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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1200] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position (Read 5679 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH01: S [D01|1200] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Stranded I: In a Compromising Position
Stardate 57649.24
April 16, 2381
1200 hrs.
Day 1

[Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spa and Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Brutus

As one of the more recent arrivals to Aldea Prime, having arrived just a little over two weeks ago, L’Nari didn’t have a whole lot of friends. While she had met some people thus far, the black-furred Caitian wasn’t ready to consider anyone to be a friend just yet; not after she willingly gave up pretty much all of her social contacts by placing her trust in Admiral Anderson and ‘vanishing’ on her way back to Earth following her bereavement leave on Cait. It wasn’t a decision she regret, but the complexity of it all was still settling in.

At the very least, the Caitian Ensign did ran into one familiar person though; her long-time rival at Starfleet Academy, Ensign Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers. While she didn’t actively disliked the woman, L’Nari did come to find that Faye was exceptionally headstrong and downright fanatical when it came to her duties. She believed the Humans had a saying about these particular kind of situations, something about life giving you pickles.

Regardless, it was hardly because of this lack of friends that L’Nari, posing as a Caitian trader in used electronic hardware, ventured out into Aldea Prime on her own. If she had to be entirely honest, the young Caitian welcomed the solitude; it allowed her to find a quiet place of her own, in this particular case on one of the bridges running over the river, where she could idly lean against the guardrail and attempt to make sense of what happened these past couple of weeks. To say that March and April had been an emotional rollercoaster would be an understatement considering the shuttle accident that saw both her parents lose their lives, and with everything else that was going on in the Quadrant it felt like she was barely given the opportunity to properly mourn her loss. In fact, it had been just three weeks into her bereavement leave when Admiral Anderson sent her that encrypted message which directed her to Epsilon Mynos.

L’Nari would spend the next hour just idly leaning against the guardrail, absent-mindedly staring into the water below her while reminiscing about her parents. They had been kind and loving people, genuinely good people, and even though L’Nari’s father would often be away on diplomatic assignments aboard various starships throughout her childhood, leaving the black-furred Caitian and her two younger siblings in the care of her mother and grandparents, he would always bring back some kind of memento at the end of his tour. She would eventually even join him on Vulcan, where he was posted on a diplomatic assignment, and L’Nari knew it was her father and the very strong bond she developed with him over time which had turned her into the woman she was today; cultivating her earliest interests in diplomacy and Starfleet.

And now he was gone, just like that. She would sure miss the old man and the long letters they would write to each other...

When L’Nari felt how her green eyes began to tear up over the thought who she could confide in now, she tore her gaze away from the water and firmly shook her head a couple of times; in doing so pulling herself out of her own thoughts and the feelings of self-pity. She knew that Admiral Anderson had called upon her to help, something her father would have absolutely approved of, and if she were to be of any help she needed to be at her best. That’s when the black-furred Caitian made the decision that today, just this one day, she would spend reminiscing her parents and trying to make sense of her feelings, and that she would peek her head around the corner of the Counsellor’s office for a little chat tomorrow.

That’s how Ensign L’Nari, the Caitian trader in used electronic hardware who had wares if one possessed enough stars, eventually found herself in the famous Aldean Spa and Resort for a luxurious fur care treatment.

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #1
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Transporter room 4 | Deck 12 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy in Orbit of Aldea] ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan  

Sweeping her hair back and checking to ensure that her communicator was clipped under the wrapped belt around her waist, Faye scampered down the corridor, weaving her way in and out of the crowd of officers streaming past her. She had to deploy a few elbows here and there to break through the mass, more than a few out of uniform, as she was, though almost all were making their way in the opposite direction, scrambling to get to quarters or duty stations, to check in with medical or security. To file reports to superiors. Faye, however, had another goal in mind. 

