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CH02: S [D06|0005] New Friends, Old Ghosts

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0005hrs. ] New Friends, Old Ghosts

[ Lt. JG Izar Bila| Close to the Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Arista

Bio Lab

Bila pushed the anti-grav sled out of the turbolift, the device slid in front of him smoothly, its antigraviton field preventing its contents from totter in the slightest. The chemist was grateful that he had been allowed to take the device from the fighter assault deck, relieving the effort of his tired muscles. Possibly it would have been easier to ask for a transport site to site for all that impedimenta, but the scientist wasn't too sure that the transporters worked correctly with a material as delicate as the vaccines ... or as unstable as the modified matter-antimatter reaction like the one in the ORE. Not that he didn't trust the adjustments that the CPO had made in the chemical reaction but ... no, if he was honest with himself, he didn't trust Eboh's work. The other hybrid had shown to have a nature as much or more mischiveous than his own, and very little love for the Cardassians. It was better to be cautious.

Besides, the science officer had always been extremely punctilious with his investigations, and the precarious conditions in which he had been forced to work in the Alligeant had only exacerbated his desire to control all the material of his research and leave several experiments underway before a more than deserved R & R time. The last twenty-four hours had been an accelerated succession of work against the clock and startles and the chemist couldn't wait to leave all the material in order and controlled before directing his feet to the lounge, catching up with Ravon and falling asleep in any bed of which he could dispose. With a bit of luck the borgs wouldn't haunt his dreams this night.

He stopped his feet next to one of the information panels screen and tapped the LCARS until it showed him the way to reach the bio-lab. Luckily, it seemed relatively close to where he was. Bila took a moment to memorize the route, looking at the display as he scratched distractedly at the hirsute scruff of his chin. He hadn't had time to tame that wild stubble for days and it looked disastrous. His eyes stared back at him reflected on the screen, his face was haggard, his hazel eyes shining with an tormented look under the shadows of his browridges.If he had ever seemed like a madman, it was at that moment.The lieutenant moved away from the screen, slowly shaking his head, which made that his bajoran earring tinkled softly.

A few junctions later, the doors of the bio-lab opened before the sled. In front of him he could see a DNA simulation station, displaying a spinning DNA helix of something the chemist couldn't identify. To his left there was a small office, hardly anymore than a desk and a chair, whose walls blocked the view of the rest of the laboratory. Bila didn't felt much desire to explore the room, so he didn't mind. He pushed the sled aside, placed the vaccine briefcase on the table, and dropped heavily into the chair with a satisfied grunt. He just sat there a few minutes, eyes closed, just enjoying the comfort of the seat. When he opened his eyelids, he could see that he wasn't alone.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0015hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #1
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen 

Carefully, Silim Parnak loaded the last piece of handheld equipment back into the storage cupboard that was positioned behind the tiny office in the laboratory assigned to him by Vivian Martin. The workspace was sufficient, he supposed. Enough to begin his work in earnest, even if it wasn’t as well provisioned as he would like. A small part of the exobiologist thought about meeting the human woman again and pressing her for a larger space. The initial conversation they had was pleasant and she had followed through with her end of the promises. Quickly, he dismissed the idea. He had done a similar idea with Captain Ives and just about scraped through, besides, what else could he get except more square-footage? A young, lithe assistant couldn’t hurt, he concluded with a smile.

Sliding shut the frosted glass fronted door of the cabinet, Parnak heard the tell-tale hiss of opening doors.  Someone had let themselves into his lab. So far, the only person to do this was Tancredi. Muting a sigh, Silim rubbed part of the ridge that circled his eye. It was late, and the girl should be resting. Since their lunch date a few days earlier, Parnak has secretly been devoting part of his time in the search for a way to cure her affliction. Other doctors had attempted to help, but they all lacked one thing. They weren’t Silim Parnak.

