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Topic: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away (Read 19736 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #100
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

A part of Natalie had to wonder at that comment. For just how long had Vanya been considering her as an option for a romantic partner? Had Vanya had fantasies about her, over the years? The thought was a flattering, and distracting notion as the Martian tried hard to focus on the act of anchoring the sailboat into the small, natural jetty that would protect them over night. She felt a blush on her cheeks, and it had nothing to do with her rather exposed state and everything to do with where her mind was wandering. For if she were being honest, she loved the idea that she had been someone that Vanya wanted for a long time. Being wanted was nice.

Nat was not left to ponder this long, for even as she started the anchorage process, the computer targeting points beneath the surface and deploying the metal hooks that would lodge them in against the river bed, Vanya came up beside her to watch the process. It wasn't terribly exciting in and of itself. Just something that demanded a little bit of attention. The proximity of her...girlfriend, she supposed, there was no dancing around that anymore, not as keyed up as Natalie was - proved to be a great distraction. The boat gave a little shiver as the first anchor deployed, and the next one cycled forward, but Nat's mind was pulled all the way from that by a touch and a purr of words.

Shivering with delight, the brunette closed her eyes, and tilted her head back, making a low noise. Personally she was pleased that she didn't leap right up on the spot, when Vanya's hand came to rest on her rear. Having had little to no experience with gentle touches there, it was a welcome surprise, and the words stoked something deep inside of Natalie. Forcing her gaze back to the controls, she triggered the rest of the sequence, and the boat slid forward slightly, before all momentum seemed to become arrested, and the duo was left with the gentle rocking of the current.

"I think," she began, twisting to face Vanya again, "That I want to pick up where we left off, less I become to chicken at the thought of a passing boat." The honesty was surprising, and it made her blush, but she didn't take the words back, as she looped her arms over Vanya's neck and drew her into another kiss. "Shall we?"

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #101
[Lt.Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

Having few inhibitions left Vanya with no qualms about continuing her time with Nat above deck, yet she didn’t feel a sense of titillation at the thought of someone else seeing them.  It wasn’t an adversion to it, it was just odd.  If Vanya could articulate the feeling it was almost, jealousy, that she didn’t want someone else sharing this moment no matter what their intentions were.  It wasn’t an instinct that Vanya wanted to act upon per se, they could be at it like “Risan Rabbits in the mess hall on Alpha Shift’s Lunchbreak.”  While Vanya hadn’t heard much about lagomorphs on Risa, she didn’t care where she was with Nat.  And yet….   
“Sounds like a plan to me Capn’” Vanya said with a mock salute and yet the thought nagged at Vanya ever so slightly 

She gently kissed Nat’s lips the temptation just as tempting as the first time.  Vanya found herself torn, part of her wanted to pick up where they had left off, but part of her wanted to protect themselves against the odd chance of intruders into their moment of bliss.  Vanya conclueded that the deciding vote had to be Nat’s/ 

“We could stay up here my love if you want…”    there was that moment of reflection again.  “Or we could go below decks and give that bed a try.  Whatever,”    she kissedd along her neck.    “Wherever”     she placed another gentle kiss on her shoulder.  “However you want.”    She puncutated the thought with a short sharp grab of her rear. 

Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #102
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

Natalie's courage seemed to hold strong for the moment, the ship now nestled in its evening mooring along the secluded riverbank embankment. Deep down, she wanted this, and knew that she if tried to back peddle now, it might doom anything that followed. Not that she though Vanya would protest or press on if she herself decided she wished to stop. But that it would taint the rest of the trip, and Natalie did not want to do that. She wanted to give into the strange emotions, the attraction she felt for her friend. She did not wish to repress it.

Even going so far as to allow her body to be fully explored and exploited by Vanya, for the first time. Out in the open on the top deck of a sailing ship on an alien world. She couldn't write a romance holo-drama better than this, and that revelation sent a giggle bubbling up past her lips, bleeding away any lingering tension or concern. That mock salute Vanya gave her turned the giggles into a fit of laughter, sharp and pure, clearly carrying out over the gently lapping waters of the river, and setting the Martian woman's shoulders (and bust) to merrily shake about.

Soon enough however there was the pleasing presence of Vanya's body against her own bare skin, setting her alight, even as her skin was covered with goosebumps from the slight chill. Soft lips met her own, the difference in them, when compared to the very few men who had kissed her, still quite new and surprising to Nat. As they pulled away, Nat licked her own lips, chasing the ghost of her friends presence there. She blinked and watched as Vanya dithered, and then started to press kisses to her skin, teasing whining little moans from Natalie's lips.

"No fair," she mock protested, wiggling between Vanya and that console on the boat's bridge. "You make it hard to think straight." Lest her friend take that as a bad trait, Natalie tightened her grip around the Romulan, to keep her in place (not that she could realistically do any such thing, should the android have other plans). Biting down on her lip, Natalie let her head fall back as her bum was gripped, and gazed up at the stars above in the cloudless night, feeling herself at that cross roads, but only for a moment. She realized she'd already made up her mind.

Pushing forward, Natalie locked her lips onto the tip of one of Vanya's ears and sucked, teasing it with her tongue. Practically brazen for the usually shy woman. Letting go, she breathed over the damp spot as she pressed tight to her friend, murmuring. "I"m always so cautious, so slow to act, Discreet. Timid. I don't want to be that tonight. I want to be bold Vanya. With you. Here. Now." And as if to punctuate those words she sunk her hands into the girls hair and pulled Vanya's lips back to hers, forcing her tongue into the Romulan's mouth and rolling her hips forward against her friends pelvis. There was very little else she could do, pinned between her soon to be lover and the now muted controls of the small ship, but she didn't mind that in the slightest.

