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CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Valyn made her way down the hallways of the Theurgy. She was clearly not familiar with the layout of the ship, having gotten lost more than once on her way to where she wanted to go. First, she went to the wrong deck out of habit, making it ten steps into the hall before realizing what she’d done. Then she’d started walking down the correct deck needing to read every single doorplate to try and find her way. Luckily, she’d taken a PADD with her, eventually deciding to use a map of the ship she’d downloaded to it, in conjunction with asking a science officer which direction she should be heading. Her uniform and appearance were neat and tidy.

It was early. Despite that fact, the Mess Hall was still full to burst with the usual hustle and bustle, and then some given their Klingon guests. The blonde Romulan walked in and pressed past a few of the Klingons, right up to a replicator and shook her head, trying to shake away the haze from a short night's rest. She knew it was going to be a long day. She could feel it in her bones. “Raktajino and an Osul Twist.” She paused as the food shimmered into existence on a small tray in front of her. It was missing something. She picked up the tray and then looked between it and the replicator for a moment, thinking it over.

Damn. She thought before she sighed, “Four strips of bacon.” The second dish, this one on a small, metallic plate came into existence as well, and she added it to her tray, moving off to find where she wanted to sit. She knew full well she wasn’t going to be alone, so she took a seat that was visible, the one right beside the replicator. Sure it was a bit of a busier spot, but it would be hard to miss her. She might not have known what exactly to look for but it would be hard to miss a Romulan. She wouldn’t miss anything either. That was a habit that was etched into the fiber of her very soul. Always be on the alert. Always pay attention to one's surroundings. Always be listening.

Once she sat down, she gave the coffee a good counterclockwise stir and let her eyes trail up to a Klingon who was giving her a particularly unpleasant look. She gave him a warm, sarcastic one in response, then waved a few fingers at him. Shortly after, her attention turned to her breakfast alone. She took a bite of the Osul Twist and washed it down with the coffee, letting out a satisfied breath before she leaned back in her chair and started to flip through a PADD. Report after report flashed before her eyes, she’d read as many of them as she could stomach the night before. It was a tedious task that had kept her up way later than she’d have liked to be up, but it needed doing.

Though, the first thing she’d done upon arriving at her quarters that night, was reach out to Lieutenant Kingston and asked if they could meet up for breakfast. If he was the man she was going to be reporting to, even if only for the time being, it didn’t hurt to try and get to know him a little. She was happy to meet him in his office for an official report but, breakfast didn’t hurt either, did it? She hadn’t imagined that at 0600 the mess would be as full of Klingons as it was. She looked up at another of the passing Klingons, this one was nearly as tall as the doorway. Her nose wrinkled as he passed and she covered her face with her coffee, trying to let that smell overcome her instead.

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon Apologies for the delay.

After the date with Rhys in the Arboretum, Adam had kissed that shy-not so shy sexy man good night as he had an early day. He had fun and he hoped that Rhys had fun, it appeared he did and loved his presents. Adam was glad he could make up for his suddenly leaving Rhys on the Yacht.

Before going to bed Adam had received a message from a Lieutenant Valyn Amarik, who wasn't already a member of the security department. That meant she had arrived on the Klingon cruiser that brought personnel sent by Admiral Anderson. It was good to have some support back at Starfleet Command.

She had requested that they meet for breakfast. Adam had sent back an agreement and pretty much fell into bed moments later, asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. The dream he had was a passionate one to say the least and Adam woke up way before he would have liked. He saw it was 0538, he had to get a move on.

A quick workout and a shower later Adam entered the Mess to find it mostly filled with Klingons and several of the crew. The Klingons kinda smell and Adam's nose was assaulted with it the moment he walked in, though several Klingons know he is the de facto Chief of Security so gave him a little space. Not much but enough.

Adam went to a replicator and got an assortment of breakfast foods as well as a tall glass of milk. He looked around to see where Lieutenant Amarik would be, he hadn't had time to review her service record for what she looked like so he hoped that she knew what he looked like and would grab his attention.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Valyn had taken a quick enough glance at Kingston's file, at least what she had access to. Enough that she got an image of him so that she knew who to look for. She had spent most of the time in the mess hall waiting, looking the crowd over, studying the mass of Klingons mingling with Starfleet officers and one another. She kept her attention bouncing back and forth to the door as it opened and closed with each arrival and departure however, the hiss of the door bringing her eyes straight to it. Several Klingons continued to eye her with suspicion which, she knew wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. The history between Romulans and Klingons was too deeply ingrained between their two peoples.

