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Topic: Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories (Read 13184 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #25
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, DocReno, Havenborn, anyone available

Deacon did his best to avoid staring at the first table.  He had hoped his intervention of food would stave off the lascivious leanings between the male and female, but now they were sitting in each others laps, intertwined.  Had they been in the slightest state of undress, they'd likely have been copulating on the table.  Monkeys!  He shook his head.  Was this how human culture worked?  Did they simply indulge the urge to mate whenever and wherever?  He could think of at least a dozen other more reasonable activities to tend to in light of their recent battle.

He took a deep sigh, turning back towards the bar, rubbing the surface with his hand, even as his other senses still managed to bring him the highlights of the activities behind him.  Should he speak up?  Was it proper?  Not knowing his place in this new pride was as irritating as it was inconvenient.  He had heard human females were the equals of human males, but this one seemed as much a slave to her base desires as any kzinrett.  And this male, did he even have the right to mate?  Had he earned a name? 

With a shake of the head, Deacon brought some order to his thoughts.  These were humans.  They had names from birth.  They neither earned them nor the right to mate.  They simply were.  He placed his other hand on the surface of the bar and squared his shoulders.  It was not his place to speak up.  There was a command structure and he was not part of that structure.

Massaging the bridge of his nose and the corners of his eyes, he finally turned back around.  He could, at the very least, give them a disapproving glare?  Maybe make them uncomfortable enough to take their engagement to more suitable quarters?  As he lowered his hand and opened his eyes again, it was not the humans that caught his gaze, but the hologram who had, by now, left the second table and seemed to be making an intentional line towards him.

What did it want?  Did it mean to make conversation with him?  He was barely handling speaking with the real females, let alone the artificial one that stood out to him like a solitary tree amidst a field of rocks.  He grumbled to himself.  Perhaps that was not the best of comparisons... it implied she had some sort of life while the others did not.  He would reflect on it later.

"Your service to my crew at this dire hour is commendable, Mister Deacon," she said. "Thank you."

Deacon narrowed one eye, his ears turning slightly backwards despite himself.  "Your crew?" he asked, although hardly loud enough or with any force as to interrupt her.  Was this the captain that the red headed female had mentioned?  Did this vessel have an artificial commander?  Had he told the commander to sit??

"As I review Lieutenant Commander Dewitt's report, it seems you are a benefactor in more ways than cuisine. She recommended that you were to be given accommodations in wait for your meeting with Captain Ives. The Quartermaster's logs do not indicate that you've arranged for quarters yet, and I suppose he has been entirely too busy to contact you since there are so many aboard me that needs the same. Is this correct?"

His mind was so awash with conflicts and questions that he very nearly missed the remainder of her statements, his glazed look clearly indicating that, for several seconds, his mind seemed elsewhere.  He blinked and focussed again on her.  "So, not the captain."  He folded his arms, cradling his chin between thumb and index finger.  "You are some sort of... avatar, then," he continued, his monologue clearly intended for himself as if she were little more than the replicator to be analyzed. 

Giving her an appraising review, his eyes finally met hers again, perhaps sensing some faint irritation.  Was that possible?  He cleared his throat.  "Sorry.  We do not have artificial..." he made a hand gesture in her direction, struggling for a proper word, "... life forms.  Let alone female.  I was... rude."  It hackled him to apologize to what he felt to be little more than the computer, but he could risk no misunderstandings, especially in so short an order from his arrival.  He took another deep breath.  "I came here directly after speaking with the red haired human on the bridge.  Aside from the humans in this room, I've not spoken to anyone else."  He looked at the second table, "He does not strike me as a quartermaster," and then at the first, "and I suspect if either of those were quartermaster, they would find someplace far more appropriate to have sex."

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #26
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
It seemed the Kzin had not been prepared for her approach, barely able to listen to Thea when she made her inquiry. Instead, he looked at her as if she was some kind of object, and the emotion chip began to send her embarrassment, making her a bit self-conscious about her the way her chameleon body suit didn't hide that much from his scrutiny. Why was he staring like that? The reasons were numerous, the list cascading through her digital mind and probability rates assigned to them all, but before she could open her mouth to make a comment that she hoped would finally get his attention, he spoke up.

The fact that he actually apologised prevented her from making the remark, and instead, she smiled and shook her head. "Hardly the first time, Mister Deacon. Apology accepted," she said and listened to him when he told her what she more or less already knew from her internal sensor logs. In the end, he indicated Lietuenant Havenborn and his doubts towards him being the Quartermaster... and casually made a joke about the proceedings taking place at Henshaw's table. The fighter pilot she had spotted earlier had just reached that table, so Thea looked away to preserve some of them both some embarrassment, though based on their actions so far, it was not entirely certain they would feel that regardless what the pilot might say to them.

Instead, she focused on the Kzin. "No, the Quartermaster's office is on Deck 10, but with over two hundred new crew members from the Resolve, the Orcus and Starbase 84, the line is quite long. It is, however, quite evident that you are making the aftermath of the battle easier for the crew to the best of your abilities, so if you are interested, I was going to give you full access to this establishment, and at least for the night, you can sleep in this lounge's proprietor's quarters. The entrance is just around the corner outside, but the pantry and storage access is behind the counter."

Of course, it had appeared like it was a solid bulkhead there up to that point. While devoting memory to the fate of Edena Rez was another thing Thea did not wish to do, she could but surmise that the late Trill had sealed the pantry before she left. Now, as Thea turned her head to look in the same direction Deacon was, she accessed the emitter above her and made it stop projecting the wall, revealing the back area of Below Decks to the Kzin.

"The Chief of Operations aboard - Lieutenant Commander Stark - is the one that oversees the public areas aboard me, but since the former Proprietor was lost in the battle," she said, quelling the mixed feelings about Rez and her former Trill hosts, "I think no one will object if you were given access until tomorrow, especially if you help the crew in the way you've done now. Besides, you do need somewhere to sleep, so its one less for the Quartermaster to aid this way."

