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Topic: Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations (Read 7709 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations


The polls for the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr awards are up and will run for 3 days, so I have decided to open up for nominations in two new award categories.

Nominations for these two Writing Awards are now open until the 5th of November, where two separate polls will be posted on the 6th of November for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively. The two polls will be public, and of course, those casting the vote will need to read the scenes nominated before casting their vote in the poll.

The awards? :) This time, they are these:

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

Earlier Recipients (not eligible): None currently active

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotional impact, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

Earlier Recipients (not eligible): @Auctor Lucan @SummerDawn @Nolan


Those who make a nomination in All is Fair in Love & War 2021 will receive 1 Story Token. Here are the rules for Award Nominations:

  • Nominations should be posted in the announced nomination thread posted on the forum (here). Anonymous nominations may be made to the Game Moderator via PM on the forum, who will then post the nomination in the nomination thread.
  • Nominations are to be made before the announced nomination time expires.
  • Nominations may be made by any member that isn't an Applicant.
  • Self-nominations are not permitted.
  • There is no limit to the number of nominations one can make (but will not get extra Tokens).
  • Prior winners of the same award are not eligible.
  • Each nomination should include a motivation. The nomination write-up is 50 words minimum and should concentrate on why the recipient(s) specifically is/are deserving of the award. You should always include one or multiple links.

All nominations will be added to the polls that will determine the winner of the awards. 


  • Forum Name of Nominee(s):
  • Primary Reason for Nomination:
  • Secondary Reason for Nomination (Optional):
  • Motivation & Links (50 words minimum):

Of course, you should only nominate scenes where at least one of the writers in the scene are still an active writer on the forum. There is no need to nominate scenes where all writers that wrote it have already left the sim.

I look forward to reading your nominations here in this thread! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #1
Inner Light Award Nomination

Forum Name of Nominee(s): @Swift & @stardust
Primary Reason for Nomination: Amazing writing surround their characters of Andrew Fisher and Samantha Rutherford.
Secondary Reason for Nomination (Optional):
Motivation & Links (50 words minimum): Working with first Swift and then Stardust on the "Operations" has shown me how skilled and invested they are as writers in their characters. After reading their dedication and history, I have started going back and reading their DC thread that further expounds on the history with the two characters. I highly recommend it to everyone.
[2374] Operation 'Spark' - Betazed
CH06 Battle Log: Operation 'Return to Sender' [D03|1340]
CH07: S [D03|1723] Operation: 'Dinner Out'


Re: Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #2
Pakled Order Nomination

Forum name: @Griff

Primary reason: Added some humor into a scene that had my characters reactions mimicking my own. These are the moments that you see on screen and think "No one could be that gullible" And then it gets pulled off masterfully. Bravo.

Secondary reason: Many years ago, in a galaxy far far away, I had a scene with a dear friend of mine that also involved pie. I have never been able to look at Pumpkin pie the same way ever again. Griff my friend, I will never look at Key Lime pie the same way now.

Motivation and links: Come on now, when you actually feel the horror of being tricked and then burst out laughing so hard that you very nearly fall from your chair, you've gotta take some time to recover. It's a perfect moment that takes a bonding moment for old fiends in character and makes it seem absolutely real while also adding some interesting backstory implications.,3233.0.html#info_33313

Re: Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #3
Pakled Order Nomination

Forum name: @Brutus & @Nesota Kynnovan

Primary reason: At this point, Faye and L'Nari's personal feud has become the stuff that legends are made of. Certainly in the Diplomatic department. And they indulge in their animosity with so much believable spite and inadvertent humour that any of their interactions are funny to read, yet still feel as utterly realistic and commonplace to anyone who has ever had a colleague they didn't like. Bravo!

Secondary reason: It is always nice to see two writers being on the same page when it comes to an "enemy plot" and drawing equal measure of joy from sending their characters through the motions. This seems to definitely be the case her and I just love myself a good, enjoyable, well-played-out bitch rivalry.

Motivation and links: I was first introduced to this dysfunctional pair right off the bat, when Fife was still playing L'Nari,  but Nesota has since made the character, as well as the rivalry, entirely their own and - together with Brutus - elevated it beyond. As seen in a similar setting during A most furtive Debrief. But their true comedic potential shined gloriously in Stranded I: In a Compromising Position. Ever since then, it is my one goal in life to eventually throw them in a thread together again, and just wait what happens.

Inner Light Nomination

Forum name: @Swift & @Pierce & @P.C. Haring & @Griffinsummoner

Primary reason: Sure, this nomination is tied together by the impeccably deep and troubled character of Kate Foster. Whom I think each and everyone involved has come to love as a pretty mess. But each other writer mentioned have held their own against this cesspool of insecurities and scorn, by playing their own characters' shortcomings and idiosyncrasies off of her.

Secondary reason: Be it in a blossoming friendship, kind romance or supportive professionalism, this group of regularly interacting writers has done some pretty incredible character development off of one another. Keeping me hooked, excited and engaged, in whatever they were going to do next.

Motivation and links: A great example of their work together, On shores of brighter tidings uses the tapestry of tragedy and loss to paint a hopeful picture for each and everyone of these characters. Or Playing Parent, where Hathev touches deeply on Kate's troublesome history and current predicaments. A poetry that was rekindle and is ongoing in Anomalous Care as well as for the rest of the group here, in Recurring Meassures.

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