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CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide


STARDATE 57653.85
APRIL 18, 2381
0700 HRS

[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 6 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan

The mission on the Daqchov had been a thrilling one Tessa thought to herself. One she herself almost didn't make it back from. Yet another close call in the field. She laid in her bunk staring at the ceiling when she decided to just say screw it. She couldn't sit around her anymore with everyone on the mission. She knew her time was coming too with the recent escalations going on with the Klingons, the infested, and the crew. Her new supposed friend was also off in the mission of intelligence.

Taking a stand, Tessa grabbed her stuff, threw it on the bunk, and stepped out with no clear direction where to go. That is until she wandered a few halls and corridors. Still stuck in thought over her recent escapades, almost dying in a shuttle fight on the Tesla and by the hands of an oxygen-deprived Klingon officer who was suffocating on the Daqchov.

Before she knew it, she was at the Public Bathhouse. Somewhere where likely she could settle in, and relax without the slightest inconvenience. Especially since everyone was either off the ship or on a specified task, this was going to be a safe bet for her. Brushing her hair to the side, she pressed the door pad which toggled the door to open. It was warm, humid even. Perfect for a relaxing morning. She took several steps forward, taking a glance around the room from side to side and in the pools. No one was present thankfully.

Not wanting to waste any time, and with no one around to break protocol with, Tessa began taking off her uniform, or what parts she'd decided to actually wear into the room. She peeled the Starfleet whitish-gray undershirt off after having successfully unzipping it. Her bra exposed, she reached around her back, unclasping the wired harness. Her breasts dropped in a relaxing manner, relieving the pressure on her chest. Her hands gracefully reached down to her pants and slid them down as well revealing a tight-fitting sports panty which also came off rather quickly. She kicked her leg shedding the final piece of clothing. Carefully gathering her clothes, she placed them in the corner near the hot tub.

"Oh man am I hungry! Thankfully no one is around to get into trouble for eating in the pools." She smirked as she approached the replicator. Completing the order of chicken fingers, french fries, and a coke, she put them on a platter and stepped to the hot tub. Her toes touched the tops of the balmy water first causing her to jump a little before submerging more of her feet, then finally her legs.

She reached around and ate a few nibbles of her fries before pulling her torso down as well into the water. Finally grabbing the platter, she sat on the built-in bench and began eating from the floating tray. That is, until an unexpected thing happened. The door suddenly opened as Tessa's eyes shot open wide in utter horror. She panicked and took a deep breath before submerging her head under the water, leaving the tray of food floating above her.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #1
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy[/b]] Attn: @Pierce

As the door opened in front of her with a signature hiss, Amanda stepped out of the small corridor that separated the male and female locker rooms and entered the Public Bathing area. The young Counselor could smell the subtle, fresh scent of chlorine in the air and, as she stood there with a fluffy white towel nonchalantly draped over her right shoulder, the look on her face was one of astonishment. She had been looking at the Deck Layout of the USS Theurgy before going to bed the other night, hoping to find where the Diplomatic Council Offices were located so she could surprise her brother Ethan after her first shift, and that’s how she happened to find out that the massive Theurgy-class Dreadnaught housed a Public Bathing area. While she’d always been an enthusiastic swimmer, her previous assignment aboard the USS Aurora left her without such luxuries, especially because the small Nova-class starship wasn’t even equipped with a holodeck, and as such Amanda initially remained somewhat sceptical about the presence of a pool. However, it left her curious enough to replicate herself a pretty bikini with a striped pattern and setting her alarm a little early so she could check it out before reporting to Lieutenant Commander Hathev and, as she stood in the doorway overlooking the empty Public Bathing area, it took the Martian a moment to fully comprehend that she’d really be able to swim; not even in holographic water, but in the actual liquid. H2O.

The smile which slowly began to adorn Amanda’s face betrayed her enthusiasm though, and as the young Counselor began to walk around the room, shifting her blue-eyed attention between the fresh food cabinet and the exercise pool, the realization that she’d be able to swim much more regularly finally began to take hold. Hoping to explore the Public Bathing area a little more to see what else it had to offer, at least before diving into the exercise pool and getting a few laps in, Amanda walked through the archway leading into what appeared to be a Jacuzzi area. A soft, amazed gasp escaped her glossed lips as she looked around and, before long, her curious blue-eyed attention was drawn to the one thing that was off in the room; a floating tray of food in one of the Jacuzzi’s. Approaching that Jacuzzi with the intention to investigate, Amanda suddenly realized that someone was submerged beneath the surface of the warm water; startling her to the extent of nearly jumping a full foot into the air.

