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2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

[ Dr Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deep Space 3 | 2375 ] @Stegro88

Infirmary duty aboard DS 3 was mostly trivial. Patients would come in with various sort of symptoms because of the varying population visiting the station. The position of DS 3 made it a prime commerce station, yet there had been some fluctuations in traders ever since the Dominion conflict had broken loose. Amelya Duv was an ensign that resided on DS3 for almost her entire life. Her foster parent worked in the infirmary which helped in her daily routine. She had just celebrated her 22nd birthday and she was feeling just great with how life progressed.

Amelya's shift had been halfway through before she got called in to the CMO office aboard the Sickbay on DS3. She had no clue why or as for what reason she was being summoned there. Her patients were all in relatively good health considering the things they were admitted for and none of her former patients had suffered from any negative effects. Nor did she imagine any of them compiling a complaint against her. She walked into the office and looked at the CMO as he nodded at her "Ah, ensign Duv. Please take a seat."

Amelya observed the man from head to toe before she nodded and took her place in one of the seats at the front of his desk "Sir, if you don't mind me asking. Why am I here?" she asked carefully as she looked at the CMO. He smiled at her and he shook his head "You're here Amelya because the brass has asked for your assistance in a special matter. They're sending someone over for the specifics as we speak." he explained "A special matter?" she repeated after him as she frowned. The man nodded "Yes, but before the contact person gets here. I must tell you that you can refuse to participate in the matter if you're feeling like you're not up for it. Yet once you say yes, there won't be a way back from it." he warned her.

The final warning only made a chill run over the spine of the young ensign. What was he on about? The door chimed however before she could ask further and Amelya turned herself halfway to look at the door. "Come in." the CMO said loud and clear as the door opened. Amelya looked at the feminine figure as she stepped in, the Trill didn't say a word as the human waited for the doors to close.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #1
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | CMO Office | Deep Space 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

She tugged at her uniform once again as she walked through the passageways towards the sickbay and the office of the station’s Chief Medical Officer. The uniform itself was replicated no more than an hour earlier and Donna had yet to ‘break it in’, hence the tugging.

She wasn’t even supposed to be here. She was supposed to be on Casperia Prime enjoying a week’s leave before returning to Cardassian space, but an urgent mission had come through to her. And boy, was it going to be a fun one. Infiltrating an Orion Syndicate auction by posing as a buyer. Once in, she was to gather information on participants, inventory and any deals made before guiding in a Starfleet strike force. And she wasn’t going in alone.

She was supposed to recruit a medical professional to accompany her so that they could evaluate any slaves that the Syndicate were selling. She had stated that she could do it herself but had been overridden by her commanding officer and ordered to take a companion. But who was crazy enough to do that?

And so, here she was on Deep Space 3, wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant Commander to provide her some autonomy from the command structure, seeking a crazy medical professional. Casperia Prime was looking real good right about now.

Arriving at the correct office, Donna activated the door chime to announce her arrival. Once she was invited in, Donna entered to see a male Human and a female Trill inside. Once the doors had closed behind her, Donna addressed the CMO.

“My name is Lieutenant Commander Nomen, has she been briefed about her acceptance or refusal for this mission?” Donna asked the man abruptly. Time was short.

“She has,” the CMO replied.

“Excellent,” Donna acknowledged. “Now, I am afraid I will need to commandeer your office for the briefing. Please excuse us.” The CMO had little recourse to object to the senior officer standing before him and after grabbing a small pile of PADDs, exited the office. Once gone, Donna checked that the door was sealed before turning back to the Trill.

“I will remind you that once you accept your participation in the following mission, there is no turning back,” Donna began calmly. “We will be going undercover at an Orion Syndicate auction. These auctions can be for anything from weapons to contraband supplies, food to slaves. Our mission is to observe and record everything we see and hear there before calling in a Starfleet force to deal with those present. Once completed, you will be returned here, never to speak of the mission again.”

“Before I ask you for your acceptance or refusal, do you have any questions?” Donna asked.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #2
[ Dr Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deep Space 3 | 2375 ] @Stegro88 

The lieutenant commander that walked in seemed most authoritative as she asked the CMO about the state in which Amelya had been briefed in. Once he had acknowledged it, he seemingly got booted out of his own office. Which he did so after taking some PADDs, once he had left the office it seemed like the women were the only two left. Amelya simply watched him leave before she stood up out of her chair and saluted the higher ranking officer as she was learned.

As the senior officer began to tell her in short what the mission would be about, Amelya nodded slowly as she tried to grasp what exactly the mission would entail "Ma'am... Can I ask why you'd need a medical officer along for this mission? In fact, why would you need me?" she asked with a hint of nervosity in her voice "I mean, I'm just an ensign that was graduated like two years ago. If it already has been two years for that matter. Surely you ought to be looking for more experienced people? I don't even have any experience with... These kinds of operations..." she admitted

It wasn't that the Trill doctor was opposed to agreeing to the mission. Yet she disliked losing control. The OCD bug that probably bothered everyone on medical. She just wanted to get a clear vision on the how and the what before she'd agree on the matter. "Also, how long would this endeavor take? I have patients here that I need to tend to. Family..." she added to the questions as she looked into Donna's eyes. Slowly though, the eyes of Amelya traveled over the woman, trying to get anything more from her body language.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #3
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | CMO Office | Deep Space 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Donna stood calmly as Ensign Duv asked several questions about and voiced her opinions on her participation in the mission. She had expected these questions and already had answers for them. She even agreed with most of the questions she was asked. But she had her orders.