Like any member of the crew of the USS Theurgy who was planning to leave the ship during their extended concealment in the Aldean system, Faye was not in uniform. The relative ease at which Humans, or those species in the Federation that bore a passing resemblance to humanity could blend into the local populace made it easy enough for Faye and others like her to pose as local Aldean citizens while away from the ship. Likewise, the various Klingon officers aboard the starship (and there were more than a few) could simply raid their closets or replicators for their own off duty garb, and blend in as members of the KDF Garrison, and its support staff. More than a few Klingon's had emigrated to Aldea over the years, and seeing a few of the burly warriors walking down the various promenades planetside was nothing out of the ordinary. 

Those that could not so easily blend into the local population would be posing as various traders and other such tourists to the planet. While not a galactic hot spot such as the more well known world of Risa, the Aldean system offered plenty for the would be merchant or traveler, seeking a respite and relaxation. Faye, of all people, knew that quiet well, having experienced a myriad of services during the last month - some even at the behest of the local government. So, Andorians, Gorn, even Cardassians were able to depart the ship with backstopped false identities, entered into the planetary database by the Aldean council directly.  The important part was, that no one from the ship - no one - be readily identifiable as a Starfleet officer. 

That went all the way down to the communicator they were all issued for missions away from the Theurgy, one of the boxy Aldean units. Just as capable as the Starfleet issued devices, the Aldean model allowed the members of the crew to truly pass themselves off as locals. They had the range needed to reach the ship, and had special encryption software installed to help prevent any scrupulous individuals from listening in on the conversation. And in moments like the current one, they had recall functions that had contributed to the distressingly thick crowd of returning crew that Faye had to battler he way through. 

Of course, this all depended on the person that had been issued one such communicator answering the all hands recall.

A quick headcount had been done of the diplomatic department when the new broke from Earth and Commander Ducote issued a full crew recall from the bridge. It had fallen to Faye to do the headcount, as she was now one of the more junior officers on the department. How the mighty had fallen, she thought, though with little heat over the subject. She'd been thrust in way over her head and was simply pleased to have not caused a new galactic incident, or been responsible for the destruction of the starship at the hands of disgruntled locals. A win was a win was a win, and now she had someone else to do the heavy lifting and she could take a load off. The lack of work related stress had certainly improved her sleep schedule. 

And it was not as if the department were particularly large. While it was a marked increase from what it had been when they entered the Aldean system a month ago (a grand total of one official low ranking Ensign as the entirety of the department, with some special liaisons loosely affiliated) it still ranked as one of the smallest departments aboard, right along side Intelligence. Both were vital departments for the starship, especially considering its over all compromised position in the galaxy at large, but that did not mitigate the fact that the total number of diplomats aboard remained in the single digits. Thus, figuring out who had checked in and who hadn't was relatively easy. 

What was frustrating then young Betazoid Ensign to no great ends right then was that one member of the department had not checked in. That this person was the departments other Ensign made Faye feel no better - far from it, in fact. While the lithe woman looked pretty good, by doing her job and being on hand while her colleague was not responding to hails, the simple fact of the matter was that her absence made the whole department look bad. And Faye knew she would never hear the end of it if the other woman got left behind on Aldea. Even if a part of Faye might personally prefer that outcome, she couldn't shortchange the department when they were already so understaffed. 

Thus, instead of doing one of the million other things she should be seeing to in order to help the ship depart from Aldea post haste, Faye was just now forcing her way into Transporter room 4, to beam down when the next batch of crew beamed up, in order to go fetch her missing diplomatic classmate. It's just like that damn fuzzball to ignore a summons. Too damned distractable. She always has been, Faye thought, her ire getting the better of her once again as she informed the transporter chief that he would need to send her down to the Ibai Besi transporter station. When pressed on the why, Faye had thrown out the officer classic, "Because I said so, dammit." But regretted it almost instantly, and added in curt, clipped tones, "Officer failed to acknowledge recall. I've been sent to retrieve them." That seemed to mollify the older man, who waved her up onto the pad. 

