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CH02: S [D02|2341] Turning the Lights On

[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy]

[Day 1 | 2147 hrs]

Kai walked towards the table where Ducote and Douglas were sitting. The cold glass filled halfway with Whiskey, rested comfortably in his right hand as he strode relaxingly but purposefully towards his intended seat. He reached the table and gave nods to the two already seated. The large man raised the glass to his lips and took a sip of the delicious liquid before setting the glass on the table and lowering his large frame into the chair.

As the conversation went on, both Akoni and Ducote learned more about how the man sitting across from them, was related to Gorka. Kai was intrigued with the conversation; however, his focus was split with some happenings occurring across the room.
There seemed to be rising tensions and some raised voices happening between the Theurgy’s resident Gorn and a Klingon guest.
Kai let out a sharp whistle to get their attention as his right hand slowly slid down to the phaser attached to his hip. He tapped it while asking Mr. Sithick if there was a problem. Already knowing the answer before it came, the Chief of Security hoped it would defuse the situation without having to go hands on.

The large man turned his attention back to the conversation at hand.

”Sorry about that…please continue” he said to Khorin as the man continued recounting the story he was in the middle of.

Akoni and Ducote listened to the information coming out of the man’s mouth, when Akoni had to interject for clarification.

”Okay, so what happe..” was all Kai was able to get out before his world went black as if he were a holodeck character and someone just ended the program.

[Day 2 | 2341 hrs]

[Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan

Kai’s world lit up again with a flash. It was like someone had flipped a switch to turn him back on. He blinked a few times to get his eyes to focus. Which seemed harder than usual, but eventually he got them to work as they should. He didn’t know where he was or what had happened. All he knew was that he was laying supine and staring at the ceiling.

The large man tried to sit up, which caused an intense burning sensation to permeate throughout his torso. He winced in pain and even let out a guttural growl as he collapsed back on to the bed he was on. He tried to look around and noticed he wasn’t just on a bed, it was a bio-bed. He was in sickbay.

What the hell happened? he thought to himself as he realized his head was also pounding.

He tried to sit up again, with unsurprisingly, the same result as previous.

A nurse came running over and laid her hands gently on his shoulder.

”Woah woah, just take it easy Commander” she told Kai with a smooth and calming tone of voice.
Akoni looked up at her, very much confused. He had a million questions running through his head, but there was only the most obvious one that came to the front.

”What happened?” he asked her.

The nurse looked uneasy when she heard the question and quite frankly, seemed hesitant to answer.

”You were injured sir…and we just finished patching you up.”

Kai thought that didn’t quite answer his question, so he pressed her for more details.
” see, there was an incident. There was severe shrapnel damage to your heart, pulmonary arteries, alveoli, liver and spleen. We had to put you in stasis for a day while we worked out the best way to treat your injuries. We had to give you an artificial heart and spleen. We were able to repair the other problems, but we have to keep you here for a little while for observation.”

Kai had a tough time processing all the new information he had just received, but apparently he was going to recover…eventually. As his mind threw one word that she had said to the forefront, something she had glossed over rather quickly.

”Did you say shrapnel? in, from an explosion?" Kai had asked rather rhetorically as his brain was still processing, ”But I was in the Spearhead…wait..what about everyone else?”

Re: CH02: S [D02|2341] - Turning the Lights On

Reply #1
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @trevorvw 
After receiving the soundless alert that her patient had woken up, triggered by the biobed, V-Nine stopped reviewing the medical journal of another patient and turned her cranial unit in the direction of the recovery ward.

"Oh, dear..." she said, and quickly put the PADD away so that she could talk with the Chief Security Officer, hoping that he wouldn't be overly traumatised by what had happened to him. Judging by the size of the Human specimen, she hoped he wouldn't be violent.

Yet when she stepped through the sliding doors to the ward, she saw that Leticia Jones, one of the Nurses, was already by Lietuenant Commander Wenn Cinn's side. She heard the dark-skinned woman reply to some question the Commander had posed. "Yes, a chemical explosion, not far from where you sat judging by what your officers in Security had said. Many injured, and some dead. I am sorry, Commander. You need not concern yourself though. You made it, and you need to focus on your own well-being right now. I am sure you will be briefed as soon as possible."

"I can speak with him, Nurse Jones. Thank you for seeing to him," said V-Nine in a friendly voice and made herself over to her colleague's side. The human had grown more than used to her presence in sickbay during the past month spent in repairs at Aldea, and Jones nodded with a smile before handing the PADD containing the Commander's journal to V-Nine.

