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PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

(OOC: This is a pretty heavy post. Rhys references suicide. Consider this a trigger warning.]

[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]  attn: @Auctor Lucan

Rhys sat on the floor of his quarters, the covers of his bed and various items of clothing strewn around the room. Remains of half consumed meals festered where he had left them days before. Rhys’ usually hyper clean quarters had given way to dust, grime and Rhys sat in the middle of it staring off into the distance. Tears slid slowly down his face; his reddened eyes felt so hot like they were infected. The anger had come and taken over for a moment, but it had quickly given away to despair and now he was just numb.

In some way’s numbness was the worst feeling of all. Other than to get something to eat from the replicator or take a shower Rhys had barely moved from his spot on the floor for days. He had been relieved of his duties. Relieved sounded like such a nice word but it had rung in his ears like the death knell of his career. “What a strange thing to worry about.” he thought to himself. “Here I am on a ship considered to be mutinous by the entire Federation and I am worrying about my career.” However, being relieved of his duty by Commander Hathev had somehow felt more final.

Of course, the rational side of himself knew full well that getting his career back on track was a relatively simple process. He just had to submit himself to counselling. His blunt refusal both to himself and his superior of this option was at the root of the problems. Was it pride? Even he was not really sure but that was an option.

He was broken now, even he could see that. Before this Rhys had been unhappy, depressed and lonely but he had functioned. When one of his patients had been revealed to be a murderer, he had been like a puppet with its strings cut. It had seemed to prove all his darkest fears about himself, that he was a failure who brought problems on those around him. He had spent all his time going over the files and his notes trying to see what he had missed in Brett Hansen’s character.

Rhys had known he was angry and hurt that much was obvious, but he had no idea Brett would do what he did. Or maybe he had, maybe his lousy counselling sessions had pushed him to do it. Of course, he couldn’t really be trusted to work with anyone again, and so he had stopped showing up to appointments. The façade he had carefully arranged of a young man who may be troubled but was functioning just fine crumbled like a sandcastle before the tide of reality.

Now in the end his only real reason for getting up in the morning was gone. He did not feel he had made any real friends on the crew, he felt utterly isolated. He had spent much of his career in Starfleet existing but never really living. Now it was even worse than that. His uniform had more personality than him, so who was he in the end without it.

He had thought of killing himself, previously the most illogical thought of all was feeling more and more logical. It sounded so reasonable. “Life is not turning out how you hoped it would. You are unhappy more than you are happy, why not relive yourself from the universe.” He knew this was an awful rationalisation, but it was so powerful.

His eyes drifted over to a picture by his bed so far unspoiled by the chaos of his life. There were two families stood side by side. An eleven-year-old Rhys smiled out of the picture. He had his arm linked with a young girl with ridiculously bright red hair and a toothy grin. Behind the children were two sets of parents. That had been a better time, no worries. Parents were invincible and had all the wisdom of the world. He so wished to be back there again.

[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy]

Without even thinking about it, Rhys had got up dressed himself and headed for the nearest vacant holodeck.

The doors opened on the green fields and sea breeze of his home. He stood at the top of his road. At the far end was a small village hall, where he knew without a shadow of a doubt would be a choir practicing. In fact, he half imagined he could hear the words ofCalon Lân drifting over the rolling hills. He had a half serious idea of sealing himself in here surrounded by Ghosts that looked as vibrant as real as anyone. He sighed and headed off down the street to his home.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Having a breather, Evelyn Rawley had scheduled a session on the holodeck for herself. More patrols were due, but she had a mind to get some brief bloody R&R before then. So, imagine her surprise when she stepped up to her holodeck and found it already in use.

"What the bloody hell? What kind of wanker steals someone's precious me-time? Bollocks," she mumbled with her upper lip curled as she forcefully punched in the authorisation set for the hour to use the deck, and stepped into the running session. Some fucking Earth setting, on the country-side. A damn village. She didn't care one whit about it.

"Oi! Who the fuck and hijacked my holo-deck time? I swear I will end this bloody program now lest you fucking show yourself!" she announced and cast her glare about, dressed as she was in baggy trousers, heavy boots and a white tank top. She had wanted to get a massage by some holo-toon, and yet here she was, being denied it, and she really wasn't happy about it.

"Come on! I know you fucker is in here so speak up!" she said, and could merely hope there wasn't some bloody superior officer or something in there, and that the damn simulation was mission-critical. Then, she might give a toss, but based on appearances, she couldn't quite see what the damn place had to do with the parasitic invasion of the Federation and beyond.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #2
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

There was a voice on the wind as he approached the holo-representation of his family home. Rhys did all he could ignore it. However, it pierced through like the voice of someone waking him from a dream. IT was a call to a reality he desperately wanted to avoid.

As the fog slowly lifted and he was dragged reluctantly back to his living nightmare logical centres of his brain started to kick in again. He was on the holodeck and you had to book time for that. He had likely interfered in someone’s time. He did feel guilty and selfish about that, but he had not been functioning normally. However, he could not be in any worse a situation so a tiny treacherous part of him cared very little.

