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USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Weapons Pod | Upper Module | USS Endeavour] Attn: @BZ

Weapons inspection. One of the jobs Gideon enjoyed most in a non-combatant situation. He never minded that a boring day was a good day for a tactical officer. He never minded tasks that other people regard boring. He knew torpedoes and phasers in his days in the Maquis, as well as targeting. Besides, one never knew when a torpedo was faulty, or if the launcher became faulty.

It was his turn to inspect the weapons pod in the upper module, of course. He was still new, but he figured things out quickly enough, particularly the layout of the Endeavour. Besides, a Nebula-class starship was a nice change, after helping the crew of the Rabin play nanny to the shipping fleet, protecting ships from Orion pirates. A nice, quiet post was just what he needed.

Besides, he was especially curious about the upper module. Modules like the Endeavour's made him wonder how it worked. Was it an extra accessory, or a necessity to a ship? He attained that curiosity from his first post, first on one of the old Longbottoms, the Proxima-class Bismarck, and then later on the Akira-class Rabin. But like any Nebula-class, the Endeavour's module was big by a crap load.

He was glad when he was chosen for inspection of the weapons pod. After all, one never knew when a faulty torpedo came up. It was a matter of making one's way to it on a turboshaft and a bit of a walk. And Gideon had been engrossed in the inspection since.

Fascinated as he was with the upper module, he was unfamiliar with most of the ship's layout. Shite, he was still, hunfamiliar with most of the crew. He was still new, after all.

As his inspection progressed, he got the feeling he was being watched. Many times, he looked around, but he couldn’t see anybody. He was inspecting the launcher system when he looked up and jumped in surprise.

Perched above him, not a meter away, was an owl. A robotic owl. And there was something odd about the way it was looking at Gideon.

He heard the door open and he saw Commander Tiran, the Endeavour’s Chief Engineer, enter. At the sign of a ranking officer, he stood at attention, regardless of the owl.

OOC: I was trying to figure out the layout of a Nebula-Class starship in figuring out a place for Gideon to conduct weapons inspection. Eventually decided to go with the weapons pod on the upper module. Also, this post is part of an idea for a supplemental I discussed with BZ. In addition, the title is a parody of the title of the nursery rhyme "A Wise Old Owl."

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #1
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Nosy Motherfuckers |  Testing Protytpical Albert |  Getting Shit Done |  Boss Lady]

“Ma'am, the external output drive is flucuating too much.  I'm not confident about calling on the mecahnism when we need it in battle.”

Blue's crystalline ice blue eyes studied the man in front of her.  His lapel labeled his rank, but she couldn't really give two shits what it actually was.  Blue divided her people into two simple categories.  Useful and Mother-Fucking Idiots.  Luckily, for this chap, he was part of the first crowd and there fore got the nicer Blue.  The fact that he didn't piss his fucking pants just because she looked at him as if she wanted to skewer him with her non-existant eye beams. 

“So fix it.”  she said simply, though if this guy continued to sit there and chit chat about problems instead of fixing the fucking problem he was on a quick decline towards the latter category.

“Well yes, I just, wanted to make you aware.”

“Right.  I'm aware.  Good job.  Go do the rest of the shit that comes with it okay?”  She said quickly as she looked down at her PADD.  “You could have just sent me a message though, you didn't have to call my ass all the way here.”

“Right!  Sorry, ma'am, I just thought you might want to take a look.”  he spurted out, a vomit of words almost faster than the human brain could keep up with.  Nearly a single word instead of multiple.  Blue's brow rose dangerously.  A look that many of her engineers knew by heart and learned to high tail it in the other direction, fix their shit, or find a way to make it better.  Pocket twinkies were a good start.  She had no doubt this Growing Infected Asshole had no pocket twinkies. 

“Because.... you can't do this shit yourself?”

“No!  You're just the Chief.”

Blue sighed.  “Kudos to wanting to earn brownie points.  But I don't eat fucking brownies.  Get your shit done, turn in your report, and if you earned a gold star for your job today I'll fucking let you know.  Okay?  I can't be your mom.  I'm your boss, I trust you to get your shit done with as little babysitting as possible, okay?”

The boy in front of her blanched, and sought for wards.  “Great.”  Blue said with a grin and turned on her heal to head out of the room.  Weapons wasn't really her expertise but when a mechanism failed she liked to know about it.  Though she didn't need first hand experience when she had a ship full of capable engineers that didn't need hand holding to get shit done.  Or at least she thought she had.  Stepping outside she sighed for a moment.  She needed just half a second to re-center herself. 