Quick to regain her composure and fearing the worst, Amanda dropped her towel onto the floor and quickly approached the Jacuzzi with the intention of helping. Within only a couple of steps however, her blue eyes noticed that the submerged person was moving; it wasn’t the kind of frantic movement expected of someone who was drowning, nor the limp movement of a helpless body. It was far more likely that the person in the Jacuzzi was trying to measure how long they could stay submerged and, amused by the situation, Amanda decided to lean against the Jacuzzi with a smile while waiting for the person to re-emerge. As far as meeting new people went, this particular situation was amusing enough to break the ice in a good way after all.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan

Having heard the individual come inside the public baths area, Tessa was nervous. Not only was she off-duty, and completely nude, but she was also eating in the Jacuzzi. Two forbidden things under normal circumstances. The realization she had been submerged for what seemed like ten minutes, was only roughly about two minutes in time. Her oxygen levels slowly depleting themselves, she knew the time for air and discipline was coming at what could be at the same moment depending on who was on the other end of the water.

She peered up at the surface and around the floating plate of chicken, fries, and Cola, she saw another woman, blonde, tall and busty from the looks of it. Although that last part could be the distortion from the water clouding her vision too with the swirling heat and bubbles around her. Her oxygen now out, it was time to resurface and face the consequences of trying to just relax.

Her head came up first as part of her chest started to rise in the water. Carefully Tessa kept her breasts submerged much to her chagrin, they seemingly wanted to be seen as they began floating to the top like apples in a 'bobbing for apples contest'. Redness swelled her cheeks and ears as she plunged a little lower to keep them underwater. Tessa raised her arms up out of the water slightly to wipe the water from her eyes and face before sitting securely again in the corner of the Jacuzzi while she pulled her plate back in front of her as if she hadn't tried to hide from the other blonde woman.

The other woman was gorgeous. Blonde, tall, busty, and wearing a rather beautiful swimsuit. One Tessa might be able to pull off at a slightly smaller sizing. Nevertheless, the other woman looked amused at her situation. She wasn't familiar with this one as she must be a new arrival on the Theurgy. Something this ship has gotten a lot of lately due to all the various battles and unnecessary loss of life. Tessa figured now was as good a time as any to break the ice.

"Ahh, hey..." she said sheepishly. "You're like, not going to report me...are you? It's not what it looks like. I was just hungry, and tired, and looking for a way to unwind with everyone about to go a few sandwiches short of a picnic."

She awaited the reply from the other woman as she offered up her name. "The name is Tessa Mae Lance. Lieutenant Junior Grade, and member of the Lone Wolves. I'm GoldenEye. Pleased to meet you miss....?"

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #3
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy[/b]] Attn: @Pierce

While Amanda didn’t knew exactly how long the person in the Jacuzzi had been submerged, it was nevertheless impressive to see just how long they managed to stay under. In fact, the young Counselor began to wonder if the person in the Jacuzzi had gills or some other biological advantage that allowed them to filter oxygen directly from the water and, if that was indeed the case, whether or not she was being awkward for staring. Before she could seriously consider it however, the submerged person resurfaced; revealing that she was seemingly human and quite obviously a female one at that. The amused smile on Amanda’s face only became more entertained when she noticed that the other woman’s breasts began to float to the surface, further revealing that she was a naked humanoid female at that, and while the woman managed to submerge them just barely in the nick of time, the Martian Lieutenant Junior Grade realized that she somehow found herself severely overdressed for the occasion.

”Report you?” Amanda’s voice matched the entertained look on her face, in no small part due to the sheepish tone of the other woman’s voice. It was a rather hilarious encounter after all, and Amanda actually couldn’t help but admire the fact that the other woman didn’t immediately bolt for the locker rooms. ”For what, exactly? I’m not bothered by a little nudity, and I don’t see anyone else around who might take offense to it.” To further accentuate her words, Amanda looked around a little theatrically. ”Besides...” As she turned her blue-eyed attention back to the woman, Amanda’s amused smile was still adorning her face. ”If this helps you unwind, who am I to speak up?”

As the woman introduced herself, Amanda replied with a friendly nod of the head. ”Likewise, a pleasure to meet you Tessa.” She held out her hand in a friendly handshake. ”Amanda Ashby, Lieutenant Junior Grade. I’m part of the Counseling Department, but this is only my first day aboard so I don’t really have an official assignment yet.” Amanda figured that, after she reported to Lieutenant Commander Hathev, she’d get an official assignment. Most likely as one of the new resident Counselors or as a Morale Officer. ”So, since you’re clearly not doing such a terrible job at unwinding, would you mind if I’d join you? The combination of snacks and hot tubs sounds pretty good to me.” After a moment’s pause Amanda spoke up once more, and her voice now matched the amused smile on her face once again as she hinted at Tessa’s state of undress. ”Or is there some kind of dress code for this Jacuzzi?”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan

Thankful that the other blonde woman before her wasn't about to rat her out, Tessa released her tensing shoulders and began to relax again. She let the feel of the warm, bubbles surround her once more and dipping a little further to her neck as the chill from the room began to bring bumps to the surface of her exposed flesh. A hand came out of the water and took a chicken finger into her mouth.

