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[2376] Klingon Cavalry

[Zyrao Natauna | KDF Mother Fucker | Not Your Average Supply Run | This Shit is Legit]

The smoking debris hissed out against the chill of open space.  Polka dotted by the shimmering stars around the area.  They were close to no planets, no large suns to shed light on the vast array of wreckage after the IKS Gorkon had finished with the small mining vessel.  They hadn't destroyed it, that hadn't been the purpose.  Intelligence had found subspace signals that relayed information of materials that were on board the small craft, compared to their larger ship (they were Klingon afterall), and these materials were of use by the crew of the Gorkon.  Zyrao had not needed to expend much energy pulling up the schematic for such a regular ship.  While it was used for mining it's registration was marked as stolen, it was your average run in the mill starship that was often used as a cargo carrier.  It had been reported stolen some years ago and never recovered.  Though someone had taken the time to paint over the registration marks and the original name Zyrao and the other Klingon on the Bridge had done quick work to cross referrence distinguishing features and other things to figure out it's actual make, model, and name.

Currently dubbed the Deep Probe, a name that had done well on a bridge full of Klingon soliders and Zyrao.  However, it was a mining ship and they had decided they wished to liberate it of it's cargo, supplies, and tools.  It was always nice to get things for free and out in open space free was as good as it could get. 

Standing in front of the airlock the harsh Klingon language sounded from the operator of the computer closest to them.  <The Gorkon is connected to the Probe.>  Another chuckle from the back of the room, where most had finished laughing at the expense of an aptly but horrendously named ship, there were a few younger Klingon that still found it quite hilarious.  Zyrao hardly ever heard the chuckles of the Klingon and so her lip quirked with the humor of just having something that tickled them so well.  She was the odd man out in the collection of massive warriors that flanked her on all sides and yet she seemed oddly comfortable among them and in her own skin.  <Opening airlock in 3,2,1>

The hiss of the hydraulics sounded as the door was released and the panels slid inside the walls.  They then stepped forward almost as one.  The resounding of the foot steps on the metal of the gangway were loud and almost thunderous to the ears around them.  There was no doubt to the crew of the Probe that they were coming.  The Klingon beside her, Borzun raised a powerful fist and slammed it three times on the airlock of the Probe.  The metal seemed to almost cave in slightly with every impact of his fist but never really gave in.  The echo was not lost on the people waiting for the door to open and of course, it never did. 

They hadn't expected it to.  It would be far less fun if they played nice.

<Disruptors ready.> Borzun said in his harsh gutteral voice.  Zyrao and the others took their weapons from their holsters and prepped them.  There was no stun, there was only kill, be maimed, or get the fuck out of the way.  That was the Klingon way. 

<Hacking into system, system activated, doors opening.>  The voice said behind them, now, as the crew had moved forward.  The doors opened on their own and the Klingon's moved forward.  Borzun looked over at Zyrao and she pulled up her schematic on her wrist mounted padd, before shutting the light back off and pointing down a corridor.

<”They're the most vulnerable this way, they'll probably know it, I doubt this is the first time they've been boarded.”>

Another nod and the Klingon attack force headed out.  A few split off and headed left and right to secure those areas just because it was good to have all the assholes dead instead of having to drag them out of vent shafts, out of the trash receptacles, the shit cans... what have you.  The places that Zyrao had seen people hide in the event of a hostile Klingon take over had no bounds.  They stormed through, disruptor bolts lighting up the hallways as men, women, and in between fell into heaps and piles on the ground around them.  They didn't bother to search them, they didn't care.  They were nameless, faceless, and would never be remembered by the crew that merely stepped over their bodies and moved forward.  The thump of bodies hitting the metal was the soundtrack of the day along with the cacophany of screams that erupted from the lungs of those that knew they were about to die.

Death screams.

They had once haunted the El-Aurian but they didn't any longer.  She turned to Borzun.  <“Down below, two decks, is the cargo hold.”>  Her Klingon was near perfect, it was something that she had been working on and perfecting over the last two years that she had been on the ship with these people and she had been taken in as one of their own.  It was what she wanted.  A life she chose, doing a job she wanted to, and living the that she could.  Freedom was far too important to her to give it back up and being a Klingon had afforded her more freedom than she could have thought to ask for initially.  She quite enjoyed her life right now.

They made their way down below the decks, the heavy boot falls echoed as they headed down.  It didn't take too long before they realized it was not just materials that were stored down here.  In the dank, dirty, and darkened corridor below the stench was horrendous.  There were people, of all races and kinds in cages behind the bars.  With no food, no water, and dirty soiled clothing.  There were slop buckets in the corners and most of them were overflowing.  They stood at the bars with their wide eyes begging for either death or reprieve and realized it was the Klingons that were there.  There was likely to be little reprieve and a whole lot of death.

Zyrao cursed underneath her breath.  <”Slaves.”> she hissed as she took in the people that had muscle but were also starving.  They were underfed, over worked, and not cared for at all.  She knew the look, she knew the life, and she knew exactly what was in store for them.  They were all, each and every one of them, expendable.  There were so many more where they came from.  They were worked until they died and they were never looked back on.  They would just be replaced and the cycle would continue. 

Zy's grey eyes shifted as she looked at all of the people.  Male, female, alien, everyone stood there with a mixture of hope, despair, and the want for death to come and claim them.  Borzun shook his head and mentioned that he was going to go check the supplies.  Zyrao didn't know what they were going to do to the slaves but she would not leave them in their cages to die.  In one of the cages though, less populated than the others, stood a girl.  She looked like a rabbit, wide eyed, pale dirty hair, dirty skin, but those eyes.  Wide and scared and yet wondrous as she stared at the one female against all the Klingon.  The others that had cleared the ship began to make their way down to the hold and looked at the slaves as well as the cargo they would be taking back to the Gorkon. 

<”Get the slaves, we could use them.”>  Borzun said simply as he began to take some crates of supplies back up through the ship and towards his own.  Zyrao sighed and she headed over to a hook where the keys were and began to unlock the cage.  The people didn't fight, they didn't even try as they were herded out of their cage, counted, and told to move. 

<”I will take them to the Gorkon.”> she offered, and began to lead them from the back, staying close to the small frightened woman.  She wasn't a girl, though she was young, much younger than Zyrao, she was a woman.  She just needed to fill out a little bit, clean up a little bit, and she would be a looker.

Re: [2376] Klingon Calvary

Reply #1
[ Chloe Ravon | Holding Pen | Somewhere in Space ]

The sound of weapon discharges after something had coupled or docked onto the ship had woken Chloe up from a light slumber. She found herself in her cell, dim lights only providing enough light to make out the cells besides you and the people in them. The blonde hair of the woman sticking together by grease, dirt and other dried up fluids which made it all rather clogged. Her eyes had lost the spark of life in them as they looked dim themselves. Her clothes consisted out of something that could merely be called a rag, barely covering up her underfed body. Her breasts hanging rather loose in them and easily revealed for the pleasure of the slavers on board of the ship. Her hips and loins were uncovered, her inner thighs and upper legs just as dirty as her hair. Bruises showing along her skin around her abdomen, legs, arms... Dried up blood and semen a reminder of the times she had been forced to serve for pleasure when the need was high.

This was the life of Chloe Ravon. After having been snatched away in her early teens the girl had been used by the slavers for delicate work. Work that required finer fingers and delicate touches. Working with electronics and the sorts was the first task she was given, lacking the muscle strength to do heavier labor. However as she grew older she was forced to work in the more manual labor. It trained her muscles to a certain point yet wouldn't give her a really toned body as food rations were kept low for them. She managed to survive though after having lost contact to her mother when the slavers brought them aboard. As she came of age the woman's features had managed to blossom in the hellhole. Her breasts grown to a modest size and her hips widened slightly as maturity had set in. This of course had not gone unnoticed by the people working with her, nor for the people she worked for.

After being fed a bit more and given a proper washdown, Chloe was tested to serve as a waitress. She lacked the skills to do so, dropping several plates and drinks on more then one occasion during a single evening. The punishment was severe of course. Having been used as a human punching bag she was left back in the dark confines of her cell. There was the place where she was forcefully deflowered. From there on, on several occasions she was used as the pleasure girl aboard the ship. Along with work as a manual labor slave, years passed as they never even bothered to clean the girl up. The galaxy had turned into a living hell for her the first few years, yet after a time it had numbed her down. She had taken her clients without the initial struggling, serviced when she had to an worked when she was told to. Her body had adapted to the scarce rations, yet it was running on fumes. Many of her fellow slaves perished and she wouldn't last long if not for the Klingon boarding party.

She could care no less if they'd kill her right now or if the slavers who had captured her would all be slain. There was something off about the entire situation when Chloe spotted Zyrao. A woman, seemingly human running along with the Klingons. It looked impossible yet she was there like an angel of sorts. Chloe stood up barely managing to keep her back straight as she looked at Zyrao. Making eye contact, despite knowing how it would anger the masters she served. They would give her a proper beating for doing that. Yet she couldn't help it, she just couldn't stop looking at her as the others in her cell stirred.

The cells were opened and the population was herded out, with no strength left in them to resist they simply followed. Chloe could sense that this was different, these Klingon... She felt a fear wash over her as the woman remained besides her as they were boarded to the new ship. The various scents of death around her making her want to throw up, along with the new scents as she got onto the new ship. From time to time, she dared to steal a glance of the warrior besides her, the woman that wasn't Klingon. She just hoped her life would end quickly, she had enough of it, enough of it all.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #2
[Zyrao Natuana |  Trading One Collar for Another | A Change in Pace | Spur of the Moment Decisions]

They were thin, nasty, dirty, and malnourished.  Zyrao knew that she was not the only one standing there who was sizing up the small humans and smattering of other alien species that had been handed a shit lot in life.  Zyrao did not believe in slavery, she was not a fan of the Klingons keeping them either. Though sometimes they did, they usually ended up being set free at some point or they were moved on.  Most of them escaped when they could, and no one really bothered to go after them.  That or the died as a direct cause of battle.  Because, there was never a battle that the Klingon turned from.  The sting of her nostrils and the stench of the people that passed her proved that it was going to be a process to get them cleaned up or the whole fucking ship was going to smell like this one. 

The fact that the Cardassians had treated their slaves so poorly was not a surprise.  She had been a Cardassian slave for a brief time before she had saved the son of a General merely because she couldn't stand to let an innocent child, despite the race, die.  It had changed her lot in life, and she supposed it had changed the lot in the Cardassian family's life as well.  Since she had turned her back on them when the Klingon boarded their ship and she turned on them so that she could live and they would die.  She was taken on, most of the other slaves were killed they were in shit shape.  But she had been able to be saved because she hadn't really been a slave so much as an assistant and she offered great expertise. 

“<They need to be cleaned.>” she said to Borzun as he came up behind her.  Her grey eyes shifted over to him feeling the burn of the young blonde haired woman's gaze on her for the third time since she had stepped foot around the Klingon.