When she finally did see the Lieutenant she picked up her hand and gave him a little wave, pushing the chair opposite of herself out with her foot. “Lieutenant.” She called out, speaking in her typical English, marked with it’s strange human accent. She stood up from where she was sitting and offered a hand out towards him, “Lieutenant Valyn Amarik. Captain Ives told me you were the guy to talk to to get a handle on the state of things around here. I tried working my way through reports last night but, reports only say so much.” She gave him a shrug. She spoke with confidence evident in her voice.

She studied him for a moment, trying to get a good handle on how the man carried himself. How his uniform was maintained. How his hair was cut. Valyn was well used to trying to read people, and taking every aspect of that read into building a solid impression of them. Her previous line of work had required her to be able to put together information a bit differently than most.  Every detail counted so far as she was concerned.

As for her own uniform, it was neatly pressed, and her boots were freshly polished. Her hair was neatly cut and tucked back behind her ears. Her ears made her stick out a bit like a sore thumb against the far more numerous humans and Klingons around her, with a faint spattering of other aliens mixed into the bunch. She lacked the cranial ridges that other Romulans had, which might have made her come across as a Vulcan, if not for her obvious shows of emotion.

“I was with the Romulans up until the end of the Dominion War, then I came to Starfleet. Served on the Enterprise after the Academy until the Battle at the Rift and then was assigned to One-Fifty-Seven.” She gave him a very brief overview of her service docket within Starfleet, but had intentionally left her service with the Romulans vague. That wasn’t a road she was going to go down, nor one that she shared with just anyone. She finally took a seat and made herself a bit more comfortable before taking a long drink from her Raktajino, her eyes looking at the Osul Twist for a moment before the shifted back to her fellow officer.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw another group of Klingons enter the already busy mess hall.

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon

It was far too early to deal with Klingons and their malarkey so Adam growled at any that happened to glance at him as he searched for a place to sit while he waited for Amarik. Though she had already beat him to it as a Vulcan woman called out to him and stood up.

He went over to her and placed his meal down before he accepted her hand as she introduced herself as well as informing him that she had tried to get up-to-date on current affairs. Adam smiled, ”Lieutenant Adam Kingston, and yes I am the one to assist any Security getting settled in. Welcome aboard,” he said as he gestured for her to sit down and he did so after.

Though the shrug she gave him seemed unvulcan-like, though he didn't really care as it was a side thought. Amarik explained that she was with the Romulans til the end of the Dominion War then joined Starfleet and served on the Enterprise. Impressive getting assigned to the flagship, especially directly out of the Academy. Amarik was last on 157 before being sent to Theurgy.

”So how did you take the truth about the Parasites?” Adam asked with a smirk.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Sqweloookle
The blonde took his hand and gave it a firm squeeze, shaking it lightly before she sat back down. She looked to the side and gave a few Klingons a rather miffed look as one passed her and started shouting with one of his mates about one thing or another. “Pleasure, Lieutenant. She's an impressive ship, what little I've seen of her.” She sounded rather annoyed however, though evidently it wasn’t with him. She said the words as she came back down onto the chair. She picked up her coffee and brought it to her lips as she brought her attention back to the security officer opposite her.

Whatever her shrug had seemed like, the look she’d given the loud group of Klingons was certainly not Vulcan-like. She set the mug down and scoffed, raising her eyebrows at Kingston when he asked about the Parasites. Alabama thick in her voice, she mused, “I put on my uniform and took the first ship I could.” She smirked at the man, then clarified, “I go a bit back with Anderson. He showed me some trust when other people might not have. Did the same for him, no matter how crazy it all sounds.” She reached up to try and adjust some of her hair before she shot the question right back at him, “I did think he was fuckin’ with me when he first sent word but…” She shrugged and her eyes widened. “I’m used to hearing all about insane plots and stories. This though...” A lifetime in the Tal Shiar had prepared her for the crazy, but not something as galaxy-wide as the parasites.