Turning back to the Kzin, Thea smiled, hoping the defector would accept. "Are you interested? You may, of course, decline, and join the line on Deck 10."

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #27
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, DocReno, Havenborn, anyone available

"No, the Quartermaster's office is on Deck 10, but with over two hundred new crew members from the Resolve, the Orcus and Starbase 84, the line is quite long. It is, however, quite evident that you are making the aftermath of the battle easier for the crew to the best of your abilities, so if you are interested, I was going to give you full access to this establishment, and at least for the night, you can sleep in this lounge's proprietor's quarters. The entrance is just around the corner outside, but the pantry and storage access is behind the counter."

Deacon's expression remained inscrutably unreadable but at the mention of the possibility of sleep, she could see his shoulders drop, if only in the smallest measure, indicating that today's unfolding events had taken a toll on him, all stoicism aside.  His ears flattened, his large golden eyes turning back towards the avatar as if wanting to say something but uncertain how, but with the sudden dissolution of the wall obscuring the galley, he spun quickly, his claws extended, fangs bared, to face the empty room beyond.

Only when no attack was forthcoming did he lower his head, shaking it slightly, retracting his claws as the hologram continued. 

"The Chief of Operations aboard - Lieutenant Commander Stark - is the one that oversees the public areas aboard me, but since the former Proprietor was lost in the battle, I think no one will object if you were given access until tomorrow, especially if you help the crew in the way you've done now. Besides, you do need somewhere to sleep, so its one less for the Quartermaster to aid this way."

Deacon stepped forward into the galley, cautiously at first, still uncertain that this wasn't some elaborate trap, but at last he stood upright and considered the amenities thoughtfully, folding his arms across his chest.  It had potential.  It certainly proved he wasn't alone in his distaste for replicated meals and it offered some potential, and more-over, a purpose. Of course, he would have to inspect the pantry to know if there was anything passable for proper ingredients, but given the late hour and the promise that they would be called away at any time for an all-hands meeting, it seemed unwise to attempt to prepare a meal now. Besides, so far, everyone else seemed far more interested in the intoxicants or... other activities.  But it was a challenge he could tackle another day.

"Are you interested? You may, of course, decline, and join the line on Deck 10."

He turned, placing his hands on his hips, his tail swinging loosely behind him.  "Agreed," he replied with a slight cocking of the head.  "And I am called Deacon.  Mister Deacon is... redundant.  Only male kzin have names in the first place and Deacon is," he gave a slight shrug, "as much a position as a name."  He waved his hand dismissively.  "It's complicated, our naming convention."

Whether he expected her to disclose her own name, or to even have a name, was uncertain as he made no effort to ask just as he made no effort to disclose details about kzinti names.  Of course, the details were readily available within the Federation cultural records on the kzinti, such as they were.  For his part, however, he turned his attention back towards the galley, moving to inspect the cook surfaces and quietly mumbling to himself about the decimal system.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #28
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854, Deacon, Ens. Cameron Henshaw, Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton & LT Daniel Havenborn

“Computer,” said Tancredi, “tell me da location of Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, yeah.”

"Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, Starfleet Tactical CONN Pilot," said a feminine, more human-than-normal voice, "Currently located in Below Decks Lounge, Deck twenty-eight."

“Much oblahged.” The young redhead, still in her tactical CONN suit, mainly because she had nothing to change into, walked steadily but slowly towards the nearest turbolift. She had to correct her path a little bit due to suddenly remembering that she wasn't on the Resolve anymore. Some things were different, passing an officer who was coughing and checking her own forehead temperature as she passed by. She had to find a refresher first to clean the mark on her gauntleted hand first, due to the frequent rubbing of her wound causing her to nearly reopen the cut. The EMH had done wonders, but she very nearly undid it. As an alternative, she took to grasping furtively at the empty holsters on her thighs, where Flash and Burn normally were. A modified Klingon disruptor and Romulan plasma compression pistol respectively, they were her prized possessions, acquired during her travels in the unknown regions of space. Now she had no idea where they were, or even who to ask about it. She didn't want to come off as paranoid even if she was. Not when she had no clue where everyone of the Resolve was.

She eventually did find a turbolift and entered, and that was when things first got frustrating.

“Bellow Ducks Launch, yeah.”

She was about to hook her thumbs into her belt and lean back against the rearmost bulkhead, when the ship's computer replied, "Location unknown. Please restate request."

“Aw puhfect!” Tancredi muttered under her breath, “Ah said, Bellah. Ducks. Launch! Dat place ya mentioned!”

"There is no location by that name," the computer patiently replied, "Please restate."

She really wanted Flash and Burn now. “MOTHER O'GAWD! BELLAH-ARGH! BEE-LOW! DECKS! LOUNGE!”

She felt the turbolift moving and she clunked noisily against the bulkhead, “When we get ta Earth, Ah'm gonna fuckin' kill the compewter programeers!”

She exited the lift and entered the lounge, immediately finding a few things of note: Havenborn was drinking, drunk as skunks couple getting ready for serious entwining, catman, and a woman in a weird suit, probably their version of the Tactical CONN outfit? Maybe a latter model? It had been three years since they'd seen Federation space, so maybe some things changed. Whoa hold on. She looked at that couple again. Had she seen the guy feeling up the girl? Wasn't there Starfleet regulations and all that sort of thing? They were making like the bunnies in full view of lots of people. And by her guess, the girl was more drunk than the guy. Way more. In fact, the guy was only looking mildly intoxicated at the point. Was he...? Did he put something in her drink maybe? Havenborn was there though, assuming he was as alert as he usually was, he would have seen something amiss if that were the case.

Discipline in regards to conduct between officers on board the Resolve had been lax, a little, due to the circumstances, but even then, she couldn't recall a time when she saw something like what she was seeing now. The worst had probably been trading tongues on a corridor as the pair shuffled about to one's quarters or another. Tancredi herself had been guilty of doing that once, with Mariner, but they were less than ten feet from her quarters when they started. And that was the worst of it, but this? This was Animal Universe in 3D.

