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Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Stardate 57569.12
Sunday March 15 1307 hrs
Aldea: Hondartza Luzea beach

[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus
It had taken days of patience before Riley Patterson could finally drag Faye Eloi-Danvers away from her work. Things had finally settled down for the diplomat and the nurse could finally get her to the planet for some much needed downtime. Patterson had worked various shifts in Sickbay yet in the end had quite enough spare time to head down to Aldea and discover the planet's charms and sights to see. She had talked and informed Faye about Aldea Prime and all the wonders in it. The diplomat seemed enthusiastic about it yet didn't have the same luxury as the nurse to join her down to the planet and enjoy them.

It seemed like Sunday was a day of rest for the diplomat though, which made the nurse giggle as Sundays were usually days of rest as well back on Earth. A time to all get together with family and such to rejoice about the life they had and interact. Out here, this would mean the whole ship crew undoubtedly, yet Faye held a more important place in Riley's heart. The weather forecast on Aldea was promising with high temperatures and a good amount of sun to soak up.

After taking a shuttle down to the seaside section of Aldea Prime they had touched down at the Ibai Besi outlet. It offered a straight connection to the shores and sandy beaches. It also provided the travelers with a vast array of accommodations to utilize. After taking the scenic tour they were brought to Hondartza Luzea beach. It was an unofficial patch of beach that offered the freedom to go nude should one would enjoy to do so. Patterson had learned about this place and figured that it would fit her Betazoid friend if she was given the chance to shed her clothes when she'd want to in all freedom.

Tugging at Faye's hand Riley lead her onto the warm sand as they broke away from the largest occupied patches. Riley was wearing an colorful striped bikini. Over that she was wearing a pair of green short shorts and a dark yellow crop top, the latter two garments had been shed the moment they had gone onto the beach and Riley's hair was hanging loosely, though she had a hair band wrapped around her wrist should she need to tie her hair up. On her left shoulder was a simple bag which contained sun screen, towels, snacks and sunglasses.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #1
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan  [Show/Hide]

Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers, Ensign, ranking diplomat of the renegade starship USS Theurgy, looked nothing at all like what a Starfleet Diplomat should. Over the past five days, she'd shown the colors, decked out in her uniform, pressed as perfectly as it could be, or in regal robes of the local population that she wore with ease. The Aldean's dressed in attire that those on the home-world of her people, Betazed (or the colony she grew up on, Budon) would appreciate and take to easily enough, both being full of bright colors and flowing forms. She had met dignitaries of the Klingon Defense Force and the Aldean government, both in conference rooms aboard the Theurgy and in the company of Lt. Cmdr. Dewitt, down on the planet itself.

What Faye had not done much of, was spend time with a certain nurse whom she'd taken up with in the recent past, after coming out of a deep thaw. Even the thought of that made her shiver, despite the heat sinking into the girls frame. Said nurse - PO2 Riley Patterson - had kidnapped her away for R&R that the diplomat direly needed. Even a spa trip after a particularly successful negotiation session had not done for Faye what Riley planned to do in regards to easing the Betazoid's stress.

No, she looked nothing like a diplomat then, more so a tourist, which was an apt description that day. She stood, with one hand over her brow, looking out at the beach before her, in a light cream colored strapless, two piece bathing suit she'd seen in the replicator file catalog and taken a liking to. The frills on the top and bottom caught in a breeze that came up from the shore, drawing a sigh. Behind dark sun shades, coal black eyes darted about, drinking in the view, before Faye set herself to scrambling after her paramour, the nurse, Patterson.

By rights I aught to call her lover, she thought, but then, Faye liked the word paramour somewhat better. Though restrictions had been recently eased by the ships new First Officer, there were still plenty that frowned upon the fraternization between officers and enlisted personnel. Not that what she and Riley were up to was common knowledge, though some in Sickbay had noticed, and at least one of the pilots was aware. That brought a giggle from the Betazoid as her fingers linked back into Riley's hand.

The toes on her sandals kicked up sand as they trotted out to stake a claim on a bare patch of beach, away from most of those around them. Not so far as to be out of sight or sound of shout, but not crowded in, either. The sand was warm an fine, and even though it was already between her toes, Faye found she didn't mind.

"Do you think this'll do?" She asked Riley, as the other woman had slowed and looked about. They were only a few paces up from the high tide mark with plenty of sun, though they could shift a meters further out an be in the lee of smattering of beach rocks and get some shade. She ran her tongue over her lips, tasting salt, and grinned up beneath those shades, as her own black tresses danced in the sea breeze.

"After months and months of recycled air, this place is amazing. A real, honest to gods sea breeze!" Faye exclaimed, helping Riley with her bag, easing it off the girls shoulder and dropping it to the sand, bending as she did to open it for the beach towels. Reading the hint of a question on the surface of Riley's thoughts, Faye added, "Most any beach trip I went on was to a lake on Budon, not too terribly far from my fathers farm. Other than that swimming was the pond on the property. No proper ocean vacations for me."

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #2
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

"Do you think this'll do?" came the voice of Faye as they had trotted through the sand and found a rather delightful patch of beach to settle down with the both of them. Riley looked around, prospecting the location before nodding "Yes, I think it will actually." she smiled before Faye helped the bag off her shoulder and dug in it to get the beach towels out for them. As Faye installed hers and talked to Riley, the nurse did the same for her towel as she draped it over the sand and got down on it on her knees.

"So you've never been to an ocean before?" she asked to make sure she heard right and laughed as she watched Faye over. The cream colored bikini seemed like it was made just for her. It fit like a glove and Riley would almost believe it to be a second skin for the girl "Well if we ever make it back to Earth, I'm so taking you to the beach house!" she snickered as took out the bottle of sun screen. She shook it as she looked up at Faye "Could you help me with my back?" she asked as she started to rub her arms, legs, stomach and shoulders "I promise I'll do yours if you do mine." she teased.

After finishing up with herself she began to rub in Faye's back and her mind looked over her shoulder to the crashing waves and landscape around them. Her mind began to wander, unintentionally of course as she felt happy. Happier than she had been for quite some time now. It seemed like the Betazoid was part of a puzzle that completed her life so to speak.  A missing piece that just fit perfectly in her life and overjoyed her. However a dark seed began to sprout in the back of her mind. It had been something that had been overheard between two crew members while she was on shift in sickbay. It seemed like there still was some taboo when an officer dated or went further with an enlisted. Sometimes it was even frowned upon.