“<They need to be shot!  None of these men are fit for battle, they are not Klingon, they need to be put out of misery.>”

Zyrao rolled her eyes.  <”Then release them.  Killing them will just make our ship smell worse and if that was what you really wanted to do you would have fucking left them in the cages.>”

He narrowed his eyes, his ridged brow rippled at the movement before he laughed quite loudly and popped her hard on the shoulder.  It stung but she showed no outward sign of it. She was used to it and while her tender skin would bruise it would be nothing that could stop her or slow her down.  “<Once again your bravado entertains me!>”

“<I do it just for you too.>” she said sarcastically which got another loud bark of laughter and another slap on the same shoulder that would only deepen the bruise from blue to probably a nice livid purple black color.  Another might dislocate the fucker, so she hoped that she could be spared another laughing fit.  She wanted to roll the shoulder, and slough off some of the pain, but that would show weakness and the second she showed any of that would be the second she lost any standing she had gained over the last two years.  She stayed behind as they boarded the slaves onto the Klingon vessel, she shifted her gaze over feeling the eyes of that one girl again.  Her wide prey eyes.  The one that said she was about to be eaten, devoured, or hurt more than before.

Zyrao did not offer her a smile or even a single nod of her head.  She didn't want to give the young woman false hope.  Her destiny, her future, was out of the El-Aurian's hands.  However as they got to the gangplank that would return them to the ship, and the lip of the door way came into view.  The raghghan  tripped, and began her descent to the ground, but a quick hand grabbed her.  Chloe would look up into the face of Zyrao who had made the save.  She helped the girl steady herself.  Yes, the girl reminded her of one of those fragile dolls that she had played with when she was only just a girl over a century ago.  Raghghan, was definitely the term that described the young fragile thing at the moment.  She waited until her own two feet were underneath her and let go. 

Once they were on the Klingon ship again the door closed behind them thanks to the operator close by who was already sizing up the rescued slaves and another Klingon was taking inventory of the things that had come through the airlock from the Cardassian ship.  Now they were done she looked to Borzun. 

“<Where do you want to take them?  I would imagine, showers and food are first.>”

Borzun scratched his beard for a long moment and sized up all of them and sighed.  <”Food!  Shower!  Then, yes, we will make decisions on what happens to them!  She looked at all of the men and women as the Klingon began to traffic them through the ship down to the cargo hold to where there was a large area for showering because battle, especially battle with Klingon could get nasty, and filthy.  They were all herded into the massive shower area and told to disrobe.  No one seemed to understand Klingon and so one of them stepped forward and forcibly disrobed one of the men before motioning for them all to do the same.

Zyrao went into another room to speak with Borzun about the future of the slaves.  He knew her feelings about the fact that they had even brought them on board, she was not a fan of keeping them.

<”You can't keep them.”>

<”I can, and will, Natauna.  You overstep your bounds sometimes.  This ship could use some labor, and besides it isn't as though they won't be cared for.  They'll fare better here than with those fucking Cardassian.”>

Zyrao pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked up at him.  <”I am not a fan.”>

<”You don't have to take one.”> he retorted, and she narrowed her grey gaze at him, and rose her chin. 

<”I don't want one.”> 

<”Good.  More to go around to the others.”>

<”If they are treated poorly prepare for a fight.>”

Borzun grinned at her and stroked his beard.  <”You would not be here if I expected any less.  Now go.>”

She turned to leave.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #3
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Somewhere in Space ]

Being herded out of the one ship into the other was frightening if anything else. Chloe looked around for any of the slaves that she knew, yet so many of them had perished in the last couple of days. She simply slumped along with the rest of them, looking back at the human from time to time. Eventually she was forced to walk a gang plank, a balancing act that she did not have the strength to master. She slipped and began to roll down a path that only made her more dizzy before a steady hand grasped onto her wrist and stopped the entire world from moving. In her fall she had caused several others to lose their balance and fall, creating a small blockade as orders were being shouted around them. Chloe swallowed, hoping she'd not have angered the woman for having to stop her in this way.

"<Apologies, a thousand fold.>" she said with a soft broken voice in a Cardassian dialect. She was hoisted back up on her feet and moved along with the rest, not daring to look back at Zyrao at this time. She wrapped her arms around herself for warmth and a false feeling of security before they were moved through the airlock and further throughout the new ship. Chloe didn't even bother to look around as they were escorted to the cargo bays.

Once they had arrived in the large area it became clear that they were herded to a bathing area as the floor showed signs of moistness and dried up blood. Klinon orders were shouted yet none of the present slaves had a clue what was going on, staring blankly at the fierce warriors and looking at one another for a clue to what these men were shouting. It was unclear, traumatic as they sounded pissed off all the time and there ferocious look did not help in feeling at ease around them. When one of the men got disrobed forcefully some of them seemed to get the message and the herd like mentality simply caused for the rest of them to follow in those whom had started to disrobe.

As the sonic showers began to activate and buzzed down over them screams of fear and relief washed over them simultaneously. Some of them having forgotten what it felt like to feel it on skin. Some didn't even bother to wash them off, simply standing there as the sonic waves cleansed them. Others simply fell to the floor in fatigue, curling up as others just couldn't bare the sonic waves running over their broken bodies. Chloe remembered somewhat what she had to do under the shower and as her body was cleansed of the various degrees of dirt on her she couldn't quite grasp what had just happened.

When the sonic shower came to a stop, the slaves were sorted and picked by Klingon warriors to serve to them. Chloe began to glance around yet could not see Zyrao any longer as she had lost track of the female. Suddenly she was yanked by her wrist and brought aside as a brute Klingon laughed and evidently wanted to claim her. Chloe was still standing naked as she was on full display for the others. Obviously it didn't take long before her other wrist was taken by another Klingon and a discussion started. She couldn't understand shit of what they were shouting or fighting about and she simply wanted to cover her ears yet she couldn't. She wanted to scream yet the voice she had couldn't bring out more but a whimper.


Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #4
[Zyrao Natauna | Slavery is for the Weak | The Strongest Survive | Cardassians are Anal Fissures | Spur of the Moment]

Outside the office, it was chaos.

Her eyes shifted around the deck as she watched the showers at the very end.  There were some people crying on the floor, others that were screaming as if in pain, and others still that seemed to be enjoying the bliss of being clean for the first time in what was likely months, years, it was hard to tell.  She remembered being that dirty.  When you stopped being itchy because your skin was always irritated.  When the bug bites and every single scrape, and gash, no longer registered because it was just one discomfort of so many that were stacking up.  She could remember the first shower she had taken after living like that.  The feeling of being clean, but it was almost as though she had lost a layer of protection on her skin.  Everything felt more... the water was harder, hotter, and almost hurt as the layers were washed away. 

Shaking her head she threw the thoughts of her own bought of slavery to the back of her mind. 

Stepping forward, she looked at the men and women as the showered stopped.  They were all clean now though some of them still curled on the floor like they were terrified it might start up again.  She could hear the Klingons around her barking orders. 

<”Get up!  Get ready!  Stand up!”>

She sighed and shook her head as she stepped forward.  <”I don't think they understand Klingon.>” she told him as she looked over at the one that was speaking the loudest and was not surprised it was one of the upstart Klingon that hoped to gain prestige by being the most bloody for them all.

<”They will learn!”> he boomed.

<”They will.  But not while you're screaming at them.  They're scared.”>

<”We are Klingon!  They should be scared.>” he screamed getting in her face which had no effect.  She instead reached up and patted him on the shoulder like a child.

<”Yes yes, big Klingon, so scary, lets let them have heart attacks before they can help us do any work.”>

His eyes narrowed but Zyrao turned and she looked at the various people, but what caught her eyes was the young Doll girl, over to the side being torn between two screaming Klingon.  She sighed, and looked at the girl who looked like she was about to scream, cry, or faint.  Zyrao charged over and she batted their hands away.  Tossing their arms off of the girl, she took the naked thing close putting her arm around her shoulders keeping her against her side. 

<”This is mine.”> she said with a gutteral snarl that left no room for discussion.

<”I will fight you for her!  I had her first!”> said one of the men, his eyes wide with rage.

<”Bring it the fuck on, I don't have to remind you what happened the last time you tried to fight me.”> she said quickly as she stepped in front of the girl with her back straight and her shoulders back.  Glaring him down not blinking she might be smaller and shorter but she was most definitely not afraid of the man that stood in front of her.  Not in the least.

The man lunged at her but she didn't even move because she could see it for what it was.  The feint on her psyche.  He stopped just shy of her, getting in her face.  She didn't even shrink back, she didn't even blink.  “<You have drool.  Right there, in your beard.  Not a great look.  I'm sure Vanzalla will not appreciate the new look.>” she said reminding him of the Klingon female that he had been lately trying to impress.  The gaze went red and he growled a nasty comment to her, one that she was used to hearing so she only shrugged.  <”Just because I turned you down doesn't mean she will.”> she shot over at him with a smirk on her face.  The growl that erupted was loud enough to move the hair on her head.  Several of the slaves screamed in fear but she stood there quietly waiting for him to get it out of his system.

“<You will regret your mouth one day!>” he screamed.

Zyrao shrugged her shoulders.  <”Maybe, but not today.>”

He charged off angrily and left the room, a slow smile grew on her face.  Another battle won, she knew that she could take most of them.  She wouldn't come out uninjured by any means.  Last time she fought the Klingon man he had collapsed her lung and broken her arm in six places.  But, he had been knocked unconscious and thus had lost.  She turned back to the little Doll that stood behind her, and studied her for a moment.  She had just claimed her, fought for her, and won.  With a sigh, she realized that she had suddenly earned herself a slave she didn't want.

<”This one is mine.”> she called out to the deck of Klingon. 

Others were claiming some, many left unclaimed but there would be a spot in the cargo hold for them that was much better than what they had been used to on the Cardassian ship.  Clothes were provided though they were mostly Klingon in nature and large, Zyrao got a suit much like her own replicated for the young woman so that she could cover herself.  She was probably cold.  Zyrao hadn't missed all the blood and fluids that had covered her body she knew exactly what the woman had been used for.  She handed the girl the clothing. 

“Put this on.” she said in perfect Cardassian.  When she responded with understanding a few other Klingon looked over at Zyrao in surprise.

<”Their slavers were Cardassian, that is what they will speak and understand until they learn Klingon.>” she explained quickly and others nodded quickly working out some kind of method with gestures and what not to get the others set up with clothing, bed, and food.  Zyrao didn't let Doll eat, right now, she was going to take her up to her Quarters while she could. 

“Come.” she told the young woman and motioned for her to follow to the Turbolift that would take her to the habitation deck.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #5
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Somewhere in Space ]

Both Klingon were tugging at her wrists as they were seemingly screaming at each other for control over her. It all felt more raw after the shower for some reason as Chloe closed her eyes and clenched her jaws together to bite away the pain. Yet if anything, the pain didn't die off.. In fact, it felt like the muscles, tendons and literally her skin would give way at any second now. They'd eviscerate from her torso and just make one giant mess on the Klingon ship. Her life would probably over as she'd bleed out and the agony called life would over...

In the turmoil she didn't overhear Zyrao who had returned, she didn't even register as the world seemed to fade in just white light as the pain became like a searing sensation. It vanished quite suddenly though as her arms slumped back next to her body and when her eyes lazily opened she looked at the human female as she was pulled towards her side. Her words loud, aggressive and sounding unyielding as the Klingons were obviously upset, as if they had no other motion to convey besides... Upset.

The blonde scampered away and tried to make herself as small as possible behind Zy as the one who had claimed her first charged towards the two of them. A discussion followed of sorts, or it was just a shouting match to figure out who could shout the loudest. It gave Chloe a headache to be fair and she shivered from the cold deck plates pressed against her uncovered soles. Eventually the one Klingon charged off to who knows where. Zyrao turned around and looked Chloe over who in turn did her utmost best to stand in a presentable way to her hopefully new mistress.

