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Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

"Life’s a Beach"

STARDATE 57563.66
MARCH 13, 2381
1000 HRS.

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Fife

The public beaches of Aldea Prime seemed nothing short of miraculous considering the ecological damage that the natives had dealt their home world of Epsilon Mynos III, locally known as the planet Aldea.  The new computer system known as the new Custodian that had been programmed with assistance from the Federation used the old shield emitter in order to compensate for the loss of the planet's ozone layer.  Outside of the city of Aldea Prime, on some continents, the ozone layer had been left to repair itself over time, and in some parts of the planet it remained dangerous to stay in direct sunlight, with elevated chances of cancer, skin burns and ocular cortical cataracts.

With the protective shielding the new Custodian provided, both natives and visitors suffering from art and culture overload in the city could escape to the sandy coastline of the Ibai Besi river outlet and actually strip down into nothing but swimwear without risking skin cancer or worse.  As a matter of fact, the area over the local beaches were so protected that one of the beaches, known in the local tongue as Hondartza Luzea, was clothing optional.

Visitors to the public beaches of Aldea Prime came from a variety of planets and cultures, each with their own conceptions of modesty or the lack thereof.  Everything from wetsuits, one-piece bathing suits, swimming trunks, bikinis, loincloths, to nudity could be found on a beach visited by aliens depending on the cultural mores and relative modesty of the civilization they hailed from. 

Lieutenant (junior grade) Tessa May Lance was in a blue one piece sport swimsuit, a rather unimaginative choice considering all of the options she was given.  To be honest, Tessa didn’t even know there was a an open beach on Aldea when she beamed down given the planet’s history, let alone a clothing optional one.  Packing a swimsuit was automatic now that she finally had the chance to leave the ship, beam down to the surface of Aldea and go outside.  She couldn’t remember the last time she had truly been outdoors and not in a holodeck simulation.  After spending over six months with a roof over her head or in a claustrophobic exo-suit, the temptation to visit the clothing optional beach in the nude was overwhelming, but the her skittishness at exposing her nude body to men she didn’t know made her chicken out and wear the boring swimsuit that was designed for athletes rather than sunbathers.

Tessa was supposed to have a ‘swim buddy’ when visiting the beach but each member of the Lone Wolves Squadron had to take turns when it came to shore leave.  When it was finally her turn Tessa paired up with Lieutenant (junior grade) Maya of Vulcan to see the sights.  Maya wasn’t the best companion when it came to having fun.  The little Vulcan’s idea of fun was museums, libraries, and universities.  Bleh.  After months of boredom, despair, and anxiety aboard the confining atmosphere of a starship, Tessa wasn’t in the mood to learn anything.  She came to unwind and relax. 

And relaxing was exactly what Tessa was doing right now.  Lying on a large pink fluffy towel, the spunky pilot was mentally debating whether or not to remove her swimsuit so she could work on her tan.  Maya, ever the wet blanket, had informed her that getting a tan on this planet was still a challenge.  Even at Federation level technology, it would be at least thirty years before one could realistically work on one’s tan. 

After indulging Tessa by swimming with her, Maya had left the fair skinned human to examine the physiques of the beach’s other visitors, particularly the few who took full advantage of Hondartza Luzea’s unofficial ‘clothing optional’ policy.  The little Vulcan had promised to return soon but secretly a part of Tessa was glad to be rid of her.  When Maya actually chose to speak instead of staring at you with her creepy unblinking hazel eyes she tended to lecture about topics she likely knew very little about.  Talk about your know nothing know-it-alls.  Did everyone with pointed ears have a definition of fun that meant ‘condescending and tedious’?

Speaking of pointy ears, Tessa thought she saw someone on the beach she recognized.  It was Lieutenant Commander Cross, the Theurgy’s new chief tactical officer who they had rescued after the Borg had destroyed the Endeavour.  She had found the taciturn tactical officer intimidating and had never actually spoken to him.  With his head shaved the combination of his Vulcan and Bajoran features made Tessa think about that old holonovel Nosferatu, and the way the tall and forbidding officer wore the black Starfleet uniform did nothing to dispel the notion. 

