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Topic: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals (Read 2688 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering - Yesterday | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner


TO: PO1 Schubert Leblanc

FROM: LTJG Azrin Ryn

Hello there! Meet me at the slipstream drive tomorrow at 0930 for a chat. It'll be fun.


Lt. JG Azrin Ryn
Assistant Chief Engineer
USS Theurgy

[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering - Today! | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

She’d finally gotten the benamite crystals back. It had only been three days, but she’d been starting to feel like Asra was going to keep them forever. Sure, it had taken a trip to the science labs to get them, along with an extra bit of wheeling and dealing to get the old crystals back too. But thanks to Asra’s preemptive and unauthorized bit of maintenance the day they’d met, Azrin had never seen a benamite crystal - new broken or anywhere in between. Today was a great day, because now all the crystals were in her possession, safely locked in the two containment units off to the side.

“If only I’d gotten to see them in here,” Azrin mumbled to herself, looking over the graviton particle actuator yet again in preparation for installing the new crystals. She could have seen the damage first hand, looked for patterns. Sure, they had detailed scans of that, and sure, those scans were better than the naked eye, and yes obviously, Azrin was being selfish because she wanted to have been part of the first slipstream jumps. She was jealous, ok? This next bit wasn’t even going to be hard. Miniature hand held tractor emitter, set the new crystals in the device nice and gentle, and they’d be aces. But Azrin was planning on treating it like a momentous occasion anyway. The knowledge that the drive was operational was enough for her to throw a party. She couldn’t wait to use it, itching for the day.

But first - pragmatism. Some work to get out of the way before the party. To her, the Savi device stuck out like a sore thumb. Directly in front of the warp core in an area that was empty on most starships, designed with different aesthetics in mind than the Starfleet norm. The Theurgy engineers had rigged their own console to it, their power conduits formed the connections, and they’d added on the benamite crystal restoration system. That was her focus for the moment. It didn’t look bad - especially considering that they’d thrown it together in a few hours. But they had bright, shiny new crystals now, and they wanted - needed - them to last for as long as possible. If they could save a fraction of benamite, either through reclamation or planning the jumps to protect the crystal, Azrin was down. This stuff was hard to get.

With that in mind, Azrin had been ecstatic to discover that one of the engineers who’d created the thing was still on board. One Scruffy (not his real name) Leblanc. The Trill was not entirely sure why a human would want to be called that - to her knowledge of Federation Standard, that adjective wasn’t the best - but it was an approved nickname according to his record. And yes, she’d looked. Having spent a few days deep in Lieutenant Commander Blue Tiran’s logs, she wouldn’t have put it past the former chief engineer to have assigned nicknames. Brilliant for sure, but all of her logs came with a profanity warning.

When the allotted time came, Azrin turned to beam at the newly arrived noncom. They were working on the slipstream drive, what was there to be unhappy about? “Hello Petty Officer! Would you prefer I called you that or something else?”

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #1
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae

What a night!  Scruffy walked into Engineering with a definite bounce to his step.  His hair was wilder than usual and he wore a grin larger than any he’d shown on-shift the last few weeks.  Getting the order to report to the Slipstream Drive this morning had been an unexpected, though welcome, surprise.  He hadn’t been back here since Blue’s death, but even that couldn’t hamper his mood this morning.  He hadn’t had a chance to meet the new ACE yet, either, but Lt. Arnold had given him a chance at a fresh start and he intended to make a good impression.

He had put a lot of work in his spare time into studying the research papers on slipstream technology and comparing it with what they knew about the Savi system and the benamite crystals.  One of the last things Tiran had done was design a more efficient reclamation system, and he had worked with a couple of personnel from the science department to get it built in the week and a half since the end of the Klingon insurrection.  With the acquisition, and now installation, of fresh crystals, it was the right time to install the upgrade.  With a more compact design and built from the inside-out, this version did a better job of separating benamite particles from waste products, increasing the amount they could recrystallize between jumps.

When Azrin addressed him upon his arrival, he earnestly returned her smile.  “’Petty Officer’ is fine if we’re being formal, but most of my friends call me ‘Scruffy,’ Lieutenant,” he said with a slight shake of his head, sending his locks waving.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

Was it because of his hair? If that was the case, they should have been calling her scruffy too, though at least Azrin kept her long hair pulled back while at work. It was still early, but by the end of the day many of the red strands would make their escapes, giving her an unkempt look of her own. To be honest, he could have walked up in rags and she would have forgiven it in favor of his smile. Anyone who shared her joy at working on this system was firmly in her good books. “Ok then Scruffy,” she declared cheerfully, immediately deciding that they were now friends, and hoping he took the hint. This was how she always made friends, quickly and easily. “My friends call me Azrin.”