She shouted something to the entire cargo hold before she walked off, Chloe following obediently in her wake like a pup. When clothing was replicated and presented to her Chloe looked at her with a look as if she didn't quite understand what to do with them. That was until the woman began to talk perfect Cardassian. Chloe was lost for a second what to reply before she nodded "Yes mistress." she answered back in her best Cardassian.

The clothes covered up so much of her body it was if the dirt and filth that covered her up were now replaced by this clothing. The only difference was that these clothes were weighing a lot, despite their light fabric. She was too used to wearing nearly nothing and she looked at Zyrao again with a grateful look for being covered up to the prying eyes of slaves and Klingon alike. The underwear she was offered felt weird, not having worn them since her enslavement, it all felt tight, encompassing, suffocating.

As Zyrao told her to follow her, Chloe simply bowed her head and clasped her hands together and placed them on her lap as she did her utmost best to keep up with the human as she walked to the turbolift. She tripped a few times over her feet, managing to keep her balance for now as they reached the lifts. She cast her eyes back to the others, wondering what life would await them. The truth was however, she didn't know what life would entail for herself...

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #6
[Zyrao Natauna | Training a Newbie | Unending Patience | Flashbacks | Sisterhood of Slavery]


Zyrao sighed, her shoulders going slack as she heard the Cardassian word infiltrate her mind like an unwanted fly at a picnic.  She had never wanted to be called that, she had never wanted to even come close to something like that.  Yet here she was, having become the unwanted owner of a slave that she didn't really want.  She supposed she should have expected it.  She should have figured out what was going to happen.  There was no way, once she saw the Doll in the Cardassian cargo hold she was not going to be able to stand back and let just anything happen to her.  She was not going to be able to stand there and watch as she suffered even more.  Klingon were highly loyal and if one of them fell in love with the girl or something no one would ever be able to touch her.  But, before that could or would happen, it was likely she would suffer at the rough hands of a Klingon because they did not, in general, know the meaning of gentle.


The word plagued her as she and the Doll stepped onto the turbolift.  The doors closed against the chaos of Klingons fighting over the best slaves, of the others being left down there with food and water and at least mats to sleep on.  Zyrao promised herself that she would come back down in the morning when she had slept and had a clearer head and set up better accommodations for them.  Though she had a feeling for most of them, it was better than they had experienced before.

The doors allowed the quiet to settle in and she could hear the fearful breathing in the doll that stood behind her.  Grey eyes slid to the side and her body shifted enough that she could see the little thing.  She was young, but a woman, and she had likely been in a art of servitude for a long time judging by the way she just fell into step.  There was not a single disagreement, there wasn't a single moment of defiance.  Just quick acceptance.  Her eyes scanned her. 

Too thin, not enough nourishment, absolutely no personality, no steel, no spine.  The hair needs help. It's clean now but it's fucking destroyed.  I have a lot of work to do.

That was it though, wasn't it?  She hadn't taken the girl to make her into her slave, she had taken the girl to reawaken her.  She didn't want a slave, she could make her own fucking food and piss in her own fucking toilet.  She didn't need some scrap of a woman to do that.  And she would rather willing bed partners than one that pretended to be.  No, she wanted to take this girl and reignite her.  The problem was she was so fucked up by the circumstances of her life it wasn't going to be an easy road.

But then, when had Zyrao taken that one.

The bell chimed over head and the doors opened to the appropriate floor.  She nodded her head in the direction they needed to head and waited as the girl trailed after her.  They walked past the Klingon that were still in the upper levels.  She exchanged a few words with the people that she passed as she had been living here for two years and most of the stigma that had originally surrounded her had been forgotten in her Klingon life.  They walked down the corridor, which was grey and sparse and decorated with nothing.  There were doors in the walls that were either open or shut and men or women, all Klingon were doing whatever they did best.  Some were fighting, others were fucking, and some were just leisurely eating their food.  Gagh crawling between their hands as they scooped it live out of bowls and into their greedy maws.

Finally, they reached another unremarkable but closed door.  Zy palmed the door panel having not said anything this whole time.  Her door slid open upon her request and she took the girl by the wrist pulling her gently, careful to bother her skin, into the room and let the door close behind them.  In the room it was even quieter.

The room was simple.  Zyrao had never needed anything fancy.  There was a large bed that was big enough for two Klingon to sleep on it so in human size it was huge.  There was a table beside the bed with a lone black lamp and a shade that was made out of some kind of glass.  It was currently off, and a Klingon clock in numbers on the table as well.  Zyrao tossed her PADD onto the bed ruffling the black coverlet slightly as it bounced once before laying still.  The bed was made to military precision and didn't have a single wrinkle until the PADD bounced.  As Zyrao walked past the bed she reached over and smoothed out the little crater that the device had made and moved on. 

In the backside of the Quarters was a large, and lovely sitting area.  Two massive comfortable chairs flanked a beautiful couch that hardly looked used and a small table set in the center of all of it.  More small lamps, similar to that in the bed area, lay on the tables around the area.  But it was the book shelves that would catch the eye.  All the paper books, collected, looted, and taken from various places and missions.  Things that she had grown to collect.  That and to the left was a small 'kitchen' for the lack of a better word.  The replicator stood there as well as a shelf that was full of every tea from every world that she and the Klingon Empire had visited.  Zyrao got herself a replicated kettle of hot water and let it sit for a moment as she removed two tea cups from the upper side of the cabinet.  Grabbing a small yellow container off the shelf she scooped out the loose tea into the small holder.  Putting them across the tops of the tea cups she began to pour the hot water carefully.  Steam brushing against her face as she did so. 

She wasn't ignoring Chloe on purpose, more trying to decide what she was going to do with the poor thing.  She looked as though a stiff wind would carry her away and the wrong word would break the fragile soul.  Finally, the tea had the right color and smell, she put the pot to the side, and removed the tea leaves placing them to the side as well.  Picking up the both of them she walked carefully to the sitting area and sat her cup down in front of her favorite often used chair setting another tea cup in front of the couch as well.  Heading back, quietly, to the replicator she got some food, trying to think about what she might like because Klingon fare took some getting used to.  She went with some El-Aurian sweets, some good old fashioned protein and some carbohydrates.  The tray was heavy as she put the food down next to the tea.

“Sit.  Eat.” she said as she moved to her favorite chair.  The leather creaked slightly as she sank herself into the oversized chair and sipped at her tea giving the Doll a moment to take everything in and hopefully consume some of the food and drink set before her.  Once she had at least swallowed a few bites Zyrao asked. 

“Do you have a name?”

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #7
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Somewhere in Space ]

As the lift took off the slight start up Made Chloe spread her arms as her hands searched for stability against the walls of the lift. She was quick enough though to get back into her original obedient stance as one could tell she was hoping not to be punished for the small change in stance. She was unsure what to expect of what would come next and when the lift came to a stop she dared to give a glance over at Zyrao. The mistress however looked back at her as she sized her up. Whatever she was thinking was unknown to Chloe.

With a chime the lift reached the designated floor and as Zyrao lead, Chloe followed in silence. The hallways of this ship just looked so bland and empty. As Chloe walked along with Zyrao's pace she stole a few glances through the open doors. She wasn't shocked to see them either fighting, eating or fucking. The fucking however that she did see was just like their fighting. Violent, hard, and primal. She would feel a cold shudder run over her spine at the thought of being left as a play toy for a Klingon. She'd break undoubtedly, fracture in places she never wanted to break any bones.

They walked for a while before they reached a door that Zyrao seemed to open with just the palm of her hand. Being tugged in Chloe followed en suite. The door closed behind her and the girl looked around as she was brought in the new room. It looked rather intimidating at first and her eyes scanned the various furniture before her eyes came to rest on the furniture. She did however not move from the spot she was tugged on.

After letting her eyes slip over the collection of books and such, Chloe moved her eyes over to Zyrao's little kitchen of sorts. She was looking at the kettle she was stirring in as she made tea, the scent of it slowly reaching her nostrils. The smell of tea had something soothing about it. A flashback hitting her from a time before the abduction, the way her mother used to make tea with honey in it when Chloe would have a sore throat. It made the slave tremble on her legs as a single tear slid down her cheek at the memory of it.

She looked at the woman as she placed the kettle at the small table and returned to the replicator. Chloe had noticed the double  cups and wondered why she would bring two. Was she expecting her to drink along with her? Her eyes darted back to Zyrao as she produced the tray with sweets on them and brought them back as well. After that came the order and Chloe was quick to move forward. She sat on her knees at the table as she wasn't sure if she was supposed to dig in or not on the sweets. She looked at Zyrao for acknowledgment and once received she took one of the sweets in her frail hands. She nibbled at it before the feeling of hunger kicked in.

Hunger was something that she had banished away, the emotion of it was useless as she got fed nothing. Yet here there was an abundance of sweets and she didn't care if she'd be puking them out later on, she just wanted to taste all of them! She was working of stuffing herself and as the tea was still too hot she neglected her cup as the corners of her mouth were quickly being soiled by the sweets.

When asked for a name, Chloe looked up at Zyrao who seemed far more relaxed in the couch "Chloe, mistress." she replied in a soft tone before she kept munching on the sweets.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #8
[Zyrao Natauna | Gluttony Abounds | Forcing Together a Plan | Starving in More Ways Than One]

The girl seemed scared.

Then surprised.

She knelt on the floor in front of the tray and Zyrao watched as she looked at the food and then looked up at Zyrao.  She tilted her head to the side trying to figure out why the young Doll wasn't eating yet.  Only she seemed to be waiting for permission.  Giving a quick nod she allowed the girl to eat.  Though she had imagined her to be more polite about it, she ended up stuffing her face hungrily cramming as much food into her mouth as possible.  It was smeared all over her face and she was shoving tea in between the cracks trying to get as much as she could in to it.

With a sigh Zyrao stood up and carefully put her tea cup down.  She crossed to the small fragile thing and carefully knelt down beside her.  Gently she took the woman's hands in her own and caught her attention.  She shrunk from her slightly, and Zyrao shook her head.  “you are not in trouble.” she said calmly.  “Only, you will make yourself sick if you continue at this rate and you will feel worse if you are sickly.”

Zyrao reached over for the napkin beside the tray that was on the table and gently dipped it in the tea before she used it to clean the face of the young woman carefully.  Zyrao had never felt so motherly, it was a feeling she didn't quite like.  She had never desired to sire a child in the least.  She knew that if she had a child, she would prefer it to be with another el-Aurian but as they were so few and far between she couldn't imagine finding one.  Not that she was looking.  Still, she was fairly certain she would be a shit mother and had not desired the job.  Looking at the young woman, she pulled back and too her hands away from her face now that it was clean. 

“You will not starve on my watch.” she said softly.  The girl gave her name.  Followed by the mistress comment that had Zy giving out a long sigh as she unfolded her lithe body and sat back in the chair hoping the girl would make herself full without stuffing her face like she was.  Looking at the girl, she gave her a slight smirk, nothing close to a smile but it had a little warmth to say the least.  Crossing one leg over the other, she gathered up her cup and placed it against her lips taking another sip. 

“That is one thing that you will have to remedy.” she explained to the girl.  “I refuse for you to call me mistress.  You may call me Zyrao.  That is my name, I will answer to no other.” she said simply.  Her voice was neither angry nor excited it was just a practice in being level and calm.  Sipping another bit of her tea she leaned down and stole a cookie from the plate in front of the girl before leaning back and nibbling it letting it rest on the plate of her tea cup for the moment while she chewed and looked at the one that was called Chloe.