“Ensign Duv, I would have thought that the need for a medical officer on this mission was rather obvious. You are a Medical Officer,” Donna stated. She paused for a moment, exhaled and then continued. “This operation is of a time sensitive nature. The Syndicate runs these auctions at a neutral location for only a short time. Once that time is up, everyone leaves. There isn’t time to assemble a proper team. So we are trying to make do. Otherwise we pass on this opportunity and let the star’s only know what happen there.”

“Specifically, your part in the mission will be to check the health status of any slaves present and evaluate their overall condition in case of contingency plans becoming necessary, “ Donna explained. “You should also know that 4 other medical officers have declined their participation in the mission prior to my arrival on Deep Space 03. If you choose to decline the assignment, then I will depart and go to the next person on my list that could help me. Thee will be no stigma or penalty attached to you for that choice. In fact, this conversation will not have taken place.” Donna noticed that the Ensign was looking at her closely, trying to pick up something from her body language, she guessed, but Donna at long ago learned how to conceal that.

“As for the mission duration,” Donna said, addressing the Trill’s final point. “The mission you be completed within a 2-3 week period depending upon how long final debriefing takes. Actual boots on the ground will be completed within 10-days. Is there anything else?”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #4
[ Dr Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deep Space 3 | 2375 ] @Stegro88

Listening to the lieutenant commander in disguise Amelya nodded as the motivation why she was selected to come along was being explained in full. It made sense and as the mission seemed time critical Amelya felt that postponing all of this any longer would be a mistake. To let the woman search further for another officer would be wasting valuable time that slaves in in the grasp of the syndicate wouldn't have. Amelya simply nodded at the woman in the office and she was slightly concerned to hear that four other officers had declined the offer to help her out.

"Why have the others declined the mission?" she asked as she locked eyes with Donna. The Trill slowly rose up from out of her seat and paced on the other side of the room as she considered her reply, hearing more about mission duration and how long she'd be gone from the station. "Furthermore, am I to make my decision on the spot or can I handle personal affairs first?" she asked as she was seemingly making up her mind on participating in the mission or not.

After hearing the final reply of Donna she nodded as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Very well ma'am... I don't think you'll have to look any further. I'll facilitate your needs for a medical officer. Those poor souls don't have the luxury to be kept waiting." she answered as she felt somewhat obliged as it was her duty as a Starfleet officer and as a medical professional to help those in need. "When do we need to go and what do I need to bring along for this endeavor?"

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #5
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | CMO Office | Deep Space 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

“I didn’t ask why the other officers declined to participate,” Donna replied to the Trill ensign. “It could be personal reasons. Not wanting to risk their lives infiltrating the Orion Syndicate, where a single mistake could mean death or enslavement. Or not feeling they were suited for undercover work. As I said, I didn’t ask,” Donna explained.

“You would have perhaps two hours to handle any personal matters that need to be taken care of. They would obviously not be allowed to know where you are going. If they ask, then you are to inform them that you have been summoned before a review board for a new assignment. Your record will reflect as such,” Donna stated as the Trill paced. “In any other situation I would be happy to give you time to think on what I have said but I am afraid the situation prevents me from doing so. I must have an answer now.”

Donna stood and watched Ensign Ruv, able to practically see the wheels turning in her head, balancing time versus need. And then it came, the Trill’s acceptance of the mission. She was honestly surprised that the Trill had accepted so easily. And without asking for critical information regarding the mission. If she had had the time, Donna would have gone over all of that before accepting the Trill’s participation but a glance at the timepiece on the wall showed that she just didn’t have the time.

“We leave in two hours. I will need you to requisition a single field medical kit. Standard-issue, nothing fancy,” Donna ordered as she pulled a PADD from her pocket. “I will need your height, weight, waist, hip, bust and shoe sizes,” Donna said as she held out the PADD to the Ensign. “Once you have completed your personal matters, meet me in my quarters on Deck 09, Room 619.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #6
[ Dr Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deep Space 3 | 2375 ] @Stegro88

Two hours, that was all the time she was going to get to pack her things and to hand her patients over to another attending physician. She would inform her guardian about her leave of absence, obviously not telling her the true nature of her departure yet giving her enough of information so she wouldn't have to worry. Amelya nodded as she took the PADD from Donna., she started to fill in the required fields and handed it back to her. "I'll see you in two hours ma'am."