*chirp chirp.*

“Yeah yeah, you tin can, I got it I got it.  Fuck you.” she said looking up to Albert that was perched above the door way waiting for her.  She had been trying a new booster system and he had made it up there but the boosters needed some time to recover from their use and now the thrusters seemed to be ready for another firing.  “C'mon you asshole, lets go.  We have actual shit to do, sitting in doorways is helping no one.” 

She waited for Albert to come down to her shoulder.  Having not noticed the man standing close by at full attention at the mere sight of Blue Tiran coming out of a doorway.  He clearly wouldn't have had many experiences with her, because he probably would have walked as fast as he could in the other direction.  Anterior thrusters initiated and Albert took off a mere inch from the door frame before it sputtered.  Three times the thrusters tried to ignite and stay lit and each time they failed.  Finally, the bird flopped down to the deck plating with a resounding thud. 

“Fuck!”  She leaned down and picked up the metallic bird that she held close to her heart.  Her only semi-living family.  At least, when he charged himself.  Because, heavens knew that blue forgot to feed herself.  Charging Albert was even harder to remember most days.  Luckily she had programmed a schedule into him for when he needed to sit on his dock and charge. 

*Chirp chirp chirp chiiiiiiirp CHIRP!*

“Yeah I know it fucking didn't work, thanks for the amazing diagnostic there you asshole.  Your anterior thrusters failed and your Left Trans-modulous ball joint is out of it's socket and dented so that fucker is going to take some fixing.”

*chirp chirp.*

“Add it to the fucking list.  Shit Albert, I can't keep all this shit straight myself you're the one that is supposed to have the lists.”

Blue sighed as she tucked the small Bird onto her shoulder where it clasped a small plated place on her uniform.  She had created the dock on her shoulder that his claws could lock into that would keep her shoulder from being torn up when she was on the move quickly and give Albert extra stability.  His talons sunk into the receptacles and she sighed looking at how the left wing drooped slightly.  It was then that her eyes alighted on the man standing at attention. 

“Did someone shove a pole up your ass or did you need something?” she asked him curiously.  Blue had a mass of dark black curls with blue streaks running through them.  Pale skin that was nearly translucent in places, and eyes that were as ice blue as her supposed soul.  She studied the man though, curious as to what he was doing there and what he wanted or needed from her.  She didn't remember him but then, that didn't mean anything.  She hardly remembered most unless they made themselves memorable and that was usually a bad idea.

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Weapons Pod | Upper Module | USS Endeavour] Attn: @BZ

Gideon had to blink in surprise. He had heard of Commander Tiran, she was part of the senior staff of the Endeavour. But other than that, he didn’t know much. And he realized he was going to pay for his ignorance.

He had known one other woman as bad tempered as Commander Tiran, and that was B’Lanna Torres, though Gideon was sure Tiran would out cuss not only Torres but half the Maquis. She was cussing a blue streak as she fussed over the owl. The owl, of which, seemed to be Tiran’s creation. He can understand her frustration.

Her query made her blink again.

“No, ma’am, I don’t have a pole up my arse,” he said. “Just standing attention to the senior officers, per regulation…but I better be…well, at ease, Commander Tiran.”

He relaxed his salute and took in Tiran with the owl perched on her shoulder.

“I heard of you when I came aboard. You are a member of the senior staff on the Endeavour, and Chief Engineer. I’m Gideon Drake. Junior Grade Lieutenant Gideon Drake, Tactical Officer. I’ve been conducting weapons inspections up here when your…bird,” he said, nodding at the owl, “came in and, well, spooked me.

“I’m new to the Endeavour,” he added, to explain himself. “I’ve recently transferred from the Rabin. I report to Lieutenant Cross, Chief Tactical Officer.”

Realizing he was sounding too formal, he asked, “What brings you to the upper module, Commander Tiran? Testing the…owl?”

He still stared warily at the owl, who seemed to stare at him reproachfully. He wondered how much of…well, a mind of its own…it seemed to possess. He knew owls to be wise, but he never knew an owl, even an artificial one, to behave like a wise arse.

“Also, why the look of an owl, Commander?” he asked. “If it had been me, were I to make an artificial intelligence with the appearance of an animal, I would’ve gone with a monkey; at least they fit through tight spaces and all…but why an owl?”

