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CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Surgical Bay 02 Main Sickbay | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

In his element and focused on saving a life Elro worked the various tools that he politely requested from his nurses on the patient, a victim of a bombing in the Spearhead Lounge a few hours ago. It was going well and they had worked on 5 others before this patient, though he feared who they might lose as he knew there were a few who had been killed in the bombing.

It was inevitable that there were deaths and he had prayed that, selfishly, Derik wasn’t one of them. Elro had felt bad to hope that as he worked but he couldn’t help it.

He was tired and his mental shields had begun to weaken so he had to rest up, Elro left the nurses and medical officers to finish the surgery as the patient was out of danger. He wondered how many they lost and who, he’d been in surgeries since the injured were being transported to Sickbay.

Elro let the thoughts and emotions with them drift over him as he walked into the open corridor of Main Sickbay. He had picked up on someone’s thought that there should be a mess in Sickbay, like there was in Security, Elro agreed and would see about asking the Captain if he could shift around some of the interior rooms and their contents around to make it possible to have a mess.

He looked up in time to stop from colliding with another, it was Lieutenant Amelya Rez, Assistant Chief Medical Officer for Vector 01. Elro hadn’t had much interaction with his assistant chiefs and so he would change that, unfortunately it seemed his mental strength was faint and so he was unable to not read surface thoughts. ”Doctor Rez,” he greeted with not much else to say being tired.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | ICU Main Sickbay | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

ICU was quite swamped with patients after the bombing at Spearhead. Rez had taken post there to try and save as many as she could, though it had been a losing battle for some of them. Rez felt worn and in need of a drink and food. Her eyes drift shut as she stepped outside and figured her feet would take her where she needed to go. Hopefully it'd be her room and not another surgical lounge or PICU.

Her uniform was slightly stained from a few critical situations in ICU. She would get a change of uniform in her quarters, right? She opened her eyes now as a male voice spoke up to her. Kobol , the CMO of the ship. She smiled faintly, tired mostly. She almost forgot to answer him and cursed softly in her head "Lieutenant Kobol ." she answered him as she wiped the back of her hand against the front of her head.

She looked behind him and figured he had performed surgery and asked "How did it go in there?" her body trying to keep composure as she just felt so tired. She waited for him to answer before suggesting "Mind if you join me to the break room? I could really just use one and am dying to get a beverage."

She gestured to the doors at the end of the corridor that lead out of Sickbay. Their break room was just adjacent to Sickbay, wasn't that big at all. Had a couple of tables and chairs. Replicators and a secluded section for when one needed to just rest up in peace and quietness. Sometimes Amelya had used it to just take a power nap before going at it for hours again. It wasn't unusual for her to work longer than a certain shift would run.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

They had lost as much as they had saved, Elro hated death. The finality of it all, the Federation and Starfleet just didn’t have the advanced knowledge they needed to save lives as he was sure most of Starfleet Medical wanted. The Savi had given them V-Nine, but the android couldn’t tend to all at the same time, they needed tools and know-how. However, the Savi had been unwilling to share. At least the Federation didn’t withhold medical supplies to lesser advanced species.

Elro smiled but it faded as he sighed tiredly. ”We managed… To save one more.” His energy was very low and he slouched. ”Though we still lost some. Security better get whoever did this!” Elro’s anger did spark a small refreshing boost but it faded quickly as it wouldn’t actually replace food and water. Speaking of which Amelya mentioned both and Elro found the energy somewhere to smile again.

”I would love to join you, ladies first.” Elro gestured to the exit door, his uniform even under medical scrubs had the mess that surgery seemed to splash all surgeons. Though decon had cleared most of it, the stains remained.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | ICU Main Sickbay | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Kobol  sighed tiredly that he managed to save one more and Rez smiled just as tired at him "Well at least that's one more." she answered him, frowning as she tried to figure out if she was talking actual sense or not. Was she that tired already? She waved away her last comment and admitted it "I'm so exhausted... Feels like the R&R in Aldea did me little good to charge up." she sighed as they walked out of the door.

