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Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

"A Different Kind Of Therapy."

Stardate: 57564.28
March 13th 2381
1500 Hours

LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

It had been a long few days since the battle for the majority of the crew. The Engineers were working on fixing the ship, the Tactical CONN officers were familiarising themselves  with Aldean protocols for when they went out on patrol from what Jovela knew and Medical had been dealing with the aftermath of the battle. Dealing with people's injuries, everything from cuts and bruises to limb replacements and other surgeries to defrosting a few people from Cryo-stasis and as the Head Nurse, Jovela had been involved in a lot of them.

Which is why she was soooo happy to finally be off the ship and able to visit the planet. Much like every other member of the crew she had had to go through all the various protocols. No weapons, which wasn't much of an issue for her as she never carried one anyway, she was a nurse after all. Her communicator had been replaced with an Aldean version, which she had been told worked pretty much the same as a standard Federation one, although this was more of a bracelet worn the wrist and not a pin on the chest, something which Jovela actually quite liked. Admittedly it had taken her a few minutes of fiddling to figure out how to activate the thing, which had lead to an awkward moment of cursing at a poor Ensign on the other end who she had managed to contact, the memory of which caused her to flinch in embarrassment, hopeful that would be the last one of those. Finally she had gotten some Aldean clothing and beachwear, happy to see that besides for a slightly different cut they looked much like Earth and Risian beachwear along with her new Aldean identity and eventually a license in order to trade planetside, just in case. All things that were a requirement to be allowed to step foot on the planet.

When she had eventually arrived planet-side, Jovela knew exactly where she was going: To the beach. Maybe it was simply the Risian in her that had the desire to go there or the feeling of sand beneath her feet and between her toes, the scent of the ocean that she had missed or maybe it was just the tranquillity of being able to just lay back on a towel, have a few drinks, soak up some sun and relax without having to worry about getting attacked or blown up for the first time in what felt like forever. Either way she knew that was where she was going.

Once on the planet, she took another glance at her ID, having been given the name Leda, she was at least thankful that it was something easy to remember although why they had to change their names was beyond her...well at least not everybody but it was their planet so their rules.

Finally arriving at the beach, Jovela couldn't help but smile at the sight of soft, warm, yellow sand as well as all the people working on their suntans not to mention the sounds of children laughing and playing, building sandcastles. Taking a moment, she closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of the ocean lapping against the shore and breathed in deep, enjoying the fresh yet slightly salty sea air and for a brief moment almost felt like she was back home on Risa.

Opening her eyes, she made her way down to the beach, using some of her credits to rent a locker room for her street clothes at a nearby changing area since she had brought a nice bikini and it was a beach after all, the perfect place to wear one. Having changed into her beachwear, she made her way onto the beach, stopping off at a nearby store and purchased a large beach towel before chuckling slightly at the feel of the warm sand under her as she made her way down towards the ocean, not planning on taking a dip just yet more to walk along the sea front and let the waves lap at her feet a little.

As she made her way both down to the shoreline and while walking along it, she couldn't help but notice that a lot of people of both genders were checking her out. She was far from one to get embarrassed or make a big deal out of her appearance but she wouldn't shy away from the fact that she maintained a healthy, athletic build and liked feeling sexy. What with her love of competitive pole dancing among other things. That combined with the curves or her behind and her bust, both of which were accentuated by her bikini she wasn't surprised that she was getting looks, having grown up on Risa and having developed rather early in that development she had long since gotten used to it.

After walking along the beach for a while, she found herself smiling again at the sight of several beach bars and made her way up to one of them. A nice drink would be perfect right about now. she thought.

As she got closer, she wasn't really surprised to see that the bar resembled something of a Tiki hut. The roof made of what looked like straw to keep the sun off of the patrons while the actual structure was made out of something, she guessed was Bamboo or at least, like with the leaves on the roof whatever the Aldean equivalent was. There was the main bar area, which had a long table made out of the same bambooesque wood with several stools lining the bar, while the surrounding area had their own tables and chairs for more customers.


Making her way to the bar, she took a seat in one of the stools, smiling warming at the Aldean man serving behind it. He stood at about 6 feet if Jovela were to guess, wearing a white shirt with a pair of blue shorts with some kind of Aldean flower pattern, if she were to compare it to anything, she’d say something similar to Earth’s Hawaiian design. He had bright green eyes and brown hair that was spiked at the front and a fairly muscular body that some might call in old human terminology a “surfer dude” minus that ridiculous accent of theirs.

“Well hello there.” He smiled as his eyes drifted down to her chest, making absolutely no attempt to hide it before eventually rolling his eyes back up to hers. “I’ve never seen you here before and I would most definitely remember you.” He added as his gaze again drifted to her cleavage, leaving Jovela to use all her willpower not to roll her eyes.

“It’s my first time here so I would be surprised if you said you did.” she smiled.

“Oh really? And how are you finding our City so far?” he asked

“Well I’ve only just arrived but it’s certainly beautiful and I’ve always loved the beach. Jovela replied with a grin.

“Well that’s always good, I hope you enjoy your time here…” he replied, while the pause at the end was clearly an attempt to learn her name.

“Leda and you are?” She replied and countered, causing the bartender to smile.

“Leda. That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful woman, if you don’t mind me saying so. I’m Saylis, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Jovela smiled warmly.

“So can I get you a drink? First one is on the house since you’re new to our fine City.”

Jovela smiled “Something with a little alcohol and fruity please.”

Saylis grinned “I’ve got just the thing.” He said before moving down the bar and retrieving several bottles and returning to her. Placing them on the table, there were four of them each filled with a different colored liquid. One red, one yellow, one blue and one green.

Jovela watched as he poured an equal amount of each into a glass, watching as each seemed to layer ontop of the other starting with the green on the bottom, the blue next, then the red and finally the yellow.

“Here you go, one Alderan Stardust.” Saylis said with a smile as he slid the glass across the counter to her. “It’s a combination of several drinks made from local fruits that when mixed provide quite the taste.” He told her before being called from another patron further down the bar. “Duty calls.” He added “I hope you enjoy the drink and enjoy your stay, who knows maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”

“I’m sure I will. Jovela smiled, referring to the drink. “As for seeing me around, well I’ll be staying here for a little while I believe so you never know.”

“Good to know. It was nice to meet you Leda.” Saylis replied before making his way to the other end of the bar.

With a smile, Jovela nodded and turned her attention to the drink in front of her and pulled it to her lips, taking a sip, feeling the liquid hit her tongue and gave a soft moan of pleasure at the taste. That’s quite the flavour she thought before taking another, bigger sip and taking a moment to savour it and wondered if she might be able to grab the recipe and a few ingredients somewhere to take with her when she left and if not how much of it she might be able to bring aboard the Theurgy when they left.

OOC: Jovela in her beachwear [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Transporter Room, USS Theurgy > Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Curling her upper lip, Ida quickened her pace when she realised that the Head Nurse had already reached the transporter room. When the sliding doors parted for her, she made a gesture towards the Transporter Officer. "Wai-" She broke off, for she saw the shimmering silhouette of light that had been Nurse Jovela vanishing just as she entered the room. "Shelat..."

Too late. Ida put her hands on her hips and looked to the deck, shaking her head. The Human officer in the room cleared his throat. "Should I beam her back?" he asked, seemingly nervous, as if he'd done something wrong. The question wasn't unmerited, but Ida mulled it over in silence, perhaps making the NCO even more nervous. She made her decision.

"Give me ten minutes, Chief, then I'll be back here. Keep her comm-signal under surveillance, so that you can beam me down to her coordinates when I return." She'd already turned on her heel and left the room by the time the officer acknowledged her request.

Her quarters wasn't far, but she wasted no time in her preparation. She replicated Andorian civilian clothes - non-Starfleet in every sense - and picked up her Aldean communicator, which held her false trade permit and identity. With deft motions, she shed her uniform and underwear, donned the replicated items, but before she stepped out of her quarters again, she thumbed her combadge. "Deputy zh'Wann to Security Centre, I am beaming down to Aldea for a hearing. Nurse Jovela got off the ship before I could reach her. I will return after I've located her and got her statement on Drauc T'Laus. Ida, out."

[Ensign McArthur here, acknowledged.] said the combadge in reply, but Ida had already tossed it on the coffee table and exited - on her way back to the transporter room once more.

Once she materialised down on the planet, Ida looked around with her eyes and antennae, not only finding herself on the beach, but also finding herself entirely too overdressed. She clenched her jaw, feeling uncomfortable in her utility jacket and Andorian boots. The Nurse was Risan. Of course she'd use her off duty time to head to the coastline. Ida espied the figure of the woman walking in the sand along the water, and before she could begin to tail her, Ida had to remove her boots and her jacket. The sun was not merciful, and like the rest of her people, she preferred the cold.

So, she crouched down and hiked up her practical trousers to the knee - her eyes not leaving the distant figure for a moment. Before she set off, at a leisurely pace, she relocated her communicator from her jacket to her belt. She untucked her common halter neck top and tied it up at the front, baring her toned abdomen to the ocean breeze and feeling a bit more comfortable and a fa less conspicuous. After having glanced around once to make sure no one was really watching her, she dropped her boots and her jacket in a bin without pausing her stride. And thus, she could continue tailing the Nurse - gradually catching up to her.

By the time she reached the other Theurgy office, she was being served a drink in a beach hut by an Aldean in a ridiculous shirt. Taking a deep breath, Ida seated herself a couple of chairs down from the Nurse, and ran a hand through her white hair. Doing so, she let the movement catch the other woman's eye, so that she could make eye-contact. While she didn't care for the pretence, Ida respected the woman's off duty time enough to not pull her back on the ship. The need for answers were still her priority, however, so whatever pretence she had to utilise couldn't be too long-winded.

"Greetings," she said to the Nurse with a knowing smile, and as little interest she currently held for any such notions, she decided that her alter ego would try to woo the woman. Jovela knew who she was, of course, the both of them being of the original Theurgy crew, but they had no deeper affiliation. Hopefully the Nurse would understand that the words were just a means to speak with her in private. "I'm CenShaya zh'Endo. Mind if I keep you company for a while?"

She made her smile less tight-lipped than she usually made it, hopefully letting the woman know she was in no trouble at all. Ida just needed her full account on what had been going on since Starbase 84. The fate of Drauc T'Laus - the deserter - had to be settled.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #2
LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Sat at the bar, Jovela took another sip of her drink and turned her head to look out over the beach, a small smile playing on her face. While it certainly wasn't Risa it was close enough to it for her, at least enough to help her relax and take her mind off of everything had happened since the start of their crazy adventure on the Theurgy. According to everything she had heard, this was a safe planet, giving them all a chance to kick back and relax a little...well at least when it came to having to deal with the whole parasite problem at least. She knew there were some people in Security who would no doubt offer to help out somewhere, others who would go on adventures and explore this place and then there were the Wolves who were going to be flying shifts with the Adleans, protecting the system.