Another bite of her breakfast was taken before she spoke again. “What about you, were you here, aboard the Thuergy, when you found out?” Her demeanor has switched to mostly business, and as such, she pushed for food a bit more forward on the table. She kept the coffee though. “Anything I should know that wasn’t in the reports more than likely?” A pointed brow rose as she asked the question. Her nose again wrinkled as she looked up towards the group of Klingons. She hadn’t had the chance to ask sickbay for a nasal anesthetic, and the smell they were leaving behind as they shouted was remarkably unpleasant to her sensitive nose.

One of the Klingons shoved another one but she ignored it for the time being. Klingons were often best left to handle their own squabbles, at least in her experience. Though she did give a chin-up in their direction to alert her fellow officer.

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon

Adam nodded. ”She is impressive, aren't you Thea.” He said proudly, the Master-at-arms expected the hologram to show up and agree with him as well as spout off her specifications. A few moments went by and nothing happened, he smirked. ”She must be busy.”

So this Amarik was used to insane plots and stories, maybe former Starfleet Intelligence? Adam thought as he listened and ate his meal. After he swallowed, Adam smiled again. ”Yes, I was assigned to the Theurgy at her commissioning. It took some getting used to, the truth I mean, but the proof was undeniable and we are against the odds in our mission to reveal it to the Federation.”

He made a snarling expression. ”The Infested have such great a hold on the galactic powers that it seems hopeless at times but I won't give up. I hope you are prepared to do the same.” He saw that she was looking around at the Klingons roaming the Mess. Adam was ready to demand they move along, they will respect Theurgy and her crew when he was done but first he had to induct Amarik.

”It really depends on what you want to know specifically?” Adam answered her question with one of his own. He was soon going to intervene with the brawling Klingons, the sooner they got to Qo'noS the better.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Valyn had seen something about an AI named Thea in her reports, but she found it peculiar how Adam was just talking to the ship as if the AI was ever present in the conversation. She supposed it made sense in a way but Romulan ships had absolutely nothing like it. AI and advanced computers like Starfleet? That had taken quite an adjustment to. Thea was something completely beyond her scope of imagination, at least, until she’d read about it. “Must be.” She grinned in response, shaking her head slightly. “Pretty fascinating, something like that. Never saw anything like that back with the Romulans I can promise you that.”

Valyn didn’t elaborate on her past, not yet. It took a lot to break through her shell, and she’d just met the man. A lifetime of being indoctrinated not to trust, it would continue to be very difficult to break through that habit. “Yea I didn’t exactly want to believe it at first, I mean…” She ground her teeth and just shook her head, thinking over her next words very carefully, southern twang prevalent in her voice, “The very fact that it could even get this far is terrifying enough, now trying to fix the damn problem is going to be damn near impossible, and we can’t even go the route that everything in our core tells us to go through, and use the Federation and Starfleet, the two most powerful organizations in the Quadrant...arguably.” She grinned, teasingly. THe Romulans sure tended to give them a run for their money from time to time.

“Of course I won’t.” She almost seemed offended that he’d even asked. “It’s not exactly in my coding to give up. Not how I was raised.” She hadn’t exactly had the most typical upbringing either. “I might bitch from time to time but, I don’t plan on giving up. I’ll fight ‘till I can’t.” If she had to fight down to her nails and teeth she would do so. She gave the Klingons an annoyed look and opened her mouth to ask a question.

“Not really, I’m sure that something will come up as-” She started to speak but almost as if on queue one of the Klingons, gave another one a heavy, hearty shove, sending him flying over a mess table, knocking over two enlisted officers of the Theurgy. “For fucks sake.” Valyn sighed and stood up.

“HEY!” She shouted, at the top of her lungs. Not that it mattered, because the Klingons too had started shouting, in Klingon. She couldn’t make heads or tails of what they were saying though, the one that had shoved the other one over a table though, looked absolutely outraged, and the one on the ground looked ready to murder. The Klingon on the ground scattered backward a bit and, still on the ground, drew back a knife from his belt, pulling it back over his shoulder to throw.