"Well, I am thankful you're not going to report me. As for my state of undress, it's technically not allowed but I figured with having to wear basically a sweaty suit of armor later in my Valkyrie, I could go without clothing for once."

She was glad the blonde was okay with her current state of undress and was good to let her be in that as she unwound. Tessa reached her hand to shake Amanda's. "Ahh, a counselor. I'm a little embarrassed to say, I've been with quite a few of them over this journey. Some of which are dead now." Realizing it was too much information she attempted to back peddle the situation. "I mean, it's not a formal meeting right now so probably shouldn't be spilling this...but you know. I'm sure you've heard the record of the Theurgy and crew. I'm one of the lucky ones."

Again frustrated that she had another abashed moment, she heard Amanda call to her. "Good luck on the assignment. I assume you'll stay rather busty." Realizing she slipped up after having stared at the other woman's chest, she attempted to salvage the situation. "I meant stay rather busy around these parts." She slapped her face a little too hard forgetting the water that was upon her hand and it made a loud slapping sound further adding to her ashamed state.

"So, since you're clearly not doing such a terrible job at unwinding, would you mind if I'd join you? The combination of snacks and hot tubs sounds pretty good to me." After a moment's pause Amanda spoke up once more, and her voice now matched the amused smile on her face once again as she hinted at Tessa's state of undress. "Or is there some kind of dress code for this Jacuzzi?"[/i]

Tessa laughed nervously at both the joke of undress and the situation she'd just created. "No, you're welcome to join me. The replicator is just on the wall over there." she said with a pointed hand at the adjacent wall terminal. "There's technically a dress code, but today I'm going in the buff. Again, spacesuit and confined skin just make me feel weird. You do what you feel comfortable with." She could see Amanda over at the replicator and looking at someone's file on another panel but couldn't see clearly with all the steam buildup in the area.

She shrugged and after taking another bite of her food, Tessa took a drink carefully setting it back down on the tray floating in front of her. She gently slid it to her right to make more room for the ensuing conversation which she was excited to be having despite just sitting in the hot tub. She was rather happy all the new people she was meeting lately. Hopefully, they all managed to survive this crazy ship's journey. She also enjoyed having friends around the ship over just her tiny bubble in the squadron.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #5
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy[/b]] Attn: @Pierce

Upon hearing that she was allowed to join Tessa in the Jacuzzi, Amanda presented the woman with a happy smile before turning around and making her way to the replicator. It had initially been her intention to swim a few laps and then head to the Lounge for a couple of sandwiches, which would be a nice and welcome supplement to the bowl of cornflakes she’d eaten before coming to the Public Baths, but the young Counselor suspected that nothing would come of that anymore. Instead, she just replicated her breakfast now; two BLT-sandwiches, a big glass of apple juice, and a small bowl of grapes.

As she waited for her food to be replicated however, Amanda tried to access Tessa’s file. Not that she had a reason to distrust her, but there was something that the woman mentioned just now that worried the young Counselor a little bit; mostly the reference of crewmembers killed in the line of duty. It wasn’t something that was usually mentioned at a first meeting and Amanda’s intention was to take a quick glance at Tessa’s file so she could later run a cross-reference between the crewmembers lost in the line of duty in order to get a picture of how many of them had been close to Tessa. After all, it wouldn’t have been the first time that someone subconsciously reached out to a Counselor simply because they felt a need to talk about what bothered them. Despite those best intentions however, Amanda wasn’t officially assigned a position yet and, as such, was simply denied access to the personnel file when she tried to access it. Hoping that she didn’t just alert Security throughout the ship, the startled Lieutenant Junior Grade quickly backed out of her search query before taking her tray of food and making her way back to the Jacuzzi.

”Oh, I used to be a Counselor aboard a Nova-class ship.” As she spoke, Amanda put her tray on the edge of the Jacuzzi and began to climb the small ladder leading up to it. ”I was integrated into the Medical Department and, given the small crew complement, I was the only Counselor aboard. So you could say I’m used to being busty.” She turned her attention to the blonde pilot for a moment and, as she did, her smile became a little teasing; Amanda had definitely heard Tessa’s little Freudian slip earlier, and now she could bounce it right back at her. ”Then again, I can see you’re kept rather busy as well.” When she accentuated that word, Amanda’s blue-eyed gaze momentarily came to rest upon Tessa’s breasts as they were submerged below the water; not really a stare, but more of a teasing glance that matched the Martian’s smile and the tone of her voice. ”I mean, spending so much time wearing a spacesuit that you’re relaxing in the buff...”

