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Topic: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends (Read 7239 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

STARDATE: 57560.94
March 12, 2381
0805 Hours

[ Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign | Sithick's Quarters | Uss Theurgy ], @Masorin

Jaya lingered outside a familiar door. She wasn't sure what she'd say. She didn't even know if this was a good idea. But she was here and she would do what she came to do. She exhaled a nervous breath and approached. The door chimed and she walked in. Of course it wasn't locked; in all the time they had roomed together, he had never locked the door.

She was greeted by a wall of humidity. Ugh. She hadn't missed this part. The door slid shut behind her. She knew he'd be awake. He was always awake by now. She cleared her throat. It would have been nice to think up the words ahead of time, but she hadn't. She turned her eyes toward his door.


He did have a new roommate now. Maybe she should get closer? They had been given shoreleave, and it was possible this new roommate was sleeping in. Jaya walked to the door and knocked. He was in there, but she didn't want to startle him.

"Sithick? It's Jaya. Can we talk?"
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #1
[ CPO Sithick | | Sithick's Quarters | Uss Theurgy ]] Attn: @Even Angels Cry 

Sithick had never once locked his door. It wasn't so much that he ever expected to have visitors or anything of the sort. Nor was it some gracious open door policy. His room just didn't hold a lot of interesting things for people to explore. His room was minimalist in decorations, his closet had a few dozen copies of his uniform, and off duty clothing.

He had just stepped out of the shower, feeling somewhat refreshed, hurting still from the borg he had taken down and the shot that hit him near the center of his chest his scales were still working to become hard because of that, leaving a patch of fresh growth a more vibrant green against the more aged and tough skin around the scar.

He was wearing pants, but was honestly considering breaking routine. Shore leave and free time were announced, and whats more he had a new job in the fighter bay along with his new rank, so till the birds were ready to fly again he didn't have work now that he was flight crew.

Which meant he could just crawl back into bed, he was in mourning at the moment, the odd kind of lethargic depression that he couldn't seem to escape.

The last thing he thought he would hear was Jaya's voice at the other side of his door. "Enter."

Sithick opened the door, and walked into his room, gesturing for Jaya to do the same. It was clear that if she was going to speak to him she would have to do so on his terms, in his home turf as it was, and he was doing it partly because he knew she hated it.

He was actually mad at her.

If the outside was humid, than the inside was like sitting inside of a sauna. Any more humid and his room would have become a steam room. Here because of the warmth and humidity Sithick actually seemed to move slightly faster than he normally would. "What bringsk you here Jaya?"

He used her name, not bestie or lettuce leaf, she had lost those privileges over the last few days. Jaya may have been his oldest friend, but he had also learned through his interactions with this new crew that she was not as honest a friend as he had once believed her to be.

Yellow eyes gaudged her with a slight hint of mistrust, but he still sat down offering her a place to sit as well.

Sithick's room didn't contain a traditional bed. He had a futon rolled out along the floor, propped up on wooden slates. It was better for his back, and also didn't mold due to the humid air.

"You wish to s'theak? I will Lis'thin." He wasn't sure how long it would take Jaya to realize it, but sithick wasn't using his translator, the softer female voice he normally used was gone, smashed to bits when the borg attacked him, and he would need to requisition a new one, so for the mean time it was the much deeper, courser voice she had to deal with. 

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #2

Jaya was surprised to hear the harsh voice on the other side of the door. She had hoped- to be honest, she didn't know what she hoped. But it wasn't a visit to his actual room. She'd never been in there before and frankly never wanted to be in there again. But Sithick hadn't offered to come out. He'd invited her in, and she intended to see this through.

As soon as she walked into his room, she regretted it. The air was so thick with moisture, it was difficult to breathe. She hadn't worn her duty uniform since they were given shore leave, but the blouse and skirt combo that she'd chosen didn't breathe at all. Her only bit of solace was that she'd wrapped a hair tie around her wrist before she left her room. She used it to pull her hair up into a quick messy bun, but it didn't help much.

She looked around for somewhere to sit, but the options were limited and Jaya was afraid the surfaces might be covered in mist. It felt like a sauna in there! But Sithick was kind enough to offer her a place to sit and she was here to mend this bridge. Jaya wiped the surface with her hand before seating herself. She wanted to talk but was unsure what to say. Sithick was giving her room to talk and she was being uncharacteristically silent. She had secretly hoped to get some anger from Sitchik, but he didn't seem mad. Or maybe he was? It was really hard to tell, especially since the new voice modulator gave all his words a gruff tone.

Jaya tugged on the hem of her skirt. How to start? As long as there were words, did it matter?

"Sithick, I, umm, I know things haven't always been easy between us. Sometimes we are close and sometimes we-" She stopped. This didn't sound like her at all. The only way she could do this was to be herself. If she owed it to anyone, she owed it to him. Jaya stopped fidgeting with her skirt. She pressed the fabric to her legs and dropped her gaze to the floor. She took a breath. When she raised her head again, she looked Sithick right in his eyes.

"I know I've been a shitty friend. And honestly, I don't expect you to forgive me. I've really been the worst to you. Not just in the last couple days, but ever since we first met. I was afraid of you at first. Did you know that? When I heard that you had ties to the syndicate, I thought for sure you were sent for me."

Jaya grit her teeth together. No one knew the story of how she entered Starfleet. She had kept it a secret all these years, but if she was going to fix this, he needed to know.

"I used to smuggle goods for them. When I worked for ECS, I had a contact and a handler within the Syndicate. They would arrange the delivery and stage the raid. For years, I delivered crates to them, several times a month. I'd still be doing it too, except on my last run we were flagged by Starfleet and brought to Starbase 10 for questioning. I'd just hired a new kid and despite leaving him in the dark about everything, he somehow figured it out and tattled. I was given a choice: either come clean or go to prison. I was cornered and they called my bluff. So I told them everything and they sent me to NCO boot camp instead of prison."

There. It was out. Jaya exhaled slowly. Having her secret out in the open actually felt... good.

"I hated you when I first met you. And I was afraid for my life. I mean, face it. You're a Gorn and Gorn are known to be assassins for the Syndicate! What else was I supposed to think?! I really thought you had been sent to kill me. So Yea, I was rude to you. I avoided you. I even tried to kill you a few times. But as the years went on, it became clear that if you wanted me dead, I would be already. When I realized that, I saw how shitty I was being to you and I tried to change. But It's hard, you know? When you've had this one thought in your mind all that time, you can't just unthink it. It's still there. But I really did try to be nicer to you. It just took me a long, long time to see that your intentions were good. In fact, it was only a couple weeks ago that I realized it."

She thought back to the Battle at Starbase 84. So much had happened since then. It felt so far away. But it wasn't. In reality, it had only been a few days ago. Maybe two weeks. She had lost count of the days. Everything ran together in her head.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #3
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick was patient but even he had limits, he sat across from Jaya, whom was clearly suffering being in his environment. That alone told him that she was serious, and as he sat across from her his claws steady, his own breath enjoying the air. When Jaya finally started to talk he huffed closing his eyes ready to reject her first apology  because they had never been that close, he had thought they were at one point, but that was his misguided reading of the situation due to a lack of social confidence.

When she stopped herself, however he relaxed, and listened, this was different. Her second approach was more genuine. When she said she was afraid of him he nodded. Most people were, but then she continued, talking about everything, stuff that Sithick didn't know before today.

