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Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Number6

In all her years with Starfleet, Enyd had never met a former drone of the Borg Collective. Granted, that was unsurprising considering the number of individuals who were successfully severed from the Collective and then reintegrated into Starfleet was quite small. That one of her present colleagues was such a unique individual had fascinated and excited Enyd from the minute she’d read up on Lieutenant Junior Grade Foval. Their encounters had thus far only been over the conference table in their meetings run by Rutherford, and she’d not yet been thrust into the field with Foval at her side. Considering the bittersweet rapport she had with Ensign L’Nari (more bitter than sweet…in fact, the Caitian only ever offered Enyd her bitter side), Enyd felt compelled to use the brief reprieve between mayhem and chaos to get to know her colleague better. Earlier, she’d sent him a message to meet her here, if available, to get to know one another better and perhaps “trade notes” on working in the department.

Positioned in the sitting area, at a table covered in data padd, Enyd poured over the research she felt pertinent to the next set of missions Rutherford had tossed her way. As she was not about to get thrown across a council chamber or take off running through the Qo’Nos jungle, Enyd wore the standard-issue dress rendition of her uniform, opting for thick leggings instead of hose and calf height boots. Her hair was completely loose about her shoulders, the earlier headache brought on from extensive research tempting her to shake loose her bun and massage her fingers over her scalp. A half-drunk cup of herbal tea sat cold on the table in front of her, forgotten at this point as she leaned with her elbows on the table, fingers buried in her dark tresses, shameless sounds of contentment and satisfaction emitting from her lips as she fought back the last traces of the headache. For the time being, Enyd was completely unaware of her surroundings and had momentarily forgotten the impending meeting with her enigmatic colleague.

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #1
[ Lt. J.G Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] attn @Ellen Fitz

The problem with being an ex Borg Drone was that people were pre disposed to not liking you.     Sure people would be professional - he had never been denied a drink because he was one of the unlucky ones, but nevertheless the lumps of metal implanted in his face were reminders of Starfleets greatest foe in a century.    

So chances to socialise were few and far between.     Sure he had met Zyrao but there had to be middle ground - a relationship that was neither purely romantic or purely professional- something in between, a friendship or comradeship that he had actively sought fo repress before assimilation, but would make him feel well adjusted as a normal being.      

So when he received the summons to meet Enyd he briefly wondered the best way to make an impression.   

He could pop along in the casual gear he replicated- but that would create an air of inappropriate familiarity.     Instead he settled on a casual look to his uniform.    He unfastened his uniform jacket two centimetres, and unzipped his uniform collar by a half a centimetre.   

Easily correctable, this was the Vulcan equivalent of turning up in Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.   

He entered the library and scanned the area.   Enyd was apparently sat with her head buried in her hands.     This was usually a sign of tiredness.    Or frustration.    Or despair.    Or a possibly all three in a pyramid of malaise.     

“Hello, have you had some bad news?     Have I come at a bad time?”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #2
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

A masculine voice questioning the appropriateness of the time at her side had Enyd pausing in her self-massage and looking up through disheveled tresses to see the familiar visage of Foval. She was quick to note the efforts he’d made with his uniform, having only ever seen him in the crisp perfection of a neatly assembled one while on duty. Smiling, Enyd dropped her hands and shook her head. Her warm gaze moved from his face to the strands of hair falling on her face from her greeting.

“No, no, you’ve come at the perfect time. Please have a seat,” Enyd spoke as she set about the sometimes arduous effort of wrangling her hair back into order. Its stubborn nature was one reason why she tried to keep it plaited or twisted and neatly tucked away. “I was just taking a break from some research Rutherford wanted me to do in preparation for our next stage against the Infested. With temporal mechanics becoming more a reality given recent intel, I felt it necessary to brush up on said topic. What are the diplomatic cues for a time traveler, etc.”

Satisfied with the hasty, haphazard braid she’d tied off to the side, Enyd smiled more readily at Foval now that she wasn’t distracted with her hair. Though she would be lying if she said the sight of the implants didn’t draw her attention more than was probably polite, Enyd found Foval’s presence far from frightening. Although they’d not gone on any missions together yet, she’d only ever seen him perform well with his duties and give valuable insight in their meetings. And the fact that it seemed L’Nari equally disliked him was a further point in his favor.