OOC: The bit about the monkey is a reference to Agents of SHIELD, when Fitz asked about a monkey.

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #3
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Nosy Fuckers are Noisy | Greenie |  Insert Anal-Stick Here Sticker ]

Apparently, he had at some point removed the pole from his ass.  This was good news, though his posture hadn't reflected the change just yet.  She supposed it might take some time as his spine got used to bending one way and then the other.  Crystalline blue eyes shifted to the man as he told her that he was just showing her the proper amount of respect. 

“Boy, you don't know me if you're going to try to respect me.  Respect is earned, not just some fancy shit on my neck.  It's about respect because I'm a fucking genius and I know how the fuck to do my job.  Now you get respect if you now how to do your job.  That's how this shit should work, not some manual that that ass fed you in the Academy that says you should salute anyone with a fucking necklace that says they've been here longer than you.  Longevity doesn't equal intelligence.” she admitted to him quickly. 

That might have been harsh.  No wait, fuck it was.  He needs to know how this shit works because the assholes that are useless will take advantage of spineless little bottom feeders who are quick to pop a salute.  He'll be a drink gofer before he knows it if he doesn't stop with that shit.  I'm saving him, really.

The Boy began to speak.  Stating that he had heard of her when he first came on board.  Blue crossed her arms over her chest and shifted so that her weight was on one hip.  She was waiting for him to get to the point though the fact that he had heard about her and was still making idle chatter with her bothered her. Maybe I'm losing my touch, I haven't punched anyone in like five fucking days and I've not been brig'd in about as long either.   Maybe I need to get kick someone's ass for stupidity again.  Surely someone is doing something stupid, I can almost smell it.  Blue eyes shifted back to the man that was still talking about how she was one of the senior staff members here.  Is that what they call me now?  Senior staff.  Upgraded from Bitch, or Run?

His name was Gideon.  She made no acknowledgment that this meant anything to her what so ever she was just staring him down.  Most of the time, staring into the cold face of Blue Tiran was enough to make a Ensign piss himself and run for the nearest junior officer for love, support, hugs, and a membership card to the Tiran Task Force.  But, this one was undeterred.  Either he needed a quick eye examination or he was just clueless.  If her reputation really proceeded her he would have gotten the fuck out of her way and he wouldn't be asking questions about her... did he just call Albert a bird?!


“He's an owl.” she corrected quickly, smoothly, and with a flat monotone voice that showed that he should have already caught onto the fact that while he might be avian in nature he was a very specific kind.

Chirp chirp.

“Well yeah, obviously.” she answered Albert, though no one could say what she was actually answering too.  “I'm intrigued on how a mechanical interface scared you when you'll be in the fleet working on battles, wars, ship malfunctions.  You might want to carry spare pair of Starfleet issued underwear in your pockets.” she stated simply.

He was new to the ship, having transferred from a ship she would never care to remember the name of so she didn't even log it into her mental folders.  He worked under Cross, she had met-ish Cross.  But she didn't know him well enough to wish the poor sap a nice funeral or if she should be proud that he ended up in a department that she didn't run.

Finally, he began to ask why she was in the area.  Her brow rose.  “I don't actually answer to you but yes, and some fuckwit told me that I needed to come down here for an emergency that ended up not being one, so after informing the asshole of how shit works I'm here leaving to go back to my actual job.  Which is in engineering.  Albert, my owl goes everywhere with me when he's not on his charging dock and yes we are testing his experimental boosters.  Obviously, some tweaking is necessary.”


“Yes, the mass-to-boost rate is incompatible and will have to be revisited.”

Then he stuck his foot in his mouth.  It was bound to happen, she was a Tiran after all, if you couldn't do it in five seconds flat she wasn't doing her job right.  With a sigh she tried to get her words to sound less harsh before they spewed out of her mouth.

“A monkey would have been a gross waste in development.  The tail alone would take so long to create, the joints, the movement, and the internal mechanisms.  They're chassis would be smaller and more lithe leaving very little storage room and places where tools and other things could be stored.  Not to mention that they would have to have some kind of dexterity that would enable them to climb up such things such as a person so then you're talking about retractable claws and so forth so that they could actually be useful in certain situations.  Because a monkey with a booster in it's asshole isn't going to look right or do anyone any good.  The owl, made perfect sense.”