But now Commander Cross (Tessa still couldn’t believe that he didn’t spell his name with a ‘K’) looked completely different.  She set down her drink and sat up so she could take a real good look at him.  Right now Lieutenant Commander Cross was wearing nothing but baggy black board shorts with an impudent orange hibiscus print.  The reason why he was wearing board shorts was because he was walking out of the sea carrying a black surfboard with an orange stripe.  His pale muscular body was glistening with moisture, but thanks to his shaved head there was no worry about wet hair being matted to his scalp.  And even more incredibly, he was smiling, and to Tessa’s surprise his grin didn’t reveal a row of tiny fangs, but what appeared to be a perfectly normal and healthy set of teeth!  He didn’t look like himself at all!  Instead of the grim and unapproachable gargoyle flapping his way through the corridors of the Theurgy, Cross just looked like… some guy.  He was just a surfer getting some waves.  It was like seeing Count Dracula wearing shorts and a tee shirt ordering food from a taco stand.

“Hey!  Hey Commander!” Tessa waved from her towel as she stood up to greet him. This was her chance to make his acquaintance in a calm relaxed setting where no one was wearing a uniform and rank pips didn’t matter.  “It’s me, Lieutenant Lance!  I’m one of the pilots, callsign Goldeneye!  How zit goin’ Commander?”

Re: SD 57569.42: Life’s a Beach

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Doc M.
[Show/Hide]Cross let out a contented sigh of relief as he made his way out of the waters of Hondartza Luzea Beach, relishing the feeling of being on an actual planet rather than a starship. It seemed as though it had been ages since he had last had a bit of shore leave, and Cross was soaking in every second be being outside and in open air. He paused as he made his way out of the surf and onto the beach proper, stopping for a moment to wriggle his toes in the sand. He allowed himself the moment of indulgence, a smile spreading across his features as a wave swept lazily up the beach, swirling around his ankles and causing him to sink slightly lower.

Pulling his feet free, Cross continued up the beach and dropped his board down next to his bundle of clothing and towel, and had been about to flop down beside it when he heard a voice calling out.

”Hey! Hey Commander!”

It took Cross a moment to realize that he was, in fact, a Commander now. He’d just been promoted two days prior, and was not yet accustomed to being addressed by his new rank. A moment later the realization dawned on him, and he glanced about in search of the source of the voice. His eyes quickly zeroed in on the person calling out, a young woman who was both looking and waving at him. ”It’s me, Lieutenant Lance! I’m one of the pilots, callsign Goldeneye! How zit goin’ Commander?”

Cross left his board and belongings lying in the sand and made his way towards the waving woman, racking his brain as he went. Had he met this Lieutenant Lance before? Being so new to the Theurgy, there were more than a few faces that he didn’t know. Goldeneye, she’d said. Her callsign. Tac CONN then. Cross had met a few of the Theurgy’s Tac CONN members aboard the Versant, though he was certain this Lieutenant Lance wasn’t one of them. She looked Human, and not a hybrid, which made him certain she hadn’t been aboard the Savi dreadnought. If she had been, she’d have been dead long before they got off the hell ship, liquified to feed the ship’s population.

”Hey,” Cross said as he came to a stop not far from the Lieutenant, ”Lance, was it?” Cross spoke softly enough that nobody else on the beach would be able to hear them. ”Easy on the ranks, Lieutenant. We’re allowed shore leave, but we’re still supposed to be keeping a low profile while we’re planet-side. Cross is fine for now.” Cross gave Lance a half-smile to let her know his little speech had been meant as a heads up rather than a dressing down. That smile took on a slightly guilty note as he continued. ”Forgive me, miss Lance, but have we met before? You look familiar, though I can’t say I remember meeting you.” Cross studied the woman as he spoke, focusing on her face rather than letting his eyes travel over her swimsuit-clad body. The high cheekbones and greenish-yellow eyes which were framed by light brown hair did seem vaguely familiar, though it might be that he’d passed her in the corridors as some point, or sat near her in the mess hall. ”Sorry, but I’ve met a lot of new faces over the last few days. I’ll admit I’m still having trouble keeping them straight. It’s been a <fucking> crazy few days.” Cross glanced down at the sand before raising his gaze to her once more, the thought that his habit of swearing in Cardassian might seem strange to Lieutenant Lance never crossing his mind. ”Mind if I join you?”