Such a fragile name for a fragile girl.

“Tell me, how long were you a Cardassian slave?”  Everything she said was in perfectly fluent Cardassian.  She had been with them a long time herself and she had worked hard to master the complicated language.  Klingon had been a real treat but she was fluent at that now.  Her collection of languages was coming along smoothly.  Eyes studied the young woman, unsure of what to do with her.  How she would fit into her new life.  Despite the fact that she had suddenly become the guardian of this poor thing.  She looked like a broken bird, a small rabbit, some kind of creature that was terrified of the world.  She had no reason to believe that anything good was going to happen to her.  Though Zyrao hoped with time it would calm for the young thing. 

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #9
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Somewhere in Space ]

Focused on the sweets in front of her Chloe had paid no attention to Zyrao as she had stood up and walked over to her. A mistake she'd usually pay with a proper beating or worse. She was startled when Zyrao took her hands, stopping them from cramming food in her mouth and as she spoke in her perfect Cardassian to her the human girl simply stared soullessly into Zyrao's eyes. She was told that she wasn't in trouble and heeded the advice of the tattooed woman. They would probably harbor certain truth and Chloe gave a short nod before she froze up as Zyrao began to clean her face with a napkin.

It felt unreal, impossible at this moment as she was shown such a soft side aboard a very raw and aggressive looking ship. She remembered the Klingons from back in the hallway and down in the cargo bay. She swallowed the last bits of food in her mouth and felt stuffed already, despite only having eaten four or five of the sweets in total. Her stomach not used to having solid food in it. When she was clean the woman moved away from her, informing her that she'd not starve on her watch.

Her eyes now tracked her mistress as she moved back to the chair she had previously sat in. Her hands warming themselves against the cup of tea as she drank from it more civil. She studied the woman as she sat there, her eyes scanning over the slave as she nipped from her own tea.

Then came the kicker though as Chloe's face began to radiate confusion as Zyrao wanted her dismiss the word mistress. She would have to call the woman by her name Zyrao. It was hard to wrap her head around as Chloe was unsure why Zyrao had claimed her. If not to serve, what was the purpose? The calmness in her voice was only adding to the confusion. What in the Galaxy's name was she going for? Angry, kindness? It confused the blonde before her as she frowned and sighed. "Mistr-.." she paused as she closed her eyes to correct herself "Zyrao... Why did you claim me? If not to serve?" she dared to ask the question as she would not see what the point in her life would be otherwise.

She was asked how long she had been a Cardassian slave and Chloe shrugged slowly "I've been with them since childhood... I stopped counting the days or years that passed... To be fair I don't know my age.. Or remember it. I remember mother in fragments, In between the nightmares I have every night. I remember the place called home. I remember parts of school... But other then that, all I really know is what I've been taught by the slavers..." she spoke freely and felt her cheeks redden as she felt like she had talked out of turn.

She was curious about her savior though and as she noticed that questions and free speech did not get punished or swatted down, she dared to ask more "How did you end up with Klingons? How come you speak such fluent Cardassian?" Despite the shyness and fragility of the girl. It seemed like hope booned quicker inside her then normal. It would seem that despite her hardships and trauma, that sparkle how minuscule it must've been had flared up at the deft hands of Zyrao.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #10
[Zyrao Natauna |  The Truth |  The Shared Pain | The Savior of Others | Not a Job she Wanted]

Zyrao finished her sip of tea and balanced her cup and saucer perfectly on the arm of her oversized chair.  It was clear, that it was something she did often with how it didn't teeter even the slightest.  As the young woman began to call her mistress, Zyrao's eyes cut over quickly as if it was a warning.  Not that she would hurt the girl, but she didn't like to repeat herself too often and having to repeat something she had only just said was highly irritating.  Still, the girl seemed to swallow and realize that she had been corrected earlier.  She decided to amend her statement and go with her name.  Giving a nod of encouragement the young one finally finished her question. 

The El-Aurian woman shifted in her seat.  Placing her boots on the table in front of her, one leg crossed over the other, allowing her to sink further into the soft cushions that molded carefully to her tight body.  It helped the ache in her shoulder from the brutal congratulations of earlier at the hand of Borzun. 

“I am unsure, actually.” she admitted honestly.  Grey eyes slid over to the young woman that was sipping her tea.  She had stopped stuffing her face, Zyrao assumed that her stomach was very small, and would grow with time, care, and adequate food.  At least she had given the body something to use as fuel for the time being.  She wasn't lying she didn't know why she had stepped in really, to save the girl, other than their similar but mutual backgrounds.  However, there were other humanoids down there she could have picked from.  Why save the girl that reminded her of a fragile doll.  Her eyes studied the little thing, the Doll Rabbit. 

She was saved by divulging her information when the girl answered her next question about how long she had been with the Cardassians.  She did not know her age; this was bothersome to the El-Aurian, but she supposed that she must have stopped counting days a long time ago.  Resigned to her fate.  A thing that Zyrao had never done.  No matter what, she counted the days as best as she could, she felt around, figured out the system, so she knew she was close to the right age if only a year or two off.  Still, the young thing explained that she had never been with anyone but the Cardassians.  She remembered pieces of home, pieces of the life before slavery, but mostly her nightmares plagued her. 

A fact that Zyrao understood all too well.

“I see.  I cannot tell you your age either, you are young for certain.  Are you human?” she asked the girl curiously.  Because looks could be decieving.  Zyrao herself looked completely human and yet she was not.  She had been alive a lot longer than most human life spans.  Still, she didn't know if this girl was something else or if she was a generic human.  “perhaps we will get you scanned by Medical.  They will be able to tell us your age.”  she explained.  “However, we will wait a few days before we subject you to the others.  I need to fully stake my claim before taking you in public.”

She was getting brave, this Chloe Doll.

Asking questions about how Zyrao had come to be with the Klingon and how she spoke fluent Cardassian.  Leaning down she began to untie the laces of her boots while she answered.  Her fingers adeptly loosening the laces and loosening the leather that strapped around her feet. 

“I too, was a Cardassian slave.” she explained.

The smell in the house was heavy, and it stung her nose.  She had only just been purchased by the Cardassians.  The Breen done with them, had not wanted them any longer.  Now she was here, and the Cardassians were not kind, not warm, they were better than she had ever known though.  Better than the Breen, not as rewarding as the Kzin, and yet she would take the roof over her head over a spot on the ground of a rocky cave.  The smell was so strong she could almost taste it, and she knew she was not the only one.  Wretching echoed from various parts of the room they all shared only adding to the vivid scents in the room.  It was dark, she couldn't see anything, but the warmth of another person beside her. 

He spoke to her, but she did not recongize the language.  Whatever the language was, she didn't speak it, she answered in her own lilting El-Aurian and the language barrier put up a block between them.  Yet the shared warmth was something to be thankful for and they slept beside each other that first night for warmth.

Liberating one foot of her boot, she began on the other.  “I spent many years with them, for them, by them.  I worked my way up the ladder a bit.” she admitted, as she loosened the laces and leather on the other foot and pulled the boot off as well.  Standing up, her bare feet bit into the plush rugs at her feet that she had stolen from various plunders here and there.  She leaned down and picked up her boots taking them over to the small chair that was beside the door where she would put them back on her feet again in the morning.  Looking them over she polished a scuff she had gained through the day and sat them down on the deck plating.

Her nimble fingers reached up for the zipper on her Klingon issued suit and began to unzip, her bare skin was covered in a myriad collection of beautiful tattoos and muscles.  She shrugged out of it, her back to the girl for the moment as she pushed it down over her hips and to the floor.  Stepping out of the suit and standing in only her panties.  Underneath the tattoos were a vast collection of lash marks that had once split her skin.  As well as a nasty, black bruise, on the back of her shoulder from Borzun earlier this day.  Though, she was not one to seek out healing, it would get better over time, and when she saw him again she would offer the other shoulder instead.  Walking to the replicator she got herself something to sleep in, a little sleep set, camisole and shorts that matched.  Black in color, a soft fabric that offered stretch and breathability.

“I was on a Cardassian ship, when this very ship boarded us.  The crew there slaughtered those I was with, but, I proved myself useful and they took me on.  At first I think they believed to make me another slave, but I proved what I was capable of because of my past and I am now a free Strategist for the KDF.” she explained to the young woman. 

“I did not get a shower earlier, I will return momentarily.  You may use the bed if you grow tired.  If not, there are books there.  There is a vid screen, I don't use it, but you may, if you press the red button beside the bed it will lower out of the wall.  I shall return momentarily, it is wise that you do not leave the Quarters.  Though not for any punishment by my hands. It is not yet safe for you out there.” she explained. 

With that she turned and headed for the bathroom in the rear of her Quarters to take care of her cleanliness.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #11
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Somewhere in Space ]

Chloe looked at Zyrao as she wasn't sure why she had claimed the slave. It seemed like the woman was sunken in thought before Chloe had offered her a response to Zyrao's next question. The brown short haired woman did encourage her to the use of her name, giving her a nod after Chloe had corrected herself after misaddressing her as mistress. Her eyes remained locked on the throne like chair Zyrao sat in. "I am... I think... I never knew my father. I don't show any physical signs that should make me believe that I am not human..." she answered softly. A slow nod followed as Zyrao suggested getting her to medical to make sure about her age and such. The confession as to why Zyrao knew Cardassion was shocking! Her eyes widening as she heard about the tale of Zyrao being a slave once, to Cardassians no less.

The fragile doll simply took in every move and action of the woman. The way she untied her boots and placed them away neatly with precision to almost a military perfection. Just like how her bed was made up for that matter... Chloe did wonder how Zyrao worked her way up the ladder. She wasn't that brave to ask her about it yet though and she simply listened further as she took another sweet from the tray and this time nibbled at it without the famished craze that drove her earlier. "What does a strategist do for the KDF?" she asked curiously.

If anything Zyrao wasn't afraid to undress in front of Chloe, nor did Chloe look away from it as nudity was a thing she had grown accustomed to through her years of hardship. Seeing Zyrao's bare skin however revealed a lot of tattoos and scars as Chloe studied them before slowly getting up on her feet. The bruise was quite extensive and she wanted to tend to the woman whom had saved her, yet she was unsure if it was her place to do so. As Zyrao did not treat her like a common slave, she wasn't sure if she were to help her during her shower either.

Zyrao clarified what she could do however and for the first time in a long long time Chloe was presented with options. She was advised to not head out of the room for her own safety. A warning Chloe nodded at quickly after seeing the savagery of the Klingon earlier on. She wondered how Zyrao could survive in this pack, admired her for it. As Zyrao moved out of sight Chloe looked around. Lost a little before she went to the book case. Most of the things were in languages she couldn't read, only having been taught standard a long time ago, it would undoubtedly be rusty as well.

Chloe sighed as she knew reading wasn't an option, a vid screen sounded tempting yet she felt fatigue wash over her as a sense, perhaps false, of safety had settled in. She walked over to the bed and crawled on it as the soft sheets made her drop down on them. She nuzzled her face over them as she had NEVER felt anything that soft before. Of course in no time the blonde collapsed on them and drifted into a much needed sleep. When Zyrao would return she'd find the doll at the foot end of the bed, sleeping sound yet at risk of falling out of the giant bed if she'd roll the wrong way.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #12
[Zyrao Natauna | A Week's Work | Swing of Things | Getting the Slave out of Slavery | Rescue Mission; Impossible]

It had been a trying week.