“Thank you for joining me. This is my first time to the library.” Her eyes took to traveling over the interior of the room as she spoke. “I’ve always loved libraries, though my grandmother would snort at hearing me say that. As a child, she had the darndest time getting me to sit still long enough to read, let alone confine me into a building built for books.” Chuckling at the memory, Enyd turned bright eyes back to Foval. “What of you? Have you been to the library before? Or do you like reading?”

I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply!

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn @Ellen Fitz

Foval nodded his understanding at the mention of time travel.     As a Vulcan it was, in some senses, completely against everything his society stood for   Since its inception the Vulcan Science Directorate had dismissed time travel as impossible however 200 years ago, a little over a generation in Vulcan terms, that belief was found wanting.     Even the concept, with paradoxes are inherently disruptive to the Vulcan tenets of logic.         With their situation in particular things just got, as humans would imprecisely yet aptly say, weird.     How could you negotiate with someone that has knowledge of your past, present and future?      

He eased himself into his chair as she finished her ritual.      He looked around at the collected tomes.       

She asked him about libraries.    It brought to mind his own experiences.   The dusty tomes libraries of  his youth were windows into the past, the medium more than the texts themselves.     Then there was his teenage study when he spent hours glued to a Padd or data terminal.     Between the two there was his brief rebellious phase

"I spent much of, my youth in libraries.     I found them invigorating Initially my parents encouraged this persuit, although in my rebellious phase I did question why we chose to abandon our emotional nature when we kept, and replicated, tomes and scrolls, when library computer access is more efficient."   He looked at her "It would seem we are both library renegades."

Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #4
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd leaned forward, attention captured at the mentioning of a “rebellious phase,” something she probably had never quite grown out of. She tried to picture a rebellious Vulcan but had trouble doing so. Snarky, sure, but rebellious? Not exactly.

“What do you think now? Of the intentional decoupling of logic from emotion for Vulcans? While I was on Vulcan studying, I met a surprising number who were perhaps considered fanatical by their peers for thinking that logic cannot exist without some basis of emotion or vice versa. That the expression of emotion is of itself a decision, and often, a logical one. What do you think of that?” Enyd was well aware of the fact that Foval’s time with the Borg may have some influence on his current concepts of Vulcan nature and logic, but that made her curiosity all the stronger.

Looking at her teacup, Enyd nodded toward it, “Would you care for something to drink?” She paused before adding, “Strictly offering as a polite gesture, not as an overture.” Enyd remembered the old tradition on Vulcan of a woman offering a man a drink being seen as a romantic overture and wasn’t certain if Foval would remember that or even think of it considering the context of their posting.

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy@Ellen Fitz

 Foval brushed his chin carefully    "I am something of a special case.    When I was assimilated much of my brain had to be modified due to the resiliency of the Vulcan mind.     When I was liberated my brain had to repaired around the implants in my head.      I am not quite the Vulcan I was.     I now lack traditional Vulcan psionic capabilities, not to mention the levels of hormones that generate the savage emotions, though I do have feelings that I can control"    

He realized that he may have gone into too much detail with his colleague.   He was still getting used to this way of living. He decided to continue.     "But there are Vulcans that have been trying to reconcile the halves of our soul for millenia.     Historians argue that we would not have found the stars without Surak. There have been factions that revere the Romulan way attempting to renew the savage era, or charlatans leading cults.      Yet, in his later years Spock of Vulcan has spoken openly about the need to go beyond logic, and the Vulcan High Command almost triggered a war in the name of their corruption of Logic"   

He put his hands on the table in front of them.    "My point is that it is a two way street.    Extremism in either direction never works."

He looked at the teacup, and a ghost of a smile tugged at the edge of his lips.    

"I will take a tea please."        He continued.   "And as you have not invited me to drink in your quarters in a state of undress I have inferred no such overture."

He interlaced his fingers       "Have you had an interest in my people for long?"
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #6
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd listened with rapt attention as Foval shared some of his experience with the Borg, establishing what made had made him different before and after the assimilation. It was fascinating, and she didn’t mind showing her absolute curiosity in her expression as she listened, nodding and humming at the right cues to show she was tracking his words and thoughts. When he accepted her offer of tea, along with his own Vulcan-esque teasing, Enyd blushed with a smile. She was quick about getting the tea and a refill for her own cup before responding to his discourse.

