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Topic: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue (Read 4210 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

It had taken her a few days to find her way down here. She had never been lucky in her quest for starship service, and thus had a limited experience to pull from, but Nysari thought a ship’s main lounge was normally more centrally located. Certainly not so deep within the bowels of the ship that one was beneath even main engineering. When she’d pulled the location off the computer’s deck layout, her expectations hadn’t been high. A haphazardly converted cargobay with a few tables and a replicator pushing out drinks, as far from the watchful eye of the bridge as could be. But she’d come anyway, abandoning her uniform for a fitted shirt and flowing pants, her hair hanging to her shoulders in gentle waves.

With the bar set so low, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the Below Decks Lounge was the complete opposite. The bar itself was large and - based on the comings and goings from the rooms behind it - well appointed. The tables were arranged equidistantly with perhaps too much Starfleet precision, a few couches peeking out from a back corner. To top it all off, a stage set against the back wall, sultry tones of a lounge singer and an accompanying piano drifting above and through the crowd. Judging from the period attire and pitch perfect delivery, that part was holographic. The room was dimly lit, affording a sense of privacy that would have been impossible in a ship’s normal harsh white lights. There was a small sphere of light adorning each table as well, cones of light that varied so widely in intensity that they had to be independently adjusted by the occupants. All and all, the setup was incredibly tasteful. Nysari actually thought she was underdressed, until her eyes adjusted and she saw all manner of casual attire mixed in with those still in uniform. There were even some holodeck costumes, wildcards that didn’t match the era the lounge was emulating tonight.

Though, in all honesty, Nysari would have stayed even if the place was a trash heap. Five days on the USS Theurgy, and the andorian diplomat desperately needed a drink. She was - to coin a phrase her human colleagues relished in using whenever Nysari admitted to a melancholy mood - ‘feeling blue.’

A week since she’d made the decision to join this merry band of traitors, and the reality of her new situation was finally hitting her. Word would have reached Rysha and Khov on Andoria of her defection by now, whether from the government or from Vyta. Selfishly, she hoped Vyta had made it there first, though the idea of having one bondmate lying to the other two brought its own crashing sense of guilt. The two Starfleet officers were privy to the truth, but they couldn’t endanger the civilians by looping them in as well. They were in enough danger as it was, with Nysari here and Vyta playing an intelligence officer’s game in San Francisco. No matter how often she told herself that coming here was the right thing to do, she couldn’t stop dwelling on what it would do to her family.

That was what had brought her here, entering a bar, looking to take her mind off things. Whether that release came from alcohol or an interesting new acquaintance, only time would tell. But her first stop was the bar. “Andorian ale, please,” she asked the dark haired bartender, her voice pitched perfectly to carry easily across the bar while not disturbing the ambiance of the room. After seeing the woman nod and turn to fetch the beverage, Nysari turned to wait, leaning against the bar and going back to examining the room. People watching always yielded something of interest. Hopefully tonight someone here would yield a distraction.

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #1
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] attn: @rae

Sitting alone at a table as close to a corner as he can get, Shall’s blue skin was gently illuminated by the small hologram hovering in the air in front of him.  The table’s normal light source had been turned down as low as it could to cut down on the glare, and with most of the lounge’s holographic entertainment set in the middle of the stage this was as close to privacy as the Andorian could get outside of his quarters.  The dark clothing he was wearing helped out a lot too, the loose black pants all but made his legs disappear in this lighting, and the grey wraparound tunic framed out his chest quite nicely (a gift from one of his mates).  Normally he’d do his ritualistic brooding and musing there, but after days (and felt like weeks) of being a near-total shut-in, the cabin fever finally took over and here he was.

Sighing in the language of wishful thinking, Shall absentmindedly played with the hologram, fingers held in the field to enlarge or shrink and rotate in all dimensions with seemingly random thoughts behind them.  In truth there was a method to the madness if anyone looked closer, but for all intents and purposes he was just looking at a sphere of mostly ice.  Without looking the chan’s hand grabbed the thin glass set to the side and he tried to take a pull.  His antenna drooped and shimmied back and forth in annoyance, the frown at the discovery of an empty glass following as soon as it left his lips.  Silently groaning in resignation, he turned the holoprojector off, scooped it up, and stood to head to the bar for a refill.