Her thoughts turned to the only Wolf she had really met so far, at least in terms of speaking to them, Logan. If there was one guy who deserved a vacation after everything he had been through it was him since she personally wouldn't consider being frozen in stasis as a vacation. From what she knew his fighter was pretty badly damaged and wouldn't be flyable again until next week, so hopefully he'd at least get a week to relax. Maybe she'd even see him down here on the beach one day, he was kind of cute after all.

At that thought she frowned and shook her head to banish that thought, she'd only just met him after all. Instead her gaze shifted over several of the men and woman walking along the beach, Aldean's mostly and all of who looked pretty damn good in their own right and found herself nodding slight, she was definitely going to be spending a lot of time here, even if it was to just enjoy the view and feeling of home.

Taking another sip of her drink, movement to her opposite side caught her eye, causing the Risian to turn her head towards it, spotting an Andorian sat a few chairs away from her. She recognised the woman as Lieutenant Zh'Wann, one of the security officers from the Theurgy. The two women were original members of the ships crew and Jovela could vaguely remember reading her file when she first came aboard, like she had done with every member of the crew but she couldn't recall ever actually interacting with the woman before now.

The woman, an Andorian Zhen if she remembered correctly greeted her with a knowing smile, as if being from the Theurgy was a secret, then frowned to herself because it was a secret and briefly wondered why her brain did things like that too her before blinking, her attention drawn back to the woman when she introduced herself by her fake name and asked to join her..

For a brief moment Jovela wondered if she was in trouble for something, not that she would be she hadn't done anything wrong, at least to her knowledge she hadn't at least. The less that tight lipped smile the Andorian gave her seemed to imply that she wasn't in trouble, although something about it, almost as if the woman either didn't know how to smile or at least hadn't had a reason to smile in a long time. Either way it didn't convey that she was in trouble so that was good.

Smiling back at the woman, she motioned to the chair next to her "Nice to meet you CenShaya zh'Endo, I'm Leda and it's a pleasure to meet you. Please by all means, I would love the company." she replied, playing along while trying to keep her heartrate from climbing as she wondered why the Security Officer here, since she got the impression it wasn't just for a friendly off duty chat. Still she smiled warmly at the woman, waiting for her to take a seat next to her.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox  
Invited, Ida played her part of this charade in order to speak with the Risian privately. She slid from the bar stool and walked over to the other woman. She didn't put on too much of a show for the bartender, figuring that he'd still think she was seducing Jovela without making it too obvious. While she had no such intentions, despite the undeniable attractiveness of the Nurse, it would serve the purpose of getting close enough to speak with her about the deserter.

So, with her smile remaining, she sat down next to Jovela and leaned in. "Thank you," she said, her voice in normal conversational tone. She turned to the bartender next with her antennae and blue eyes. "I'll have what she'd having, please."

Ida had no intention of drinking, certainly not when on duty, but in order to not make the Aldean suspicious about the Risian and her prior affiliation, she could pour one into the sand next to her.

With the bartender busy with his task... Ida slowly put her hand on Jovela's thigh and leaned in close to speak into the gentle curve of her ear - her blue lips nearly brushing against the woman. Just to keep the bartender from hearing. While she pretended to whisper an indecent proposition, her words were of another nature entirely.

"Please play along, I merely have a couple of questions," she whispered, ignoring the scent of the Nurse despite how close they were. She felt very awkward about the whole affair, especially with recent development. If the Nurse was uncomfortable with her, Ida suspected she was nowhere near as messed up about anything approximate to intimacy.

After the woman replied, in whatever fashion she chose, Ida let out a rueful little laugh, as if Jovela had just made a lewd comment of her own. She cut straight to the case. "I know of Drauc T'Laus, and how you claim he deserted because he defended you, many years ago... Can you tell me what happened?"

To not alarm her, she raised her hand to run her fingers through the woman's dark hair - which was in complete contrast to her own. "Your word freed him from the brig before we arrived to Aldea,” she added in her low voice. “He is in no trouble, but before I can close the case and restore his security clearance... I need your account of events. Would you be okay with that?"

The bartender came over, and Ida supposed she could bite her own lip and look deep into the Nurse's eyes, as if she waited for the other woman to decide what she wanted to do. She removed her hand from Jovela's thigh too, not wishing to overdo the charade at the Nurse's expense.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #4
LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela watched the Andorian woman as she made her way over to her and sat down in the chair next to her, giving her a smile and nodded at her thanks before the woman asked for the same drink she was having, still curious as to what the security officer wanted with her.

While Jovela had known that the crew would have to act like they didn't know each other planetside, which she still didn't fully understand considering any new people would clearly have come from the new ship that had just arrived anybody could figure that out surely and the Theurgy didn't exactly look like a cruise ship either. Still that was above her rank to know such things, all she knew was that she had shore leave that she intended to enjoy and that she would have to pretend that she didn't know anybody from the ship. What she hadn't been expecting however was for the Andorian to place her hand on her bare thigh, not that it was an unpleasant feeling, nor was it when the blue skinned woman leaned in close to her ear, feeling the Andorian's breath on her skin as she spoke.

Jovela of course had understood the act, even though the onset closeness and contact had been a bit of a surprise, she certainly could play the part. Especially when it meant flirting with what was an attractive woman. For a brief moment the Risian had to admit that the Andorian smelt pretty damn good but quickly banished that thought, this was after all just an act. However intimate it looked to the bartender on anybody else though, Jovela could tell by the tense? Stiff maybe? Way that "Cen'Shaya's" hand rested on her thigh that the woman was a feeling a little awkward about the whole thing, unlike herself, still she was sure the act would hold up to any scrutiny.

"Of course, I'll answer whatever questions you have." she replied, keeping her voice low but with a sultry tone for anybody who might happen to overhear and gave the woman another smile as she slowly slid her hand across the bar top and barely stroked the tips of the other woman's fingers. A small thing but one that would certainly display as a flirtatious act.

To her credit the Andorian let out a little laugh that would have added to their little act but soon found her heart skip a beat at the mention of Drauc and the Andorian wanting to know about that event all those years ago and couldn't stop the small shudder that ran through her. Every time she thought she would finally be able to put that event behind her something or someone would bring it up again when all Jovela wanted to do was push that memory to a deep, dark corner of her mind and forget about it.

With a soft sigh she nodded "I don't particularly like talking about it but yeah, I can tell you about it if it will help Drauc." she said as she looked at the security officer. "I was a cadet at Starfleet Medical, we had a Klingon patient...he tried to rape me but luckily Drauc was there and he saved me. He killed the Klingon and since relations with the Klingons and the Federation were...strained at the time it didn't seem likely that the empire would accept self defence or protecting an innocent cadet as an excuse so he fled. I don't know how he got away..." she paused for a moment. Jovela didn't particularly want to lie to the woman but she and Drauc had agreed back then that it would be best if she denied any involvement in his escape and subsequent desertion lest she herself be arrested for aiding and abetting a deserter. All Jovela hoped was that her pause would come across as a result of remember the encounter and not what it actually was. "He didn't desert Starfleet back then because he was betraying it or the Federation but because the Empire would have wanted his head and Starfleet might just have given it to them, all because he stopped one of them from doing something awful to a young woman." she added, a bit of anger making it's way into her voice as she spoke, to this day it pissed her off, Drauc didn't deserve what had happened to him back then.

She had been so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't see Ida's hand come up to run through her hair, but had to admit that it did feel nice. Still playing the part she tilted her head slightly and leaned into the woman's hand as her fingers continued to run though her dark locks and gave the woman a seductive smile, her hand moving down to rest on top of the one on her thigh, lightly tracing shapes into order to keep up the act of course.

Then she was asked about the more recent events that had led to her friend being let out of the brig, something she was largely responsible for, although it was good to hear that he wasn't in any trouble and that he was indeed going to get his security clearance restored, it actually brought a genuine smile to her face. "I'm glad to hear that he's not. As for what happened, all hell broke lose on the ship with those Devoted, Drauc...yet again showed up and saved my life, we stuck together for a while and helped contain them but then he took off to help the other Security teams defend the ship. Next thing I knew he had turned himself in to Security." she said, albeit an abbridged version of events but hopefully would be enough to satisfy her companion. "He's a good man and I trust him with my life, twice over in fact so I'm glad he's getting his security clearance back. He didn't deserve what happened to him all those years ago, not for doing the right thing."

She stopped when she saw the bartender standing to make his way over to them and glanced up at the Andorian who had clearly spotted the man too based on how she was looking at her, biting her lip and looking deep into her eyes, it was certainly an enticing look and one that made Jovela's heartrate pick up again, albeit for a different reason. However she also felt the woman's hand slip out from under hers and off of her thigh, which suddenly felt a lot colder than it had a few seconds before. Still if they were to keep up the act something would have to be done lest their cover be blown.

So the Risian decided to return the favour and reached out, resting her hand on Ida's thigh and gave her a seducitive smile as she leaned in slighty, still maintaining the deep eye contact between the two, closing the distance between them until their faces were inches apart almost. "You know you didn't have to remove your hand if you didn't want to." she whispered seductively, her own fingers lightly drawing a circle on Ida's thigh. "I certainly wasn't objecting to it was I? Unless of course you didn't like the feel of my soft, smooth skin?" She asked with a husky, whispered tone and another seductive smile...all in the name of keeping up their little act of course, she tried to tell herself.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
The Risian was certainly easy to look at, especially when so close and scenting her. Inadvertently, Ida's antennae had begun to angle more towards the woman in interest, but it was the Nurse's words that held the most import, of course. Jovela played the part naturally, seeming to have far easier than Ida to adopt the charade and keep it believable.

Thu, Nurse Jovela spoke words that corroborated with both the reports submitted for the investigation as well as the account that Drauc had left upon his release. He would have justice at long last, and it would be up to Kai Akoni and perhaps even Commander Ducote whether or not the Romulan exile would be offered to return to service. Ida had no idea if the former Junior Lieutenant had any such ambitions. The man was an enigma, scarred and silent, but at least he was righteous and did have a penchant to save those in need.

The only thing Ida felt unsure about... was why Nurse Jovela had not revealed that Drauc was aboard the Theurgy when he'd saved her from the Devoted. This was an event she remembered herself, having personally arrived to the scene when the two Devoted lay at Jovela's feet in the corridor - her alleged 'unknown saviour' having slipped into the shadows of the ship before she got there. She was just about to ask the Risian about this....

...when she felt her hand upon her own thigh, and whatever she'd meant to say was forgotten in an instant. Her antennae rose in sudden alarm before she could adopt any kind of pretence again. As if the touch hadn't been enough - the fingers brushing against her not having been unnoticed either - the Nurse applied her full charm upon Ida with that smile and that look. And her words, low and inviting, led Ida's mind down a path full of personal snares and traps. She swallowed... realising she had to restore control somehow.

"I..." she cleared her throat, forcing herself to not push the hand off her thigh. The bartender was right there, having delivered her drink! "There was naught wrong with your sk... I mean. I just didn't want to presume. By Lor'Vela, I'm babbling."