He felt reluctant to have someone else exploring something that was so personal to him. “Computer end programme.” He said in a weary voice. The images around him faded revealing another member of the crew. He did not really recognise her.

He was certain he looked awful at this point. He was wearing his uniform out of habit, but it was really in the face that everything looked wrong. His eyes were bloodshot, he had obviously been crying. Even worse was how unfocused they were. Rather than looking at her he seemed to be looking through her. “Sorry, I didn’t realise someone else had booked time.” He had heard the angry jibes she had thrown his way, and was not angry they were just taken with bleak acceptance. Really at this stage there was nothing that could be said to him that would make him feel worse than he already did. He silently made a gesture toward the rest of the holodeck, indicating it was all hers.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Not sure what she'd expected when she called out the bloody bastard on his cheekiness in taking her holodeck time, Rawley was sure she hadn't thought she'd see him yield it immediately without any contest.

Instead, she was met by the sight of a lone officer in a teal collared uniform. Looked a bit worse for wear too. Crestfallen, that was how she might describe him. She was all riled up, full of adrenaline, and when she first intended to speak, she caught herself being about to launch a litany of profanities his way, asking what the fuck his problem was and why he was so damn arrogant he didn't care for anything than himself. She stilled her tongue in time, though, realising that the guy actually looked like he'd had a real rough time. From what, she had no idea, but she figured that instigating a fight with him wouldn't be that sound.

"Hey," she said before he left the holodeck. "What's the issue, chap? If you want a couple of bloody minutes before I begin, that's fine."

She wasn't the kind to apologise, and even less likely so when she'd really not done anything wrong, She was merely exercising her freedom of speech to her fellow Junior Officer. Without saying anything about it, she hoped that the man wasn't too hurt by being thrown out of his planned reprieve.

"I can step outside if you want," she added, seeing if he was the talkative lot or if she'd have to break the ice with something else instead. Clearly, it seemed like he needed some company, that was for sure.

OOC: Sorry for the slight delay and thanks for the patience! I think I've kept you updated through the Main OOC about my visitors etc, but now it's up! :)


Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #4
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Rhys wasn’t blind, he could see in the demeanour of the woman before him a certain deflation. She had been angry, there was a tension to her as if she had been expecting an argument or a fight with who ever had taken her no doubt precious slot in the holodeck. That tension was fading however the more she seemed to take him in and the more she spoke.

He was sure he looked terrible, but at this point he did not really care. What was more important to him was how terrible he felt. His normally shockingly blue eyes seemed dead and were looking who knew where at the moment. “No no, it was my error. I can’t in good conscience take up more of your time in here.” It was something else for him to feel guilty about. She needed a break naturally. Unlike him she was doing something important and valuable on the ship.

He knew feeling guilty over a simple faux pas of having taken a slot in the holodeck without checking it was free, was a colossal overreaction. Under other circumstances she would have shouted at him, he would have apologised an felt a guilty twinge for a little while and they would have each moved on with their lives. However, every negative feeling was lingering now. Each one clinging to his heart and mind like a tumour.

“No  you don’t have to go anywhere I will go.” In the midst of his apologies he realised she had asked him what was wrong. Under other circumstances he would have brushed that comment off with the ever useful. ‘Oh nothing.’ Which he learned as a counsellor meant ‘everything is wrong, I just don’t want or know how to express it.’ Now however, he spoke the truth automatically. Almost robotically. “I…. I’ve been relieved of duty.”  He felt the feeling of tears again and struggled to overcome them. He bit his lip, swallowed and took a deep shaky breath, just about avoiding the embarrassment of bursting into tears in front of another officer.

It took so much effort in fact that he did not move towards the door as he had been intending. He stood their almost rocking back and forth on his heels with the effort of containing his feelings. He was sure who ever this was would not really want to hear what he had to say. She might be polite about it but at the end of the day she was hear to relax not interact with a fellow crewmate clearly in throws of a nervous breakdown.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Oh, bloody hell, thought Rawley as she looked at the poor sod in the ruffled uniform, hearing that he'd just been relieved from duty and evidently not handling it well. She really hadn't planned on being some damn shoulder to cry on, but fuck it, the bloke seemed ready to talk about it, and what kind of fellow officer would she be if she didn't - at least - make a minimal effort to do the right thing?

"Hey, chap, don't worry about it," she said with a lopsided smile and walked up to him, "I've been removed from duty several times. Big mouth of mine getting me into trouble. Started before the Academy, so  am a hopeless case. I am bloody surprised, actually, that I've managed to stay out of the brig more than I've managed to avoid sickbay."

She said this with a chuckle, and standing closer to him, she gave him an encouraging clap on the shoulder. "Take it from someone who's been there before, it's not the end of the world, and given the dire straits this bloody ship is in, it's not like you'll be out of that uniform permanently. We need all the help we can get to pull off this damn mission, I'm sure. You want to talk about it, or would you rather see a counsellor? What's your name?"