Grabbing her tray from the edge of the Jacuzzi, Amanda stepped into the water as well; allowing a soft gasp to escape her lips as the warm water first reached up to her knees, and then all the way up to her abdomen as she stepped into the deep part. While Amanda initially considered to sit down at the opposite end of the Jacuzzi, given how Tessa was sitting in the right corner on the far end, she noticed how the blonde pilot moved her tray to the right in order to make a little bit more room. Interpreting that as an invitation to sit a little closer, Amanda moved over to the seat on Tessa’s left and sat down, placing her tray of food on the edge once more before submerging herself until just below her chest. ”Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t blame you. If I’d be wearing a spacesuit all day, I would relax in the buff as well.” A charming smile appeared on Amanda’s face as she spoke, hoping to put Tessa a little more at ease about the fact she was sharing a Jacuzzi with a clothed crewmate. Reaching out to one of the BLT-sandwiches, the young Counselor took a content bite before turning her attention back to Tessa. ”So, how are you doing Tessa?” 

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan

She heard Amanda mention that she used to be a counselor on another ship, which by all means was infinitely smaller than the Theurgy. "That must have been cool being on a smaller ship." Tessa blushed slightly again knowing that Amanda had heard her slip. If she'd been drinking it'd have been easy to fudge but she wasn't. She was just enamored by the other woman's gentle smile, and large chest when she spoke.

"Yeah, I've been busy since getting back on duty. Between holodeck excursions, malfunctioning programs trying to kill us, a mission to rescue Klingons, and well, this place is nuts simply put." She smiled back with a larger grin, shrugging her shoulders above the water. She was careful not to let her nipples bounce above the waterline. For some reason, it made her nervous and feeling a little small by comparison to her blonde friend, despite her having sizeable and perky C cup breasts. She shook her head to clear these weird yet comfortable thoughts.

"I mean, spending so much time wearing a spacesuit that you're relaxing in the buff..."

She took another swig of her cola, downing the rest of the glass. She swirled what was left in the bottom and tapped the glass to her lips again. Her face displayed displeasure knowing the glass was empty and unless she asked Amanda, she was going to be leaving the water soon for a refill. "You know it! I spent time in one under 12 hours ago too! As comfortable as it is, I was more than happy to take it off."

Tessa watched Amanda sinking slowly into the water and coming towards her. Was it getting hotter in here? she thought to herself. Maybe it was or maybe because she felt a slight attraction to the other woman entering the water. Hopeful to not embarrass herself as she had a few weeks back with Commander Rutherford, she smiled and tried her best to look relaxed.

"Don't get me wrong though, I don't blame you. If I'd be wearing a spacesuit all day, I would relax in the buff as well."

At this comment, Tessa felt at least a little more relieved at the situation before her. "Actually, I have never done this before. Aside from slight drinking in the gym or holodeck where I willingly went topless, I try not to make a habit out of this." She smirked with a fun yet sultry tone.

Tessa watched as her compatriot took another bite of her sandwich. The realization hit her she really wanted a refill. Her thought once again interrupted by Amanda asking her how she was doing. How am I doing?

Bewilderment strung across her face. "You know, I have no idea." She laughed breaking the rest of the tension she felt. "To be honest, I just am enjoying the little bit of downtime and the getting to meet new people on the ship. I'm an original crewmember of the Theurgy but I have yet to keep friends who don't die or go on some horrific mission. Hopefully, this time is different for all those I've met outside our squadron. The last few months have wreaked havoc on all of us. I've tried to block a lot of it out and only recently had to cope. It's not been fun, but I'm learning."

She decided to say the hell with it. She was parched and this cola wasn't going to fill itself. She reached for the edge of the hot tub and placed her plate on the edge with the glass empty upon it. Her stomach was full anyhow and she wanted that drink. Tilting to the left, she looked at Amanda. "Mind if I get a refill? Sorry if you get an eye full." She winked towards her with a sexy yet fun smile.

Carefully, Tessa climbed up, pulling with her arms. Her ass slightly coming towards Amanda and showing off her perfectly clean-shaven muff. Knees still bent, she pushed on the floor and stood upright again. Taking a big stretch with arms wide in the air, she waltzed towards the replicator. The controls were still awake likely from when Amanda ordered. Her fingers pressed a few digital keys before the new drink materialized again albeit in a pitcher. She grabbed it and turned around taking some steps back to the Jacuzzi.