Stepping carefully through the spaces between tables (and people), Shall moved with surprising grace for someone who didn’t look like he was paying attention to his surroundings.  His loose black pants might have brushed up against some legs here and there, but no one seemed to notice (or care).  By sheer luck someone vacated a stool moments before the Andorian arrived so he calmly claimed it for himself, quickly mounting it with a touch of grace, twisting his lower body around it and into position with little motion above the waist.  Setting his empty glass on the bar he politely waited until the bartender or one of her assistants was looking towards him before tapping the glass with a finger.  The assistant nodded and relayed the request to the ‘tender herself, who was busy filling another glass.  Without pausing her work another glass was retrieved and she filled that one from the same bottle.

Waiting patiently, the chan looked down to the bar top, his hand fiddling with his little projector, not turning it on but running his fingers along the edges of it as a nervous tic.  The antenna on his head waved on its own, swaying with the background music or towards little hints of something interesting floating around in the air.  Something off to the side seemed to attract it the most, but he ignored it.  A pale hand soon slid a full glass of Andorian ale into his vision, and he looked up with an audible “Thanks”.  He stopped mid-reach though, his brain caught on that the bartender was holding a second glass of the blue liquor and walking away to his right.  Following the extra drink with his eyes, Shall’s head turned to see the zhen leaning against the bar, almost as if he was imagining her presence.

Caught completely flatfooted, Shall hesitated, unsure of just what to do.  Having thrown himself into a self-imposed seclusion, being social wasn’t one of his strong suits.  Staving off a slight panic, the chan slunk down into the stool and did what he does best these days: hide.

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

She might not have noticed him at all if it weren’t for the antenna - or lack thereof. A mortifying injury that made her own quiver in sympathy. If she were missing one, Nysari might have tried to fade into the background too. Logically, she knew the apathy was ridiculous. Of all her appendages, antennae were the only ones that could grow back. But the cultural taboo remained. Losing an arm or a leg would have been less embarrassing. It couldn’t be a new injury though. Her eyes followed the chan as he weaved through the crowded room with an easy grace. He’d clearly adapted to the initial disorientation caused by such a loss. Unless it was an optical illusion. The dark clothes tried their best to disappear into the shadows, making it hard to tell for sure in the dim ambiance of the lounge. 

An unexpected yearning for Andoria had welled up inside her at the sight of his skin, so much so that Nysari had to force herself to look away once he got close enough to notice her staring. “He’s too young for you, lunatic,” she chided herself, only for a small laugh to escape her lips when she realized exactly who he reminded her of. All that long wild hair. He could have been a younger Khov. Of course she stared.

A throat cleared lightly behind her, the bartender’s subtle alert that her drink was ready. “Thank you.” A blue hand in her peripheral vision reached for an identical glass, and Nysari couldn’t help but turn towards the chan again. “Good choice.” They were living their stereotype, weren’t they? “At least I hope so. This is my first glass of Andorian ale on this ship.”

Up close now, it was obvious that she’d let her imagination get away from her. The hair was where the similarities with Khov ended. This chan’s skin was lighter, the single antenna notched. And while her Ch'te was never anything less than over exuberant, her current accidental companion looked like he’d rather be anywhere else. That was alright. She could work with shy. Undeterred, Nysari took the seat she’d been leaning in front of before, purposely taking a bit longer than necessary to settle herself. Then she treated herself to a sip of her ale, humming in appreciation of the taste. Not as good as the small scale craftsman brews of home, but a definite improvement to some of the beverages she’d been treated to on Qo’noS. The point of it all was to give the young Andorian time. To get used to her presence or run - whatever he needed to do.

“Nysari zh’Eziarath. What’s your name?” When she did finally speak, it was with a small smile and a glance in his direction, making it perfectly obvious to whom she was addressing. But her gaze didn’t linger, turning forward towards her drink again for another taste. “Not bad.”