"I hope so too."
she admitted, hoping Security would find the person or persons behind the attack. Perhaps it was all part of a bigger plan and more was still to come. A thought Amelya tried to wipe out of her mind as the very thought of having to deal with even more critical patients would put a heavy if not impossible strain on the current Sickbay capacities and staff. The walk was short enough and it didn't take long for them to reach the break room.

The doors opened and Amelya stepped in, making her way over to the replicator as she dialed in her preferred option for tea "What would you like to drink?" she called out to Elro as she waited for her mug to materialize before she took it out and dialed in the beverage or meal for Elro. She brought it over to him as they took a seat at the table.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Canteen/Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Elro nodded as he followed Amelya into the breakroom, ”well much happened while we were at Aldea so it wasn’t really a rest.” He added, and once seated Elro nearly fell asleep the moment he leaned back.

It took several moments to recall that Ameyla had asked what he wanted to eat and drink. ”Kobol -meal-5, thank you.” He replied, the order was a large apple flavoured energy drink and two protein bars, unwrapped on a plate while the energy drink would be in a can.

He hoped his programming was good enough for Thea to make them all tasty. ”Oh and a sweet raktajino,” he added several moments later.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | ICU Main Sickbay | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

"Mind if I ask what you did during Aldea? I don't remember bumping into you as often." she asked with a soft smile on her features. She looked over her shoulder as he didn't quite reply directly to her question about what he wanted and she replicated his meal before looking at it and snickering as she presented it to him "Not exactly a healthy meal now is it?" she pointed out to him with a wink before returning to the replicator to get him a sweet Rakatjino.

She took her place opposite of him and stirred through her tea as she looked at Elro "We've not had the chance to talk a lot have we?" she whispered before sipping from her tea "How are you enjoying your new post here as CMO?" she asked, making small talk as she did feel curious about the man in front of her. Work seemed like the easiest topic to tap into. Both of them were physicians and well Rez had been the CMO of the ship for a while before, be albeit acting.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Canteen/Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Elro made a guilty expression as Ameyla was kind enough to get both their meals and beverages, ”I was assisting the Aldeans with their Gestalt program, I got so engrossed into the project I wasn’t on the ship for most of it.” He answered, ”thank you,” he began eating slowly his protein bars, he ripped off bits at one point as he chewed.

After a quick sip of Raktajino, Elro moaned as the new fuel entered his stomach and he could feel the energy beginning to return. The Betazoid frowned. ”I do apologise for that Doctor,” he stated after swallowing his mouthful. He left the apple flavoured energy drink where Ameyla placed it and took another sip of the sweetened Klingon coffee and another two bites of protein bar.

His programming wasn’t great but it was good enough for the current situation, though he wanted a burger and fries now, maybe later he’d get it. ”Honestly I’m still learning much, I hope you can bare with me, if you have any advice, I’d welcome it.” Elro asked.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

"How did you enjoy your time on the planet. I mean, I expect it must've been different than cooped up aboard the ship. Even if it was for work, you can't tell me you didn't enjoy the view down there." she snickered as she looked him over before she nipped from her tea. She watched him as he ate his protein bars and seemingly enjoyed the meal to his fullest. It made her laugh a little, his apology waved away by her as she just enjoyed her tea.

"This your first senior posting?" she asked curiously as she observed him, a nod following from her "I'm at your disposal if you need me. I'm not sure if you read my record or not, but I was CMO aboard the Harbinger and a while here on Theurgy. So I'd be happy to help where I can. she smiled as she placed the cup down and looked at the protein bars, Elro seemed to adore.

"All I can say is that you're handling the first crisis quite well." she grinned before shaking her head "I always hate it when these things happen, not because I don't enjoy the work, but just the life lost..."

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Canteen/Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Elro nodded with a smile. ”Yes okay, I did enjoy the surface of Aldea, the people’s dedication to the Arts. I am saddened that they lost their way due to their computer but it is refreshing to see a people’s renewed appreciation of science and knowing their technology. It gives me hope we may prevail over the Parasites.” He answered her earlier statement and omitted the flirting that a few Aldean men had done with him after he had seemed to catch their attention, he finished one protein bar and drank more Raktajino though it was a little cooler now. ”How about you? Did you enjoy our shoreleave on Aldea?”