Her laugh was nervous at that point, and she wasn't entirely sure she was pretending any more. The bartender was looking right at her, raising his eyebrows. This was not how to avoid notice! Ida's behaviour was drawing attention like a severed antenna and she had to get her wits together, despite how the Nurse's touch summoned a mix of desire and acute revulsion... laced with fear. Suddenly, she was in that Savi observation pen. The shen drinking lactate from her breasts, and the chan seizing her hips... pushing inside her against her will. Only the drugs in her system made her moan like an animal in heat! Before then, the vines in the Niga forest, ensnaring her... pulling her legs apart... that bulbous vine rising like a serpent...

Jaws clenched, she shook her head a little to rid the memories from her mind, and she found the shadow of a smile once more. How to repair the situation? She leaned close and spoke into the Nurse's ear again. "I need to leave. If you leave with me, it might raise less questions. Or stay, I mean.. I... I'm sorry..."

She didn't want to drag the Nurse into her personal problems. Perhaps she should just have said she needed to visit the restroom? She hadn't thought of that. Instead, she gave the bartender a vestigial smile and slipped from the bar stool, striding off down the beach - not entirely sure how she could walk away from her memories... but she'd try.

Even if the face of the thaan would still haunt her, despite how she steeled herself with anger.

His features... marring the hologram of her unwanted child.

Sensing the Nurse close to her with her antennae, Ida spoke first once Jovela caught up. "My apologies, Lieutenant. I did not mean to spoil your off duty time." Her fists were clenched at her sides. The charade was dropped, replaced by ire and chagrin. She even forgot herself enough to speak the woman's rank. That was how upset she was. "I will return to the ship now."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #6
LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela had kept eye contact with the Security Officer as they spoke and seemed to be nodding at point in her story, although she wasn't sure if that was in confirmation that what Jovela had told her had matched up with what Drauc had said or if it was simply the woman nodding as confirmation that she was listening and noting what the nurse was telling her. Jovela hoped it was the former since she was telling the truth at least as far as she knew it and Drauc had no reason to say anything different to her as far as she was concerned. She had also noticed that Ida's Antennae had slowly began moving towards her in interest and while Jovela didn't know who they worked when it came to sexual situations, based on their movement it didn't seem to be a concious movement on Ida's part, although if that had any significant meaning or not she didn't know.

What the nurse did know however, based on the curious looked that she saw on Ida's face was that the woman wasn't entirely satisfied with her answer since it seemed as though she was about to ask her a follow up question when Jovela had placed her hand on the blue skinned woman's thigh, which seemed to break the woman's chain of thought. Seeing how the woman's antennae suddenly rose straight up in alarm, Jovela wondered if perhaps she had made a mistake in touching and caressing the other woman's thigh. Ida however quickly spoke up as she cleared her throat to say something, which given the fact the bartender was now standing before them might well have been the only reason she had, in order to not break their cover...or whatever it was they were currently doing.

Jovela could tell however that something had clearly happened to the Andorian since Jovela had placed her hand on her thigh, something that while she thought was innocent enough especially considering the security officer had done the same to her earlier, and was simply meant to keep up their charade had clearly not been based on the reaction she had gotten. In fact as the time passed, Jovela could almost see Ida getting lost in her memories and didn't know what to do, especially with the bartender right there.

The Risian watched as Ida clenched her jaw and shook her head slightly, in a motion that clearly was trying to banish some thoughts from her head and watched as the woman leaned in towards her, whispering in her ear, telling her that she had to leave and how it would look suspicious if she left or stayed before apologizing.

Jovela watched as Ida stood up and left, starting to make her way down the beach. Giving the bartender a smile she stood up and followed after the Andorian. Gone was the desire to play along, or even whatever flickers of arousal that may have slowly been starting to burn inside the woman as her concern and natural instinct to look after people kicked in. The Andorian was clearly troubled about something and Jovela couldn't just let the woman suffer alone.

The Security Officer had clearly sensed her presence since she addressed her before Jovela had even gotten in her eyeline and apologized to her again for spoiling her off duty time. Jovela noticed the way the woman's hands were clenched into fists by her sides. Jovela also noted how Ida had addressed her by rank on a public beach, which was clearly a bad sign.

Increasing her pace a little to fall in line beside the other woman, Jovela looked at her and smiled softly "You have nothing to apologize for." she said "If anything I feel like I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. I didn't mean to cause such a negative reaction when I placed my hand on your thigh, I was just playing along to keep up the act but I never would have done such a thing had I known this would have been the end result." she added.

When the Andorian then added the she was going to return to the ship, Jovela nodded and knew that there was no way she could let the woman go alone, at least not until she knew her shipmate was all right. The nurse side of her pretty much now classifying the other woman as her patient for the foreseeable, if albeit brief moment. "Very well, I'll accompany you just to make sure you're okay. Nurse's orders." she said, albeit with a small smile. While Doctor's could pretty much override any officer of any rank in a medical situation, Jovela wasn't entirely sure if the same thing applied to nurses and with a bit of luck the Andorian wouldn't know either.

However the Risian, while not a psychologist did know a bit about relaxation and that a beach was a very good place to do such a thing, with the sound of the waves lapping against the sand and smell of the ocean. "However if I may, the beach is a nice place to unwind, I'm sure there's a secluded area somewhere we can find to just silence if necessary and just relax for a bit. Much better than on a ship." she added, offering the woman the chance to take some time and collect herself, going so far as to tell the Andorian that she didn't have to speak to her if she didn't want to, while also letting her know that she could too.

Whether Ida took her up on her offer to remain on the beach or return to the ship, the one thing Jovela had made clear was that she would be going with her.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Oh, how Ida wanted to just storm off and be alone, to beam up and busy herself with work so that she could apply her mind to better tasks than regurgitating revulsion and regrets. Head Nurse Jovela had no business making apologies. Her performance during their happenstance covert  charade had been impeccable, while Ida had lost her wits over a mere hand on her own thigh.

"You did naught wrong," she murmured, glaring at the carefree Aldeans around them on the beach, who had no idea that the Infested meant to kill them all and tear down all intelligent life, regressing life on all planets back to their origin of primordial soup. They had no idea that the Niga virus might have swept through their population and reduced them to rutting beasts of the wild - bereft of all higher level of thinking and just caring for pleasure in any form they might get. Then, the Borg would have come and assimilated them all - defenceless and ignorant. Only when the whole Galaxy was a part of the Collective, would the Nameless Darkness corrupt the singular intelligence in the centre of the hive mind. The Queen driven mad... destroying everything as an instrument of the true enemy. Eventually the Collective would tear itself apart at its Queen's command. All intelligent life, eradicated. The Aldeans on that beach knew not what the Theurgy had suffered through in order to keep them safe.

The Risian did not wish to leave her alone with her thoughts, however, keeping stride and suggesting they found somewhere private. She wished to speak, likely wishing to heal her, to know her, and Ida just wanted to push everyone away at that point. She'd lost her dignity, her honour and the one friend she truly looked up to. After all she'd been through, she would have taken Wenn Cinn's place on that shuttle without a second thought.

Still, it was Ida who'd spoiled the scarce free time that the Head Nurse had got - the Medical staff having worked long shifts to somehow handle the aftermath of the battle at the apertures. Question was if she'd ruin it more by leaving and causing the Jovela to worry about her, or to try and mitigate those concerns by talking? Perhaps she could offer some time to set the record straight and to buy herself the opportunity to return to the ship as soon as possible. Moreover, even though the exact follow-up question she'd had eluded her for the moment, she knew she wasn't quite finished with her hearing either.

"Fine," she said, and her blue eyes scanned the surroundings for somewhere they might go. She reined in her pace, looking around. "How about over there?"

OOC: I leave it to you where they might go! Could be an apt spot in the coastline terrain? There are seaside spas, but they might not have as much privacy there for the classified (not for Aldean ears) contents of their talking?

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #8
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

While Jovela was certainly relieved to hear that she hadn't done anything wrong, either in response to touching the Andorian or blowing their little act, she was still curious as to why the Andorian had...freaked out so much, to coin an old Earth expression. Curious and concerned. While she had never interacted with the Security Officer before, her file had said that she was cool and calm under pressure, even the most dire of circumstances. Hell during their time on the ship, Jovela had at least heard of the numerous times Ida had helped save their collective asses so to say that her reaction here was out of character was the bare minimum. Whatever it was however, it clearly had affected her deeply to throw her off her game.

Then again thinking about it, it was a miracle that any of them were keeping their heads on straight and hadn't been thrown off their game at one point or another. Hell Jovela might have too by this point if it wasn't for the fact that the Medical staff had been so busy lately that she hadn't really had time to do much besides work, sleep and work again until very recently.

As the two women walked along the beach in silence, Jovela watched the Security Officer as she observed the Aldeans, clearly lost in her own head and wondered what she was thinking about. Not that it was really any of her business of course but she was curious. There was nothing menacing in her gaze, more deep thought. Perhaps she was simply dwelling on whatever was bothering her, or maybe she was thinking about everything they had been though so far and yet for the Aldeans and everybody else, life carried on as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Jovela had to admit that in some ways she wished she was still living in ignorance like the Aldeans. Looking out over them all, relaxing on the beach, not a care in the world, much like back home. It would be nice to be there doing that. On the other hand however she wanted to help and do something about it and she couldn't do that if she didn't know about it either. Shaking her head Jovela opted to just walk along the beach with her colleague and go wherever this whole situation took her.

Eventually her blue skinned companion spoke, agreeing to spend some time with her, that was good and followed the woman's gaze as she suggested a location. The area she had apparently seen was further down the beach and looked to be pretty empty from what she saw.

"Looks good to me, but you're the security officer so you're probably a better judge of that for a tactical perspective than I am." Jovela smiled as she started walking along the beach.

Continuing to walk down the beach until they were far enough way the Aldeans and anybody else on the beach, Jovela spotted a large rock stretching out from the middle of the beach, creating essentially a wall between the heavily populated area of the beach and this area, where the Risian and Andorian were currently the only two people.

Opting to travel a few paces further down the beach, to put some distance between the rock and them, she eventually chose a spot. The distance between the rocky outcrop and them would give the two women enough time to spot anybody coming and change the topic of their conversation before they could overhear anything while the other direction was open beach, which again gave them ample time to change topics should anybody come from that direction as well. There were also several palm trees over them, which would provide some shade and slightly cooler temperatures. She wasn't entirely sure how well Andorian's coped in such temperatures but she did know that the cooler the better, hopefully this would do.

"This looks like a good spot." she said as she laid down the large beach towel she had purchased earlier, already knowing it would seat at least two people and motioned to the Andorian to join her.

"So uh are you okay?" she asked as she waited for Ida to decide whether or not she would sit down and join her or remain standing. "It wasn't exactly hard to see that something is bothering you and I know it's not really any of my business...well at least not unless whatever it is affects you medically in which case it actually is kinda my business being the ship's head nurse and everything and if it's not well then you don't actually have to tell me anything if you don't want too, but you can and I'll listen if you want." she continued before realizing that she was rambling and immediately snapped her mouth shut.