With that Amelya saluted before she left the office and started to sort the things she had to sort. In under forty five minutes she had transferred the patients over to another doctor and an hour of her time was consumed by talking to her foster parent about having to step away for a time. The guardian she had was happy that the Trill would try out and prepare herself for a new challenge. Amelya had chuckled at the reply and after saying goodbyes she left for her room to clean up and change attire. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to be wearing to meet the woman. Was she supposed to go in Starfleet uniform or would she have to wear something else. "Should've asked." she muttered to herself.

With two minutes to spare Amelya had rushed through the corridors of DS3 before she reached the room in the nick of time. She chimed the door, wearing a fresh teal uniform. Her hair was tied up into a bun and she chewed on her lip nervously. She wasn't sure what to expect and perhaps she should've asked more about the mission details. Perhaps those details would scare her off like the other officers. there was no time to crawl back now though as she had been committed to the cause.

As the door opened she smiled "Reporting for departure ma'am." she said, standing in attention briefly as she had the standard field medkit and some belonging strapped over her shoulder in a bag.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #7
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Personal Quarters | Deep Space 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

After the Ensign’s departure, Donna had returned to her temporary quarters aboard the station and set about preparing for the mission. Retrieving a data-crystal that was concealed within the heel of her boot, Donna plugged it into the room’s replicator and set about creating various garments and other items that she felt would be needed, or could be useful. For the mission. In between this, she packed up the few belongings she had brought with her into a bag before changing into civilian clothing. It wasn’t the clothes she would be wearing for the mission but they were a damn sight better than that uncomfortable uniform.

She was just finishing up packing the second of 2 bags of replicated items when there was a chime at the door. Checking the timepiece on the wall, Donna noted the time as 2 minutes to the deadline she had given the Ensign. 

“Good to see that she is on time. If it’s her,” Donna thought as she moved to open the door. Her opening revealed the Trill Ensign standing there in what looked like a fresh uniform. Her hair was done up in a bun and she was biting her lip nervously. “Probably having second thoughts.” Waving the doctor inside without a word, Donna sealed the door behind her before turning to look at the woman.

“Lose the uniform Ensign,” Donna ordered immediately. “I’ll dig out sometime more appropriate for you to wear in transit. And if that bag contains any identifying personal items, remove them.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #8
[ Dr Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deep Space 3 | 2375 ] @Stegro88 

"Uhm, okay." she replied to the woman as she was given her new outfit by the senior officer. First of which was a pair of blue pants. The fabric feeling jeans like yet it wasn't made of the same substance. It felt rather rugged, yet the next item was a green shirt that seemed a size too small for her, yet it felt stretchy. To top it off she was given a vest that would cover most of her up and make her look more like a refugee or traveling Trill.

"Thanks for the outfit ma'am" she thanked the officer as she didn't see any other room but the bathroom to change. She made her way over to it and took off her uniform there before changing into the non standard issue clothing. Once she had changed herself entirely she opened the bag she had brought along and removed anything personal that might still be in it. She placed them together with her uniform before bringing them back out in the room. She ensured that the items wouldn't be lost and would find their way back to her quarters by placing them in a canister. After that she walked up to the replicator and changed her feet wear to something more boot like.

Once she was ready she stood by the door as she looked at the lieutenant commander. "Ready and set when you are." she said with a smile as she could feel the nerves hitting her body. Her leg trembling a little as she played with her fingers. "I presume I should call you something else than ma'am or sir right?"she mentioned as she chewed on her lower lip.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #9
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Personal Quarters | Deep Space 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Once she had dug out the clothes for the Ensign and handed them to her, Donna had busied herself with finishing packing. She had only paused in this task to, once Amelya was in the bathroom, go over to the replicator and activate the memory wipe program on her data-crystal. Once the replicator’s recent memory was wiped, she retrieved her crystal and hid it once more in her boot. That crystal, and others like it, had saved her life on more than one occasion.

She had just finished doing up the last bag when the Trill exited the bathroom with a bundle of clothes in her hands. She watched as the Ensign used the replicator to create herself some new boots to wear and casually admired her form as she changed into them. 

“This mission could be more fun than I thought,” Donna thought to herself before turning away to retrieve a communicator from the bed. At the Ensign’s proclamation of being ready, Donna had picked up one of the bags and shouldered it before turning around to look at the slightly trembling Trill.

“I presume I should call you something else than ma’am or sir, right?” Amelya asked Donna as they stood there.

“We can discuss what we will be calling each other at a later date,” Donna replied to her companion. “For now, we need to leave. Would you grab that bag please?” Donna asked as she stepped to the side and activated her communicator. “Phrang, we’re headed for the transporters.”

“Understood,” came the reply a moment later. Donna didn’t respond as she closed the channel.

“Shall we?” Donna asked her still trembling Trill companion. “Definitely some fun to be had.”

As the transporter effect dissipated, Donna found herself looking at the familiar interior of Phrang’s ship. 

“Welcome aboard the Jade Falcon,” Donna said by way of explanation. “And yes, before you ask, this is a B’rel-class Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Try not to faint, please.”


Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #10
[ Dr Amelya Duv | En route | Deep Space 3 | 2375 ] @Stegro88  

"Yes ma'am" she answered as she was told that titles and callsigns, if that was the right term, would be shared later. Unaware of the looks the woman was giving her nor the thoughts she was having, Amelya waited until she was cleared to follow the woman. She did so in silence as she looked around in the corridors of the station. People who didn't know her simply walking past her whilst in the past people would look up or greet her in her uniform.

They were headed to the transport room and after they were beamed across to another ship to a man named Phrang, Amelya looked around in the ship. It certainly didn't look very Starfleet or Federation like and as Donna informed her that she was aboard a Klingon Bird of Prey, Amelya simply swallowed as she nodded. She did her best to keep her cool and simply moved over to a piece of wall where she waited for Donna to tell her where to go.

She didn't say anything as she watched the associate of Donna before she glanced further down along the interior of the ship. This was the first time she saw a Klingon ship for real. Sure there had been hologram's and holodeck experiences, yet nothing felt as real as the real thing. "I take it we're using this ship for the cloaking capabilities?" she eventually voiced out "How long would we be in transit?"

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #11
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Transporter Room | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Nolan

Donna watched as Amelya looked around at the interior of Phrang’s ship. The look on her face, Donna imagined, mirrored her own that first time she had come aboard the Jade Falcon. As she stepped off the pad, she heard the familiar pad of Phrang’s footsteps approaching and she looked up just in time to see him step into the corridor. Direction and distance let her know that she and Amelya had arrived aboard on the portside transporter pad. The Caitian male looked well and Donna could see that his grey fur was well kept.

“It is good to see you, old friend,” Phrang said in greeting to Donna, deliberately avoiding using a name. “Your gear is in the guest quarters.”

“Thank you Phrang,” Donna acknowledged. “You have the coordinates for the Auction?”

“I do,” Phrang replied with a nod of his head. “Although I wonder if it is a good idea that you attend. If the Nausicaan is there, it will complicate matters. I doubt Kaec has forgiven you.”

“Then he shouldn’t have cheated,” Donna responded, her tone changing at the mention of a past mission. She realised she was already slipping into her Maxine Gentry persona; something that had been happening all too easy the last couple of times she had used it. What had once been an exhilarating cover was now one that she had begun fearing to use.

"I take it we're using this ship for the cloaking capabilities?" Amelya asked from behind them, causing Donna to turn and look at her companion. "How long would we be in transit?"

“The cloak is more insurance than a necessity for this mission. Ideally, we won’t need to use it,” Donna remarked casually. “As for transit time, Phrang?”

“We can be there in 6 days,” Phrang replied. Donna’s head snapped around, ready to object but Phrang cut her off. “They moved auction location at the last minute. No explanation.”

“That’s concerning, but not unheard of,” Donna commented as her mind raced. “Shall we?”

“Of course,” Phrang said with a toothy grin before turning on his heel and padding away silently. As he disappeared from sight, Donna turned to Amelya.

“Best laid plans and all that. C’mon, I’ll show you where we’ll be sleeping.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #12
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Transporter Room | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88

As the Caitian came into sight Amelya veered back up as she wanted to leave a good first impression. It made her wonder if Phrang was part of Starfleet or not, yet she didn't pry either as she imagined the mission would've begun the moment they left the station. As they talked about the Auction, Amelya could only conclude that they were most definitely going to a slave auction. She wasn't looking forward to the prospect of it and she was caught daydreaming slightly about it before Donna replied her with her questions she had posed before.

The Caitian fell in as Donna bounced the question for transit time to him and she was surprised she'd be traveling for six days "Six days?" she repeated before she looked over at Donna as she imagined she'd be on and back sooner. She simply listened to the rest of the conversation in silence as she bit her lower lip slightly before crossing her arms and waiting for further instructions.

Amelya gave a sheepish smile as Donna mentioned best laid plans before she told her to follow her for the sleeping accommodations. The Trill followed in suite as she was lead through the long corridor and eventually had to climb the ladders to head to the crew quarters. It all felt somewhat special and exciting as she wondered if she was really fit for the job.

Once they reached the crew quarters Amelya looked around at the place and nodded "Alright... What are you expecting me to do in the next six days? Do I need to familiarize myself with certain aspects or knowledge? Or would you rather have me do something else?" she asked curiously as she seemed eager enough to contribute her part of the mission.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #13
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ]  Attn: @Nolan

Donna was, slightly miffed. Phrang had forgotten to mention that the turboshaft was down for repairs, and that when he had exited it, he had been looking at it, not using it. Donna had cursed under her breath as she and Amelya had lugged their bags up the central shaft that passed for a Klingon Jefferies Tube. “Two bloody decks worth!” Donna raged internally.

Of the four rooms set aside for crew quarters, Phrang had converted/designated the portside aft cabin into a guest room. Which basically involved removing the center bunk and putting in a table instead. Donna would bet that her Caitian compatriot had a mattress stored somewhere in case he needed the extra berth. Setting her bags down on the table, Donna moved to sit on the bunk she usually slept in, resting her arm on the bag that Phrang had left there. Inside, everything she needed to look the part of Maxine Gentry.