She had worked for the syndicate. If he had learned that back when they had first started to room together she may not have survived the night, but now after knowing Jaya for so long he knew her better. When she told him that she had hated him he wasn't surprised looking back he had approached her with good intentions, and what he thought was just an odd friendship was clearly marked with her being abusive, resentful, he could mark those things now, he sighed it was kinda sad to learn that he was so disliked by the one person he honestly thought was his closest friend.

She had tried to kill him? He almost wanted to ask when, and how, not that it mattered. Oddly to Sithick that was kind of endearing. It was like learning a house cat had plotted his demise. Finally after all of that it became his turn to speak, she had been honest and genuine with him, so it was perhaps his turn to speak.

"When we first met I was struggling to learn this language, I could barely communicate without my trans'thlator. I had only been around humans for a few years, So you were a... curiosity of sorts, a human female, the first I really interacted with on a daily bases." He brushed a claw along his jaw for a moment. He had learned a lot since then. "S'theaking like i am now, unaided wask not pothible."

"I did not treat you fairly either." He said nodding. "I was uncompromising with my needs, my environment is painful for you and I did not compromise. We both worked Alpha shift, slept at same hours, had I changed my shift, or asked you to change your we could have split the environment control."

If there was one area she had suffered his abuse it was that he had always put his needs, before her. She was a friend yes, but he had never really known what that word had entailed, and never given her distance. He was always around her and even in the tight confines of the Opal he had to admit that he often sought her out, because she was his favorite, for a number of reasons.

One of which was shown by the hem of her skirt. "Today is a stressful day Jaya, my.... 'girlfriend' died yesterday." He was sure that one would come as a shock. "Lahkesis, wasn't exactly human, but she was kind, and open. She and a hand full of others helped to embrace me. More than I have in my life, I was also shot yesterday." He pointed to the fresh scales. "Yet oddly her loss is more painful."

He let out a sigh. "I never hated you, annoyed, and often dis'thappointed, but I would have done anyzthing you'd have aszked of me."

"But I have a confeszkion of my own to make Jaya... I was always jealous. Not that i understood, Lahkesis and Vivian both helped me to realize my feelings towards you and other humanoid females. And because of those feelings I never even thought to give you any distance." In the moment he realized he used Vivian's proper name even though the leader of the science department had wanted to keep things quiet and on the 'downlow' as it were.

Sithick pulled his hand back, this was where he had to share something unflattering something that may make her not want to be friends with him. "You pulled every male, regardless of species, looks or intentions into your room on the Opal... except for me, You are part of the reason that I find humans attractive, but I spent a few of those years hating myself for those feelings, cause it was as I thought impothible, or even wrong of me to think the way I do, I tried to give hints, like the other males did, emulated them to attract you, it was stupid, but I was never confident enough to approach you. Opal had thin walls, and I have very good hearing. I um...." here they were going into things that were better off speaking to a counselor. She did not need to know how had learned to enjoy himself by listening to her nights spent with random men.

"Perhaps it is for the best that you had moved out. You get an ideal environment, and i got to have distance so I don't feel so... ugly." He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, tilting his head. "I am still your friend Jaya, if you are asking for forgiveneths than I forgive you openly."

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #4

Jaya had paused to organize her thoughts and figure out what to say next, but she was quiet for too long. Sithick took her silence as his cue to respond, and frankly his words shocked the hell out of her.

It's true he was awkward when they first met, but she had assumed it was a farce. Now she knew differently. He had been mistreated by the Syndicate. He'd said as much the other day at the bar. He'd been a slave. Of course he was strange in that new environment, with colleagues and crewmen all around instead of masters and slaves. She should have tried to get to know him instead of making everything about herself.

The room temperature was always a point of contention between them, and while sitting there in his sauna made her uncomfortable, she also hadn't hated it as much as she'd let on. It had been warm and humid, yes, but not to the point of pain. Still, it was nice to hear that he acknowledged her discomfort.

His girlfriend's death came as an unwelcome surprise. She knew he was seeing someone. He had told her as much a while back. He had been giddy about the experience, even though it disturbed her. Honestly, she'd never considered that a Gorn might have sexual needs. But to loose someone like that? Jaya had never lost a boyfriend to death because she'd never had a boyfriend. She had flings and went on dates. There had been plenty of one night stands, but nothing permanent. The best connection she'd had in a long time had been with Jak, and he had been escorted off the ship. She couldn't imagine what Sithick was going through.

And then he delivered the real shocker. He liked her! Like, like liked her. Her jaw fell open. This was unexpected! She had never once thought of him in that w- Actually no, the thought had crossed her mind a couple times and she had thoroughly chased it out. But still, she never actually believed he would take interest in her. She didn't really think Gorns were interested in sex at all. How would that even work? She found herself staring at his crotch. It was a terrifying thought, and oh so intriguing.

She looked back up at his face as he finished speaking. Suddenly there were more things she needed to say.

"Sithick, you're not ugly. You've never been ugly. I can safely say you are the handsomest Gorn I ever met. Not that I've met many, or any others for that matter. But my point still stands." She paused, but only for a moment this time. "I miss you. I moved out because of the promotion, but it's really strange having my own room. I never realized how much I enjoyed your company. I am truly sorry for all the awful things I've done to you over the years. I'm sorry for being the worst friend ever. I'm sorry for being so selfish that I couldn't see or care about your pain. And yea, if you'll have me back, I wouldn't mind starting over. You've been there for me ever since we met. Hell, you carried me to sickbay when I damn near knocked myself out. You've even killed for me, man. I don't think I can ever repay that, but I can start by being honest with you and making this friendship a real one."

Jaya stood and walked to him. She opened her arms in the gesture of a hug. "So what are you up to later? I got all this time off and I don't know what to do with myself."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #5
When Jaya called him handsome there was a soft if reserved chuckle, though it hurt in an odd way. It sparked a hope that he thought he had pushed aside for a very long time. That one night she would pull him into her room. He knew how she operated, and like he said he would have done anything she asked. There was a darker shade of green across his face for a moment a sort of blush across his face as he tilted his head in the approximation of a smile.

He nodded lightly rising up as Jaya got to her feet and came towards him in the open gesture, he pulled her in, holding gently. Though his massive frame enveloped her, he was protective, his scales were hard, but in the hug she would be able to feel the active heart beat. His skin was the warmth of the room around him, which here was warm and excessively warm. He wasn't exactly soft, more like hugging a fine sort of leather, that was squishy.

A leather pillow that was breathing.

His jaw rested against Jaya's head for a moment and she would feel his warm breath on her skin, flaring from the powerful nostrils at the end of his maw, and then she would feel something wet drip onto her skin. She may have at first thought it was drool due to the lack lips, it would not have been the first time he had drooled on someone. But as the hug broke she would be able to track the water to his yellow eyes, soft, tears dripping from the slaves former eyes. He moved a paw to wipe at his eyes for a moment.

The yellow slits, normally the eyes of a hunter were crying there was no denying it this time, the gorn did have tear ducts.

He held up a claw for a moment as he composed himself, the monsters breath was slightly staggered, with hiccups of all things. When he spoke his husky voice was wet, and choked up.

"Zorry, I try not to let others see me do Zhis." He choked for a moment as he breathed and tried to catch himself before he broke fully. He knew better than most that if he showed too much vulnerability that people would try to break him. Though with Jaya... he didn't really have that fear.

"Honeztly... I don't know, I was promoted yesterday, I am now a Chief Petty officer." 