Riley's thoughts got louder as the topic spread like a virus through her mind and her hands that were firmly set to the task to rub her lover in with protection from UV radiation started to move over the same spot on her lower back over and over again. Questions began to rise in her mind, was this real? Was what they had real? Was it just a wave they were riding on? A wave of physical attraction? Lust? It certainly made the nurse feel more aware of where they were, who they were. She swallowed audibly and forced herself to return to the moment, slowly finishing up on the diplomat's back before she shuffled closer to hug her from behind.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #3
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea] Attn:

As best as Faye could tell - and being a telepath, Faye could tell pretty well - that little denial was the first time that Riley had told her a lie. Not a big lie, certainly. A little White Lie, he mother called them. The
kind of things humans did when they didn't want to offend, or ruin a mood, or simply not want to deal with a subject at hand. The kind of thing that
Faye had to use in negotiations on occasion, but had no use for in her personal life. Mother always hated that everyone around her could read her thoughts and know when she was just trying to be kind, and what she really thought. Biggest strain on her relationship, Faye reflected then, and found her smile gone completely, replaced with a pout that her lover could
neither see nor feel. 
This was the danger, the downside of a relationship with a non telepath. She would always be at a disadvantage, and there were those in her people that
found that simply a cruel thing to do someone ungifted as they had been. Her people could be quite arrogant at times, for all their vaunted egalitarianism. 
Faye didn't have to say a word however. She could feel Riley reaching the conclusion that pretending everything was fine was foolhardy. The girl snuggled in close, pressed her lips to Faye's skin, and began. And the way she chose to begin unburdening herself took Faye's breath away. Feeling it was one thing, but hearing someone say it, say those words, putting them
out in the air like that, had an impact that the Telepath was surprised by. She mewled, from the words, not the kisses, as her heart grew three times too large, as the old story went. Her fingers clutched tighter onto Riley
and she held her breath, forcing herself to be still, to listen. To let her get it all out. 
Because she knew there was much, much more weighing on Riley than confessing feelings that some might scoff at, and decry as forming too soon. Too fast.
Her face fell as Riley spoke of rules and regulations, of conversations overheard. She wondered at that, at just who, and got glimpses of faces in the back of her mind, people she'd never met before. Faye was not vindictive in nature. To be so was anathema to a diplomat such as herself. Always striving to find the path that avoided conflict, and left all parties with something they could be proud of when they walked away from the table. But she was a might bit mad just then, and the thoughts that swirled within her were a kind of unkindness her mother would be ashamed to know Faye capable of feeling. 
But dear, sweet Riley, one of the first people she had seen after she'd been defrosted, was breaking down behind her, and breaking Faye's heart right along with it. There was no reason for it, and that was what hurt the most. Difficult and awkward as it was, Faye shifted in Riley's arms, not wiggling out of the grasp, but turning sideways enough to stretch her legs out into
the sand, and to wrap her arms around the nurse. She pulled Riley's head down in against her shoulder, planted her chin in the girls hair and hugged as tight as she dared. 
"When a Betazoid falls in love, they fall, and hard. There is no hiding it. Not from others of their kind. Humans are no better at hiding from us that we ourselves are. Do you think....for a moment, I would be so cruel as to let this go on and on if I had any intention of letting some damned fool rule get in the way?" Her voice was soft and collected and she let her
lover cry on her shoulder without any form of admonishment. "When we love, we love, and we embrace it. You already claimed me, even if you never said it. I felt it," she tapped lightly on Riley's chest as she spoke to point out just where she felt it. 
"Commander Ducote gave a general order relaxing all regulations against fraternization. That's good enough for me." Tears fell from her eyes now, an echo of the feelings she was drinking in from Riley. They must look quite the pair to anyone walking by on the beach, two girls wrapped up and sniffling quietly near the surf. They were both just overwhelmed by it all. Ducking her head in she pressed her lips against Riley's ear and murmured, just for her. "I love you so much it hurts, Imzadi. No more tears for me, love."

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #4
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus
Feeling Faye remain silent as she unloaded what was on her mind, the nurse crumbled down bit by bit. Eventually the woman shifted in her hold, or what one could call a hold. Riley's arms were hanging loosely against Faye, not exactly offering any resistance as she shifted around to the side. She felt in turn the arms of Faye wrap around her as she comforted her and provided her with a literal shoulder to cry on. She felt the immense tight hug that she was given by the Betazoid and she sobbed silently as she did an in vain effort to hug her back. 
Faye spoke up, pointing out that she had fallen hard for her as well and that rules would not get in the way of them. It was desperate confirmation that she needed "Humans sometimes can be so cruel..." she sniffed and sobbed with broken sentences and words, yet eventually managing to get the message out in one go. In truth humans could be cruel, using one another for personal gain without any thoughts or responsibilities for the other party should things turn awry. Yet Faye wasn't human, clearly as she declared her own love to the human girl.   

Riley wrapped her arms tighter and with more effort around Faye this time as she nuzzled into her neck once more. She could feel the lips of the diplomat against her ear and the words resonated through her head like an echo, over and over and over again. After a few seconds Riley managed to pull her head back out of the woman's neck and she looked at her. She had told her to shed no more tears for her and she would do her best to comply. Eyes swollen red and her face looking terrible in all honesty. She wiped
 away any remnants of tears and sighed as she shook her head "I'm a mess..."  she murmured with a broken smile before she looked into Faye's dark pools. Her mind asking Faye indirectly "What does Imzadai mean?" it was the faintest of whisper aimed towards Faye as the dark thoughts were starting to dissolve bit by bit. 
Riley straightened herself slightly as she sighed and tried to shake off the bad feelings that had seemed to easily take her over. She held onto Faye's hands and squeezed them slightly as she leaned in and rubbed her nose against hers. Slowly, she leaned in further to kiss her as their love for one another had been fully declared and established now. She was the woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with... No matter what.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #5
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan  [Show/Hide]

Yes, Faye thought to herself, though she dared not say it aloud, humans can be mighty cruel indeed. Oh, she knew there was the occasional odd Betazoid that thrived on things the rest of society frowned upon. Or were outright horrified by. But Faye was not one of those. And she'd been on the receiving end of those that meant to use a woman cruelly. Or, had almost been. The man in question did not realize that he was an open canvas to Faye, for it had been dark out and her eyes, pitch black as they were, had not drawn the notice that they should have. Years gone away by now, but it continued to color her already less than polite feeling towards men.

Fun to play with, but not worth keeping around long, in her experience. Perhaps she wasn't as enlightened as she liked to think either.

"Takes a hard woman to be cruel like that to someone when you can feel how it affects them. Feel the emotions, the hurt, eating away at them, as if it were your own sorrow. Your own hurt." She said this to emphasize just what was at risk for a Betazoid that tried to do such at hing. More oft than naught it hurt bitterly, and Faye bore no ill will to anyone, save perhaps the creatures that wanted to tear all of her world asunder.

Right now, feeling everything that Riley felt in the wake of unburdening herself, the fading sorrow, the hints of shame, the relief and the love, Faye's world was a rather simple thing. The Nurse in her arms. That was the extent of it. Oh, the rest of it would be there again soon enough. She had no doubt of that, as Riley tried to collect herself, dashing at her eyes with her fingers. Faye helped, sweeping the stray tear away gently and flashing a weak smile of her own. "We can take care of the messy bit shortly, Faye declared, as Riley leaned in.

