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Topic: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud (Read 6115 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #50
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd giggled at Zark’s brief look of incredulity. “I have a tendency to end up naked when on missions. Either because the cultural norms require it or something goes terribly wrong, and my uniform is the first thing sacrificed to the goddess of mayhem. And it is a goddess, not GOD, because only a female can be so vindictive.” Enyd laughed because it was either laugh or cry at just how far from joking she was, though she’d spoken in a mirthful manner. She nodded along with Zark’s declaration of being armed with more than a mere dirk. “My wits and experiential learning and training are my main weapons, but I’m opportunistic enough to utilize forks, rocks, or cleverly hidden blades if the mission goes south and physical means are necessary to get out alive.”

The concept of fighting in a kilt had Enyd’s eyes dancing, and without realizing it, she began to tap her feet as if doing a makeshift happy dance. Zark’s lunge forward, followed by her latch onto Enyd’s thighs, had the diplomat shrieking with laughter as she tried to dance out of reach. She tripped on discarded items on the ground and bounced against the table, eyes still alight with mischief.

“I’ve trained a bit with the Chief with the sword, and I’ve got a holoprogram saved from her to keep up with the training but if I could do that in a kilt, why, that would be bloody amazing!” Her body hummed with joy as she imagined L’Nari’s expression should Enyd ever show up to the council chamber with the tik’leth and kilt combination. The poor Caitian would probably jump out of an airlock. “When would you be free to help with the fitting?”

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #51
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Lieutenant Madsen's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz‍

"Enyd!"  Zark exclaimed, more accurately squealed before dissolving into laughter. Some diety of Chaos had come to grips with her friend once more causing her to somehow almost disarrange her sitting area in front of her very eyes.  The Andorian laughed at the absurdity of her friend managing to slip out of what amounted to an anchor grip that was supposed to hold her in place.  Platinum tresses shook as Zark shook her head in disbelief before extending her hand and getting Enyd back on the couch.  "I swear, we need to run a spectral analysis on you.  There's some malign influence coming after you."

Managing to get here mirth under control to actually think, Zark pondered on the diplomat's question for a moment before nodding to herself.  "I should be free over the next few days and as far I know till we leave space dock to help with the fitting  It's just..."  and a blue index finger tapped the delicate chin for a moment.  "Well, there's two, maybe three options when it comes to getting you fitted for a kilt."  The Andorian straightened as she sat before raising her hand to count her points.

"We'll need the holodeck again for measuring.  We can do it with a Tricorder, but we can make this an experience!" Zark's mind already began putting together the environment, maybe a Highland castle as a venue with a team of kiltmakers. "So, one, we just get you measured and make you a kilt, easy and done."  The second finger shot up. "The second option requires more work, and maybe some library time, but we'd have to go through your ancestral history, even in the broadest sense to figure out which clan you or your area is descendant from in Scotland, then we make a kilt from there." A third finger joined the first two and the blue face became a cross of delighted and devilish at the same time.  "Option numero trois is that we go all out for you.  After tracking down where any Scottish ancestors you have came from, we're not just going to make a kilt.  It's going to be full Highland Dress, hat, jacket, sash, badges; and since you love it so much, we'll even see about a dirk as well."

The fingers dropped and Zark leaned forward in anticipation. "So my lady, what say you on the choices available?"

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #52
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

“I know, right? I swear chaos finds me no matter what I’m doing!” She rubbed at the sore spot on her side as she continued. “All my life, no matter how careful I am, things just seem to go topsy-turvy around me. Usually, I get the brunt of whatever goes wrong, but there have been a few times when it was the person I was with.” Enyd’s lips quirked into a playful smile as she remembered her first outing with Victor. It had been a near-death experience that had led to a life-changing relationship. “As far as I know, I never angered anyone enough to get a hex put upon me. But maybe someone in my past? A family curse?”

Shrugging, Enyd pulled her hand away from her side and crossed her arms as she listened to Zark lay out the options. She found it amusing that Zark would assume Enyd would go for anything but “all out.” Their friendship was still young, but Enyd had assumed that by this point in time, Zark would have realized at least that much.