Tessa's breasts bounced slightly as she took each step, hips rocking side to side as well. Carefully she placed the pitcher on the plate and attempted to climb back in not realizing she had lost some of her footing. Clumsily she fell backward hoping not to bash her head on the pool as she twisted around with one heal barely on the edge. She was falling and not in the direction she had wanted as embarrassment and shock came to her face as she landed face-first into Amanda's soft voluptuous chest. Her face now safe, naked body wet again from the hot water, she glanced up as she regained her footing. The look of mortification still on her face as she backed up and attempted to go back under to hide her want to cry from how she just ruined this situation.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #7
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy[/b]] Attn: @Pierce

Even though Tessa initially laughed as she answered the question, Amanda honestly couldn’t help but to feel worried when the blonde pilot continued and explained her situation. It was never easy for anyone to lose crewmates and friends in the line of duty, but the young Counselor was starting to get the impression that Tessa had been dealing with multiple losses like that. That, along with what the woman mentioned about blocking it all out and only recently being able to cope with her emotions, made that Amanda made the mental note to discuss Tessa’s particular case with Lieutenant Commander Hathev and potentially call the blonde pilot in for a preliminary therapy session at the earliest possible convenience.

Before Amanda had the chance to ask anything else, Tessa spoke up once again though; mentioning something about a refill before suddenly climbing out of the Jacuzzi. It presented her with a more than obvious view of the blonde pilot’s most intimate parts and, as her blue eyes followed the other woman while she made her way to the replicator, a blush began to colour the pale skin of the young Counselor’s cheeks. The woman’s carefree attitude made Amanda realize that, if someone else were to enter right now, Tessa could end up in an embarrassing and difficult predicament. Luckily however, no one did and within several seconds the pilot began to make her way back to the Jacuzzi; presenting Amanda with a very good view of her bouncing, perky C-sized breasts and clean-shaven lips as she did. It was the kind of view that turned the blush on the young Counselor’s face into an even more embarrassed shade of red and, as her blue eyes took in every last detail, she had to admit that Tessa’s pride really wasn’t misplaced.

”So, about...” As Tessa began to climb back into the Jacuzzi, Amanda spoke up again to continue the conversation. She paused when she noticed that Tessa lost her balance though and, in an attempt to help and prevent the woman from hurting herself, the Martian quickly came forward to catch her. And so she did, kind of. Before Amanda could really process everything, Tessa collided into her 36DD-sized breasts; pushing her backwards and into the edge of the Jacuzzi. While the water cushioned most of the impact, it hurt nonetheless and in combination with the shock Amanda had to grit her teeth and momentarily grimaced. It was over in a matter of second though and, as Tessa backed up, Amanda came forward to rub her hand over the part of her back that had slammed into the Jacuzzi.

At that point Amanda hadn’t noticed that, during her landing, Tessa accidently shifted her bikini top a little. It exposed a little more skin of her ample left breast, including a hint of her rosepink-coloured areola; which was roughly a little over three inches in diameter and obviously a little perky. What Amanda did notice however, was the look of utter mortification on Tessa’s face while she backed away. Feeling sorry for the woman, especially considering what she’d told her about being happy to make new friends after losing so many of her old ones, Amanda just smiled and approached Tessa. ”I hope you are more skilled at landing your fighter, Tessa.” As she spoke, Amanda’s voice matched the amused smile on her face and the whole was only further accentuated by the genuinely friendly look in her eyes. ”Otherwise I’ll definitely have a busy time counselling all those poor, emotional flight mechanics.” Still laughing, which made her ample breasts jiggle slightly above the waterline, Amanda reached out and offered Tessa a hand so she could stand up. ”Did you hurt yourself?”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan

The impact was quick and painless but her pride was hurt nonetheless. Tessa having almost torn off Amanda's bikini in the fall was not the intention, but she soaked in the view regardless. Her hand rubbed her face and she breathed to calm herself as she noted that she'd hurt the other blonde slightly. Before she had the opportunity to speak, however, her new friend spoke first.

"I hope you are more skilled at landing your fighter, Tessa. Otherwise, I'll definitely have a busy time counseling all those poor, emotional flight mechanics. Did you hurt yourself?"

Tessa chuckled a nervous laugh but began to feel more at ease in Amanda's company. Which was a good thing considering she was also a counselor too. "I am most definitely a better flyer than a walker. So no worries there." Her sheepish grin showing as she rubbed the back of her neck, stretching the flesh holding her breasts in place which made them ride up a little higher. She took Amanda's hand so she could get back to her seat and actually drink more of her cola she'd apparently mistakenly decided to refill.

She felt over her body and realized that Amanda took the brunt of the fall for her as her body had landed in the soft gravity associated with the pool water and her friend's chest. "I seem to be fine. Are you okay? I didn't mean to have you cushion my fall. I'm kind of a clutz when it comes to everyday life as opposed to something training has instilled in me. Do you need me to take care of your back? If not, the jets from the tub can probably take care of it for you. Either way, I'm sorry for the impact." She smiled a friendly smile back at her more clothed friend.