Adjusting her red, short sleeved dress, cut in one of the southern style she'd seen some of the locals wear, baring a bit more skin and matching some of the attire that Faye would have worn back home on the Bodun colony where she'd been raised, the brunette straightened her back and assumed the poise of someone that knew what she was doing, where she was going, and would broker no delay, squaring her shoulder and managing to look down her nose despite her relatively average height. Hopefully when she materialized at the transporter station closest to L'Nari's last logged location, she'd be able to track her down with the compact tricroder she'd brought along. Between having the recall signal on the girls communicator, and the fact that there were scant few Caitians on Aldea, she hoped it would a quick bag and tag and no one would notice she'd left to fetch the wayward attache.  "Energize," she ordered, in the more nasally accent of a local woman, as the blue white light encased her, and the starship vanished from view.

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #2
[Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spa and Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Brutus

It initially hadn’t been L’Nari’s intention to visit the Aldean Spa and Resort. In fact, the black-furred Caitian hadn’t even heard of it until, after her decision to spend the day indulging in reminiscence, she found her way into a local grand café right next to the river. As she was sitting on their deck, relishing the taste of a glass of cold buttermilk with whipped cream while enjoying the warm morning sun, one of the passing waitresses had complimented her on how radiant and soft her black fur looked like in the sunlight.  Following a short conversation, during which the waitress asked if L’Nari went through a lot of fur care treatments to get such amazingly soft fur and the black-furred Caitian had to admit that she rarely found herself with enough time for such luxuries, the friendly woman briefly excused herself; only to return with a small brochure for the Aldean Spa and Resort. While it became fairly obvious to L’Nari that the entire conversation, including the compliment, had probably been nothing but a shameless plug she nevertheless gave the waitress the benefit of the doubt and accepted the brochure with a smile.

After all, shameless plug or not, who was she to turn down the possibility of a professional fur care treatment?

Roughly thirty minutes later, L’Nari indeed found herself in the Aldean Spa and Resort. Her clothes, simple loose-fitting civilian attire along with a dark blue hoodie, were neatly folded and placed inside one of the lockers in the female dressing room while L’Nari, as naked and unconcerned about the fact as the day she was born, was laying face-down on a massage table. Her bright green eyes were closed and a soft sigh escaped her lips in enjoyment as the attendant, an athletic Aldean man who couldn’t have been much older than she was herself, began to moisten the fur on her back with a warm ointment which he rubbed into her fur with his strong hands. While this obviously couldn’t have been what Admiral Anderson had in mind when he redirected her to Epsilon Mynos, at this particular moment she was most grateful that he did.

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #3
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Promenade |  Aldea Prime] ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan   [Show/Hide]

The warm glow filtering in through the glass roof of the Ibai Besi transporter station replaced the sterlie lighting of the Theurgy's crowded transporter room. Faye recognized a few faces in line, waiting to beam up to the ship, and saw the surprise in some of them, the mutual recognition. As she gathered up the hem of her red robs and scampered off the pad, she called back to one familiar face, another of the non comm medics that she'd seen working with Nurse Patterson. On a whim, she called out, "Making a house call. Someone didn't pick up when we commed down. Tell Riley not to worry!" and she made a bee line out, into the promenade proper, picking her way through the crow and down the sloping ramp from the transporter station to the shops spanning the river front.

Skirting to a stop once she got off the ramp, she peeled to one side and pressed her back against the wall of a stall. The owner looked at her, she shrugged, and he rolled his eyes as he saw her pull out a standard Aldean stylized communicator from one fo the loose folds of her dress. Depressing a contact with her thumb, Faye hunched over it and spoke rapidly, "Eloi-Danvers to L'Nari. The ship is leaving! If you don't get your fuzzy ass back to aboard you're going to get left behind and Rutherford is going to be pissed do you hear me?"

As expected however, there was no answer. Faye let out a huff, shaking her head and counting backwards from 10. No one, not a single person, got under her skin with so little effort as did the other diplomatic Ensign. Faye didn't mind losing access to the department head suite to Rutherford. But she damn well minded that fuzzball coming aboard. Of all the diplomats and all the ships in the galaxy, I had to run into you, here.