Looking around, she decided to activate the holodeck with the program she had in mind.  "Initiate program Rawley-Zero-Seven, massage parlour."

While she listened to the man, she removed her jacket, standing in a wooden locker room.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #6
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

His fellow officer was clearly trying to be kind about the whole affair. It was an attitude that Rhys certainly appreciated, but he was just too obviously distressed for it to help him feel better. Rhys went through life looking to people like a kicked puppy anyway. So to an extent he had become desensitised to a friendly comforting pat on the shoulder and some kind words.

It frankly amazed people he had lasted in Starfleet long enough to make it to being a senior grade lieutenant. He had no self-confidence, displayed no evidence of assertiveness. He had a habit of being incredibly passive and was intimidated by the very thought of being in charge. He was in many ways a poor fit psychologically for the tough world in which he was inhabiting.

He looked at her intently for a moment for the first time not really looking into space. “Have your actions ever cost someone their life?” There was such fear and guilt mingled and squirming like worms inside his stomach as he spoke those words. He laughed when she suggested he see a counsellor it was humourless somewhere between a bark and a cry. “I am one…. One of my patients killed someone. So, I suppose not a very good one.” He gave a deep breath that shuddered through his body. “I’m Rhys.” He said quietly. He was momentarily surprised as the holodeck went from its standby surroundings to a wooden locker room. He looked around him a slight furrow to his brow as he tried to work out what kind of facility it was a locker room for.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
"I'm Rawley," said Evelyn when she got his name, and as she considered his question - feeling that it was likely a question of some relevance for him - she stepped away from him and began to undress. "In your case, you cannot accept blame for what some other bloke or blokess did. If you have been relieved from duty because of something you're not guilty of, then I bloody well think your superior officer is guilty of fucking misconduct. It can't be that you're supposed to be omniscient and know what your patients might and mightn't do. That's bloody stupid if you ask me."

She tossed her white tank top into a locker and after she'd kicked off her heavy boots, she put her thumbs behind her waistline and pulled down both panties and baggy cargo pants. Completely naked, she picked up a towel and glanced towards the former counselor with a grin. "Come on, I'll treat you. Let's have a massage together, and you can tell me more."

Rawley walked to the door leading into the spa, but paused in the door way. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, holding the towel in her fist next to her, the overhead light illuminating the scars on her diminutive frame. "No need to be shy. Let yourself be distracted, okay? If I can't make you think of other things, then I am sure the holograms inside here can help you unwind a bit. "

Being anything but shy, and thinking she was doing good in helping the bloke get his mind off things, Rawley hoped he would join her, but she supposed he might rather want to be by himself too. In any case, it didn't hurt to make the offer.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #8
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Rhys wasn’t really sure what to say in response to Rawley. There was more to the story than she was imagining. It wasn’t that his superior had held him in anyway responsible. It was that he was holding himself responsible and it was dramatically affecting his performance and he had refused treatment. He wanted his commander to blame him because it felt more real than the truth. He knew it was an irrational ridiculous feeling to have but it was still there coiling at the back of his mind.

He wasn’t sure how much he wanted to reveal to a person who he had just met, quite how low he was prepared to a stranger’s opinion of him sink. IT was then however that he realised she had some different revealing in mind. Rhys watched pink faced and open mouthed as she started to strip down totally unashamed and uncaring in front of him. She said she was offering for them to have a massage together. Rhys was almost so stunned by her naked form and her brazenness that he was not going to say anything.

He felt really awkward just standing there, fully dressed while she was completely naked. Trying to be as casual as possible, he moved to a locker and started to remove his dishevelled uniform bit by bit. His heart thumped hard in his chest and his face turned a livid pink as each item was removed. Rhys was tall and rangy but was well built. He took care of himself and had a definite swimmer’s body. He moved awkwardly past her hoping that she would not notice that his body was reacting to her. Of course, she would have had to have been blind not to have seen that. “I’ve never had a massage before.” He confessed.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Seeing how he was undressing despite himself, and his lamentations, Rawley couldn't help the wolfish grin that touched her face. She had him hooked and hopefully she'd be able to get his mind of things, so that he could just get some bloody perspective.

The counselor was quite the looker too, and judging by the state of things, she might just have been a little bit 'too' effective in distracting him. She pointedly looked down and chuckled, only to raise an eyebrow at him when he stepped past her in the doorway - awkwardly getting by without brushing against her. His comment was the most astounding thing, however, and she stepped after him into the spa's wooden corridor.

"Really?" she asked with grin and fell into pace next to him, "you are shittin' me, right? Never? Oh, then you are bloody well in for a treat, I assure you. Come on!"