"but i'm incharge of the fighter bay... and the fighters are grounded."
He said softly.

"So I has day free I suppose." He went to his closet it, opening it, and grabbing a shirt to finally put on. "You're choice, but... I know this ship... has a pool... I've never swam before."

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #6
@Masorin , @Stegro88

Jaya had been in Sithick's arms before, but never like this. He had carried her once, and he had shielded her once. This was different. He was scaly and rough and she had always assumed he would feel like sandpaper. In reality, his embrace was surprisingly soft. Gentle. She closed her eyes and held him a while.

Jaya's face barely reached the bottom of Sithick's neck, even though he was hunched. Her arms didn't come close to meeting around his back. His warmth radiated back at her. She wondered if this is what safety felt like. Or heat stroke. It was so warm now that she was pressed up against him. She also wondered if he was being delicate on purpose or if he was usually like that and the angry Sithick was the rare side. The pressure on the top of her skull was enough to make her aware that his jaw rested upon her, but not enough to be painful or annoying. She neatly fit in his arms. His claws served as small reminders that he was, in fact, a lizard monster. Their light pricks and scrapes were not entirely unpleasant either.

At first, she didn't notice the moisture. The drops fell on her hair mostly. But the ones that landed on her blouse felt good. A fleeting breath of fresh air in an otherwise stuffy room. It wasn't until they parted that she realized why. He was crying. She didn't even know that Gorns could cry! "Oh! Sithick, I'm sorry! It's alright." She wiped her hand across his smooth, scaly cheek. "I get it. Show no weakness, and all that. But hey, you know me. I would never hurt you. Well, not again anyway. You're the only real friend I've had in-"

Jaya lowered her eyes, thinking. Had she had a real friend before? Even back in school, everyone who befriended her had wanted something from her. She shuddered. It felt marginally cooler in the room now. One glance down explained why. Her perspiration had nearly turned her blouse see-through. It clung to her skin in the same way her damp hair stuck to her forehead and neck. Hot. It was so hot! She unbuttoned her blouse as she spoke, peeling the slick material off her glistening peach skin. "-never. I've never had a real friend before. Someone I could talk to and confide in. Someone who always had my back no matter what. Someone I liked just hanging out with. You're the first one. Huh. What a pair we make."

His promotion was news to her and she tried to high five him, but failed miserably.  Instead of per hand slapping his, her palm tapped his forearm. Jaya laughed. Her open blouse hung limply on her body. It was drenched in sweat but still managed to accentuate her womanly curves. And the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra today. Rivulets of prespiration trickled past her ears and down her exposed collarbone. "They promoted you?! That's fucking awesome! It's about time too! Way to go, dude."

His choice took her by surprise but she was overdue for a dip and loved the idea. Plus she was literally dying of heat exhaustion in this damn room. Anything cold was a fucking miracle at that moment. "Fuck yea! Let's go swimming!"

Jaya waited for Sithick to dress before approaching the door to the shared common room. "I'd say that we should stop by my place for a change of clothes, but at this rate, I'm so wet that I doubt it matters, Heh!" She walked into the common room as she spoke, adjusting her skirt and blouse. It felt at least 20 degrees cooler in the common room and she took several rapid, deep breaths. "Oh air! Sithick, I love you but fuck it's warm in there! Next time, remind me to take my clothes off before I enter. Phew!" Jaya's fingers struggled with the buttons on her blouse. Her hair was plastered to her head and her top hung open and disheveled. Her clothes were soaked head to toe and the stuck to all the curves on her body.

A bit of movement in Jaya's peripheral caused her to look up as she got the third button from the bottom fastened. There was a klingon woman staring at her. She flashed her customary cocky grin and waved. "Hey. Nice weather in here today, eh?" A cursory glance down and one more button fastened and Jaya shrugged. "Good enough. They're coming off again in a few minutes anyway. You ready?" She called back towards Sithick as she lingered beside the main door. In a moment, they'd be outside in the pool and her uncomfortably damp clothes would be a thing of the past.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]


Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #7
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @Even Angels Cry @Masorin

Mickayla had been dozing when she had heard the door chime from the common room. She had been about to climb out of bed when she had heard the door cycle and a voice call out for her new roommate, the Gorn Sithick in the other room.

“Jaya, huh,” Mickayla thought as she listened. “Nice name. Must be this mysterious girl that Sithick mentioned.”

Deciding that no more sleep was to be had, Mickayla roused herself from bed and had a quick sonic shower to rid her skin of the night’s sweat. While her personal quarters were at a lower temperature than the common area beyond the door, Mickayla had increased the temperature a little to more enjoy her night’s sleep. She had never bothered to dress the first night she had met the Gorn and fell asleep again with her robe sprawled around her. She had awoken during the night, cold before finding the bed’s blankets. Last night, she had increased the temperature instead.

Donning the full length robe she had replicated to replace the shorter one she had had, Mickayla tied it around her body before padding barefoot into the common area, heading for the replicator. Getting herself a hot chocolate, Mickayla moved over to the window and stared out at the Aldean space beyond.

Noise from Sithick’s room alerted her to impending company and Mickayla turned around in time to see a Human female exiting from the Gorn’s room, skin slick with sweat and her clothes damp. And she was adjusting her skirt and trying to rebutton her blouse while sounding thankful for the cooler temperature of the common area. Mickayla had discovered the day before that while the common area was deliciously tropical, Sithick’s personal room could almost be mistaken for a sauna.

It was just as the woman was asking the Gorn to remind her to take off her clothes next time that she realised that Mickayla was in the room with her. Unable to keep the smirky smile off her face, Mickayla watched as she did up the last button on her blouse before remarking that they’d be coming off again soon anyway.

“Definitely must be the girlfriend,” Mickayla noted silently as she sipped her drink. The slick clothing clung to her skin and Mickayla decided that Sithick had an excellent eye for the female form. “I’m not even sure if I like girls but I’d try her,” Mickayla thought.

“Lovely weather,” Mickayla agreed. “I’ve decided I definitely like the warmer temperature. It’s much more…. freeing,” she added before taking another sip. “And, speaking from experience, it is generally better without clothes,” Mickayla commented calmly, looking at the Human. “Less messy and easier to talk your way out of interesting situations afterwards. But I promised to keep his secret and I’m a woman of my word. No one will hear anything about this from me.”

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #8
@Even Angels Cry @Stegro88

Humans were gross. Sithick was reminded of that from time to time when they had things like sweat glands, and hair. He loved the humanoid form, and he especially liked Jaya's body, but the absolute truth was that Humans were just kinda gross. Still he had to admit that he kinda liked seeing Jaya a bit sweaty, and the smell, well he wasn't gonna say anything, but his senses were that of a predator, and she currently smelled delicious to him.

Hearing Jaya tell him to in a way tell her to take off her clothes, after what he had just confessed there was no way that wasn't intentional, she was at least in part messing with him because of the air in his domain. Still he could take a good humored jab on occasion, and she had called him handsome, maybe one day he would get an invite like the other men in her life.

Would that change their relationship? at this point he couldn't think so. Jaya was his first real friend, and now she seemed to understand that. She even seemed to be making a joke, which he could appreciate. He moved a touch closer. To her, deciding that if she was going to be playful why not try and take advantage. "If they're stuck on you, I can always help to rip them off."