OOC: Khov [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #3
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] attn: @rae

Damn… Shall’s introverted side echoed in horror.  To be fair, there was no possible way he could ever expect to not be seen by the newcomer, she had been facing out towards the stage, right where he came from.  In turn, the chan watched out of the corner of his eye as the zhen turned around to take her own seat, and he couldn’t quite figure out if she was giving him a small show, or just being careful.  Still, his blood was as warm as any chan’s and he couldn’t help but admire her form, especially with the way that top hugged her torso.  A little looser and Syora would love a similar outfit. he noted to himself, sipping at his ale in a poor attempt at hiding his sidelong stare while imagining his sh’za in a similarly cut outfit, though much more brightly colored.

All throughout his silent musing, Shall’s antenna did everything it could to betray his inner thoughts.  Very few would be able to read the way it slowly wobbled around like a drunken top and curving to the right, but of course one of those few was right there.  A huge part of him wanted to escape, to run back into his little shadowy corner or even all the way to his quarters, but something else was taking root into his core.  Maybe it was the ale, or maybe something deeper was reaching out to him to steady the battered chan.  Leaning back just enough to take a bigger pull form the glass he could feel the warmed metal locket against his chest.  Tucked into his tunic the shapla had absorbed his abundant body heat, and for a brief moment he was back on Andoria with his bondmates once again, all four of them embraced in front of the cabin’s fireplace simply enjoying their company.

A different voice broke through the memory to carry a name.  Antenna standing straight up with a newfound strength, Shall actually smiled for the first time in a long while.  By the time he straightened up himself and turned to return the question she’d turned back to concentrate on her own glass, clearly still in a sampling mood.  “Irnashall ch’Xinya, Stellar Cartography.”  He formally introduced himself.  “It’s good you like it, I picked up the bottle while we were on our last stopover before Qo’nos, a small trader was willing to make a small trade for it.  Might not be top shelf, but at least it’s not replicated.”  Taking another quick pull (for courage’s sake maybe), the chan gestured towards the empty stool next to this Nysari.  “May I?”

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

“Of course,” she replied, allowing her smile to widen naturally when he decided to sit. Apparently her attempt at non-threatening had worked like a charm, he seemed more at ease already. “It’s only fair, considering I’m drinking from your bottle. Very kind of you to put it behind the bar where anyone can have a drink. Most people would hide it in their quarters, I think.” That answered one question she had for the bartender. Upon taking a sip and determining it wasn’t replicated, she’d been curious as to how a renegade ship had such a well stocked bar. Once again, her perceptions of the Theurgy were drastically different from what the Federation News Network wanted everyone to believe.

Luckily for Irnashall, Nysari was still restricting herself to a few glances here and there, not wanting the weight of her eyes to scare him off. It also meant she was missing whatever show his antenna was putting on to display his emotions. Instead, she mused on his profession, deciding to continue the conversation there. A beautiful field of science. Exacting, yet isolating. While other disciplines required traveling to the star in question, Stellar Cartography was done at a distance, marking a ship’s journey through space. Yet, they saw more than anyone, mapping areas where ships would never travel. “I took a stellar cartography class at the Academy for a science credit. I wasn’t very good at it, but I always enjoyed sitting in the lab and stargazing. 360 degree room, with the lights turned off you could almost pretend you were floating in a sea of stars. An illusion that was greatly preferable than actually floating in basic EV suit training a few years later.”

As she spoke, pausing here and there for another refreshing taste of the ale, Nysari was struck by the uncomfortable notion that she was avoiding looking at him for selfish reasons. After determining that he didn’t bear the resemblance to Khov that she’d fantasized at first, she longed to see the perceived similarities again. Nysari had just thrown her life away to sign onto a dangerous mission she would likely never return from. It was irresponsible to want her family here with her. Yet she missed them anyway. However, none of that was fair to her new friend, who didn’t deserve to bear the weight of her subconscious longings.