If someone was watching? Well, fuck them, she had better things to care about than a potential strangers gaze. She had Vanya.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #103
([Lt.Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn:   @Brutus

As Nat pushed against Vanya, her boldness shook her off her feet.  As a unit designed for infiltration, and as one person told her, quite a cutie, she was capable of playing both the submissive and the leader, whatever got her mission fulfilled, or in later days, the sexual release that the android desired. 

But seeing Nat display such bold strength, no, not display, unleash strength was something entirely new for Vanya.  She suspected that the martian’s shyness held her back, but this was more than Vanya could have possibly found herself hoping for.  Vanya felt tremors, tremors of anitciaption.    She had simulated them in the past, but again, it was like Nat’s strength was triggering something in her too.  Something beside the gratification that sex usually brought to her.   

Finally she broke the kiss and whispered. “Be bold, my love, “

She softly kissed her way down along Nat’s collarbone, again she got an eyeful of her friend’s ample breasts, as gorgeous as they had always been for Vanya to look at, even play with in the past few minutes, she now wanted to pleasure whatever part of Nat’s body.  She gave each [ert nipple a gentle kiss and hard suck.    Looking at the  muted console, she picked up Nat and rested her bare behind on top of it. 

“Tell me how you want to be bold, My Love”    she said, there was almost a mild plea in her voice. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #104
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

Watching Vanya trail her lips over Nats skin was something the smaller woman was sure she would end up enjoying for some time to come, should she allow herself. Feeling those lips gave her all sorts of ideas and desires, and Nat let her head fall back for a moment, groaning and shivering at the sweet press of lips to flesh. "Vanya...

Letting out a small 'eep' as she was lifted up and settled back down on the console, Natalie privately thanked whoever it was that had long since designed the detection ability's into computer terminals to recognize the difference between finger tips accessing controls and well, bare asses. It would have been the height of embarrassing to have the boat suddenly unmoor itself from their anchorage and drift back into the main channel of the massive Aldean river simply because her bum was large enough to mash down a series of controls all at once.

Equally pleasing was the small display of Vanya's strength. The other woman deftly lifted and planted Natalie without breaking a sweat - or whatever the android equivalent of doing such would be. Intellectually Natalie knew that Vanya was as strong as any Romulan, if not significantly stronger given her artificial nature, and that, equally true, Romulans (like their Vulcan cousins) were significantly stronger than the average human. Knowing something on an intellectual level, was not quite the same thing as experiencing that first hand.

Having experienced it just now, Natalie could admit, if only to herself, that Vanya's strength simply did things to her that she would have to think on later to really understand beyond, Oh I liked that.

She rather liked having Vanya nibble and suck on her nipple as well, the small bud turning into a taut nub with little effort. Bursts of pleasure, akin to small fireworks, spark with each little kiss and suck, causing the Martian woman to shiver, having nothing at all to do with the cool riverside breeze.

"Mmmm, bold...yes, I can do that," Natalie managed to purr, reaching up and - once again - running her fingers through Vanya's hair. For a moment, Nat just held Vanya's gaze, and then her grip tightened on the girls hair, and she let her legs fall wider apart. Tugging, she drew her friends face into her own body, between her breasts, before tugging down. Her cheeks red, she murmured out, "Lick." She could be bold, she told herself. Here where no one else could see, she could give into the sudden, burning need to know just what that felt like. It might have been her own desire, or the pleading tone in Vanya's voice. Maybe something in the air itself. But regardless, as she leaned back on the console, bracing herself with her elbows as she thrust Vanya's head down toward the join between her legs, she decided that yes, tonight was the night to be bold.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #105
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

Vanya allowed Nat to guide her head between the other woman’s crotch.    To be guided in such a way continued to guide the android.  In her time with sexual partners she had often been playing a part.  The seductive engineer winning the confidence of the rebel rousing miner.  The niave intern putting out for the hungry (in more ways than one) senator, these were characters that she was forced to play.     

Even with sexual partners that she had following her liberation, she was expected to be the one who knew what she wanted, that would sent the pace for whatever transitory encounter the other party expected from here.  The sad truth was Vanya had never been able to lose herself in such a way.  To have Nat expressing herself like this showing her new side veered dangerously close to intoxicication.    Her body trembled with anticipation..    It wasn’t a simulated reflex, but a real sensation which had been hardwired into her programming. 

Anticipation shook her body as Nat spoke.  This wasn’t the shy friend she had known, with the single word she became the commanding presence that was both new and familiar.  Vanya would have had trouble reconciling the two, but her instructions were concerned.    She reached out with her tongue, and brushed against the door of Nat’s feminity, her long tongue hungrily exploring the petal soft area that was being offered to her.  No, not offered, to her but what she was compelled towards

She took a brief moment to look up into Nat’s face, she wanted to find some validation in those beautiful dark blue eyes. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #106
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

For Natalie, the behavior she was displaying was highly out of character and aught to have shocked her right out of the moment, giving an order like that to someone like Vanya, where Vanya was, nestled between her thighs. A sight that until moments before, Natalie would have never been able to imagine. After all, she wasn't interested in women. She didn't do this kind of thing. The sheer incredulity of it all was of a level and intensity that could break anyone's focus. There were a million thoughts that she would have expected to be running through her mind in that moment, wondering if, perhaps the Romulan girl preferred her partners to be shaved barren, unlike the trimmed triangle that Nat maintained between her legs. Worrying that she might not have a taste that the other woman would enjoy. Worrying that she'd squeeze her legs too hard, that the sensations might be too much. Might not be enough. '

But between the Aldean wine at dinner, and the need, and all the winding up that Vanya had put Nat through earlier, some switch deep in the Martian's psyche had been switched. Vanya had asked what Nat wanted and the curvaceous brunette aimed to make that as clear as possible for her friend.