Squaring his shoulder, Parnak prepared himself for the inevitable tête-à-tête that was about to ensue. When he was ready, Silim turned the corner, mouth opening to begin the verbal to and fro only to gaze upon an unattended anti-grav sled. This was not Tancredi. Not unless she was delivering a week’s supply of sem’hal stew. No, he concluded, this was something new.

Cautiously, Silim stepped forward and depressed the controls, turning off the DNA simulation station. It wouldn’t do for people to walk in to see a Cardassian hovering over Human DNA. Conclusions would be drawn. Incorrect ones at that. In another corner of the lab there was the faint sound of movement and of soft, tired, breath. When Silim went to investigate he found something he had not expected to see on Theurgy, not even in his wildest dreams.

Sitting his chair, eyes closed, was another Cardassian. Why had Ejek not said there were others aboard? Something wasn’t right though and when Parnak took another step, he could plainly see what. Less defined ridges in most places, yet additional on the bridge of the nose. And was that facial hair? Disgusting. The man in front of him was no Cardassian, but a Cardassian Bajoran hybrid. No wonder Ejek hadn’t mentioned him.

The years of deliverance had taken toil on both Bajor and Cardassia, yet there was one unfortunate side-effect that was more tragic than most. That was the orphans. Bajorans and Cardassians had come together and created new life, but when the nations were forced their separate ways, these children were left behind. Orphans had no value or status in Cardassian society. Charities and advocates had spoken up on Prime during the time, but they were quietly quelled by the order. The Bajorans, thankfully, stepped up to look after the displaced and the subject was closed. At least, that was the idea. In fact, there had been many times that these orphans had been turned into political pawns, getting brought to Cardassian space in an elaborate ploy to dispose of potential adversaries. It was an alarming and shocking way to treat life, but Silim knew there was little he could do.

Unsure of whether the man was sleeping or not, Parnak remained still and watched for a moment. He wore a Starfleet uniform. Unsurprising, he supposed. Bajor had joined the Federation after all. There were bound to be those making their way into the fleet.

Silim wanted to wake the sleeping intruder and ask him of his purpose here. However, there was a risk. How would he react? After spending many years on Bajor, many of the orphans he had seen on the news cycles were not impressed with meeting the more scaled of their heritage. Of all the questions tumbling through Silim’s mind. There was one which was much louder than the rest. What the hell was this hybrid doing in his lab?

The words he used, however, was much more polite.

“Is there something you need?”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0015hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila|  Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Arista

When Bila opened his eyes and found himself facing a cardasian male, an automatic response came to his lips. "Ts-ts!!! ver'tek, rhodrun!" he quickly mumbled. It was barely a sentence, just a couple of words sticked together in a childish way. When his brain reached the same state of alert of his tongue, he realized what he had just gurgled, and proceeded to chastised himself for his submissive reaction.  It had been almost two decades since he had used that language, except in a couple of rare occasions, during the War. That a brief glimpse to a Cardassian man triggered him that kind of answer was absolutely unusual. He'd hiden his more cardassian mannerisms for so long that he barely remembered them. Perhaps it was the recent session with Ejek, which had brought to light memories and experiences that he had kept in the back of his mind for years. Maybe it was the Kayo, who was beginning to act in strange ways, activating routes of his brain that he never used anymore. Maybe the fatigue and stress of the latest hours were playing tricks on him. Possibly, it was a combination of all that. What wasn't justified in any way was the arbitrary hypocoristic. That could only be described as a disgraceful faux pas. This man was nothing like whom Bila had called Ts-ts. Although both were possibly of the same height, the man who looked at him from the other side of the room was more slender, his eyes darker, his features more angular. And at the current time Ts-ts probably was a venerable eldery man, if he was still alive. Besides, this stranger was dressed as a civilian. What was a civilian cardassian scientist doing in a Starfleet vessel? In any other starship, Bila had thought it was an aide for some Fleet experiment. It was pretty rare in a dreadnough, but not impossible. Maybe he'd being caught in that starship flagged as traitor unnaware of what was happening. He felt a rush of sympathy for the man.