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #7
OOC sorry for the delay
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon

Adam raised an eyebrow at Amarik when she mentioned 'with the Romulans'. Former Romulan Star Navy or Tal Shiar? Or both? He thought but now she was Starfleet. Undercover or a dissident? He considered as he listened to her. That explained the insane plots and stories comment, and really what Romulan wasn't subjected to Tal Shiar influence or manipulation.

It was no point asking about her 'time with the Romulans' for obvious reasons. Adam knew that much, maybe she might but it would take time. Adam shared her frustration that their only support networks, the Federation and Starfleet, were compromised. They were on their own, though they had the one Savi dreadnaught pledged support from behind the scenes to assist them. They weren't much help because they wanted to stay hidden.

He smiled when she said she'd bitch and that she'd not give up. Adam was happy with her and before he could say so or carry on the discussion, the Klingons had actually begun brawling with one another. Well just two, it was an impressive shove and Adam got to his feet as Amarik did. She shouted at them but Adam doubted they'd listen and so he sighed as he walked to be between them.

Facing the Klingon on the floor and watched him raise a knife, Adam wondered why they let the Klingons keep their weapons. Next time, he'd insist on them not keeping them no matter what. ”Do it! Give me an excuse to kill you Klingon!” Adam called as he advanced on the fallen Klingon male. He wished he had grabbed a phaser on the way here but it was far too early in the morning for that.

”You are on a Starfleet vessel and you will follow our rules. You dishonour your Chancellor by putting your own crap before the stability of your empire, once great.” Adam said, he knew the Klingon would redirect his anger to him. ”Kingston to Security,” he announced, ”I need a team in the mess hall on deck 13.”

”Aye Lieutenant, team on their way,” came Ensign Colin McArthur's response.

Adam glared at the Klingon. ”Give me the knife and leave with your fellow warriors once we get to your homeworld or suffer dishonour at the hands of Starfleet and be stuck in our brig,” he ordered. ”Your choice.”

He stepped to the side so he could see both the brawling Klingons both spoke to the Klingon who'd thrown the one on the floor. ”You will submit to the security team when they arrive.”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #8
[ Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Valyn tried to conceal a bit of a smirk when he raised a brow. She gave no form of verbal response however and just took another sip from her mug. In typical Romulan fashion she left it entirely up to his imagination and entirely vague. By then, her drink was finished but she didn’t go to fetch anything else given the rising commotion.

Valyn looked over to Adam when he threatened to kill the man and gave him a curious look. It was definitely a ballsy statement coming from a Starfleet officer, and not one that she’d usually expect to hear. Evidently, by the look on her face it was also obviously not exactly the angle she’d have been jumping to right away, threatening to kill the guy. She did however, back up her fellow officer. Valyn hadn’t armed herself with a phaser yet, not having had the chance to drop by a weapons locker.

Who the hell starts a fight this early in the morning?

While she didn’t have a phaser, the moment she saw the familiar glint of metal she drew her own knife, this one clearly a Tal Shiar officers blade to those that knew what such a thing looked like. She allowed the warning to hang over the Klingons for a moment. Just over five seconds. An instant later however, just as the Klingon on the ground began to lower his knife, she saw it again out of her peripheral. This Klingon was wearing a different color, and was one of the Klingons who had partaken in the fight but was behaving a bit calmer than the other.

The smarter of the two. She mused, internally.

However, within half a second, Valyn had spun and thrown her knife to the Klingon and it struck exactly where she wanted it to. “Honorable move, asshole.” She snarled at the Klingon, voice dripping with sarcasm. He shouted out in pain as he gripped his wrist right where the blade had sliced across and severed the tendon, relieving him of control of the hand that held the knife. Valyn marched towards him, gripped him by the vest and forced him into a chair before she picked up both his knife and her own. “What the hell are you trying to kill one another over anyways? You’re about to have an all you can fight buffet and you two can’t control your damn selves? Seriously?” She shouted at the one in front of her and looked back at Adam, giving him a slightly apologetic look. Really though, she didn’t feel very sorry about it at all. She did hope Security aboard responded quickly, from what she'd read in her reports, she certainly assumed that they would. She trusted Adam to retrieve the other knife. Now though, blood had been drawn. She wanted to get to the bottom of this and potentially put a stopper on it before any of their pals kicked off elsewhere on the ship.