She had wanted to be bold, and so here she was, wiggling her hips closer to her friends face, letting her legs fall further apart, subconsciously giving the Romulan Android more room to work with. An act which was, swiftly, rewarded, when she felt something wet gently brushing her folds. Her breath hitched in her throat and Nat's eyes snapped back down in time to catch the android woman looking back up at her, light from the stars above reflecting in otherwise dark orbs. To call the moment breathtaking was an understatement, as Natalie watched Vanya move back in, to taste her, to spread her flowering core apart with what was proving to be a delightful tongue. 

"Oh, fuck yes," the normally clean mouthed Martian swore. Though the moment was sweet, downright romantic even, the first brush of two lovers tasting the water - and skin -between them, sampling each others fruirs, Natalie could not think of anything flowery or sweet to say. Just a deep, throaty oath, before she bit her lip, looking down the curves of her body as slowly, she tugged her friends head back into place, to cater to the dripping well of heated need between her legs. That would be the extent of the affirmation that Natalie was able to give Vanya in that moment, an act of simply giving into her own desires and demanding more, not with words, but with her body.


Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #107
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

Some small part of Vanya’s brain was worried that she was going about this all wrong, her relaxed attitude to intimacy and sex, was well known with anyone who was acquainted with her in a vaguely social way, and it usually raised comments.   So, while Vanya would probably never be what one would call modest, she certainly had become more aware of the arbitrary lines she had been told about.   She was aware of them, but that awareness only made it more sweeter to jump over them.  Yet some small part of her processing power feared that she was pushing too far.  
Those fears were quickly erased when Nat swore.   Like most humans, Vanya knew that she rarely swore, which meant that the Romulan android had awoken something primal within her, and yet if equal power was the word “yes” a word that invited validation.   Vanya had found the point ithe most treasured pearly of passion, with the skill of an expert, she allowed her tongue to caress that wonderful spot, with an intensity and passion that was matching the pressure that Nat was putting around her head.  

Vanya was designed and built to “fake” physical sensations, including sexual arousal.   However, a subroutine she was given like this meant that very often, the sensations were automaticm she had no control over them, in order to make her all the more authentic.   In this case, she was barely able to avoid shaking with anticipation, her own feminine core burning anticipation for the gorgeous Martian that the universe had returned to her, and who Vanya had been allowed to give herself to. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #108
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

Had Natalie taken into account that her paramour had a somewhat relaxed attitude to ward sexual encounters in general, she might not have built up such a basket case of nerves around the moment. But that hadn't really filtered into Natalie's logic that night. And in that moment, logic, forethought, what little planning she had done for that evening, had gone out the window and over the port bow. If Vanya had pushed, nudged or otherwise cajoled Natalie across those lines of social interaction into something far more intimate and deep, Nat wasn't upset. Far from it, she was reveling in the new sensations that were being plied upon her very core.

She felt herself flowering under her friends attentions, little bolts of pleasurer washing, almost like jagged shocks, on a background of warmth and satisfaction that seemed to swell like ripples across the surface of a pond. Or the current's of a river, she idly thought as her head dipped back, and back, and she was able to just make out the wine dark channel flowing past edge of the boat. By that point she was more laying across the console, than hunched over it, and she'd let go of Vanya's hair with one hand to brace herself on the edge of the controls, less she fall off entirely. The other hand fisted those dark locks tightly ,keeping the Romulan' woman's head locked into place. Or as much as she could. It was not lost on Natalie that if Vanya wished to move, she would move, and there was naught that Nat could actually do to dislodge or dissuade the android.

But for the moment at least the other woman did not seem to wish to move, which was much to Nat's benefit. As her friends tongue found the buried nub at the top of Nat's folds, the Martian let out a loud cry, bucking slightly, and then continuing to tremble as she lay there. Heat pooled between her legs, rising up and dripping from her core as she began to glisten under her friends efforts. One leg kicked out, going straight, toes pointed and shaking, while the other curled over the Romulan's shoulder. An embarrassing myriad of moans and gasps began to echo out across the open waters from the boat, loud enough to be easily heard over the deep rumble of the rivers ever present current.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #109
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

What made Vanya an effective agent, and scientist, was her knowledge of biology.  She saw a certain poetry in mathematics.  You find the secret of A, you get to unlock B.  She would never voice these opinions out aloud – she was sure that Nat would see her sentiments as dispassionate. 

But the simple truth, that for  Vanya the thrill of sex, was the thrill of mathematics.  How much flirting would it take to discover Nat’s explorative side?  She had found the answer to that question when she wore the divine dress to dinner. 

How much wine would it take to relax her inhibitions, without leaving her in a prone or senseless condition?  Again, Vanya had her answer as she undressed and exhibited such – strenghth by standing over her and displaying such unleashed strength.

As her tongue continued to probe her silky folds, Vanya felt more gratification and validation, that her own matrix translated as pleasure and arousal.  Her heart skipped a beat for a second as one hand let go of her dark hair, and yet, the other one stayed.  She quickly understood what was happening.  From the head on Vanya’s tongue, her hot firey furnace was almost at critical, and that just drove Vanya’s needs deeper  She probed the wetness, simultaneously trying to both satisfy and prolong the encounter between them both. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #110
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

As her lover feasted between her legs, Natalie tried to wrap her mind around all that was happening without getting overwhelmed by it. Everything she was doing was so very out of character. Then again, anything that she allowed herself to do that was sexual in nature and involved more participants than herself and perhaps we well engineered toy of some form was, in truth, 'out of character'. She had no real basis of comparison to what was or wasn't normal, or what was or wasn't well done. She just knew what felt good in the moment. And Vanya, bless her, was making Nat feel damned good. If her brain started to melt along with that molten heat in her core, Natalie would not have been the least bit surprised. Thinking, while getting eaten out to perfection, was rather hard to do.