"Alright... What are you expecting me to do in the next six days? Do I need to familiarize myself with certain aspects or knowledge? Or would you rather have me do something else?" Amelya asked.

“Maybe later,” Donna mused silently on the thought that sprang into her mind. Considering the bag at her side, Donna looked up at the Trill. “That is up to you. We seem to have a longer transit time than I had planned for so if you would like to rest first, you can. Otherwise, we can begin our briefing now,” Donna advised Amelya. “But, I warn you now. Once I finish the briefing, we’ll be assuming our cover identities immediately and won't abandon them until the mission is complete. So consider that before you choose.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #14
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Heeding the warning of the woman about the briefing she nodded as she looked around in the crew quarters. She pressed her lips together as she placed her hands in her lower back and stretched a little as she looked back at Donna "I take it this isn't your first mission ma'am?" she asked softly "Clearly it isn't... But what can I expect? Without having to go into much mission sensitive details?" she asked as she wanted to know more, yet seemed to cling on to the safety of her Starfleet status for now.

Resting sounded like a fine plan, especially with a six days travel window ahead. Yet the nervosity about the entire situation would render her sleepless for a while now. She wanted more info, she needed more info so she could cool her nerves and slip into a more natural position aboard the ship. "Or is there any chance you can tell me more about you?" she asked carefully as she suspected that people like Donna would be weary of their true identities.

Thus to clarify she added "I just need something to steel my nerves a bit. Any info would be appreciated ma'am. I doubt I'll be able to rest right now anyway." Amelya answered as she walked over to a bunk opposite of the room and placed her bag and the medkit down. She sat down on the bunk and toyed with her fingers.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #15
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ] 

Donna looked at Amelya Duv and wondered if she had been like this before her first mission. It had been so long ago that, or at least felt that way, that she couldn’t remember. She couldn’t fault the ensign for wanting to know more. In a way, it was even smart. 

“You’re right, it’s not my first mission. It’s probably closer to my 50th,” Donna considered as she tried to recall. But this time, her memory failed her for the specific number. “Most of those were short duration missions, a week or less, but some were longer,” Donna explained. “I guess the most important thing you can expect is nervousness and concern. The hardest part is always maintaining your cover identity, no matter what. And the more you worry about that, the easier it becomes to slip. And slipping will get you killed, or worse.” More than one of her missions had ended with her on the run from angry people bent on killing her.

“As for myself, I’m afraid I won’t tell anything more than you need to know to complete the mission,” Donna said calmly, staring at the Trill. “Its for my safety as much as it is yours.”

“Now, if there is nothing else, I am going to have a nap,” Donna remarked as she rested her head against the bulkhead. “You’re welcome anywhere on the ship but say nothing to the crew. Not that I expect they will ask you anything anyway. They know better.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #16
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88  

The young ensign nodded at the words of the seemingly wiser woman in her bunk. She seemed to be a hardened veteran in her line of duty. She took note of the key elements she needed to keep in mind. Despite any nervousness or concern, cover was everything. She ran her tongue over her lips as she gave a few more nods. She looked a bit disappointed as she wouldn't hand out more information about herself for her safety as well as Amelya's.

As the woman wanted to sleep Amelya couldn't disagree with her that resting now would be a good plan with the long days ahead. She smiled a little and answered "In that case, rest well ma'am." she answered before she looked around. It was tempting to explore the ship. Without further notice the Trill stood up and did a quick run around the ship, like Donna had asked from her she kept the contact with other crew to a minimum as she got her bearings on the ship.

When she returned she expected to find the Nomen to be asleep and she silently made it to her bunk before she crawled in the sleeping accommodation and closed her eyes. It was hard to fall asleep with so many unknown still dangling above her head. Yet sleep eventually caught up with her as Amelya slipped into a dreamless sleep. It would be hours before she'd wake up again.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #17
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Dr Amelya Duv | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Nolan 


A Joint Post Between Nolan And Stegro88

2 days had passed since their departure from Deep Space 3. In that time, Donna had contacted her superiors and advised them of the mission’s change in details as well as requesting clarification on the status of the mission. When they confirmed that she was still a go, she informed them of who she had selected and that she would be briefing them soon. 

“Alright,” Donna announced as she and the Trill doctor sat in their quarters. The hatch was sealed tightly and Donna had activated a sound scrambler in case the room was bugged. She trusted the crew but old habits died hard and it was better to be safe than sorry. “I have spoken with my superiors and appraised them of the change in mission details. Due to this change I have to confirm with you your continued participation in the mission. Say the word and as soon as Phrang lets me off he will return you to Deep Space 3, no questions asked.”

“You contacted me for this mission ma’am, regardless of its more prolonged duration, I’m a woman of her word. I will not drop out of it.” she confirmed to Donna as she straightened up in her bunk she was in. Her eyes had gone over the sound scrambler more then once and her eyes turned back to Donna’s as she nodded.