Walking out into the living area he saw his new roommate, Mickayla, she had replicated a longer robe, but was clearly still naked underneath it. Yesterday he had seen pretty much everything about her, and he had deemed that she had been the first attractive klingon he had ever seen, but she seemed to have her own baggage, and was one of the versant survivors.

When Mickayla made her comments, he was about to correct her, that Jaya and him hadn't done anything like that, but he couldn't say anything without giving away that there was another woman, and while it would be confusing if Vivian ever came to his room, chances were that with her quarters being the larger type, and being a district head she would continue to just summon him to her room time and time again.

So this was a good way to cover his ass. "I appreciate your discretion Mickayla. I hope we did not wake you, Jaya had the quarters you have now so I sort of let her keep the key as it were." He said softly nodding his head. "I am good to go Jaya. Shall we drop by your new room before we go to the pool?" He said nodding and leaving to the outside world.

Walking out of the quarters he felt refreshed, though the cold air made him feel a touch sluggish. Starship standard wasn't exactly cold, but it wasn't as warm as he would have liked it. Maybe if he was captain one day he could get a ship to function at his temperatures, the USS Terrarium a dream ship that would truly never be, as blessed as Sithick was to have good friends and a commission Starfleet was not a complete meritocracy and eventually his progression would be stopped.

"One day, When I am in charge of Starfleet engineering corps, all shall know the delight of a hot boxed starship, and on that day, all zhe female officers shall have their uniforms replaced, with... tiny miniskirtz,"

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #9
@Masorin , @Stegro88

When had Sithick gained such a sense of humor? Jaya smirked at his comment. All these years together and she had never known. What else had she missed out on? There was no time like the present to find out!

On their way out, she thought she saw his roommate eyeing her up. The Klingon woman was fairly easy on the eyes as well. Jaya would have said as much, but she didn't entirely follow the conversation. Maybe she'd missed something? "Uh, what?" Sithick followed along without missing a beat. "Y-yea, thanks."

Jaya and Sithick were out the door and down the hall before she could say much else. "Yea, I should probably change before we hit the pool. It's not like we're going to a hot tub or a beach. Besides, you haven't seen my new room yet! It's a single!"

Their trip didn't take long, but she learned some very interesting things along the way. Like the fact that apparently Sithick liked miniskirts and had a dream of being in charge of an entire corps. To be fair, who didn't like miniskirts? And having a whole corps to boss around would be pretty dope. Jaya grinned and punched his shoulder playfully. "Sithick, you dog! I never knew! If I had my way, showers would be communal and co-ed. And they would be bath houses, not showers. No clothes, no towels and free alcohol. Oh yea!" She laughed.

Once they reached her quarters, Jaya gave Sithick a quick tour. Living area, kitchen & dining area, bathroom, bedroom and all her trinkets. Her replica starships were precisely placed on their shelves, free of dust. She could have recited all their names and ship numbers, if he'd wanted to hear it. Her suit was folded in a drawer. It didn't take her long to find. She smiled at her Gorn friend as she pulled out the standard issue garment. She pondered briefly whether to change here or there, but really wanted to get out of her damp clothes.

"So, this is it. My new place. It's nice but I miss the company of having a roommate. And really, aside from the climate thing you were pretty easy to get along with. It just gets lonely sometimes, you know?" Jaya turned around as she spoke so her back was to Sithick. She unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged out of it, letting it fall in a clump n the floor. "It haven't even been that long. Maybe I'm just so used to always having someone around that I don't know how to live on my own. Really, the only time I had to was when I first started with ECS. But even then, I lived on my ship. And once I got a loyal crew together, there was always at least one person there with me." Her thumbs hooked the waistline of her skirt and shoved it down. Her thong panties came off next. Both items slumped to the floor when the got past her hips. "I never knew how lonely I could get until I got this room. Don't get me wrong, it's real nice. I just miss people. Especially lately with all this shit we got thrown into." She stepped into the dark blue one piece suit and pulled it up to her waist. She wiggled her legs so that the crotch would sit right and smoothed out the elastic lines over her ass. "Not knowing what's gonna happen. Meeting someone one day and finding out they died hours later." She paused. He had just told her her minutes ago that his girlfriend had died. How rude could she possibly be! "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I'm sorry your girlfriend died. I didn't mean it like that. But seriously, this is some shit we got ourselves into. Some real, i don't even know, real messed up shit." Her arms found the straps and she heaved the swimsuit bodice up and over her breasts. She bent forward at the waist and jiggled her girls into place, then righted herself. "I don't even know what to think about any of it. But the people I've met on this ship seem to be good people. There we go."

Jaya turned to face Sithick, grinning. She was dressed and ready. "I'm all set.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Ammends

Reply #10
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick was impressed with the tour. With only one more rank before he was a master petty chief or even a warrant officer he was getting a small taste of what his place on this ship could be. Unlike Jaya he had no real interest in officers training. He didn't think the position of Enisgn would do him much as he had no interest in being bridge crew, and engineers tended to be chosen for their experience rather than ranks. Jaya's ideas of communal bathhouses was interesting, but from what he could tell such a thing would be... ill advised. The spacing and logistics of it were difficult, plus if a ship were to hit any outside force their could be damages to the crews body. "Zhat seems like a... poor allocation of a ships water." He said more speaking as an engineer.

Even so the thought that he could get one of these for himself was something remarkable. Vivian's room was very different with a bathtub and such instead of just a standing a shower, but he didn't want to mention that both because Vivian had been kind enough to share that space with him, and because Jaya was clearly proud of her accomplishment.

Then she started to undress, and SIthick well he didn't exactly avert his eyes in this moment. He swallowed slightly. He knew Jaya she had never been shy about her body, and she didn't play mind games, she was just talking to him like she had in months prior the only difference being that they were talking more casually than they had ever spoken before, and she had her back turned, probably her only thought to modesty as Jaya had never shown the trait before she wasn't about to start now.

"It was a bit of a shock, you leaving all zhe sh'udden but I did not think ill of it. It was sad, but you earned this room." His head quirked slightly his mouth opening withat slight illusion of a smile, but his yellow eyes kept looking at her ass, hungry for her bare skin, she was so close that he could practically reach out and touch her... She was well within his grasp.

Of course he wouldn't. As he knew Jaya was trusting him, and he knew how she operated if she had wanted him to touch her she would have invited him to do so. "Awh Jaya, you know you always has't me around, if you need." He looked around for a moment, walking up to the replicator he started to type away at it.

There was a bright materalizing light. Sithick knew Jaya collected little ships, he had one in mind that he was going to get her in the future, but that would require a lot more detailed replications, measurements and programing he would probably have to use a hololab to get out all the right measurements with this room's tiny all purpose he couldn't do much more than what he did. "House warming gift."

Sithick reached into the replicator and pulled a small fuzzy, stuffed alligator from the replicator, he had made sure that the thing had yellow beads for eyes, making it look like a tiny flat bellied him. He handed it to Jaya. "So you always has a reptile to keep you company."

He did want to add one comment, as she mentioned the dead, he sighed softly as he started to walk towards the door. "Iz okay Jaya, most of the people i know are now among zhe dead. I learn to walk with them. I will cherish Lahkesis, her memories and her picture." He lifted a PADD, and tagged into his personal email, showing a nude photo of his plant girlfriend, a selfie she had apparently taken for him after the two had a round of intercourse as some of his juices were still visible from the lips of her pussy, as well as the red scratches that could only have been caused by a Gorns claws. "But she is gone now, and I will do as I have always, walk forward with those memories intact."