“Exactly, he agrees.” she pointed to the owl on her shoulder who seemed to stare Gideon down, even though he wasn't he was only turning his camera eyes, ringed in blue lights, on the man.  Still, it was almost disconcerting.    “Question.  Considering the level of stick-in-ass you had earlier, I'm curious why you think it is acceptable to ask me why I'm here and furthermore to question the project that I chose to spend my time on?” she inquired curiously.

“Are you not, supposed to be working?” she added curiously.  She wasn't being mean, her voice was very matter of fact.  This, was Blue  Tiran.

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Weapons Pod | Upper Module | USS Endeavour] Attn: @BZ

Gideon nodded at Commander Tiran’s words. She did have a point, that a robotic monkey would be way too complex. Then again, he was no engineer.

On her queries to him, he replied, “My apologies, Commander, I wasn’t aware it was a personal project. As I said, I’m new to the Endeavour, not to mention I know nothing about Engineering functions or conduct. And, well, frankly, I was working, but your owl surprised me.”

Gideon could tell Commander Tiran was intimidating. In fact, if he didn’t know better, he could presume she was just as surprised at his lack of fear and intimidation of her as he was surprised by her robotic owl. He had fought with the Maquis, and as such, few things scared Gideon Drake. Not even B’Lanna Torres scared him. He encountered worse things than a bad-tempered engineer, whether or not she sported ridges on her forehead, in his time. Like a Vulcan on Pon Farr.

“I’ll be getting back to work,” he said. “You never know when you’re going to find a faulty torpedo. Don’t mind me while I work, please.”

He then resumed his weapon inspection. He went to a torpedo and began checking its functionality. Checking to see how well it worked. He looked up to see the owl again, craning its neck so his head was upside-down, watching Gideon as he worked. If it had a fleshy exterior, he was sure it would be making an expression that says, “Pay attention to me, meatbag.”

“Commander,” he called, “Can you please tell your owl to leave me alone? I can’t work with him looking at me like that, he could be having a hoot taking the mickey out of me. I mean, I know the ancient rhyme 'A Wise Old Owl,' but your owl strikes me more as a wise guy.”

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #5
[LCdr Blue Tiran | They'll Let Any Fucker Graduate These Days |  Error Code BT-37852 |  Shit Hits the Fan |  Patience is Not Her Virtue]

Blue's dark black brow rose to the point that it arched on her pale forehead.  There was another officer in the corridor, she didn't know his name either, likely it was unimportant.  However, the mere look on his face stated that Gideon was brave to speak to Tiran.  Much more so, to do so as though they were comfortable with each other.  Blue had a heavy reputation for being a bitch.  One that didn't come without reasons.  However, she wasn't nasty, she was just honest to the point of being completely blunt.  To her, she felt there was no reason to lie, and she personally abhorred being lied to.  There was no better way to get on her bad side and stay there for an interminable amount of time than to lie to her face.  It was something that she could not abide by.

The fact that the young man in front of her didn't realize that Albert had been a personal project proved that he was so wet behind the years he still remembered the texture of his mother's womb.  She shrugged the shoulder where Albert was not seated. 

“I started designing Albert in the Academy.  His prototype was my graduation project for Engineering.  I have upgraded him since his initial conception, he will forever be a work in progress.”  That was a testament to how Blue was.  She was never done, and would never be done with improving herself and the work that she did.  He couldn't know this, of course, but Albert was just one of her many projects and one of those things that she tinkered with consistently. 

Except when Ducote cooks for me.

It was no secret that Tiran was engaged to the First Officer of the ship.  She had never tried to hide it though she had never flaunted it either.  She merely was with Ranaan.  She never pulled strings, asked for favors, or pushed him in one way or the other.  Not that he would have done it either way, but she would never put him in the situation where he had to chose between her and something that he felt was morally wrong.  She knew that he appreciated such things and she wasn't low enough to ever do such things. 

He decided to get back to work and Blue sighed looking down at her PADD.  At least he won't be trying to make friends now. she thought.  She could almost hear Ducote's eyes roll in some far off part of the ship, but she didn't care.  It wasn't easy for her to let people in and the more annoying they were the more impossible it was for them to get anywhere with her.  Albert shifted on her shoulder, and a slow Chiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrr- came from his speaker before his eye lights flickered and he went slack tumbling forward.  Blue scrambled and was able to, with some fumbling, catch him against her chest before he reunited with the deck plating.