Besides, it wasn't her business. But she was making it her business, just to see what's what. Then she'd leave it be if it turned out they were a real couple. She'd apologize and leave them alone for the rest of their lives if they'd wanted. Moving over to Havenborn first, she stood behind a chair next to him, “Sir? When ya have th' tahm, mebbe we ought ta talk, y'know? 'bout things an' all. 'scuse me.”

She marched over to the couple, or at least, moved in their general direction, but she made like she was looking through the counter for anything, leaning over it, somewhat awkwardly in her Tactical CONN suit, the metal bits sticking out in all the weirdest places and making elbow leaning on a counter not the most comfortable position, so she eventually shifted and lean her back against it, resting both elbows on them, then casually rested her eyes on the pair. “Y'know, Ah'm not normally one ta stick mah nose inta anythin'...” completely a lie, “...but Starfleet Regulations numbah sixty-nahn does state: Public conduct between officers of the opahsite sex should be professional and considerate at all tahms, maintainin' a comfortable distance of one hundred centimeters. Heh yeah they mention da distance too.”

She tipped her cowboy hat lightly with her index finger and thumb, “Pardon if Ah'm bein' too forward or makin' yah uncomfortable, but Ah think ye're both a little beyond violation, y'know? If yah din' have no audience, Ah wouldn't bring it up.”

She looked away, and acted as if the wall across the room was the most interesting thing she had ever seen, even smirking at it. It was a hell of a wall. And she had no idea if there really was a Starfleet Regulation number sixty-nine. But she wanted to see where this went. Because that lady was really drunk. Like Roofied maybe.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #29
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Triage, anyone else

"I'm sorry. Thank you, but I am needed elsewhere. Enjoy your meal, Lieutenant, and we are bound to speak again soon. I am only a voice command away, after all."

Daniel nodded put the fork down, swallowed and stood up as she took her leave of him.  He felt like being respectful now that she had taken some time to talk with him.  Plus she was easy on the eyes and he felt it was time to start acting like a gentleman again.  “I certainly hope so.”  He said as she left then sat back down to continue to enjoy his meal.  It was quite good and he hadn’t realized just how hungry he actually was.

As he continued his meal he couldn’t help but notice that the two ensigns were now deeply engaged in kissing one another.  His gaze only lingered for a moment before he went back to his meal.  Looking at them only reminded him of who he’d lost during the battle; he knew that she hadn’t made it on board and now all he could do was think about her smile and that he’d never again see her.  His train of thought was interrupted by Ensign Tancredi though and he was quite grateful for it.

"Sir? When ya have th' tahm, mebbe we ought ta talk, y'know? 'bout things an' all. 'scuse me."

“Of course, I’m free now if you’d like…”  He said as she walked off towards the other table.  He was about to say something but decided against it, he’d let her handle that and just go back to enjoying his meal.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #30
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Husker

Cameron could feel the hands of Christopher moving up her legs and thighs as she spilled a soft sigh. She could feel the reaction of the pilot underneath her, his hardening member making her smile as she closed her eyes and heard what he'd do to her if she chose to go with him. It all sounded rather tempting and she could use the distraction and company probably before everything became rather disorienting for her. On top of that A red haired woman with a cowboy hat showed up near them. She stopped grinding down on his lap as she lost balance and nearly toppled over. 

Cameron couldn't understand a word Meony was saying to her as the alcohol might not have been the best help to keep up with the lass her accent. "What?" she blurted out before she nodded at the pilot. She slumped forward against the table, barely holding on herself as she pulled her face together as the unpleasant memory from Theta Eredina invaded her mind. She remembered the time she had spend with Sjaandin Fedd. A man she had come to thrust and a man whom she gave herself to completely during that night. It wasn't the same like with Christopher, yet the treason and feeling of being used washed over her. It overran her entirely as she changed her mind to please the pilot's wildest dreams.

Instead she stood up rather clumsily, flashing her bottom to Christopher before she increased the distance between them, walking back to the opposite side of the table. Walking might not have been the correct term as it seemed more like slumping. She rested her both hands on the table as she looked over at Slayton and she shook her head as her eyes no longer showed the sultry look but more of a apologizing one. "S-Sorry... I-I can't Chris..." she said before she sat down on the seat and closed her eyes fora second, only causing for her world to spin around even more. Quickly she opened her eyes as she looked around her, sanity and a moment of clarity returning to her "I should return to my quarters... I-I... I shouldn't have done this to you..." she whispered as she rubbed her temples.

She wondered and hoped Christopher could forgive her despite her teasing attitude and suggestive talks. Yet the foul feeling of that night with Sjaandin had obliterated any sort of feeling that could feel somewhat remotely good. The alcohol in the meantime had reached the peak now as it started to make her body protest with the food she had taken in. Her abdomen making something like a protesting sound before she swallowed down the nauseating feeling that came over her.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #31
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, steelphoenix,  Anyone Available

Chris had been solely focused on Cameron, for some reason with the alchool in his system she was his whole world for some odd reason and he was revealing in the feeling of her from the kiss to how she was in his hands and he was enjoying his time with her which was another strange thing that had happened to him since he became a member of the Theurgy's crew.

But then suddenly the experience was over and Cameron moved away from them with a smirking woman in a cowboy hat standing near by at which point he shut the smirking woman out of his head as someone unimportant as he was curious why Cameron went from being one thing to another as he caught the look on her face.

"S-Sorry... I-I can't Chris..." she said before she sat down on the seat and closed her eyes fora second, only causing for her world to spin around even more.

Chris got up and moved over to where she was sitting and took both of her hands into his and squeezed them with a gentleness that actually would've surprised anyone like Terror or Sniper if they saw him at that moment as he was showing real concern for the red-haired captain's yeoman. "You have nothing to apologize for Cameron, not with me alright?" he explained gently to her as he ran his right thumb over her knuckles tenderly as he gave her a warm smile as he looked at her face.