With that in mind, she shifted slightly in her seat, repositioning herself to an angle that allowed her a more natural view. Turning her head ninety degrees was always uncomfortable. Turning her body halfway and letting her neck do the rest was much better. It also forced her to look at him, her right elbow moving to rest on the bar, fingers tracing the lip of her glass. If he was overly flustered, she could easily look away without it being obvious. “I’m the new diplomatic attaché, by the way.”

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #5
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] attn: @rae

Shall answered the initial complement with a nonchalant shrug.  “As a fresh-out-of-the-Academy ensign I was forbidden to keep bottles in my quarters, I had to store it here.  And while no one would care now, it just felt right to let everyone have a share if they wanted it.”

Shall nodded in response to Nysari’s tale of her time in the Academy as he slipped onto the stool next to her.  Stellar Cartography was a popular choice for a lot of cadets in the other disciplines, it was often seen as a simpler (and therefore easier) science to dabble with.  It was hard to deny the romanticism behind the stars as well, it would be hard to find anyone in Starfleet that didn’t have some love of stargazing deep within, so it was difficult to begrudge such a cavalier attitude to the science.  He ended the thought with a small smile, something the zhen said resonated in his core.  “They’ve updated the labs since your time then, instead of the older cylindrical screens the entire complex has been replaced with specialized holodecks.”    He looked over to her with the old excitement evident above his forehead.  “So now you very much can float amongst the stars.  I’ve done what I can to upgrade my lab on board to more modern standards, but the best I’ve gotten is a hybrid between the screens and a new holographic projector.  It’s no holodeck, but it gets the job done.”

Seeing the sudden faraway look on her face, Shall stopped talking for the moment.  He’d seen that look many a times over the past few months.  Somehow fate kept delivering new forsaken souls to this ship of the damned, and every single one of them would have those moments where they’d realize just what they’d given up.  He gave Nysari the space she required by focusing more on his cup, swishing the ale inside and watching the way it clung to the sides as it swirled around.  Motion to his right brought him to of the silent study, he looked up and over in time to see her lean against the bar top to better facilitate their chat.  The statement of her new position confused the chan for a moment at first, but his brain made the final leaps of logic before he could embarrass himself.  “Diplomatic attaché eh?  I guess this means the Captain is hoping to get more open allies on our side?”  It was a stupendous change for them all to have the official backing of the Klingon Empire, but just what would be the cost to get more?

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

"That sounds lovely," she replied, eyes lighting up and antennae twitching slightly as she imagined it. Nysari normally tried to hide her emotions, but for this she let a bit of wonder slip through. There was no revelation in a Starfleet officer drawn in by the allure of space. It was expected of them. "Spacewalks sounded perfectly romantic until I got into that claustrophobic environmental suit. Good to know someone found a way around that hindrance. It’s a shame the upgrade never made it here, though a regular holodeck could probably approximate it." It wouldn’t have the computer processing to run true stellar cartography calculations, but it wouldn’t stop anyone from turning the gravity off and floating in the projected stars.

She took another sip of the ale, savoring the taste. This one bottle might be the last they had for a while, providing an enterprising young ensign didn't get his hands on another. This ship wasn't on Starfleet's supply routes anymore. Nor were the Klingons importing much Andorian alcohol. They much preferred their own stronger brews. It was better to appreciate the small amount they had while it lasted.

"I am not privy to Captain Ives' plans," she replied delicately, a necessary disclaimer. She'd only met the Captain once, and they had shared information with her, but no future endeavors. "But that is the main goal of the diplomatic department, as I understand it from Commander Rutherford." A nice political answer. No emotion behind the words, no tacit approval or disapproval. Merely acknowledging that they would be following that intent. She'd lived in Paris for too long, completely forgetting how to speak plainly. “I have worked on issues involving the Romulan Empire in the past. Perhaps we can do something to prevent war.” It wasn’t that she disagreed with the course of action. Gaining allies - convincing as many people of the threat as possible - was essential to the Theurgy’s survival. Possibly the galaxy’s survival. Of course it should be part of their mission. But it didn’t stop her from wanting to do more. Always the optimist, Nysari was itching to dive into the heart of the matter.