”On the Endeavour I served as Chief for a year before its destruction, as you know.” Elro stated, though faltered for a few moments as he recalled that most of his fellow Endeavour survivors were reduced in number now. All thanks to the Spearhead Lounge bomb, he hoped that the new Chief Surgeon could save them, he’d help of course. The Betazoid sighed then took a deep breath to calm himself, then he swallowed a mouthful of Raktajino again.

He decided to take the apple flavoured energy drink to his quarters once he was done here, though it may be better to leave it in his office to boost his awareness when he needs it. ”Thank you for offering to help me, together we will make Medical full of great healers and oh which reminds me,” though not anything he said, it was a thought he had. ”Do you know much about Thalaron radiation?” Elro asked, it was best to get it over with though with them both energy starved may not have a good impact on creative thinking, for him he was certain.

Elro smiled. ”Thank you for your compliments, I too hate loss of life, all we can do is our best and follow our oaths. The rest is up to the will of the deities.” He said and was a little surprised he actually believed in their religious views on Betazed. When he was younger it wasn’t something he could see, touch or smell so it really didn’t concern him, but now some belief in a higher form to help them let him feel better. A little.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

"I'm afraid I spent most of my time up here. I did venture down a couple of times to the planet surface for some change of scenery and to one of the Spa's." she answered with a wry smile. It had been quite stupid of her to remain cooped up aboard the ship while there was a perfectly good planet down below to be explored. Of course, that was all in hindsight. She had started seeing Daniel and broken off that in just under a week. A thing she wouldn't want to bother her chief with though he might pick up on the mood she was feeling.

She nodded as he told her that he served on the Endeavour for a year, meant that he did have some experience in the posting. She nipped from her tea in the meantime and she smiled graciously at him as he thanked her for the offered help to stand by his side as chief. He brought up Thalaron radiation and Amelya widened her eyes a bit and sighed as she pushed her hands to her temples to rub them slightly. As if to jumpstart her brain.

"I've only read about the destruction and lethality of it, seen a few studies, but not a whole lot more. Why?" she asked him, even though she sort of knew why he brought it up considering the Paris bombing and the mission they were on. There were little things known about Thalaron on a medical kind of plain, so she was curious where he would lead this to.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Canteen/Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Elro had picked up on something from his assistant chief but wasn’t sure what it could be about though smiled when she mentioned a Spa. ”Oh an Aldean Spa. Damn I should have done the same. Maybe next time we are there.” Though touching can intensify the psionic connections between a Betazoid and whoever, only a little but enough for the Betazoid to focus completely on that whoever.

He frowned when she replied to his question about Thalaron radiation and put down his Klingon coffee after a quick sip. ”Captain has asked us to find a treatment for it, while I agree that it is deadly and any amount is fatal. There must be some way of at least slowing the degradation of organic tissue?”

Elro looked at Amelya. ”Anything no matter how out of the box it is could be useful.” He encouraged her with a smile.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

"If we ever get back to Aldea." Rez countered him with a faint smile. She had the feeling that Theurgy might not be able to return to Aldea after their current mission parameters. They had done some crazy tuff, but perhaps things would be easier with help from the shadows. Though it certainly didn't feel easier as the first incident had just been dealt with by them. Another mass casualty event. She sipped again from her drink and laid her eyes on the doctor before her.

She nodded slowly, hearing that they were tasked to find means to counter or even slow Thalaron radiation. She gave it some thought before answering him "My initial thought would be to counter it with reverse radiation. To counter the effects so to speak. Although I imagine finding a suitable radiation source that won't cause immense side effects would be rather a daunting task. Perhaps we might need the help of Science to help us out with this one."

"What have you been thinking? Or did you have any suggestions?" she asked him curiously.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Canteen/Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Elro nodded slowly as Amelya explained her thoughts. Reverse radiation? Did such exist? Maybe Thalaron particles had the coding within it to create a form of counter radiation? Vaccines were made from viruses after all, perhaps the key to fighting radiation was its chemical composition. Did it exist prior to the Remans turned it into a weapon?