Thrusting the comm unit back into one of the pockets, she fished out a tricorder and flipped it open. Like the comm, this was Aldean make, and Faye fumbled for a moment to remember how to use its configuration. After a moment, she tried her comm unit again, seeing if she could trace the feed back to the target communicator that should have been in the Caitian's possession. The results were...not great, but it narrowed things down to a few blocks near the center of the promenade. She was a diplomat, not a comms officer, and frankly it was a miracle she'd sorted that much out. Tucking the devices away yet again, she took off at a fast trot, keeping her skirts up as she barreled along. "Sorry, sorry. Make way, coming through. Excuse me, sorry!"

The more she ran, the more she could feel the time ticking away, second by second, passing by as the streets blew away behind her. When I get my hands on her I'm going to skin her hide.

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #4
[Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spa and Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Brutus

A little over fifteen minutes had passed since the start of the fur care treatment, and it most definitely was a memorable experience. In more ways than one, in fact. The attendant had expertly moistened the black fur on her back with that fur care lotion, massaging her skin with the hands of an expert as he rubbed the lotion, which smelled fresh like the pine forests on Cait after a rainy day, deeply into her fur. Not even the word ‘divine’ could truly cover the scope of how amazing it felt for L’Nari to have her fur treated in such a professional way, and part of her began to envy the famous Caitian actors and actresses of the holonovels, whom probably all had the connections to receive such care on a daily basis.

After the attendant turned his attention to her slender legs, having finished rubbing the fur care lotion into the fur of her arms and back, the black-furred Caitian didn’t even protest as the man gradually massaged his way higher and higher up her legs; eventually brushing against the hem of the white towel which was draped over her shapely butt to preserve a modicum of modesty. When the man removed the towel by pushing it to the side and allowing it to fall onto the floor next to the massage table, L’Nari didn’t even flinch. As a Caitian she was covered in fur anyway, and she had agreed to have that towel draped over her butt more out of respect for the attendant than to preserve her own modesty. Her green eyes did shoot open for a moment out of sheer surprise when the attendant proceeded to massage her butt directly and, while the black-furred Caitian considered to protest, she had to admit that the man’s touch felt much better than she was willing to let on.

As such, when the attendant proceeded to caress the insides of her thighs, L’Nari just put her head down on the massage table and closed her eyes; purring contently while the man did his job.

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #5
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and Resort|Aldea Prime] ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan   [Show/Hide]

Faye knew good and well that grinding her teeth was bad for them, and that clenching her jaw this tight was going to give her a head ache. Running while doing so was going to be worse. But as she glanced down at the tricorder, and recalculated her path toward what she thought was the location of L'Nari, Faye was most certainly grinding her teeth. She recognized this section of the promenade, though the first time she'd visited it had been in the late night, and when she'd left, the local clock had turned over into the morning hours. A memory flashed across her mind, of  languidly pouring herself across a redhead in a bath, after having her body thoroughly worked over by a pair of Aldean Massage experts, in every way imaginable. She could still hear the little accented moans, the thick whimpers, and taste....

Shaking that memory away, Faye scowled again, turning a corner and pulling up short out front of the building in question. It had been over a month since Faye had come out of stasis, closer in fact to two by this point. Riley had seen to her physical training regimen, both on and off the books, and while she was still not entirely comfortable with her artificial hand, she was she had recovered well from the rest of her injuries, and gained back a lions share of her previous stamina.  So when she pulled up in front of the parlor, she wasn't breathing nearly as heavy as she felt she should be. All those hours on the treadmill are paying off, she thought, and then, considered that it might have been the copious after hour activities, primarily with Riley, but also helped along by a few friends here and there, that might have had something to do with it.

The smile didn't last long, but it was there.

Checking the tricorder again, Faye carefully reconfigured to change from signal tracing to life sign scans. She was a diplomat, not a scientist, and it took her a moment longer than it might have some of her colleagues - like the aforementioned Nurse Paterson. Then she had to start filtering out Aldean and Klingon signatures, cross referencing with the preinstalled biological database and..."Bingo, bitch. Time to go skin a cat."

