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Topic: CH06 Battle Log: Qo'noS Bound and Down [D03|1101]  (Read 5747 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH06 Battle Log: Qo'noS Bound and Down [D03|1101]

Reply #25
[Selena Ravenholm | SS Sabine/Kivra-class heavy shuttle IKS veQDuj| USS Oneida Shuttlebay] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Luciain @Nero @Hope @jreeves1701 @Stegro88

With a life in her hands Selena kept out of everyone’s way for the time being, preferring to get V-Nine up and running again.  Kneeling on the deck straddling the android again, she followed the second set of instructions that had been uploaded to her system before the medical bot shut herself down.  It wasn’t exactly a full reversal of the first set of instructions, with the missing power components Selena had to run a few bypasses so that all the critical components can get still power.  So focused on getting this right she blocked out everything that was going on behind her.  She knew most everyone was filing off the shuttle, she couldn’t feel Martok’s imposing presence or the claustrophobia-inducing hulk of his bodyguard anymore.  That was fine with her, she never liked an audience like that anyways.

How long it took exactly Selena wouldn’t be able to say, but soon enough V-Nine’s chest plate was secured to her chassis once again.  Sighing a breath of relief that it was over, Selena leaned back and waiting for her patient to power back up.  Once that big blue eye was shining brightly and the android looked up from the deck Selena gave her a big smile.  “Good morning, how are you feeling?”  Moving on, she filled the android in on what had happened, about how they’re now docked with another Federation ship and on their way to Q’onos at high warp without needing the booster.  “The Captain still wants it completed though, just in case.  We’re not out of the woods yet.” She finishes, finally getting back to her feet.  “A few of us got hurt in a plasma fire, I’m not sure if you want to go help or leave it to the Oneida’s medical staff?”  Either way suited the cyborg, she had some other work to do.

Scooping up the box of ZPE parts Selena started looking for a decent workstation that wasn’t a charred mess of plastics and duritanium when she heard the comm station beeping up in the cockpit.  It sounded several times without getting answered so she glanced forward to see no one in there, everyone else was standing outside talking with who she figured were their new friends.  Setting the box down on the copilot’s seat, she plopped herself down into Sera’s chair for the second time and brought up the incoming message (making sure that the modified handshake protocols were active first of course, no need to broadcast to the sender just where they were in case it was a fake).  The identification codes checked out though, it was Theurgy sending an update.  As she listened to it her stomach dropped, and it was a good thing she’d already set the box down, she might’ve broken something when she dropped that too.

Spotting the captain still in view out in the shuttlebay, Selena banged on the canopy window as hard as she could, not enough to break or mar it, but enough to make a pretty loud bang to get their attention.  Slapping her combadge as soon as Ives had turned, “Captain, we’ve got a problem.  Gorka figured out where Martok’s going, he’s burning hard to Q’onos as well.”

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Qo'noS Bound and Down [D03|1101]

Reply #26
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | SS Sabine / Shuttle Bay | Deck 10 | USS Oneida ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @Luciain @Nero @Hope @jreeves1701

The Ensign seemed nice enough as she introduced herself, informally, while running the tricorder over her injuries. Mickayla could roughly guess just how bad the burns were, as she could feel pain around the edges of an area where the nerves were still intact, but the centre was just an area of blank numbness. And given how sensitive her skin was, that told the Klingon that the nerve endings in that area had been seared closed. Which was a blessing in disguise because it meant that her burns hurt a whole lot less than they might have.

Cooperating wordlessly, Mickayla did as she was told and moved to allow the officer a better view. ‘Katie’ didn’t seem too concerned, even saying that out aloud as she exchanged her tricorder for a hypospray. Of course, the Klingon knew that the medic could just be trying to keep her patient as relaxed as possible. “Nothing like bad news to get someone’s heart rate up,” she noted silently as she accepted the injection.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Mickayla acknowledge, addressing the officer for the first time. Looking around, no one was paying her much attention. With her bags still aboard the Sabine, she guessed they were safe enough to be left there. “Which way to sickbay then?”

Re: CH06: S [D03 | 1101] Q'onoS Bound and Down

Reply #27
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Exiting the SS Sabine | Shuttle Bay | Deck 10 | USS Oneida ] Attn: All
Rolling her yellow eyes when box-boy stated the odds, Sera had a mind to throw back that the odds be damned, his statistics did not determine her skills, be it at the helm of her use of weapon systems. He had no means to gauge her abilities, just data of the past. And the past is the past.

She said naught, however, watching the brass of the Oneida and Ives heading for the exit of the shuttle bay. What he said next, however, made her turn her yellow glare his way instead.

"But I understand your desire to make a good impression among the crew, particularly the captain. Logic is not always the answer in such matters. I do hope there are no ill feelings regarding the matter."