Warmth washed over her lips from Riley's breath, and the Betazoid let her eyes drift half closed, leaving everything fuzzy to the view in a sweet sort of way. Their noses brushed, and then their lips. Slowly and gently, at first, but a bit more. There was salt there, from the girls tears. Another funny aspect about humans. Salt in the tears was certainly a silly thing to think of now, as she let her tongue very gently clean those lips, darting out here and there, before she nibbled slightly. She wanted - no, needed - reaffirm her feelings for Riley. For she could feel Riley's own, but Patterson had no such luck, though Faye was broadcasting hard enough that she'd not be surprised if every telepath and empath in a score of kilometers could sense what was on her mind.

"It means, beloved. Or most loved," Faye murmured, her lips grazing Riley's with each word. Her hands moved out of the nurses grasp, but only to go to her back, to rub and to touch. She worked her way up until she could sink one hand into the lighter stands of the other woman's hair, and get a good firm grip. "It looses something in translation, but thats close enough for my purposes. Imzadi," she tried the word on again for good measure, before kissing Riley hard, cementing that love. She'd not let her go easily, not hardly. She decided she would show her, then and there, just how she felt about one Riley Patterson. And to hell if anyone watched.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #6
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus
As closeness was sought ought once more between them Riley could feel Faye's tongue swipe over her lips. It felt good, especially now that the rest of her surroundings became more present again. A soft breeze bringing a cooler caress over her back before the skin warmed up again by the sun burning bright above them. It made Riley chill and she rested her forehead against Faye's as she slowly and carefully slipped her own tongue out to tease against Faye's before she began to nibble at the nurse's lip.  
Faye also explained what Imzadi meant, though it seemed like most of it was lost in translation according to the Betazoid. Though the words alone made Riley melt as she felt the hands of the diplomat run over her back before digging into her hair. Riley would giggle lightly before she felt Faye press her lips down hard against hers and she answered the kiss with as much love as she could. Her own hands slipping down the sides of Faye and coming to a stop at her hips as she slowly raked her nails over the sun kissed skin. 
She let herself sink onto her back, trying to aim herself to rest on the towel though there was no guaranteed success. Her nails razing over the skin of Eloi-Danvers as she pulled her down with her, aiming to get the darker haired woman on top of her, yet close against her. Her hands eventually found their way into Faye's hair, nestling into them and tugging lightly as Riley's kisses became more passionate. Tongue darting out to tease her lover's lips and tongue should it be there.  
"There's an old Earth saying that fits us... I love you Faye Eloi-Danvers... I love you to the moon and back again..." Riley thought, not wanting to break away from the kissing and hoping Faye would pick it up as the warm sand was already getting into her hair and she could feel the warmth against her neck and shoulders as she obviously wasn't laying on her towel entirely. She didn't care though, the sensation only fortifying the moment as she kept kissing Faye, never ever getting enough of her.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #7
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan   [Show/Hide]

Need called to need, and desire answered desire in full. The two became tangled together, a mess of limbs and lips. The wind washed over them from the ocean, filling Faye's nose with the foreign smell of salt water. She'd heard so much about it from those that had been to oceans like this, but to her, it was all new. Not even the San Francisco Bay had smelled quite like this. It, as much as the lips on hers, was invigorating.

Cheating as she was, reading the emotions off of Riley with every passing moment, Faye felt herself blushing with how pleased she was. The way that the nurse sagged in against her as she digested the meaning of the word, Imzadi. To her people, it was not a word used lightly. But it reflected what she knew that Riley felt for her, fast as it had happened, deep as it had grown. And this in turn shaped the way that Faye felt, and the whole thing had bloomed like a garden in spring, and there she was, letting Riley pull her down.

Eventually she was on top, one leg on either side of the brunette's hips, her own butt pert and in the air a bit, her shoulders bunched and her head down. The shiver that raked her spine had little to do with the cool ocean breeze, nor the hot sun beating down on her tanned skin, and everything to do with fingers in her hair and feelings in her heart. Her lips tore at Riley's each kiss coming faster than the one before it, sloppy with passion and want. She nearly mewled with longing when the nurse thought her words, and the smile that broke out against those kisses was the largest she'd managed since coming out of the medical deep freeze weeks ago.

To the moon and back, she thought, echoing the words in her own head, sounding them out and deciding that they were adorable, if silly. What she wondered, had been so special about Luna to coin that phrase? Humans. Delightful, bright burning humans. Feeling bubbly in the wake of the words and the thoughts, she giggled between the kisses, deep as they were. She wriggled about, hips swaying side to side across her lover, as she braced herself up on her artificial arm. The skin there would darken like the rest of her body, mimicking the tan she'd be getting on the beach.

But the other hand, the flesh and blood one not supporting her, that hand raked down Riley's side, teasing and tickling lightly. She traced the curve of her ribs and the swell of the nurses hip, lingering on the string of her bikini. Purring,  and needing air anyway, she pulled back from a kiss and ran her nose against Riley's, mirroring what the girl had done to her earlier. "I think...that you lured me here to watch me bask about naked in the sun....but what about you? Hmmmmm?"

She gave a suggestive tug, working to capture the playfulness from before, mixed in with the bright new feelings of a love that was out in the open.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #8
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

There was nothing else in this moment again but Faye and Riley herself. The world around them faded into a blurred landscape and any people watching were considered irrelevant. Riley's kisses grew faster and sloppier by each passing kiss and she could feel the warmth of Eloi-Danvers against her cheeks as she blushed and eventually laughed into the kisses they shared. The feeling of her soft legs pressed against her hips made Riley wiggle her hips against them as Faye slowly broke away from the kissing. Her nose teasing against hers and Riley raised her head slightly to cutely cause enough friction against her Imzadi's nose as well.

A giggle escaped Patterson's lips as Faye voiced out her thoughts about luring her here to see her bask naked in the sun and her eyes opened up to look at Faye's as she raised her eyebrows. She gave the question a few seconds of thought, wondering how to reply best to the diplomat as she moved her hands out of her hair and ran them over her shoulders down her sides before feeling up the fabric of the creme colored top.

The suggestive tug made Riley mewl as she laughed "What do you think?" she offered Faye softly "That I'd let you bask alone in nudity under this delicious sun." her lips slowly venturing closer to Faye's before she kissed her softly, playfully and sucked her lower lip slightly before sinking her teeth ever so slightly against the soft flesh. She broke off and shook her head slowly "No, I want to feel the sun kiss every spot on my body... I want you..." she paused to let the diplomat fill in what could follow before continuing "I want you to have the same delightful sight as I have... To enjoy every inch of it and claim me as you please." she said with a soft, low and sultry tone "For I want only the best... For MY Imzadi." she concluded.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #9
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan  [Show/Hide]

Little doubt could there be, that Riley Patterson was just as playful as her diplomat, when the mood set upon her to be that way. Faye gasped in delight as the girls teeth dug in just enough to nip and flare a mote of pain in her lip, that mellowed into a warm flush as the pressure eased up. The kind of teasing that needed some working up to for to be pleasurable. Well, Riley had worked her up well enough, and even that initial prick of sharp sting invited more from the diplomat.