Re: SD 57569.42: Life’s a Beach

Reply #2
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Fife

“Oh no sir not at all,” Tessa chirped as she sat back down on her towel and patted a section she wasn’t sitting on.  “You were right about not us not really meeting each other.  We passed each other in the corridor once or twice but I didn’t even know who you were until Captain Ives introduced you as the new chief tactical officer,” she continued breezily as she shifted to get her legs crisscrossed, with each foot folded under the opposite knee.  “Isn’t it weird the way we all have to use aliases while we’re down here?  I guess the Aldeans don’t want any computer records that prove they helped us when the Big Scary Conspiracy comes sniffing around, but how are they going to hide the fact that they are helping us fix our starship?  That’s pretty major.  I hear they got a super computer they call ‘the custodian’ that’s supposed to handle it, but I sure hope they know what they’re doing. 

“So where yuh from Command… er, um, Mister Cross?”
she corrected herself.  “You can just tell me where your alias is from if I’m getting too personal,” she chirped.  “I’m from Proxima Colony in the Alpha Centauri system in real life but while I’m on shore leave I’m…”  She paused as she wrinkled her forehead.  “What was my name again?  Oh yeah, I'm Tessia from the village of Pago Urbe.  It’s right up the river from Aldea Prime.  Or so I’ve heard,” she giggled girlishly.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Doc M.
[Show/Hide]Cross smiled and sat down on the towel next to Lance once she had confirmed she didn’t mind, listening as she continued talking in a carefree tone. Cross was glad his presence hadn’t made her feel nervous or spoiled her relaxation. He knew a lot of the crew wouldn’t want to be socializing with a department head during their shore leave, even a newly appointed one. She seemed relaxed enough as she adjusted how she was seated, folding her legs under her. Cross leaned back on his elbows as she spoke, stretching his legs out in front of him as the feeling of total relaxation that always came over him after surfing settled in.

Cross’ smile faded slightly when Lance asked where he was from, just catching herself as she started to call him be his rank before reverting to “Mister Cross”. She pressed on, mentioning that he could just tell her about his alias if she was getting to personal. Cross wondered how he should answer as he continued to listen to the energetic Lieutenant, who went on to tell him where both she and her alias were from. It wasn’t that he minded telling people about his past, but the conversation tended to turn sour when he brought it up. As she finished speaking, she giggling in a girlish way, and Cross couldn’t help but smile.

”Well, Tessia,” he began, using her alias with a wink, ”my alias is K’Ros.” Cross’ smile spread again as he continued. ”And there’s no need to call me mister. I’m on shore leave, same as you. Besides, you’re letting me sit on your towel! I think that alleviates any need for formalities, don’t you?” Cross chuckled again before laying on his back and folding his hands behind his head, looking utterly content as his pale blue eyes stared up at the sky. As the sun beat down on his chest the numerous green scars that criss-crossed his torso, pale and faded with age, were plainly visible. ”I’m supposed to be a Vulcan merchant who’s visiting Aldea looking for goods to export. Not that I know the first <fucking> thing about imports, exports, or trade agreements.” Cross chuckled and shook his head. ”As for where I’m from, well,  that's a bit of a long story. And one that tends to make people a bit squeamish. Up until recently I was a Vulcan-Bajoran hybrid who's first language was Cardassian. That alone should tell you it's a bit of a messy tale. Now I'm a full blooded Vulcan who looks part Bajoran." Cross rolled his head to the side, gazing up at Tessa from where he lay and giving her a lop-sided grin. "I'm still getting used to that part. Anyway, I don’t mind telling it, though I’d hate to sour your mood during your shore leave.” Cross' eyes narrowed and he smiled almost playfully at the young woman who's towel he was sharing. ”Though in exchange you’ll have to tell me how Tessa from Proxima Colony came to be a fighter pilot who enjoys sitting alone on the beach.”