When Amelya said that they’d need Sciences to assist, Elro nodded. ”Yes, we will need Sciences to help, you know how we use a virus to develop a vaccine? Do you think we could do the same with radiation?” He asked, he leaned forward as he was interested in her response.

He had finished all his food and drink. ”Excuse me while I get more,” Elro stood and went over to the replicator. ”Did you want something else?” He asked over his shoulder, after a momentary lapse in common manners of not offering to Amelya. A burger and milkshake sounded great right now, what he had already was only really good for a snack.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Amelya rubbed her temples slightly when Kobol  proposed to see it as a sort of vaccines to deal with a virus. She shook her head slightly and looked back at him with a soft gaze "No, I don't think you can see it as a virus. More like... A sort of chemo therapy for an aggressive cancer. It'll probably get rid of the malignity, yet at great cost and collateral." she paused as she knew that people would die if they got an aggressive treatment ready "But I suppose it's better to save a few than to have all of them die?" she concluded as she looked at Kobol .

She watched Tyra get up and walk over to the replicator, he had excused himself and Amelya nipped a bit more from her own drink before Kobol  called out to her if she'd want anything else. She raised her hand and shook her head "No thanks, I'm good." she smiled at him, and turned herself slightly in her seat to look at him.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #14
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Elro brought his burger and milkshake back to the table, his hunger a little concerning but he didn't recall having breakfast or lunch as things kept happening. Though a snack here and there had managed to keep him going but now his body demanded more. He glanced up at Amelya as he picked up his burger. ”What?” He asked with a light smirk.

He took a bite out of it and placed it back on his plate, several chews later and a gulp of milkshake he had swallowed. Elro made eye contact again but was serious, though he had sauce on the corners of his mouth. It seemed like he failed to realise sauce was there as he began talking. ”Yes it does seem that the style of cancer treatments may be applicable here, though we aren't going to actually be using that radiation. There must be a form of regenerative radiation or particle field that has healing capabilities.”

”The metaphasic field that the planet of Ba'ku has, it may be duplicatable?” Elro asked after a few sips of milkshake, he picked up his burger again and arranged it for his next bite.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Upon being asked if there was something going on, Amelya shook her head with a smirk as she watched the good doctor enjoy his meal. Or something that would qualify as a meal. Terran burgers had a really good taste but statistically were death bombs if one were to analyze the amount of grease and other ingredients inside of them.  She watched him eat the meal with a certain amused twinkle in her eyes.

Rez gave a shrug to Elro's reply that they wouldn't be using the same kind of radiation that they used in the early stages of cancer treatment. She pointed at the corner of her lips and hoped he'd get the hint as she smiled more widely "I agree, those forms of radiation have been rather brutal. Like I said before, Science might be the way forward here. See if they have anything that could help us along. It is a longshot though."

She gave the idea of a metaphasic field a thought and nodded "I'd say yes.. But even if we were to try and convert the field around Ba'Ku.. We are running against time here. Testing, research, wouldn't it all take far too long?" she asked him.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #16
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Clearly they weren't getting anywhere with this Thalaron discussion, perhaps too early in the morning for that. Elro decided that and smiled at Amelya. ”We have to start somewhere and nothing is made overnight. However, I think we could probably leave this subject alone for now. Any ideas as to how we can improve our department?” Elro asked after a few bites of his burger and a gulp of milkshake.

Suddenly realising why Amelya was gesturing at corners of her mouth Elro chuckled and he wiped the sauce on his face away using a finger. He put the finger in his mouth to prevent the sauce from dripping onto the table. He quickly drank more of his milkshake and relaxed. ”I do apologise for my messy eating Amelya,” he said, allowing her to reply before he asked another question.

”Do you have any suggestions as to our staff and rosters and so on?” Elro asked with a smile and finished off his burger in a few more bites, he then washed it down with the milkshake. He felt full now and that was one of the best feelings, maybe top five.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Kobol  changed the subject from the Thalaron radiation to things they could do to improve the department. Amelya shook her head and gave it some thought "I submitted my requests to Doctor Nicander when he was in charge. Some of those were pushed through, other weren't. I don't have any other suggestions at the moment though." she answered him with a smile "What about you? Any ideas you'd like to push through?"