She slapped him on his shapely arse and stepped forth, leading the way to the room she usually went to in the simulation, which actually did have a second table as well. She shouldered the door open and was met by the massage therapist hologram, named Ethan and dressed in white linen trousers and t-shirt. She had designed him to have a long beard and braids in his hair, because why not? "Hello Ethan, I have company with me today. Care to bring a friend for him?"

"Absolutely, Miss Evelyn Rawley. I will be back shortly," said the hologram and stepped out of another door. The interior of the room was all made of the same Caledonian forest pine that the corridor had been, but one entire wall had been replaced by thick glass, which overlooked the Scottish highlands of her youth. It was a peaceful vista that she enjoyed, and it was perfect for unwinding before and after missions, whenever she needed to get kneaded and loosened up and had the time for it.

Rawley stepped up to the glass, and glanced at her company in the reflection of the glass. "You'll just have to lie down on the table when it's time, and they will handle the rest." She tossed her towel across one of the massage tables and took a deep breath. She put her hands behind her shaved head, stretching in the light of the overcast sky. "You're free to talk all you bloody want. They will not comment unless we address them directly. Your accent, by the way. Welsh?"

Soon enough, Ethan returned in the company of someone else, and Rawley smiled before heading towards her table.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #10
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

He had rather hoped she had not noticed his… situation. However, her raised eyebrow and amused chuckle soon disabused him of that notion. At least she wasn’t angry he supposed, that was something to take comfort in at least. In all honesty she seemed more perturbed by the discovery that he hard never had a massage.

He shook his head mutely as she enquired if he was joking. He was in fact very serious. The idea of being touched by another person, who might find some imperfection, who might judge him in some way had always been at the forefront of his thinking.  It was sad and kind of pathetic, that’s what he thought anyway. Of course, holodecks existed with computer generated people who would not care if he had a head growing out of his back. However, even thought they weren’t real they felt real so despite the illogical nature of the feeling it persisted.

It was then of course that Rawley slapped him on the arse, and his face got redder. It was amazing that it could get redder, in order to get that red it ought to have taken a few burst blood vessels in his face. He followed her meekly into the simulation and was confronted by a hologram she called ‘Ethan’. He looked incredibly distinctive with the long beard and braided hair; Rhys wondered if he had been based on someone real. He did not seem the sort of person the computer would generate randomly.

The room was made of a wood of some description, and there was glass wall overlooking a very beautiful vista. He guessed it was somewhere in Scotland. He had been there a few times as a child on holiday in happier times for his family. He was grateful of the view it allowed him to not look at her and make his position any worse. Eventually she took her place on one of the tables. Taking a towel, he reluctantly did the same. He took exactly the same position as her unsure what to do and feeling very awkward. She asked him if he was Welsh. “Yes, the accent normally does give it away.” He said with a small soft smile. “I’m from the Island of Angelsey… off the coast of North Wales.” He clarified, even some people who lived in the UK did not know much about the Island, after all there were no cities on it just little villages.

Ethan returned with a companion. A woman who looked around 30ish with black sleek hair dressed in a similar uniform. “You’re English?” He said questioningly, which judging by her accent she was. IT was also a safe place way to begin talking.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
It was quite amusing to see the embarrassed counsellor open up a bit, and being willing to partake in the massage. Rawley thought it might be good for him to loosen up a bit, and get some perspective other than that of the errors he thought defined him. An apprechiation of life overall, and some distance from the duties that had come to overburden him.

"Aye, I am," said Rawley and adjusted herself a bit where she laid on the massage table. Unlike Rhys Williams, she hadn't covered herself at all with her towel as she laid there on her stomach, just to let Ethan get full access to her bare body in the light from the wide window. She closed her eyes for a moment and continued. "The Scottish tonality you hear if from me father, and I attended Fettes College in Edinburgh for quite some time, so I have a bit of a northern vocabulary still."

She looked at Rhys with her cheek resting on her hands, lying there there and feeling Ethan massage her back and thighs - his rough yet gentle hands running over her derriere as well. The Scottish woman had begun to work on the counselor as well, and folded his white towel a couple of times where it laid across his behind, just so that she could get better access to his body. The massage therapists were both using warm oils when they kneaded them, and Rawley was enjoying herself immensely.

"Never been to your isle," she said drowsily as she looked at him and the manner in which his skin gleamed by the oils. The woman went to work on the counselors legs first, and it seemed she noticed the erection as well, since she gave Rawley a knowing glance. Having seen his current state, the woman began to tease the blonde man by massaging his inner thighs, and it just so happened she likely brushed the back of her fingers along his length as well. Rawley's eyes gleamed in mischief as she looked at Rhys and his reactions to the development...

...while she just so happened to spread her own legs a little bit wider for Ethan, whom picked up on the silent cue soon enogh. The bearded man smiled inside his beard, and began to work on Rawley's legs anew, this time letting his hands run their course all the way up.