Shutting her eyes, the raven haired Betazoid basked in warm desire, her lips searching out, and finding a bit of skin to suckle on. She'd ended up just under Riley's jaw, after the human had tried her native tongue on for size, giving Faye a tingle from her head to her toes. The pronunciation was pretty much spot on, and it made Faye smile. So too did the notion of the two of them being bare to the world, letting the sun roll over their bodies as she'd done many a day, back in the secluded fields of her father's farm (and much to her mother's dismay).

"I get a bit noisy when I'm claiming someone for myself," she whispered, feeling it only fair to warn the brunette in her colorful little striped outfit. Her fingers were deft, and she tugged little strings until she knew the bikini bottom would come right off Riley with just a tug. So she flattened her hand out and ran her thumb up over a now bared hip bone. "You don't think the swimmers will mind, do you?"

Faye didn't really wait for a verbal answer. She got a feeling as to what direction her beloved was thinking and she smiled, grazing the skin with her teeth. This wasn't so much a power trip for her, as it was when it came to the raw need that she took from men. This was something so much more. As Riley had put it before,  there was a delight to the sight of what was to come, a sharing of emotion as much as physical release that she sought now.

And then she sat up, straddling across Riley's thighs. With the strings undone on the side of the girls bottoms it was no hardship for the diplomat to brazenly tug the striped fabric down, bringing into view the prize that lay under it. The sun kissed the freshly exposed skin and Faye just purred like a kitten, those dark eyes hooded and smoldering.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #10
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

Soft lips grazed just under her jaw before Riley could feel Faye suckle against her skin as a response to her teasing. It made her feel like a teenager in truth as her stomach filled up with butterflies so to speak and her body shivered lightly in sheer pleasure. The nurse couldn't suppress a light mewl before Eloi-Danvers pulled back, giving her a fair warning about getting noisy when claiming. It caused for Riley to giggle as she kissed Faye's neck and lead her lips up, just flicking her tongue on the skin under her earlobe before whispering in that ear "I've heard your noisiness before."

While teasing Faye with her lips she could feel the deft fingers of the diplomat fiddle against the strings of her bikini bottom. The nurse's breath hitched slightly as she realized what the Betazoid was doing and her eyes darted down for a second as she could feel the fabric loosen around her and even more so when Faye ran the palm of her hand over her hipbone. Another delightful shiver coursed through her body as her heart raced. The question about the swimmers being answered by a slow shake of the head by Riley as she pressed her lips together.

Faye positioned herself differently, straddling Riley's hips and tugging down the bottoms to expose the full glory of Riley's womanhood. The human girl letting out a small squirm as the fabric was removed and the warm rays of sunlight heated up the skin. Slowly Riley sagged back, her elbows digging into the sand as she leaned back and closed her eyes for a second before looking back at Faye as the hands of Riley caressed the legs of the diplomat.

Riley enjoyed it for a few moments before she did lean up again to kiss Faye. While doing so, her hands ran up the sides of the diplomat, reaching up and unhooking the bikini top Faye was wearing. She dragged the fabric along with her hands into the sand as she leaned back down and looked at the modest, yet stunning breasts of her lover. Letting the air and sun do their work on the skin of the woman as her loins started to burn with desire now. Riley was aware of what they were doing in such a public place, yet she didn't care, she needed it. She needed Faye...

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #11
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan   [Show/Hide]

Sun played across the nurse's paler skin, and Faye allowed herself to enjoy the moment. Riley lay back, eyes shut, hair tossed behind her and head tilted toward the sky where wisps of clouds drifted across the vast open reaches, doing little to nothing for blotting out the sun. Faye's darker fingers swept down the cut of Riley's hip as the girl looked back at her, and feeling the way that her lover enjoyed the touch, Faye gently brushed her fingers over the exposed sex. Nothing too invasive or the like, just the simplest, softest of petting. Top to  bottom, top to bottom, sweetly caressing the prize as the sun warmed the skin there, until Riley eased herself up.

One thing led to another, and the kisses returned, lips pressed to lips, The softness there, that women had, that men lacked. Faye enjoyed both, preferred women by a decent margin, and craved the kisses of one in particular, whom with she now indulged. The telepath barely noticed when her own top came off, the frilly cream wrap discarded as Riley leaned back. A smirk grew on Faye's lips as a bit of color dashed over her cheeks, brought on from how Riley enjoyed the look of the diplomat's bared chest. Modest as she found herself, her nipple still hardened pertly in the breeze and sunshine, though perhaps it was as much from the arousal she felt.

Winking, she let her hands drift up her own tanned torso, cupping the small mounds. Then came the gentle squeeze of her cups, hips swaying. She was giving the nurse a small show - and anyone else watching, she supposed, though she did not detect any undo attention being sent their direction. Not yet at least. Playfulness asserted itself and Faye gave herself a cheeky pinch to her left nipple, tugging at it and moaning, open mouthed, before leaning back into kiss Riley, invasive and deep on the mouth.

Again she supported herself on the one arm, the fake one. It was stronger, no doubt about it, if not yet as dexterous as the limb it had replaced had been, months before. With time, that would return, and with time, Faye would trust herself enough to use that arm when it came to play. But that lingering fear of squeezing too hard, or of having a finger jerk at the wrong moment resigned the replacement to a more supportive role when the Betazoid allowed herself pleasure. And pleasure she gave as well as took, pulling from the lips and trailing her kisses over the nurses chest. She paused, biting at the girl through her bikini top, before rudely pushing the fabric up and out of the way.

Not bothering to speak, just purr, she closed her lips around one of Riley's nipples as her bikini clad ass swayed from side to side in the air.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #12
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

Riley Patterson melted in the soft touch of Faye Eloi-Danvers as she brushed her fingers over the exposed womanhood of the first. A soft moan escaping the lips of the nurse as her legs slightly feel open to allow Faye more freedom in what she'd want to do. The sun pricked against her skin, yet in the moment all of it felt just perfect. Everything had fallen into a satisfying completed puzzle and now it was the time to just enjoy it.

When Faye's top came off and Riley looked at her, Faye did something Riley hadn't expected in the slightest. The diplomat feeling her breasts up as her hips swayed to music that wasn't there. The nurse's eyes widening as her eyes followed every move of her fingers. The little show that was probably dedicated to her, yet seen by all who would, made the nurse blush lightly. Hearing Faye moan open mouthed as she tugged her nipple made her stomach buzz and when she dove back in for a deep kiss, Riley responded it with hunger and a tinge of lust.