“And in the spirit of our new friendship, a little birdy,” the computer - though wouldn’t it be funny if Thea reconfigured her matrix to a bird and whispered information to people? “Told me that you’ve been upgrading this reclamation system.” Azrin gestured to the old unit as she spoke. It was a waste of energy, Scruffy had made this one and would obviously know exactly where it was, but she had a flair for the dramatic today. “I have new benamite crystals right there,” this time pointing was necessary. The containment units should protect the crystals from basically everything, but Azrin was treating them like they were incredibly fragile anyway. “Along with all the old broken ones for testing purposes, but more on that later.”

“Seems like as good as time as any to install the upgrade, and you can fill me in on all the details while we’re at it.” And it was a good excuse to get her hands in there, because currently Azrin was itching to take the whole drive apart for no other reason that she wanted to see its innards. Normally not a bad learning experience, but her mom wasn’t here to tell her how to fix it if she broke something. She’d been far more chaotic as a child then she ever was as an adult. “Then we can put the new crystals in, and this beauty will run again! Fun right?”

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #3
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae

“Nice to meet you, Azrin,” Scruffy replied to her offering of friendship.

“And in the spirit of our new friendship, a little birdy told me that you’ve been upgrading this reclamation system.”

"Was Albert reactivated?" Scruffy remarked with a confused expression for a moment before realizing she was speaking metaphorically.  Scruffy smiled at the sight of the new benamite crystals.  As much fun as extending the use of their crystals was, more jumps meant more opportunity to study the slipstream drive as a whole.  The more data they had on what happened to the crystals, the more efficient their systems could be tuned.  “There might not be enough of the old crystals for a full-length jump, but they can be used as a seed for the reclamation system, so we can start growing replacements without pulling out the one in use.”

“Yeah, I guess there aren’t that many left on board, outside the Savi, who’ve worked on the drive except when it was installed, maybe outside of Lt. Arnold.  I’ll be happy to fill you in on anything I can, especially the few modifications we’ve made since it was set up and our current theories.”  Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out his PADD and brought up his notes, as well as the degradation models he had put together for Blue.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

“Was who- who’s Albert!?” Azrin’s expression mirrored his, but her confusion remained after Scruffy moved on. “Was there some sort of little mechanical bird down here and I missed it? What happened to him? Where is he? I’ll reactivate him!” She still had no idea what this Albert was, but by the end of her little triade, Azrin was willing to fight for him. Cool technology? Automatically a fan. She fell in love with machines as quickly and easily as she made friends with organics.

“The Lieutenant’s a structural engineer,” she explained idly, still far too fixated on this Albert and working on dragging her attention back to the work at hand. “And he’s busy with all his new chief duties. He tasked me with becoming the new expert on this beauty.” Frank Arnold, she’d determined, was a wonderful lunatic. He had to have the self control of a god. Being the chief engineer on the only Starfleet ship with a slipstream drive and not keeping it to himself. He was officially her favorite CO ever. “You were here when it was used, and you worked with Commander Tiran on the reclamation system.”

“See, I’ve been reading all the logs and notes and everything, but nothing beats the first hand experience of someone who was actually there and working. You’re the best resource at my disposal.” Having successfully relegated Albert to the back of her mind now, blue eyes lingered on the PADD he was toying with before flirting back to the drive and the console before settling on the benamite containers again. “There’s not enough in the old crystals for a full length jump. They’re marked for testing and comparative analysis right now. Any practical use we can get out of them is a bonus.” Good thing she’d gotten them back, wasn’t it? “No seeding until we tell science though, they might have more tests left to run.”

When Scruffy was ready, Azrin took the PADD and started to read. She’d seen the degradation models in the drive’s files already, so she skipped over to the notes.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #5
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae

“Albert was a Simulated Intelligence Personal Assistant for Chief Tiran, a chrome owl.  He was basically her secretary, keeping things organized for her and reminding her of her schedule, in addition to being a verbal interface for her PADD.” He had a bittersweet smile on his face as he thought of Blue and Albert bickering.  “Last I saw he was offline after her death.  I don’t know if he was bundled with the Chief’s personal effects or what Frank’s plans for him are if he was kept as an Engineering asset.”