It made Rawley's eyes flutter shut, and she bit her lip a little, the anticipation getting the better of her. "Where did you go to school, before the Academy?" she asked in a husky tone, as if there was nothing untoward going on in her simulation.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #12
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

The situation was surreal. At least from Rhys’ perspective, a few minutes earlier he had been so wrapped up in his blanket of misery that he could think of little else. Rawley however, had distracted him so much with this simulation were her conversation, wither bluntness and well with her nakedness.  He could not really focus on anything instead of feeling more than little overwhelmed by the bizarre situation he was in.

Like her, his cheek was resting on his arm as he looked across at her. Seeing her there naked and looking back at him was sexy there was no question. Focusing on the ruggedly handsome masseuse working on her did not help either. The fact that he was hard and attracted to everyone in the room was just something he would have to deal with he knew.

The other embarrassing thing he could not really hide was his reddening face as the woman over him folded his towel that was laid on his backside and began to touch his legs. When Rawley stated she had never been to Anglesey he was not really that surprised. It was hardly a huge tourist trap, the only thing people came to see was an old country house once owned by the Marquis of Anglesey long ago. People who came to Wales often were more interested in climbing Snowdonia or seeing Porth Merion. Anglesey was a little more remote.

As he was formulating a response, he felt the Masseuse’s hands slide along his inner thigh and make contact with his hardness. He gave a little jump and had to bite his lip from making a noise. The mischievous way that Rawley looked at him was a little unsettling. He knew himself well enough to know what was going to happen next.

Rhys was going to practice an avoidance technique. Both of them would continue to exchange small talk while they were teased by their respective holographic attendants. Rhys would work very hard to in some way pretend that what was happening was not happening. They were just two people getting to know each other nothing to see he. All the while his face would get redder, he would feel more embarrassed and turned on at the same time. He also had a feeling that a least for a little while Rawley would facilitate this self-delusion all while she knew that he knew that she knew. When she asked him what school he had gone to, he saw that Ethan was working his way suspiciously high up her legs. Rawley bit her lip, a gesture that was so sexy to Rhys he had to prevent himself from groaning by concentrating with all his might on her question.

“No where special just the school in the small town I was born in. I suppose the only unusual thing was that I was taught primarily in W…..” He sucked in a breath suddenly as he felt another touch against his length. It was done in such a way that it could have been passed off as accidental, but he doubted that. “… sorry, I was taught mostly in Welsh.” He said regaining his composure a little. He was amazed at himself that he had been able to formulate a response at all.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Rawley could hear the counselor's voice hitch, likely in reaction to what the other hologram was doing to him, and it made her smile a little even though she never opened her eyes. Her mind was drifting as she felt Ethan's fingers reaching the apex of her legs, and began to tease her nether lips with each pass his hands made up her thighs.

"Is that so?" she said in a thick voice, her breathing slower, but passing through her teeth a bit as the teasing continued. "Were you a good boy in school, Rhys? I wasn't very well behaved..."

That was saying the least of it, of course. Her brown eyes drifted open, and she could see the female hologram doing her routine still, and from Rawley's angle, she wasn't quite sure what she was doing to the counsellor, but judging from his reactions, she was making him feel quite good. Ethan was certainly taking his task seriously enough, and she doubted her massage holo program had too widely set parameters. In fact, it looked like the woman had climbed up on top of the massage table, sitting on her knees between Rhys' spread legs.

"I was even thrown out of Eton Collage," she said airily, the pretence of nothing in particular going on continuing. Meanwhile, Ethan had come to stand at her side, and his fingers were delving inside her wet folds in a more direct manner, which made her breathing become far more heavy, and betimes quite shallow. "It may or may not have been quite justified..."

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #14
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

There was now no real way that Rhys could delude himself about what was happening in the massage room. He had been suspicious of where exactly Rawley was getting massaged, now he was in no doubt about that whatsoever. Her voice and the way her breathing changed and altered depending on exactly where “Ethan’s” hands were was the give-away.

He also knew he was not going to say anything about it, and for the moment neither was she. He had a sense she was enjoying teasing him almost as much as what was happening to her between her legs. That of course meant that the massage of the woman above him was very deliberate. The only reason she was brushing against his length rather than touching it directly was she to was teasing him.

Rawley then asked him how well behaved he was at school as if they were having a friendly chat while working over a computer together. “Probably too much of  a g---goody two shoes.” He said almost whimpering the middle of the sentence as the hologram had now climbed on top of his splayed legs. When she indicated how she was badly behaved he resisted the urge to state that he was not surprised by that at all. If this situation was anything to go by that certainly seemed likely.

He knew Eton college everyone born in Britain did. In days gone by a school for the rich. Despite the changes that had taken place up till the creation of the Federation it still in some places had a reputation. A place where ‘the elite’ had divided up Britain amongst themselves, that was a hard image to shake. “Why did they throw you out? If that’s not rude to ask.” He said this doing his best to pretend that at this time the woman on top of him was not rubbing her thumb on the head of his penis in maddening circular motions. He bit his lip and tried to resist the urge to close his eyes and not look at Rawley. Not that that helped much. He was just as turned on by what was happening on her side of the room as his. The curse of being bi.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
The question posed made Rawely grin a little where she laid on the massage table, her breathing having picked up a little from the feeling of the massage hologram delving inside her.