"Sorry, I can ramble sometimes." she blushed before smiling at the woman again. "I just know what it's like to keep things inside and not talk to people, the outcome usually isn't good and sometimes it's nice to have somebody to talk to and get that stuff off your chest you know? And I hate seeing people suffering and want to try to help if I can, it's why I became a nurse so if I can help you, even if it's just by listening then I'd like to." she told the security officer honestly. "Of course if you just want to finish asking any questions you may have and that's it then I will answer them too." Jovela added with a smile.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Ida wanted to talk while they made their way beyond the rock formation and to a modicum of privacy. She wanted to answer her right away when Jovela asked how she felt, and insisted on trying to help her. A nurse's calling, especially if it was a medical need that bothered Ida. She knew, however, that her needs were not medical as much as they were psychological, and she doubted that even the Head Nurse had a say in counselling.

Instead, Ida had watched the woman set things up with the blanket, and busied herself surveying in the surroundings. It was mostly a product of her training, to see if they had been followed, and if there were any bathers within earshot. They were, truly, alone on the blanket, and Ida folded her arms on top of her knees where she sat, thinking about what to say. Her mind was far from Drauc T'Laus and the matters that had made her follow Jovela, instead delving into the past, and what she'd already told another original Theurgy crew member. T'Less... I should have told her all of it. I just didn't want to... I didn't know what she expected of me. I didn't know if I could...

She realised that it was different with Jovela, because they had no complicated history between them. The Nurse knew of the Niga incident, and what the crew had suffered up until then. She had been thawed before the battle at Starbase 84, and knew about the Savi ship. Ida frowned, looked down into the bronze sand. She sighed, her antennae drooping, and spoke. It had felt better to speak with T'Less, even though she hadn't said it all.

"I was the first victim at Niga," she said quietly, the ocean breeze stirring her white hair. "I was... pollinated down there on the planet. I started it all, spread the virus to a lot of people. They in turn spread the madness. You were hurt before it was over, but the entire ship was almost lost to it. A small mercy, that the antidote that Nicander and Amikris Neotin synthesised also attacked the memory engrams formed during the time of infection. Some remember more, some less, and I thought I was blessed with not having to face my own actions. That I didn't have to feel the guilt of infecting all those people - seducing them. Driving them mad."

She remembered when the memories had begun to return to her. All of it. When she'd sparred with Nathaniel Isley. His proximity had connected the dots. Made her brain bridge the lost connections. Remembering herself, mad with a singular carnal purpose, trying to corrupt the very crew she had sworn to protect.

"Before the memories began to surface... I could see the blame in their eyes. Those who weren't infected knew I led the mob of mad... rapists against them. I tried to ignore it, put faith in Ives' edict that none of the infected were themselves, and should not be judged by their actions at Niga. I relied on that, but still... I have... eroded. My foundation. My dedication.... It's been rotting in self-loathing."

Since then, the abuse upon her person and body had just continued, knocking down the pillars of her integrity one at the time. Isthar manipulating her to lay with a person she hated. The Calamity showing her how inadequate she was. The Savi... forcing her towards an unwanted pregnancy. Ensign Sehl... violating her unconscious body.

Ida raised a shaking hand to rub her blurred eyes and raked back her hair form her blue eyes. "The reason I... reacted to you, was because the last time I... consensually tried to share in passion with another person... I... hallucinated. I... saw the infected crew standing around me... judging me, for the audacity to try and find pleasure with another again. I believe they hate me still... for my weakness. For what I did to them."

She cleared her throat, looking away down the beach - which lay empty still. Just the waves of the sea, sighing against the rock formation behind them.

"I... panicked. I left the person I was with and just... left. I ran away. In shame. I have not willingly been with anyone since then. I have been forced to engage in activities... on and off the Savi dreadnought."

She realised that the Head Nurse might have got a lot more than she bargained for in wanting to listen. Ida glanced her way, the host of a smile barely touching her lips. Like the breeze over the sands. "I... used to be open about my needs and my body. Off duty, I am was an artist. I painted - emotions and desire frequenting my canvas. Now, I can't draw any more... and I can't be intimate. My passions all denied me..."

She clenched her jaw, looking away. "Duty alone drives me now. The sole focal point that push me onwards."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #10
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela had felt the Security Officer's gaze upon her as she had set up their seating arrangement and had only glanced up once, seeing the Andorian checking their surroundings, that Security training in full effect and wondered if the woman would even sit down once she had set things up, which she eventually did.

The Head Nurse was no counsellor but she knew that it was sometimes best to give people time to gather their thoughts before they chose to speak and Jovela was pretty sure that that would be the case here. She had watched the other woman sit down beside her and fold her arms on top of her knees, remaining silent. Jovela took a moment to look at Ida, practically seeing her mind working as she thought about whatever was on her mind, before turning her gaze out towards the ocean as she waited only to glance back again as time passed in silence.

She watched the woman look down at the sand and frown, her antennae drooping just before she started speaking. When she did, Jovela listened intently. While she had been there for the Niga incident and had read most reports she hadn't known who the first victim had been but already was starting to see the potential road this was going to go down, to have been the first violated and then to spread that was truly awful, Jovela couldn't even being to imagine how that felt.

The Head Nurse took a moment to gather her thoughts during Ida's break in conversation but before she could say anything, the Andorian started to speak again and Jovela would let her speak. Listening as the woman continued to talk about how her memories of the event had started to return, remembering what she had done under the influence and the results, none of which had been her fault given the circumstances. Unfortunately it seemed part of Ida's problem was her own belief in her failure to be strong enough to resist. If she was being honest, this sounded more like something an actual counsellor should be dealing with and not her, but she had offered to listen to the woman and help anyway she could and Jovela would do just that, even if she didn't know exactly what that would be at the moment.

While Jovela had been in her thought's Ida had been in hers but Jovela still saw when the blue skinned woman raised a shaky hand to rub at her eyes and it took all the Risian's willpower to not reach over and hug the poor woman, something she knew probably wouldn't be the best thing considering all that she had just been told. Sadly Jovela knew that this wasn't the end of Ida's tale, she had been around for the Savi incident and had read the reports of what had happened to all the people over there, including Ida and what had happened to her.

Before Ida had even started to explain what why she had reacted the way she had, Jovela already knew now. This poor woman had been violated repeatedly by a plant, had forced herself on other people and had been forced upon herself both then and later, of course she had reacted the way she had and Jovela had known some of it from her medical file, god she had been so stupid to not think of it before now.

When Ida started speaking again, Jovela listened and watched, taken a mental note of the word consensually and knew the implication of that word before feeling her heart breaking as the woman continued to describe how she felt she was being judged for finding pleasure with another again. Her feelings never got any better when the Andorian told her that she had not willingly been with anybody ever since and knew what she was referring to, which sure enough the Savi Dreadnought was quickly mentioned.

Jovela looked at Ida with nothing but sympathy in her eyes and watched as the woman looked over at her, a very very small hint of a sad smile forming on her lips as she told her about her former openness of her needs and her artistry, all of which had been taken away by the awful things she had to endure. It was truly heartbreaking to hear and Jovela didn't how she hadn't broken down into tears herself already. Ida finally finished by stating that duty was all that drove her now, which was sad.

Admittedly that was a lot more than Jovela had been expecting when she had offered to listen to the woman, but she honestly didn't care. This poor woman had been through so much and clearly had needed to talk about it, now the only question was what was Jovela going to do about it? First she took a breath, which was a little shaky herself. No Jovie you need to be strong for her right now. she told herself and swallowed to wet her throat before she spoke.

"I'm so sorry for everything you've been through, that...that's truly awful, you shouldn't have had to endure any of that." Jovela began. "I've nearly been violated several times since I joined Starfleet, I know how terrifying it was for me just coming close to it, yet alone having to endure it." she added and let out a breath. "I didn't know you were the first victim of that awful event, I'm sorry and while I was hurt and put into stasis during it...I was a victim of it too, I wasn't raped per-say but I did end up sleeping with somebody who I wouldn't normally had because of it." she said and slowly reached over, lightly placing her hand on the Andorian's shoulder for a moment, before removing it again. "However I can say wholeheartedly that I don't hold you responsible for it." she said honestly.

Given the woman a small smile, Jovela opted to continue "I don't think many people truly hold you responsible for what happened, at least not now that we all know what actually happened and how." she said. "Medically speaking it was an infection that altered all our brain chemistries and pushed our impulses and biological urges into overdrive, there was nothing you could have done to fight that off Ida, none of us could otherwise we would have. the Head Nurse added, given the Security Officer her official medical view on what had happened. "What the Captain said wasn't just words or an excuse to let people off the hook, it was the truth." she finished.

Jovela shifted her position on the beach towel so that she was now sat on the opposite end of it, still beside the Andorian but now facing her. She slowly reached out with her hand, pausing halfway before reaching out and gently taking the woman's hand as she looked into her eyes, her own showing nothing but sympathy and care. "There really wasn't anything you could have done to prevent what happened. It wasn't your fault, you were a victim, just like everybody else was. You were just sadly the first one, but that wasn't your fault, it could have been anybody but the second you were infected that wasn't you in control any longer, not really and that's a Medical fact, I've seen all the reports, believe me." she said and gave the woman's hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it and moving her hand back to her own lap. "You blame yourself for something you had no control over and I can repeat it over and over again but only you can accept it as hard as it may be. All I can really say is what I already have, that it wasn't your fault, because it wasn't"

Jovela shut up for a few moments after that, having finally realised that not only had she repeated herself but that she might have held the woman's hand for far too long...or maybe even that she shouldn't have done it at all, she wasn't sure. Jovela was just a caring person who wanted to do all they could to comfort, care for and support someone when they needed it and Ida clearly needed it.

Shaking her head briefly to push her own thoughts out of her head, Jovela thought back to what she had been told, the very thought of not being worthy of pleasure with another was something that definitely didn't sit right with her, being Risian sex was a big part of her culture and something that she knew was something that everybody was worthy of and entitled too.

"I feel I should apologise to you Ida, while I didn't know all the things about you in relation to the Niga incident, I did know about the Savi incident and the ordeal you'd been through over there, I can't imagine what that was like but I did read your medical file after it and I should have known that at least due to that that your reactions were justifiable and I hate myself for not remembering it sooner, so I am truly sorry for not remembering that." The Head Nurse found herself saying.

"As for your hallucinations, that is awful but of course you're entitled have pleasure with another, everybody does. There are people on the crew who raped other members of the crew during that incident and I know a few of them had had relations since, you are no different and I'm sure that nobody actually feels that way about you. I know I certainly don't and I would never judge you for seeking companionship and pleasure from another." she told her honestly and then smiled at her "Besides I'm Risian, sex is our thing and what we do know is that everybody regardless of what they've been through is deserving of the pleasures of the flesh."

Loosing the smile, Jovela looked across at Ida "I don't think you're weak, I think you're one of the strongest people I've ever met. After I was nearly raped, both back at the Academy and during the events with the Devoted..." she paused and shuddered at the memory before taking a breath and continuing. "...I was a mess. I was terrified to leave my quarters, terrified to be alone anywhere, terrified whenever anybody would approach me for a long time, and yet've been through all of what you have and while you have your own issues, you still do your job, you still risk your life to protect us...I...I could barely hold a hypospray after my odeals, that takes someone truly strong to do what you do. I think since the Niga incident, you've done more than enough protecting of us to make up for anything then, not that you needed too." Jovela paused to take a breath, she wasn't a psychologist but from the sounds of it, there was one thing Ida needed to do when it came to those hallucinations. "I don't think anybody blames you for what happened but what I do think is that you have to forgive yourself, for whatever it is you think you did or didn't do as hard as that may be."