“May I ask you a somewhat delicate question, Irnashall? As someone who has been here longer than me. You do not have to answer, and I will drop the topic entirely should you wish.” Her eyes lingered on the deep blue of her drink for a moment, before turning to look at him fully. “Have you seen one of them? The Infested? Have you spoken to them?”

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #7
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] attn: @rae

Shall just nodded at Nysari’s admittance at not having been availed of the full plan, it’s not like anyone outside of the senior staff would be privy to it, and especially not a lower decker like himself.  The news that she was an expert in Romulan affairs got his antenna to perk up though, while it wasn’t hard to guess where they’d be going next it was interesting that someone exactly what they’d need would happen to arrive at the perfect time.  Another quick sip of the ale made for a makeshift toast to the situation, something was telling him that this zhen would be up to the task.

Fingering the little device that was still sitting on the bar in front of him, Shall thought about asking how things were going back home, but she beat him to the punch.  Antenna leaning towards her as he listened close, what did she mean by “delicate question”?  Was she about to ask about something classified?  Proposition him?  Ask to use his lab?  Whatever it was, she stopped to stare into her cup for a moment, but the way her own antenna stood it wasn’t from embarrassment.  When she finally looked up and turned towards him she asked something he never expected: Had he seen and/or spoken with an Infested?

Just the idea of being in the same room as one them made Shall’s skin crawl, the horror easily apparent the way his antenna dug a pit for itself into his hair.  “Technically, yes.  But not in the way you might think.”  He motioned to the still-growing stump where his left antenna should be.  “After I lost this in an attack I was holed up in Sickbay for a while, too injured for duty but not critical enough for immediate care.  The whole time I was there one of them was among us, hidden in plain sight.  Never knew it was there until it finally exposed itself after ’84.  Thank Uzaveh that I was nowhere near it or the other that had slipped on board went on their rampages.”

Shall gulped down the remaining ale in his glass as fast as he could despite it still being half full, a poor attempt at drowning the memories.  “Trust me when I say you don’t want to be anywhere near them, even with forcefields between you and a fully armed security team backing you up.  If they want you dead, there’s almost nothing that will stop them from turning you inside out before you can blink.”  His eyes stared right into Nysari’s, a burning plea begging her to heed the warning.

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

His reaction to the question said even more than the words that followed. Raw fear, with no attempt to hide it. And he had only met one in hiding, having not even been there when they’d revealed their true natures. Nysari thought back to her recent conversation with Commander Rutherford, who had seemed so sure that there was no reasoning with this enemy. As an accomplished diplomat, her emotions had been well hidden during that exchange, but perhaps now Nysari was getting a glimpse of the horror that had prompted Rutherford’s reaction. Even after seeing the grotesque ending of the fight at the Federation Embassy, Nysari had harbored a desire to negotiate with this enemy, hoping to find an ending that would prevent further bloodshed. She still planned to do that, though she didn’t have the heart to tell the frightened young chan her plans. Someone on this ship had to do it. Better someone less scarred by past experiences.

A measured sip of her own ale meant that she wasn’t watching as Shall chugged down his own. She then caught the bartender’s eye, tilting her head slightly towards her companion’s glass as a subtle indication that he needed a refill. Such a precious commodity, this ale, and here she was wasting it by stressing him out. Tomorrow, she would need to reach out to her contacts on Qo’noS and see if there was any Andorian ale floating around. Not a top shelf import, given the Klingons taste, but maybe someone kept it around for foreigners. It would make a good apology gift.

“I’m sorry,” was her simple reply once she looked back at him. The apology was short and concise, yet she hoped it would convey so many things. What had happened to this ship, what he had lost, that she’d brought up the topic at all, and that she wasn’t going to heed his warning. “I have always lived by the philosophy that any conflict can be averted if one finds common ground where conversation can begin. Even during the Dominion War, I believed.” Only to be brushed aside as a young, inexperienced idealist. “I admit that I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around this threat. We know of its danger, yet little else.” She left it at that, an explanation that avoided detailing her plans to remedy their lack of information. Nysari had already requested - and been approved - to meet with Doctor Nicander, who was surely the medical officer Shall had mentioned. Though a date hadn’t been set for that as of yet.