Squaring her shoulders off, she strode into the bathhouse. The familiar sights and sounds were compounded when she drew up short, recognizing the woman behind the counter. A slow smile formed on her face, and was matched by the curvy blonde who bobbed on her toes for a moment. "You return! Welcome back. I was wondering if I would see you again," there was a bubbly, familiar anticipation in her voice as she started to come around the desk.

Faye moved in and embraced her, in a quick hug, and then pulled back, each woman holding the other by the forearms. "It is good to see you again, Iskierka. I wish I was here for a visit though. I'm actually heading out of the system. I'm not sure when I'll be back," she saw the blonde's face fall and Faye leaned in and kissed her softly to make up for it. She had visited this place again, since the first night, but it had been over a week now. And every time, she'd requested Iskierka. "None of that now. Duty calls. I'm actually here because someone I'm traveling with didn't answer her comm, and she's going to get her fuzzy ass left behind. You don't happen to know what room an annoyingly svelte looking black furred Caitian might be holed up in?"

OOC: Iskierka

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #6
[Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spa and Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Brutus

When the attendant stopped massaging her inner thighs, and regrettably much too soon at that, L’Nari opened her green eyes to look at the man. As she did so, not only did the black-furred Caitian notice that the attendant was sensually gesturing for her to turn around, but also that he had an erection that was as impressive as his touch. If it hadn’t been for that obvious indication that the man was enjoying the massage as much as she did the young Diplomatic Attaché might have drawn the line there but, as it was, L’Nari was genuinely curious just what this situation might lead to.

And so, the black-furred Caitian turned around on top of the massage table. As with most Caitians, at least those who took proper care of their fur by regularly grooming, the black fur at the front of L’Nari’s body was much shorter than the fur on her back. Especially now it was moist by a combination of the fur care lotion and the temperature in the room, amongst other things, the chocolate color of L’Nari’s skin was somewhat visible through her black fur. The young Diplomatic Attaché was well aware of this, hence why she wouldn’t have turned around if the circumstances had been any different, and as her green eyes came to rest upon the eyes of the attendant she realized the man was staring at the subtle curves of her 34B-sized breasts; they had firmed up under the excitement of the massage and L’Nari’s dark chocolate-colored areola, which were a little under two inch in diameter, were drawn perky by her hard nipples and clearly poking through the thin fur.

L’Nari took pride in her subtle curves but, upon seeing how much the attendant also seemed to enjoy them, the young Caitian couldn’t help but chuckle; a slight move which allowed her breasts to jiggle ever so slightly. It could have been so much nicer, were it not for the door which suddenly opened in front of her. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when L’Nari sat up straight to see who interrupted her massage like that she found herself eye-to-eye with the one person she actually never wanted to see.

”You.” As she spoke up there wasn’t downright hostility in L’Nari’s Caitian-accented voice, but it clearly matched the look on her face. That being said, if looks had been able to kill there was a distinct possibility that Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers would have spontaneously combusted right there and then. ”What do you think you’re doing here?” Not wanting to give the other woman the satisfaction of seeing her scramble for a towel in embarrassment, L’Nari instead indignantly arched her back ever so slightly in annoyance. ”Get out!”

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #7
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and Resort|Aldea Prime] ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan   [Show/Hide]

Having established a prior relationship with  the buxom blonde through previous visits to the delectable massage parlor and spa, Iskierka was more than willing to help Faye with her search for her errant colleague. Bless her, she didn't press the Betazoid, and was simply happy to loop her arm into the lithe woman's and lead her back along familiar corridors. She kept the contact up, hip to hip, nearly nuzzling Faye's arm against her bust, and normally the hedonistic diplomat would have been all on board. As it was she allowed herself a smile, but kept things otherwise relatively polite. The masseuse picked up on that, of course - she might not be a telepath but she was delightfully perceptive.  She increased her speed a bit, pecked Faye on the cheek and murmured, "Your friend is in here. Normally we do not interrupt urun sessions but I do understand the urgency. I wish you safe travels and hope that, should you return to Aldea Prime, you will come and visit."