Jovela paused a few moments to give Ida time to think about what she had said as well as to gather her own thoughts as to what she was going to say next "As for your needs, your body and your art I honestly think that you have all those things inside of you still, you just need to find them again.

Jovela took a breath as a few questions popped into her head "You say that you can't be intimate any more? Why? That your passions are denied you? Who says they are? Who is denying you them?" she asked, really hating that she wasn't a psychologist and wondered if she was doing more harm than good to the poor woman, her thinking was sound though. Get Ida to think about those things and see that really the only person stopping Ida from having those things was herself.

"Do you miss sex? Jovela found herself asking. "Is it something that you no long want? Do you not feel that itch? That tingle any more? That desire? Or do you just ignore it? Or do you shy away from it until it passes for some reason?" she continued, truly wanting to know. "Because if not then so be it, but from the sounds of things I think you do. So I have to ask, if that is the case then who or what is stopping you from having what you want?"   

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Deep down, Ida did know that the Head Nurse was entirely correct in how the Captain's edict about the events at Niga was there for her to rely on, and that she shouldn't have let those stares and muted comments about her affect her in the fashion they did. It wasn't a figment of her imagination, those filthy stares and the hatred in their eyes, but now that she gave it some thought, it was a long time since she'd heard that manner of gossip. Things had become remarkably better after she played her part in the destruction of the Calamity - where her orders had rammed the nightmare ship with the evacuated Harbinger.

"No apology needed..." The issue was rather within her, in how she expected herself to be better - to have done better. She thought her defeat and weakness was unforgivable because she put herself to a higher standard. Not in arrogance, but in higher expectation of performance. She had sworn an oath to protect the crew, and her actions were in direct conflict with that. Though despite how she expected the best of herself... she was too numb to truly absorb the praise Jovela laid at her feet for being able to cope and function despite all that she'd been through.

Though she did appreciate the sentiment gradually... as the woman adjusted her seat and reached out to her, granting her some contact. Somehow, it wasn't just words any more when she felt her hand on her shoulder and then taking her hand into her own. The contact lent credence to the mere words. Thea looked back from the view of the ocean then, her antennae and her eyes shifting to the Risian's hand holding her own, and she took a deep breath, uncrossing her arms and lowering her bent legs to the blanket. She propped herself up with her free hand behind her, and found that the touch was not unwelcome. Nothing triggered her, so she raised her eyes to look into Jovela's, listening to her shift of topic.

Perhaps she did have her passions for art locked up inside her, but that was because of her trauma, surely. She was asked why she couldn't be intimate, and who was denying her the needs she might have. Of course it was herself, but it was a matter of association now. She associated sex with her own trauma. Still, she listened in quietude.

"I'm... unsure," she said looking at how Jovela held her hand, and she swallowed. "Intimacy, for me, has become a reminder about what befell me on the Versant, and before that, the Niga incident. So even if I were to find myself... willing, even able, I associate the act with the past. If I were to find desire anew... it's hobbled by memories. By the fear and shame I felt."

She looked up at the beautiful woman, thinking of her as she might before - like a wondrous motif to capture on canvas. There was little cloth to hide how enticing the shape of her body was, and the Aldean sunlight flattered her every curve - shading her in wondrous ways. She let her gaze wander over her, trying to find her artist eye for how she'd like to depict all of her sensuality in a still image drawn with oil paints.

"I can still look at you, and know what I want to paint." She took a deep breath and explained, a rueful smile hinting at the corner of her mouth. "How I want to position you, and how I'd like to brush your hair forth to barely hide what your clothing steals from the eye now. I know how I'd like you to smile like you did at the bar - a hint of boldness in your stare. I want the ocean breeze to partially let your hair shroud that expression, and make the one seeing the painting look closer, to see if their eyes are betraying them, or if you really are suggesting all the things they conjure in their imagination."

Ida tilted her head, and her eyes kept wandering. "I'd make them... want to reach out and brush your hair aside, to see your smile fully, and make their famished eyes feast on the hidden richness of your skin - appreciate the toning of your body, and confirm how dark the peaks of your breasts are. I'd even make them want to kiss you, to lay you down here on the blanket... and make them yearn to show you how much they need you."

It was still here, the tools and knowledge that begot the art. Ida was surprised by it, and she looked away, frowning. "To know what the eye of the beholder wants... is to know one's own desires.” Though be that as it may, it was not so simple. “But knowledge is not the same as experiencing the fantasy in reality. I fear that your nakedness, or anyone's, would just make me associate you with my memories. Despite your beauty, Lieutenant, or rather because of it, I might think of what has befallen me instead of enjoying the moment. My past taints my present... and I prefer not repeating the... trauma that lingers in my mind."

She took a deep breath, and slowly let go of Jovela's hand, a bitter smile ghosting her blue lips. "The short answer is, of course, that nothing is stopping me except my own fear. Fear for my own reactions, and how I would relive it all again despite how a new lover would not be associated with the Versant, the tentacled vines of Niga, or the shipmates I used my body to corrupt."

Ida looked down to the small space that separated them. "I have let fear and revulsion undermine my appreciation for beauty, and that means the drives for art and passion are corrupted as well. I... want to draw again, of course. I want to share in the euphoria that comes with intimacy... I just fear that I can't any more."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #12
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela was appreciative of the fact Ida did not feel she had needed to apologise but the Risian still felt bad about making the woman so uncomfortable, especially considering the fact that somewhere in the back of her mind she knew what the Andorian had gone through. That being said however, the Nurse also understood that the woman simply held herself to an extremely high standard and that her failing and actions had been the polar opposite of that. There was no need for the head nurse to wonder if the security officer had spoken to a counsellor about  any of this, since it seemed like pretty good odds that she hadn't, it might help but now might not be the best time to approach that subject, instead Jovela opted to simply listen.

As Jovela took Ida's hand, she watched as the blue skinned woman turned her attention away from the ocean as both her antennae and her eyes shifted to look down at her hand, taking a deep breath. She waited as Ida adjusted her position and was glad when the woman didn't pull her hand away, it was a good sign that Jovela hadn't crossed a boundary or offended her.

As was the case when Ida's eyes came up to meet her's as Jovela asked her final round of questions and waited again, giving her companion enough time to think about things, noticing when the woman's eyes again shifted from her own and back to their linked hands between them and felt such sadness for the woman as she told her about what intimacy had become for her as a result of everything she had been through. Before Jovela could say anything in response, not that she really had anything beyond "I'm sorry" and "it's understandable given what you've been through." which really were kind words and simple platitudes regardless of if you meant them or not, the Andorian had looked back up at her. She watched as Ida's eyes took her in. The Risian remained silent, feeling her skin tingle slightly as she watched Ida's gaze wander up and down all over her body.

Jovela listened intently as Ida told her how she wanted to pain her, feeling her heart skip a beat, she had never been described in such a way before...then again she'd never been with an artist so why would she have. Still it was heartwarming and flattering to hear somebody describe in detail what they saw in her. The head nurse continued to listen and watch as Ida's head tilted, her eyes still wandering over her body, taking in every inch of her as she continued to describe what she would paint and why, it was truly beautiful to hear.

Then the Andorian stopped and looked away from her, this time when she spoke, Jovela arched her eyebrow at what she said, luckily Ida was still looking away with a frown to notice. To know what the eye of the beholder wants is to know ones own desires? It made sense but it also made Jovela think back to the last thing Ida had said before that. To kiss you, to lay you down here on this blanket and yern to show you how much they need you. Did Ida want to do that to her?[/i] she wondered, not that she would object of course. The woman was very beautiful and Ida deserved to feel the positives of sex again. Part of her wanted to ask the security officer if that's what Ida wanted, but she knew better. Even more so as Ida started to speak again causing Jovela to nod, she as well as many other people had knowledge of fantasies that they never experienced to truly know.

Then Ida removed let go of her head and Jovela noticed the lack of warmth immediately, despite them both sitting in the sun. Jovela observed Ida as she looked down at the gap between them, explaining how she had let her fear and revulsion undermine her appreciation for beauty and kill her drive, despite also having a desire to draw again and even have sex but was too afraid too.

"Ida..." she said softly, knowing that nobody was around to hear the different name besides them. "...Nobody has ever described or appreciated me that way before, it was beautiful. Thank you." Jovela told her honestly. "I've got to say, having heard that I find it hard to believe that after that description that your fear and revulsion have completely undermined your appreation for beauty. I don't think anybody could describe somebody else the way you described me if they didn't appreciate the beauty in that person."

She paused for a moment before reaching over, placing her hand on the other woman's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I don't think anybody could blame you for feeling the way you do and having the fear that you have considering what you've been through. But I'm also Risian and if there's one thing we know, it's sex and how amazing, great and healing it can be, for both the body and the mind."

Pausing again, Jovela let her hand lightly slide down along Ida's arm, back to her hand and gently took it again, giving it a soft squeeze. [color=lightseagreen.]"I truly believe that all you need is for somebody to know your fears and to take their time with you. Start slowly and build up your confidence again and if things start getting too uncomfortable for you to stop and give you time to settle and see if you want to continue again.[/color] She said.

Keeping her gaze locked on the other woman, she smiled softly "What you went through was terrible, the fact that you've had multiple bad experiences of essentially the same thing is even worse but sex isn't just that. With the right person, the right feelings and emotions sex is one of the most amazing, wonderful things people can experience. You just need somebody who is willing to take the time you need to show you and give you those experiences again when you're ready." The Risian said, the passion in her voice evident. "You are a beautiful woman and it is a shame that some many things have happened to you alter your view on sex and deny you that pleasure for yourself as well as for whoever would be lucky enough to share that with you. I hope that one day that will change for you." she added.

Jovela truly felt for the woman and part of her wanted nothing more than too offer to be that person, after all not to brag but Jovela knew sex and was very good at it. She was Risian after all and what she had said earlier was true and she was certainly no exception. However she didn't want to say or do anything to put pressure on the woman, instead after a brief pause she allowed her eyes to gaze into Ida's and smiled.

"What I also know though is that I would absolutely love to be your model and pose for that painting for you one day and let you pose me and paint me however you wanted, I think it would be amazing. Plus I've never posed for or had anybody paint me before...should you ever find your passion again." She said, with a smile, that just maybe hinted at that and more.


Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Hearing Jovela's words, the Risian made it sound so simple. That the cure was just within reach, and that it was merely Ida stopping herself from reaching out and taking that which would make it all better. Ida doubted that it was so simple, but she hadn't considered how the very thing that might heal her could also be the very thing she feared. For her, in her logical mind, she found the notion of sex reminding her about the things that had befallen her, but was there a deeper layer to the notion? Was it merely self-preservation that kept her from thinking further? Was there merit to the nurse's claim, even though it triggered her immediately? The very idea to ask Jovela what she had in mind made her choke on the words.