“What the fuck.” she said quickly as she pushed up a panel hidden in his stomach that allowed her to see the read outs.  There was enough back up power that the read out screen showed her the slew of error messages.  Her eyes took stock of all of them but one of them stood out more than the others.  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.   Error Code BT-37852.”  Blue closed her eyes for a moment and tried to calm herself down.  She knew exactly what that meant, and it was going to be a big pain in the ass. 

“Going to have to strip you down to the chassis, you stupid fucker.” she told the inert Albert that she held in her arm carefully but securely.  “Guess if I'm doing mechanical surgery I might as well reattach your processor suspension terminal” 

Blue sunk down to the deck plating.  At first it seemed as though she was worried about Albert and was upset about the fact that he had shut down.  But instead, she shifted her messenger bag, which was old.. worn and most definitely not Starfleet issued.  She didn't hear his first statement but she heard the second one about how Albert seemed to be a wise guy instead of just an owl.  “You're losing it Ensign, he's just a PADD interface.  He has no soul.”  she said in a mostly monotone voice as she carefully placed the bird in her crossed legs and opened the messenger bag.  She pulled out a special tool she had specifically created herself it was the only way to open Albert.  She slid it into a small hidden slot between his feathers.  A panel on his stomach separated from the main body of the owl and rose up on two tiny hydrolic joints.  The internal workings; gears, wires, boards, chips, and all could be seen. 

“You must have hit the deck really fucking hard.” she told the small bird that could not chirp back at the moment.  She fished around in the cavity coming out with a few screws that had been jarred loose by the fall and put them to the side before she began to move the terminal back into the proper position.  One of the wires had fallen out of the terminal as well, that would be fixed once she got it back into place.

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Weapons Pod | Upper Module | USS Endeavour] Attn: @BZ

“’Ensign?’” queried Gideon with befuddlement. “I’m a lieutenant, junior grade, specifically. And you can say what you will about it...or him...but he must've picked up that sort of behavior from somewhere."

Commander Tiran must’ve been too overly occupied to remember Gideon, let alone his rank. Maybe it’s another contribution to the fact that he was new.

There were undoubtedly plenty of quirks the owl was going through. Gideon was no engineer, but he knew a malfunctioning piece of machinery when he saw it. There were occasions he remembered when he caused the malfunctions. It certainly had a hard landing. Commander Tiran was now proceeding to take the owl apart, cussing a blue streak as she went.

Gideon watched the foul-mouthed engineer working. He was intrigued by her. It wasn’t out of attraction to her beauty or her talent. No, it was the fact that he was all the more reminded of B’Lanna Torres the more Gideon looked at Commander Tiran. Despite the differences in origin and the amount of filth spitting from their mouths, Gideon could see Commander Tiran shared B’Lanna’s talent for engineering.

Tiran’s vigorous work on the robot brought back memories in Gideon. Eleven or so years ago, but he never forgot his time on the Maquis, nor the resistance fighters he fought with. He rotated among crews many times; it was a system he adopted, to keep things unpredictable, so that if he was captured by Cardassians, they wouldn’t be sure where to trace him; too many Maquis cells to keep track of.

He had finished his scouting mission to Aschelan V. He was glad to be away from crawling through vents and hiding from Cardies. He was certainly surprised to be summoned by B’Lanna about the layout, particularly the fuel depot. He was even further surprised to be summoned to the Cardassian missile she dubbed “Dreadnought.” B’Lanna had been working on rewiring the system with vigor. If Gideon didn’t know better, he’d assume B’Lanna wanted to use that missile, and on that planet. Of course, when he tried to reason with her, she merely brushed him off. She never took him seriously. Not to mention Gideon finally found out the futility of trying to reason with half a Klingon.

When the news came that Dreadnought had disappeared, Gideon was inwardly glad. There would be a good use for the layout he found out on Aschelan V’s fuel depot. Perhaps enough for an infiltration.

And right at that moment, as Gideon watched Commander Tiran working on her owl, he could think back to B’Lanna and the time she spent modifying Dreadnought with the same amount of fervor. Gideon had somewhat taken a secret admiration to Dreadnought as well as an apprehension. He admired, and simultaneously abhorred, what the Cardassian missile was capable of. But with Tiran’s owl…it was an engineering feat he could admire. He wondered how well she and B’Lanna would get along.

“Impressive work you’ve done,” he said. “It’s a remarkable endeavor from what I can see.”

He talked as he resumed work.