Eyes bulging, she couldn't believe how inept Medusan was to understand people. "What?" was all that she managed, because her assertions about her actually caring about the Lone Wolves crowded on tongue to the point where she couldn't get anything worthwhile out. Then, however, box-boy really stepped on hot sands.

"Would you like a hug?"

"Excuse me?" Given the context of the conversation - with his self-assured opinion about being 'logically correct' - it was the most bloody condescending offer she'd ever heard, and she balled her fists up to strike him where he stood. Only she knew that face was just a mirage, so it wouldn't serve her in the slightest. She got so angry she felt herself reaching for her native abilities, and the glow of her zi'naaq made her eyes turn white with light. When she spoke, the same incandescent light spilled from her lips when she spat out her reply.

"Burn you to bloody ashes you whistle-eared... fart-can! I don't try to save people to impress others, whomever they are. I'm a red-blooded organic who, while I've done some shady things in my life, actually have empathy for others." She took a deep breath, let go of her zi'naaq, and while she could do little more than make a flame of light dance across her fingertips, she bet the Medusan didn't know that. With her eyes returned to normal, she dismissed him. "Blast off and don't step aboard my ship again lest you figure out how to apologise and mean it."

By that time, she heard Selena Ravenholm shouting to Ives, whom was just about to leave through the distant doors. Apparently, Martok's challenged had learned they tricked him. Jackson and Ives exchanged a look with the Chancellor before all three of them left, no doubt about to make contingency plans. Sera, on her part, left the Medusan standing where he did and returned aboard the Sabine, where she saw V-Nine's lens being lit. The android didn't seem able to move, but at least she was reactivated.

"Hello," the seated figure blocking the doorway to the Sabine's restroom said, and she couldn't even turn her cranial unit towards Sera when she spoke. "Please tell Ravenholm my diagnostic is complete, and while I am activated, the missing components prevent me from assisting in any medical capacity. I would assume aiding Miss Ravenholm assembling the ZPE booster is a better use of my runtime."

"You can tell her yourself, she's just outside," said Sera with a sideways stare at the android who had become a permanent fixture aboard her ship. She supposed she'd have to go to the head on the Oneida instead for the time being.

"Oh, I see... Well, even in this limited state of functionality, I can give instruction as required. I just hope the Savi delegation on the Theurgy can bypass my missing components, or the Erudite returns with spare parts... This is a tad awkward."

Sera shook her head and headed to the cockpit, where she could get some time alone until the repair crew arrived.

OOC: Again, it's roughly 2 hours of travel time for the Oneida to reach Qo'noS, during which everyone on the Sabine and the new characters introduced on the Oneida can be featured in Supplemental threads! The naming convention for these threads is CH06: S [D03|XXXX] Insert Title, wherein XXXX marks the time. These two hours on the Oneida is set between 1400 hrs. and 1600 hrs. This thread can continue a little bit longer too, of course, if you guys want.

@Hope , would you mind writing a starter for a thread in which Captain Jackson gives a speech to the crew, both in regard to inviting personnel to volunteer for service aboard the Theurgy, and to warn them that Gorka, son of Margon, might just catch up to them by the time they reach Qo'noS, and that they should prepare for battle? I will write Captain Jackson, so I just need for you to set the scene. :) This thread will serve as a great thread in which new characters on the Oneida can be featured. I am also, of course, game in writing either of my present characters in one-on-one threads, so just PM me if you have an idea for a scene!


Re: CH06 Battle Log: Qo'noS Bound and Down [D03|1101]

Reply #28


On a Ty'Gokor-class outpost, one lightyear out from Qo'noS, Captain Gant'ech of House Mo'Kai received the hail from the IKS Ta'rom and the distant battlefront. The face of Gorka, son of Margon, appeared on the wide monitor, and the voice carried through the command centre of the small outpost.

[Martok, the Romulan defector, has left the Theurgy on some small ship with a Klingon transponder, and he's been picked up by another Federation starship, right at these coordinates!] With a brusque gesture, he indicated the computerised sequence in which the veQDuj merged with the Starfleet warp signature on long range sensors. The Starfleet ship was then seen going to warp, heading straight for Qo'noS. [Destroy that ship, or at least keep it from reaching the First City. I am on my way... Gorka out.]

Snarling through pointed teeth, Gant'ech bellowed across the command centre. "Wake Felka and tell her to raise her crew, for we're out hunting now! We will have the glory of killing the old defector!"

Within minutes, two Ker'Lah-class birds of prey were manned and launched from the outpost, and the two hunters of House Mo'Kai set an intercept course towards the Federation starship that had dared defy the will of their future Chancellor. As they went to warp the two bridge crews under Captains Gant'ech and Felka were singing at the top of their lungs, a bold tune about honour and the strength of their age-old House.


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