A part of him was screaming for release after her moment of sultriness, he remembered fondly the times that he went with Eli.."Liquidus" see Doctor O'Connor for his Survivor's guilt of having being the sole survivor of his squadron during the Dominion War that he enjoyed the little chats that he occasionally would have with Cameron but back then he was just another pilot like Eli but then the whole 'Verse seemed to have been shunted onto it's ear with these parasites and their actions.

Chris forced himself to focus more on Cameron as she was starting to look more pale then she normally did and that started to worry him.

Quickly she opened her eyes as she looked around her, sanity and a moment of clarity returning to her "I should return to my quarters... I-I... I shouldn't have done this to you..." she whispered as she rubbed her temples.

Chris nodded, "You'll forgive me if I ask if I can escort you to your quarters, Cameron, you look like you can barely walk and no more talk of apologies right now. I'm more worried about how pale you're turning then anything" he pointed out gently in a concerned tone before releasing one of her hands to gently stroke her hair before looking over in the direction of the Kzin and the female pilot at the bar. "Can one of you two either hand me or replicate for me one of the nausea bags, please?" he asked respectfully.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #32
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854, Deacon, Ens. Cameron Henshaw, Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton & LT Daniel Havenborn

Her eyes squinted a little as the woman drunk-walked her butt past her to the other side of the table, then, without shifting her body or head, she let her eyes discreetly trail the man, using her hat as a shield to hide the activity, but he was not giving up, and that told her a story. Sure it was the twenty-fourth century, but stuff still happened. People are people. So, her name was Cameron. Okay. And the guy was Chris. Well, she had names now, and faces to put them to. Tilting her head ever so slightly, but keeping the angle of her hat low over her head, she made sure it was too low for Chris to see she had her eyes locked on him, with her brain churning out a plan already. If he was expecting no trouble from Tancredi, he was dead wrong, and she was suddenly glad for the suit she had on. The enhanced strength would be handy.

“Ah'll get it,” said the redhead, coolly pushing off from the bar and sauntering over to the replicator, “Ah'm gonna need a voh-meet bag if ya don' mahnd.”

"Unable to comply," said the computer, "please restate."

“Fahkeen 'ell!” Tancredi nearly punched the wall, “Ah said, VOH-MEAT! Ya know? When ya yawn in technicalah? Callin' Earl? Make street pizzah?”

"Unknown substance requested, please retry."

“VAWMEAT!” Tancredi's face turned red with fury. “ERGH! BA...BARF! BAG! NOW!”

Finally she got something. And she marched over to Cameron and Chris, “Ah'm gonna kill 'em! Ah am! Gonna tear dem fuckin' 'eads off and piss down their throats and...'ere, honey. 'old dis.”

That sound coming from the woman's tummy did not sound appealing, and frankly the pilot knew what was coming next, but she'd had worse experiences. At least she had a bag handy. Back then, she had someone projectile puke on her, and it was...well, quite memorable, to say the least. That was the last time she challenged a Klingon to try eating six bowls of salad. Qa'pla her ass. They really did not like Earth veggies.

Without invitation, she slipped herself under Cameron's other arm, shouldering her weight effortlessly. “Ah'll give ya a hand,” said Tancredi cheerily, and she finally looked up at Chris with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. If he tried anything, he had her to answer to. Though honestly, she preferred if he didn't come at all. She still wasn't sure he hadn't slipped Cameron something. No doubt she hadn't seen anything of the sort when she came in, and for all she knew these two were actually a couple, and she was just jumping the gun, but then that was what she did best, and more often than not, it had paid off. So she didn't doubt her gut. “ya both ought to be goin' t'the doc, y'know. Neither'o ya look so good.”

In fact, why didn't she do just that? Cameron wouldn't be much trouble if she protested. If necessary, a soft but firm hook would send her out, and it might just be a mixed blessing for Cameron. But for now, she had to deal with another problem. She was about to leave the lounge, and she didn't want to go without a fellow Resolve crew member. Marquez' warning was sternly replaying in her mind, so she looked at Havenborn, trying to catch his eye, and she used the Resolve sign language to say the words, “Steady nerves and stout hearts are needed.”

She didn't dare actually speak it aloud. If the phrase was repeated audibly too often, people would notice. Paranoia ran deep for her, and it was safer to use the sign language rather than speak sometimes. But it was the "Hey Rube!" of the destroyed vessel's crew. Besides, while she was confident of her odds should Chris put up trouble, she was still the outsider, and having a witness helped. She shifted her shoulder a little to get Cameron's attention, “Ya still wanna head t'ya quarters? Or the doc? Ah'm sure 'e could fix ya raht ahp.”

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #33
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Tancredi, Husker and Havenborn

Chris his words never registered in Cameron's mind as the world was spinning around with the speed of a fidget spinner. She could feel his hands against hers and his caress against her hair as he called for someone to get her a nausea bag. Just mentioning nausea actually increased the amount of sickness brewing inside her yet she managed to hold it down just yet.

The loud redhead shouting at the dispenser was the first new thing Cameron registered as she wondered what she needed from the thing. Eventually the item materialized and she came back to her with it before she could feel the body of Meony slipping underneath her arm. The flightsuit she was wearing could easily hold Cameron up as she slumped a bit against her frame now. "Mmh.." she seemed to protest momentarily before she ran her fingers through the red hair of the cowboy hatted pilot. "Your hair looks pretty..." she giggled before she groaned again and burped as her stomach continued to revolt against the various feelings of nausea and head spinning.Her left hand holding the bag as she brought it up to her mouth.

Cameron closed her eyes tightly now as the advise to go to medical was heard yet unanswered on her behalf. The light nudge from Tancredi's shoulder making her eyes open once more as she murmured "Mhm... Quarters..." she replied before she slumped back down. Consciousness slipping as she almost passed out right there and then. However, her gut gave a different signal as she felt the vomit course up her esophagus.