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #4
[ Tessa May Lance | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Fife

Tessa smiled playfully back at the Vulcan as he admitted to his total ignorance of business matters.  Her smile temporarily vanished and she became alert when he revealed that his first language was Cardassian.  She was both amazed and impressed the way he could so causally refer to a childhood that was no doubt the stuff of nightmares.  Those three new counselors the Theurgy had picked up recently must be miracle workers!  Either that or after enduring his no doubt traumatic childhood, Cross had learned to live in the moment when things became good. 

”Wow, every time I learn more about what those Cardassians used to do, I still can’t believe it.  But you’re not alone sir.  Even in the United Federation of Planets, you’d be surprised at some of the personal stories you’ll hear, especially aboard this ship.  Sometimes I think I’m the only one aboard the Theurgy who’s had a normal childhood.”  She suddenly flinched, blinked, and opened her mouth in shock as she instinctively raised a hand to cover it.  ”Oops!  I just called you ‘sir’ again ‘sir’!  Oh no I just did it again!  Boy once they drill that protocol into you, it sure is hard to get it out of your system isn’t it sir… buddy?”

Tessa’s pale skin reddened awkwardly as she squirmed on the towel before finally changing the subject.  ”Hum, let’s see.  What can I tell you about me?” she asked as she leaned slightly back to look into the sky.  ”I can’t say I really had an interesting childhood, at least not compared to some of the other pilots in my squad.  I didn’t lose my parents at an early age like Thomas and Evelyn did or have my people go through a civil war like Commander Renard did, or have my people go through a civil war and get forced to move to a whole new planet in an entirely different civilization like Khorin did.  Nope, I got to enjoy a stable two parent childhood on Proxima Colony in town of Weyland.  It’s just twenty kilometers away from Phoenix where Cochrane spaceport is located, up near Perivale and wine country.”

Tessa stopped as she suddenly became self-conscious.  ”But you didn’t ask for my life story,” she smiled sheepishly.  ”You asked me why I joined Starfleet.  Well, the truth of the matter is that the year I graduated high school was the year the Dominion started invading the Alpha Quadrant and the Borg tried to assimilate Earth,” she admitted.  ”Again.  We were still having trouble with the Klingons so I chucked all my plans and applied for the Academy, and guess what they accepted me.  By the time I actually got to San Francisco to start classes, we were at peace with the Klingons and the Khitomer Accords were reinstated but by the end of the year we declared war on the Dominion and the Dominion War was official.” 

Heaving a huge sigh, Tessa hugged her knees and stared out at the ocean.  ”I’m not really what you’d call ‘fleet material,’” she confessed.  ”The only reason why I joined Starfleet and became a fighter pilot in the first place was because I was scared out of my mind and thought the barbarians were at the gates.  By the time I graduated and was ready for duty the war was over.  I never really fired my guns in anger until I ended up on this ship.  I never had that ‘death or glory spirit’ that makes a true warrior.  Between you and me, I feel like a fraud.”

”Oh my gosh!  Why did I tell you that?”
she squeaked in distress.  ”I’m so embarrassed,” she mumbled as looked down and cupped her face with her hands.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Doc M.
[Show/Hide]Cross watched Tessia cover her mouth and struggle as she made several slip-ups, calling him sir again and again. He suppressed a smile, unable to deny that the young woman’s reaction was amusing. As she finally settled on calling him “buddy”, he couldn’t hold back the smile any long, nor the chuckle that accompanied it. Tessia reddened visibly and squirmed on her towel, quickly changing the subject and telling him about her life. Uninteresting she called it. No war, no tragedy, a stable home life with two parents.

Cross thought uninteresting sounded wonderful.