At some point during their exertions, Natalie had gone from moaning loudly, and taking large gasps of air, to letting out little yips of groans and pleased sighs, mostly between short, fast breaths. There was a distinct, noticeable tremble in the leg that had kicked out and away, the toes still curled, but the limb was visibly shuddering, if only just. Something easily felt, so she was sure - in so much that she was 'sure' of anything at this point - that Vanya would be well aware of that little shake. Not to mention the sheen of sweat that was breaking out across her skin, despite the cooling, riverside breeze that was sweeping across the open deck of the sailboat. 

With another groan, Nat found herself pushing back down the control panel she was draped across, pressing herself brazenly against her friend's face. A heated blush colored her cheeks and spilled down across her collar bone, fading into her normal skin tones as her breasts jiggled, unrestrained by the bra she usually sported. Those rosy pink nipples looked hard enough to cut the most resilient of duranium alloy's with narry a hitch. She would be mortified if someone from the ship called right then, or worse, beamed down. But providence held and the only witness to her unrestrained needs was Vanya, tending to, and causing much of, the physcial exertions on the part of the Ops Chief. And perhaps the stray river bird, settling in for the night, only to be disturbed by the noises the energetic couple were making. 

Something tight and needy curled up within Natalie, causing her to go taut for a moment, eyes snapping wide, looking at the alien sky above. Her breath hitched, then she groaned out her friends name, and tried her best to prop herself back up. In panting, half formed words, she warned Vanya, "I think...I'm really...really close. Like I'm going to explode. Oh, jeeze...." Not exactly the flowering confession of desire she'd hoped for, but certainly it had the novelty of being honest, and not something she'd ever much said before, to anyone really.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #111
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus

In some senses, Vanya didn’t want the moment to end, it was what she had wated for the years she had known Nat, and she wanted the moment – their first moment – to last forever.   

But as the two of them were together, on the primitive sea faring vehicle, an island of sorts, naked exposed to the open, this was the beginning of the journey between them, and not the end.  In the same way that the boat would take them on an adventure down the of this alien world, the two of them were now together on the rafts of passion, and the metaphorical body of water was going to be far less calm than the actual one they floated upon in that moment.    Vanya allowed herself her own shudder at the thought of the adventures that they could take together.     

Vanya knew that the warmth between Nat’s legs was now burning like the furnace of a thousands suns.    Her cute confession that it was near was like music    The words didn’t matter, it was the tone of voice that she conveyed, as if putting her theory into action, Vanya allowed herself to make a sound around Nat’s loin, somewhere between a coo, and a moan, an invitation.  She slowed down with her tongue, taking all the time she needed to taste her wired womanhood  The thought of what was about to come excited the android.  She was ready. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #112
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

Truly Natalie felt as if she were going to burst. Her head was awash in an ocean of pleasure, swimming to maintain any kind of focus in the moment. She wanted to make this feeling last as long as she could - selfishly, she liked feeling good, a shock she supposed - but at the same time the pressure was building and building, and she craved a release. It would not be the first orgasm that Natalie had ever had. She'd brought herself to completion more than once (quite a few times more). Nor would it be the first time someone (or something, she would have to reluctantly admit) had given her that desperate release. This would however be the first time such a thing had come at the fingers and lips of a woman. Never mind at the talented efforts of her oldest friend.

If Natalie had any doubts about if Vanya happened to be enjoying herself  (as if the way her tongue kept darting in and out of Natalie's damp core hadn't been a clue) the noises that Vanya made washed those concerns away. Nat knew what Vanya sounded like when she was having a good time. Hearing that laced with deep veins of desire, all muffled by her own snatch was just about too much for the human native of Mars. In that moment, though Vanya's focus was entirely on her, Nat swore to herself that she'd make sure Vanya made just as much noise because of her.

But in that moment there was nothing else that Natalie could do in the position that she was in than sink her hand tighter into Vanya's hair and pull hard. Her fingertips ran over those artfully pointed ears, and she managed to crack one eye open as she grit her teeth. Looking down her body, past her heaving chest, Nat could see Vanya there, face buried between her thighs, looking back at Nat. It was too much, and the brunette's head snapped away, toward the console beneath her as her back arched. "Va-va-vaanya..!"

The cry was sharp, and prolonged, echoing out over the water as Natalie began to buck uncontrollably. Her legs tightened against Vanya's head, squeezing (not that the Romulan Android was in any risk of being hurt), and her ass lifted up off the console she'd been braced against as she bent backward. The building pressure releases, head radiating out from her core, her folds slick and puffy, her channel clamping down on itself. She shook and shook, gripping tight, moaning and gasping as that climax left her dazed, draped across the ship controls and utterly at her friends mercy. Every thought in Nat's head could be boiled down and condenses into one sentiment: Fuck, but that felt good.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #113
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

The taste of her new lover/old friend’s eruption was a crescendo, the natural mathematics, the solved problem, the validated hypothesis, and yet, like the best mathematical equations, this was just the beginning, the early formula in the equation of companionship and passion, that an indefinite amount of time in the company of the buxom Martian beauty would bring.  

The scent of their perspiration and Nat’s release mingled with the salty air of the Aldean night hinted at further escalation of their relationship.    She softly retracted her tongue, kissing her way back up Nat, her post climax body was desirable to Vanya as it had been when they first met.  