Glass still empty, Tessa poured her refill in the smaller cup from the pitcher that had started this entire fiasco. "So what brought you to the Theurgy?" she inquired clearly hoping to get some sort of normalcy back to the situation. She took a few swigs of the caramel-colored soda. "I like to think people come here to make a difference in a supposed to be lost cause." She sighed looking at the ceiling while waiting. "I suspect in a few hours I'll be shipping out in my fighter to wrangle impossible odds. Any words of wisdom?"

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #9
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy[/b]] Attn: @Pierce

Amanda just smiled as she listened to Tessa. While the woman’s laugh was a little nervous, it was a lot better than the mortified expression that had been on her face just moments ago. As she sat back down in the Jacuzzi, the young Counselor kept listening to the blonde pilot but just shook her head in response. ”No, that’s alright. It wasn’t really that bad, you just startled me by jumping face-first into my breasts.” While there was nothing for Tessa to take care of, Amanda nevertheless appreciated the offer. She momentarily turned her attention down to her breasts as she spoke though and, upon realizing that her bikini top had shifted ever so slightly, the blonde Martian quickly adjusted it so her areola was covered again. ”I’m just glad you weren’t hurt, it could have been a nasty fall.” As she spoke, Amanda was genuinely glad that Tessa was so carefree when it came down to matters of nudity; in any other situation, the wardrobe malfunction could have been embarrassing; in the current situation, Tessa could have even ripped it off completely and she’d still be overdressed in comparison to the blonde pilot.

When Tessa continued and inquired to her reason for joining the USS Theurgy, Amanda reached out for her second BLT-sandwich and took a bite before washing it down with some apple juice. ”My brother is aboard this ship, to be honest.” As she spoke, Amanda tried to choose her words carefully. After all, while Tessa might already know that Starfleet Command labelled them all as traitors, it wouldn’t exactly be beneficial to the young pilot’s morale to get that confirmed so bluntly. ”He’s an honest man, and I know he wouldn’t willingly put his life on the line aboard this ship unless it was for something he believed in. When I tried to look into it a little further, I was asked to drop the matter. I chose not to, and that wasn’t entirely appreciated. So, here I am!” Despite how bleak the situation was, given how Amanda literally had to drop everything and make a run for it with Starfleet Security hot on her heels, she still managed to grin almost mischievously as she explained what brought her aboard. ”You’re absolutely right though. I don’t quite understand what this lost cause happens to be, but I’m here to help. I might not be much of a fighter, but if I can contribute by keeping everyone sane and happy, I’d be happy to know that I successfully made a difference.”

In response to Tessa’s last statement about wrangling impossible odds, Amanda shrugged. ”I can think of some wisdom. I’d suggest that you try not to get shot, and when you get back to the ship you might want to try to land somewhat smoother than you did just moments ago.” As she spoke those words, the amused smile returned to Amanda’s face and she reached out for the remainder of her second BLT-sandwich. ”When you get back, send me a message. I’d love to talk to you some more, maybe in a setting where we both wear a little more clothes?” Amanda teasingly winked at Tessa as she spoke those words, and she could only grin at the mental image of the young pilot sitting in her office in a similar state of undress; while she wasn’t familiar with Lieutenant Commander Hathev, it was more than likely that the woman would frown at such an utter lack of professionalism.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Tessa nodded and smiled at Amanda's description of her why in coming aboard the Theurgy. It definitely made more sense why she'd want to come onto this seemingly doomed ship. Despite her attempts to leave out information, she could already tell they were wanted as traitors to the Federation. Being hunted puts things into a perspective you may not be ready for. Amanda's statement on being okay after that run-in made Tessa relieved for not hurting her new friend. "I'm glad I wasn't hurt either!"

It was eerie the feeling she felt as Amanda was told to drop the matter of the Theurgy at Command. The mere notion of being labeled as traitors due to the parasites leeching on the Admiral's necks was appalling to her. She continued to listen as she drank her cola quietly. The glass warming slightly from Tessa's palms grasping the cup and the bubbles of the hot tub surrounding her hand.

Having just asked about words of wisdom, she was surprised to hear the one about trying not to get shot. That was a difficulty whenever on a mission like hers. Not always a guarantee that one will return either. When Amanda mentioned not landing on her chest again, that made Tessa giggle like a schoolgirl being told a joke no one was supposed to know. She was happy to hear that Lt. Ashby wanted to hang out again when she returned both in another setting with more clothing on and her office.

"I think I can do that!" she exclaimed energetically as she gave a mocking salute that had she been drinking would have been even more hysterical. She paused momentarily however and pondered a thought that had been itching the back of her mind since the Daqchov mission finished.