The Doll Rabbit had been very trying.  It was hard to care for a thing.  One that was unused to caring for herself and only caring for others.  It was hard to get her to quit trying to jump up everytime Zyrao slid herself from her seat, or woke up in the morning for her exercise and shift.  It was hard to get the girl to quit trying to take care of everything.  She was constantly trying to take care of the dishes, find the food, make the bed, followed Zyrao into the bathroom to make sure she didn't need a towel. What if something got in her eye.  What if she slipped and fell.  The reasons and excuses were exhausting to the El-Aurian who was very much used to her own space and her Quarters being quiet.

Zyrao had been testing her too.  Asking her to do things and then making Chloe tell her no.  Not just no in a soft and self conscious voice but firm and meaningful.  That was what she wanted from the girl.  A back bone.  What the slavers had done to her had destroyed whatever steel she might have been born with.  Now Zyrao was left with a fucked up piece of over melted metal and she was going to forge it into a working blade if it fucking killed her at this point.

The girl had clothes now, and part of a closet.  She had actual body care in the bathroom and took a shower every morning just after Zyrao.  She claimed it was about the fact that this was her Quarters that she should shower first but Zyrao was also trying to get Chloe to understand that they were hers as well.  Slave or not, whatever title the Klingon wanted to put on their little arrangment here there was no reason Chloe could not have equal opporunity.  The only thing that Zyrao was protective of was her tea collection and no Chloe was not trusted enough to make a proper cup of tea.  At some point when Zy believed she could trust her with the precious leaves and the amount of water, the correct heat and of course the rate of pour... then she could be taught how to make it properly.  For now, that was Zyrao's job and she did it frequently. 

Morning tea, lunch tea, afternoon tea, evening tea, bed time tea. 

There was a tea for everything.  She had medicinal teas as well.  She had teas that when she brewed when Chloe woke from her nightmares, drenched in sweat screaming and crying and upset.  Zyrao would make the tea and bring it to the girl in bed.  She didn't cuddle or coddle the thing, but merely sat beside her, allowing her to drink the tea.  Silent, but supportive.  There were demons that Zyrao could not chase for Chloe, ones that she would have to face on her own and come back from.  So she sat there, silent, and yet there.  Listening if Chloe decided to tell the story, or just silent if not. 

Tonight was one such night.  Chloe and Zy shared the overly large bed.  The El-Aurian had to replicate an extra blanket for Chloe because she liked to roll up in them for warmth and likely the secure feeling of being held and freeze Zyrao out.  But they shared the bed, sleeping side by side, and there were ample mornings when Zyrao woke to find Chloe's head on her chest or her stomach, and her arms wrapped around her.  Those were always fun mornings, figuring out how to escape from the bed and not wake the one that clung to her desperately.  Those were the quieter nights, and Zyrao wondered if it had to do with touching another person. 

She was not ready to do a test for it.

Tonight the scream that erupted from Chloe was all too familiar.  Grey eyes opened and surveyed the dark room.  “Lights on, twenty eight percent.” she said in Klingon the only thing the computer in her room understood.  The dim lights turned on smoothly and she looked over at the young frightened thing.  She was shaking and crying and looking around as though she expected the monsters from her nightmares to be around the corner of the bed.  Zyrao sat up and slid her hand up Chloe's back for a moment giving her shoulder a slight squeeze.

“Breathe, and know you are safe.” she stated calmly.  Swinging her legs over the side of the bed the El-Aurian woman rose and walked over to the replicator.  She had the hot water coming as she pulled down the often used teal canister of tea.  She had never truly needed it before.  Her own nightmares hardly ever woke her up any more but she was glad that she had bought the larger tin last time she had found it.  Grabbing the cup she had given to Chloe the first night, it had become her cup for drinking tea period, she placed the ceramic fragile cup down on the table in front of her and prepped the leaves, the strainer, and the water.  Mixing it perfectly the scent alone stating it's level of steep.

When it was just right she paused in the pouring of the water and put the kettle to the side.  Placing the cup on the small saucer she carried it into the young woman that was no longer hyperventalating but still looked like a small rabbit hiding from a fox.  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she handed the warm tea to the girl. 

Zyrao knew what would happen.  Chloe would take the cup only.  Hold it in her hands only at first, letting it warm them while the tea cooled to a sippable temperature, though with replicator technology she was able to get the water just right for the most part.  Then she would begin to drink and her shoulders would relax, her face would calm, her eyes would bleed out the tension.  She would return to safe Chloe.  She watched the tension bleed from Chloe's body and Zyrao gave a little nod as she reached over and brushed the girls hair behind her ears gently looking into her eyes. 

“Better, yes?” she asked though she knew the answer by the looseness in her face.  “There we go.  Should we try this again?”

Zyrao took the cup from Chloe's little fingers and returned it to the shelf, she would clean it in the morning as much as it bothered her to have a single dirty dish laying around.  Returning to the bed she slid back between the covers, the panties and Tshirt with Klingon phrasing on it slid around on her body as she lay back in the bed and ran a hand over her face.  It was hard to care for someone that was like a frightened bird, at the same time, she wanted Chloe to become a woman of her own right again.  Someone that she could have been if not for the Cardassians.  The bed shifted as Chloe lay back down, Zyrao opened her mouth to tell the computer to turn off the lights when she felt the weight of Chloe's head on her chest.

For a moment she lay there, she had never done such a maneuver while Zyrao was still awake.  A slender arm snaked around Zyrao's waist.  Well this... is new.  She cleared her throat.  “Computer, lights off.” she stated quickly and the lights died.  Zyrao was unsure of where to put her arms and hands.  To touch the girl might set her off again.  Still she had to put them somewhere.  One hand lay gently on Chloe's back, the other flat on the matress. 

“They fade.  Over time, the nightmares.  They never leave, but you learn to be less.... affected by them.”

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #13
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Zyrao's quarters | Somewhere in Space ]

A week, seven  full days had passed since the ship had been boarded on which Chloe had been spending years of her miserable life. Sevens days had she been trying to get accustomed to her new life, seven days had she done so with trial and error. Zyrao had made it clear to her on several occasions that she wasn't a slave to her. Her efforts to help out, which was mostly out of habit to please her heroine/mistress in daily and trivial tasks had been discarded and rejected by Zyrao time after time. When the time came to actually receive an order to do something, Zyrao would stop her not even halfway from fulfilling the task.

It had been stressing and nerve wrecking times at certain points, yet the young woman adapted herself slowly to her new life. Although she didn't really have a purpose in this new strange life. After being checked up by medical on the Klingon ship, Zyrao and Chloe learned that she was now 29 human years old. Which made her life in captivity just a few years longer then the time she had spent as a young girl on her home planet. It had been confronting and almost caused for a new nervous breakdown for the doll girl, yet she managed barely to maintain some composure.

After three days eating had become more easily, her appetite growing and her figure turning more into a healthier form. Chloe had experimented with different clothes when she was alone, trying up some more feminine styled clothes, yet eventually she just returned to a more similar style of clothing that Zyrao usually wore. She had felt the muscles that were strained by the manual labor on the Cardassian ship get fueled up by the food and she could probably maintain a decent training program to attain some of the muscle mass. Yet she hadn't tried out anything of the sorts just yet.

Most of her days Chloe would follow Zyrao around in her quarters or just stare at the stars as they raced past out of the viewports of Zyrao's rooms. She had also checked the books out in her library and only once had she dared to go look at the tea canisters Zyrao had. She hadn't touched them out of fear for Zyrao's reaction as she knew she was very fond and strict about them. She had checked the canisters from a distance and inspected the cups, looking at them closely, even daring to pick one up before hastily putting it back and running back to the bed to feel the softness of the sheets. The bed had been the safest place Chloe would usually reside in. The softness of the sheets and the way how the bed moved underneath her if she moved, it all attributed to it being her safe haven. Plus she'd never fall out of it due to the extensive size of the thing.

Tea time had become a ritual in Zyrao's company, the woman having a tea moment for every occasion. The best ones were the comforting cups of tea Chloe got. The ones she could desperately need after another nightmare would stir her out of her sleep and send her awake screaming and sweating like a mess. Tonight would be no different as the same dream haunted her once more and brought her back to reality with screams and fear. She could feel her heart beat in the back of her throat, her eyes seemingly throbbing by the stress and her extremities shaking.

Tears weren't on the menu today as she just gasped for air and looked down at her attire. She had worn a Tshirt similar to Zyrao, yet instead of panties she had worn a pair of shorts. The shirt however had been drenched once more in sweat and the skin underneath showed lightly against the fabric as it clenched onto her body. The bed would undoubtedly be moist as well yet Chloe didn't mind that in the slightest. She'd probably just take a new blanket from the replicator to wrap around her and fall asleep all together. Zyrao told her to breathe and calm down, so Chloe did just that as she awaited her dose of tea to help her calm down. As Zyrao walked out of the bed Chloe looked at her for a second before she pinched the bridge of her nose and did her best to collect herself once more. The tea helped tremendously with it as her body relaxed and her breathing became more calm instead of erratic.

The touch of Zyrao, how simply it was aided as well. Feeling her hands and fingers push some of her hair behind her ear and run over over her face. Chloe's eyes looked into Zyrao's as she calmed down to a stable form. She nodded at her words that all was better and as Zyrao left, Chloe moved out of the bed to the replicator. She swapped Tshirts, undressing in the room with no shame and replicating a new blanket to wrap around her for warmth and security. She hastily made her way back to the bed on bare feet, the tapping on the floor undoubtedly heard by Zyrao as she had gone to place the cup at the dish stand.

When Zyrao returned and lay in bed again, Chloe decided that she'd feel a whole lot safer if she'd be able to soak up some body heat from the woman. She had always waken up against her at some point in the mornings or nights and in the morning though, Zyrao would often be gone from her grasp. It still puzzled her how she did it, but she just needed to comfort really. Her head came to rest against the chest of Natuana, her arm slowly slipping across the waist of the woman as she held on to her. She didn't want to speak the words to thank her for all she had done, simply hoping the gesture would suffice. She closed her eyes as she had wrapped the blanket around her as tightly as possible.

The lights were turned off and Chloe's eyes opened again in the darkness of the room. She had to fully relax a little before sleep would come to her, as was the case every night. She usually just fidgeted a little with the blankets before she'd fall asleep again, yet tonight was different as she had claimed Zyrao as a cushion for herself. She almost jumped when Zyrao talked to her, telling her that the nightmares would become less stressing and would fade. It was a prospect Chloe was looking forward too, to sleep with faded nightmares that wouldn't bring her out of sleep with screams and what else.

"I... I just don't want to go back... To a life like that... I want to lead my own life from now... Or by your side." she whispered back to Zyrao. She wasn't sure what Zyrao's deal was with her.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #14
[Zyrao Natauna | An Odd Circumstance | Making Peace | Cuddles in Klingon | A Broken Doll]

Zyrao lay in the dark.

Chloe shifted against her, on her, around her.  Trying to get comfortable.  Zyrao was merely trying to figure out what to do with her arm.  Did she put it around the fragile thing, did she lay it on the bed.  She had not been someone to hold another.  She was usually held in the grasp of whatever male was using her at that moment.  She had never needed to think about what she would do were the roles reversed.  Every place she had been the males were dominant.  They would do the holding, the taking, and what not.  She had never thought about her having to be the one to do all of those roles that in her mind had usually been a male job.  Still, she did not want to rebuke the girl for seeking comfort.  The El-Aurian hoped that at some point, the young thing wouldn't need this any longer and she would be able to comfort herself. 