He leaned his head slightly to the side as he put the padd onto her desk, she said she was ready to go, and so he was he. He walked with her to the turbolift. "Um... pool deck?" He said softly not knowing which deck the swimming pool was actually on. "And I am always here for you Jaya... whenever and for whatever you may need me for."

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #11

Jaya stared at the plush gator. Not only was it freaking adorable, but the eyes and coloration really did make it look like a tiny, cute Sithick. "Aww, Sithick! Thanks!" She gave the plushie a squeeze and set it on her bed. Had he always been this thoughtful? She really didn't know him at all. It was sad in a way. She'd spent years with him, living and working together, and never saw past his monstrous exterior. Well, that all ended today. This was a fresh start, something she rarely had the chance to do, and she wasn't going to waste it.

His words about the dead were surprisingly introspective. Jaya listened. It was nice to think of the deceased like that, as something you could keep with you and cherish. But she could count on one hand the number of people she'd want to cherish after they died. Most of them, she didn't give a crap about. Yes, it was sad to see someone explode or be sucked out of a vacuum or be crushed under rubble, but she barely knew any of her new crewmates. She felt like the odd one out. Everyone else had suffered all these great losses and tragedies and now all their friends were dead. But Jaya didn't really have friends. She was just now beginning to talk to Sithick like a freaking person, and most of her other acquaintances were one night stands. How did you show raw emotion for someone you fucked once and now they're dead? The subject made her uncomfortable. Thankfully, Sithick was also ready to go.

As the stepped into the Turbolift, Jaya gave Sithick's massive scaly arm a squeeze. "Thanks, Sithick. You're a good friend. I'm gonna try to return the favor. But if I get all bitchy and weird again, just like smack me or something, ok?" She smiled at him, full on with teeth and everything.

The computer announced their arrival at the pool deck and Jaya hurried out of the lift. The pool enclosure wasn't far from the turbolift, but she couldn't wait to be in that cool water. She rushed through the doors and grinned, throwing her arms wide. "Oh my god, Sithick, it's huge! This is great! Come on, let's-" She finally noticed what he was wearing. "Oh no, you can't swim in that. Where are your trunks? I know they issued you some. Everyone gets issued swimwear. Ummm... I think there's a replicator around here some- Over there! Ok, let's get you some proper swim clothes first and THEN we can splash around."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #12
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick paused for a moment when Jaya told him to just smack her if she got uppity with him again in the future, she was looking at him weirdly too, presenting her teeth like she was trying to issue some sort of challenge, or perhaps even bite at him. for a moment he just looked at her his yellow eyes trying to think things through with visible confusion before he opened his mouth, and then closed it trying to come up with some reply.

"I do not like violence." He said finally, deciding that it was best to just rip that bandaid off sooner rather than later. He didn't like the use of force in any situation, though he had a body count that was in the double digits by now he never once took pleasure in killing. The idea of hitting a friend like Jaya was far more disturbing than putting his jaws through some romulan invador or killing someone who was threatening her.

He walked to the replicator and nodded in understanding, he needed to get the right clothing for the occasion. He pulled off his shirt, and sweat pants, leaving him stark naked for a moment. Sithick paused. While Jaya was far more extroverted and had been naked in front of him many, many times, Sithick realized he had never been naked in front of her. He had always been too shy and embarrassed about this kind of thing.

As he had taken off his clothes in front of Jaya, she would get to see everything. For the most part, aside from the green scales, and leather skin Sithick's body was for the most part humanoid-ish. His legs ended in a toned ass, while his ancestors did once upon a time have a tail evolution and standing upright had curved out his spine so that it ended with a slightly puffy if not well rounded ass.

However somehting was missing from his front. Sithick's cock was held internally when it wasn't in use. a protection to make sure that he had no immediate vulnerabilities. but in practice that meant that where Jaya may have expected to see a cock, she would instead see a slit, though not exactly like a female part it took a place higher up in the pelvis. It almost gave the illusion that Sithick was a female of his species, not that he had any idea what a female gorn looked like.

He pulled on the swim trunks he replicated quickly, hiding up his body and making sure he wasn't naked for very long. He regarded the pool. The room felt humid, but in an odd sort of way, unlike the sauna that was his room, the air here was wet with the water, and sterile, it tasted like cleaning supplies, and lemons. Stepping into the water, he shivered almost immediately feeling the tempature difference between the water and the rest of the room, it was odd. Made him somewhat slower, it wasn't however ice cold, just a bit of a shock, and as he got used to it, he started to move more to his normal pace. "Zhis is refreshing."

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #13

Jaya quirked an eyebrow up. Sithick didn't like violence? Since when? She'd seen him literally rip someone in half before! But he didn't elaborate on the comment. Jaya waited for an awkward moment but he stayed quiet. She nibbled on her lip. After another moment, he walked to the replicator. Jaya had expected him to order the trunks and disappear into the bathroom or the showers to change. But nope! Instead, he decided to rip his clothes off right then and there.

"Haha! Ohmygod Sithick! What are you doing?!" She laughed as he stripped. She'd NEVER seen him act like this before! "After all these years, did I finally rub off on you?"

Even though they had shared a room for years, Sithick had always been the modest type. Jaya was never shy about her body, and in fact was a bit of an exhibitionist. But Sithick? Never. In all her time living with him she'd never once seen him naked or this uninhibited. It was weirdly refreshing! And also just weird. At the end of the day, he was still a giant lizard. And he looked like one under his clothes.

Jaya didn't bother averting her eyes. It wasn't her style anyway, plus if he didn't want her to look, he shouldn't have taken his clothes off right there. And he looked like a lizard anyway. Although, maybe a female lizard? She'd never looked into the physical differences between male and female lizards, let alone Gorn. Before her post at the Black Opal, she never expected to see a Gorn! Still, she had though with him being male, there would have been some kind of scaly, bulbous cock. But no. Just a slit. A weird, long slit that was too high to be a vagina unless female Gorn had weird super high vaginas. Maybe they did. Who knew.

Either way, he was dressed again soon after and she followed him to the edge of the pool. She knew that he liked it warm because the cold slowed him down, but she hadn't considered that pools were cold. His reaction reminded her that he was a cold-blooded creature. Thankfully, he got in and seemed ok. Jaya grinned. Time to have some fun! She walked a few steps away from the stairs, toward the deeper end, and broke into a run. "CANNONBALL!!" She leaped into the water, tucking her knees to her chest and holding them tight as she splashed into the water.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #14
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick tilted his head as if playing innocent on what he was doing by taking off his clothing in public. Well it wasn't really public it was just Jaya in the room after all, and part of him wanted her to see him exposed. Well at least as exposed as he got without actively pulling his cock out to show her, but that seemed incredibly stupid and vulgar even with her former compliment that he was a handsome Gorn, then again he was the only Gorn. His answer to her if she was rubbing off on him, was simple, he looked towards her, tilting his head, and closing one of his yellow eyes slowly in an over exaggerated wink. "How many times have you walked around our home naked? Zhat was my one."

He moved through the water with an odd grace. Yes it was slightly colder than the air around him, but honestly he felt kinda fine. It wasn't as warm as the bath he had shared with Vivian, but it also wasn't slowing him down as much as he thought it would, in fact he felt kinda light and bouncy in the water. He moved walking through the water and felt like it was somehow familiar to him despite never having swam before.