She went on to tell him about joining Starfleet, adding that she didn’t think she was “fleet material”. She had missed the war, lucky her, and didn’t see herself as a true warrior. Cross listened in silence, though he cocked and eyebrow as the Human went on to admit she felt like a fraud. The panicked reaction which followed her admission almost caused him to smile again, though as she stated how embarrassed she was he decided to refrain from adding to her discomfort. As she looked down, cupping her face with her hands, Cross pushed himself up into a sitting position.

”Easy, Tessia,” He said quietly, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. Too late he realized that it was the metal prosthetic and, deciding it didn’t matter, he left it there. ”there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone had their own reasons for joining up. You think every engineer or science officer in Starfleet sees themselves as a warrior? That every one of them has… how did you put it? A “death or glory” spirit?” Cross gave her shoulder a very light squeeze, still cautious with the prosthetic and not wanting to hurt the pilot. ”I can tell you that I didn’t join Starfleet out of some desire to be a warrior.” he added, reaching over with his organic hand and gently pushing one of her hands away from her face. It was only then that Cross realized what he was doing and, with a green tinge rising in his cheeks, he quickly let go of Lance’s hand. He pulled his other hand away form her shoulder before turning his own gaze away from her to look out at the ocean instead.  ”I joined up because I felt I owed Starfleet. I was basically born as a lab rat, and treated as such for the first portion of my life. Starfleet liberated the camp I was born in, and granted me everything. Freedom, an education, opportunity." Rebahilitation, civilization and a load of counselling... He added mentally. "A name.” Cross glanced over at Lance, giving her a weak smile before he elaborated. ”I never had a name in the camp. I was simply given a subject number, or referred to as cross-breed by the scientists. When Starfleet gave me the opportunity to choose a name for myself, I chose Cross because that was what I was used to.” The smile disappeared from Cross’ features as he realized he was getting off track. ”I guess you didn’t need to know that. My point is that I didn’t see warriors when those Starfleet officers beamed down to the camp and gave us our freedom. They didn’t bring a sense of “death or glory” to those of us they found on the surface. They brought hope.” Cross finally smiled again, though he looked almost embarrassed about his little speech. ”That’s what Starfleet is to me. That’s why I joined. I wanted to serve in Starfleet so that I might be able to bring that same hope to others one day. I never wanted to be a warrior, and I never wanted that “death or glory” moment.”

Cross leaned over and lightly bumped Lance’s shoulder with his own, grinning almost conspiratorially. ”So if lacking those qualities makes you a fraud, then I guess I’m one too! So cheer up, Lance. You’re alive, free, and on a beautiful beach. Enjoy it! And stop calling yourself a fraud.” Cross gave the Human a wink as his grin spread wider, then allowed himself to flop back onto the sand with a soft thud. ”That’s an order.”

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #6
[ Tessa May Lance | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Fife

By now, Tessa was blushing profusely. She didn’t flinch at his touch, but she did look at his hand and place her hand on top of his to see if he was wearing a glove.  When her hand touched his, an image of Commander Trent’s biosynthetic hand entered her mind.  Apparently both Cross and Trent got their prosthetics at the same place and never upgraded them to appendages that couldn’t be distinguished from organic ones.  The back of Tessa’s addled mind figured that it have been some sort of warrior’s oath that the survivors of a Dominion War battle made while they were recuperating from their injuries.  Most of her disordered mind focused on the encouraging words that Cross was saying, words that let her know that she wasn’t the only officer aboard the Theurgy who wasn’t a warrior at heart and that there was no dishonor inherent in that fact.

To be honest, Tessa had drank a bit of the local alcoholic beverage and was slightly tipsy, which went a long way for explaining her rather egregious admission that she didn’t think she was cut out to be a fighter pilot anymore.  Admitting that to a superior officer wasn’t exactly the way to get promoted, but thanks to their outlaw status it wasn’t as if anybody serving aboard the Theurgy had much of a future in Starfleet anyway (or even much a future period for that matter).   Still, it was a terrible thing to dump on a man who had experienced a much harder life than she had and was just trying to enjoy what little time off he was likely to get on this ship.  Tessa was folding under the pressure and Cross had endured more pressure than Tessa could imagine.  It was hard not to dwell on how pathetic Tessa was being right now, but to her credit, the plucky pilot did her best.