What followed next was a course of chewed up food and most of it Risan wine that got deposited neatly into the bag, filling it up about halfway before Cameron stopped and gasped for air. She was a complete wreck now as she nodded at Meony with a whisper "Room..." She handed the bag over to Christopher before she looked him sheepishly in the eyes "Sorry..." she mouthed before her feet tried to guide her way out of the lounge.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #34
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, steelphoenix,  Anyone Available

Chris kept quiet for the moment as the red-haired pilot from the Wolves briefing earlier that day got him the bag that was needed and then helped get Cameron to her feet and when Cameron did indeed hurl into the bag, he also quietly accepted it and took it over to the disposal unit, dropped it in, and then quickly got a couple of more bags before looking up and seeing the young woman mouth her apology.

Chris moved quickly to catch up with the two women and then handed the bags to the pilot. "You might want to have these on hand, I know why she was drinking..been in somewhat the same boat during that battle. If Cameron falls asleep on you, just ask Thea for where Ensign Henshaw's quarters are and she'll lead the way" he told the other pilot in a respectable tone before turning to face Cameron.

"And I told you that you have nothing to apologize for, Cameron." Chris said gently. "When you want to talk, you know where to find me." he added.

He gave Cameron one more smile before heading back into the lounge and picked up the food that the Kzin had brought earlier and moved it to the bar along with the bottle and the glasses which he set on the bar as well. "Sorry about the havoc there but can I trouble you for some and I can't believe that I'm asking for this..but do you think that there is any Kanar behind the bar?" he asked before he picked up a piece of meat and started to eat it.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #35
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, Steelphoenix, Anyone Available (No PO)
When the Kzin had agreed to her suggestion, he had proceeded to correct the way she denominated him, and she smiled in answer, inclining her head. "Deacon, then," she said, but she did not extend her hand to him since shaking hands was an entirely human custom. Instead, while he looked at the small area behind the counter that had just been revealed, she introduced herself.

"Unless you already knew, I am Theurgy NX-79854, but I generally prefer 'Thea', for short. I am the A.I. of this Federation starship. Specifically, you are looking at my interpersonal interface, a holographic projection." Glancing towards the progress the Kzin was making, she decided she'd leave him to explore the back area of the lounge. "I have locked access to your unique life-sign aboard. I don't have any other Kzin aboard me, so that should be sufficient before you can acquire your own combadge, which is something else you can collect from the Quartermaster. Barring a security override, you will be the only one with access to that area as well as the proprietor's quarters. Should you be interested in these accommodations and fulfilling the duties pertaining to the role of proprietor for this lounge on a more permanent basis, you need Lieutenant Commander Stark's clearance."

Assuming that he Kzin was not interested in speaking with her anymore, given the distraction of the area behind the bar counter, Thea turned on her heel with a smile to him over her shoulder. "Let me know if you have any questions. I am at your vocal command, so to speak," she said before she walked towards the exit. "Good evening, Deacon."

As she stepped towards the sliding doors, she glanced towards the Resolve pilot that was helping Cameron Henshaw to her quarters, grateful that she was taken care of. The two women were leaving through the other exit, and Thea only spared one more glance towards the two male pilots before she also left the lounge behind - other areas of her needing her attention.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #36
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854, Deacon, Ens. Cameron Henshaw, Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton & LT Daniel Havenborn

“Uh...thanks?” said Tancredi, when her hair of all things was complimented. She barely gave those flaming tresses any attention, because, who gave a fuck about her hair? Except maybe Mariner. But when Cameron burped, she tilted her head away, nose wrinkled in horror, “Ugh! So this must be what it's lahk when Ah'm wasted...ohhh-whooa...”

Cameron unloaded into the bag, bet the catman would be glad there wasn't a mess on the floor.

“Yeah, that sounded good for the environment. Thanks, pardner,” Chris had synthesized a few more for safe measure, but Tancredi wondered if there was anything left to throw up after that amount. Probably not something she wanted to find out. As it was, it killed any appetite she might have had, and probably Havenborn's too. “All raht, les get ya back to yer bed, if dat's what ya want. Hup!”

She easily hefted the young woman and headed out, carrying her more than she was walking under her own strength it seemed, but she took note of the name of the ship's AI, Thea, to call upon for guidance if Cameron should completely pass out. Hopefully it didn't come to that, considering how much ease she was having getting anywhere in a turbolift. Once the doors opened, she more or less dragged Cameron in with her, then gently shook the lady, “Hey, Cameron? Which deck? Ah think it'll be best if yah do th'sayin' coz Ah maht punch somethin' out if Ah have one more misinterpretation with dis 'ere thing.”

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #37
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Triage, Nolan, anyone else

Daniel finished what he could on his plate as he caught the sign language from Ensign Tancredi.  He signed back saying that he’d join her.  While he wasn’t usually one to do such things he did feel a little sorry for the girl, whatever she was going through she obviously had been trying to find it in the bottom of those bottles.  Daniel meanwhile knew that he had a limit and had stopped when he reached that limit.  Though before he got up he heard an unmistakable noise of someone vomiting and as he looked over he saw the young command division ensign vomit into a bag that had been provided to her.  Daniel sighed as he looked at the half finished meal, as much as he wanted to finish it he wasn’t really feeling in the mood now.

He stood up and walked towards Ensign Tancredi and the young command division ensign.  “Helping this young lady back to her quarters Ensign, that’s not quite your style.”  Daniel commented with a smile.  He had seen her drink many a time on the Resolve and seeing her not indulge with this young lady had been a bit of a shock, what’s more was that she was even helping the young woman get back to her quarters.  He was reminded of a time six months ago when she had gotten so drunk that she had stripped naked and had apparently ended up in one of the cargo bays, luckily Daniel had found her before anyone else had and pulled in a favor with Ensign Zeshryr to have a site-to-site transport done, no questions asked.  Once she had been safely tucked in her quarters he had made a hasty exit, he hadn’t wanted the crew to start spreading that rumor around.  “Although I am happy to see you helping others out, Ensign.”  Daniel said.