When the kiss between them broke off, Riley gasped for air as she felt Faye lead her kisses down to her chest. Riley giggled and remained on her elbows before she felt Faye bite at her breasts. The giggle turned into a laugh and the laugh into a moan when her bikini top was pushed up as it clearly stood in the way for the Betazoid.  The nurse had to gasp for air again as Faye latched onto one of her nipples and purred while giving her one of the most satisfying feelings there was. The arms of Patterson trembled before giving out.

Her head arched, digging her hair into the warm sand at Faye's ministrations and hers hands clenched into the sand. Warmed by them, she raised them as her eyes opened to look at Faye doing what she did. Noticing her ass sway from left to right. The nurse reached out, barely managing to hook her fingers into the bikini bottoms and tugging them down slowly for the world to see Faye's hind.

She couldn't get them down all the way and instead she tugged Faye down onto her body, wanting to feel all of her against her as she laughed. The two of them basking nude in the sun as the sand began to crawl in between and over them wherever it could get. "Want to head in the water?" she asked with a purr as she looked down at Faye "Or would you like to do something else first..." she offered mischievously.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #13
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan   [Show/Hide]

Though she wasn't in it for a power trip like when she bedded down with a male, there was a heady sense of accomplishment when Faye caused her nurse to fall back on the sand and towel, arms giving out. That earned Riley a small nip of the teeth along the underside of one of her breasts, a cheeky little mark of affection that would fade by the time the diplomat's lips were back on her lovers. Which was no time at all, not really.

Coal black met brilliant blue, their gaze sparking something inside Faye that had her purring and giggling about. She breathed in deep and wiggled her hips with purpose now, to shake the loosened bottoms away - or at least low enough to expose her pert ass delicate snatch to the air and sunshine. Then she was down atop Riley, breasts to breasts and lips to lips. She tasted salt and a hint of sand and didn't mind in the slightest, though sand would get everywhere by the days end.

Snuggling down against Riley, she rested her chin on the girls chest and looked back up, watching the way the girl smiled at her. A brief ocean breeze blew across them, cooling her sun soaked back and causing Faye to appreciate the heat of their bellies pressed to each other. Taking a moment, she allowed her mental walls to come down more, and bask in the warmth of love she felt. Still wiggling her bum, she picked up mental murmurs here and there of folk far away, taking glances but mostly ignoring the couple. One thought they had seen something - Faye's little show, she wagered - but couldn't be sure as it had been a might bit fast.

"Well," she began, opening her eyes again and looking toward the sea. "I kind of imagine that if we go out in that, and come back here after, sand will be sticking like....everywhere" she pointed out, approaching the issue at hand logically, instead of simply fueled by the pooling desire between her legs. In her best professional diplomatic tone, she continued, resting both arms on Riley’s chest and her chin upon those hands in turn.

"Therefore, it is in our mutual interest to engage in any sort of beach bound activities before getting into the water to off after?" She suggested, raising her eyebrows high up on her head and smiling her own little knowing smiles. To add a little non verbal argument to her notion, she swept her hand slowly down Riley's flank, and up, over her hips. It took a moment of wiggling that had Faye's ass back up in the air, but then her hand was curling over Riley's mound, cupping her snug in the diplomats palm.

"Besides, it would be something of a cultural anthropological exercise to see if anyone notices and how they react. New life, new civilizations and all that jazz."

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #14
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

A little sting of pain was felt when Faye marked her Riley with her teeth just under her breast. The nurse squealed for a moment before laughing and getting devoured by a hungry kiss of her partner. Faye helped perfectly to remove the bikini bottoms and when they were off she relaxed atop the human girl as the moment was truly perfect. The slightly cooler ocean breeze and the warming sun causing for a blissful feeling as Faye's warm body rested on top of hers, her rear still wiggling slightly as it caused for some friction between their bodies.

The suggestion to head into the ocean was met by a logical breakdown from the Betazoid and Riley had to giggle again as she shook her head fora minute before listening attentively to her with wide eyes and clearly having a snug grin on her face. The conclusion of the diplomat's response was fortified as her hand slowly ventured over Riley's flank and hip. A soft gasp escaped Riley's lips as she felt the hand of the Betazoid cupping her sex and her hips already began to move against her. The nether lips of the nurse already moist with desire and arousal thanks to the coal haired woman. The toes of Riley curling in pleasure as she tried to formulate a reply.

"For a moment... I thought you were a Vulcan." she teased the Betazoid with a stupid grin as Riley bit her lower lip at the resting position of Faye's hand. Faye was too low for Riley to return the favor and the nurse simply raised one of her legs to lead it between the diplomat's legs and thighs. Her kneecap grazing against Faye's snatch now as her ass still wiggled in the air like a feline creature. "I can agree to participate in beach bound activities..." she purred "But I disagree that the water is meant to cool us off..." she whispered as her hips rocked against Faye's hand, wanting more, needing more.

"And don't put these poor people as the reason why you're doing this Eloi-Danvers." she laughed as her eyes locked with Faye's "Just admit it... You want this human girl... Badly." she teased the diplomat before she reached out to pull her in closer once more for a heated deep kiss.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #15
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan  [Show/Hide]

Oh look at you, all pleased with yourself, Faye thought, highly amused by that self satisfied smirk that Riley flashed up at her, while Faye was being oh so professional and logical. Her human was being oh so...human. It nearly broke Faye in the middle of her discourse, but she summoned the strength to finish the point, as one of her legs bent at the knee and a bare, sandy foot raised up in the air, wiggling from side to side.

Her toes were back in the sand, just beyond the edge of the towel they lay upon, by the time that her hand was betwixt the nurses thighs, testing the proverbial waters. Not as wet as the ocean over there, but I'd say you've done a mighty good job, Eloi-Danvers. A mighty fine job indeed. There was no hiding her own self satisfaction at the state she found Riley to be in, the heat and slickness pooling against Faye's fingers were the best kind of affirmation. Even if she wrinkled the nose at the insult of comparing her to a Vulcan of all things!

Giggling still though, her hips rocked up and her breath hitched very slightly. Lips swollen from kisses parted to let out a purr of delight as the lithe diplomat swung her hips to one side, allowing herself to come down better on that raised knee. She rocked gently now, back and forth, dragging her own heated desire along the length of limb jutting up out of the sand, leaving a glistening trail of desire.

It's true. So true, she thought at Riley as the girl taunted and kissed Faye. You don't even know how much, Imzadi.  But I'll show you... She could picture just what she wanted to do here, laying atop Riley. And then after that in the sand. And maybe even in the waters, since the nurse had some notions as to what that ocean was truly there for. The locals would have no doubt of what was going on by the time that Faye was through, she determined.