Now at eye level, she allowed herself a mischievous grin.   “Hope you saved some, my heart, We’re just getting started.”   She reached forward, and gave Nat another full kiss.    It was fascinating to see the ways she had changed since their first kiss earlier in the evening.  She was eager for Nat to sample her in the same way as she had just done, but knew that while she wouldn’t hurt Nat, she couldn’t guarantee the same of the ship’s controls.  

“Now what do you say we go below decks, and if you can put some of what you’ve learned to some good use?”

She gently kissed Nat on the side of her neck, and took a few steps back, holding out her hand.   There was more escitement yet to come.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #114
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Adrift in an ocean of pleasure, Natalie floated on the edge of an abyss that threatened to suck her in. Even as her body bucked and surged, not quite thrashing - Vanya did not draw things out so far that pleasure became pain again - her mind struggled to form a coherent thought. Or keep its clutch on consciousness all together. Very little effort would it take to send Natalie in the warm embrace of nothingness. This might have been the best orgasm she'd ever had, and it was nigh on enough to overwhelm her. Likely as not because of who had brought her this release, not just the mechanical skill of the act.

But as she felt soft lips plant tender kisses over skin that was slick more with sweat than other juices, Natalie forced herself to cling to awareness, to struggle back from that warm pool of pure nothing. Her eyes fluttered, and she began to come back to herself in time to see Vanya staring down at her, plying her with sweet words and promises that set Natalie's heart racing all over again. Promises of more to come. She wasn't entirely sure her body could take it. It had been some time since she'd allowed herself this particular form of release, albeit it all on her lonesome. This was...this was so much better than she'd expected. 

Why did I wait so long? She wondered. Had she been braver at the Academy...but there was no point in dwelling on the past, when the here and now had plenty to hold her focus. Pink flesh darted out from between swollen pillows as she licked at her lips, swallowing after. The fog faded from her gaze and she smiled a silly, lazy smile, a completely unguarded expression. She was basking in the afterglow, radiating in the night under Vanya.

She was given no chance to protest or reassure the Romulan of her ability to do anything else that night, as her friend - lover - swept down and pulled her into a kiss. Dimly, Natalie was aware that the strange taste on the android's lips was Natalie's own climax, a flavor wholly unfamiliar to her at this point, but she hardly seemed bothered by it. Vanya was kissing her. Vanya was kissing her, and really that was the important thing. With an effort that seemed far more gargantuan than the action deserved, Natalie managed to toss one of her arms around the other woman's neck, leaving it hanging there as she eagerly returned the kiss, savoring the taste, the feel, of her oldest friends lips and tongue. Basking, yes, still basking, but now in the affection being sent her way, the warmth and safety the kiss offered.

Eventually Vanya pulled back. The android might not need to breathe but Natalie did, and the Martian woman appreciated the consideration given to her own needs. She leaned up and rubbed her nose gently against her friends, before Vanya was murmuring a new offer, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. Nat had to wonder if the other woman could feel her pulse racing just beneath the surface. 

Blinking she realized that Vanya had pulled away, and the cool breeze off the river washed over flushed, sweaty flesh. Nat shivered ever so slightly, and pushed herself up to her feet. She leaned back behind her, making sure nothing was amiss (it was fine) and then turned and stretched, her hands reaching up toward an alien sky full of stars. Carefully walking toward Vanya, she slid her hand into the other womans, blushing, but unbothered by such trivial things. She tugged and stepped past the taller girl, taking the first step down toward the sleeping cabin. "I think I could do with a little more exploration of my best friend," she murmured, bringing the other girls fingers to her lips, to brush against her knuckles. "My girlfriend," she decided to clarify, making that a bold statement before stepping gingerly below decks and out of sight of the prying eyes of nightbirds, perched along the great river's shorelines.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #115
 [Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn:
@Brutus Brutus


“I am rarely considered by people to be the first half of that word.   Even more don’t consider me to be the second part.” 

 Vanya had many titles in her life.   Cadet, Ensign, Lieuteant, asset, sciene officer, temptress.   But none felt so good to her as the simple terran phrase for significant other.   It brought a new sensation to her, something intense.   Not gratification, per se, her overriding instinct, instead it was a catalyst to a connection that she had never imagined  

She followed, hand in hand with the Martian girl.   The cool breeze brushing against her skin, moving stray locks of her raven black hair  as they headed down below. 

Although they had been down below earlier in the evening, it seemed different this time.   Something in the paint perhaps?   It was highly unsettling for Vanya at first.    A natural or synthetic perfume that Is released at night?    Yet with her perfect memory she couldn’t put her finger on it.   

And then she could.   It was Nat of course.   Or rather the consummation of their relationships.   The curvy martian with a hint of a blush on her face was her girlfriend, her life partner, someone who wanted to spend their time together.   Places like this room weren’t just a place where they were, it was now a place where they were together.  

Vanya released her fingers, and with cat like grace swayed across the cabin, to the lone bed.   She turned around, exposing her pristine front to Nat and sank onto the bed.  

With a playful wink she slouched backwards onto the bed.   “So, tell me” she asked.   “What is in the role description of a girlfriend entail?”    
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #116
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: 

Natalie would never claim that what she did now was in character for her, though others perhaps might make the argument that, for people she cared for, Nat did not broker them to say unkind things of themselves. No matter that Vanya was simply noting that others might have issues seeing her as a woman, a friend or even a person. Nat was not going to stand for such things. She might have made a better go of it had she been less punch drunk on the orgasm that had been brought forth by the Romulan Android, of course. But at that moment she cared not a wit. 