She wanted to ask more, curious about someone who had known the chief medical officer before his possession. However, given his reaction, that line of questioning felt selfish. “Let’s speak of something else,” she abruptly changed topic as the bartender appeared with the bottle in hand. “I fear I have quite ruined the mood.”

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #9
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy]

Shall waved off Nysari’s concern over the mood and need to apologize.  “Don’t be, you asked the question you wanted.”  Sighing to himself while the tender filled his glass one more time the Andorian just stared at the blue liquid for a moment as he gathered his thoughts.  “Negotiation is always worthwhile, our own history proves that, look at Weythan.  All those pointless skirmishes with the Vulcans, Tellarites, and others before the Federation, wasted lives leading to decades or even centuries of anger that just caused more pointless strife.  If the humans hadn’t pushed their way out from under the High Command’s cloaks to get everyone to work together I only wonder if we would be Romulan slaves, or Klingon….”  It was an unusual take at history for a subject of the Empty Throne, if anyone back home heard that little speech he’d be branded a “fade” and subject to severe public ridicule (far more than simply wearing the Starfleet uniform instead of the Andorian Guard’s would bring).  “Even the Dominion War ended with diplomacy.” the chan continues after a collected sip.  “But these parasites aren’t like anything else we’ve faced.  They don’t just want us dead, from the rumors I’ve heard it sounds like execution via ice-bore would be a blessing compared to what they want for us.”

Despite all that, something told Shall that the zhen’s mind was made up about meeting an Infested, she was just getting some advanced recon.  “Speaking of history…” he slid the small device he’d been toying with to the counter space between them and activated it after adjusting a setting so that it wouldn’t blind anyone or take up too much air.  A small holographic representation of Andoria hung above the countertop and slowly rotated around on its axis.  The moon was pristine in appearance, he’d had the computer edit out most of the clouds and other weather effects leaving just a few traces of the airborne ice clouds and some cosmetic aurora at the poles.  “I’ve heard nothing since we fled Earth, how is home?”

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

“Everything ends with diplomacy,” she agreed, though the words were more perfunctory, as though it were a fact she wasn’t a fan of. “The real trick is finding ways to start there. We can avoid a great deal of bloodshed that way.” A coincidence that he’d mention Weythan as one of the examples, a part of history she’d thought of a great deal since meeting her department head. Commander Rutherford’s Vulcan heritage wasn’t readily apparent, but she clearly admired that part of her heritage.

Nysari’s gaze had drifted to the blue swirls of her drink as she thought, only pulled back to the present by a slight scrape of something new being placed on the bar. Her eyes flicked to the side, noticing a small holoimager just as Shall activated it. She recognized their homeworld instantly, for all Andoria looked rather lacking without heavy cloud systems spotting the atmosphere and the ringed gas giant lurking behind. Even with the discrepancies, the sight sent a pain of longing through her heart. There was tenderness on her face as she looked at that little holographic moon. “It’s the same as ever, I’d expect. I’ve been living on Earth.” In a city that no longer existed, there was the planet that had really changed. “I haven’t been home in nearly as long. It was before all the news about this ship came out. I suspect they’re frightened after what happened in- to Paris. Heightened security around all capital cities. The biggest fear is still the reproductive crisis.” There was that guilt again, reminding her what she’d given up, what she was risking by joining this crew. “Even if they survive the Romulans, Andorians are still dying out. On Andoria, that will always be the biggest issue of the day.”

Her forefinger reached out and tapped lightly on the planet’s northern pole, the whole image rippling slightly as she disturbed the northern pole. "My sh'za works in the north, on one of the archeology teams excavating an Aenar city. She would send up drones to take holoimages of this aurora. I still have some of them. We would project them into the ceiling at night, imagine we were out there. Though the temperature was far more comfortable.