Putting action to thought, as her lips pressed in, parted and teased, so too did her hand. Squeezing Riley as she rocked back against the girls leg. Rubbing in a fast circle, then slowing, to slide fingers up and down slick, parted folds, teasing them wider apart. Scratching ever so lightly, before sweeping back up between the cleft to tickle that little nub, flicking it, pressing in from either side, and working her hand around in a tight circle once more.

"Humans burn so bright," she said aloud now, not for the first time, as she broke the kiss with a groan and a need for air. "You burn brightest of all. Burn for me, Imzadi." As if to coax the response she wanted, she needed, the impetuous diplomat twisted her hand so that one finger sunk into Riley then, with those words, and her palm mashed up against the girls hooded nub. She kissed Riley's chin, her own mouth hovering open above the girls skin, breathing softly as her eyes smoldered, watching the way the petty officer reacted.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #16
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

Faye reacted to being called a Vulcan, the way her nose wrinkled was adorable and outright cute for the nurse as she couldn't help but laugh out loud.Each movement Faye made was felt against Riley's body and the way Faye didn't tease her more was starting to drive the poor human crazy. Her body writhing now with the desire and as she had raised her leg between Faye's hips, the Betazoid soon enough began to rock her hips over it. The warm slick wet residue left by her was warmed by the sun and just informed Riley of how eager the other one was as well.

Faye leaned in to kiss and Riley answered it, though broke away to gasp as the diplomat's fingers began to work on her sex as well. Her hips bucking against them as she stimulated her body and just created an even bigger need. Her body producing more moistness to satisfy the girl's teasing movements. Oh how Faye teased her, grazing, scratching, circling and squeezing against her yet never giving her what she truly desired. Faye's own hips still rocking against Riley's leg as she pleased herself. A louder gasp that transitioned into a moan cooed out of Riley's mouth as Faye pinpointed her handiwork.

Riley was asked to burn bright, to burn for Faye as the word Imzadi caused for a chill to run over Riley. The way Faye pronounced it was just different and magical almost. Perhaps it was the way Faye used her finger just then to probe into the nurse's core. A satisfied groan left Riley as Faye watched her, palming her hooded nub easily while her finger etched deeper. Riley couldn't do anything to Faye as she was lost and devoured by the sensations. Her nails managing to rake down Faye's sides, over her rib cage down to her hips before sinking into the warm sand to clench onto the grains of sand as they ran through her fingers. Her hips bucking into the finger needily as she tried to move her leg. Causing for a lack of surface for Faye to ride on at moments, though at other moments creating an immensely grinding sensation as her leg slipped between her thighs, trying to move into the air.

"F-F-Faaaye!" Riley coeed out with a squeal as her cheeks blushed and her eyes remained tightly shut. Moans followed soon after as her body tried to increase the pleasure as much as it could. The peaks of Riley's breasts rock hard and teased by the sea breeze as it flowed against them.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #17
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan   [Show/Hide]

There! Faye felt it, right about the time that Riley's leg dropped away from under her, causing her to tilt to one side for a moment and arch her exposed loins up into the air as she tried to regain her balance. Had anyone been behind them, they would have had a perfect view of a pair of puffy, wet lips and a puckered star reaching up into the air. But the attention that Faye felt, that moment of curious focus, as not coming from behind them, but further up the beach.

The lithe Betazoid shifted her weight about, rocking her hips and the rest of her body from side to side as nails raked over her skin. Lines of red followed in their wake, though the sun seemed to melt them away fast enough. The girl was going to have a nice tan after all this, not that she wasn't already somewhat bronzed to begin with. Bending back, Faye dragged her small breasts over Riley's, as she pressed her mouth against the girls neck and sucked, leaving a mark.

The leg rocked back up between hers, with enough force to cause a yelp and moan from Faye. The diplomat ground down against the limb, shivering in delight as her lips moved to nip at Riley's lobe. She could see the heat in the girls cheeks and hear her thoughts, and giggled a bit, purring. "Rillley," she whispered as she dragged the pad of her fingertip along the upper walls of the girls channel. Muscles along her arm tensed as she rocked her wrist back and forth.

"Someone noticed that last moan of yours, Riley," she murmured. Her own hips pushed back along the girls leg again, thighs squeezing. "Someone is watch-ing." Taking some devilish delight in the moment, of informing her lover that they'd garnered some attention, she drove a second finger up into her lover and started to work her hand fast, twisting so that her thumb, instead of her palm, teased the girls clit. She rolled the hood back and applied a light pressure directly against the sensative ball of flesh, knowing not to push too much, too fast. Faye would have to take that slower than the thrusts of her fingers, but she was a dexterous girl. She’d never attempt this with the prosthetic arm, fearing a loss of control. But with her dominant, natural hand? Her confidence shown bright in the way she built that tempo up.

Being able to read Patterson's emotions and desires was almost like cheating at a game in the holodeck by tweaking the display to call out the enemy's moves before they acted. Knowing the right button to press at just the right moment. Feeling how being observed added something to the mix for the girl, she told her Imzadi of their audience. "I do believe we're turning them on." Exhibitionism wasn't exactly a thing for Faye, not before today, but then, inhibition wasn't exactly a thing for the diplomat either. At least, not in her personal life.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #18
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

Patterson was left at the mercy of Eloi-Danvers as she felt the diplomat suck a mark against her neck. It would probably remain there for a few hours, perhaps a day or two. Unless the nurse would use a intra-heamatome remover back on ship before duty. Though right now, she couldn't care less about being marked by her lover. Her body writhed underneath and Faye simply continued her blissful movements with her finger as Riley's eyes remained shut in pleasure.

Informed that someone might've overheard her moan, the nurse simply muttered "S-So? You wanted... This... St-Study..." she managed to bring out as her sentence was filled with gasps for air, underlying moans and pure pleasure. She could feel Faye's hips ride along her leg once more, the muscles of Riley's leg tensing up to cause for a nice smooth yet solid surface to grind down on. Her leg felt pretty slick already by the pleasure Faye was getting by riding her limb. Faye drove it up a notch though as she invited a second finger into Riley, her thumb now adding pressure and exposing the clit of the nurse as Riley couldn't hold back a louder moan as her hips attempted to move in sync with Faye's hand.

The cheeks of the nurse bright red now and her mouth hanging open slightly as short breaths were followed by more moans. If anything Faye knew exactly hat to do to Riley at exactly the right time. In all of her previous relationships, none could stimulate nor pleasure Riley as Faye could. On a sexual level this girl was perfection, she was the top of mountain, the best one could get. Riley could feel her climax approach in rapid succession at Faye's dexterous movements.