"Sorry, sir. I thought this lab was unused" He started over, putting himself back to his feet. The chemist etched a forced smile in his face, while he approached te other man, stopping only two steps away from him. He tilted his head slightly to a side before kept talking, trying to mimicry the other man's posture. Bila was well aware that the 'chameleon effect' smoothnessed interactions with strangers, and was one of his basic resources when he didn't know what to expect when he first meet someone. His last interaction with a Cardassian, with Ejek, had been delightfully positive, but it was far from being the norm when he interacted either with cardassians or bajorans. Especially with the former since he began wore the Starfleet uniform. "I just need to reproduce some cultures in a controled enviroment. A preventive... 'vaccine' that I'm developing. Not my expertise area, so I guessed I could found some useful material here." The chemist took good care in don't explaining the exact nature of the vaccine. Borg's nanoprobes were more expensive than Latinium on the black market. If whoever was in front of him had been Starfleet officer, Bila wouldn't  have been so suspicious. But he was face to face with a civilian. And Cardassian. He's been accused of many times of Cardassian duplicity, but he had no doubts that he was a mere amateur if he compared himself with a Cardassian raised as such. And a part of him hated himself for that prudent approach. Still, he felt like a hypocrite.

"I also need some space to work with the ORE," he continued pointing to the cluster of panels and cables carried by the sled. The hybrid couldn't help a slight grimace when he looked at the device. He had begun to develop it in a hurry and with few means at his disposal, and it was far from looked like a high-tech device. Rather, it seemed something closer to some wastes pillaged from a scrapyard. It was far from being his most elegant work.

"I guess we'll be lab coworkers, at least for awhile. I'm Lieutenant Junior Izar Bila, from USS Cayuga by the way". He widened the smile on his face and extended a hand in front of him. Introductions were mandatory in that case. And, for now, he should keep his manners.

Placeholder for Cardassian language till it was seated by all cardies' writers.

ts-ts → pet name for a grandparent
ver'tek → sorry (for a minor offence)
ogamĵan → Aged man, old man, sir.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0015hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #3
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen 

Silim couldn’t help but relish as the hybrid startled himself to consciousness. After all, this was not a hostel or a bunk room, it was a laboratory and the impertinence of the intruder just pressing himself on Parnak was not lost. The Cardassian that the visitor spoke was rudimentary at best. Unsurprising with the upbringing he would have been subjected to and as such, Silim let it wash over him.

The hybrid explained his reasoning behind why he was intruding and to a certain degree, Silim could understand. Likewise, if he hadn’t been in his laboratory at this time, who know what havoc could have been wrought while this visitor designed a vaccination. Parnak took a sidelong glance towards the mess of cables while his counterpart spoke. All in all, it seemed like there was a mistake.

That was until he outstretched a hand in the form of a handshake for a greeting. Parnak blinked a couple of times at the outstretched limb before coldly replying.

“Doctor Silim Parnak, Board of Exobiology, Cardassian Science Ministry.”

It was a decidedly human action that the hybrid had taken and, the last that he looked, neither of them was human. Thus, there was no need for such platitudes as grasping palms in a sign of friendship. The man was a visitor from off Theurgy and as such, wouldn’t be staying long. He did wonder when this Cayuga had shown up. There had been little in the way of announcements, this was something he would need to take up at later date.

“I’m sure as interesting your little ore project may be, this ship is equipped with geological facilities. In fact, there are a great number of research laboratories.” As he spoke, Parnak closed the distance between them, checking back over his visitor that, aside from the chair, nothing else in his office space had been moved. Then, with careful graceful motions, Silim grasped the hybrid by the shoulder and twisted, turning both men in a pirouette until his guest faced the exit. “So why you don’t take your minerals and find one out there.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0005hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila|  Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Arista