As Jaya ran, he turned towards her. "You can't run on zhe~" He was cut off by her massive splash and let out a soft sigh, he kinda understood where she was coming from but at the same time she was confusing. He watched her sink into the deep end, and for a moment he thought that she would not re-emerge from the water. Then she did something odd. She moved about the water with an odd grace, he watched her swim and a slight confusion hit him.

"What are zhose movements you do, with your arms, and legs?" he said asking her genuinely curious about how someone actually swam in the water. He tried and sort of mimicked what she was doing. However he wasn't raising his arms up that high, and his legs sort of flailed around in the water, pushing him around as his body helped him float. His head crained upwards to keep his nose out of the water so he could breath.

Sithick apparently didn't know how to swim perfectly, but he was certainly large enough to doggy paddle without too much strain or effort.

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #15

Jaya sunk about 7 ft into the water curled up into the ball before straightening. Her toes pushed off the bottom of the pool. Her hands came together above her head and she kicked her feet together. Her body arced under the water. Her eyes were open and little bubbles escaped from her nose. After gliding a few feet, she arched her back upwards and broke the surface. Her hands wiped the water from her face and slicked her brown hair back. The ponytail she'd fashioned earlier had come lose in the water and her brief underwater swim had slicked it out of her hair. She came up for air several feet away from where the black elastic round bobbed on the surface.

"Oh that's brisk! But not bad once you get used to it. How is it for you?"  

Jaya watched him flounder about in the water. He was like a child learning how to swim for the first time. "Sithick?" He splashed about, obviously trying and failing to imitate her movements. She chuckled. "It's called swimming. Here, I can teach you the basic movements."

Jaya bobbed closer to Sithick. "Okay, raise your arms up like this and kind of cup your hands to scoop the water. No, higher. And cup your hands like- oh, well that won't work. You need to make your hands less like claws. Try and keep your fingers all close together and make a cup shape with your hand. No, not like that. Like this. Hmm..." This was gonna be harder than she thought.  

"You know what, let's try this another way. Can you float? Like this." Jaya bounced off the pool bottom and kicked her feet forward. She straightened onto her back and let her arms waft out to the left and the right. She tightened part of her core and let her natural bouyance take over. Her body bobbed on it's back. The surface of the water kissed her chest, her jawline, the tops of her thighs and her toes. Her hands moved in figure eights, keeping her body more or less in the same place. After a few moments, she righted herself.

Over the next half an hour or so Jaya tried to teach Sithick how to swim. She demonstrated the different types of kicks and the various arm movements for frontstroke, backstroke, breaststroke and even the butterfly. She showed him how to kick off from the side or bottom of the pool. She even tried to teach him to do handstands and somersaults underwater. But Sithick wasn't built like a human and the only thing he managed to do well was glide underwater.   

As they neared the hour mark of playing around in the pool, she noticed he was acting strange. Or stranger than normal. He wasn't responding as quickly and his movements had become sluggish. Even his speech had slowed down. Maybe it was too cold for him? He had always kept their quarters like a sauna and the pool water was considerably colder than that.

"Hey, how about we go warm up in the jacuzzi? You look a little cold, I think, and I could do with some relaxation." She flashed her infamous grin and swam to the steps. She gripped the metal rail with one hand and emerged from the water. Rivulets trickled down her body as she ascended onto the
deck. She took a moment to shake her head about like a rock star, flinging the excess water in her hair every which way. Then she shot a playful grin back to Sithick and hooked her fingers under her swimsuit straps. She made a show of lowering the straps as she walked, but only had her breasts exposed by the time she reached the hot tub. She hit the jets button and climbed down into the warm, bubbling water before slipping her suit the rest of the way off. She tossed it onto the deck and nodded for Sithick to join her.  

"Come on. It'll be fun. Just remember, no suits in here."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #16
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick did his best to immitate the motions he was watching her make. He struggled with it though. He could stretch out in the same manner, but he was also bigger and bulkier which made swimming more tiring than he had originally thought it would. Still Jaya was at the least trying her best to teach him, and he did get floating down rather quickly.

It was relaxing in the pools water. a little chilly, but that just meant it was relaxing he was able to close his eyes for a moment taking deep breaths, feeling kinda lethargic, but not so much that he wanted to sleep rather he just felt kinda sluggish. When heard her question about how it was for him he nodded his head. "Good. Water is nice."

The swimming lesson wasn't perfect or easy, but Sithick followed along as best he could trying in earnest to follow Jaya and swim like her, but it was clear that he was missing something. And as the time wound on, while he didn't get frustrated he was also so far starting to drift about, starting to rely on just floating, he also tested how long he could stay under the water for, between him and Jaya, he had been the clear winner as she had to return to the surface after almost a minute had passed, and he had felt no such need, in fact he never got to test out how long he could stay under the water, as Jaya had come back to check on him at the three minute mark and he had chosen to resurface with her.

Apparently his race had been at least partly aquatic because while the water was cold to him, he found it very relaxing to be in it, almost kind of natural. Over the hour his movements stopped becoming so clumsy as he started to work out exactly how to swim but he would never be called graceful, his body was simply too large, and held together awkwardly for the fine motor skills that Jaya motioned for. When she asked about hot tubs he opened his mouth to reply but instead a deep guttural yawn emitted from the beasts mouth, his jaws stretching wide as he raised a hand like he had seen humans do but it didn't exactly cover anything and Jaya would see the thick lines of teeth, as well as his rose pink tongue before they snapped shut with an audible crack and he shook himself more awake. He noded at the idea.

He got out of the water, letting the drops flow off of his leather like hide, a good thing about his skin was that it didn't really absorb water as much as say hair did. He did however look a very healthy green by the time he stepped out, he even seemed a bit younger in some ways, as his scales seemed to have less cracks and were vibrant and polished. The air outside of the pool was warmer than the pool had been, and instantly that hit him with a bit of a wake up call. Then his yellow eyes tracked Jaya. She exposed her breasts, and he watched them bounce with her steps, she was doing this to him on purpose now he knew that much. The two of them had already talked about those feelings, and now she was just teasing... or so he thought.

When her swimsuit hit the deck he realized that she was at least serious about being naked in the same proximity to him. He swallowed feeling... aroused by the thought. His jaw made chewing motions for a moment as he considered what to do, but something else was becoming aparent.

Sithick's shorts were suddenly a lot tighter than they had been when he had put them on. Since everything was usually held internally, he never put any thought or mind into his clothing about what would happen if it suddenly popped out so his clothing was usually a bit tight to him. Now it was even worse as he walked. He winced for a moment, but since the swimwear wasn't allowed in the pool anyway, he decided it would be best to just ditch it. "You are sure that is okay?" Sithick said glancing around for a moment nervous about this new rule. "I won't be... thrown off ship?"

No matter what he did he always had a fear that his desires were somewhat wrong, that he would be accused of something, and that no one would believe him. He was of course a gentle creature, but he was always afraid of judgement of others.

"If you insist." He was standing near the edge of the hot tub, the heat and fumes of the water helping to revitalize and rejuvinate, his claws touched the hem of his of his shorts, and slowly he pulled them down while still standing, while presenting himself to Jaya, this time she would see exactly why he hadn't had a cock the first time he had been naked. The thing had slid out of it's hiding hole, and it was massive. It bounced as it was freed from the confines of his tight shorts, it was wet with something, the tip was irregularly shaped smoothed back, it was the one part of his body that wasn't covered in hardened scales, but rather soft pale skin. It twitched in the open air, and sithick made no move to cover it as he walked into the water.