Being informed about them being watched and how the couple turned the prying eyes on, it gave Riley a rush. She hadn't done anything like this in public before. Sure she had let Daniel Havenborn tease her during a karaoke night aboard the ship and perhaps in her college days had she showed affection in public. Though this, making love in plain sight, whilst being watched. This was new, enticing, exhilarating... She could feel the thoughts bubble up to make Faye feel just as special as she made her feel, though the pleasure prevented her from acting on that thought further.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #19
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan  [Show/Hide]

Delight and desire welled up deep inside the pit of Faye's stomach, causing her to flutter and moan. There was a giggle they followed as she shifted about on the towel, atop her lover. The fingers on her 'free' hand brushed a few stray hairs away from the nurses face, as she pressed her forehead to the humans. "I do enjoy a good field study," she agreed quietly, keeping her lips close to the girls, but not actually kissing again, not yet. They both knew the study bit was a flimsy pretense, but Faye was invigorated by the way that being watched enhanced the moment. And perhaps even more so, by how it was affecting her little nurse.

Maybe you really are an exhibitionist. Something to work through, Faye girl, she thought to herself with another giggle. She pushed her thoughts aside and focused on her lover, on the pride she felt at scratching every itch the girl had. That she might be the pinnacle for Riley melted the Betazoid all the more. Her nurse, her Imzadi felt so strongly that Faye could and was getting lost in those emotions. Emitting a moan of her own, she clamped her legs down on the limb thrust between them and shook gently there, rubbing a bit faster, needing friction.

Even with Riley'd building passion and pleasure, and the pressure that Faye was forcing onto her own loins, the diplomat knew she needed far more for her to reach her own peak. That was okay though. She was fine with waiting a bit for her release. Other matters pressed on her now, the need for giving, more than receiving. Though she was receiving quite a bit of thoughts from another source.

Wiggling her fingers inside, stretching the girl a bit more, Faye returned her lips to Patterson's ear, murmuring softer, in a breathy voice. "Just enjoy what I'm doing, Imzadi," she coaxed, purring. "You'll get your turn soon enough. I'm certainly not settling for just one round today," she added, though she knew neither girl had any plan of that. Today was a day to relax, to enjoy each other, and to revel in their new 'status' - something finally put into words that had existed for a while now. A lifetime, or a few weeks, depending on how one measured things.

Following those thoughts with a kiss that ended swift as it started, Faye continued to narrate what she was picking up, for the benefit of her non-telepath lover. After all, she knew that this turned Riley on all the more and that was the goal at the moment. That it turned Faye on as well was a delightful bonus. Basking in the thrill of the exposure, she whispered more.

"He wasn't quite sure what he'd heard. But he is now. He's even told a friend. There are two of them," she informed. "They're being discreet about it, both watching, just...peeking. They won't outright stare yet...They need some...prompting." Her words were rushed and broken with soft gasps, that ended up being louder than the speech itself. Her fingers worked faster and faster, stretching and probing, rocking in and out. Faye shivered from head to toe and moaned loudly now, as much from where her mind was going as the perceptions she was picking up. "Help me prompt them, lover. Our little watchers."

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #20
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

A laugh escaped Riley's lips as Faye agreed that she enjoyed a good field study, the pretense being the perfect excuse for the Betazoid to pleasure her nurse to new heights. She could feel the legs of Faye clamp down on her leg, needing more friction and pleasure herself as a new moan escaped her lips. The way Faye chose to torment her blissfully as she stretched her soft, slick walls with her fingers made Riley buck her lips once more.

Her words at first lost to Patterson as she was told to just enjoy it and that she'd get her chance later. The Nurse could eventually nod as she gave herself completely to the dark haired diplomat. Body rocking in unison with her movements as more moans filled the air and her eyes drifted shut "Mmhmm F-Faye..." she crooned at her Imzadi Pleasure washing over her mind like the waves that crashed into the sand a few yards further. Riley just let it all come over her and basked in the sun as her lover tended to her every need.

Faye began to inform her of what the prying eyes were catching up, how it made them feel. The very notion of being watched like that while Faye worked her magic caused for a feeling Riley hadn't ever felt before. It made her heart beat faster, louder and her loins ached even more so at the knowledge of it. Faye instructed her to prompt them and Riley thought how to do so, yet she couldn't really think straight with Faye driving her crazy. A louder moan escaped her lips as her hips bucked up again, this time harder. Riley's thoughts managing to slip an idea out, hoping Faye would catch on to it as Riley sure as hell wasn't able to construct any decent word or sentence as she was wrecked by the pleasure. 'Let them see what you're doing... To me, fully...'

Riley's eyes remained shut and a faint voice in the back of her head wondered what the guy and his friend would do if they made things more enticing for them. Would they just deal with their arousal on the spot or would the venture closer. It wasn't a cause for concern yet in the nurse's mind, that mind being completely devoured now by the Betazoid's love and affection.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #21
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @Nolan   [Show/Hide]

A challenge had been issued. She'd picked the words up that Riley couldn't say aloud, blessed as she was and willing to take advantage of it. Such a delicious idea, to goad the watchers, to turn them on, to excite them, the gist of which she'd gleaned from her lovers desires. One day you'll hear me, she thought, or more so hoped. It could be done, but it took effort, such as she was unsure she possessed. And the mind had to be receptive. Not telepathic but....

But she shoved all that aside as she brought her body low, to kiss at the swell of Riley's breast, as she bent her mind to the task at hand. She'd have to move. Riley would too. That would surely not go over well, but the pause might let the pleasure last a bit longer for her medically inclined lover. I wonder if there is a study on that. Ask later, Faye girl, she giggled at the thought, knowing that Riley would be clueless. Then she popped the nipple into her mouth and sucked till her cheeks hollowed out, just so it didn't think she'd intended to neglect the poor nub.

The taste of her skin, the sheen of sweat and the slight hint of the oils used to protect their fresh from the rays of the Aldean sun while still allowing some tanning all swirled about in Faye's mouth as she made her decision to boldly go on.

"We have to make sure this doesn't become a habit or we'll get a very stern talking to from the new XO," she murmured, in regard to public fornication. "I don't think he's that relaxed in regulations." As she spoke, she slowly withdrew her fingers and slid to the side, off of Riley's legs. As she had in the past, one finger, she plopped into her own mouth, savoring the taste. The other she brought to her lovers lips, open and panting as they were, and offered the same.

"Here's what we're going to do, Imzadi" she crooned, though she was talking fast and already tugging the nurse up. "Turn around, on your knees, legs spread. no...that way," she corrected, urgent tone in her voice now. "They're just over there, yes.. perfect. Lean back against me," Faye coaxed the girl with her hands as well as her word’s drawing Riley back in so that her back pressed to Faye's modest bust. The telepath moaned, loud, and looked over Riley's shoulder with a wink. "They can see you now in all your glory, Imzadi," she whispered as he hand slid back over Riley's thigh, then down, to cup the girls mound, before she started to rub  and spread the lips. There was a spark of shock from the direction she’d pointed the nurse. The two watchers were stunned. How had they been caught, they wondered. They had to have been...right...? She almost giggled at their reactions, noticing how neither looked away, though both were embarrassed. She could feel it, the shock of getting caught, the shame...and the ache in their loins as she cupped her lovers in turn, and began to work upon her one more, determined this time to get the girl to her release.