She looked over to Adam as a few more Klingons gathered around to look, even if only from the wings, sharp teeth ripping into replicated flesh as they peered into the scene with interest, eyes mostly locked on the Starfleet officers. A fact, which Valyn didn’t miss. None of them seemed shocked that the two warriors were fighting.

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #9
[ JOINT POST between Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon

Valyn looked from the Klingons, and then back to Adam one more time before she tightened her grip on the Klingon, making his tunic pull tight against him. “We can settle this now, without killing one another, and you can settle it back on your world, with your laws, but on this ship you follow our laws.” She shoved him so that his back hit the back of the chair, the metal likely digging into his back as she gave him the clearly intentional display of strength. “Then you and…” She motioned a hand over the other Klingon, “Well your moron-in-arms over there, can go on your merry way to helping the chancellor. Otherwise you spend this whole ordeal in the brig. You don’t get to see a shred of the battle, not one iota of glory.” She looked between the two of them and gave them a moment.

The Klingon who’s arm she had cut spoke up first. He pointed at the man, blood staining his flesh, “His House. They stole an artifact from us, and deny it, shamelessly!” He flicked his wrist and sent droplets of blood flying to the floor, before he spit down onto the ground. “I am Bosug.” He snarled at the Romulan, then glared daggers at Adam.

Thankfully it seemed that the Klingon on the ground saw reason and lowered his knife, though growled his annoyance with Adam as he did. He was about to offer it up to the Master-at-Arms but the two got interrupted as Valyn's voice caught their attention.

Adam sidestepped around the Klingon on the floor so he could keep an eye on him. The new Security officer had thrown a Tal Shiar blade at another Klingon's hand. Holding it, he half howled in pain, half growled in anger. Adam watched Valyn force the other Klingon into a chair, pick up his weapon and Spoke to him like a pissed off mother scolding a child.

He smiled as he observed her work, it was a good opportunity to assess the Romulan's performance. Adam winked back at her when she apologetically glanced back at him. He hauled the Klingon on the floor to his feet and brought him over to a chair opposite the one Valyn had subdued.

While Valyn began to explain that they could settle the feud that seemed to have started the whole debacle, Adam agreed that they had to try as he listened. He loved the title she assigned the second Klingon 'moron-in-arms', he was going to have to compliment her on that later.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #10
[ JOINT POST between Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Adam glared back at Bosug but returned his attention back to the other Klingon. ”And you are?” Adam demanded, annoyed at his breakfast being interrupted.

”Usath, Son of Ojor,” he growled, ”They gave it to us, we didn't steal it.”

”Lieutenants,” Ensign Colin McArthur's greeted as he and his team arrived then moved to stand behind Usath and Bosug. Colin glanced around. ”Return to your meals and move on.” He declared to the audience in the hall.

It seemed that was enough as the warriors and officers of both Klingon Defense Force and Starfleet respectively refocused on their own businesses. Colin occasionally glanced around for any who wanted to observe, meanwhile Adam waited for Bosug to speak up.

Valyn looked between both of the Klingons, fire evident behind her eyes as she glared at them. “You’ve got five minutes before I throw your sorry asses into cells. Get talkin’. I just wanted to enjoy my damn breakfast.” She didn’t bother hiding her irritation as she glanced towards the last piece of her pastry but quickly refocused her attention.

As Adam hauled the Klingon into a chair opposite of the other Klingon, she placed herself between the arguing duo, standing tall. She clearly didn’t fear getting torn apart by the pair of them. “What the hell kind of artifact is worth throwing out all the glory of a battle, and the service you’d be giving your chancellor? Maybe I should go get Martok and see how he’d weigh in on this?” She wasn’t going to do that, but she did want to see his reaction. She wasn’t disappointed either. The Klingon she’d cut at once gathered his composure and let out a frustrated growl of a breath.

“It was a vase, crafted and painted with the saga of the foundation of our family.” Valyn furrowed her eyebrows at the response.

“A vase. This is over a fuckin’ vase?”

She looked over to Usath, “Why the hell would they give you their familial saga? And why the hell would you want it?” She gave a nod to the arriving security force and bit her lower lip before motioning at both of them for someone to speak. “Clock is ticking boys.” She looked at one of the security officers and pointed at a wall panel, “Give me that medkit before that one bleeds all over the damn place.”