Scruffy was pleased by the compliments Azrin was, directly or indirectly, giving him regarding his experience with the slipstream drive components.  “Happy to make your acquaintance; I’m at your disposal.  I’ve been putting time into understanding the theoretical aspects of the system, but I’m still a practical engineer at heart.  As long as I know how it works, I’m happy.”

Scruffy was disappointed that they couldn’t test the other part of the reclamation system to regrow the old crystals yet, but he knew the time for that would come.  Practicality will be a limit the Science team will eventually run up against.  The notes Azrin would find were mostly on the practical side: noting when in the flight the erosion model was overtaken by the molecular decay; competing cause/effect theories about the interaction of the quantum field variation and the crystal; possible solutions including a reduction of flight duration or increased field strength to flush the loose particles faster; possible room for improvement on Tiran’s reclamation design and the recrystalization chamber.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

“Oh I have got to find out what happened to him.” Not for the first time in the past few days, Azrin had a momentary regret in that she hadn’t chosen to study artificial intelligence. First V-Nine, who she hadn’t gotten to see in sickbay. Then Thea, who was apparently all sorts of sentient now. And finally Albert, who didn’t sound on the same level as the first two, but had captured Azrin’s imagination nonetheless. At the rate things were going, there were probably a million other engineering marvels she’d missed while in stasis. Every day seemed to present a new one.

However, as previously stated, it was only a momentary regret, because they were standing next to the slipstream drive. There was no way they could have found something cooler than this. “I’m going to understand every miniscule theoretical detail of this thing. Eventually. Gonna go but that Savi engineer again soon. Uh - Corgin, that’s her name. She was looking at me like a first year cadet she wanted to flunk, and explains everything like she’s talking to a not too bright five year old, but the information is good. It’s like they thought they could put this thing on the ship, tell us it works, and we’d never ask any technical questions.” How absolutely insane was that? What if it broke and the bubble heads weren’t around to fix it? What if it had an accidental cascading effect on other systems? It was integrated into their ship, plugged into her warp cores, and Azrin needed to know it as well as the Savi did. “I’m thinking I’ll record her this time, so everyone can benefit from the explanations without annoying her with repeated questions.” Rude as she was, antagonizing the Savi wouldn’t help anyone.

As she spoke, Azrin had been skimming through his notes. They’d get to the practical fun soon enough, but this break around Qo’noS was long enough to give the scientists some time. They might think of even better ways to grow crystals up there. “Did you use any of these theories while making the new reclamation system?” She asked, pointing to that section of his notes. “And can I add these notes to the main QSD database?” The ones with flight data could be examined in more detail after they finished their installation for today.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #7
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae

Scruffy couldn’t help but smile at his new acquaintance's enthusiasm.  “You’re lucky, I haven’t even had the chance to work directly with the Savi: security clearance and all that.  But I’m used to being looked at like a superior wants me out of their sight ASAP.  Besides, I’ve always thought our ability to reverse-engineer introduced technologies for understanding was a greater asset, the fun of getting in there and figuring out how the parts work together to make the whole.”  Or don’t, Scruffy thought to himself, thinking of some of the deceptive advanced technology encounters he’d read about. “Yeah, a transcript of Savi explanations would certainly be useful reference material.”

“Most of the reclamation system was based on the mass-profile and electromagnetic properties of the various waste particles, separating the reusable benamite from the decay molecules.”  As Scruffy talked, he leaned over Azrin’s shoulder to point to the relevant notes.  “There are some notes about a more extensive redesign to flush the reaction chamber faster and perhaps extend maximum flight time, but the greatest area for improvement in the reclamation system is power efficiency.  It takes a lot of power to run the separation technique in a timeframe that makes it useful between jumps.  But it seems the biggest choke-point is the recrystalization.  Until Science comes up with a better environment or some additive to accelerate the process without compromising the utility of the crystal, even a seed-crystal will only give us so much of a head-start.”  He finished with a shrug.  “Yeah, you can copy the notes to the Engineering mainframe.  They probably need to be cleaned up a bit before a formal publishing, but they’re probably good enough for the department in the meantime.”

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

“Gotta make our own things too, or else we’ll look around one day and realize we’re Pakleds,” Azrin retorted with a laugh. She’d always found Pakled’s endlessly entertaining. Certainly their description of her job ‘You make things go,’ was her favorite, simple and accurate. But their technology was definitely lacking. They’d seen a Pakled ship on the Exaclibur’s sensors once, leading the engineering department to spend a week trying to figure out how they’d combined technology from no less than fifteen different worlds - and that was just what they could see - into a functioning starship. “We need a healthy combination of the two, inspired by other- hold on. Who looks at you like that? That’s mean.” An engineer was an engineer, no matter what Starfleet pinned on their collars.