However his body trembled with every step clearly embarrassed at being naked. Even as he sat down in the bubbles, the cock rested against him full and errect, the tip almost breaking the suface of the water. He swallowed and looked towards Jaya, not really sure what to say. She had been naked many times around him, He had even once or twice quickly retreated to his room when he had seen her body the first few times, his uniform once even broke when his cock had pushed out too quickly. Now he was sitting free and exposed. He was convinced that she didn't really want to see him naked like this, after all she had just accepted his friendship, and she was usually the one so much more forward than him. If she had wanted him, he would know by now. "I'm... sorry if this is uncomfortable."

Re: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

Reply #17

Whatever Jaya had expected to see, it certainly wasn't engorged gorn cock. She failed to hide her surprise fast enough as she mouthed the words "oh my god." It was like something out of a horror movie! How could a penis even get that big?! Is that why he had such sudden amazing luck with the ladies? God how would that even feel?

...How would that even feel?

Jaya straightened and submerged herself under the warm, bubbling water. Nope. So much nope. All the nope. Sithick was her friend. Her only just-a-friend. Curious as she may suddenly be, it wasn't gonna happen. Besides, he'd already admitted to having feelings for her. Sleeping with him at this point would totally be leading him on, and that was not okay. Yes, she'd gone a bit hardcore with the teasing today, but it was all in good fun. Wasn't it?

Jaya's head broke the surface of the water as her hands flicked the excess from her face. She smiled at Sithick. Be cool. Act normal. Flirty. Fun. Be you.

"You know, this is the second full frontal you've given me today and i gotta say, how the hell did i miss that the first time? Is it like detachable? Do you hide it in your pocket until you're ready to have some fun and then BAM!, it's party time?" Dumb questions but she was so curious!

Jaya let him settle into the jacuzzi. Despite the water temperature, he seemed tense.
For a giant murder lizard. Maybe. Or maybe he really was uncomfortable?  "You're alright, Sith. Besides it's only fair. How many times have i been naked in our quarters with zero regard to you? Im sure i made you uncomfortable at least a few times. This doesn't bother me." She gestured to his cock. She could see it well despite the bubbles and the stream. She stared at it too long. She wanted to touch it but that would cross a line.

Or would it? It would be pretty normal operating procedure for her with almost anyone else. But Sithick wasnt anyone else. He was her friend. Her friend that crushed on her hard. Her friend that lived in the friend zone. Would he understand her rule of Just This Once? Maybe? Actually, probably not.  She shouldn't do that to him. It could ruin the delicate thing she was trying to fix!

Jaya looked up at Sithick. "It's ok if you're uncomfortable being here like this. But its nice to finally relax around you. I've been wound up this whole time and now i feel like i can finally start to let go." She smiled and leaned back. Her breasts bobbed with the bubbly water. "And also you're incredibly well hung and im jealous for your girlfriend. " She winked at him.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: SD 57560.94: Making Amends

Reply #18
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick's eyes tracked Jaya's and felt a touch exposed, but she was right she hadn't seen his cock the first time he had changed in front of her. He swallowed for a moment. Working out what to say exactly but this was Jaya she was always a touch sexual, she had always been like this. He saw that Jaya was starting to get flustered something he had never witnessed from her before, and he realized that it was because he wasn't just any other male. She had told him that she didn't have any other friends before. In a way he didn't either.

It was a slow realization but basically he had sex with all of his other 'friends' the only one whom he hadn't was the new roommate Mickayla, and he had seen her naked almost immediately. Jaya asked him questions about his anatomy, she was curious, but she was also dancing around the object, her eyes kept looking at him. He decided that he could explain that little detail. "It'sh held internally, The doctor called a sack, the muscle flex's when I need to use it for mating, or bathroom purposes. It is... sensitive, most delicate part of my body, so sack holds it from exterior bruising or damage." This was also why his pants were always a size or two too small.

She wasn't being the straight forward Jaya that he knew her to be, which meant that she cared more about him than the other men in her life. That thought was kinda touching even if he did really want her she couldn't view him as just another guy in the tub with her. If she did she probably would be on his lap by now.

Sithick moved closer to Jaya, sitting next to her, a claw lightly wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her naked frame against him. She called him Sith, much like he called Vivian Vivi, or he had called Lahkesis lettuce. It was a moment of pride for the lizard. She said she was jealious for her girlfriend, more dancing, he sighed for a moment. He held Jaya close, he could feel a little nervous, but at the same time, he was starting to get a picture of what was going on.

"Jaya, I know what I shared earlier."
He paused for a moment no that wasn't right, he needed to be like Jaya, don't obfuscate, that was what she was currently trying to do. Just be forward tell her what he needed in the moment.

His breath was warm against her skin he had moved so his jaw was right next to her ear for a moment, hot predatory breath brushed against her neck. "One time, I know you want us to be friends, I want zhat as well, but I also want you. Just once and then I never ask again."

Would that work with Jaya? She slept with every other man in her life once, he remembered her having repeat visitors on the opal but that was because of limited selection, the first return visitor had only been after she had gone through a little over half the male crew roster. But he was kind of lowering his status in a way.

Was a fantasy worth a change in their realtionship? or had their relationship changed already when she had moved out? Were their politics in play between them, or were they just friends... this was why humans were hard to track in his mind.

Re: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

Reply #19

It was like he had read her mind. Either that or she was more transparent than she'd thought. Was she curious? Yes. Was she horny? All the fucking time. Did she want this? ...

That question was harder to answer. For the first time, she felt unsure of her own sexual wants. Sithick was her friend. Her dear friend. Her only real friend. He'd known her longest and despite their rocky past, he was refreshingly easy to talk to. They had both made assumptions and it seemed like they had both forgiven one another. The situation was delicate. She hated delicate.

Sex without emotion was just sex. It filled a physical need for social contact and pleasure. Sure, she could fill the pleasure part at home herself but it was better with another person. But sex with emotion? That's where things got dangerous. She'd turned down so many amazing lovers because they got too attached.  It always led to a sense of entitlement. They crushed hard, maybe even fell in love, and assumed that repeat invitations to her bed meant some sort of unspoken relationship. They were always wrong.

Relationships were messy and awful. They never worked out right and everyone got hurt in the end. Even the happiest people in relationships were faking it. She knew. She'd seen it all her life. Her own mother died of a broken heart because of her father.

Jaya didn't want to get involved with any of it. What Sithick wanted was a recipe for disaster. It would ruin their friendship. She had to turn him down.

And yet...

Jaya let her body rest against Sithicks. Skin to scales. It was unlike her to be so quiet. She knew that. He would know that. Her arm moved to rest on his thigh. She gave his leg a squeeze and closed her eyes. The water bubbled against them. The steam rose and altered her sense of smell. The faint scent of chlorine filled her nostrils. Warmth flowed up through her body. Her legs were limp, moving with the jets wherever the current pushed them. She didn't have an answer but she needed to say something.

"I... I don't know."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

Reply #20
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick's arm wrapped gently around Jaya, he could sense the difference between this situation that he had conjored and her previous lovers, or perhaps that was not the word she would have used at all? Did he misread how sex worked with Jaya? Since discovering how sex was carried out between him and others, part of him had assumed that it had worked in the same way with everyone that it was a question of comfort and familiarity. That people chose to give their time and affection towards people they knew and they had been comfortable with. But looking back at Black Opal there was a bit of a discrepancy. Jaya never really seemed to like the men that she brought home.