She took the box from the officer and snatched the wrist of the Klingon, running a dermal regenerator over the wound. “Sickbay can patch you up proper but that’ll stop the bleedin’.” She handed the medkit back and waited for further explanation. Her eyes bounced between each of them. She clearly didn’t care who spoke but she did want someone to speak. With all the security officers around, some of the other Klingons had started to get a bit restless.

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #11
[ JOINT POST between Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon

A vase? Really? Adam mused though could understand that perhaps the depiction was the artifact, not the vase itself. Valyn had a point, why would one house give another house their own family history? Adam raised one eyebrow at them.

”It could have been weirder,” Adam said to Valyn, ”humans used to feud over smaller and stupider things back in the old pre-Federation days.” He chuckled. Adam then turned to the Klingon idiots. ”So are there many from each of your houses here on Theurgy?”

”Yes,” Usath growled, some of the other Klingons approached having overheard. ”These are from my house,” he added as he gestured to the four that stood on Usath's opposite side of Bosug. Though Starfleet Security had moved to stand between the two houses.

“I know they did. You should have seen the shit us Romulans used to kill each other over.” Used too. What a joke. She knew full well that Romulans continued to kill one another in amounts that were nothing short of staggering, for reasons that likely seemed trivial. She’d even participated. She looked to the Klingon in the chair she had tended to and he pointed to a man in the crowd before speaking, “My Brother, Hov.” Valyn looked at the brother and gave him a nod.

“Alright, Hov. Tell me a story.” She let the man speak his piece.

He stepped forward and looked at the other house. “These men received that vase by less than truthful means. They kidnapped a lady of our house and stole the vase as well. She never returned to us. She was forced to marry into their house!” He pointed at them and snarled. Valyn rubbed her face and sighed.

She didn’t imagine a Klingon lady made a very docile unwilling bride. She looked to the other Klingons, nearer to Adam, awaiting a rebuttal. “Best come up with something good, boys. I have a job to do today, and I’d prefer to have you fighting with us. Intelligence notwithstanding you look like you can swing a Bat’leth. So…" she flourished with her hands, motioning for them to go on with their own side of the story.

”That is a lie and you know it petaq!” Usath growled and moved so quickly that he managed to get Hov onto the floor. They fought and the other Klingons in the immediate area joined the fray instantly.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D03|0600] Breakfast and Blood Debt

Reply #12
[ JOINT POST between Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Mess Hall | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Adam growled in frustration and gestured for one of the security officers to give him their phaser, he gestured with his head for one to be given to Valyn as well. The team offered over type 2 phaser pistols and Adam programmed stun as well as nodded to Valyn to pacify their brawling guests once again.

The team led by Ensign Colin McArthur readied and aimed their phasers for the command or for one of the senior officers to fire first. Adam spoke to Valyn. ”Looks like it's brig time for these.” He said kind of like an order and fired at the Klingon on the top of the pile.

Valyn shook her head and grumbled as the Klingon launched himself at the other. “You have got to be kidding me.” She shouted at the top of her lungs. She didn’t even think twice. She stepped towards the brawling pile of Klingons, turning over her shoulder and pointing a threatening finger at the wounded Klingon in the chair. She brought back her foot and delivered a brutal kick to the jaw to one of the Klingons, sending him flying off of one of the others.

As one of the officers handed her a phaser she pointed it down at another Klingon, not unconscious from the brutal point of her toes, and fired on maximum stun. He fell limp as a sack of potatoes. She looked at the seated, and wounded Klingon then, “You too. Your pals couldn’t keep their wits about them, so you’re going too.” She waved the phaser for him to stand up and get moving as Security officers started transporting some of the Klingons directly into cells. She herself escorted her own prisoner by foot.

She then turned to Adam, speaking to him as if the prisoner wasn’t even there. “Like talking to fuckin' toddlers.” The Klingon started to turn and she just pressed the end of the weapon against the small of his back, “This’ll hurt an awful lot at this range, and for someone with a gimp hand, I’d recommend you not get overly brave right now. Straight ahead and to the left, big man.” She gave him a shove and shook her head as she kept walking.