"If I find myself ready one day, by Lor'Vela, I would appreciate that offer, and capture you in the very way I spoke of," she said instead, and swallowed, feeling that hand of hers on her shoulder. Gradually, the imprint of Jovela's hand upon her became less of an intrusion, and that of a welcome contact. Was this what she meant?

Frowning, Ida knew herself to be a brave woman when it came to her line of duty, and her stoic ideals in regard to protecting the crew. She knew that she was a contrast of personalities, one being the diligent Deputy and the other being her artistic self. The harmony of both had been easy for her before Niga. Since then they had chafed and been at odds with each other, since the primary focus had been to bury the hurt and focus on the mission. Was there truly healing to be found? With someone who knew her hurt, the Risian had said, and after Wenn Cinn died, only T'Less was close to knowing all of it. Then again, the very woman there on the beach had heard more, since Ida had spared T'Less the worst of it.

"If..." Ida looked away, hardly believing that she was entertaining the notion. Then again, she'd already spoken, so she looked back at Jovela, remaining the way she was seated. Her tone was quiet, even though her heart beat faster - making her cereluan blood run through her body in the Aldean sunlight. "If you were to show me. If you were to heal me int he ways of your people... in the manner in which you suggested, how would you go about it?"

Perhaps Jovela knew the stakes, the hurt and the risk of damaging her further. Ida couldn't be entirely sure, but at the same time, she was not going to deny offer of treatment for her condition either. She did find the Head Nurse more than just attractive, but her own desires were just as stigmatised as that of others wanting her. She didn't know if the objectification of her body, it being a victim of abuse of all kinds, would make her resent the desire of others forever, but she did know that she dared not fully let herself think of how much she would enjoy being with the woman next to her either.

For sake of Jovela, she took a deep breath and tried to relax, and to calm her racing heart. She was still rigid in the way she sat, but she would let herself be guided, if needed be, by the touch of the other woman.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #14
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela remained silent as she watched Ida think about what she had said, although she had no idea what thoughts were running through the other woman's mind, she could clearly see the woman's mind working.

The nurse found herself smiling when Ida said she appreciated the offer to let her capture her in the way she had spoken of "Of course, just say the word and I'll be there." she said happily, and it was true, just from the way Ida had described what she saw in her and how she would paint her had very much made Jovela want to be painted in such a way and too see what the outcome would be.

However it was shortly after that that the Risian saw the Andorian slip back into her own head as she started thing again, not that Jovela minded, the head nurse knew that there were a lot of things going on and that had been discussed between the two and it was most definately on things that neither of them had expected. For Jovela it was meant to be a day of rest and relaxation at the beach and for Ida it was meant to be a questioning about the head nurse's association and testimony with  and for Drauc and certainly wasn't meant to turn into a discussion about her own sex life and issues.

Jovela was brought out of her thoughts when Ida started to say something before turning away from her, taking a moment to think again before returning her gaze back to her, asking how she would go about showing her and healing her. Admittedly Jovela hadn't intended to imply that she would be the one to sleep with the Andorian and heal her, she had simply meant to explain to the security officer how her people viewed sex and the positives of it and that with the right partner Ida might have a better experience.

However at the same time, she supposed she had maybe been a little flirty and she did know what Ida had been through. Plus there was no denying that the Andorian was very beautiful, not that she had ever been with an Andorian before but the one before her was certainly attractive and she wouldn't ever turn her down. On top of that while the description of how Ida would paint her was certainly lovely it was also quite arousing and finally as a nurse she couldn't sit by and not help somebody, especially someone who didn't deserve in any to suffer from the lack of something that Jovela herself not only enjoyed but knew was and should be enjoyed by everyone.

There of course were stakes and risks to attempting such a thing, she was no psychologist after all so it was possible that simply having a good sex session wouldn't fix her issues, or could in fact make them worse, but the Andorian seemed to be open to the idea, albeit a little reluctantly which was understandable.

"Well first I would tell you that you're in control here and whatever you want or not want to happen is what would happen." she began. "If you want to stop or take a break to gather your thoughts, calm down or simply change your mind, that is perfectly fine too, whatever you want and need." she added with emphasis. Jovela was very much a switch type of personality when it came to sex. She loved to be dominant occasionally, she also loved to be submissive and she also loved just being together and sharing her partner. In Ida's case part of her issues had come from all power and control over her own body and what she wanted being forcibly taken away from her, so it was important to give that back to the woman, to know that she once again had control over her own body when it came to sex.

The Andorian was still sat rigid, although it was clear she was trying not to be. Taking slow movements, Jovela inched a little closer towards her. "Then I would start by lightly running my finger down your arm and back up again." she said as she did just that, letting her fingertip lightly trace down from where her hand had been resting on the other woman's shoulder all the way down her arm to her hand, tracing over the fingers and then running their way back up.

Jovela smiled softly and allowed herself to inch closer, positioning herself next to the blue skinned woman, meeting the other woman's eyes and slowly raised her other hand up, cupping Ida's cheek and lightly caressing it with her thumb. A caring warmth mixed with desire for the Andorian in Jovela's eyes met Ida's as she slowly inched in closer, her thumb still caressing her cheek. "Then I would slowly lean in like this..." she whispered softly, her voice husky and full of arousal and desire, yet also a caring undertone as she inched closer and closer until their lips were practically touching. Swallowing slightly, Jovela licked her lips as she could smell the security officer's scent and feel the warmth of her breath against her own skin.

"...I'd lean in until I was right here and I'd kiss you and I'd keep kissing you as I gently lowered you back onto the towel and then I'd probably start to plant soft kisses down your body, giving every inch of you attention." she finished breathlessly, their lips mere millimetres away from touching.

Just doing that had sent Jovela's arousal skyrocketing but she would control herself and let Ida decide if she wanted to be kissed and for her to do what she said or not. After all she had only asked the Risian what she would do, she hadn't actually told her to do it.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
In spite of her fears, and the triggers inherent to the situation for her, Ida did not back away when the Head Nurse inched closer, and explained how she would attempt to restore Ida's faith in her own sexuality. Ida not only found herself remaining, and meeting that intense stare of the other woman. The bronze light of the Aldean sun glinted off the surface of the ocean behind Jovela, framing her in a shimmering cadence of the sea's motions. The touch against her arm had not mad her shy away. No, she found her own lips pursed, and her blue eyes and antennae moving over skin and the white-and-yellow beachwear the Risian wore... and she felt the woman's breath against her own lips.

The words were both an invitation and an answer. The promise of those lips made clear, and the assurance that Ida was in control. Control was, perhaps, important during the gentle reacquaintance with her own will and needs. A sound guarantee made, and Ida found herself wondering what the Risian would taste like, looking at those lips that had drawn so near her own...

Thoughts of the secluded spot imposed themselves on her, making her wonder if it was secluded enough for... whatever it may be that Jovela had in mind for this different kind of therapy. Ida tried to not let her focus slip from the woman, pushing away those notions that they might be discovered by some stray Aldean on the beach, That this kind of activity was better in the comfort and quietude of her quarters on the Theurgy. Yet Ida found those stray thoughts unable to move her, to stop, since Jovela was just as alluring as she'd suggested when she described how she might paint her.

Wordlessly, Ida slowly closed the distance, leaning forward just enough to slant her lips across the nurse's.

The taste was warm, and reminded Ida about the unfinished drinks they'd shared at that beach hut. Fruity and exotic, alien and strange, and yet the undercurrent of Jovela's own taste soon broke through the residues of the drink. That taste of another person, touching Ida's tongue when it made contact with the Risian's. Ida couldn't help the small sound in the back of her throat when she kissed Jovela there on the beach, and felt her eyes fluttering shut. She would linger there, in that comfortable and excitable exchange, until the promise of Jovela's words reminded itself.

The suggestion that there was more. The next step, in this intended healing. Ida's eyes opened anew, and she drew back, looking at Jovela without a word. She felt like she wanted to undo her tired-up halterneck top, and that her hiked up utility trousers were practical but completely unfitting for this happenstance occasion shared with the other woman. She felt... somewhat emboldened, and wanted to give Jovela the access she needed. So, Ida pulled the top over her head, making her white hair get pulled out to the side by the simple motion. With the halterneck top put aside, leaving the top of her body covered in a white bra of Andorian cut, Ida couldn't help but appraise their surroundings with a quick glance. No one was moving in their direction, and no foreign sounds were heard over the warm ocean breeze. She looked back at Jovela, and raised her calloused hand to slide it behind the other woman's back, and resume kissing her with the same smouldering, tentative intensity as before.

Eventually, of course, she complied, by lying down on her back, and ceding control to Jovela - letting her do as she'd described, and continue to speak of the treatment again, if she so wished. Lying there, Ida did find that she just couldn't stop touching Jovela with her hand, but since she couldn't embrace her any longer... Ida found herself running her hand over the nurse's abdomen, and the curve of her bosom. As if her hand was a brush, and Jovela was the canvas.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #16
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela remained calm despite her heart beating faster in her chest due to the closeness between them, although it seemed to be going well so far as Ida hadn't moved away from her when she had closed the distance. Even with their close proximity, she saw the way the Andorian's blue eyes and Antennae moved over her body and beach wear, knowing Ida could feel her breath on her lips just as much as Jovela could feel Ida's on her own.

While the Risian remained where she was, letting Ida decide whether she was comfortable or not, the woman had yet to make a move either way, although she had been around enough people to recognise desire when she saw it and based on the way the security officer had just looked at her, she was certainly interested to an extent. Jovela of course was well aware of where they were on the beach, but that certainly didn't bother her at all, even if someone were to appear and see them, that was part of the thrill of it all. However the head nurse was also aware that just because she had no issues with such a thing, Ida might and quite possibly did and if that were the case, then she would happily move their...treatment session to nearby hut they could rent of even return to the Theurgy if the Andorian wished.

She was however brought out of her thoughts when she realised the blue skinned woman slowly inching towards her, feeling her lips lightly brush across hers, taken a little back by the fact she was warmer than she had expected, having never been with an Andorian before. Jovela could taste the lingering flavor of the drinks they had briefly shared, sweet and fruity yet alien as well as the underlining taste of the woman herself, which slowly but surely broke through the flavor of the drinks.

Feeling Ida's tongue press against her lips, the Risian allowed them to part, sending her tongue out meet hers as she felt the wet muscle enter her mouth and felt a slight shiver run through her body at the sound Ida made in the back of her throat as they kissed, her tongue lightly massaging the Andorian's as they kissed, her own eyes closing the longer they kissed on the beach, feeling the warmth of the sun caressing her skin.

All too soon however, she felt the other woman pull away and let her eyes open up and wordlessly draw back from her. Had she changed her mind and gotten cold feet already? She wondered as she watched the woman. However before she could say anything, Jovela could only watch as Ida reached up and pulled her top up and over her head, revealing her upper body to her. Now it was Jovela's turn to let her eyes run down over the other woman's upper body at least, taking in the smoothness of her skin, the way the outline of her muscles ran along her body and down over the white bra covered curves of her breasts, finding herself subconsciously licking her lips as her arousal kicked up a notch slightly before her gaze return to Ida's face.