Bila should have expected that his cordial offer of a handshake would not be well received. Maybe it was a too human a gesture, a pleasantry far from either Cardassian or Bajoran greetings. Perhaps it uncovered a prejudice regarding the mixed ancestry of the chemist. Maybe the Cardassian scientist was distrustful. Or maybe he was just ill-mannered. At least he had the good grace to introduce himself as Doctor Silim Parnak, an exobiologist from the Cardassian Science Ministry. In fact, the cardassian scientist's assistance would be of great help both to perfect the vaccine and finish developing the ORE if they managed to overcome the initial roughness. Izar was about to go over the cardassian etiquette he could remember to put Dr. Parnak at ease when he spoke again, approaching the hybrid at the same time. Biila blinked slowly, firstly at the obvious confusion of the other scientist about the nature of his research, but mostly about the sudden invasion of his personal space. The situation worsened for him when the taller man grabbed his shoulder and forced him to turn around, making him face the door and 'inviting' him to leave. Much to his chagrin, Bila stiffened under Parak's long fingers and before he knew it he jerked away from the other man, moving away several steps, until his hip hit the sled. "Don't ..." he began to say in a threatening voice, putting his hands between his body and the xenobiologist. A defensive stance. Why? Yeah, Dr. Parnak had been arrogant and standoffish, but he hadn't been physically hostile till that moment. What the deuce happen with him that day? Yeah, he had been working tirelessly for many hours. Yeah, the tension of the Borg's battlefield encounter and the short skirmish before landing on the Theurgy's vector was still curled in the pit of his stomach. But none of those reasons should have made him behave in such a distrusting manner. Maybe it was a side effect of the Kayo. It must be that.

Bila blinked slowly and took a deep breath, trying to recover his composure. With deliberately slow movements, he lowered his arms to situate them to his sides. Even with all his effort, he noticed that his posture was stiffer than it should be, so he allowed himself to cross his arms over the lean chest, protecting himself. That made him feel a bit better. A bit calmer. "Apologies, ogamĵan," he finally said, rubbing his eyes with the index and thumb of his left hand. He felt that he must  give an explanation for his behavior, but he doubted that whatever he said would placate the other scientist, so he just sighed softly before he continued speaking. He tried to make his voice sound confident and stern, but it was evident even in his own ears that he was simulating both. "I'm afraid you're confused about the ORE's nature. It's the acronym of 'Omicron Radiation Emitter', I'm developing a treatment for the first phases of borg assimilation process, together with another series of prophylactic measures, such as the vaccines of which I've previously spoken. And since a Cube has just flown over this vector few minutes ago, I think you'll appreciate that I develop these lenitives oriented towards a biological patient and not toward a geological patient as you propose." Bila couldn't help his sentence ended with a derisive tone, humour (even if it was tinted with sarcasm) had been always a kind of verbal aegis around himself.  "I'd much rather be able to count on your collaboration since I'm a chemist, not a biologist, and I think your help would be invaluable." He continued flatteringly this time. He took a second to straighten his back and fixed his hazel eyes in the full-cardassian brown ones. When he spoke again there was an unusual challenge in his voice. "However, if you decide to be a nuisance in my research, I'll need to ask you to leave this lab. This is a Starfleet vessel, not Cardassian Union one, and I, as a scientific officer of the Fleet, have priority to occupying this installation. Even more when you are only a civil guest" While to his speech was developed, Bila's voice was gaining in audacity, even he allowed himself to lift his hirsute chin. When he finished his speech, he wrinkled his nose, while his lips twisted in a stubborn smirk. There were few circumstances in which the hybrid stood his ground fiercely and, for better or for worse, Dr. Parnak had stepped into one of them.

Placeholder for Cardassian language till it was seated by all cardies' writers.
ogamĵan → Aged man, old man, sir.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0015hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #5
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen 

What an odd little man had come into his laboratory tonight. Like an animal backed into a cage, the hybrid had retreated to his mess. Think, Parnak chastised himself, there as a documented history of Cardassian-Bajoran cross-breeds being uncomfortable with physical contact. Silim guess he should feel lucky that he wasn’t bitten. A small, smirk of apology started to grace his face and his mouth parted to speak, when he felt the backlash.