“Very well then,” Donna responded, silently happy that she would have someone around to help her. She had performed most of her missions solo but the ones where she had worked with someone, she always felt better about. “Once again, as soon as we complete this briefing, we will be assuming our cover identities so that we becoming familiar with them. Should hopefully prevent slip ups later on.”

The Trill doctor gave another nod. “Understood.” she answered as she leaned in as the real deal started as of now. Still slightly nervous, the Trill wasn’t as jumpy or nervous as at the start of the mission. Her time aboard the ship had seemingly brushed off on her and she had kept herself by the rules Donna had imposed upon her. She listened with care to the briefing now as she did her utmost best to remember as much as she could so she could rehash it inside of her head when it was over.

“Our mission is the infiltration of an Orion Syndicate auction. Once inside, we are to identify as many of the attendees as possible, what is being sold, to whom and for what price,” Donna explained calmly and clearly “We are also to verify the status of any slaves that are likely to be involved; either as part of an entourage or as part of a transaction. That will be your primary task due to your medical training.”

Amelya nodded slowly as she voiced out, “I assume I’ll be having a role as a slave myself in that case? In order to verify the status of other slaves and the entourage, right?” She wasn’t naive to think that she’d be getting any other role like overseer or anything as she’d heard tales from former slaves in the medical post on the starbase. A young Trill was a keen and wanted gift on slave markets it seemed.

“That’s right. Your cover will be that of a slave. It affords you the most anonymity as unless they need something, most ‘masters’ barely notice slaves,” Donna confirmed. “Ironically, it affords you the most protection as well. Something about messing with another’s property. So you should be safe enough.”

The thought of being safest as a slave made Amelya wonder. There was certain logic to the reasoning of the intelligence officer and she went along with it since she assumed Donna knew better how the whole galaxy functioned.

“While you are doing that,” Donna continued. “I will be working on finding out as much as I can about everything else that is happening. It will fit right in with my cover.”

“Will we be separated for most of the mission in that case or?” she asked again as she understood the role of Donna. “Who will your cover be? I mean, what’s her role in all of this?”

“Her name is Maxine Gentry, though her friends call her Max,” Donna revealed. “She is a weapons dealer although, since the Dominion eliminated her primary customers in the Maquis, she has had to branch into other areas. So she is in the market, as it were.”

Amelya simply nodded once more as she looked a Donna with full attention and slight fear of what awaited them ahead. Though she assumed it would only be normal to feel the fear...

“Your role will be that of her first slave. Your name is Pardus and you have been with Max for almost 6 months,” Donna briefed Amelya. She knew this was a lot to take in and understand but it had to be done. By the time they made planetfall, they had to be settled into their roles as if they really had been mistress and slave for the last 6 months.

Amelya swallowed at hearing about her role “How would Pardus have come to be first slave of Maxine?” she asked as she had a lots more questions about her identity. Where was she from? How would she need to address her new mistress? What exactly would be expected of her? 

“Pardus IS Max’s first slave. Her only one,” Donna clarified for Amelya. “As for how she came to be. Donna ‘liberated’ her from another owner that reneged on a deal. Max took Pardus as compensation.”

“Oh, alright.” she answered as she took in that vital piece of information. Amelya plucked at her knees as it was a lot of intel and she had to adapt to the new situation of course.

“I know this is a lot to take in. Thankfully we have several more days to get comfortable in our roles,” Donna explained, rolling her shoulders a little. Max was always uncomfortable for her nowadays. After the things she had done. “Any more questions?”

“What do you expect of your slave? Like how do I call you? Mistress or something else? What kind of attire will I wear?” she asked “I’m sorry that I’m rather green about all of this, but I’ll do my utmost best to play the role I’m given.”

“It’s alright, I’ve had worse,” Donna replied, trying to be encouraging in her tone. “Mistress or Mistress Max is probably the safest thing to call me until this is all over. The auction will be a hostile environment and we don’t know who could be listening.” “And just hope the Syndicate hasn’t gotten over their fear of telepaths yet,” Donna considered silently before moving onto the next point. “What I expect is for you to not speak unless spoken too. That is probably going to be the hardest part. I can only guess at some of the things that we might see. Max has generally avoided the majority of the auction and stuck to the weapons market but that isn’t an option this time.”

“As for attire, well, that is probably going to depend on where we are and what we are doing. From a basic jumpsuit to something more revealing,” Donna explained, wondering if this would be the point that would crack the Trill Doctor. “You are a Trill after all. But the one constant that be always worn by you is a collar. I’m sorry but it is the clearest way to show that you are someone’s property.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #18
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Alias: Pardus | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88  

With a nod the Trill now knew what she had to call Maxine Gentry. It would be a logical way to address her, yet Amelya figured that she might as well remain silent unless spoken to. As Gentry pointed out that remaining silent would be the hardest part, Amelya looked up at her. She wasn't sure what she meant with that, yet she had the feeling she'd soon find out. "What kind of things do you expect us to see?" she asked, if only for a way to steel herself for the encounters to come.