"Of course, Iskierka. When I'm in town, I promise, you'll know." She let the other woman back away, and head toward the reception once again, watching her leave. That brat put an extra sway in her hips on purpose, Faye noted silently to herself, a smile of appreciation passing over her lips. Closing her eyes, she took a slow deep breath, calming herself and then flipped the door lock, pushing the archaically stylized wooden door open. She loved the decor of this place and would dearly miss it, wishing in hindsight that she had taken the time to get some good holo photos to recreate it on the holodeck. 

What she did not like was the scene unfolding before her. She didn't flinch away from the naked Caitian, nor the man standing at full attention next to her, clearly readying himself to begin the more fully invasive portions of the urun massage treatment. It took her a section to realize, that she'd just cock blocked the Cait, and decided so much the better. She planted her hands on her hips and glared right back at her fellow diplomat, and tore into her, in extremely un-diplomatic terms. 

"Do you happen to know where your communicator is? You know, the one we're all supposed to be keeping within an arms reach at all times? The one that I have been calling you on for the past half hour. The one that the recall order was issued on? Hmm?" Her look darkened considerably the more she spoke, looking around the room. "Don't see it anywhere. Left it in a locker maybe? Well, I hate to break it to you but we're leaving. The system. Now. If you don't get your fuzzy ass up and out to the transporter station you're getting left behind. At which point Rutherford will be extremely pissed off to find herself short staff. Which is the only reason I'm down here to fetch your ass."

It was rare that Faye's voice ever rose when she didn't intend it. A trained diplomat used their tone and volume as much as the words themselves to deliver their message. Today, she didn't hold back at all however, and by the time she finished, she was breathing heavier than she had with her run down the long winding street of the promenade. It didn't matter that L'Nari was buck naked, and oiled up. It didn't matter that she probably would have placed her communicator in a locker too in such a situation, and would have been just as shit out of luck if they'd changed places. She wasn't the one about to get her rocks tossed, and wasn't the one at risk of getting left behind by her own sheer stupidity (an unfair accusation but Faye didn't want to be fair at the moment).

She looked over at the talk drink of a man standing there and flashed him a sympathetic smile which was utterly at odds with her tone just seconds before. "Hey buddy I'm sorry you're not going to get to finish up here, but go check in with Iskierka. She looked a little tense, maybe you can give her the massage the furrball here isn't going to get."

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #8
[Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spa and Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Brutus

Although the thought crossed her mind to repeat her previous words and tell Faye to get out, or to simply call the woman’s bluff and say that she couldn’t care any less if the USS Theurgy would leave without her, L’Nari begrudgingly knew deep down inside that Faye wasn’t playing a joke on her. Past experiences had taught the black-furred Caitian that a lot of things could be said about Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers, but not that she possessed the distasteful sense of humour for those kind of things. Or any sense of humour at all, for that matter.

”That’s none of your business.” Lacking anything better to say at that moment and realizing that Faye would probably know that there wasn’t much else to say irregardless, which only made it double as frustrating, L’Nari got off the table and reached out for the white bathing robe which she’d discarded onto the nearest chair before the massage. As she quickly put it on, she could hear how her rival Diplomatic Attaché spoke up to the attendant; making the black-furred Caitian grit her teeth in downright anger as Faye referred to her as a ‘furball’. ”Give me a minute, I’ll need to shower this lotion out of my fur.” It was not negotiable and the tone of L’Nari’s Caitian-accented voice only further accentuated that.

In order to get to the locker rooms, L’Nari would have to pass her Diplomatic co-worker whom was standing in the doorway though. While she could have easily disregarded the comment about her being a ‘furball’, which would have been the diplomatic thing she was generally supposed to do, the black-furred Caitian instead briefly held her pace just as she passed Faye and a furious glare appeared in her green eyes as she stared down the other woman. ”And I told you this numerous times at the Academy, bitch...” By lowering her voice so the attendant wouldn’t be able to hear it, in combination with the angry tone of her accented voice and the furious glare in her eyes, L’Nari hoped it would sound more threatening than she could ever live up to. ”Keep calling me a furball like that, and I’ll beat those words out of your mouth one of these days.”


Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #9
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Aldean Spa and Resort|Aldea Prime] ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan   [Show/Hide]

Few people taxed Faye's patience quite so thoroughly as L'Nari did. The bad blood between them from the Academy had bubbled and boiled back up to the surface some three years later when they found themselves in close proximity to each other on the Theurgy. Out of sight, out of mind was all well and good. Finding herself forced to work with the Caitian again was another story entirely. She supposed that she had hoped, on some level, that time would have eased the tension between the two of them. Unfortunately, it appeared that the rivalry was simply dormant. Almost like an allergic reaction; once Faye was exposed to L'Nari again (and vice versa), the discontented emotions rose to the top. 

Perhaps it was like riding a bicycle - you never really forget how. And Faye never really moved past her past with the other Attaché.

Thus, even though the woman's request (demand, really) to take a shower was perfectly reasonable,  Faye's first impulse was to tell her to suck it up and hall her fuzzy ass back to the ship pronto. She could shower there, after all. Time was of the essence, and Faye was going to be damned if she got left behind because little miss 'decided-to-get-fucked-right-before-the-ship-left' wanted to powder her nose and freshen up. It was tempting to try and force the issue, to see if L'Nari would hold her ground or cave. Faye would leave her then, if it had come to it, she'd not let the Cait strand her here as well, even if she was apparently willing to risk it to haul her butt back to the ship (she had to try and make things easier for her new boss, after all, or, gods help her, she might be put in charge again).

But there were some lines that one did not cross. And in truth, telling the walking oil slick she had to wait wasn't going to be a winning argument. So she crossed her arms over her chest and jerked her head toward the door that she knew would lead to the showers in a silent gesture for L'Nari to hurry her ass up and get to it. The Cait stalked right over, and Faye could very easly feel the anger and agitation that was directed solely at Faye. Not just because she'd interrupted the girl in the middle of what would have otherwise been a lovely massage (and Faye would know, having frequented the place). There was the deeper anger at Faye's word choice and for a small moment, she almost regretted it. 

And that regret vanished the moment L'Nari tried to intimate Faye. The problem with intimidating a telepath was that you had to really, really mean it. Now, Faye wasn't actively probing, but the second the other Diplomat made an outright threat, instinct kicked in, and she tried to verify. And got some mixed results. She puffed herself up as best she could (which wasn't much, Faye was a lover, not a fighter) and rolled her eyes, trying for an unphased reaction. "If you were going to do that it would have happened years ago. Now hurry up and hit the sonics. We don't have all day."

At least she managed not to tack on the word 'kitten' at the end of it all. She thought it, really, really loud though.

Re: CH01:S [D01|1000 hrs.] Stranded I: In a Compromising Position

Reply #10
[Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spa and Resort | Ibai Besi | Aldea] Attn: @Brutus

It was only a short shower, much shorter than L’Nari was used to, but now theUSS Theurgy was bound to depart the black-furred Caitian knew she wouldn’t have that luxury. Now Faye was waiting for her, she knew that there would undoubtedly be some sort of rant or ‘holier-than-thou’-speech for every additional minute she would delay their return to the ship. While part of the Diplomatic Attaché considered that to be reason enough to delay their return on purpose, she also knew there would be more important people than Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers who would give her an earful if they would actually end up missing the launch of the Theurgy.

And thus, a short shower it was; thorough enough to get the fur-care lotion out of her black fur, but not nearly long enough to rid herself of the scent. When L’Nari finally emerged from the locker room to face her fellow Diplomatic Attaché, now fully dressed, she still smelled like a walking pine forest. It was pretty obvious that Faye could smell it too but, not wishing to hear any snide remarks so shortly after being disturbed in a rather embarrassing position, the Caitian Diplomatic Attaché threw the other woman the kind of ‘don’t you even dare’-glare that probably brought the point across really well. ”Let’s just go back to the Theurgy and never speak of this again.” As she spoke, L’Nari’s Caitian voice only further accentuated her glare and with those words she brushed past the Betazoid woman; quickly making her way towards the exit of the Aldean Spa and Resort to never return again.


It was time to get back to the USS Theurgy...


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