Daniel smiled as she asked about what deck; he had seen her try to order the vomit bags and had chuckled a bit.  He remembered that the Resolve’s computer had to be modified to understand her accent; in the early days it hadn’t been able to understand her very well either.  Maybe they’d have to do the same to the computer here as well.  If he needed he could translate, as it were, for both ladies if needed.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #38
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw  & Lt Thomas Ravon| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Tancredi and Havenborn

Cameron was nothing more or less than a ragdol puppet as she basically got dragged out of the bar by Meony. "Bed..."she murmured as she tried to help, her feet trying to take steps yet only causing for uncoordinated steps to the left and right. As they made their way to the turbolift she felt her eyelids turn heavier as they were whilst she was happy that Ives didn't have to see her in this state.

Once at the turbolift she noticed Havenborn had joined them as well. It was odd as she didn't recognize the lieutenant at all. For a split second she wondered if she was aboard the right ship. A frown forming on her face as she was confused to where and what they were heading "Deck?" she asked as she tried to push herself back on her feet with the help of Meony "Dewck Twen..." she snorted before she started laughing, giggling even into an uncontrollable session of pure laughter.

Luckily for the two people with her, the opened Turbolift was hiding another passenger against the back of it as the man looked at Cameron with a bit of a baffled look on her face. The lieutenant scratched the back of his neck as he recognized Tancredi, yet not the lieutenant who was with her. From what he could recall from the battle, this might've been the SCO from the Resolve. Unsure whether or not to salute him for it, he looked back at Cameron. "Is she that gone?" he asked careful before stepping closer and patting her on the cheek "Geesh, what did they give you..." he said softly before he looked back at Meony and Daniel. "Thea, Deck 10 please. Also would you be so kind to help Cameron back to her quarters with the help of..." he paused as he tried to remember if the pilot had shared her name with him at the briefing or not.

After he settled that he looked back at  Havenborn "Lieutenant Havenborn I imagine?" he asked the pilot in question before he extended his hand "Lieutenant Thomas Ravon, Acting leader for the squadron aboard the Theurgy. I missed you during the briefing for the new pilots aboard the ship." he said as he looked the man in the eyes. "Will you be joining your pilot for the trip or can I offer you a drink and have a talk with you?" His eyes returning to Meony before mentioning with a friendly smile "Of course ensign, you'll have a drink at my expense as well for guiding miss Henshaw back to her quarters." he added, to not leave the pilot out for her admirable job.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #39
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Turbolift | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854, Ens. Cameron Henshaw, LT Daniel Havenborn & Lt. Thomas Ravon
She glanced at Havenborn when he spoke, and she gave her superior a lopsided grin, “What can Ah say, Ell-Tee? Ah'm fulla surprahses!”

She raised an eyebrow at Cameron when the lady started giggling. “An' peopahl 'ave a hard tahm unnerstandin' me! Yeah ye're totally in th'moon, ma'am. Oh howdy.”

She greeted the newcomer who was in the turbolift already. She remembered Ravon from the briefing earlier, “Yeah, she sure is.” She eyed him patting Cameron on the cheek, indicating a level of familiarity with her. “A lot,” she answered for the lady again, “too much, Ah'd say.” When he addressed Thea, she privately thanked the stars, between her and Ensign Wasted, they were not likely to get far or anywhere fast otherwise.

“Meony,” she provided her name, or rather, her callsign, which she had taken as her name, but he possibly didn't know that. On official records, Krystal Tancredi was still her name, so she added, “Ensahn Krystahl "Meyony" Tancredi, Tactical Conn, formahly from th'Resolve. Ah was th'one askin' ya 'bout that peachy keen Reaver earliah.”

She glanced at Havenborn, worried, but tipped her hat with her thumb and index finger, smiling, “Ah got it from here, suh, we'll be fahn, an' Ah'll take ya up on dat inna moment, suh!” She addressed both men one after the other, winking and grinning away. A free drink was never to be refused. She would pace herself, but never refuse a drink.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #40
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Triage, Nolan, anyone else

As they were nearing the turbolift Daniel smiled as Krystal answered him, he was about to come back with a witty response when the turbolift door opened to reveal another pilot.  He seemed to know the command division ensign and helped Krystal with getting her going to the right place before he turned back to address him.

"Lieutenant Havenborn I imagine?"

Daniel nodded as the man addressed him.

"Lieutenant Thomas Ravon, Acting leader for the squadron aboard the Theurgy. I missed you during the briefing for the new pilots aboard the ship." he said as he looked the man in the eyes. "Will you be joining your pilot for the trip or can I offer you a drink and have a talk with you?"

Daniel was about to respond and let him know that he’d be accompany Krystal but when she interjected and said she was fine, he nodded at her.  “Call me if you need anything Ensign.”  Daniel said before he turned back to Thomas.  “Lieutenant Ravon, Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, Tactical CONN Pilot and formerly the SCO of the USS Resolve.  It seems that I am free for that drink.”  He said as he motioned for the Lieutenant to lead the way, it was only fitting after all since he was the one buying as it were.  It had taken him some time to get used to the fact that the Federation didn’t have a regular economy.  People didn’t work for money, they worked for other reasons.  Back in the Neo-ECON they still used a hard currency; you were compensated for doing your job whether it was for the government, military or business.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #41
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw  & Lt Thomas Ravon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Tancredi and Havenborn + Everyone at the lounge

Cameron only vaguely saw Thomas from her almost shut eyes before everything went more blurry and eventually she just passed out against Krystal all together. As Havenborn and Thomas parted ways with Tancredi, Cameron didn't seem to put up much more of a problem for the ensign as she was straight gone. The lift door shut and after a short run they arrived at the designated floor like Thomas had requested.

Cameron came by for a few seconds as the lift had awoken her if only barely. She pointed at her room and as Tancredi and her made it that way the doors opened before they even got there. Perhaps a courtesy by the ship's AI to guide Krystal to the right room. Once there Cameron managed to slump herself from the front door to her sleeping quarters before she crashed down on it and just fell asleep instantly.