Pausing on the stairs for only just a moment, those blue eyes darted down, and then up, taking in the very naked form of Vanya (and well aware of her own nudity) in one sweeping gesture. With practiced patience, an eyebrow rose up, and she let her head tilt slightly to the right. Natalie fixed Vanya with a look that would have been stern not for the  Ops Chief's inability to keep a ghost of a smile from curling her lips. "From where we stand right now I think I can say with some authority that you are most definitely a girl." 

Having made that point clear enough, she resumed the descent into the sleeping cabin, though to achieve that she had to work her way back from the landing beneath. The ship was well accommodated for a small party to enjoy themselves, with a cooking and seating area, heads, and of course, the main bed cabin to which they were headed. Over her shoulder, she added, "And you've always been my friend from the day we met."

With that reminder, she entered the cabin, and felt, as much as she saw, Vanya slide past, and plant herself on the bed. Natalie leaned against the entry way, her shoulder and tilted head resting against the door jam as she crossed her arms up under her bust. A small smile graced her face, as she drank in the sight offered up to her. So many times, at the Academy, had Natalie seen Vanya naked. But it really was different now. There was an attraction that had not been present before. Yes, she could admit to herself, here in the boats cabin, that she was very much attracted to Vanya physically. While before there was an appreciation for the form, now there was a desire that accompanied it. 

So taken was she by this revelation that she almost missed her friends words. Once they registered, she bushed a bit, and played with a strand of sweat slicked hair that had fallen down between her breasts. Ignoring her own nudity for the moment, she gave the question some serious thought. "I don't have much experience with the notion myself, but what I would imagine the role to entail, would be someone that I could trust, implicitly and completely. Someone that I could take comfort in, and comfort in turn. Someone to be there for me. To care for me, and I for her. Someone to shore me up. With whom I could be myself. Be Safe. Be loved. Be mine."

Quite the definition, Nat, she noted to herself, biting her lip. A gleam of wickedness bubbled up from some deep, repressed corner of the Martian's psyche, and she added, "Not to mention the whole sexual satisfaction side of the relationship."

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #117
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime attn @Brutus

In a graceful fluid motion, Vanya moved around tbe bed, there were many seductive poses that she was aware of.     She could casually drape her arm over her ample chest, while at the same time moving her pelvis, both gestures to titillate, to tempt, to show what might be, if they, to use a human term, play their cards right.     But Nat, to labour the metaphor, had played her cards right,  had cleaned out the bank, and was also in possession of a fistful of metaphorical IOUs from the proverbial casino.   

So, in actual fact Vanya propped up her head on her left hand,  her voluptuous orbs still slick with sweat from their exploration up top.    Her right hand rested almost casually on her hip, her fingers leaning towards her womanhood, showing that there was more for Nat if she wished.    Seeing her framed in the door, it was truly like beholding an art work, but the gorgeous woman it surrounded,,   true such sentiments might have been seen as cliché, but in Nat’s case it had the virtue of being absolutely true.   

 “You have all of those things from me, for all time, I promise.”   She said.   “I’ll never leave you.”   If the Cayuga ever returned, if the Theurgy won, returned to Starfleet, and was forgiven, Vanya was still sure that she would stay with Nat, even if that meant forsaking her own commission and becoming a civilian.     With Nat she felt truly alive, now more than ever.        

She twisted her lips into a playful smirk.    “And yes, I have the sexual satisfaction thing down to a T,” she said.  “At least, so I’m told”    
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #118
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Given Vanya's artificial nature, 'for all time' was quite the promise to make, and Natalie was humbled. There was every chance that her friend - her girlfriend, now, for that statement made things seem rather official to the Martian - would out live Natalie. For a brief moment in time, Natalie felt very small. A promise of that magnitude left her blushing and quiet, internalizing the words, locking them snug away in her heart. Her lips curled into a blooming smile, as warmth settled in behind her bosom. Oh, it was so very early in this relationship, and she knew she aught not to put stock into words said so soon, but Nat trusted Vanya to say what she meant, and the two of them had known each other for the better part of a decade, even if it had taken that, and the galaxy upending itself, to bring them together again in a place where she - they both - could take this next step that now seemed to have been inevitable, to Natalie.

The sly grin and the words that followed from the Romulan beauty pulled Nat back into the moment, and despite herself, she giggled. Surprisingly, she didn't feel a spike of jealousy at the fact that others had said such things of Vanya. That others had experienced Vanya. It was not as if Natalie herself was a virgin anymore, even if that had been a somewhat recent change of status for the Martian. Perhaps she was still punch drunk, as her father would have said, on all that had happened, but all she could do was agree. "I believe I am in the perfect position to confirm that you do." 

Again, she allowed herself to do in private what she'd never done in public, and never thought to do with her old Academy roommate: rake her eyes over the nakedness on display, and drink it in for what it was. There was no denying that the work that went into Vanya was impressive. She sweated. An android that glistened from exertion. But the technology that went into Vanya didn't really factor into it now, not after all these years of knowing her. That she'd worked up a sweat tending to Natalie's needs...and that the gleam of it looked so good on her bare skin. The way her breasts swelled, and how Natalie's gaze was drawn along the extended fingers to the clean-shaven mound...she found herself swallowing, and then pushing away from the doorframe, striding slowly over toward the bed.

"I uh, well now that you mention satisfaction," her knees bumped up against the edge of the mattress, distracting her for a moment. It was easy enough to reach out, running her fingers up the other woman's bare leg. "You did a number on me but I couldn't help but notice that well, I haven't done anything for you. And I think, maybe...we should rectify that..."