“My ancestors would probably have sided with Spock in his argument.” She pushed her hair back to show the subtle points, one of the only physical features that pointed to her mixed ancestry. "There’s family lore about when we first started ‘mixing’ with Vulcans, some saying that our first encounter pre-dates the official First Contact, but as you know, that would be near impossible, and the records that survived the nuclear wars and all the mayhem before First Contact are sketchy at best. There’s also some family folk tales saying we have some Romulan ancestry thrown in there as well. However, from the official documentation, Vulcan to a recent enough point there are living relatives on Vulcan, though they are distant clan relatives, that I visited often enough while studying my masters at the Metternich, Vulcan branch. I was also posted there as a type of rehab after the tragedies I faced on Cardassia, just before being transferred here. This is actually my first starship posting.”

Enyd smiled and shook her head, “So, to answer your question a bit more in brief without running down verbal rabbit holes, I have long had an interest in my own ancestry, be it the official ancestry of humans and Vulcan or the potentially mythical ancestry of Romulan.” Giving a half-shrug, Enyd brought the conversation back to Foval with her question, “What of you? Is this your first starship posting?”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #7
[ lt.Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

The Vulcan listened as she spoke about her own past with  Vulcans.    He immediately felt ashamed of embarrassment as she mentioned distant Vulcan heritage.  It was shortsighted and hollow.      Not every drop of Vulcan blood flows through pointed ears, nor does every pointed ear mean a Vulcan heart  

He looked her over, and wondered if he fancied that he could see traces of latent Vulcan characteristics in her beautiful features.  

"You will forgive me for assuming."    And staring, [\i]he mused.     Pulling himself together he caught up with their chat.   

She asked him about his posting.   He dreaded the fact he was about yo kill their conversation.     "My first posting was relief Helmsman on the Tolstoy…before Wolf 359."    Registering her mention of tragedy he hurriedly changed topics, the traumas of the past weren't something he felt like dwelling on.     "As for the rumours about first contact before, well First Contact, space fairing cultures like ours are full of navigation accidents and odd encounters before their documented meetings with others. For example, did you hear about the time Voyager found 20th  century Earth automobile in the Delta quadrant? "   From what Foval recalled there was also a human colony including an ancient human they named a base after.    

He sipped at the tea, the warm perfume offering taste and comfort.     It was nice just to talk.      However, he didn't want to address the topic of her difficulties head on.     

"Some parts of Vulcan are quite restful, even by human standards       Where do your relations live on the planet?"
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #8
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd nodded as she listened to Foval’s sharing, her fingers lightly tracing over the teacup in front of her. She never could sit still, even when listening. She shook her head at his question regarding Voyager’s contact in the Delta quadrant. Enyd was abysmal with keeping up with all the reports from all the starships that let loose into the galaxy.

“Before Theurgy, I was on Cardassia and Vulcan, so I’ll readily confess to a lack of knowledge for starship endeavors. Since I also didn’t go through the Academy, only the officer’s portion within my department studies, I was also ‘spared’ memorizing all the monumental starships and their captains and the historic endeavors they embarked upon.” Enyd gave a sheepish smile as she ducked her head in a nod of apology. “I paid attention to the situations that were tied to diplomatic relations, be they successes for failures, but rather glossed over the rest.”

She mirrored his movements and took small sips of her tea. It was pleasant to share stories over tea, and talk about things other than “work” with a colleague. So far this appointment was going exactly as Enyd had hoped. His question regarding her living relatives had Enyd smirking, remembering the last time she’d seen V’Lani on Vulcan.

“The living relatives are of the Clan Hgrtcha, though there are ties to Talek-sen-deen. When I wasn’t studying at the Metternich, I spent most of my time visiting the clan’s holdings in Shikahr. Lake Yuron was one of my favorite places to visit on Vulcan. I would often rent a villa right along the lake shore. I very much enjoyed watching the phosphorescent fish swimming under the moonless nights from the pebble beach. Have you been to Lake Yuron? Or what is your favorite place on Vulcan?”

Given his history with the Borg, Enyd was certain how long it had been since the man had returned to Vulcan. Or how strong his memories were of his home planet.