"Hi, I am Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android, but please, call me V-Nine," she said in her chipper and pleasant tonality. "It looks like you will be making a complete recovery, which was far from certain when you first arrived here. The damage to your upper torso was extensive, but I personally oversaw the surgery in which we replaced the damaged organs. Please tell me, do you feel any discomfort? Any lingering pains or aches?"

As she asked, she raised her hand, and the index finger and thumb folded back to so that she could scan the specimen - the teal and yellow lights running over him.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2341] Turning the Lights On

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni |Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

As the nurse had sort of explained what had happened, a million questions ran through Kai’s head.
A chemical explosion? he thought to himself, trying to wrap his head around it all. The words from the nurse still echoing in his head.

Many injured…

Some dead…

The large man was going to ask about who was involved and more information about what happened when all of a sudden, the resident surgical android, V-Nine appeared at the bedside to take over from the nurse.

V-Nine asked Kai about any discomfort, pains or aches. He felt like that could have been a rhetorical question considering what he’d been through. Although he wasn’t familiar with V-Nine, most androids he knew of  weren’t really known for asking rhetorical questions.

”My whole chest is sore whenever I try to move more than a little bit. Still groggy, but that’s going away.” Kai finished saying as he shifted his weight around on the narrow bio-bed, causing some discomfort in his chest, but not enough for him to saying anything about.

The android had finished her scan of Akoni’s body but didn’t say anything about results in what he’d consider a timely fashion, so Kai decided to ask the obvious question. The obvious question because the answer would tell him when he could get back to work and figure out what happened.

”So..Doc…when can I get outta here?”

Re: CH02: S [D02|2341] - Turning the Lights On

Reply #3
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @trevorvw 
Examining the readings her scans, the answer to Kai Akoni's question was becoming evident.

"I am afraid that may take a while. The soreness you feel shows that your body has yet to heal from the toll of the surgeries we had to preform. While all the tissues have been sealed around the new organs, and your ribcage has been mended by several rounds with the osteo-regenerators, you have yet to fully heal. The areas around your new organs have yet to settle, so I will be recommending at least another day or rest here in the Recovery Ward."

Having said this, V-Nine's hand sealed itself up again and she put it on her hip, cocking in in thought while looking at the Chief of Security.

"To expedite this, and allow for a quicker check-out and return to initial light duties, I will be recommending that you are inoculated by a sedative, just to give your body the full opportunity of recovery. Awake, you don't only run the risk of hurting yourself by moving too much, but it also slows down your body's natural ability to mend itself."

Suggesting this, she tilted her cranial unit as she looked at the large Human specimen.

"Would you be opposed to taking a sedative? It is my firm recommendation, and it does increase the odds of a quicker recovery."


Re: CH02: S [D02|2341] Turning the Lights On

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni |Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Kai learned of his prognosis from the android in front of him, he couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to have survived. Especially when people had died and others were nearer to death than he was. Even the people that were seated at the same table. The larger than average human processed how long he was expected to be in the recovery ward.

When the android mentioned sedation in order to increase the odds of a quicker recovery, Kai wasn’t sure what to think. On one hand, he could recover quicker and get back to work as soon as humanly possible.

On the other hand, it meant a lot of wasted time being sedated whilst recovering. After a few moments of back and forth thinking in his head, he finally came to his own conclusion.

The man figured that he wouldn’t be able to do his job properly in so much pain, that it would just be a waste anyways. If he could be sedated for the next day then be able to get back to work, even in a modified duty capacity, he could focus more on what happened with a clearer mind.

He sighed before turning his attention back to the android standing beside him.
”You’re the doc, doc. Do what you gotta do” he stated before turning his head towards the ceiling again.

He waited for his world to go black yet again, vowing to himself to find out who did it, and to make sure they’re brought to justice for their crimes.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2341] - Turning the Lights On

Reply #5
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @trevorvw 
With assent given by the patient, V-Nine inclined her head to the large human specimen.

"I think you are making the right call, Lieutenant Commander. This will allow you to return to duty much more quickly, and I will send a report to the Senior Staff about your status of recovery. I... have heard they are quite busy given the situation and the mission, but I am sure they will learn soon enough that you will soon be back in the security centre."

Little did V-Nine know that the Chief of Security might possess vital information about Gorka, son of Margon, that he'd learned from Khorin Douglas in the Spearhead Lounge before the detonation. Nor, of course, did Kai Akoni know the status of the current mission, and what the crew would face at Qo'noS.

With a quiet hiss, the inoculation sealed the fate of events to come.


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