She just wasn't sure exactly how she should go about that. She'd never tried to seduce anyone before. If you can call this seduction, she thought, her voice sounding wry even in her own mind.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #119
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

In some senses, Nat was wrong.    She had brought Nat years of satisfaction.   First, by treating her as a real person, and not a machine when they first met.    By being a friend and a confident, not an aquantaintance an interested party.   She was the first person that ever truly made Vanya feel like a person, that was allowed to be her self  and not what was expected of her as a cadet or officer.   When the ship that Vanya had thought was her home was taken from her Nat was there and the Theurgy  had been her home.   

And yet, as the curvy Martian joined her on the bed, there was a lot that she had wanted from her.   The moment they shared on the surface was just the beginning.    Because of the need to pass off as organic, Vanya did have emotions and sensations that were real.    As such she had within her the desire to share her physical being with Nat, as well as her emotional one.   It truly was what she wanted, and she was excited to see where the next level would take them.  

She  sat  up on the bed making no attempt to act coy or bashful.   The next steps were going to be exciting to Vanya, moments that would live in her mind as long as she was alive.    She presented herself to Nat,

“Let’s do just that, my love.”
   Vanya said.   “I’ve been yearning for this for a long, long time.”  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #120
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Natalie would not say 'never in a million years,' if asked 'did you ever see going down on your best friend as something you would do,' but the time frame, until rather recently, would have been something in the general ballpark. Unlikely would have been an understatement. But it could not  be said that she had never thought of it, she had simply never considered it seriously. Perhaps a passing thought, quickly dismissed as something she just wasn't interested in. Past Natalie, she decided, was a bit of an idiot. And she certainly lacked imagination. The Natalie of the here and now, could certainly imagine how the next few moments were going to go. Not only could she imagine it, she found herself eager for it. Yes, there was trepidation - she'd not done this to someone before. Like on deck up above, this was a new experience, but this time, she was not the focus of the pleasure that would hopefully be delivered - Vanya was.

And Natalie was aware that Vanya did have experiences prior to now, with other partners. She was also aware that her friend - her lover, now - was quite talented. She'd seen how talented up closer and personal just moments before. First hand, as it were. And those lips, she thought, remembering what the Romulan Android had done with her mouth, between Natalie's legs. It made her shiver, almost like a micro tremor of desire bursting up out of her depths, a lingering aftershock of her previous orgasm brought on by the memory of the intimate moments on deck in the night air. It was certainly a lot to live up to. 

Truthful, she knew she should take her time. She aught to explore her friends body. But step by step, Natalie found herself crossing what distance there was, hips swaying in anticipation. She wasn't someone who had a 'sexy walk,' or at least she didn't think she was. But her own desires were acting on her in ways she was not conscious of, and in part that manifested in a pleasing sway. A visual feast - just like the one she was being given. Vanya had herself on full display, like a work of art, carved by masters. The lighting here was low, but in a way warmer than the moons of Aldea, and brought into better contrast all the curve's and contours of her lovers form. As Nat climbed up onto the bed, her hands reaching out to run over Vanya's calves, she marveled in the way that the other girls skin flushed green at points, signs of arousal. 

Romulan blood - or the mimicry that Vanya possessed - was as green as their Vulcan cousins, and Natalie found the affect that had on the androids womanhood simply...Fascinating. This little discovery pleased Natalie quite a bit, and even though she had some vague notions about how to build up the moment, she found herself unable to resist the allure of those jade petals. With her hands moving up to grip Vanya's thighs tightly, and provide a bit of balance to keep herself from completely face planting into the other woman's sex, the off duty Ops Chief lowered herself in. She took a slow breath, as if to calm herself, before her lips parted and her tongue darted out. Only as she flattened her tongue did she look up, lapping slowly as she got her first taste of Vanya.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #121
 [Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn\ @Brutus

Vanya watched as Nat moved over, her friend – her lover was the very image of perfection as she moved towards her on the bed.    The scenes that unfolded brought great warmth of Vanya’s simulacra of a heart.    To see her moving in on her was perhaps something she had wanted since they had first met in their quarters at the academy.   But there was something else there that Vanya began to value over physical gratification her presence brought joy in a way that eclipsed that of physical gratification.   Now, many years and light years later, their physical cogress was a sign of more than a cheap encounter, it was a moment of magic in their relationship.  

As Nat went down before, well, going down, she parted her legs in invitation to the Martiaon woman.    Vanya was grateful for the quirks of her design that meant as a simulation she could convincingly portray both pleasure and pain, as she really did feel both of these sensations.   So feeling Nat;s breath against her loins was a true instant of delight for the android, the sensatation causing a moan of delight to escape from her lips.  

She reached down with her hand, and softly began to carress Nat;s hair as she delved into her offered womanhood.    While she had been satified by a variety of people in her life, this time felt different, more fluid.   This wasn’t for her, and it wasn’t for Nat.   It was for them.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #122
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Even though the ship was now anchored out of the main current of the mighty river, and despite being below deck, Natalie could feel the gentle sway of the boat in the water. It bobbed up and down, and rolled from port to starboard, never so much as to cause her any concern (nor discomfort, thanks to years of sailing when she was younger). The motion of river added something to the moment unfolding for Natalie. Perhaps it was that her own prominent hips swayed in time with the boat. Or that the slow swell that they rose out hitting the bow and working its way across, seemed to bring her lovers mound closer to her mouth. Maybe it was simply that Natalie felt the memory of bygone days, of a kinder and more considerate time in her life manifesting itself with every motion, mixed and entangled in this new chapter of her life, and drew strength from it. 