The choice of clothes was logical for Amelya as she knew from the start that this wasn't going to be a walk in the park. She had made peace with herself that showing skin or more would have to be required. She did however assume that Max would keep her safe or at least out of harms way of anything worse then just showing skin.

As the collar came into play Amelya nodded "I-I-I expected as much... Would you go for an actual collar? I heard some of the refugees in Deep Space 3 mention the use of tattoo collars. Perhaps we could brand me with a sort of fake one for Gentry?" the Trill suggested to him as she looked back at Donna.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #19
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ] 

Donna looked at the Trill, her face completely blank as she remembered some of the things that she had seen when dealing with the Orion Syndicate. In a way, she pitied the loss of innocence that the Trill still had.

“What you see may see, will…. not be easy to see and you probably won’t be able to unsee it. The memories might fade but they will never truly disappear,” Donna warned her companion. “It will largely depend upon which members of the Syndicate choose to attend. Events can range from formal dinners, such as they are, to gladiatorial matches and public executions. And that is before the slave auction itself.”

Donna said as she reached over into one of her bags that was sitting on the end of the bunk. Inside was an item that had been made for this mission.

“Some members of the Syndicate do use tattooed collars on their slaves,” Donna confirmed as she pulled out the item once her hand found it. “Unfortunately Amelya, you will not be one of them. And before you object, please let me explain why,” Donna requested as she presented the collar to the Trill doctor that would be wearing it. It was a simple metallic band with a lock on one side and an embedded jewel opposite it.

“The collar itself is made of a Duranium composite; pretty much unbreakable. Cutting off would probably kill you before they succeeded,” Donna commented, trying to sound positive. “But the special part of the collar is what is inside it. Namely a tracking device and a scanner/recording device. With them, I’ll know where you are at all times and it will record and store anything and anyone that comes within 5 metres of you; 10 if targeted. All you have to do is point the emerald embedded in the front of the collar in the direction you want the extra range.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #20
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Alias: Pardus | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88  

The grave warning provided by the woman in front of her made Amelya shudder slightly as she wasn't sure if it was a mistake to have come along on this mission. Doubt was pushed aside and she decided to not look back on any decisions made. Nomen had continued with announcing what could all be seen, though Duv got the idea that all of this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Furthermore the woman explained why Amelya wouldn't be getting a tattooed collar and instead get a traditional one. Her eyes moving to the bag of the person in the bunk opposite of her as she displayed the metallic band with a lock and an embedded jewel in the middle of it. Amelya swallowed softly as she listened carefully as to why this collar would be preferred. Though it should've given her a sense of safety and security there was a bittersweet ring to it as the collar wouldn't be able to be removed without killing her if done so by force. The part where it helped record and store information was handy to know, yet would probably get her killed even faster if it ever came to light.

Duv gave a small nod as she understood the mechanics of the collar and the advantage it had to wear it over an inked one. She slowly got up from her bunk and walked over to Nomen. She slowly sat down on her knees in front of her as she looked up at her "Considering this is our final free talk, I suppose now would be a good time as any to put it on?" she suggested. It would give her a couple of days to get accustomed to the feeling of it. Knowing how it would keep her from any sleep or if she'd need a different position when she had to grab some shut eye or more.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #21
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Lt. CMDR Nomen | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ] 

Donna tried not to react as the Trill doctor kneeled down in front of her. In a couple of days, she would have to react as if this was a normal, everyday occurrence. “Should be easy enough,” Donna noted to herself as she leant forward and placed the collar around Amelya’s neck. From this position, if the doctor had worn something that showed any cleavage at all, Donna would have been able to see all of it. “All in good time,” Donna chided herself as she locked the collar in place. Despite the dangers involved in the mission, a part of her was definitely looking forward to it.

“I have one other thing for you,” Donna said after straightening back up. Reaching into her bag again, she pulled out what at first appeared to be a belt buckle. It consisted of a fastener with a raised circular section in the centre with an engraved 8-pointed compass rose. 

“This is something that I would like you to keep with you at all times if possible. It can be used as a belt buckle, scarf brooch, pretty much any kind of fastener you can think of. All you have to do is push in the star completely to unlatch it,” Donna explained as she presented the item to Amelya. “But, if you push in the star only 30% of the way and twist it 90 degrees, a pair of push daggers pop out of the ends for you to use to defend yourself. And I stress, defend yourself. Slaves aren’t meant to carry weapons.”

“Now, if you have any more questions, please ask them now,” Donna said as she stood up and took off her jacket. “While you do, I’m going to change,” she announced as she grabbed one of the bags and opened it before pointing at another one. “That one contains a variety of outfits and footwear that I thought might be appropriate for you. I hope I got your sizes right. If not, we’ll have to improvise. I think I even included a roll of blank fabric, just in case.” Donna noted as she pulled her shirt over her head. Undoing her pants, she slid them to the floor, removing her shoes as she did so. She didn’t think about what Amelya would think of her actions. In a few days, who knew what they would be seeing of each other. Or doing to.

