| Upon the screen, a view of the Theurgy's bridge appeared, centred on the Captain's Chair.
There sat Jien Ives, bare-chested and holding the hilt of his dai-katana - the sharp point resting against the deck next to the chair. The imitation of a dragon tattoo sprawled across his left shoulder and down his chest, and his gaze was firmly locked upon the viewer of the recording. Already, the Senior Staff of the Theurgy would know something was amiss... because the Captain had worn a full uniform when the recording had been done.
"I am Captain Jien Ives, the Commanding Officer of the Federation starship Theurgy, and formerly a Starfleet officer," said the Chameloid by means of introduction, his voice monotone - soulless in the grave delivery. "By now, the news about me and my crew should have reached all corners of the Alpha Quadrant, so it's fitting that you hear this now, directly from me... instead of any excuses Starfleet Command may have for my actions."
Shifting the grip on his sword, Ives tilted his head forward - piercing the viewer with his stare. "At the beck and call of Starfleet Command, I peddled peace for many years, but it grew apparent how peace to the Federation was not the same as the peace for the people of all the planets I saw. All depending on Federation membership, Starfleet would grant or deny aid in any crisis. If it was in the interest of the Federation, I would be delegated to mediate. Yet if it was against the Prime Directive, then I was supposed to stand by and watch genocide take place before my eyes. I ask simply what others have asked themselves before, but dared not act upon. How, how can the invention of warp travel be the scales upon which millions, billions of lives are balanced, when the Federation possess the means to end wars and hunger across the whole galaxy?"
Ives rose from his seat, his imposing figure filling the screen - gaze unflinching. "It's because the Federation is flawed, as insidious as it is corrupt, and only looking after its own interests of expansion. Utopia is only available for the worthy, while the rest may burn for all that the admiralty care. Peasants, outcasts and unclean. Ignorant they are deemed, and condemned to perish and rot unless they learn the means to reach us on their own. Do you not ask yourselves how many millions of brilliant minds have been lost just because the Federation only saw to its own interests?"
Having made his statement, Ives raised his chin to the viewer. "You stood by and let them die when you could have made them your equal. The Federation will either have to change its policy, or learn from the new Romulan order, which will include the uplifting of species what would otherwise be left to die. True, sustainable growth is achieved not through denial, but inclusion. Through acceptance. This is Captain Ives, and I hope you are all watching... and learn the truth about the Federation's neglect: The extent of your crimes against species who never even got the chance."
Then, the screen went dark. |