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #9
[ Lt. J.G. Foval  Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

Foval Mused on the past.     It felt like the past of someone else.    

"I have visited Lake Yuron, my educational institute visited there on a field trip.      As I recall I was among the few of my class to be used to a body of water.     I am from Kir Ahl, on the Thanar coast."

He looked down at his tea, the cooled liquid looking back at him.    The outline of his face visible in the bottom of the, mug, the tell tale Borg implants silhouetted, a reminder of what has been lost.

"My upbringing as a Vulcan would compel me to suggest that it is illogical to have a preferred place on the planet.       Although I always had a connection to home.   However…"

He took a deeper draught of tea, as if readying himself for the rest of the conversation.     "Following my return to the Federation, I have had no connection to home.    My betrothed found a new mate, a widow.     My family were cordial by Vulcan standards but there was dissonance between my life before Wolf 359 and now.      Even the familiar sites seemed unfamiliar through my new eyes.    I recall a human author once said 'the past is a different country, they do things differently there'.    That is true for me, on a planetary scale. "

He looked back up at the lieutenant, she did still outranked him, despite the informal nature of the meeting     "I must apologise, I do try to avoid being melancholy - I'm sure that wasn't the purpose of this meeting"
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #10
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd reached across the table and lightly touched the back of Foval’s hand. She wanted to convey in word and deed her condolences for his past pain.

“I have always appreciated that quote and see the wisdom in it.” She gave his warm skin a quick pat before withdrawing to sit up straight. “I haven’t returned to the family ranch in Montana since I was released from captivity on Cardassia. I’ve kept in communication with the ranch manager, but after I found out my grandmother died during my captivity, I lost much of my incentive to make the journey home.” She gave a half-shrug accompanied with a soft smile. “I hope to return home once we solve this predicament with the Infested, or hopefully before that, once Starfleet recognizes the threat and no longer labels us renegades. I already know, however, that much like what you said, things may look the same, and those who remained behind may act the same, but I am assuredly NOT the same.”

Foval’s apology had Enyd waving it away as if it were a pesky fly, shaking her head, “No, Foval, no need to apologize. The purpose of this meeting was to get to know one another, be it only the good or a healthy seasoning of the bad and the ugly. We are the sum of all that’s gone before us, in our ancestry and in our decisions, and none of us are guaranteed only to have sanguinity in our past.”

Enyd’s eyes darted to the side and, spying one of the pieces she’d picked up for fun, she pushed the PADD forward with a playful smile and a question, “What do you think about 20th-century Terran abstract art? I was looking through some of these pieces because, from my memory, much of Romulan art seems to have a thematic resemblance to Terran art from the 20th century, at least that’s the theory I’ve come up with.”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #11
[ Lt. Foval | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

Foval was taken aback from the momentary contact.    Before the assimilation he would have experienced a moments psionic flash.    Now post assimilation the psionic link wasn't there but the feeling behind the gesture wasn't lost on the Vulcan .    Still unable to return the gesture he nevertheless didn't exhibit any distaste or distress that hismkin would normally show

"My condolences on your grandmother's passing.  I understand that some find closure spending time with loved ones in their last moments."

Foval didn't dwell on his life post Infested- for him his life had been one survival after another.      Still he was beginning to enjoy his time on the Theurgy.   So he hoped that whatever happened he could remain on the ship.     

He looked at her PADD.      He had studied Terran art during his academy years but had always found thr abstract art somewhat overwhelming.       

"Abstract not a disicpline of art that i used to follow" he admitted "However, perhaps there is a link with 20th century Humans and Romulans - both species are traditionally governed  by the same concerns - duty to the state, military pride, and personal and honour.  Of course there are also subversive reactions to the status quo from rebellious quarters of these societies."

He looked closer at the art on the Padd.    Much to the ex Borg's surprise the art on the PADD was actually quite fascinating.      It seemed to speak to speak to him in an emotional way.    

"What is that?" He asked, pointing at the artwork
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #12
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd smiled and nodded at Foval’s condolences, “I think that depends on the last moments. Having my fiancé die in my arms on Cardassia was both a blessing and a curse. I’m glad I could tell him I loved him before he died and share a last kiss before he breathed his last. But that he died at all, and on account of me, still haunts me in my weak moments, if I’m honest.”