Apparently, this hybrid used words in an attempt to injure rather than any physical activity. It was the defence of a man with nothing else. A petty attempt to show off his importance to the current situation. Parnak’s face turned to a scowl when Izar sighed and attempted to belittle by explaining that in fact ore did not mean ore but was, in fact, an acronym no doubt designed to frustrate anyone not intrinsically experienced with the subject. Parnak hated acronyms. They were used by administrators and record keepers attempting to sound important. If Silim had his way all acronyms, especially those the same as common words, would have been banned long ago. Though irritating, Parnak could let it go. He did give the man a fright after all.

However, it was when the hybrid tried to insist that, as a Starfleet officer, he had a greater claim to the research facility that Silim couldn’t remain silent any longer. Feeling his shoulders stiffen, Parnak stretched himself to full height and tried to speak clearly, despite his jaw clenching.

“Lieutenant Izar, as you’ve said, you are a not from this vessel and, as such, the use of scientific facilities on Theurgy are not your purview to assigned or dismiss.” He did not try to invade the Hybrid’s personal space again. That particular lesson had already been learnt. “This research space has been placed into my control to work in under orders from Captain Ives and Lieutenant Commander Martin. So, unless you are attempting to tell me that you’ve relieved the Commanding Officer and Chief Science Officer, your grandiose claim leaves little to be desired.”

Parnak thought about taking it further, there were a variety of areas that he could nit-pick. He could even throw in personal insults but, utilmately, Silim could tell that would only end one way, with Security being called. Instead, the good doctor, took a PADD from one of the neat piles on his desk and pressed a few buttons to clear its memory.

“Now, because you’ve barely asked for assistance, that and your little project sounds like it has merit, I will work with you." He spoke, waving the now clear PADD in air as he gesticulated. The tone of his voice still held that little viciousness from before. "I just want you to remember one thing. ‘Scientific Officer of the Fleet’ or not, you are the guest in here, so perhaps should you attempt some of that civility you preach about.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0005hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila| Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Arista

There were not many occasions when Bila had to eat his own words as quickly as Dr. Parnak had managed to get him to do it. As much as it pained him to have been beaten on what he considered his own game, that the Cardassian was right in his assertions humiliated him even more.The hybrid faked a cough, hiding his shaggy jaw behind his hand, in a useless attempt of hide his embarrassment. He had to admit that he was facing a true syllogism expert. One that was way over his own skills. But being aware of this fact didn't make the condescending manners of the doctor less bitter, quite the contrary. Bila had no problem accepting the tutelage of someone more prepared than himself and, of course, had always considered science a collective activity, in which collaboration was the priority and inflated egos had little room to work. But being patronized in the way that the Doctor was doing it... that stirred a part of himself that rarely came to light. Unwittingly, he left fall his hands to his sides and balled them there. When he was finally able to look at the other man again, he just sneered him, his eyes full of badly hidden rancour. And despite himself, under his gaze the Doctor seemed taller than before, heftier, more menacing. The chemist felt small and emaciated in front of him, so he prickled even more. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction of hearing him apologize again.

And then... then... Silim Parnak moved slowly, elegantly and offered him a Padd, and his help with him. A help loaded with disdain and with a not so veiled menace embroidered. But he couldn't reject it just for his hurted pride. For a few seconds he just stared at the padd in Parnak's hand as if it were going to turn into a poisonous creature and attack him at any given moment. His eyes drifted from the device to the extended arm, the squared shoulders, the uppish neck to finally reach his eyes anew. He couldn't read what was behind those eyes. There were too many layers, too many corners in Parnak's mind and the hybrid knew that he was only allowed to see what the older man wanted that he could see it. Bila let the offer remain on hold longer than it was respectfully necessary, without taking his gaze from the other man's eyes.  In large part because he wanted to give him back some of the humiliation he felt. And because he knew that he would know why he was doing it.