Jovela briefly caught sight of Ida taking a quick glance around before looking back up at her, raising a hand up to slide it behind her back and kissed her again. The kiss heated and with intensity, albeit it a tentative one, still it was an amazing kiss. When she felt the woman beneath her start to lay back, she went with her, not wanting to break the kiss, until the Ida was laying flat, with Jovela above her, most of her own weight on her forearms beside the other woman's head and her knees. Allowing a soft moan at the back of her throat, she slowly broke the kiss.

Before she could say or do anything, Ida's hand never left her body, feeling it run along her abdomen and over the curve of her breast, causing a slightly shudder from her as her hand continued to move like a brush over her.

"Remember if you want me to stop at any time, just say the word and I promise I will." she whispered softly before planting a soft kiss against Ida's lips and slowly moved a few inches to the right of her mouth and kissed her there and moving along her face, planting soft kissed all the way until made it to her jawline and started slowly kissing along it.

As she continued kissing her way down Ida's jaw, she moved a hand between them and lightly started caressing the Andorian's stomach with her fingertips, running them along her soft skin, tracing along every bump of muscle she felt. With her hand continuing to caress her, Jovela's mouth had made it's way to the bottom of Ida's jaw. Tilting her head to the left, she started kissing up along the other side, back up her jawline and then down again.

This time instead of repeating the trip again, she moved down to the woman's neck, planting soft kisses down it, occasionally sticking her tongue out to lick her skin, again moaning at the taste of her skin on her tongue. As she continued to kiss and lick down Ida's neck, her hand slowly moved a little more up her body, going slowly to allow the woman beneath her to adjust to her moving hand and to stop her if she so wanted.

Having reached the base of the Andorian's neck, she started kissing along her collarbone, kissing along it and giving light sucks to the sensitive spots she knew were there as she passed them until she reached the end. Flicking her eyes up briefly to look at the woman's face, she smiled softly up at her before moving over to her other collarbone and repeating her actions along the other one. This time when she reached the end, she stuck her tongue out again and slowly licked her way up along the other side of Ida's neck, leaving a wet trail of saliva along her soft blue skin.

Reaching the top of her neck, Jovela immediately started kissing her way back down again, following the trail she had just made, this time lightly nibbling and sucking her neck as she went back down, making sure to keep them light and gentle. Her hand continuing to run slowly up her body, stopping just beneath Ida's breast, although she could feel the underside of one of them lightly resting against the top of hand. Jovela wanted nothing more than to do what Ida had and run her hand across it but she would wait and see how the Andorian reacted first before doing anything else.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Gradually, with the time the Head Nurse was taking with her intimate treatment, Ida let herself relax.

While the kisses slowly rained in trails across her blue skin, she told herself that there were no ulterior motives involved on Jovela's end. The Risian did not seek to exploit her, but genuinely tried to put her at ease - and allow her to embrace what she'd sought to avoid.

Indeed, Jovela held no interest in pollinating her, to seed something in her womb. Nor did she harbour any ill will towards her because of what she'd done under the virus' influence. She did not seek to study her mating habits, and force a pregnancy on her. No, Jovela was one of the women Ida had failed to protect, having just come out of stasis before the battle at Starbase 84. Still, despite what she'd been through, she was showing Ida not just forgiveness... but a path out of the mire that Ida had found herself in.

It was certainly not as easy as it might appear to an outside observer. This path she treaded was not as simplistic as just having sex with a woman. It wasn't even about forgiveness or letting herself relaxing. It was about acceptance of self, and finding her way back to what she used to be. She'd always been a woman of stoicism and duty, ingrained into her being with her training and her time at the Andorian Guard. This side of her had helped pushing through the ordeals she'd been through, but at the expense of her contrasting passions. Indeed, the very things she might have once enjoyed had been tarnished by the atrocities she'd suffered. Merely letting herself enjoy another woman was not going to heal this.

No. Jovela was from Risa, and they were a people who knew the import of primal expressions of attraction. It was what begot life all over the Galaxy. It was, to them, a sacred thing, and if there was a woman who could let Ida experience exactly what such raw affection entailed, it was her. Of this, Ida hadn't known when it all began, but feeling the quiet ministrations of the nurse let Ida think of it, and found that Jovela was right. This was one of the many passions of the Risian people, along with generosity and hospitality. In accepting themselves in their own needs, they could accept the affectations of others, and rejoice in the shared desire for the wholesome side of desire.

Ida felt her eyes flutter before they shut, feeling the warm lips wander over her. Her antennae were slowly flexing along the sides of her head. Her lips still tasted of Jovela when another quiet groan rose in her throat. She made no motion to stop the nurse in her treatment, but rather let her own hands slowly wander wherever she might reach. There was a balance of greed and willingness to share in the pleasure when her fingertips found the lower hem of the bikini top, and coaxed the small garment up to the top of her chest. It left Jovela's bosom bared, but Ida resisted the urge to look upon the newly exposed flesh, even though she was an artist and her sight were her strongest sense.

Instead, she let her hands cup those breasts, reaching down between their bodies. She could feel the hardened peaks in the calloused palms of her hands. The sensation was... inspirational, in lack of another word, towards the ideas of what she wanted to do with Jovela. Painting her was only a small part of it, that particular wish having settled into her mind after the conversation they'd held before.

"Cont-tinue..." she breathed heavily where she laid, opening her eyes to meet her happenstance lover’s, knowing that she might be bereft of touching Jovela any moment. Certainly so, if the nurse continued along the downward path she'd begun. In which case, Ida felt she had to hold on to something if the rising desire and satisfaction became unbearable.

The sand, the blanket, Jovela's hair. Anything.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #18
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Jovela continued her unique treatment, she could feel Ida starting to relax beneath her, while also feeling her own arousal starting to rise.

The Risian had to admit that Ida had an amazing body from what she had sampled of it so far. Loving the firmness of her muscles, the way they tensed and released under her touch and kisses. She loved the soft and smoothness of the other woman's skin, loved the blueness of it and yet she was also aware of why she was doing this, to help the woman being to reacquaint herself with the positives of sex and not the negatives that she had based on her recent experiences.

Continuing to lick and kiss her way down and along the Andorian's upper body she heard the quiet groan coming from the woman above her and couldn't help but smile. Evidently the security officer was indeed starting to enjoy what she was experiencing, that was a good sign. Even more so, she felt Ida's hands starting to slowly wander across her own body and sighed happily at the feel of her body being explored.

It was then that she felt Ida's fingers hook under the lower hem of her bikini top and push it up, feeling her heavy breasts fall free and felt a soft moan of her own escape her throat as hands cupped her breasts, a small shudder making it's way through her body as Ida's palms pressed against her peaked nipples. Allowing her own hands to slide up and over the curves of Ida's own breasts, she let her fingers lightly caress along the curvature, slowly making their way inward, eventually circling around the hardened blue nipples.

Looking up at Ida, their eyes met as the gorgeous woman beneath her told her to continue with a heavy breath. Giving the Andorian a caring smile, she lowered her head and starting kissing along the woman's chest, just beneath the collar bone from the right side to the centre, planting one last kiss there.

Extending her tongue out, Jovela slowly licked her way done the middle of Ida's body until her tongue was passing between her breasts, where she tilted her head slightly to plant a soft kiss on the side of each before licking down a little lower, only to stop and start planting soft kisses up the side of her left breast, over the curve and in towards her nipple. Finally reaching the hard nub of flesh. Her hand now moving down to lightly caress the outer side of Ida's leg, Jovela let her tongue slowly circle around the base of the nipple.

Round and round the tip of her tongue went, once, twice and a third time before slowly gliding up and over it then down the other side, panting her nipple with the tip of her tongue until she leaned down and wrapped her lips around it, allowing her tongue to continue circling over and around the erect nub of flesh as she started lightly sucking on it.

As her mouth worked on Ida's left nipple, the Risian cupped Ida's other breast with her hand, lightly rubbing the palm of her hand against the other woman's nipple and moaned softly around the other as she sucked it when she felt Ida's hands holding onto her hair, her fingers lightly running through her dark locks. Curling her fingers slightly, the head nurse lightly gave the breast a gentle squeeze before allowing her fingers to lightly start running up and down both sides of the Andorian's nipple.

While Jovela was doing this to help the poor woman rediscover the joys of sex, the longer she continued her treatment the more she just wanted to be with the Andorian to explore every inch of her body in the most sensual, erotic, almost loving way possible that she could and bring the woman such pleasure and hopefully get the woman to want to do the same to her as well.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Oh, but there was bliss in surrender, when besieged in such a fashion.

By Lor'Vela, she could no longer measure her breathing, for it became more heavy by the moment. Shallow still when that warm mouth found her chest at last. She could still reach Jovela, able to return the favour with her hands alone, and she did. One hand lingered on her bosom to tease those heavy mounds and their hardened buds, but since her eyes and antennae were bereft of the full sight of the Nurse when she treated her, her free hand came to run through Jovela's long, dark hair, just so that Ida could see everything - to drink in the sight of her lover.

As the slow waves of pleasure came crashing against the shoals of her mind, Ida couldn't help the way she arched her back against the Risian. How her hips shifted and churned. Almost gone where the thoughts of how they might be caught by any Aldean passersby, getting more irrelevant by the minute. Worse yet, was if any of the crew might find her. Not because she was shy, but because she was the Deputy, and she had a reputation to uphold. To be respected, and be vigilant. Always.

What bothered her, really, was the heat, being far more attuned to colder temperatures. The Aldean sun felt merciless when still dressed in her rolled up trousers, only bearable because the odd palm-like trees and the Risian herself gave some shade. Still, she suspected that the growing wetness betwixt her legs had less to do with perspiration than the treatment she was subjected to.

Days ago, after what happened on the Versant, Ida had found herself exiting her time of fertility, which meant that her breasts had just ceased to lactate. No more had a Shen any opportunity to drink of her, and gain what she needed to produce an egg. Jovela would not taste the milk of a Zhen, but Ida found herself very sensitive after what had befallen her. She remembered Kelleshar - the Shen of the bond group that the Savi had forced upon her - and how she had sought her out in the darkness of the observation pen. Ida had tried to stop her, despite how much the aphrodisiacs had made her willing. She had said no, even as she pulled the other Andorian in, and let her drink until the itch and needy agony in her chest had subsided.

Thinking of Shar when Jovela continued her ministrations was... cleansing, perhaps, in how she'd refuted the memories time and time again. Jovela might be reminding her of that observation pen right then, when the tongue and the lips teased her, but Ida did not let it get to her. Jovela was not sucking her dry, just... teasing her ever so blissfully. She calmed herself, and reminded herself that this was not just normal, but something she had used to enjoy. She found that... perhaps... she still did.

No, she definitely did. She let out another quiet groan and arched her back further, clenching her jaw. "Oh, how you tease me..." she breathed with a fleeting smile, and pinched one of Jovela's nipples between the sides of her fingers. Playful retaliation. Was she truly able to play, after all that had happened?