Now standing in just her bra and panties, Donna began to pull items from the bag that would transform her into Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry. Phaser pistol and gun belt for her right hip, Klingon d'k tahg for her left hip. Form fitting combat pants and shirt. Black boots. And lastly, a worn leather jacket that had seen better days. That jacket was almost as much a signature for Max as her attitude was.

Hesitating for the barest of moments, Donna reached for the pants as she prepared to submerge herself into the needed persona.

A reference image for the buckle that Donna gave to Amelya.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #22
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Alias: Pardus | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88  

With a click the collar locked itself in position and Amelya reached up to feel the contours of it as she swallowed and had to admit that it felt somewhat odd. She had worn trinkets and jewelry before, yet this did feel different. Perhaps it was because subconsciously she now knew about the meaning of it, that she had effectively turned into a slave? She shook the idea off before second guessing it. Maybe she had to embrace the idea of becoming a slave, get her mindset into it in order to slip up less.

She was totally unaware of the glances Nomen had given her as she had attached the collar to her neck an she was surprised to hear her say that she had something else for her. She looked over at the belt buckle and studied it as Nomen clarified what the uses for it were as well as the hidden compartment. Amelya nodded as she let her fingers trace over the compass section and tried to unlock the dagger compartment. The blades clicked out and she observed them and studied them before putting them back. Nomen was clear on the matter that these would only be utilized in case of distress or apparent danger to herself.

The Trill doctor looked at the woman as she stood up and proceeded to undress to get changed. Nudity wasn't exactly a problem for Amelya as she did have patients undress at numerous occasions when in Sickbay. Her eyes glanced over the rather in shape figure of Nomen before she took the other bag and scavenged into it. She looked at the various articles, ranging from skimpy and quite revealing to quite the contrary. She settled for a rather traditional outfit as she fishes it out and began to undress herself as well. She didn't state it to Nomen as she silently proceeded and once in her underwear and bra began to hoist herself into the jumpsuit.

It was quite a squeeze to get into it as the fabric was starting to feel like a second skin to her. It hugged her curves perfectly and once she got in it she looked herself over. It fitted her perfectly yet seemed like just one size to small. Regardless though, it fitted and he accentuated every curve and shape of her body due to the slinging fabric. The bra did smooth out the curvature at her breasts and she turned to Numen as she attached the belt buckle. "What do you think?" she asked softly as she placed her hands in front of lap and looked at Nomen.

Amelya's outfit:

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #23
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ]

Donna had watched surreptitiously as the Trill doctor had stripped off and admired the woman’s spotted form. And she had continued to watch as Amelya squeezed herself into the jumpsuit that she had selected.

“Damn I do good work sometimes,” Donna/Max said to herself as she watched the woman work the material up and over her curves. In a way, Donna could already feel herself falling into the persona of Max. A woman that took what she wanted, when she wanted it and didn’t give a fuck what people thought of her. She wasn’t stupid in any regard, but she also didn’t care what people thought of her either. “Gonna have to get some of that later.”

Admonishing herself, while she still could, Donna turned around just in time to see Amelya attaching the belt buckle she had given her to the outfit. It truly was form fitting with Donna able to make out just the barest hints of the lines of her underwear. If she hadn’t been wearing a bra, Donna was sure that the Trill’s nipples would be on prominent display right about now.

“There’s a thought,” Max’s voice rang in her head. Shaking the thought away, Donna listened as Amelya asked her opinion.

“It looks good on you. I’m glad I got the sizing right,” Donna remarked as she reached for her gun belt. Belting it around her waist, Donna/Max looked at Amelya. “Wear the platform boots with the 5-inch heels. I’ve decided I like you being taller than me,” Donna/Max commanded as she grabbed a hair tie to restrain her hair into a simple, utilitarian ponytail.

“Any last questions Pardus?” Max asked, wondering how well the Trill would fall into her roll.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #24
[ Dr Amelya Duv | Alias: Pardus | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88   

"I'm glad you like it." she answered as she cast her eyes down to the floor and placed her hands in front of her lap. Knowing she had to adapt to the situation she did her best to be as submissive as possible. To assume the role of a slave girl, to do whatever was expected of her. She cleared her throat a little before she looked at Max as she commanded her to wear the five inch heels. She rummaged through the bag before finding them, sitting down once more in Max's bunk she removed her own shoes and began to hoist the boots up on her feet. The boots were knee high and once she had fitted them, Pardus seemed a bit unsteady on them, trying to find her balance as it was evidently that she wasn't used to wearing heels.

It was an odd feeling to be in these style of clothes with the boots she wore. It was something Amelya would never wear on her own. The clothing perhaps too provocative or seductive to fit in her nature. The young doctor had her share of romantic encounters during her youth, yet all of them were pretty if not all vanilla relationships. Nothing too experimental or anything of the sorts.

After a few minutes she did eventually adapt to the new shoes and walked over to Max as she came to a stop in front of her. As she addressed her as her alias, Pardus had no other choice but to assume the role, with a slight bow of the head she replied "No ma'am." She avoided eye contact with Gentry and her hands were folded into each other to steel her nerves somewhat.

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