It was something taught, and attained, not just known.

Finally, Zyrao's arm came to rest around Chloe gently because there was really nothing else to do with it and it would start to ache at some point hovering in the air.  So she let it lay there wrapped around the blanket clad young woman.  She wasn't really young when it came to human years, she was almost thirty.  But for someone that was the age of Zyrao, she knew for sure that she was just a child.  At least, her age was that comparably.  Still, the young thing was very childlike in the way that she feared trouble, and enjoyed positive reinforcements, not to mention that she was learning a whole new world of living with Zyrao.  The El-Aurian planned to start taking her out in public in another week.  She needed to make her claim fully public but she also wanted Chloe to grow confident in her security and be able to get herself out and about when she wanted freedom from the chambers.

Zyrao refused to be Chloe's new slaver.

Chloe's words began to reach her ears, and the El-Aurian allowed her eyes to open and stare up at the ceiling in the darkness.  She didn't want to go back to the life she had been living, and further, she wanted to be her own person or be with Zyrao.  The dark haired woman swallowed for a moment to buy the time she needed to compose her thoughts for the moment.  Her fingers slowly, of their own accord, stroked the girls' shoulder.  Her little doll. 

“You will live your own life, Chloe.  You will be able to do many things.  You have been through much but each moment of torture and hardship will take you into the future stronger than the moment before.  You will build on your pain and create a foundation that no one can easily shake.  Because, survival is not about surviving it's about living.  It's about creating a life out of the horrors that you experienced and living on despite all of it.” she confessed to the small fragile thing in her arms. 

Heaviness drug on the eye lids of the older woman and she allowed them to slide closed, her fingers still stroking her doll's shoulder softly.  “Tomorrow, we will start your new path.  You are ready to take your first steps Chloe.  I'll be there right beside you.”

She stayed wake allowing Chloe to fall asleep first and once her breathing was nice and deep she allowed herself to find slumber.  The night would pass uneventfully after the nightmare and Chloe never moved from her arms.  Zyrao woke up, as usual from the night first.  She moved carefully and tucked Chloe in tightly to preserve the warmth that she had gained by being next to Zyrao all night.  Raising she headed for the bathroom for her morning shower. 

Zyrao had long since become rather addicted and accustomed to two showers a day.  She took one every morning to wake up and freshen herself up for the day.  It was something that rejuvinated her in ways that coffee and tea could not.  Though she was not a coffee drinker she had special tea that she drank for her morning.  Once the sonic shower was over she stepped out and got into her normal gym wear.  A pair of loose fitted cotton slacks that hung low on her hips, a black sports bra, and a simple black tank top.  Heading out into the main room, she glanced at the bed and saw Chloe hadn't moved and slept peacefully. 

Brewing the tea just the way that she liked it she replicated a breakfast of Klingon food, things Chloe needed to get used to eating, and fruit.  She put everything on the table where they had first shared their first meal and tea and then she went to wake Chloe up.  Leaning over, she brushed her hand over the girl's face gently. 

“It is time to wake, Doll.  Today you begin your journey to your new life.” she stated calmly and watched as Chloe woke up.  “Come and eat, today we will go out.”

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #15
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Zyrao's quarters | Somewhere in Space ]

After finding the perfect spot to fall asleep in, Chloe felt the warmth of Zyrao's body radiate through the clothing she wore. It was comforting and nice. Lost in petty little thoughts of her own, she almost jumped when Zyrao's arm came to rest on top of her. It was the first time really that she was really aware that the woman engaged in this kind of physical contact with her. If this had happened at the start of their encounter, it probably would've sent the slave over the top. Now she just accepted it and remained still.

The unmoved arm slowly began to move, more specifically the finger of Zyrao began to roll over the shoulder of the woman laying against her. Then she began to talk, her perfect Cardassian tongue cutting through the dark room as she explained to Chloe that she'd live a life of her own. A possibility or future that the blonde never really fathomed. The prospects of doing things in her own way were just unimaginable and she wasn't sure how to deal or react to it. The words of the woman were hard, learning to live and build yourself on the emotions of pain, hate, horror. She wasn't sure where she'd end up... It seemed like tomorrow would be the beginning of her new life. It made the girl anxious, nervous yet also curious. She slowly raised her head to look at where Zyrao's head should be in the dark "Thank you." was the whisper that came out of her before she installed herself again and let sleep take over her.

As morning came Chloe slept in as usual, curled up in a flurry of blankets as she slept through the entire morning ritual of Zyrao. When she came to wake her, Chloe stirred lightly before her eyes fluttered open and she yawned as she sat up and rubbed in her eyes "Hey..." she answered still in a slumber. Zyrao informed her that today would be the first day in her new life and Chloe came to realize that it wasn't a dream she had last night. She gave a nod as she slipped out of bed and stretched her body. Her joints cracking slightly as she shook her head and looked at the bathroom section. "Can I... Go and shower first? If we start my new life today... I want to feel fresh before we..." she paused, feeling that fear bite in the back of her mind as she was taking initiative "I-I just... Want to wash away the sweat and stuff from last night."

Depending on Zyrao's answer the woman would head to the table to eat first to fill her stomach or hit the shower first real quick before returning in a fresh attire after replicating one from in the bathroom section. She'd be wearing something light, similar to Zyrao's leather outfit she wore during the breakout, yet this time more skin tight. The clothing hugging onto her forms yet offering enough freedom to move and function.

Once she joined Zyrao at the table she nurtured her cup of tea and looked at the various kinds of food on display. It had been weird to see Klingon food and she was inclined to take the fruit. It would probably serve better to get a nicer taste in your mouth before moving on to the muck that seemed to be food.

"What do you have planned for me today Zyrao?" she asked as she took a piece of fruit and took a bite from it as she chewed on the juicy insides of it.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #16
[Zyrao Natauna | Choosing Life for Chloe | Living Isn't Easy | Dual Survivors | Fighting for the Future]

She woke up innocently.

The way that children did, almost.  Zyrao had not forgotten the sudden gasps of air intake when she woke up initially.  When Zyrao and Chloe had just gotten to know each other.  The fear of what was to come.  Now, it seemed that the young human female did not need so much coddling and held less fragility than before.  Zyrao was glad to see that she had grown comfortable in her new surroundings despite the fact that Zyrao was not a very.. cuddly person.  She supposed that in the right circumstances she could be but it was very unusual for her.  It made her a bit uncomfortable.  She hoped that in time she would warm to Chloe and they would find a way to share her space without it being something awkward for eternity.

What Chloe had said last night, about being with Zyrao, had hit the El-Aurian rather harshly.  She did not wish to have someone with her for eternity.  She was never interested in children, not since she had left the planet of her origin.  She had thought about it, when she was young, when she had another member of the same race that her heart beat fast for.  Since then, sex was a tool.. a reward... a pleasure and nothing more.  Now she had this small woman in her room that wished to stay with her.  Zyrao would raise her up, build her up, and she would shove the bird out of the nest and watch her fly. 

Chloe would fly.

Once the girl was awake and up, Zyrao rose and explained what the plan for the day was.  Chloe asked if she could take a shower first but that if that was not she would eat first instead. 

“Lesson one, you need to be autonomous.  You wish to take a shower before eating.  Then say, instead is it okay, tell me.. Zyrao I think I will take a shower really quick and then join you for breakfast.  You must learn to make your own decisions and be confident in them.  Confidence will get you far in life, not just with Klingons but in life itself.”

She motioned for Chloe to head for the bathroom so that she could use the shower within.  Sonic waves cleaning her of the sweat and grime from the day before.  While Chloe showered herself Zyrao changed out the sheets from the bodily excretions of the night before and sent them to the replicator before getting a clean set of blankets and the like.  Making the bed and smoothing out each and every wrinkle to military precision she tucked the blankets, creased the edges, and folded the corners.  Taking the extra blanket that Chloe seemed privy to using during the night she folded it just properly against the edge of the bed so that it lay crisp and sharp across the base.  By the time she finished revitalizing the bed Chloe was done and coming out in her own similar clothing to Zyrao's own.  The young woman had filled out under the careful care of Zyrao Natauna and the El-Aurian was glad she could call the girl her own.  She would be in danger by others with her hair, her body, and her looks.

Zyrao sat down in the leather chair she always used and sipped at her breakfast tea as Chloe went right for the fruit before she would try the Klingon fare.  She asked what the plan was for the day as Zyrao reached down to take a small sea creature from a plate.  Cracking the shell with her strong hands she peeled off she shell and ate the flesh from within.  Swallowing Zyrao answered the question.

“We will be going to the gym, to check your strength, stamina, and work on building both.  As well as hand to hand fighting skills which will be of import here on the Klingon ship and in life.  Eat plenty, you will need all the fuel you can get.”

Zyrao studied the young woman as her hands cracked another bright red shell to expose the meat within.  “Is there something you would like to learn, Chloe?”

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #17
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Zyrao's quarters | Somewhere in Space ]

Lesson one was swiftly administered to the former slave as she nodded silently and tried to figure out what it actually meant for her. Zyrao's explanation was clear, crystal and Chloe gave a nod before she walked off to the bathroom for a sonic shower. Under the vibrating waves she thought about what Chloe had said, making the words sink in and when she came out, she was still pondering about them.

It was easy for Zyrao to say to be autonomous as the girl had no clue what that word actually meant or entailed up to this point. How far could she take this? Taking her own showers when she wanted, wearing her own clothes as Zy hadn't made any comment about her attire as of yet. Could she replicate her own food? Go and stand where she wanted to? End a life? The possibilities and prospects of this regained ability was both exhilarating as terrifying. Yet Chloe didn't ask any further to Zyrao as she was in fact still trying to wrap her head around it all.

Instead she took her place at the table and began to eat in silence as the El-Aurian had taken her place in the chair. Chloe looked around in the room, taking note of how perfectly the bed had been made once more. The fruit tasted lush and juicy as some of the juice slipped down her chin before she wiped it off carefully. This was part of Chloe's morning routine, yet when Zyrao informed her of her of the day planning.

The blonde looked interested at the sea animal Zy had just cracked open and wondered how it tasted as she began to eat it from within, suckling sounds and all. She took one of them and inspected, hoping to crack it open like Zyrao did though finding some difficulties with it. Eventually she mashed it open by used the mug as a blunt instrument to crack through the scales. She tasted it and spat it out as it truly tasted vile, overly salty and just yuk!

In the meantime Zyrao had told her that gym training was on her planning and she was informed to eat up well enough to endure it "Can I take some of the fruit with me for snacks?" she asked Zyrao as she tried some of the Klingon things, disliking most of them yet finding some solace in the less bitter kind of flavors and sweeter kinds. She ate herself full, yet not overly full.

At the question if she'd like to learn something, she doubted. Her mind racing to places before she shrugged "I want to learn how to... How to never be touched again when I don't want to." she voiced out "I want to know what it's like to take a life." she added to it as she gauged Zyrao's reaction to it. Chloe would NEVER ever return to a life as a slave or at least not under the conditions she had spent most of her life in. The nightmares a reminder of what she had been through and her ample time with Zyrao convinced her that there had to be a better life out there... Somewhere.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #18
[Zyrao Natauna | Changing the System | Building a Person |  Foundation to Realization | Freedom Incoming]

The young one opted for a shower.