Foval thankfully turned the conversation back to the content on her PADD and she chuckled at his response to the picture. She’d chosen a geometric pattern of colorful points that, from afar, came together into what could be construed as a supernova but that, up close, looked like little individual swirls of kaleidoscope galaxies.

“This is a piece by a man named Joaquin Kalinski. He made this soon after a series of space-centered discoveries had been published and around the time a comet passed close to Earth. There were rumors at the time that the world was going to come to an end, and there was also much debate on how big the universe was, and was it or was it not shrinking or expanding, and of course, was there life on other planets.” Enyd shrugged with a smile before continuing, “This piece is titled ‘The Universe of My Soul is the Universe of Yours.’ Though he was a professional artist and relied on selling his pieces, he never sold this one. Aside from photographic evidence, the piece disappeared around the time he disappeared. No one knew what happened. He finished a birthday dinner with some friends and disappeared that night. When they went to his apartment to investigate, they found all traces of his painting and work gone and a note that said, ‘I’ve gone to find them.’ No one knew who he’d gone to find or where.” Enyd leaned her head closer to Foval’s as she studied the PADD, “I’ve always resonated with this piece. Do you like it?” She looked up and was startled, only then realizing how close she was. Clearing her throat, Enyd moved back to a more respectable distance and smiled.

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn:
@Ellen Fitz

The proximity of this colleague and superior officer was perfect evidence at how far he had changed since he had been liberated from the collective.   Not only did he not find the increasing contact between them distasteful, as most healthy Vulcans would, he actually found himself liking the closeness.    She was beginning to strike him as someone he would want to spend more time with and get to know better.    He was enjoying the moment.   As she cleared her throat and asked him about her opinion, he quickly replayed her conversation in his head as he mused that it was probably for the best – she was his superior officer in the same department after all.  

“I find it a unique piece” he said at last keeping his calm resolve.     “I find the concept interesting    There is a certain logic to it after all.   Vulcans have strived to balance the matters of the heart- that is to say, the soul – with the universe.   On one hand, there is the romantic notion of the shared soul, on the other, there is the profound scientific revelation that we are all star stuff, products of the universe trying to figure itself out.   I thank you for sharing this with me.    I also find the circumstans interesting   A puzzle to add to the art.”
There was an uncomfortable beat, then Foval continued gesturing back to the hand   “As for you, what speaks to you about the piece?”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #14
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd smiled, nodding to his assessment before giving a half-shrug and looking back to the piece. “It depends on the context of when I’m looking at it. My emotions, my stress levels, and my very environment can each influence which details are most enhanced and what impressions I am drawing from it.” Narrowing her gaze a moment, then giving another nod, “Right now, given the context of conversations I’ve had before this moment and the ones I need to have after, I’m noticing more of the chaotic elements instead of the controlled elements. Likely a reflection of my feeling like, or readily recognizing that there is far more I cannot control than what I can control.”

She flicked her finger, and the image changed to a picture of a man pressing against a door that looked to be almost impossible to push open. On the side where the man stood were other people pushing at doors or walking away from closed doors, looking dejected, all dressed in drab browns and greys with an equally drab color palette. On the other side of the door was another colorful depiction of a starry nebula filled with near-transparent images of mythological creatures and other things mostly seen in fables and fairy tales. In a small corner of the door where the man pressed, there was an easily overlooked sliver of light, alluding to the fact that the man’s pressing was slowly working. And upon closer inspection, one could also see similar slivers at some of the other doors.

After studying the picture for a quiet moment, Enyd looked back to Foval, “What would be on the other side of the door for you? If you were that man, of course.”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Foval | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

“I can certainly relate to the chaos”   Foval said.   From the agonising second his life long Vulcan resolve had literally been carved from his brain to make room for crude borg Implants, to the months he spent coming to term without either the Vulcan resolve or the implants that supressed his personality, to the residual voices that they generated and ending in the less than ideal weeks he had socially spent on Theurgy.   Life had certainly been a challenge.   He was adrift, and it made him feel alone.  
He looked at the picture.   It certainly spoke to him.    The image of the man surrounded by grey could be him as a borg drone, trapped, unable to get free from his Borg prison.   On the other hand it could be him now.   Things hadn’t gone well between him and Zyrao, and he had lived his life in the corridors and shadows.    Perhaps there was something for him on the other side of the doors.   At last he spoke up.  