The mood was something more melancholy now, which was only a slight improvement on earlier. Forcing the conversation to something cheerful would have felt false, so she was playing a longer game.

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #11
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] attn: @rae

Shall’s antenna drooped at what little news Nysari had to share.  Obviously he didn’t expect the reproductive crisis to have been ended, but the idea that the moon was falling to fear just didn’t sit right with the chan.  Even with the pre-War fears growing all throughout the Federation (especially Earth), his people were more than willing to stand up in the face of the Founders, put their collective bravery on full display.  Of course they probably had no idea just how close they’d come to being hit with their own thalaron bomb, just the thought of one of those exploding in Laibok made him shiver.

His outward mood lifted a bit as she tapped the northern pole and talked about her link to that part of the moon.  Nysari’s mention of the aurora brought them to the forefront of his mind, they were something he knew well.  His hair rustled as he nodded along with the story, and almost chuckled at her quip about the temperature.  “I spent a lot of time up on the fringes of the Northern Wastes before I left for Starfleet.  No archeology for me though, that far removed from civilization meant unimaginable views of the stars.”  For once, Shall actually started to smile.  “Every so often we’d take a holiday up to the Wastes so that I could make my own maps or do a study of Andor itself.  Then there was the project week in my final year, a full week with nothing but the winter starfield above and the ice below.  Some of my compatriots swore I darkened several shades of blue from the exposure, and it may have taken another week for the full feeling to get back into my toes, but it was something I’d never give up for anything.”

“Well, almost anything….” He added, taking a sip from his drink, the familiar flavors of home bringing back some other memories.  “My bondmates all knew of my love for the north of course, sometimes one of them would come with me while we were still young.  Sometimes I’m still amazed that they all readily agreed to celebrate our formal shelthreth at one of the cabins available just inside the Waste’s boundaries.  If it weren’t for all the furs provided I doubt I could’ve kept any of them there for more than a day…” his smile continued to grow, memories that he couldn’t share here playing out in his mind and actually giving him his first window of happiness for the first time in months.

Re: Day 08 [2215 hrs.] Feeling Blue

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya

Seeing the look on his face, Nysari decided to stay quiet for the moment, allowing him to fully live in that memory for as long as he could. She took a sip of her drink, giving the liquid a gentle swirl as she put the glass back on the bar, letting her imagination add the greens, reds, and purples of an aurora into the deep blue spirals. Her bondgroup rarely did anything that romantic anymore. Spread out as they were across four different locations on two planets, it had been enough of a logistical challenge to get all of them together. The tensions had only grown as their efforts failed to produce any results. In the beginning, there had been hopeful debates on whose living situations would have to change once they had a child to raise. Those discussions had died out years ago. They’d kept trying out of duty, but their gatherings were always weighted by the unspoken failure. Nysari had gone to Qo’noS because they all needed a break. A reset.

“The rest of us are more city people.” Once she felt like he’d had enough time, Nysari spoke. “Though Rysha would quite enjoy that location. I will have to suggest it to her.” The words fell from her lips before the diplomat realized what she’d said, and Nysari swore silently at herself for the mistake. How was she supposed to suggest it? It wasn’t like they could talk, or she could go home to visit. Her month long ‘break’ was now indefinite. Possibly forever. “One day.” She kept her tone even, perhaps slightly wistful, but the words felt leaden in her mouth. Planning trips she would likely never take. “Though please tell me that it has a glass ceiling, or at least a skylight. Or else she would make us spend far too much time outside.” Then a slight joke – to cover her slipup.

It looked so small, that pristine little holographic moon. It gave Nysari the irrational desire to protect it by the simple act of cupping it in her hands. But the real Andoria was out there, impossible to shield in that manner, home to billions living in blissful ignorance of the new danger they faced. As though genetics hadn’t dealt them a bad enough hand, now there were invisible parasites with weapons of mass destruction out there too.

“I think I can see Lor’Vela from here.” Another slight tap on the orb indicated where she was looking. “This is beautifully detailed. Can you make a copy of it?” She asked, gesturing to the hologram. “I will trade you some auroras for it.”

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