Turning her head toward Amanda, she opened her soft plump lips and words failed her. Her brow furrowed and she looked again this time with thoughts coming to fruition. "I have a question for you in how to relate to someone I just met. And before you ask, I think we're getting along just fine." she smirked again with a giggle. "The person I'm referring to is another female officer I met on the Daqchov who transferred over and actually on the mission saved my life. She looks familiar to me and her last name is familiar. I met someone in my training days at the Tactical CONN Academy at MIMAS Station during the end of the Dominion War. She claims we've never met and she doesn't know the other person." Her lips closed again.

Stammering now, "I'm just not so sure. She was short with me but saved me from an oxygen-deprived Klingon as she bludgeoned him off me on the Daqchov. How should I talk with her? She seems closed off and I just want to be friends and show her my appreciation."

Tessa unsure what to make of it but having been plagued by the situation for the better part of eight hours now was unhappy with it. Maybe Amanda had better insights being a counselor she thought to herself. "When this mess slows down, you might want to talk with her too. I heard somewhere she was being intercepted by Lt. Foster this morning though. So today's probably not a good one to bother her."

Sitting in the hot tub for a bit longer, Tessa stood up, breasts heaved out of the water, dripping and in their full glory. "You know, I still have time if you want to go do something else. I can get my uniform back on and we can head out of the Jacuzzi, with clothing." she laughed.[/b]

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #11
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy[/b]] Attn: @Pierce

As she listened to the young pilot, Amanda finished the remainder of her second BLT-sandwich. However, it soon became rather obvious to the young Counselor that the situation which Tessa was referring to apparently took place long before she joined the crew of the USS Theurgy. Without first-hand knowledge of the event nor the proper background information however, the mention of something called the Daqchov and the events that took place there, which had clearly been a traumatic experience for Tessa as far as Amanda could imagine at a preliminary glance, only managed to confuse her.

In an attempt to buy herself a little more time, Amanda washed the BLT-sandwich down with the remainder of her apple juice before turning her blue-eyed attention to Tessa. ”Well, the Galaxy can be a very big place. It’s inevitable that we run into people whose facial features strike us as familiar.” As she spoke, the young Counselor’s friendly tone of voice matched her kind facial expression. While she didn’t understand the details of what Tessa just told her, Amanda chose to focus on the part which she did understand and give advice based on that. ”But then again, it’s also not impossible that you indeed met her before. Either way, I can only advise that you try talking to her.” She shrugged slightly, in doing so making it all sound much easier than it actually was; Amanda knew that, given how talking about these things always was much easier than actually doing so, but she also knew that it was simply a matter of confidence. And, judging by her current attire, the young Counselor could only imagine that Tessa had more than enough confidence. ”You strike me as a very friendly person, Tessa. I’m sure that female officer would be delighted to be your friend.”

And with that, silence returned to the Public Baths as Amanda leaned back into the warm water; allowing her ample breasts to proudly float to the surface while she made the mental note to indeed talk with Lieutenant Foster whenever she’d get the chance. Minutes seemed to pass like that, at least to Amanda, until Tessa suddenly stood up once more. Turning her attention to the young pilot, Amanda’s blue-eyed gaze momentarily came to rest upon the other woman’s rather impressive bare breasts before she turned her gaze back up to her face. ”Why the rush to get dressed, Tessa? Like I said, I’m not really bothered by a little bit of nudity, and from what I’m seeing right now you don’t really have anything to be ashamed of, right?” As she spoke, Amanda couldn’t help but chuckle before presenting Tessa with a teasing wink. ”If you got it, flaunt it. Besides, I don’t really have time to do anything else. I have to report to Lieutenant Commander Hathev at eight, so I’ll probably hit the showers soon.”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan [Show/Hide]

She listened to what her new friend Amanda had said about simply discussing with her new acquaintance from the Daqchov mission. Her head nodded as she thought about the concept of doing what comes to her naturally. Speaking. Aside from that though, she pondered other ideas as Amanda suggested that Tessa was a very friendly person and that the other officer would be delighted to be her friend.

Her face perked up as she looked back at her new friend, despite the onset nudity, they were among friends. "You know, you're right! I am friendly and I think I just haven't cracked through her hard shell yet." A grin slid across her face as she leaned back and felt the hot steam and bubbles relax the tension that was previously in her neck and lower back. That and her bust was free from gravity or artificial gravity as the water did all the heavy lifting for her. She glanced over at Amanda and saw that the same was happening for her too. As Tessa had mentioned the notion of getting dressed, Amanda had stopped her.

"Why the rush to get dressed, Tessa? Like I said, I'm not really bothered by a little bit of nudity, and from what I'm seeing right now you don't really have anything to be ashamed of, right? If you got it, flaunt it. Besides, I don't really have time to do anything else. I have to report to Lieutenant Commander Hathev at eight, so I'll probably hit the showers soon."