"I... may have been too forward with a fellow classmate, after I turned eighteen." The admission was a shallow whisper at that point. "It used to be a boys only place, in case you didn't know, and the faculty had these traditional rules I just couldn't make myself to follow. I bet I would have been let off the hook if I'd went to St George's.... Ascot... or Heathfield St Mary's School... Only I didn't..."

"You can turn around now," said Ethan, and Rawley opened her eyes with a mischievous little spark in her eye, and she could hear the woman over at the counselor's table saying the same. She complied, of course, turning over so that Ethan might work on her front, and she both made sure Rhys got an eyeful of her in the transition as well, only just to tease him a wee bit more.

"For being such a goody two shoes," she said with her head turned his way, and the overcast light bathing them both, "you sure don't look the part. I bet you were popular with the other students outside the curriculum?"

Ethan had come to stand above her head, and his oiled-up yet calloused hands began to work on her shoulders, and all the way down her chest and abdomen after a short while. The holographic woman, however, seemed focused on Rhys' legs still, working her way up his calves and thighs, her smiling eyes locked across the throbbing hardness that gleamed with oil in the ethereal light. As to what her intentions next might be, Rawley was eager to see...

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #16
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

So the surreal situation continued. Evelyn continued to make idle conversation with him while clearly being felt up by ‘Ethan’. All while the woman massaging his legs made lots of not so subtle sweeps along brushing against his shaft. So Rawley had apparently been thrown out of her Eton for improper relations with another student. Frankly this topic did not help Rhys’ situation. Rhys was cursed with a very vivid imagination and at that moment he could very well imagine what too forward with a fellow classmate would look like.

Ethan soon asked Rawley to turn over. His followed the beautiful contours of her body as she repositioned herself on to her back. This was followed by the woman with him softly clearing her throat and nodding her head in Rawley’s direction. The instruction was clear. That of course mean all in the room would very easily see the effect this situation had had on him. For some reason event the fact that holograms may see made him feel just as uncomfortable even though he knew they were not real people.

Reluctantly he turned over and made not attempt to cover himself with the towel. That would have been a pointless exercise, it would have been like trying to use a dishcloth to cover a tower block. His erection jutted out grotesquely from his body shining in the light like a novelty light fixture. The woman now began to massage his quadriceps. He could see her eyes focused elsewhere, however. She however was taking her time.  Whether she was aware in any sense that if she was too forward with the shy counsellor he might bolt for the door. Or if she had been programmed to tease it was hard to tell.

When Rawley stated that Rhys in no way looked like a ‘goody two shoes’, Rhys was thrown back for a moment to school life. He had always been shy, quiet and pretty well behaved. Popular well that was a different matter. After his mother had died, and with the other problems he had experienced at home it was amazing he had any friends at all. “Not really, I was a gawky and awkward teenager.” He wasn’t sure how much else he really wanted to say about that. “Its hard for people to become interested in you if they don’t know you exist.” That was a safe thing to say and broadly true. He had become more and more reclusive and anti-social at school, his only romantic interest at the time had been for a childhood friend who he had never been able to work up the courage to ask out.

“Certainly nothing as exciting as….” He gasped suddenly. The hands that had been on his legs had slowly been massaging up towards his manhood as he had been talking. So much so he had not really noticed. He did however notice when the hologram grinning evilly at him was rolling her thumb directly over the tip. He blushed furiously and looked back at Rawley.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
While the holo-masseuse had begun to apply her fingers on Rhys, Ethan's rough yet slick hands had coated Rawley's entire front with the massage oils, and tall as he was, he could reach all the way down below her pubic bone with each slow pass he made. Up and down, up and down. It left Rawley in perpetual rapture, her brown eyes hooded as she looked back at the counselor on the table next to her own.

"I think ye give yourself too little credit..." she said with a thick voice, and her eyes travelled down his profile and to his hardness, which the masseuse had now seized with her entire hand, and begun to stroke in slow, deliberate motions. The sight made her bite her lower lip a little, imagining having it inside her, but she remained motionless where she laid on the table - letting Ethan have his way with her. Slick with massage oils from her neck down, accentuating her scars in the light, her eyes soon returned to the counselor's.

"I think there were plenty whom noticed you... even if you were none the wiser..." she murmured to him, and she lazily moved her arms as if to put them behind her shaved head. Only her fingers didn't end up there. They came to untie Ethan's white linen trousers, and playfully withdrew the semi-hard erection hiding inside them. Standing above her head as the hologram was, the meaty girth was close enough to reach with her lips, only she didn't kiss it just yet. She grinned mischievously, still looking at the counselor, thinking about the way which he has been looking at the hologram. As if he didn't just have eyes for her, but the figure that was massaging her as well. Could she make him a bit envious, perhaps?