She would have pushed it further, but Scruffy had continued on with an explanation of his notes, forcing her to look down again, nodding frequently as she followed along. “Looks good to me. It’s not like we can publish anything anyway.” Being that they were traitors. And the Savi probably wouldn’t let them publish details on their propulsion system. Which was why they needed to learn as much as they could and eventually build their own, but she wasn’t about to tell the Savi that. “I’ll flag the notes so science sees them too, though we’ll probably have to leave Asra some seed crystal to work with. Less now to give us more in the long run - hopefully.” Too much demand, not enough supply, the economics of benamite crystals.

“Alright, enough reading. Time for the fun part!” Handing back the PADD, she then pulled out her own, opening schematics of the old reclamation system. “Let’s get this out so we can install the new one.” A stop by the console to recheck that everything was still powered down, which it was, because there weren’t any crystals inside anyway. Then she was off to work, decoupling the old unit. It probably would have been nicer to offer him the first stab at it, but Azrin was dying to work on this thing. Scruffy was welcome to join in too.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #9
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae

“I’m not saying we shouldn’t invent, certainly, but there’s nothing wrong with saving time by not repeating someone else’s journey.  It is important to understand so you can take it and go further.”  Scruffy smirked, “And there is a lot further we can go thanks to this beauty,” he said, implying both literal and figurative meanings.  He was glad that Azrin didn’t push on his treatment by higher ranking officers, especially since he had to admit to himself that some of it was well earned, though he was working to change his reputation.

Once Azrin handed his PADD back to him, Scruffy smile and tucked it away.  “Yeah, it’ll be nice to have a bit more room to maneuver in here with the sleeker system."  Grabbing his tools, he began disconnecting the power junctions on the old unit, using his tricorder to double check each connection to make sure he didn’t risk a short.  A power surge would be quite a setback for the delicately balanced drive core.  “Once the unit is disconnected from the EPS lines we can move a bit faster with the other connections.  Not like we are terribly concerned about keeping the old unit in pristine condition.  Seems like we’re both eager to turn our attention to putting in the new reclamation system and making sure that has all the proper connections.”

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

“That’s true,” she admitted, pausing to cast a loving look over the drive. “We’re going to go - to borrow a Pakled term - very fast.” That was followed by another delighted laugh, mainly at herself for prolonging her previous joke.

Azrin was taking her sweet time dismantling the reclamation system, though it was less about risking power surges and more about closely examining everything she was uncovering beneath. “Don’t wreck the old unit yet. Asra was mighty interested in this. If we give her the old one it might distract her from poking around down here without permission.” It was a lighthearted comment, with no real malice behind it. But after she’d caught the other trill poking around down here once without going through proper channels first, Azrin had been forced to conclude that she needed to keep a close eye on things. She understood that some Starfleet protocols might have become lax given the ship’s current renegade status, but altering critical systems without permission was downright dangerous. “Besides, it’s Starfleet’s first benamite reclamation system! They should put this in a museum or something.”

She looked up from her work for a moment so Scruffy could see her grin. “I can be eager about everything, all at once!” Her head bowed back over her work again. All excitement aside, her hands were steady and each movement was precise. “And look, I can see the reassembly matrix down there. Hello beautiful. I can’t wait to see the inside of you.” First though, this last power coupling.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #11
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae 

Scruffy was taking care as he dismantled the old unit.  "Of course.  I'm not saying we tear it apart, just that at least we aren't using it anymore if something gets damaged in the process."  He couldn't help but laugh at the idea of the reclamation unit ending up in a museum.  That seemed as unlikely as his face ending up in a textbook on slipstream technology, in his mind.  He smiled back as Azrin expounded on her enthusiasm.  His eyes quickly followed hers into the reassembly matrix, smirking at the way Azrin spoke to the marvelous system.