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #20
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela loved exploring this woman's body, every inch of soft skin, every curve was amazing to touch, to lick, to kiss, to taste and she certainly had no plans of stopping any time soon. Loving how the Andorian's breath became heavier with every passing second, herself moaning as she felt the blue skinned woman's hands continue to fondle and tease her heaving hanging breasts. Feeling fingers running through her hair, brushing it to the side, she flicked her eyes up to look meet her lovers, smiling around the nipple between her lips as she flicked it with her tongue.

A moan of pleasure escaped Jovela's lips when Ida arched her back, loving how the woman reacted to the pleasure she was giving her as well as the fact she was enjoying it and slowly embracing it, just what Jovela had wanted to do for the woman. As a Risian she didn't care under normal circumstances if anybody caught her in the act, but even if she normally did, right now she wouldn't. The beauty that she was pleasing was far too big a distraction to warrant any kind of care for anyone else.

Still, Jovela had not completely lost herself to the situation and was aware that Andorian's didn't exactly do well in the heat and there were pretty much directly beneath the Aldean sun. If she had known beforehand that this was the kind of activity she would be getting involved in, she would have hired a beach hut to provide better shade and privacy for the two. The nurse in her would keep an eye on Ida but for now would leave it up to the Andorian to let her know if things were getting to uncomfortable for her, they could always move to a more shaded area or even back to the ship if she so choose too. Although that could potentially risk Ida having second thoughts on the journey, which for her own personal reasons as her own arousal grew, Jovela did not wish.

Pulling her mouth away from the breast she had been licking and suckling on, she moved over to the other one and kissed around it, slowly but surely working her way to the nipple and wrapping her lips around that one, lightly sucking on it as she allowed her tongue to paint a circle around it again and again.

Hearing the security officer groan again and arch her back even more, Jovela felt the space between her own legs getting wetter and smirked at Ida's words about teasing her. "Oh I'm just getting started." she said around the hard nipple between her lips and reached a hand down between them, pressing her hand up against the other woman's core. Even through her shorts, she could feel the wetness there and groaned, feeling the effect she was having on the woman as she started to grind her hand lightly against her.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
Besieged as she was, she offered no resistance when she felt that hand descend betwixt her legs - stroking her through the fabric that hid her dewy folds. In conjunction with the Risian's warm mouth teasing the sensitive peaks of her breasts, that electrifying development had her arch her back once more - generating an even deeper sound from the base of her throat.

"By Lor'Vela..." she breathed, and began to slowly undulate her hips against that hand, feeling the dark-haired woman's fingers delving into her nether lips despite how she wasn't even bared. Her minute motions, as well as her shallow breathing, made her rounded breasts rise towards those full lips and fickle tongue. Gone were the notions of denying herself this honest and raw needs, so primal and long-suppressed. Gradually, the beach and the sea fell away until only Jovela's ministrations remained.

In urgency, she reached down the nurse's back and undid the bikini top entirely, letting it fall to the blanket they shared. In need for more, she then reached down between them and undid the remaining garment of her incognito attire. Underneath it, merely Andorian underwear remained, without Starfleet issue markings, and had she the reach and presence of mind, she might have tried to push her clothing down her hips, but instead, she couldn't help but run her hand through Jovela's dark hair, as if she might stop what she was doing. Her other hand resumed questing over the nurse's bared chest, and tease her breasts in needy retaliation. Meanwhile, her antennae continued to shift along the sides of her head, restless in desire.

If there were any thoughts remaining of the Versant, or the rest of the past, it was gone for the moment. If nothing else, Jovela served as an ample distraction. Functioning as a focal point to keep Ida's thoughts away from the encompassing darkness. It was, perhaps, exactly what she needed. A lodestone...

As Jovela didn't let up, Ida couldn't stand being idle any more.

Suddenly, made the woman roll over on her back, so that her long white hair framed their faces in the sunlight. Ida wasted little time before kissing the nurse, deeply, and ran her own hand down the bikini bottoms.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #22
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Admittedly Jovela was a little apprehensive about how Ida would react to her slipping her hand down to touch between her legs, given her thoughts and experiences but was relieved to not get any resistance as her fingers caressed and lightly ventured into her lips even with the clothing covering them. It wasn't the full experience obviously, but at least enough to test the waters and so far it seemed as though the Andorian was enjoying it so far.

Something that the woman seemed to confirm with her words and actions, feeling her hips slowly rock against her hand and her chest rise even more as she continued to lick, suck and fondle her breasts. The more Jovela continued her machinations the more Ida seemed to relax and loose herself in the experience, simply enjoying what was being done to her. It could help but add some joy to the Risian's own arousal, after all that had been the whole point of this unorthodox therapy and so far it seemed to be working, at least for now.

Feeling Ida's hands run down her back, Jovela felt her bikini top fall, her breasts falling free, hanging in the ocean breeze as the security officer reached between them and started working on her lower garment. Jovela was albeit a little reluctantly ready to pull her hand away so that the clothing could be removed, but Ida seemed to have other ideas as she felt a hand run through her dark hair, feeling fingers running through it while her other hand returned to her breast, teasing it much as she was doing.

Any awareness or care that Jovela might have had about being on the beach or even getting caught, not that there was too much of that to begin with, had all but disappeared. All Jovela was focused on and concerned about was the beauty beneath her and wanting to give her a great sexual experience that she wouldn't forget any time soon.

What the Risian hadn't necessarily been expecting however was for the Andorian to take charge, at least so soon as she rolled them both over, now finding herself on her back, looking up at the other women, even as her long white hair flowed down over them, framing both of their faces. Still she couldn't help but smirk slightly, knowing that for someone with Ida's issues, she had at least done a good enough job to bring some of her assertiveness out.

Before she could say anything however, Ida's lips were upon hers in a deep kiss and moaned against those soft lips, bringing a hand up to run through Ida's hair, fingertips lightly caressing her scalp as they ran to the back of her head, gripping her softly as they kissed. At the feel of the hand running down her bikini bottoms, her body shuddered, causing an electric shock to coarse through her body. "Touch me." she whispered huskily against the other woman's lips as her own free hand, moved to start tugging Ida's freshly undone garment down her legs.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox 
It seemed the Head Nurse wasn't adverse to being the recipient even though the treatment was for Ida's benefit. Yet in knowing there was mutual satisfaction and not all about herself, Ida was spurred to grant Jovela's wish - the demand made vocally for more.

"No need to ask," she said against the Risian's lips, and she shimmied with her hips a little to help her push down her last pieces of clothing. Soon enough, with a few more heated kisses traded, only Jovela's bikini bottoms remained between them - both of them bared to the ocean breeze there upon their shared blanket. Only then began Ida to kiss her way down her happenstance lover's body, as if she measured out her anatomy for a future painting with her lips. "By Lor'Vela, you're exquisite."

Once she had descended all the way to those irksome bikini bottoms that hid her model did Ida pause to look Jovela in her eyes. She wanted to sample the alien woman, surprised at her own desires but not about to let them be pushed away by recent memories. With a little bit of determination, to carry her through, Ida slipped the bottoms down her lover's legs, and paused to take in the sight. "Indeed, I would think you taste just as well as you look," she murmured, before she leaned down betwixt those tanned legs.

She was correct, not being shy about how she enjoyed the flavours in her mouth once she began what the humans called the cunnilingus. Jovela's nectar was sweeter than she'd reckoned, not at all the taste of Humans or Andorians, and she enjoyed herself in full before the Head Nurse got the idea to interrupt her. After a short while, whilst her antennae slowly churned in delight, Ida introduced a finger, then two, whilst she satisfied this unforeseen benefactor she'd found in the middle of a duty shift.

The idea that she was still, technically, on duty almost pulled her out of the moment - hating to be neglectful. It was not in line with how she usually behaved. "I should not be doing this," she breathed against Jovela, pausing in her oral stimulation, a concerned frown touching her brow, "this is wrong..."

Of course, her words could be misinterpreted, to suggest that it was her own bodily reservations that made themselves known, so she added. "I am on duty still..." she said, but she didn't stop what she was doing, kneading two fingers into Jovela as she did while she raised her head to look at the nurse. The look on her face was that of conflicting feelings, but nonetheless, she climbed up to kiss the Risian again, while her fingers still churned into her lover.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #24
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Although this "treatment" was meant to be purely for Ida's benefit, Jovela certainly wasn't against receiving some pleasure of her own, especially considering the Andorian beauty seemed more than willing to do so. Then again Ida giving pleasure as well as receiving it could very well be considered part of her treatment as well, considering it was all about helping her get back in touch with how positive sex could be.

Smiling at Ida's words, she felt the woman's body shimmy, glancing down between them to see the last pieces of her clothing fall away, exposing the blue skinned beauty's amazing body fully on display for her. A soft moan escaped the Risian's lips as Ida began kissing her way down her body, and felt a slight shiver run through her spine when the security officer complimented her on her body "Thank you, I can definitely say the same about you too." she whispered huskily as she allowed her hands to run up the sides of Ida's legs.

The Head Nurse's body shuddered as Ida and her kisses descended lower and lower until she was hovering over her bikini bottoms, watching as Ida's eyes looked up into hers. Knowing that she was looking down at the Andorian with a lustful gaze, she smiled when the woman started pulling her bottoms down, lifting her hips up so that she could pull them off, feeling the ocean breeze blow against her exposed, already wet core. The fact that she saw Ida look directly at her sex sent a shudder through her, followed by another at the woman's words. "Taste me and find out." she whispered.

Her arousal shot up the second she saw Ida starting to lean down between her legs and moaned the instant she felt the other woman's tongue touch her and based on the sounds Ida made, she seemed to enjoy her taste. Jovela allowed her eyes to close as she enjoyed the tongue working on her, feeling her hips rocking slightly the other woman's mouth. At the feel of a first, then second finger sliding into her, she gasped, her hips shooting up off of the blanket "Oh fuck!" the Risian moaned.

Jovela was pulled slightly out of her pleasure when she heard Ida say that she shouldn't be doing this as she pulled away from her slightly and wondered if the Andorian's fears were getting the better of her, especially when she added that it was wrong. Before she could say anything however, the security officer added that it was because she was still on duty.

That was a bit of a relief to hear. Jovela also noted that while she had stopped using her mouth, Ida's fingers were still pumping away inside her, the action causing her hips to rock in time with the movement. Looking at her, Jovela could see the conflict on her face, the mixture of duty and desire. Still though, the woman climbed up her body and kissed her while continuing to fuck her with her fingers. Both actions causing the tanned woman to moan into Ida's mouth.

Breaking the kiss, as she allowed her own hands to slide to Ida's inner thighs and start moving up. "N...not anymore you're not." she moaned softly. "As of r...right now, arrrrre...." Jovela struggled to continue through whimpers, moans and slight body shudders "....Fuck! are on m...medical leave...H...Head Nurse's orders." The young Risian managed to get out.

As if to emphasise her point, the second she finished saying the words, she slipped a finger between Ida's wet folds, pushing the digit deep inside and started lightly pulling it back and forth, setting a somewhat slow pace until she too slipped a second finger inside, the two women now fucking each other with two fingers. Licking her hips, Jovela leaned up and pressed her lips against Ida's for a deep kiss.

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