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Topic: Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary (Read 5035 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Ellen Fitz @oberonfrost @chXinya @Griff @redshift316

The latest Federation News Network report thoroughly pissed off Adam, well all of them up til now about their ship and his fellow crewmates, as he sat watching the feed on a padd as he ate.

He had heard that the Captain ordered something to be done about the media and their nonsense which was obviously controlled by their enemies. He wasn't sure if anyone had taken that order on yet, it didn't seem directed at anyone in particular so it may be up for grabs.

Adam was still recovering from his kidnapping experience yesterday on Qo'noS along with several others. He should check on them to see how they are, maybe after. He looked up and around for anyone who may be a senior officer in order to declare that he'd like to take on the media problem. Though he was going to have to get help as he'd simply get angry at the FNN correspondent the moment they refused to listen.

He needed someone with experience with them at best and at worst probably someone who could give some credible irrefutable evidence to prove the truth. Adam sighed as this may involve more people than he expected. Well it was either sitting around getting angry at the news or doing something about it, he was sure some others would help if they knew someone was doing something.

So while he looked around for a senior officer, he noted anyone whom he could enlist in his little project.


OOC: Okay thrillseekers, lol, we will go by the order of whoever posts their first post, unless we have changes in direction as we go. As the general plan I believe that was discussed: first things first Kingston will rally a group to brainstorm how to best contact FNN and make sure it's safe to do so (EllenFitz: Cross, Griff: Alistar, Redshirt: Jaya) and then find someone with FNN experience (chXinya: Selena). To get Oberonfrost: Rylan involved Thea can point him out to us whom is operating on Qo'noS having already interacted with the Captain. We approach and ask for his help. Did I miss anything?

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 5 [1200 hrs] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle  @oberonfrost  @chXinya  @Griff @redshift316

Cross glared at his empty glass as if by glaring at it the glass would cough up the answers he sought. The events at the Azurite Station still irked him, as did the intel coming in from attacks against Theurgy personnel on Qo’Nos, despite the assurance from the High Council that they had nothing to fear—except maybe the rebels here or the hidden Tal Shiar operatives there and oh, did we forget to mention…

Shaking his head, Cross leaned back in the chair and shook his head at his own musings. Qo’Nos was no Aldea Prime and certainly no Risa. One would have to be a fucking fool to think that anything aside from mayhem and chaos awaited them on the Klingon homeworld, even in a time of peace, of which they were not presently living. Cross looked around the lounge with his frown still tugging at his lips until he spied Lieutenant Kingston. He had been one of those affected by the Tal Shiar kidnapping event just the day before, and while he’d read the report, Cross had yet to check on any of those personnel in person.

After pushing back from the table, Cross wove his way through the maze of tables and chairs until he stood just to the side of where Kingston sat.

He gave the man a nod of acknowledgment before clearing his throat to speak, “Lieutenant Kingston, how are you faring after yesterday’s events on Qo’Nos?”

Re: Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary

Reply #2
[ Ens. Jaya Thorne  | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle  @oberonfrost  @chXinya  @Griff @Ellen Fitz

Jaya sat at a table in the Whetstone Lounge contemplating the remnants of her current drink. She was barely watching a news feed on the padd sitting in front of her. The news from back home was making her physically ill. The propaganda was obvious when you were outside the cotton candy bubble of it all. The reality was far more ugly. She turned the feed off with an annoyed jab of her thumb. She drained her glass of fake scotch and half-slammed it to the tabletop.

The helmsman rubbed her chin with annoyance. She felt a frustration that, rather than paralyze her into helplessness, galvanized her into action. She looked around the room as she fought to come up with something--anything that she could do to help out even more with the war effort.

Then she saw Commander Cross at a nearby table. If anything, he looked in his own Vulcan inscrutable way, was as frustrated as she was. She deeply respected the officer, having worked under him for countless hours on the bridge of Theurgy. Jaya stode over to the officer and stood at what she called relaxed attention--not stiff like a cadet plebe but with respect.