“Of course, the third option, dearest. Anything but that would be a complete waste of our time, energy, and resources. My grandmother always insisted that if you were going to do a thing, do it right and well the first time, so you had no reason to bitch and moan about regrets later. Granted, the term ‘bitch and moan’ never crossed her lips, but it was her own uppity rendition of that sentiment."

Her eyes dancing, Enyd leaned close, licking her lips, “Can I get the dirk first? And can we get it engraved?” Certainly, her Andorian friend recognized that this particular diplomat had a thing for sharp pointy things.


Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #53
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Lieutenant Madsen's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz‍

"I think I can arrange that."  Zark told the pointy object obsessed diplomat as she smirked and considered just what sort of dirk would be appropriate for the woman. "and you're right, if we're going to get you a dirk, it has to have a full outfit to go with it.  Just having a dirk and kilt would just look silly." Zark smiled in memory of a different time at the Academy when research could be done just for learning to do the research without any other requirements or galaxy breaking implications.  Of course, in her chosen career path, that only lasted the first year, but they were still good times nonetheless and it would be good to use those skills for the fun of it.

Zark took a moment to sit back and regard her new friend as her antennae focused in on those delighted majestic emerald eyes.  Enyd licking her lips still aroused traces of lust in the Zhen, but at the end of the day, there were too many other aspects to love about her that made a deeper friendship more than possible and something the Andorian looked forward to.  Zark had shared a musical pleasure with her.  Lost control and found it again with her.  Been healed, then shared food, festivities with her.  She had done everything memorable and enriching all in one go, a life time in an afternoon, and there were no regrets from it at all.  Oh yes.  It was definitely the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

That twinkle in the blue-green Andorian eyes soon transformed into condensation as Zark's jaw tried to detach and began sucking in a large quantity of oxygen before exhaling a mass of carbon dioxide.  A blue hand quickly went up and covered the gaping maw as the eyes blinked away the tears.  A toll had been taken on the body, and now the bill had come due.  The Andorian gave her human friend a smile.  "I think that's my body telling me that I'd better head back and get some sleep.  I'm anticipating a long night, and when duty calls, the maxim of sleep when you can holds." The statuesque Andorian paused for a moment and shrugged before crawling the short distance between the two and paused next to Enyd's ear. "I'd regret if I didn't at least leave this way." she whispered before planting tender, soft, and slow kiss on the delicate cheekbone.

Wanting to do more, but deciding that was a decision for another time, Zark slipped off the couch and onto her feet. Padding over to the door to collect her items off the floor before turning her brilliant smile on Enyd.  "I'll be in touch in a few days and I think I should have something for us to work with." Standing like a she meant to step out into the corridor without a care what others thought, a blue hand worked the door and allowed the corridor lighting to spill in framing the dishevelled mess she was. "Thank you Enyd.  That was the most amazing afternoon I've had in a long time and I'm glad we met today.  Just knowing you're here makes everything better." Stepping barefoot into the corridor and ignoring the gawking crewman who was standing outside, Zark made her way back to her quarters.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #54
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd clapped her hands together like a child, “Goody! I can’t wait to wear this outfit to work sometime. While I don’t try to annoy certain colleagues, my presence seems to irk them, so I can’t help but give in to the temptation to aggravate them further. If they insist upon being so wholly unpleasant toward me, I might as well get some pleasure from the experience.”

Zark’s yawn only prompted a heart one from Enyd, and it was then that her body remembered more rapidly than her mind just all that they’d managed to live through in a short span of time. It seemed she would need to nap and recover from her holodeck time to prepare for the evening. Laughing at Zark’s comments, Enyd nodded after patting her cheeks and rubbing away the yawn tears that had bordered her eyes. She was still blinking away the sleepies when Zark leaned forward and kissed Enyd’s cheek, both startling the diplomat and earning the Andorian a human giggle.

She nodded to her friend once the Andorian pulled away and made for the door, “I look forward to it.” Enyd made to wave away Zark’s gratitude playfully. “It was my pleasure, Zark. After so many years spent on Vulcan with only a few other aliens besides myself to ‘play’ with, I’m exceedingly grateful to have you and the others I’ve met here. I, too, had a splendid time, and I’m already scheming other mischiefs to make with you. Though we’re up against absolute chaos, I’m glad to face it with you at my side.”

She waved again at her departing friend and heaved a sigh of contentment. Now for showers, snacks, and sleeps.


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