"Wow, that was inspiring s… Cross,” she stammered.  "You are so right, not everybody in Starfleet needs that ‘death or glory’ spirit.  It’s just security, tactical, and tactical conn that needs to think like a warrior.  No wait, Starfleet has declared war against all of us.  Even the civilians gotta have a warrior mentality on our ship,” she mused as she laid down on her back like Cross did.

Realizing that she was being a party pooper, Tessa decided to explain herself before changing the subject.  “Sorry about all this baggage.  The reason I got bumped to the front of the line when it came to shore leave is because Counselor Ejek strongly recommended it to Tom… Commander Ravon.  I need to get my head on straight before we ship out and he’s given me some time off.”

”So um, have you seen the sights yet?” she asked tentatively. “Doctor Maya dragged me into all these libraries and universities and stuff.  I haven’t really visited the hot spots yet.”

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #7
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Doc M.
[Show/Hide]Lying back in the sand, Cross had tucked his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, the grin still playing on his lips. He took a deep breath in through his nose, smelling the scent of the beach and the ocean, and getting a hint of something else. Some sort of alcohol? Cross opened on eye and glanced up at Lance with the single blue orb, wondering if she was the source of the faint whiff. He could hardly fault her for indulging herself while shore leave, and it would certainly go a long way in explaining the Junior Lieutenant’s behaviour. Cross dismissed it from his mind, not wanting to make the pilot uncomfortable or put a damper on either of their shore leaves.

Cross opened his other eyes and angled his head to look up at Tessia as she began to speak. She apologized about the baggage, which Cross took to mean her doubts, then went on to explain that she was getting counseling from counsellor Ejek, who had apparently had her taken off front-line duties for the time being. Cross had heard of the counsellor, though had avidly avoided any meeting between the two after having learned of her species. While Cross did his best to align his thinking with what he thought was proper for a Starfleet officer, some grudges were difficult to let go of.

Lance continued, asking if he had seen the sights yet and stating that she had been with one of the ship’s doctors, who had apparently dragged the pilot through libraries and universities. Lance hardly sounded as though she had enjoyed the experience.

”No, I haven’t seen the sights.” Cross admitted, taking his hands from behind his head and propping himself up on his elbows. ”Once I got planet-side I came straight to the beach. I, uh…” Cross gave Lance a somewhat embarrassed smile. ”I was so excited to get to the water that I didn’t really look at what else was around here.” Cross gave Lance a sympathetic look. ”I can’t blame you for not enjoying libraries and universities. That hardly sounds like a fun way to spend your shore leave. If there was somewhere you’d like to see, I’d be happy to go with you.” Cross’ smile broadened. ”As long as having a grumpy senior officer around won’t cramp your style.” Cross still found that Human turn of phrase odd. It was one he had heard Kai Akoni use on numerous occasions, and he had spent so much time with the larger Human that he had apparently picked it up somewhere along the way. ”Anything in particular you had in mind?”

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #8
[ Tessa May Lance | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Fife

“If there was somewhere you'd like to see, I'd be happy to go with you." Cross' smile broadened. “As long as having a grumpy senior officer around won't cramp your style."

”Oh don’t you worry about that sir,” Tessa assured him.  ”After hanging out with Doctor Maya, I’m ready for a change,” she giggled.

“Anything in particular you had in mind? "         

”Well now, let me think,” Tessa chirped before pursing her lips.  She squinted as she looked up into the alien sky.  Soon she starting giggling again.  ”I can’t think of anything,” she admitted.  ”Doctor Maya just took me to all the boring places!  I guess it would be nice to see if they had any dance clubs, but after spending months aboard a starship, I’m happy just to be outside!”