"Yeah, I would have thought this was exciting enough for you," she said quietly, slowly toying with the male organ above her face with one of her hands. And like that, the conversation had turned from the pretence of ignorance. "If nothing else, a well needed distraction. For the both of us. Everyone need to unwind sometimes..."

Rawley's eyes drifted down to the female holo-masseuse with a grin, just to see how she applied herself to her task.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #18
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

They were both watching each other. Focused and really enjoying the show happening at the next table. He wanted to be massaging her now like Ethan was. Thought he doubted he would have the same skill, but he could feel his fingers twitching with the urge to touch her. Just the way she was looking at him with half closed eyes clearly enjoying herself was a thrill to him.

Even Rhys as dense as he was could not miss the signal her eyes were giving, that Rawley thought he was attractive and certainly one part of him seemed to have piqued her interest. A person showing sexual interest in him always threw Rhys through a loop. Being thought of as attractive or sexy was in such conflict with his image of himself.

“You are probably right I’m pretty dense when it comes to m…. myself.” His voice hitched as the hologram teasingly squeezed his balls. He tried to avoid looking the female hologram in the face because he knew his already red cheeks would only get redder. However, this did not help much as when he looked across Rawley was happily opening the pants of Ethan above her. Soon his arousal was vividly displayed to Rhys. Well now there was something additional he wanted to touch added to his mental list. He also was not just thinking about touching it with his hands.

The next comment made by Rawley clearly indicated to him she had decided to end the game of ignorance. He blushed vividly his eyes flicking between her hand and her eyes. “I think its obvious that I am excited…” He nodded in the direction of the female hologram who chuckled and moving from teasing into fully masturbating Rhys. He did not at first notice the look the holo-massuese gave Rawley, so he gave a surprised and rather embarrassing squeak as her mouth descended over the head of his swollen flesh. Rhys gulped and looked between the three of them. “This is defiantly distracting.” It felt so odd, three attractive people and him. It made him feel out of place but in a good way. Like he had lucked himself into something he did not deserve.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Lazily toying with Ethan's holographic girth where she laid with one hand, and at the same time enjoying the sight of Rhys receiving fellatio by the female hologram on the table next to her, Rawley's pursed lips were breathing shallowly by the aforementioned distractions they were enjoying themselves with.

"Blimey well is," she said thickly in agreement, feeling Ethan's hand between her legs, and how he was churning two fingers up and down just inside her spread legs. The female hologram was applying herself rather well to her task, dressed as she was in a white linen top and trousers just like Ethan was. She seemed to be taking her task very seriously, looking at her client with her blue eyes while she committed herself to making him feel good. Rawley had an idea, thinking about the way in which Rhys was looking at Ethan from time to time.

"Say, do you want to switch?" she asked the counselor in a mischievous tone, and then she arched her eyebrow at him. "Or do you think you and I can have some fun without them? I'm game for either, as long as we make the most of this time we have available..."

Rawley certainly didn't mind the company of the holograms, and perhaps the four of them could share in the fun too, but she didn't want to overwhelm the poor sod she'd dragged into her simulation, rather letting him decide the pace out of his comfort. Because, of course, she certainly wouldn't mind simply taking that hologram's place on top of him either.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #20
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

There was something just so mesmerising about watching Rawley touch Ethan. Even though she was doing it lazily clearly in no real rush. The way she behaved, from the way she held herself…well to the way she was holding someone else, held attention. It was hard not to be focused on her for any length of time.

Rawley agreed with him that what was happening was distracting. He could barely remember what had caused this situation to start in the first place. It had been pushed to the back of his mind. Once this was over it might well hit him hard again but for the moment other feelings and senses had taken over for him.

He blushed when Rawley suggested that they switch or loose the holograms all together. He looked at the female Hologram who had been driving him crazy with her touch.  He knew she was not real yet he still felt apologetic when he said simply. “I prefer the real thing if I’m honest.” He realised neither Ethan nor this girl could actually feel upset by this comment. Yet he still mouthed “I’m sorry.” At them. The Girl shrugged; he did not really see Ethan’s reaction.

“If you are ok with that.” He said looking at Rawley. The question was one of the stupider ones that he had ever asked, as she had suggested it. Yet there was still a part of him finding this incredibly surreal. Awkwardly he got off the massage and padded over to her. “I’d like to help you feel good.” There was something innocent about the way he spoke even though he was clearly offering to pleasure her.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
Rhys had made his choice, and Rawley grinned as she heard it. "Well then," she said and let go of Ethan's girth. She gestured for him to go to the other table, even as the counselor got off it. "You heard him. You two can stay, however. Enjoy yourselves as well. We won't mind."