With most of the brawlers now unconscious and the smarter ones surrendering, Adam allowed the security team to beam most to the brig then leave to process them while he himself escorted Usath and Hov as they were at the bottom of the pile. ”Well it looks like you two may not be joining Chancellor Martok in his battle as you both will be in our Brig for being idiots.” Adam said as he had Colin beside him, both the Starfleeters jabbing the Klingons in their backs to walk to the exit then the Security Center.

Valyn entered the brig first, with her Klingon, one of the Security officers looking at her with a blank look of confusion, and a quick glance to her collar. The crewman did however, let her inside upon seeing her with Adam. A new lieutenant roaming about wasn’t an everyday affair. Particularly not one hauling a rather furious looking Klingon. At once, she lobbed him into a cell, one that had a vacant one directly across from it. As she activated the forcefield and walked away from them, despite their protests, she grinned at Adam.

“They can figure it out, or they can sit here until they’re home safe and sound, yea? Check on them in a bit.” She shrugged once and leaned against a bulkhead.

Adam had come in with Usath and Hov, Colin at the rear, just as Valyn finished shoving Bosug into a cell. Adam gestured for Colin to put Usath in the opposite cell to Bosug and Hov in the cell adjacent. He managed to catch Valyn's words and smiled. ”Indeed, Hov, and Colin will be witnesses to the proceedings and if this is not sorted out in the next 2 hours I will go to Martok with your charges of dishonorable conduct aboard an ally's ship.” He waved for Valyn to join him back at the Mess. ”Enjoy yourselves boys.” They come back after they'd finish breakfast.

Valyn only enjoyed another cup of coffee while they were away. She didn’t want to spend too much time out. She had far too much work to do. Upon her return to the brig she glanced to Adam, and then to Colin as if waiting for some sort of response from the man about what had happened in their absence. She was met only with a quick nod. It was good enough for her. “You. You can stay in Vector one, I’ll probably be holed up here most of the day, so I can keep an eye on you.” She looked at Adam to deal with the other one. She didn’t ask about, nor care about, what they’d actually done to solve their issue. It wasn’t her business. So long as they weren’t killing one another in the halls, she was happy.

It was good to just rest and eat a quick pancake and OJ while talking with Valyn about various topics within the Security branch while the 2 hours went by. Adam decided he liked her and would enjoy protecting the ship and crew with her whenever the situation came their way. The time came and they returned to the brig finding that the Klingons had agreed to a truce though Adam didn't much care for the details as he suspected Valyn didn't either. He received a nod from Colin and Hov as confirmation then heard Valyn instruct the Bosug to stay on the Helmat, aka Vector 1, which was cool with him.

Adam gestured at Hov and Usath. ”You two will,” he began and threw a glance over at Bosug. ”And you, will stay away from each other and if I hear anything about any further energetic disagreements taking place prior to our arrival at Qo'noS...” He warned and the security officers deactivated the forcefields and gestured for the Klingons to leave. ”Ensign make sure they behave, assign guards if you have to.”

Colin nodded. ”Yes sir,” he trailed the Klingons out and his team followed their leader.

He turned to Valyn. ”So have you moved into your new quarters yet? Would you like a tour of the Security Center?” Adam asked with a smile.

Valyn waited for the Klingons to leave before finally speaking her mind. “So much for manners. Intelligence of a Rigellian Amoeba.” She shook her head, “And the smell…” That sensitive nose she shared with her Vulcan cousins had spent the fair part of the morning being offended. Truly, it had spent the better part of a week in that state. She was strongly considering seeking out a nasal anesthetic until they were gone.

“Good officers here though.” She looked around the brig, before giving Adam a small, impressed smile.

“I have, I actually came off the Klingon ship last night. Once I got aboard I went to my quarters. This ship is huge. My quarters definitely don’t disappoint.” She had to admit she was pleased thus far. Despite their current guests. In regards to the security center she gave him a nod, “Yea, actually I’d like that.” She had a few more minutes before she went on duty, it couldn’t hurt to get to know one of her primary duty stations.

Adam laughed at her amoeba joke, ”Medical could give you a filter for your nose if you like?” He asked her then smiled at her complimenting his fellow officers. ”They are indeed as are you.”

”Well then let's get on it,” Adam said and began a tour of the Security Center.


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