She rolled over onto her stomach and smiled at him.  ”Why don’t you give me a surfing lesson?” Tessa suggested.  "Nothing complicated; I’m not expecting to be a grand champion or anything.  It would just give me an excuse to get in the water.”  Tessa had tried surfing a few times before, but she was never any good at it.  And to be honest after spending almost five months on the run from Starfleet she had forgotten all of the terminology.  It wouldn’t be hard for her to pass herself off as a raw beginner because she was a raw beginner.  "Doctor Maya’s not much of a swimmer and you should always have a swim buddy with you when you go in the water,” she continued as if she was reciting something she memorized. 

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Doc M.
[Show/Hide]Cross felt a moment’s hesitation at Lance’s suggestion that he give her a surfing lesson. Cross himself had only learned just over a year ago, having been taught by Kai aboard the Endeavour. He wasn’t sure he would be able to teach the Human, though after a moment’s consideration he couldn’t see the harm in trying. Plus it would get him back in the water, so that was a bonus.

”Alright. I’ve never taught anyone before, but I guess I can give it a try.” He finally agreed, still feeling a bit apprehensive. Cross was not known to be a patient man, though as he looked up at the bubbly pilot from where he lay on his back, he didn’t foresee her causing a problem in that regard. ”And, uh, yes. It is better to have a swim buddy.” He added in a bemused expression, suppressing a slight smile which threatened to creep across his features as a result of the Human’s remark. It had sounded as though she were recalling a safety brochure word for word.

”Well,” Cross said, the word coming out sounding somewhat strained as he stretched his arms wide, ”why don’t we get started.”

With that, Cross pushed himself up to a sitting position, giving Tessia a grin before rising to his feet. He bend forward and brushed some sand off her towel where he had been sitting as he waited for her to rise as well, then led the way back to where his clothes and surfboard sat. Cross lifted the surfboard off of the clothes and carried it several meters away before tossing it flat on the sand.

”Ok, let’s start with how to Pop Up.” Cross began, motioning to the board. ”Lie down on the board, and when I tell you, push yourself up and get your feet under you as quickly as possible.” Cross waited for Lance to lie down on the board, trying as best he could not to let his eyes wander over the Lieutenant’s swimsuit-clad figure as she did so. ”Ok, pop up.”

As Cross watched as Lance repeated the same motions several times, he began to suspect that she had been surfing before. Regardless, he gave her pointers where he could, and before long they were picking up the board and heading to the water. Cross only had the one board, though something told him that it wouldn’t be an issue as he stood in the shallows, the waves lapping around his knees as he watched Lance begin to paddle out in search of waves. With his arms crossed over his chest, the Vulcan allowed a smile to play across his features as he relished the warmth of the sun and the scent of the salt breeze as he watched Tessia catch her first wave without issue, confirming his suspicion that she had indeed surfed before.

"Little sneak..." Cross chuckled to himself as he shook his head, watching her paddle back out for more.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach

Reply #10
[ Tessa May Lance | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ]

Tessa giggled girlishly when Cross gracefully took her suggestion and offered to teach her how to surf.  Tessa was a good swimmer but just a bit clumsy for surfing.  She surfing lessons both on the beach and in the water took her back to good times back in the Alpha Centauri system before she ever joined Starfleet.  It was all so deliciously normal, one would never realize that they were fugitives at all.

[ Maya | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ]

After Cross and Tessa had entered the water, a short slender woman wearing a wide brimmed hat and a large shapeless blue robe with white floral print wandered over to the towel where Tessa and Cross had been conversing only minutes earlier.  She wore large think lenses over her eyes and her short onyx hair was covered by a wide brimmed hat.  Her nose was covered by a dab of white corticosteroid cream.   With hands that seemed too large for her petite body she carried a basket filled with sea shells.  She removed her sunglasses to reveal large hazel eyes on a long narrow pallid face.  

Doctor Maya glanced around to see if she could find Tessa.  Lieutenant Lance didn’t seem to have enjoyed their trips to the university although she did have a reaction when Maya had smelled a flower at a botanical exhibit that had ended up having the same reaction on Vulcans that poison oak has on humans, although whether that reaction was positive or negative was difficult to determine.  And now she was missing.  The wayward young pilot was no doubt getting some more snacks, but even so, Maya moved her head left and right while glancing around to see if she could find her.


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