The two holograms made eye-contact, and as per instruction, the two began making out on top of the massage table Rhys had left behind. Rawley let them, and directed her full attention towards the counselor, whom bodily was ready and able to take here right where she laid, and Ethan had warmed her up already. If it were up to her, she'd reach up and pull him down by the neck and have him mount her immediately, but she reckon the man might get shy if she did, so she indulged him a bit first - letting him ease into the action first. It seemed he might needed it more than her, even though the hologram made him rise to the occasion, so to speak.

"Come here then," she said in a very warm tone, and spread her knees for him - giving him a full view and complete access. Slowly, she propped herself up on her elbows where she laid on the massage table, wanting a full view of what he meant to do to her, and she met his eyes whenever he'd look at her. "Let's forget everything for a while, don't we?"

Her shallow breathing made the overcast light from outside the panoramic window caress her body, scars, curves, muscles and all. With lips pursed in anticipation, she didn't turn her shaved head to look towards the holograms, but she could hear the rustle of their linen clothes being shed, and the damp kisses they traded on top of the other massage table. The silence was loaded with tension of the sexual kind, and Evelyn couldn't wait to have the counselor inside her, unless he wanted her to continue what the female hologram had started first.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #22
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Rhys dismounted the massage table and started to walk towards Rawley. Ethan headed across to take his place around the massage table. Rhys looked over his shoulder for a moment and saw the two of them busily engaged in stripping each other like they were presents. At the very least Rawley did not seem to be judging Rhys for the choice he had made. That allowed him to move up to her table with more confidence than he otherwise would have done.

As he approached Rawley, was back lit by the beautiful scenery behind her. His eyes traced every contour of her body. He noted the scars that were in various places on her body. They certainly in no way affected how attracted he was to her. The light shone of his body too, picking out appealing features for her.

When he was next to her table a hand reached out and was placed on her hip. There was the slightest shake to it but as soon as he made contact with her skin that disappeared. His hands were rough and calloused, clear indication of his affinity for sailing and many nights spent practicing guitar.

He lent his head down to kiss her. The initial touch of his lips was soft and gentle, but soon gave way to more passionate pressure. Soon however, he broke the kiss and was on top of the massage table above her. He lent down to kiss her again, his body pressed close to hers. His erection pressed against her inner thigh. The idea of forgetting everything for a while was so appealing.  Rhys being Rhys it was still likely he would need giant neon signs indicating he was allowed to go further.

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Holodeck 6 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ]
When the counsellor leaned down to kiss her where she laid, Rawley had been grinning in a welcoming way at him. She reached up and put her hand behind his neck when he came closer, and lightly pulled him down to her lips. The taste of the man filled her mouth soon enough, the chastity of this first contact between them making way for something deeper. She made a content sound deep down in her mouth, and Rhys needed no invitation to join her on top of the massage table.

Feeling his body on top of his own, she ran her hands up and down his back, and hooked an ankle behind one of his legs, holding him in place. Her calloused hand made a fist in his hair, feeling his warm hardness so close, but it seemed he needed more of an incentive. So, she gave it too him, reaching down between their bodies so that she might wrap her fingers around his thick girth.

"Come here," she whispered huskily, while the two holograms were also getting intimate on the other table. Rawley didn't have any immediate interest to look in their direction, but she could hear them well enough. Gently, she guided Rhys towards where her legs met, and once she felt the crown of him against her dewy nether lips, she let him go, and dug her nails into his buttock, just to urge him on.

She kept trading kisses with him, enjoying the warm weight of him on top of herself, yet she needed more. Ethan had already warmed her up, just like the female hologram had readied Rhys for this. "Hurry..."

Re: PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved

Reply #24
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Holodeck 6| Deck 21/Vector3|USS Theurgy] attn: @Auctor Lucan

As his bod settled on hers, he was reminded of how good it always felt to be skin to skin with another person. Quite apart from the obvious sensual and sexual pleasure there was something reassuring about being with someone else. It helped him feel vital and alive, when so often he felt the exact opposite, cold and dead inside.

It helped that Rawley was not only receptive but attractive and unlike him very clear in what she wanted. It came through in her every movement and how she touched him. It had a way of melting through his uncertainty and insecurity. Her body seemed to wrap around him to hold him in place as if he would at any point leave. He certainly had no intention of going anywhere.

The way she made a fist in his wear and the gentle but firm way she gripped his hardness, made him feel as if he was being led somewhere. At this stage he would have gone with her anywhere. In the background the two hologram masseuses seemed to be more than enjoying themselves. Though, for the moment Rhys had shut them out completely.

Rawley spoke to Rhys, her husky voice seemed to be custom built to send signals to below his waist. As if it had been perfectly calibrated by someone in a lab to have that affect. The feeling of her fingernails digging into his backside caused a soft hiss to come out of him. At the same time, he felt that she had lined him up. Perhaps because he was teasing her or perhaps because Rhys was Rhys, he delayed just a couple of beats before he slid slowly into her.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as his hips slowly started to move out then back in. He pressed his lips to skin of her neck and revelled in the feeling of being inside her.

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