“Belonging” he said, his voice going dry for a second.  

He looked into her green eyes searching for something.   Acknowledgement perhaps?   Reciprocation?   Desire?   Again, he quickly stopped himself.     He realised that he was coming across as needy.  

“Forgive me.”  He said after clearing his throat.  He looked back down at the picture seeing the man – his doppleganger?    “You were sharing this beautiful art with me.   You were not administering a visual association test.”

Everything about his professional instinct was telling him to get up from the table, not walk, run to his quarters, and not come out until it was time for his next duty shift.   And yet, something kept him seated in the chair.    
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #16
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number

“I often feel I am a magnate for chaos. I merely have to sit at a table, and all hell breaks loose.” Enyd feigned a duck and playfully winked at her table companion. “Just keep your eyes peeled and guard up if I’m in the room. I wish I could say it has only been a recent addition to my life, but I’ve always had a talent for finding trouble and getting out of it. That’s perhaps why I’ve always achieved my missions, albeit in a rather unorthodox fashion.”

The emotional tinge in Foval’s voice was not lost on Enyd. Still, she’d been around Vulcans enough to know it was far more disrespectful to call attention to an emotional lapse than it was to allow the one with emotion to admit to it. At his apology, Enyd met his gaze with a warm smile and responded with a half-shrug.

“Belonging and acceptance is a basic need for most, across species. How one emotes to this need may depend, and what it looks like may also depend, but it is a basic need for healthy rearing and development.” Enyd pushed the PADD toward Foval with another demure smile. “Visual association games are helpful even in developing relationships as aids to getting to know the deeper, more often overlooked nuances of one’s personality. So no apology is necessary. In fact, I hope you can find something to show me and ‘test’ me in return.”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Foval | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

“Chaos has been a more recent part of my life too”   Foval said.   “Living on a planet full of Liberated drones with various forms of racial resentment resurfacing promises anything but the mundane.  

In truth, Foval found himself hoping that he would get the opportunity to let his guard down more often with Enyd.  As he opened a new screen on Enyd’s pad, and opened a link directly to his own art database, he realised that he had done just that – let his guard down.      

His heart immediately sank.    The screen went to the last image he looked at    It was a Vulcanoid couple on a landscape.   They were both naked, she was being carried away by a giant bird towards the horizon.    He in the meantime was wrapped up in vines that despite enveloping him firmly, did nothing to preserve his modesty, particularly the large throbbing erection that the man seemed to have.      

She had already seen the picture.     He couldn’t very well struggle to hide the image, with one organic hand that the PADD would recognise, he couldn’t nonchalantly do it without drawing attention to the awkwardness.    

“After he was implicated in his part of the Gorkon assassination and the attempts against the Federation President shortly after, Romulan Ambassador Nancleus left the Romulan consulate on Earth in a hurry, after which the building was sealed.     After the Treaty of Algeron, Romulus officially withdrew its claims to the building.    Starfleet Security investigated the premises, the furniture was what had already been provided to them, the computer core/communications array installed by the Romulans had long since been wiped and physically melted.”   He gestured towards it with his hand.    “ The only native Romulan artifact left was this painting.       What does it say to you?”   
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #18
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

“That does sound like an intriguing time. If you ever care to share those stories with me,” Enyd nodded to Foval, eyes darting to his implants briefly, and for the first time since he’d arrived, “I’d be honored to hear more about that time in your life.”

When he broke his gaze away to study the PADD, Enyd’s eyes tracked his movements. While the image did not shock her, she got the feeling that it was perhaps not exactly what he’d been hoping to share with her. Foval seemed like more Vulcans in that he’d prefer to keep certain elements of his life private, and sexuality was perhaps one of those elements. While a Vulcan could easily look at this picture and logically note the erect penis and the nude nature of the Vulcanoids depicted without a hint of arousal, Enyd knew very few humans could go without eyes widening at the length and girth of the erection or the ample bosom of the female being carried away.

Be they beauty ideals or realistic depictions, they were both quite notable. Still, Enyd had seen enough art and lived long enough on Vulcan to remain neutral in her expression as Foval explained the context behind the picture. It was a story she’d heard of before and a picture she’d seen before—ever curious about anything remotely Romulan—but having Foval tell her and show her was intriguing. Why did he have it in his collection? Was he curious about his distant relatives? Did he feel more like the man, the woman, the bird, or even the vines? His question stilled Enyd’s wandering mind enough to bring a contented smile to her face.