Having finished disconnecting the reclamation unit, Scruffy helped Azrin maneuver it onto a manual lift and move the new system into position.  This part of the process would take quite a bit longer.  Scruffy started with the intake system, running over it with a fine-toothed tricorder to make sure all the seals were good.  “With any luck, we’ll have plenty of opportunity to see the new upgrades in action during our next mission.  The more data we have, the more we’ll be able to refine the process.  Maybe we’ll even put together a few other redesigns as we go.”  As the installation slowed down, there was more space to fill with conversations, were they so inclined.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

“Just making sure,” she replied casually, pulling pieces apart and arranging them on the floor so she could remember where each part went. This way, when they packed it into a storage container later, she could do it so it could be pulled out and reassembled as quickly as possible. Never hurt to be prepared. “I met a security officer who used to be an engineer yesterday, and I have a feeling she likes wrecking things as much as she likes fixing them.” Maybe more, but it was hard to tell considering how new Kino’s joining was.

Once the new system was placed, Azrin pulled out a tricorder of her own, because it was always good to double check - triple check, quadruple check - during installations of this nature. It would be a waste to collect all the benamite fragments only to release them into the open air of engineering. Also, she had no idea what medical issues would arise from inhaling the tiny particles. Unless it made her into a mutant who could travel in slipstream at will, which would be totally awesom-no. Bad Azrin. She did not want to test that. “Definitely! Any little bit of improvement helps. I’ve got someone in ops who thinks he can find more power to route to the system too, but even then we’ll still be nowhere near the power draw the Savi have.” She paused for a minute, thinking back to the various reports and figures she’d been memorizing for the past few days, then sighed. “What was it like, being here - or here and conscious - while they actually installed it? It must have been amazing. And a more hands-on way to learn about the system.” Worth a photo in a history book? Definitely.

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #13
[PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] @rae

Scruffy tried to keep up with Azrin’s system of part arrangement, though he had to stop a couple times to think about it.  “Yeah, I worked with someone in Tactical who expressed an interest in learning more about ship’s systems, so that she could develop more effective strategies.  Still, I appreciated the interest.”

Scruffy joined Azrin in double-checking the seals on the new unit.  There was nothing wrong with having a second set of eyes confirm results when you could spare them, after all.  “Yeah, the ship just doesn’t have the power to spare for what our models suggest would be needed to regrow the crystals at a practical rate.”  He finished up his scans and agreed it was ready for the next test.  Though he couldn’t match Azrin’s anticipation, he was also excited to see the results the next time Command called for the QSD.  It would be a nice memento if the last project he worked with Blue was a success.

At her question, he gave her a warm smile.  “Are you kidding?  I wasn’t anywhere near this close when the full drive was being installed.  Engineering was practically rearranged around the project, but the Savi have very strict information protocols.  I don’t know if many more than the Blue and Frank were allowed to directly observe.  Whoever was involved in integrating the technologies.  I was busy,” ‘Well, busy might be a bit inaccurate,’ “scrambling throughout the Jeffries tubes reinforcing the power relays and making room for the plasma conduits.  I think the Chief was keeping us so busy we wouldn’t have time to get overly curious.”

Re: Day 10 [0927 hrs.] No Use Crying Over Broken Crystals

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

Upon hearing that yet another person was restricted from information on the slipstream drive, Azrin groaned audibly, pausing in her work to look at up at the ceiling as though asking the universe, ‘why?’ Who had agreed to this plan, allowing a highly integrated and completely foreign piece of technology to be installed on the ship without giving the engineers the full specs. The Captain, presumably, had allowed it, but how could the chief engineer have thought that was ok? It wasn’t just curiosity — though Azrin would be the first to admit that she was insanely curious —  this was a dangerous plan. They might as well run the ship with no engineers at all, cruising along with a guarantee from spacedock that everything worked perfectly, and would continue to do so.

“I’m not kidding, but I’m starting to wonder about everyone else.” Azrin shook her head and leaned back down over her work again, though her hands still weren’t moving. “Scale of 1 to 10, how mad do you think the Savi would be if I started taking this thing apart to see how it works?” The answer was probably somewhere up in the thousands. Now she had yet another reason to keep the chief engineer alive. Not just because the department had lost too many chiefs already. And not just because she liked him. Lieutenant Arnold was the only person left who had seen the Savi install this beauty. “I’m starting to think that’s the only way I’ll get detailed information about what’s going on in there.”

She thought about it for a minute, then realized that she was completely missing out on the fun of this install so she could worry about another problem. Which wasn’t like her at all. “What’s next? I’ve completely lost my train of thought.” Too much complaining, not enough work. This promotion was ruining her.

OOC: Sorry for the wait, this slipped my list!


This thread being old and forgotten, I will lock it, but PM me if you want to continue the scene. /Auctor

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