Zyrao gave a bit of a grin.  First free will decision.  Well there was the cuddling incident last night. she reminded herself, but then shook it out of her mind.  The girl could not possibly be attracted to Zyrao, the El-Aurian was extremely careful to make sure that she did not lead the girl in any direction that would lead to sex.  It was not that Zyrao found her unattractive but she had promised herself early on that she would not allow Chloe to be used that way.  If she decided to find herself a Klingon lover at some point Zyrao would allow that to happen but she would not be the perpatrator herself.  No, she would remain a guide and someone that would help build Chloe into the girl that she could be.  Instead of this scared Doll Rabbit that had been living with her for some time.

Chloe returned and joined Zyrao for breakfast eating the sweet fruit and then venturing out to try one of the legs that Zyrao favored when she ate this kind of food for breakfast.  How grown she had come, spitting out food, when she had first come Chloe would not have dared to spit out a single thing.  She would have inhaled it all.  Now she was learning her preferrences, though while spitting out was rude, that was a lesson for later.  Zyrao tried not to teach and admonish the girl too much for the fear of cracking the very fragile outer shell that had only just begun to form.  They were working on the outside in, because it would take time for Chloe to be able to really build herself up inside.  Find that core strength, but she would, Zyrao could sense the strength in her, she only had to find it and believe in it herself.

She asked a question, after Zyrao gave her the run down for the day.  She leaned back in her seat another leg in her fingers, her strong hands making quick work of the shell casting the pieces back to the table.  Each time one hit her lap, the chair, or the floor, she took the time to pick it up and put it on the table.  She was meticulous about her living space.  Just because the Klingon could live in filth and find ways to make it sound as though it was their pride and joy, didn't mean she had to.  They weren't all messy, she had figured that out as well by getting to know many of them.  But, some were just built that way. 

“You may take fruit, however, the gym will have replicators, so you do not have to take it with you.  Make sure you eat protein, you will need it and fruit holds none.  In order to build your muscles the way I intend, you will need better food, fruits are sweet and delicious but it will not fuel your body properly.”  she leaned forward and pushed a small meal in front of Chloe it was full of vegetables and meat likely Chloe had never seen before. 

“It took me years to get the replicator recipe right, I was never much of a cook back when I had the opportunity to learn from my parents.  I was busy protecting my planet, however poorly a job I did..” she took a breath and let it out.  “This is from El-Auria, you may like it.  The meat is sweet, the vegetables are a bit spicy but not salty in the least.  Let me know what you think.”

She said with a bit of a smile.  She did not take any of the food from that plate.  It was for Chloe, Zyrao stuck with the Klingon food.  She had long since gotten used to eating what was offered and given.  Besides, you didn't win Gagh contests by not having ever had any.  It was an acquired taste but one that she had worked on and didn't mind now.   

When Chloe mentioned that she wanted to learn how to defend herself.  Zyrao nodded.  But her fingers paused in pulling the meat from the hardened sharp shell when she mentioned that she wanted to know how to take a life.  This little Doll Rabbit was asking Zyrao to teach her how to murder someone.  That was a different ball game all together.  Zyrao had done it many times in her life for various reasons and she had murdered people without actually having to get her hands bloody.  Like when she escaped the Cardassians.  Swallowing slightly she put the piece of flesh in her mouth and chewed discarding the now empty shell she reached forward and picked up a tart Klingon fruit dish and a small spoon.

“I will teach you how to defend yourself.” she said camly.  “Teaching you to kill someone will take.. “ she thought about the words.  “It is easy to talk about taking a life, another thing wholy to take it.  You believe that your nightmares in that bed there are bad, but when the dead eyes of your victims come to look at you though those dreams, judge you, mock you, push you.. you have to be strong enough mentally to push back.  When I feel you are ready, I will teach you to take a life, but first you must show me dedication and strength.”

Zyrao took a bite of the fruit.  She said little else for breakfast.  Killing another live soul was not something she could imagine Chloe doing.  Maybe one day, but this little Rabbit might have thoughts of how she could murder someone; anyone was capable of murder.  But this, the actual knowledge of 'how' to was something that enabled her entire body and being to become a weapon.  If that was what she really wanted, Zyrao would not deter her.  She knew what Chloe was after.  Strength.  The necessity of leaning on others for support would go away if she could stand on her own two feet.

“You do not have to kill to be strong Chloe Ravon.” she stated.

Once she was done, Zyrao rinsed her hands and returned the dishes to the replicator.  Checking the clothes that Chloe had dressed in she got her some boots from the system before putting her own boots on as well.  When they were both dressed she nodded to the young woman and they headed through the Klingon ship towards the gym.  People nodded to Zyrao and they offered each other respect in Klingon as well as light conversation.  Many eyes were on Chloe but no one dared touch her as she belonged to Zyrao and to touch her was to wage war and a known and respected Strategist.

The gym wasn't too busy, it was large with all kinds of areas.  Weapon sparring, physical sparring, gym equipment, most of them ready for Klingon use, but they had some lighter weights that were what the Klingon children started with and that was what Zyrao's plan would be.  She needed to build Chloe up, and work her body into a perfect healthy machine. 

“We will start with a warm up, there is no use working cold muscles.  That ring, over there, run laps, until you can't anymore.  If your lungs burn, you push.  If your legs burn, you push.  If you cannot breathe, you stop.  Water is after.  Now go.”

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #19
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Zyrao's quarters | Somewhere in Space ]

Zy informed her of how nutritious yet useless fruit was for the oncoming training. Chloe simply cocked her head sideways and studied Zyrao's face before the latter pushed a plate towards her with vegetables and meat. Chloe inspected it as Zyrao talked about it being a meal from her home planet and she had tried so hard to get it right despite the replicator settings. It looked pretty alien, though it smelled less like the trash that was called Klingon food. She took some of the vegetables first and started to chew on them. They tasted pretty good and were crunchy to the bite. After trying out some several other veggies she switched over to the meat and quickly found herself drawn to the flavor and texture of it. She didn't however stuff her like she had done in the first day and ate with a certain degree. Not till she was stuffed, but enough to be satiated.

"What's El Auria like? Or... What happened to it?" she asked softly when she was eating, before looking up to Zyrao. She sezmed intrigued by the origins of the woman that saved her and wanted to know more.

The next question about how to take a life seemed to cause a pause in Zyrao's otherwise undisturbed ways of living and peeling shells of the food she was enjoying. It made Chloe wonder why that was, though she heeded it no further attention as she awaited the reply while she drank a bit more tea and stretched herself.

Eventually she answered her, telling her how she'd learn her to defend herself, killing however seemed like a different league all together. Chloe looked at Zyrao with big almost doe eyes as she tried to explain it, telling her how the faces of the dead would haunt her even more. Could these nightmares truly get any worse? she wondered without voicing it out and she simply leaned back slightly to let the food settle in on her stomach. Zyrao didn't forbid her to teach her the way of taking lives however. Yet if it'd happen it would be on her terms and when she thought the young girl would be ready to do so. There was nothing really that Chloe could say or do to object to that line of thinking and she simply gave her a nod.

The last statement however took her a bit by surprise as she was informed that she didn't need to kill to be strong. It sounded like a riddle really and Chloe peered at Zyrao trying to get the meaning of it. She wanted to ask further about it yet refrained from doing so. Sensing that it was perhaps a delicate subject to delve in to. Besides, she'd learn about it in time when her mistress would deem it fit. She cursed herself softly for still thinking of Zyrao as her mistress as she clearly didn't want to be called that.

After the dishes and further preparations Chloe was outfitted with boots for her first training day. She felt a slightly nervous about the whole ordeal and that feeling only increased once they stepped out of the safe confines of Zyrao's room. The world outside Zyrao's room was still raw and hard. It was a sour reminder for Chloe as she had lived in a cocoon so to speak for the past days. She remained close to Zyrao, feeling the eyes of several Klingons move over her as they walked through the corridors, yet none seemed to touch her or make any attempts to do so. Perhaps it would be for the best since Chloe would have no clue how she'd react to it.

When they arrived at the gym, Chloe was grateful that there weren't that many Klingon around. Glancing over at the equipment she felt her stomach churn. She'd probably end up flat like a pancake if she would have to use the weights designed for the adult Klingons. Zyrao however guided her to the lighter versions of it and Chloe's eyes absorbed all of it before she was given instructions to warm up. They were sound and clear. The little doll gave a nod towards the strategist as she picked up her pace and jogged around the ring, slowly building up her speed. It didn't take long for her to start sweating and the lungs seemed to be put on fire after a while as she only completed a meager three rounds. Her body protested yet she remembered the words of Zyrao, if it burned she had to push through!

She clenched her jaws together and did exactly that, feeling muscle after muscle burn up and complain as she kept going. After a fifth lap, her lungs screamed for air and she stopped and heaved as she bent over and tried to supply her lungs with oxygen. Her stomach churned once more as her breakfast rolled around and tried to make it's way up through the way it had come in. She choked and gagged as she sat down on her ass and spread eagled her arms to get more air in. It didn't seem to work an panic began to crawl in over her as she neglected to regulate her breathing and began to hyperventilate.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #20
[Zyrao Natauna | Watching Death Happen | Girl Has No Lungs | Feinting on the First Day | It's Not Even Hard Yet]


Zyrao tilted back in her seat, the leather welcoming her body into the cushions that had, over the years, formed to her small muscular body.  She sipped at her tea which was not cold but getting to the unpalatable temperature.  Putting the cup in the saucer on the arm of her chair she put one leg over the other and thought about how to answer the question that was posed to her.  Of course, Chloe didn't stop there, she went on to ask what happened to it.  Not everyone knew of her planet, it's history, and what not and so she did not fault the girl for having been held captive and sheltered from the truth of Zyrao's own planet. 

“El-Auria.” she said her voice heavy with emotion for her lost homeland.  “Great white buildings.  They sprung up everywhere, reaching upwards towards the sky and at night the stars were so sharp and crystalline.  The days were warm but not hot, and our winters held a great deal of snow and chill.  In the spring the colorful flowers would bloom up out of the ground and were so vibrant.  The roads and the sidewalks shifted around the trees and native plants there, the breeze made this lovely rustling sound and it was almost melodic when it blew.  Which was almost always.  There was a Defense Force that protected everyone... I joined up as soon as I had finished my schooling because I always felt called to protect.  We never had any thing to protect ourselves against, you see, but we were prepared just incase.”

Zyrao swallowed the last mouthful of her tea before discarding her cup and saucer to the table and she drummed her fingertips on the leather chair arm. 

“We thought, we were prepared.  No one is prepared for the Borg.  I'm going to assume you know what a Borg is.  We fought, we fought hard.  I lost my partner.  We grew up together, trained together, worked together.  He was lost to me.  Our planet was taken.  Those that were not killed in battle were assimilated and taken from us.  I barely escaped with some others of our kind.  The last shuttle off the planet, I think, but I'm not sure.”

She rose silently and got ready for the gym not sure what else to say about her past so she didn't elaborate.  She had answered the questions and that was all that mattered at this moment.  They made their way to the gym and Zyrao leaned against one of the pillars that stored some of the work out equipment while she watched the girl push herself very hard in the ring.  She admired the girl pushing herself and not giving up at the sign of the first burn.  It was easy to give up then, and hard to continue.  But, you also had to know when it was time to call it quits and give your body a break.  You couldn't just break it in by making yourself run for long periods.