“Depends on the perspective, really. If I was angry, I’d probably focus on the vines or even the talons of the bird most. If I was sad, the facial expressions of both the man and the woman. If I was lonely, the bulging muscles in his arms and legs as he fought against the vines, and her outstretched hand reaching back toward him. And, likely unsurprising, if I was aroused, I’d very much home in on her breasts and his erection.” Enyd shrugged. “Not exactly an answer to what it ‘says,’ though so…” She leaned forward to study the picture more directly, nibbling her lower lip in concentration. After a few breaths, Enyd sat up again, “Determination. Grit. Tenacity. What about you?”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #19
[ Lt. j.g Foval | Library and Research Room | Deck 1|USS Theurgy] attn @Ellen Fitz }

Foval had become a bit more relaxed as she studied the painting.   That she didn’t raise any kind of comment at the presented nudity filled him with a sense of relief  

“A historical standpoint would say that it represents the parting of the ways between the Vulcan and Romulan people.    The man has been enveloped by the vines that represent the restrictions of the way of logic.    The woman meanwhile is fortunate and has been rescued by the bird – a powerful symbol in Romulan culture - and is being carried to the safety of Romulus.”  

He pointed at the male’s erection with his borg claw.   “However, Vulcan isn’t known for its vines or jungles.   The vines could be a literal manifestation of the Romulan establishment.     His clear arousal is a sign of the fact that he is getting pleasure from his place in life    The woman is being carried by a bird that looks less like the birds of prey of Romulan mythology – the bird’s claws appear softer.     There is a school of thought that says this is a piece of work from the reunification movement on Romulus.   However, it is difficult to decode one way or the other without a second painting.”   

He handed her the PADD back   

“I have something of a fascination with nud… art of this type.    I am curious ton see how sexuality can be interjected into a situation to bring out meanings other than gratification.   Most Vuclan work on the matter comes from our people under the influence of their Septennial Lapses.    When the artist settles down, they usually destroy their art.   Sometimes for a Vulcanoid perspective I have to turn to our Romulan cousins.”

What Foval had just admitted to her made him sound like a pervert to certain Vulcan philosphies.    But if you were going to be curious, you might as well be curious about everything.   
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #20
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Nodding as she listened, Enyd settled back in her seat and observed Foval as he explained. She could see the analogy clearly and nodded again as he finished, handing the PADD back to her across the table.

"Have you shown this to any of our Romulan crewmates? I'm curious about their take on the matter. Perhaps they could attest to its reunification themes or not. Or maybe even recommend more artwork from their personal libraries."

But then he added his fascination with this type of art, and Enyd’s smile turned mischievous, deftly handing the PADD back over the table.

“Now I’m good and curious. I’d like to see another one, if you don’t mind. While I prefer learning cultural dances or fighting styles from different cultures, I can also appreciate artwork in all its varieties.” She gave him what she hoped would be an encouraging nod. “There’s no shame in seeking to understand another’s worldview on reality through artwork or fighting tactics, no matter how much or how little clothing is involved. So, you won’t find judgment here.” Enyd gestured to herself, fingers moving over to grasp hold of her teacup. “I’m not sure how much Terran Renaissance artwork you’ve seen, but needless to say, humans are just as intrigued by nudity and how it can be used to express different ideas and emotions.”

Reaching across the table, Enyd pushed lightly at the PADD again.

“Please, Foval, I am very curious. To a fault, likely.”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #21
[ Lt. J.G Foval | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

“I hadn’t given much thought to socialise with much of anyone on the crew,”  Foval admitted.   It was true in that he had decided not to.   However, the thought of socialising made him very anxious.   He had only brought himself to this gathering because Enyd had initiated contact.   Though he had to admit, he was beginning to enjoy himself, despite the increased potential for awkwardness.  

It was to her credit, in fact that he didn’t run away right there.   He picked up the PADD and scrolled through his art.   He scrolled through his selection.   “I suppose everyone has seen the first Klingon Heart.”    In the painting, a depiction of the First Klingon Male, and the First Klingon Female are in a passionate tryst.   Smeared in the grime of battle, the ancient gods lay dead at their feet.   