Finally, Bila reached out and grabbed the device. He managed to do it with a smile on his face, but he did not try in feign a tad of friendliness in it. "I'm glad you agree to collaborate with me, ogamĵan" He thanked in a sickeningly sweet tone, and extra oily pitch in the last word. Bila turned his back on Parnak, struggling to appear more calm than he really felt, his movements measured and studied. He was well self-aware that his lanky frame made him look much more clumsy than the elegant cardassian. Especially when he was searching in a messy duffel bag packed in a hurry, pretty different of his usual meticulous arranges. Finally he found the padd that he was looking for and started copying files to the Parnak device. For a moment he was tempted to censor part of his research and sources, with the sole reason to bother the Doctor. But he must think of the greater good, not in his ego. When the files were copied, he handed the padd without looking away from his own. "As you will see in the main file, I have developed a vaccine based on a modification of the nanoprobes of a former borg drone. Instead of their usual behavior, the nanoprobes are programmed to use components of the patient's blood plasma to synthesize a neural suppressant that inhibits the Collective's voice in case of assimilation and that would allow the patient to remain being an autonomous entity and seek help or keep fighting the borgs. The inoculation has a life cycle of about 3 hours being conservative, after that time the supressant begins to degrade the modified nanoprobes until they are useless and end up being excreted by the usual methods," he summarized briefly. "The biggest problem that I have found is that the index of growth of the cultures is very low in laboratory conditions and most catalysts to accelerate growth don't work with nanoprobes, so thy could only be syntethized at a very slow rate . This isn't problematic in a small vessel, but in any crew with a number exceeding three figures it's highly insufficient." Bila raised a hand to touch the thin chain of his earring. When he realized that he was resorting to a nervous habit, he lowered the hand to the padd, clenching its casing. "Although nanoprobes are synthetic and inorganic in nature, they react as biological components in ways that are far from my expertise," he finally acknowledged.

Fearing that the other scientist would mock his lack of knowledge, he left his padd on the table, heading to the sled where the ORE rested. "The Omicron Radiation Emitter is my solution to the assimilation, I've found records of at least one case of previous success and my preliminary tests on isolated nanoprobes samples indicate that it is viable. So far the radiation tests in blood samples with nanoprobes have been inconclusive. However, the situation in which i was forced to run the experiment was far from ideal: I only had samples of my own blood with modified nanoprobes. I was subject to treatment with several meds that may or may not alter the results. Mostly painkillers and ... 'Kayosegranine.' " He confessed finally. He saved for himself the obvious comment that he, as a cross-breed, wasn't the best suitable lab-rat due his unique genetic make-up.

Placeholder for Cardassian language till it was seated by all cardies' writers.
ogamĵan → Aged man, old man, sir.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0015hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #7
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen 

There was a long pause before the hybrid finally took the PADD. Parnak could tell immediately, he was going to regret this. For now, though, he had promised to help, and he would do exactly that. He was a teacher and scientist by trade, so it was good to impart knowledge. Silim had to be careful, taking someone new under his wing. He would care for this hybrid like you would care for a bush; nurturing it and allowing it to grow. Parnak knew though, that like all plants, if this hybrid got too big, he would have to cut him back.

As Izar explained his methodology and purpose of the project, Silim read along with the files that had been placed on his device. There was reasonable promise, he concluded but would never admit. He needed the frustration emanating from the other scientist. It would push him to do better work.

It was only when the hybrid spoke of testing his hypothesis on himself, did Parnak pause, the hybrid’s complex genetic makeup would impede the simplicity of the work.  That was bad enough, then his new colleague let slip that he was medicating himself as well.

“Kayosegranine? Why are you…? ” He rasped, exasperated before shaking his head dismissively. “Nevermind. I don’t want to know.”

Parnak knew little about the drug aside from the name and what it was commonly used for. He knew he’d most likely read about it later as the information would no doubt come in use. In the meantime, he tried to formulate a plan. There was the option of sharing his own genetic material but that did not feel like an appetising prospect.

There was always the work he had started for Tancredi. He pondered if it could be of use. After all, she had time, right?