In the meantime Thomas looked at Daniel as he introduced himself with a nod "I heard your fighter wing took some considerable losses. My condolences to you for the people you lost." he said softly, yet with respect as he knew all to well how losing people felt. He gave the man a light nod as he gestured him to lead the way back to the lounge. Once in the lounge he looked around as he was looking for familiar faces, seeing only Husker and a few crew members he only knew by face. Of course there were more Resolve and Orcus staff running around as well as he took Daniel back to the table he previously had occupied.

"What would you like to drink lieutenant?" he asked him with a warm smile as he felt some burdens fall of his shoulders as he had reached the below decks. It felt like an eternity since he had been here. Just the fact that it felt a bit warmer here than most places on the ship probably had a thing to do with it as well. The coldness from the planetoid still stuck in his bone... He could only hope that this place would help warm him up if anything.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #42
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Turbolift | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ens. Cameron Henshaw, LT Daniel Havenborn & Lt. Thomas Ravon
It was a relatively quiet and peaceful journey to Cameron's quarters, which was apparently on a different deck from the one she was staying at. “This is them officer's quarters, ain't it?” said Tancredi, more to herself than to anyone, since Madam Snooze was...snoozing. She did feel sorry for the young woman, who looked about her age, albeit slightly better in condition than she was, but the redhead did just come out of a rushed surgery right there on the shuttle deck, or whatever deck it was anyway. That, and she had a whole lot of scars riddling her body, so...

Shaking her head a little, she followed Thea's guidance and Cameron stirred just enough to point out her exact room. When they entered, she easily and quickly deposited the drunken woman on the bed, “Wooo-ee! Ah do think ye're doin' well enough fer yerself, if Ah do say so!” said the cowgirl, hands planted on hips as she took a quick study of the room. But what she really needed for the woman, especially when she woke up, was the replicator. Striding over when she found it, she called out, slowly, “Water, room temperahture, and aspirin.”

The computer didn't even ask for clarification! Wonder of wonders! Her shouting likely would have woken up the woman, and she didn't need that. Cameron needed to sleep off whatever she'd intoxicated herself with.

Silently stalking across the living area to the bedroom, she placed the glass and the painkillers, on the bedside drawer next to her, pulled up the blanket over her and finally headed out. While she herself slept with the lights on, because that was the best way to see when enemies were coming for her, she knew most preferred it dark, so she called out, “Lahts...lights...out.”

That done, she made her way back to Below Decks, though getting back there was significantly easier than the first time. She found Ravon and Havenborn easily, though there were a few more people now, including members from the Resolve, and other ships. It seemed...balanced. At a little more ease than before, Tancredi strode over to the two men, and gestured to the chair, “Mahnd if Ah joahn ya? Ah've seen Miss Cameron t'her quarters, nahse place. But boah Ah don't wanna be her when she wakes up.” She grinned casually and took a seat even before being invited to do so, slinging her hat back to hang on her neck from behind. If they didn't want her there, Havenborn knew her well enough to just tell her to bugger off. She would, and find company with the other Resolve members around.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #43
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Triage, Nolan, anyone else

"I heard your fighter wing took some considerable losses. My condolences to you for the people you lost."

Daniel nodded at Ravon as the man gave his condolences.  It still sat heavily on Daniel’s mind for what he had done, not that he’d really admit it at the moment.  As they made their way back into the lounge and back to the table that Daniel had just left he took his seat again and motioned for the other officer to do the same.

“A shot of Vat 69 will do nicely for me.”  Daniel said, he should probably drink something else but at this particular moment he didn’t really want anything else.  Daniel looked around the lounge as he noticed several crewmembers from the Resolve were here.  There were other pilots here as well though he didn’t recognize them, they were either reserve pilots that hadn’t been able to fly because of lack of fighters or they were survivors from the ship that had been destroyed by the Resolve.

As Krystal walked back into the lounge he turned to look at her and nodded as she asked to join them.  “The good Lieutenant was just asking what we’d like to drink.  I’m having a Vat 69, what would you like Ensign?”  Daniel asked her as he motioned for her to sit down next to them.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #44
[ Lt Thomas Ravon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Tancredi and Havenborn + Everyone at the lounge

"A shot of Vat 69 will do nicely for me."

Thomas his lips curled into a smirk as he nodded "A fine poison you're having there," he replied before thinking what he'd have himself "In fact, I think I'll have a shot myself as well." he decided and gave the man in front of him a good look over. He could see the officer looking at the various people in the lounge, most of them strangers to Ravon though a few familiar faces were a welcome sight for sore eyes. His absence had felt like an eternity and the fact that there were all new crew members on board only strengthened that feeling.

"Lieutenant. I have a proposition for you and your pilots," Thomas started after a bit of a silence. "Considering there are three different squadrons aboard the ship, I'd like to go ahead and ask each squadron leader if they'd agree to unify under the Lone Wolves squadron. I imagine the brass is still thinking who to pick for SCO, yet I believe it'll be important for the pilots to know that we're all on the same side and we'd all be working together in the near future. I'd like to have your thoughts about it." he suggested as he knew the topic was a rather touchy one. He imagined no SCO was happy to see their fighter compliment fall apart, the losses feeling far too personal.

A few moments later the ensign showed up who had delivered Cameron Henshaw at her quarters. Thomas nodded her thankfully for delivering the ensign to her room and looked over at Havenborn for a second before he eyed the red haired cowgirl with the appropriate hat sitting on her head. It was a peculiar sight, even more so as she as still wearing her exo-skeleton flight suit, justl ike her SCO. He did wonder why both of them kept the suits on, yet didn't want to offend them or ask away as it had been a rather rough day for all parties. He didn't seem to mind to have her at the table and he waited for her to give her order so he could motion the lounge proprietor who seemed to be a Kzinti.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #45
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan & @Havenborn
Flinging her hat off her head, the string around her neck held it behind her as she settled down uncomfortably into a chair, feeling just a tad larger than usual, and she grinned at the two men, “Well Ah reckon Ah'll 'ave what y'all're havin'! Thanks!”