 "Does it excite you?" Oh please let me have chosen right...

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #22
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus

The touch of the lips by Faye against Riley's breasts was beyond nice, the girl groaned loud as soft skin was pampered by kisses and Faye paused for a second before the nipple was brought into the warm cavity of her mouth. The applied suction evident by the way the cheeks hollowed out by the diplomat. Riley's body arched up in pleasure as she was teased and rewarded by her Imzadi. Her hands digging deeper into the sand now as she was reaching new heights of pleasure.

When Faye popped loose from Riley's nipple, the nurse squealed and panted for air as she rotated her hips into the touch of Faye's fingers still inside of her. She needed more friction, more pleasure. As Faye murmured that she would get a stern talking from the XO about public fornication, Riley's cheek ran red and she whined at the loss of Faye's fingers inside of her as she left a streak of her own excrement on her legs. She was rewarded though with the taste of her own by her lover and Riley licked at the finger first before seductively wrapping her lips around it and sucking them dry with dedication.

Faye continued as she gave Riley instructions on how to position herself and after some stumbling around and positioning Riley sat upright with her back against Faye as her front was aimed towards the lurking eyes. Riley's heartbeat rushed to  higher pace as she tried to make out where they were, unable to see. The notion of Faye telling her that they could see her in all her glory made Riley blush again as there was no time to react to it. No time for instincts to kick in, to cover up, turn to Faye or anything. She flinched and just let it happen as Eloi-Danvers slid her hand back over Riley's thigh, down to her mound before she began to rub her Imzadi. The cool air now flowing against Patterson's spread lips and causing for a tingling sensation as she moaned and crooned in pleasure and delight.

The whisper from Faye into Riley's ear was registered after a few seconds, seemingly looking as if she had to think about the answer. Though Faye could notice the nurse simply hadn't thought about the answer, she was just that deep gone in a haze of pleasure that the answer came out naturally with a slow nod "Y-Yes... Does it excite you?" she bounced the question back as her back arched slightly, trying to cause for friction against Faye's smaller breasts "Don't you want to be put on display like this?" she asked in a moan, almost loud enough for the lurkers to hear.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #23
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach |  Aldea] Attn: @nolan [Show/Hide]

Lingering in the back of Faye's mind were thoughts of Riley sucking on her finger. She understood at a base level why such an act turned males on. It was somewhat obvious. In her experience, if one had a penis, one liked getting it sucked. And anything that implied such an act - sucking on a finger being the most direct thought, but not the only one - usually turned the bearer of said prick on. But it also turned women on, and Faye had always wondered at that. After all, watching Nurse Patterson clean her finger off had made Faye's folds damper than they already were, as she'd known it would.

A shame our audience hadn't quite been able to make that out, she concluded with a wry smile that they might see, though Riley, by facing away with her back against Faye's bust, could not. Even as she thought this, she heard the answer to her own voiced question from Riley's lips. Immediate and without deeper thought, it was a core reaction, and one that caused her smile to grow wider still.

Then it was bounced back at her and she giggled a bit. Her finger worked faster, curling up in, even as Faye had to stretch a bit to make sure she got the angle right, reaching over the top of the girls hip as she was.She let her other hand, the false one, carefully move up to tease one of Riley's comparatively larger breasts, tweaking a nipple and knowing someone saw it.

"You being on display, others seeing how you are mine and how I can do this" a pinch and twist accompanied the words, "Excites me.

"But that's not just what you meant,"
she admitted. Over the sandy expanse she could feel the indecisions and whispered conversation, as those watching debated their next act. Stay put....get some release of their own....or see if their company was wanted. Faye ignored it for now, focusing on her lover. "The answer is yes.

Yes I am turned on. I'm dripping and needy. I keep rubbing my legs together at the thought of not just getting you off for others to see,"
she worked her palm faster and faster as she spoke, slipping another finger in, deep as she could. "I look forward to them seeing me  too. Knowing what we do is turning them on....and gods it is. They're both so achy, and I cannot imagine what they'll do when they get a good view of both of us...." There, it was out in the open said to the air and anyone that might have ears to hear it. She felt her face flush with the confession, even as she giggled again. She was too turned on to be put off by the anxiety it might cause. The thrill, the rush of this, with the salt air and the feelings of love she was picking up off of Riley had thrown caution to the wind, dumped it in the water and swept it out to sea.

Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #24
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus 

It was certainly hard to focus on having this conversation for Riley as her Betazoid lover did practically everything to turn her into a pile of moaning, yet very pleased flesh. The legs of the nurse coming up and thus allowing a better view for the audience she couldn't see, while it also served to delay the inevitable climax that was bound to come. Faye's answer came eventually, though it was hard to determine for Riley how much time had passed since she had asked the question and received the answer. Her toes curled up as the brunette emphasized her words with a pinch and twist, granting the nurse to mewl out loud.

The rest of Faye's word being registered, be it in a haze of pleasure and lust as the girl slipped in another finger and worked her palm faster. She was driving Riley closer and closer with rapid succession. The confession however that was brought out in the open coincided with the moment that Riley reached her peak as her body caved in to the overload of delivered pleasure. The breath of the nurse stocked as her lips parted, the curled toes flexing before digging into the sand as every fiber and muscle in her body tensed up. Faye would undoubtedly notice it as well as the nurse's muscles clamped down on the invading fingers. With some delay it finally came, the loud, really loud moan of release and pleasure as Patterson's body rocked in delight and shook at the orgasm she was given.

The girl collapsed against Faye as she was thankfully there for support as her body twitched and still shook as softer mewl left her lips and her eyes fluttered shut after rolling back into her skull for a moment. Riley's senses came back to her, her legs slowly drifting shut to end the show for the onlookers before she realized they would probably still be there. Her legs remained shut for a few seconds before she parted them again and she rubbed the back of her head against Faye as she crooned "My Imzadi... My perfect, sexy wicked Imzadi..."

She slowly broke free of the hold Faye had her in and got on all fours as she wiggled her ass to the general direction of their crowd. In the meantime Riley's lips crashed onto Faye's as she kissed her hungrily, tongue slipping past her lips for a deep kiss as one hand was positioned between the Betazoid's legs. Riley tried to find enough balance on one hand and arm as she ran the back of her index finger ,with a knuckle specifically, through Faye's aroused state before pushing the tip of her finger against her clit. The kiss slowly broken as she still panted and ceased her teasing as she planted her head on Faye's lap and laughed as her body simply sagged down on the towel. The hair of Patterson strewn over Faye's upper legs as she rolled back over on her back and recovered from her orgasm. As she looked up at Faye she tried to communicate to her with her mind 'What are they doing? What she we do next?' she thought softly to her lover. The way the sun hit her curls and skin making her look like a divine creature really.

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