It was time to take the ultimate risk.   He made his selection.    What happened next would be on his own head.    “I wonder how your curiosity will take this one.” he said, sliding the PADD  back across.     

A Vulcan Female stood in front of an entrance to a  bridge.     On the other end of the bridge, here were two paths – one to a serene lake, and another to a rocky cliff face, with waster thrashing down the jagged rocks.   The woman is wearing a black cloak around her shoulders, nevertheless her ample, pert breasts are clearly on view.   Her crotch is blocked by a figure completely enveloped in grey rags kneeling at her feet 

“What does this one say to you?” he asked at last
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #22
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd made a silent “oh” with her mouth before adding, “While I’m still a fairly new transfer to the ship, I can already attest to the fact that we have quality crewmates. I think you mind yourself pleasantly surprised if you took a stroll through the arboretum or sat on the observation deck a bit.” Enyd smirked, “I’ve been able to learn quite a number of new tricks, make new friends, and meet old, unexpected ones, from time on the holodeck as well.” She watched Foval as his fingers moved over the PADD again before adding, “Just send me a message if you want a wingwoman, and I’ll be happy to join you in my free time.”

She fell silent when he spoke of the Klingon artwork, giving a vague nod, as she somewhat remembered but also couldn’t pinpoint the details. Before she could ask him for a visual reminder, Foval pushed the PADD back across the table, asking for her feedback on the new picture. It Enyd a few quiet moments to determine her assessment, which was shared in a warmly clinical tone of voice.

“The lake is tradition and following societal expectations, the thrashing water is going against it. Or at least, that is at one level of understanding. The bridge is her life leading up to the choice, the figure in grey rags representing further societal or familial restraints put upon her, presenting itself as an obstacle to her path. On one level. On the other level, it is begging her not to make the choice, to remain where she is, balancing between the choices but without choosing. A grey reality of limbo weighs one down, like the heavy blackness of her cloak.”

She glanced up to Foval and lifted a singleyebrow.w, “And for you?”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #23
[ Lt. J.G. Foval | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

Foval was puzzled, although he had some experience in one man ships, and had served as, and been joined by “a wing man” he was nevertheless confused about how they related to his current situation.     He made a mental note to consider further social experimentation as the conversation continued.  

He studied her response as she considered the piece.   Such a quick appraisal was unexpected.    Nevertheless he found it utterly fascinating.    This truly was new ground for him.  

He allowed himself a hint of teasing in his voice as she asked him for his interpretation of the piece.   Despite this hint of mirth, he was taking a huge risk, practically exposing himself in some senses as the naked people in their subjects of discussion.  
“My art teacher told me that it is poor form for an artist to tell a viewer how they should interpret their work.”  

He allowed his admission – that he was the artist of the piece – to set in.    He wondered what the implications would be.   In many senses, he was exposing his soul, such as it was, to her.   Finally he spoke up.   “Some years ago, prior to my assimilation I was… ill.”   He let the implication hang in the air.    “During my convalescence I experienced the scene in this picture.   I described it in a personal log, and then my illness subsided.     During my recovery from the Borg collective while trying to connect with who I was before my assimilation I decided to realise the dream in an image.”  

Truth be told he was more like the person he had been during the “illness” now than he had been before his assimilation.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #24
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd didn’t hide her pleasant surprise at Foval’s admission but nodded her appreciation with a warm smile as he continued. He spoke of being ill and considering the artwork before her, Enyd could only presume it was pon farr that he spoke of. She found it fascinating that during his recovery from assimilation, the dream returned to him as it had. She said as much with a warm tone of voice.

“Considering how one’s sexuality is such a vital part of the identity, I think it was only natural that this dream came back to you. Thank you for sharing that story with me, this picture as well.” Enyd tipped her head to the side, weighing out what she should or should not say before soldiering on. “I kept these scars,” she drew attention to the scars on her wrists, “as a visual reminder of who I was and who I could or should become after my kidnapping by the Directorate on Cardassia Prime. While it is not the same as your picture, it is at least similar in that visual reminders of something core in our soul are instinctive and worth treasuring.”

Enyd nodded toward the PADD with an eager smile, “Do you have more?”

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