Whatever the case, as intangible as that 'something' was, being on a boat for her first time with Vanya, her first time tasting another woman intensified the moment for Natalie. As she watched Vanya - my Vanya she deiced with a sudden, fierce possessiveness that was fairly alien to her nature - react to her tongue slowly lapping at the Romulan's cunt, she felt a moan bubbling up in her chest. For a moment she thought to stop it, then, as if going with the motion of the ship, she instead allowed herself to roll just a bit closer toward the android woman. Her lips opened wide, and she pressed a sloppy kiss to the petals she'd licked, and let the moan free from her throat.

Wanting to ensure that she truly lavished affection upon Vanya's sex in a fashion similar to how her own core had been so scrupulously sampled, Natalie pulled back from the impromptu kiss, and her tongue dart out again. This time she pressed the tip of her tongue to the point of skin just below Vanya's pussy. She was too chicken to lick any lower, the notion of such play in a sexual fashion a bridge too far for her limited experience to conjure up. Never the less, she started at a point outside the woman's pussy, and then slowly brought her tongue up one side, flattening it out  as she rounded the crest of the hooded folds, and then darting it back down the other in a lazy, deliberate circle. She repeated this a few more times as she felt fingers sink into her claret colored locks, a shiver going straight from her scalp down her spine and bursting in delight between her legs. Taking this as a sign to go deeper as it were, Natalie allowed Vanya to guide her back to a more central position. 

She tightened her grip on the Romulan's powerful thighs, enjoying the illusion that she could somehow keep them in place, as her lips closed over the flowering folds once more. She tried sucking, nibbling, flicking her tongue out, to taste between, probe the entrance as best she could. The Martian was not endowed with an abnormally long oral muscle, but her tongue managed to find some interesting nooks and cranny's to carnally enjoy all the same, and Natalie soon found herself in a rhythm that kept her from having her jaw ache too much, and allowed her to breathe through her nose. Of course she was completely awash in the smell and flavor of another woman's sex, and that was a new and - to her great surprise - arousing sensation. 

Years of friendship had lead to this moment, and though she lacked practice, Natalie was determined that she would be enthusiastic enough in her attempts at cunnilingus to convey just how much she felt for her friend-turned-lover.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #123
[b][Lt.  Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime
[/b] @Brutus Brutus
The sounds of the sea - the water washing against the hull of their boat, the distant sounds of fauna, and gentle rocking of the ship would be calming,     But calm was a phrase that could be applied to Vanya right now.     She rolled back her head as Nat tended to her tender regions with her tongue.   

The android had indulged in a world of sexual encounters in her years, first in order to do her job as a spy and then to indulge her hedonistic pursuits as a free being.    And yet, because of her bond with her Martian lover, this was becoming one of the most gratifying liaisons of her existence.     This was literally blowing everything else out of the water.   

Sweat clung to her skin, she bit her lips.     She had always experienced pleasure as an observer studying the sensations as she would study a scientific readout.     Yet things were different now.     The sensations felt different - as it her very emotional core was being overridden by instinct.

"Mmmm yesss" Vanya murmured.       Her voice was uneven and lacked her usual poise but there was still no doubt that she wanted to continue , her tone was both longing and inviting.      Each touch of Nat's tongue was like she was being hit by a form of addictive energy.    Familiar yet more.   

She let herself  be held by Natalie, as her own hands brushed through lover's hair, a gentle gesture, conveying her affection and desire to continue
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #124
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Despite having had one of the best orgasms of her life (not that she'd had all that many truly good ones to judge against) Natalie could feel heat building between her legs again, which were now clenched tightly behind her. She was laying flat on her stomach, breasts pressed down on the sheets covering the bed that took up so very much of the space in the boats cabin. Her bum rose up and swung side to side as she focused on the task at hand, ignoring how her heart seemed to race in her chest, and how her vision seemed to tunnel slightly, as her pale blue eyes kept flicking up to take in Vanya's body, before fluttering shut, only to open again.

Swallowing, Natalie plunged her tongue into Vanya as deep as she could manage and tried to swirl it around; the result was more a wiggling of side to side, but given the encouragement she got from her lover, she presumed it was well received. That got her thinking of another idea, and seeing as she needed to breathe anyway, she pulled back slightly and slid her right arm out from under Vanya's left leg. Her lips were glistening as she took a slow, deep breath to settle herself, cheeks flushed and eyes shining bright. Pressing a few kisses to the girls mons, just above her folds, she wiggled herself up so that she could get her arm into place.

"Raise your hips babe," Natalie murmured, trying hard to sound sexy, seeing if the little term of endearment worked for her, and for Vanya. It felt alien coming from her lips, but then, she could taste the Romulan with each flick of her tongue as she spoke, and that felt delightful. She could get used to 'babe' or anything else they settled on. Right now she just wanted her lover to comply, and as she did, she licked two of her fingers to get them nice and wet. These she traced over the androids cunt, letting them split apart and each caress one lip. She brought them together again and twisted her wrist so her palm pressed up, and then slid the two fingers slowly into the girls channel, feeling the pressure there.

Logically she knew that this might be the dangerous part, but she had to trust that Vanya had enough control, even when she lost control, not to crush her fingers. An idle, ancient joke about not fisting robots surfaced in her mind, and for a moment she giggled unrepentantly, but quickly swallowed those back and leaned back it. An objective analysis would had to concede that she was more than a bit awkward at what she was trying, but she knew she liked the idea of it, and was sure that she'd get it right with a little bit of work, finding a good rhythm to it. But with her lovers fingers in her sweat soaked hair, Nat managed not to bruise her own chin as she curled her lips over the hood of Vanya's clit while her fingers probed deep into the other girls pussy, basking in the internal heat, quickly growing slick from the efforts.

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