Chloe finally stopped and bent over trying to get herself some air.  Zyrao shook her head just as the woman went down and began to work on knocking herself out by hyperventilating.  Zyrao looked down at Chloe for a moment.  “Did we learn how to listen to our bodies?” she asked and waited for the nod of the red faced blonde headed woman. 

“Good.”  Zyrao offered a hand to Chloe and helped her to her feet.  “Squat down, head between your knees.  I will count for you.  One breathe in, two breath out, okay?” 

Another nod, and Zyrao began to count for Chloe to slow down her breathing so that she could give her lungs a break.  In the position she was in she would be able to actually start calming down and getting lungfuls of air instead of just a little bit which wasn't feeding her body.  Slowly the color bled from Chloe's face allowing her to look much more normal than she had a moment ago.  Once her breathing was back to normal Zyrao squatted in front of her and the tattooed woman waited for Chloe's attention.

“What part of your brain thought, you would be able to run all those laps without pause after the life you have lead?” she asked curiously.  She wasn't being nasty, she was honestly trying to teach her how to read her body and train it. 

“Okay so, here is what you are going to do.  When you can breathe like a person again, you will jog, not run a lap.  Then walk, then jog, alternatively until you have done six laps.  On your sixth lap you will come back to me and get water, yes?”

She waited for affirmation and then she stood back allowing Chloe to do her thing.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #21
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Gym | Somewhere in Space ]

The picture Zyrao used to describe El-Auria made it sound like a wonderful planet. The tone in which she spoke of it and the emotion bound with it only made it clear of what had happened to it. It was the same kind of tone Chloe would use for her former life before the life of enslavement. She had Chloe hanging by her lips as she told about the Borg, The girl eating some of the meat and vegetables in the meantime. The word and chill that went along Chloe's body when mentioning the Borg was unrivaled. Whilst not having met one in person she had heard the tale from fellow slaves. Horrific tales as if to depict their life of enslavement to be somewhat more comfortable.

She had questions about Zyrao's partner, what had happened to the world after the Borg, what triggered the Borg to come in the first place. Though she didn't want to upset the woman, not after what she'd done with her after the liberation. Perhaps in time she'd ask more about it, perhaps they'd even share memories of their lives with one another. Today however was not one of those days. Chloe wasn't nearly strong enough or mentally up for a challenge like that.

"Did we learn how to listen to our bodies?"

Chloe gave a quick nod, thinking she had followed up on Zyrao's instructions yet realizing that she had done anything but that. She had figured it out the hard way as her body was slowly losing itself to the hyperventilation. Zyrao of course knew how to help her with this and gave swift and accurate instructions. The blonde girl followed up on these instructions neatly and without questions as her hair got in the way more then once, yet it helped regulate her breathing. Her face was still glowing, her lungs on fire and her body slowly subsiding from the imbued panic that soared through her. Slowly but surely oxygen got transported back around her body and Chloe's face glowed less and just became sweaty as she Zyrao gave her a question that held quite some truth in it.

"I... I-I didn't want... To let you down or disappoint." she answered as to why she had thought she could keep up with the laps after the miserable life she had lived through. "I won't... Make the same mistake again..." she murmured as she made sure to not promise it to Zyrao. She was in no position to make promises she couldn't keep.

New instructions were handed down to the girl and Chloe gave a nod as she collected herself for a few more minutes before she got up. Her hair was getting in her way again, even so with the running and she walked over to the replicator to produce a band that would help move her hair into a ponytail. She felt more satisfied with the result and began the jog as instructed. The hair of the tail bouncing left and right as it did catch the attention of some present Klingon. The jogs did make her sweat and after the excruciating run he first time it made her lungs burn. Each time she was allowed to walk the lap she was glad that she could as her body used that time to recover.

After the sixth lap she made her way over to Zyrao as she panted, her sides aching as her body complained of the exercises. She took some of the water and gulped it down before gushing some of it over her face to cool down her burning visage. The rest of the water trickled down her neck and skin before it got soaked up by the clothing as well as it could.

She looked at Zyrao as her legs trembled slightly, the muscles ready to give out as they weren't used to be tested to their limits like this. The eyes of Chloe whoever were eager, not filled with fear or angst. They were fueled by a fire to get more of it, wanting to get into further shape so she could do something more useful with her life then what she had been doing with it so far, be it not by choice.

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #22
[Zyrao Natauna | Honing the Body | Healing the Mind | Growing as a Team]

It had been weeks, since Zyrao and Chloe had begun to truly train.  Zyrao now exercised with the young woman since there was no need to coddle her.  Zyrao could still make her body last a lot longer than the young Human but it wasn't a competition and Zy had made sure that Chloe knew it.  Every time that Chloe was frustrated with her body or at how far she could push it, Zyrao would give her some form of punishment.  Usually it was a act of labor.  Cleaning the Quarters, reorganizing the closet after Zyrao emptied it onto the floor.  Making a bed as crisp as Zyrao could do.  It was all about teaching her not to hate the body that had been tortured, abused, and neglected.  But instead, realizing how far she had come.

Zyrao had to remind herself, constantly, to offer not just the criticism of the work out or the activity that had been assigned to Chloe but to boost her up and give her compliments as well.  It had been hard at first but now it was practically second nature.  Once she realized just how much Chloe lit up from within at a mere small compliment she was able to be more motivated to give them.  Chloe had become a larger part of Zyrao's life.  They still shared a Quarters, a bed, and each meal when Zyrao was not on duty.

Now that things were settled, and Zyrao's claim had been laid upon Chloe, she was free to roam the ship.  No one would dare touch Zyrao's property and Chloe needed to make herself more comfortable.  She couldn't actually have a job, the Klingon didn't give good jobs to the slaves, and so Zyrao found small things that Chloe could do.  Usually it was menial but they all actually tended to have a purpose.  There was helping in Medical, there were always Klingons that were hurt and needed some kind of care.  They never wanted it, even if they were dying and bleeding out.  But, if they let every Klingon that got into Bat'leth fight with their neighbor die, the ship would need to be constantly replacing them.  So, the Captain had the motto that die in battle, but not at the hands of your clan.

Often, that was where Zyrao sent Chloe since the female Klingon that ran the medical wing could always use help and she seemed most accepting of the help from a Human.  Otherwise Chloe would have to do some of the jobs the other slaves got tasked with, and you didn't want to be doing those kinds of jobs.  Klingon were dirty nasty bastards when they wanted to be.  She had seen some of the slaves that had been rescued with Chloe slopping up blood, guts, and whatever off the deck plating and the walls of various rooms.  Then usually, their own puke, because that happened often too.

Zyrao headed down the corridor to her own room, and palmed the panel beside the door which swung open with a swish.  As always, there was Chloe ready to greet her the moment that she stepped into the corridor.  One thing that Zyrao had taken pain staking time to teach Chloe was how to brew a proper cup of tea.  It had taken a lot of senseless tea-leaf sacrifices, and some over steeped garbage before she began to get the hang of how to properly make a cup that was enjoyable as well as palatable.  The smell of tea hit her nostrils the moment she stepped into the pristine quarters.  As much as she wished to sit in her large chair and relax, she could do nothing of the sort.  What Chloe didn't know was that they were about to head into battle, into one that would mean Zyrao would be very busy, and she would not be here for some time.

She sat down on the small chair beside the door and leaned down carefully untying her boots and placing them to the side where they always sat.  Right next to the shoes that she had gotten for Chloe to wear.  Standing up again she finally crossed to the bathroom, washed her hands, and returned to the sitting area where Chloe.. wide eyed and lovely as ever stood waiting for her.

“I take it your day went well.”  Zyrao said calmly as she sunk down in her chair and picked up the cup of tea from the saucer.  For a moment she inhaled the soft subtle aroma before taking a sip.  She could tell that judgment was being waited on, so Zyrao let it swish in her mouth for a moment before swallowing it.  The after taste was perfect, the flavor left behind was adequate without the bitter sting of too much steep.

“Perfect.” she said offering a smile to Chloe and motioned for her to take a seat.  Even though she didn't need permission there were some kinks that Zyrao had yet to iron out of her old ways of life.  Once the girl sat, Zyrao looked over at her, with those sharp grey eyes.

“Tonight we are heading for battle.  We are in warp now.  You will need your rest because tonight will test all that you have learned in sickbay.  I need you to help Kalitha.  She will need your assistance because this battle will not be one that is won so easily.” she explained to the young Human girl.  “I will be on the bridge doing my job.  You need not worry for me, I will be fine, I have survived worse than what will occur this evening.”

Re: [2376] Klingon Cavalry

Reply #23
[ Chloe Ravon | Klingon ship | Gym | Somewhere in Space ]

A purpose had been given to the life of Chloe as she had built herself up to quite a woman. All thanks to the help of Zyrao of course as she had trained the woman's body into a healthy and strong one. Chloe could even feel life flow through her again as she had healthier food and regular exercise. When she was't around Zyrao she'd be in the medical bay, helping out where she could and learning quite a few tricks about first aid and the sorts. It would undoubtedly come in handy at some point.

Zyrao was a righteous teacher though, when Chloe would have a tantrum or outburst she'd been given tasks to complete. Trivial tasks at best, yet a reminder to keep herself in check and to be grateful to where she was in life now. The training sessions were still one of the things that Chloe yearned for. Each day when they'd hit the gym she enjoyed the physical exercise and work outs as it gave her the impression to be strong, in the physical kind of way. Of course that physical aspect reflected to her mentally as well as she held much promise in case the KDF would ever want to recruit her some day. That is if Zyrao would allow it.

As the doors of Zyrao's quarters swung open and the tattooed woman entered, Chloe had already taken the liberty to prepare a cup and pot of tea for her friend. As always Zyrao arrived in the room like clockwork, which made it easier for the human to prepare the tea. She had prepared one of the more soothing kind of teas, yet had experimented with some spices, hoping to surprise Zyrao with it. She had added a pinch of hot spices along with mint leaves that would both give two radical tastes at the same time. It wasn't so protruding that it would ruin the underlying taste of the actual tea however, though it held a kick of sorts.

Chloe didn't say a thing as she watched Zyrao meticulously follow her routine before she returned to grab the cup and gave the tea a taste. Chloe nodded "My day went fine. I took the liberty to tidy up the room and prepared some tea for you. I also picked up on one of the PADDs to read up on some history. Things that I've missed during my time as a slave." she explained "I experimented with the tea, so I hope you'll enjoy it. I quite liked it to be fair."

As she was gestured to take a seat, Chloe did exactly that as Zyrao broke the news about impending battle. She nodded slowly as she was given instructions to help in Sickbay. The blonde hair slowly falling in front of the girl's face like a curtain as she fiddled with her hands "Who are we fighting?" she asked curiously as she didn't make eye contact. It wasn't quite clear if she was worried about the outcome of the battle or about the fact that they were going to be separated. She kept her head slightly bent forward to mask her face from Zyrao.

After a few seconds however she spoke up again "Could I perhaps serve better along with the ship's security team? I've... We've been training myself for situations where danger could come. Perhaps now is the time for me to hone in on that training?" she asked softly. The fragile doll like girl that had been with Zyrao at the start of their journey had blossomed open, turned into something else entirely. She wasn't afraid anymore to question Zyrao or have an opinion of her own. After all, this was what Zyrao had been aiming for at the start. Or so Chloe believed.


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