She chuckled as the other woman wasn't wrong by any stretch of the imagination. They both were fairly well endowed, while Tessa's weren't as large as Amanda's or Pierce's per se, she did have sizeable ones to appreciate. "Well. I guess you're not wrong. Besides, I will probably just get going at the same time then. Until then, we can be bubbly busty girls hanging out here in the tub!" She snorted rather awkwardly as she laughed at that really silly and ridiculous joke.

"So what do you hope to do while you're here and well, before the place goes nuts as it usually does?" Tessa didn't want to be a downer on the situation but just wondered what else motivated Amanda and her career in Starfleet. "That aside, I've had a wonderful time with you!" She gave a warm and cute smirk as she tried to appear "sexy" in the jacuzzi while also being goofy as she pretend fell in the water to simulate her own personal brand of idiocy.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #13
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Pierce

Amanda just shrugged in response to Tessa’s question. ”I honestly have no idea.” As she spoke, the young Martian Counselor shifted slightly so she was sitting in an upright position once again before her blue eyes met those of her new friend. ”I assume that’ll be up to Lieutenant Commander Hathev, but I’m a licensed Psychiatrist and I have a medical degree so... I’ll probably end up wearing blue.” A smile appeared on Amanda’s face at the prospect of being commissioned as a Counselor once again, but at the same time it made her slightly nervous; the USS Theurgy was nothing like the much smaller USS Aurora, and the thought of being responsible for the mental welfare of so many people did made her feel slightly in over her head. Choosing to hide her doubts behind a charming smile however, Amanda simply shrugged once more. ”But we’ll see!”

A soft sigh escaped her lips while Amanda reached up and started stretching her back in preparation to leave the comfort of the hot tub; in doing so allowing her breasts to lift from the surface of the water as she pushed them forward towards Tessa. ”It was lovely meeting you as well, Tessa!” As she spoke, the blonde Martian collected all of her willpower and slowly raised herself from the warm water. ”As much as I hate to leave, I think I’ll hit the showers and prepare for my meeting.” While she hadn’t failed to notice the smirk on Tessa’s face, which really was cute and as inviting as the warm water of the Jacuzzi, Amanda knew that she’d have to go at some point. With an equally warm and friendly smile, Amanda replied; hoping her new friend wouldn’t mind her leaving a little early. ”I’ll take you up on the offer to hang out later though!” [/color]

Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan [Show/Hide]

Tessa enjoyed spending time with the crew. She'd had the opportunity to mingle with many departments as of late and each interaction for the most part had left her happy and enjoying the new friendships. The fact that she now had friends in operations, medical, counseling, tactical, conn, and diplomats. Happiness showed across her face as she thought about it more.

She turned back towards Amanda as she heard her state how much she too had enjoyed the company. Hearing the mention of leaving and preparing for a meeting, Tessa figured that now was as good a time as any to do the same. "I enjoyed our time meeting you." She grinned and rubbed the back of her head shyly. "Although next time with clothes and in some other setting."

"I have to go get ready too actually. I'm going to grab my things and head back to my quarters to freshen up. I need to get some time in the holodeck logged for the inevitable battle ahead. But, I would love to hang out again when this all settles down." A smile warmed her face again as she began to climb from the hot tub. Water ran down her flesh as she stood outside of it now, completely in her birthday suit. The need to clean up after herself filled her being as she placed the glass and dishes back into the receptacle near the replicator to be recycled. She put back on her light-duty uniform and stretched out. Her muscles needed that deep, hot soaking that she'd gotten.

"Well Amanda, I'm going to head out. It was fun! Be safe on this ship. One thing I've learned is that you never know what can happen out here." She waved towards her new friend and began the journey to the corridor in the direction of her quarters.


Re: CH06: S [D03|0700] An Unexpected Guide

Reply #15
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Public Baths | Deck 06 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Pierce

As she watched how the Fighter Pilot began to leave, Amanda couldn’t help but smile. The other woman had been friendly –ballsy, to go around walking in the nude, but most certainly pleasant company nonetheless- and while it had been rather unexpected the blonde Lieutenant Junior Grade was honestly quite glad to have made a new friend. From what she’d gathered, Tessa seemed equally happy about it and as far as Amanda was concerned this was a good thing; everyone needed friends, someone to let go and kick back with, especially aboard a ship fighting odds as impossible as the USS Theurgy.

”Stay safe out there, Tessa!” While she spoke, Amanda initially began to head in the opposite direction so she could have a quick shower. Considering the words of her newest friend however, about how no one could ever truly know what might happen out there, the Martian held her pace and turned around once again to rest her blue-eyed gaze upon the departing woman. ”Do try to work on your landings a little!” Following that teasing jab, Amanda began to resume her original course towards the showers. It was due time to get ready and prepare herself for meeting Lieutenant Commander Hathev; at the very least, Tessa managed to put her at ease.


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