"Oh, it's okay, you looked famished so I can understand why you're devouring the meal like that." she snickered, the next question about staff and rosters made her think and she shrugged "You could appoint certain nurses with some doctors, for sake of more fluent interaction. Of course, I think the nurses might feel some are being prejudiced over others." she answered him "Other than that, I don't think there's much room for change." she concluded and stretched herself.

"Tell me a bit more about you Elro... Where do you come from? Why did you choose Fleet life?"

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

He'd have to go back through the computer logs prior to his appointment and see all the requests made by his staff and see what ones could help his staff be the best they can be. However, he wanted to also know why Doctor Nicander had refused some requests, maybe he'd ask the Câroon about it all.

That's when Amelya asked for his views, funny, he hadn't really had enough time as Chief nor onboard Theurgy to properly gauge what may help his staff be the best they can be. He needed more time getting to know them all better. ”I asked first and you have been a member of this crew longer then I have.” Elro smiled.

Elro was immediately upright and serious as he watched Amelya stretch. ”Members of my staff are being disrespectful and prejudiced against one another? Who and why?” He ordered, that was unacceptable and very unbecoming of what a Starfleet officer stood for. He will put an end to it. He would talk about himself once this issue or issues have been dealt with.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

She shook her head when she saw Kobol  veer up on his seat and take a more serious pose and tone "No, you misunderstood Elro. They could feel disrespected and feel like others are prejudiced if we start taking specialists as our personal assistants." she clarified herself and looked at her CMO "Right now, there aren't any major issues that need to be addressed, nothing that the head nurse can't handle at least. Perhaps we should do a get together with all the physicians on ship? If only to strengthen the bonds."

Amelya remained rather relaxed in her seat, watching the doctor in front of her. She was observing him, perhaps even an occupational flaw of her. She always seemed to do a breakdown of the people she frequently saw. Her medical mind never truly resting and analyzing people for better or worse. With the new hosts inside of her, more of that analyzing happened. She looked for details, how people acted, where she could be helpful or take advantage if needed. Ilya and Jona's influence surely having an effect on her, beknown or not.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #20
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

”Oh, my apologies, I jumped to conclusions. I should have asked for clarification.” Elro said with a sorry smile and relaxed a little. He could have simply scanned her thoughts for her meaning but he was trying not to do that anymore.

”They aren't all specialists though and it wouldn't be a permanent arrangement, we could have various Doctors working with different officers, nurses and techs as well as specialists on a variety of different jobs.” He explained, ”we should hold a meeting and ask them all about this.”

He was glad that nothing major had arisen among his staff. Just all the physicians? Seems that many would miss out, Elro thought. ”Any ideas as to how to strengthen those bonds? Why just the physicians? Poker? Other card games? Or board games maybe?” Elro was excited about games, he had rarely done them during his life. He wanted to see what they were all about.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

"No need to apologize." Amelya smiled and felt the contents of her warm drink induce a feeling onto her that would be similar to someone placing a warm blanket over her shoulders. Comfortable enough to fall asleep where she sat "You are right to hold a meeting about it, see if anyone would be willing to discuss or open to the idea."

Amelya let her mind go over the possibilities on how they could strengthen the group bond within medical, Elro's idea to host a game night sure seemed interesting and she nodded with a smile "That could work! Or perhaps we used the holodeck for just something relaxing? Cocktail party with a view or something along those lines." she suggested and couldn't suppress the yawn that had been building up inside of her. Her hand covering her mouth when she yawned.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break

Reply #22
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Medical Breakroom | Deck 11 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

And there it was. It was clear now to Elro that Amelya wanted to party with cocktails. He smirked at her. ”Oh, so your true intentions are revealed Doctor Rez.” Elro said smugly. Personally he had no objections and who said they couldn't do all of the above ideas.

He suddenly yawned as well the moment she did. Elro narrowed his eyes at his assistant chief for her evilness. ”Looks like it is truly bed time.” He stated tiredly, finally he was losing the battle against the urge to sleep, ”I'll see you later.” Elro said and stood, ”keep up the great work Doctor,” he said smiling.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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