betazoid’s. An orgasm broke across her mind like a wave across the shore, but Mickayla was unsatisfied; she wanted more. She began to pick up her pace, beginning to hammer into Faye but found that the table was getting in her way. So, without thinking, the Klingon pulled her lover up, smashing their breasts together before grasping tightly to slick cheeks and lifting Faye completely off the table, supporting her weight with her own body. 

Groaning at the intense pressure the dildo was exerting on her, it being pushed home with Faye’s entire bodyweight, Mickayla turned and pushed the Betazoid up against the bare wall, using it to brace against as she began to work her hips again. Her thrusts bounced Faye upwards with every stroke, before allowing her to fall back down again and catching her in her hands and on the synthetic phallus strapped to her. Between the hard thrust from her landing and their bodies being pressed together, Mickayla’s higher thoughts faded into obscurity as orgasm after orgasm began to crash over her; each one only serving to push her onwards. Their lips met and their tongue’s duelled even as the engorged peaks of their breasts clashed as their hips bucked against each other.

It was a frenzied pace that couldn’t last forever though. Eventually, after time unmeasured, the burning in her thighs seared away the tsunami of pleasure and she returned to herself, standing shakily, holding Faye against the wall of the Ensign’s quarters. Their bodies were shiny and slick with sweat and their chests heaved against each other from their exertions. Her arms ached and she found she barely had the strength to support the Betazoid’s position, much less attempt to dismount her. Seeing only one option available, Mickayla prepared herself before stumbling across the room, groaning from both discomfort and pleasant aftershocks and collapsed onto the couch, Faye still astride her.

“That was....” Mickayla tried to say, barely able to think clearly as she looked up at Faye. “I don’t know how to describe it.,” she stammered out after a moment. “I think you broke me,” she added, smiling broadly.


Re: Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper

Reply #67
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters (Diplomatic Attache Suite | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Auctor Lucan 

Faye would be lying to herself if she tried to pretend that there had not been a moment or two, during their lust filled craze, where she did not wonder, and perhaps even, yes, worry, that she might be split in two. When Mikayla lifted her bodily up off the table and allowed gravity to do the hard work, pushing the double ended toy so very deep into the lither diplomat. Yes, then she worried something might tear, something might go too deep. But instead it went just deep enough. Just to the line between pleasure and pain and kept her balanced there, on the edge of a toy. That had been a mighty powerful orgasm. As had the next, and the next, until the Klingon had finally sated herself, thoroughly using Faye in the process.

A dubious giggle bubbled up past kiss swollen lips as Faye burrowed her face into the crook of the other woman's neck, blotting out the dim lighting above her. She was soaked to the bone in her sweat, and likely as not, Mickayla's, to say nothing of the mess of juices that pooled between her legs, dripping down the toy still wedged between, and inside, each of them. The after affects of yet another orgasm had her trembling, her toes curling and unfurling with each pulse of spend pleasure. She could feel bruises forming all over, particularly on her ass, where Mickayla's fingers had dug in at more than one point, and between her legs.  Too true, there were aches from teeth that had dug in, and she knew she'd done as much as she might to the Klingon in turn. 

But to have broken Mickayla? The Betazoid doubted that. She was a firecracker when it came to sex, but even she felt that she had her limits and the other woman's alien stamina had to be taken into account. Then again, I have the experience and the talent. She has the raw effort and enthusiasm.

It was a high compliment from her friend, nevertheless. 

"Then I ma glad we have found your limits. So I know what to push further next time," Faye teased, in a breathless purr. Truthfully, the Betazoid was at the end of her own personal road, exhausted and sated by the pounding she had received, and the emotional backwash from her lover of the night. With tender affection she palmed the warrior woman's cheek and leaned up, stealing a slow, gentle kiss. To this she added a few more, along the crowning ridges of the security officers brow, before bracing herself. 

"This is going to sting a bit," she warned, before easing herself up off the toy nestled in her cunt. "OH gods above and below," she muttered, feeling stretched and exposed, sore beyond easy measure, but not in a bad way. She would swear again later that she felt a rush of trapped liquid spill out across her thighs but knew that was like as not her imagination. On shaking legs she stood back briefly, swept her hair away from her face and shot the other woman a grin, before dropping heavily to her knees. 

"I'm going to take this slow but you have a few things to get out too," there was a cheeky teasing in her voice, but true to her word, Faye cautiously, carefully, and oh so tenderly unstrapped Mickayla from the artificial cock and eased it out of the Klingon's pussy. Too, with practiced ease, she coached the woman through the removal of the plug that had been firmly wedged between dark, tight ass-cheeks. She grinned and giggled as she watched it slide free and then set it aside, knowing all the toys were going to be recycled shortly. 

"I'd say we should just curl into bed, but I know I'll never fall asleep if I don't clean up a little first. Let's see how you handle the after affects of walking once one of those plugs come out. Come now, up we go," she coaxed the other woman up to her feet and led her back to the shower, where the night had begun...


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