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0005hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila| Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Arista

“As I said, the circumstances in which I had to start my research weren't the most appropriate. So I worked with what I had on hand.” Bila repeated, more bitterness in his voice that he wanted to show. The hybrid focused  himself on calm his breath rate and the tightness that grew on his face. He wasn't like that. He was charming, almost pliant, not this resented rebellious he was portraying. Somehow, Dr. Parnak seemed to awaken in him parts of himself that he didn't know that there were inside himself. Or that he preferred to ignore. It was highly inappropriate. He had to get over it. The Cardassian civilian could be useful for his investigation, he could give him a perspective that he lacked, given his area of ​​experience. In addition, the subtle contempt shown by the xenobiologist in all his interactions only fueled Izar's desire to show him that he was a worthy colleague and a reputable scientist in his own area of ​​expertise. He would earn his respect. He must do it. Even if it was only to show him that a bastard was as valuable as a pure blood.

However, as soon as that resolution was formed in his mind, Parnak's exasperated remark made his left eyeridge twitched again. With great effort Bila elaborated an answer, that although it had not been requested, he felt obliged to provide, if only to justify himself. "The medication I'm taking and why i'm doing it, it's between Ma'am Ejek and myself. So yeah Doctor, you don't NEED to know more than I've exposed about it" The hybrid's voice sounded so falsely sweetened that he even surprised himself. "The only important thing you need to have in mind is that the presence of the chemicals can provide a bias in my research with the ORE.” Bila sentenced to stop stressing that matter. “In any case, if you look at the document AWOR-22, ogamĵan, you could see that I've experimented with very low omicron values with my samples, given the lethality of the radiation nature. I think that if you have data about the values ​​that can support the most common species among the crew, we could speed up the tests. We could work in the crossbreed species later, fathoming their tolerance between the common range of the parent's races" He suggested, trying to refocus the conversation on the investigation so as not to have to endure Parnak's disdain again. He was not sure if he would be able to hold his tongue before another verbal attack.

Placeholder for Cardassian language till it was seated by all cardies' writers.
ogamĵan → Aged man, old man, sir.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0015hrs. ] New friends, old ghosts.

Reply #9
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Biology Lab | Deck 9 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen 

“Quite…” Parnak summed up his feelings towards the Hybrid’s choice in using himself as a test subject. The conversation then moved on, the file the officer from the Cayuga had identified was promising and would definitely provide a good basis for their work.

One thing was acutely apparent, the lack of material for the hybrid to work with. There as a definitive alignment between what he had collected from Tancredi and what was needed. He would need to gain more samples if he wanted to work on both this ORE project and her tumour. It wouldn’t be difficult to convince the human to help with the project, and it’d give Silim another chance to spend time with her. The was a current duality with the pilot. Concern for her current state, but also the eternal enjoyment in teasing the poor girl.

“I think I have an idea.” Silim spoke out loud as he tapped a few commands into the keypad embedded in his desk. It was a search request for the human. Simple enough.

When the results came Parnak, he could barely believe his eyes. Sickbay. Was he too late? Had the neural degradation he had seen accelerated so fast? Staring dumbfounded for a moment. He snapped back to reality and began moving with alacrity. He collected a couple of PADDs and downloaded his Tancredi research to date.

Without a regard to the other occupant of the lab, Parnak turn and made his way to the door. Only went he stepped so close to the threshold that it parted, did he remember his visitor and turn back.

“I will return. In the meantime, why don’t you make a start without me?” Without any further reverence or even waiting to hear the reply, Silim abandoned the officer from the Cayuga. Leaving the hybrid to undoubtedly run amuck in his lab was an unappetising prospect but an unfortunate necessity. He had a life to save. If there was a Vulcan present, no doubt they would have blustered about the needs of the many; What they would have failed to take into consideration was that the few in this case was Krystal Tancredi.

With long strides, he walked the down the corridor with great pace. He just hoped he wasn’t too late.


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