“I don’t know whether you know of one B’Lanna Torres, but I imagine you’d give her a run for her money. You remind me of her. Same temper, same engineering prowess and genius. Except she’s half-Klingon. I feel that neither she nor you scare me. I’ve seen worse things than bad-tempered women. Much worse.”

Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #7
[LCdr Blue Tiran | USS Endeavour | Comparisons Need Not Apply | Busy as Fuck | Fixing the Bestie]

Blue gave no shits. 

His rank was unimportant.  She didn't give a shit about what he was, or what he had learned, or who he knew.  She didn't really give a single fuck.  He wasn't on her crew, he wasn't on her deck, and even the ones that were … well you didn't really want her to know your name.  If she knew your name it was because you were a mother fucking idiot and she had screamed it across the deck so that you knew it in surround sound and full stereo.  There were no fucking secrets on her deck.  Everyone knew what the fuck happened and when it happened and who the fuck was to blame. 

Right now, she was currently focusing completely on Albert, the most precious thing in her life. 

Blue pulled out a small screwdriver that she had created specifically for Albert and all that he would need.  Mostly because she didn't want to have anyone else working on him what so ever.  This was her project, her baby, and no one needed to fucking lay a hand on her owl.  Only Ducote was allowed to interact and touch him.  Everyone on the engineering deck knew to leave her owl the fuck alone.  It was far too important to her and far too special.  She didn't need some upstart mother fucker thinking that they could fuck about with her shit. 

Heaven help the mother fucker that dared to try.

Oh he was speaking again.

Blue's ice cold eyes shifted up from her project.  Small screw driver held aloft from the screw so that she didn't accidentally slip and fuck something up even more so than he had done to himself with the booster pods.  He said that Albert was a feat of accomplishment, and her brow rose curiously.  “Of fucking course it is.  I made it.” she gave a shrug.

She was not shy or humble about her abilities what so ever.  When you were as talented as she was there was no doubt she was the best and she would make something amazing and high tech.  Albert was currently her crowning achievement and he was still a work in progress.  Her eyes shifted back down and she was trying to listen to him but as Ducote had witnessed first hand she was really shit at multitasking.  He mentioned some sort of name and asked if she knew this person.  That Blue reminded him a lot of her.

“Fuckin' no.  I don't know who the fuck you're talking bout but I'm pretty sure that no one is quite like me.”

he told her that he didn't fear her, nor the other woman, Blue couldn't be bothered to remember her name.  Still, her brow rose again, and a slow grin crossed her face as she stood up and replaced the small metal patch that resealed his chassis and she tucked him into her bag without restoring his power because she needed to finish working on him.

“You'd do really fucking well to mind your mouth when it comes to the women on board.  You haven't seen anything yet.”  she gave a dark grin as she tossed her bag over her shoulder and stared right at him.  “You need to keep your shit together and think about who the fuck you're talking to. But I can guarantee one thing to you.  Badass bitches, are the scariest things you'll ever come across.”

With a bit of a grin she shook her head and headed for the nearest Turbo.


Re: USS Endeavor: A Wise Guy Owl

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Weapons Pod | Upper Module | USS Endeavour] Attn: @BZ

Gideon followed Commander Tiran’s direction as she departed, apparently fuming. Clearly the owl had a lot more work put in, and it seemed perfectly logical to give her a wide berth. It wasn’t that he was scared of Commander Tiran; only if she brought a Vulcan experiencing Pon Farr if they met next. No, it was wise to give her a wide berth because he knew an annoyed officer when he saw one, no matter how foul-mouthed he or she was.

And it would prove fruitless to even explain who B’Lanna Torres was.

No, he was going back to work. And if Commander Tiran returned again, he would definitely give her a wide berth, for the sake of letting her work unhindered.

Things went quietly until he came across a torpedo that stubbornly refused to open. He bit back a curse; for a moment, he seemed to be feeling what Commander Tiran felt with her owl. Seemed that of all the torpedoes in the bay, he happened to come across a torpedo that was just as faulty as Tiran’s owl. Well, unlike Tiran’s owl, which seemed to be a dedicated project, a faulty torpedo needed reporting.

Gideon took a breath and calmed himself. He wasn’t about to explode like Tiran. He’s going to finish the inspection and report the faulty torpedo to Lieutenant Cross when he’s done. He felt he’d finish the inspection all the way; there could be one or two more faulty torpedoes like this one and it’ll save time if he reported them all at once if he found more.

All in all, aside from Tiran and her owl, it seemed like an uneventful inspection. Just another quiet day for a tactical officer.


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