“Commander Cross? Ensign Thorne, Assistant Chief Helm officer.  May I have a moment of your time? I’ve been appreciative of the things I’ve learned from you while serving on the bridge with you. I’m very frustrated with the current status quo, and rather than just gripe about it, I want to do something about it. I’d like to get more experience and training in coordinating directly with Tactical from my helm position. For example, using my role in positioning the ship’s weapon mounts in relation to oppositon ships. The more we can coordinate our efforts, the more effective Thea can be in a tactical situation. Sir.”

Re: Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @redshift316 @Ellen Fitz @chXinya @oberonfrost @Griff

He did not want to dwell on yesterday's fandango with Tal Shiar schmucks who decided to kidnap Madsen, their first mistake was not killing the rest of them and or not capturing them all. The team quickly made work of finding and giving the Romulan goons a nightmare then rescued Madsen before they had to go find a way to contact Thea.

"Hello sir," Adam greeted as he stood. "I'm still recovering, though-" he paused realizing that Cross could help with his wanting to pursue the FNN objective the Captain called for. He smiled then though suddenly they were joined by a woman. An Ensign Thorne and assistant chief helm officer no less.

Wow she was rather aggressive and somewhat rude as she went on but at her mention of being about to use the ship's weapons while navigating the ship seemed like a good improvement. In theory anyway but in a battle where it seems like the sides have chosen a D.F.A. Designated Fighting Area. There could be any number of navigational hazards or surprises that the helm officer had to deal with and couldn't aim weapons as well.

Though if she could do it then Adam wasn't going to get in the way. Not to mention that Thea herself could be doing part of the work as well. "Hello," Adam greeted Thorne with a smile.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle  @oberonfrost  @chXinya  @Griff  @redshift316

Kingston had just begun his reply to Cross’ inquiry when Ensign Thorne joined them. Thorne had always struck him as a go-getter, though not one to balk at orders. He had never had reason to doubt her capabilities, nor question her insight. So when she immediately spoke of things she would like to do to make changes, it brought to mind his recent encounter with Lail on the holodeck.

“Have you had a chance to meet with our recent transfer, Lieutenant Lail, from the Oneida? She is working on a set of war games that will commence next week and needs more officers willing to coordinate with her in the gaming. I believe your suggestion and desire to do ‘do” something is exactly what she’s looking for.”

A sudden thought occurred to him. He recalled something from the venture's mission report to Federation Embassy on Qo’Nos.

“Beyond war games and mission readiness, there are other ways of being proactive in such times. Have you given much thought to counteracting the propaganda being used as a weapon against us? Our colleagues ‘rescued’ a known Federation influencer from the brig at the Embassy earlier this week. And there was a reporter there as well. Both should be onboard soon, perhaps by the end of the week, if they aren’t already. Perhaps that is a route we could take. Fight fire with fire, only our fire has basis in reality.” He frowned then nodded to himself as another face came to mind and quickly added, "We also had a new transfer, time traveler of sorts, Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt, part of Operations. He may also have some insight for future related events we could track down."

Re: Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Ellen Fitz @redshift316 @oberonfrost @chXinya @Griff

A grin spread across Adam's lips as he heard Cross speak of exactly what he was looking to do, not to mention that it was Captain's orders though not assigned to anyone in particular. Maybe it was a group objective should the opportunities arise where they could do some damage to as Cross put it Parasite propaganda.

Adam thought it was important to remember that those people taken over by Parasites are being forced to do what the Parasites want them to do, though it is possible that some could be acting in their own interests as well. They won't know til they can return to investigate.

"Interestingly that you say that because," Adam quickly interjected with a smirk before he became serious. "I'm looking to do just that sir. I also heard it is actually an order from the Captain but I cannot do it alone." he paused, offering his hands to both Cross and Thorne.

"Could you both help me with this, if your duties allow you to dedicate some time to this? This could be a pivotal project that, maybe, just maybe, accelerate our return to Earth to prove to those that are still uninfested and in power that the Parasites exist." He began attempting to convince the two officers that helping him could be more important than anything else they have tried before.

He took a breath and waited. Both seemed to agree to lend help when they could but the lead of the project fell to him. Adam was okay with that, he thanked them and excused himself to find others with more specific skills or expertise in terms of the media.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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