She didn't explain it, just that she didn't know if them doing anything would be different, or if it would change anything in their relationship. Addmittedly perhaps this amount of trust was an uncomfortable or new level for the two of them. Perhaps he was pushing his ideas of sex onto Jaya without fully understanding how it worked for her.

A claw, roamed around Jaya's shoulder, holding her lightly against him. He held the much smaller human girl for a moment, his claw brushing against her soft smooth skin. For her it would be a light but leathery touch, almost tickling her, except for the claws, which grazed her skin like blunt nails, leaving small goosbumps as it trailed over her. Sithick blunted his claws, he took time to prune himself to make himself less dangerous.

He moved closer to Jaya, leaving her hand on his thigh, he brought her head to rest against his chest. he sighed, and placed his muzzle over top her head for a moment, his snout brushing against her in the simulacra of a kiss. However this too only brought the differences to how intimacy must have worked for the Gorn and Humans. Here instead of lips to kiss her and comfort her, she would feel the not so soft bone, and leather of his skin and jaw, the wet saliva of his mouth which wasn't held back by lips. His warm breath smelled of mint but that's because he had taken painstaking effort to brush and clean his mouth this morning.

He held Jaya against him for a moment. He had not known her to show vulnerability before. He didn't know if she would do so now. Knowing that she was in deep from the syndicate made him wonder if he could even protect her.  Should he withdraw from her? The silence made him feel uncomfortable, and if he was uncomfortable than he had no idea how she would feel after the words he had just spoken. Perhaps it would be best not to have shared his thoughts or feelings at all.

Then there was the darker thought, he was getting a little heated because of the hotter water and air. He was thick, and hard. Jaya was small, Feminine, and she was close, His claws trembled for a moment, There was a very real animal brain behind sithick, the part of him that had been the child soldier, the part of him that had eaten bodies on the battlefield, the part of him that had been taught to take what you want. Those thoughts had always been religated to things like food, the few times he had needed to protect the crew, not the women around him. But it was a thin line to cross, and he was hungry in a way. He had even seen it before, Sithick had first met Song as two men had attempted to hurt her. He had considered the action back then too, and Jaya... Jaya was something he had wanted for a very long time... He could just hold Jaya down, and...

Sithick shifted pulling away from her as soon as the dots connected, pulling away from her and looking at her for a moment his eyes wide with a sense of fear. He breathed as his heart had spiked from the idea. he shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his mind, he looked like the monster, but he was not the monster. He had told the counselor a long time ago, the maiden never ends up with the monster holding her captive, it was like that old earth legend of the dragon and the peach, Jaya deserved a plumber not a monster.

He shivered for a moment. Realizing his entire reaction from the idea of taking her to the shock and fear had been abundant on his face, if she could read his facial expressions she could probably follow his emotional logic, if she was even paying attention. Not to mention he had not spoken.

He opened his maw for a moment, trying to explain why he had pulled away. "It is okay Jaya.... These thoughts are new to me still... I..."

Did he try to explain that he had just had some sort of day dream about holding her? "I bare no fangs towards you. I have no desire to hurt you. I'd not... I should not have spoken. I hast realized long ago, I am the dragon, no maiden loves the dragon."

Re: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

Reply #21

Moments stretch. That's the funny thing about living in them. You lose track of time. The smell of mint. A brush of leather. The gentle scrape of filed bone. Were the droplets from the sauna or from Sithick's mouth? She had bo idea. It didnt matter. Eyes were closed. Bodies relaxed (mostly). Just two friends(?) sitting extra close while comforting one another.

How long did she hold him like that? How long was she content to stay in his embrace? It was familiar and safe, in a way she had never experienced. But decisions needed to be made.

She felt his claw tense as the pressure of his grip changed. She looked up at him. What he must think of her...

But when he spoke, his words were solemn and regretful.  Her forehead wrinkled as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Sith... It's not like that. You have a girlfriend and I do try not to homewreck on purpose. Plus, I don't know how to have a normal friendship. I don't think I've ever had one before. Right now I just want to enjoy your company. But I totally get it if this is pushing your boundaries. And I'm sorry.  Truly. "
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

Reply #22
@Even Angels Cry

Sithick's head paused for a moment. He realized something he was thinking rather selfishly at all of this. He saw Jaya, a different side of her one that she had not shown before, and he was focused on the fact that they were naked. His mind was making some connections, nudity didn't always equate to sex for humans. He supposed it made sense he had no idea how Gorn's worked if there was that equation, but looking back at how Orion's worked Orion female wore very little in terms of clothing yet he had never witnissed them mating.

He reached a claw out of the water, and brushed Jaya's head slightly, His claw patted her head before rubbing the bridge of his nose. He supposed he owed her a bit of an apology  himself. He really should just enjoy this time, and not try to overstep these boundrys. "My relationschip ztatus is... complicated."

"I had two girlfriends, before one... was the murdered.
" He was still getting over the death of his lettuce but he would deal with that in time, not to mention find the klingon responsible, and crush their tiny skull. "and current realtionship, is... Open door?"

He still wasn't sure exactly how that wording worked out. But it was the best way he could describe it. Both he and Vivian saw other people or at the least were open to seeing other people. They weren't public in anyway. In fact he was sure that vivian was a bit embarrassed to be seen with him. He didn't blame her, he would be embarrassed to be seen with him as well if he was a pretty human like her.

"But these things do not matter."
As he spoke he stretched out in the water, rolling himself so that he could lay his  chin on the edge of the pool, as he sat on his knees and stretched out his spine. "Water feels nice." He said softly.

"I enjoy your company Jaya, and I should not spoil zhat."
He said with a small click of his tongue. He closed his eyes for a moment. "I am still getting used to humans, you have been my role model for a long time."

Re: Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends

Reply #23

Jaya scoffed. Role model? There was nothing remotely role model-y in her behavior lately. Or ever, really. She'd always put up walls and let people in on her own terms. Usually for sex only. It's why she didnt have friends. She had convinced herself that she didnt need them. That she was better off alone. That no one really expected her to befriend them...

That those who expressed interest in her had only base intentions...

Maybe because she expected it from everyone,  she was never disappointed when they delivered on their vulgarities and desires. It had always meant interesting nights and quenched hormones, but it was lonely sometimes. Most of the time. She didnt ever hang out with people. She didnt have that one person to confide in. She had a journal, but sometimes the words needed to be spoken instead of written down. Sometimes she wanted that camaraderie of another body beside her solely to share her emotions. A friend.

She had friends once. Long ago. On Deneva. But they turned on her. They left her and weren't there for her when she needed them. When her parents fought. When they split up. When her mom's family ruined her life. Her friends vanished, so she toughened up. She hadn't needed them then and she didn't need them now.

But she wanted friends. At least one. And Sithick had been by her side for years now. Three? Four? How long had it been since she was sent to the Opal? If anyone was going to understand her, it would be him. But she was no role model.

She was about to tell him so when he stretched out. Her face softened into a slight smile. He was loving this. It had been a good choice on her part.

"I thought you might like the water. Especially this cuz it's warm and i know how you like things tropical. But really, I'm no one's role model. I just was to be your friend, you know? My head isn't in the right place right now for anything else."

Jaya let her body sink into the warm water until she was nearly floating. Her hands held the edge of the jacuzzi as her feet bobbed just under the surface. She closed her eyes.

"You are right about this though.
The water is perfect."

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

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