Though she was grinning through pursed lips, with her elbows leaning on the table, looking all comfortable, her attention was subtly on Havenborn. Watching him from the corners of her eyes without actually looking at him, she made only one subtle hint expressing her concern by using the hand closest to him and brushing his forearm lightly, while flashing her worries through her eyes, though the smile on her lips did not even falter for a second. After that, she turned to look at Ravon, her usual friendliness hiding everything she felt inside, and she said, “Ah hope Ah ain't buttin' in on anythin' Ah ain't s'pposed t'hear.”

She leaned back against her seat and then gave the man a thoughtful look, briefly getting distracted when she noticed one of the Theurgy crew members coughing irritably, before turning back to the SCO. “Just a question, if ya don' mahnd, sah, but will Ah be flahn a Valkyrie again, or are there plans t'fix mah turkey? Sorry, Ah mean mah modified Tahp-eight shahtel?”

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #46
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Triage, Nolan, anyone else

Daniel nodded as Lieutenant Ravon complimented him on his choice of drink and then proceeded to order the same.  He noticed as the man looked around the room but made no comment on it, he had no idea what kind of situation he had been in, but judging from the abomination that was his fighter it was safe to assume that he hadn’t been out joyriding.  He’d have to make it a point to ask him about it someday though.

He listened to the other Lieutenant’s proposition and while he made a good point there was one flaw in his plan, the Grey Wolves only had one serviceable fighter left, his.  “I’d be glad to merge our squadrons however my squadron is all but decimated, I’ve only got one fighter, a fighter-shuttle that would probably be easier to rebuild than repair and two pilots and a RIO left.  Unless you have some fighters stashed away onboard I don’t see how effective we’d be.”  Daniel said as he looked down at the table; replaying the events of the battle in his head, accounting for each of his pilots who he had sent to their deaths.

Hearing Krystal’s voice, Daniel looked up as she joined the table, hearing her ask basically the same question he just posed to Lieutenant Ravon before she arrived made him feel slightly better, at least his remaining pilots were still in the mood to fight.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #47
[ Lt Thomas Ravon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn , @Triage

Ravon kept his eyes trained on the pilot before him and when their drinks arrived, he looked at the beverage before he took it closer to him. When the ensign arrived that escorted Henshaw back to her quarters and posed pretty much the similar question to Ravon, the withered pilots replied "Luckily for you guys, we do have fighters stashed away. Remnants of the Harbinger, a couple of Mk II's, however, if you and your pilots wants. We managed to retrieve some new prototype mk III's from Black Opal if I may believe the mission reports. So we could could train all of you to the newest toys in the fleet."

"Of course, you could always choose to fly your own ships should you prefer, thought lieutenant Havenborn has informed me your fighter shuttle could use more than just a paint job." he answered Tancredi first before looking back at Havenborn. "I'm not sure about your other pilot Lieutenant, I haven't seen him or her yet, but if you could relay the message, I would be very much obliged." he smiled before the shot came for Krystal. "Enjoy your drink pilots. You've earned it from what I've heard so far. Frankly, you deserved a better welcome than this." he answered humbly. He had read the reports about the USS Resolve, about their travels and how tragedy struck at their heart when they returned. It was unfair for them, then again, what was fair right now to anyone of them.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #48
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 3, Deck 28 - Below Decks Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Triage

Daniel took his shot and listened to what Lieutenant Ravon had to say.  It seemed that they had some Mark-IIs and some spare Mark-IIIs however he’d let his pilots choose whether or not they wanted to switch to the Mark-III.  He would continue to use his Mark-II; it was after all the superior craft and what got him home in one piece, if he was going to die in combat than he would do it in his Mark-II Valkyrie.  “I’ll stick with my fighter, but I’ll let my pilots choose which craft they prefer to fly.”  Daniel said.  “Though if my pilots make the switch over they’ll need to be trained to use it, I myself wouldn’t mind learning how to use it as well just in case.”  He said.

Daniel nodded as Lieutenant Ravon mentioned what he had said about the Fuzzy Flayer needed some serious work to be able to fly again let alone make any kind of sortie.  “Thank you Lieutenant; though I suppose at some point here we’ll have to have an introduction briefing seeing as we picked up a fair amount of other pilots as well.”  Daniel commented.  He had heard about the other influx of fighters and their pilots from Uriah who was spending his time with their fighter, pulling data from the sensor logs, and making what minor repairs to the fighter that he could do himself.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories

Reply #49
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan & @Havenborn
When Havenborn mentioned their losses, all the events of the day flooded back into Tancredi's head, and she felt a building pressure inside her skull reminding her that she still had that weird aneurysm thing in there. But worry about that was drowned out by the sorrow and fury in her heart. She wanted to single-handedly crush all the captains and crew that had a hand in the deaths of her friends and family. She wanted to kill them all, make them feel pain, fear and suffering, and then she wanted them to die and then burn in hell for all eternity. She wanted to scream, cry, laugh, and scream some more. But all she did to show how she felt was a slight reddening of the tip of her nose, with her eyes becoming shiny from unshed tears. She gently and carefully circled her index finger and thumb along the shot glass with her gauntlet, measuring the amount of strength she applied while still wearing the Tactical CONN suit.

Ravon informed them about spare fighters. It seemed a terribly unenviable position to be in, when one had more resources than manpower. She grinned tightly at the man when he commented on her fighter shuttle, and raised the glass, “Fahnest turkey Ah ever flew, if Ah do say so.”

She then downed the drink in one pull, and coughed, or sobbed. Even she wasn't sure. But she unconsciously rubbed the newly healed wound on her head with her left hand, then looked back to Ravon, after hearing Havenborn's reply, “If ya have Mahk twos and Mahk threes t'spare, Ah'd lahk t'try th' Mahk Three. Been too long since Ah flew a real fighter. Ah'll take da trainin' dat comes wi'it.”

She lowered her gaze back to the empty glass, oddly lacking a desire to have more drinks. She just wanted to see all her friends back to tell her they survived miraculously. or for a time distortion to happen. Something. Anything...

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