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Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Arrested Development
Stardate: 57578.43
March 19 2381

Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Okay Zaryn, let's analyse the situation you currently find yourself in. Bad news, you're in jail...again. Good news, it's one of the cleanest jails you've been in lately. Bad news, that jail is on the Theurgy. Good news, you know how to escape from Federation starship brigs. Bad news, you'd still be stuck on a ship full of traitors. Good news, you could have been killed and not captured. Bad news, you really should have gotten away from them. Good News, at least your cover isn't blown. Bad news, fat lot of good that does you when you're stuck in this tiny cell. "Yep that about sums it up." he muttered as he lay on the bed in the cell, staring up at the ceiling.

If he were to hazard a guess the Trill would say that he'd been here for maybe an hour, but it could have been more. The security officer on guard wasn't really a talkative guy and the only other person that seemed to be in one of the cells near him was asleep. So he'd just been sitting here, in silence with nothing to do and nobody to talk to. Bored. That's what he was, he was very, very bored.

Glancing around his cell, his mind automatically starting thinking of ways he could get himself out of this predicament. He was a Starfleet officer after all, and he was a spy. He was trained to get himself out of these kinds of situations so surely he could come up with something? In theory it was easy. Find a way to overload the forcefield, disable the guard, hope his uniform fit and then act casual enough to get off of the ship. The transporter was the most obvious choice, once he was back on Aldea, it would be far easier to blend into the crowd and make it back to his little hidey hole, at which point he could just lay low for a day or two. If only it were that easy he thought.

When he heard the doors to the brig hiss open, he was somewhat relieved. Finally someone might have arrived to interrogate him. Maybe he'd be able to talk his way out of this or something. What he had expected was the Chief of Security or the Deputy Chief perhaps, maybe the XO of the ship at a push. However when he glanced over and saw the four gold pips on the collar of the red uniform standing on the opposite side of the forcefield, the Trill had to admit, he was a little surprised.

Of course he knew who Ives was, even a spy on a deep cover assignment like him had got the briefing and seen the broadcast that had gone out a little while ago. It's not everyday someone steals one of the most advanced ships in the fleet and does a runner with it after all. Still he was meant to be undercover and there was no way Ives would know his true identiy, the officers who had captured him clearly hadn't so the only question was which way was he going to play this? Yell and scream at his imprisonment? Imply that others would come to free him? Bribary? Bribary could work, they were traitors on the run after all. What he decided on in the end however was simple silence. He'd let the Captain make the first move and react accordingly.

Re: Day 9 [0600 Hours.] Arrested Development

Reply #1
[ Captain Ives | Brig | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan @trevorvw (FYI) @Top Hat (FYI)
In her female form, Jien stood outside the forcefield and looked at the Trill they held in captivity - hands at her sides. Whatever had driven Trent to the folly of actually incarcerating a pirate on the Theurgy - which presence was supposed to be a secret - Jien didn't know, and she had choice words for her former First Officer. It seemed that the man was deteriorating bit by bit, not caring what orders he'd pass along - completely absorbed with the injustice he believed himself subject to. Of course, Deputy zh'Wann and Commander Akoni had been quite clear about what they thought of what had happened down on the planet, the former having said to Ives that she wasn't sure when and how she'd be able to remove the pirate from the ship without the man knowing he'd been aboard the Theurgy. Fortunately enough, Jien had decided to look into the matter...

...and it appeared Trent's folly had actually presented an opportunity.

"Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari, born and raised in Manev Bay on Trill, until you followed your parents aboard the USS London. My condolences for your father." She folded her arms below her chest with a small frown. "Starfleet and the Federation has a lot to thank you for, and perhaps especially so in how that event didn't deter you from joining Starfleet Academy instead of remaining on Trill."

Pausing there, she raised her oaken eyes to the shoddy-clothed pretend-pirate. "I am Captain Jien Ives, Commanding Officer of the Federation starship Theurgy." To the operative's credit, there was no indication in his face whether or not that meant anything to him, and Jien had expected no less. She knew that he was quite aware of the persecution of the Theurgy, since it had lasted for five months. "Fear not, the rumours about us are quite false, and there is no threat to your life. In fact, once we've spoken, I will free you from this cell, on the condition that you verify all that I will tell you with Rear Admiral Andersson, using one of our safe-houses here on Aldea. It is important, however, that your encryption key is calibrated so that your message only reach Andersson, and no one else in Starfleet Headquarters."

If she'd been in Kolari's position, she'd be quite on the defensive, listening more than speaking, so without much of a pause, she indulged the operative, knowing that it was in both of their interests. "Forgive me if I hold you at a disadvantage, unknowing as I am how much you may know about my past in Starfleet Intelligence. I said 'our' safe-houses because I was the one to build them when I served here on Aldea, many years ago. No doubt they have been added upon, or relocated, but either way... you will hear the truth now, and Andersson will corroborate what I will tell you. I only ask.... are you willing to listen?"

At that point, the forcefield winked out between them. Footsteps were heard, and Deputy zh'Wann left the Brig Officer station to come and stand next to her Commanding Officer. She folded her hands behind her back, watching the Intelligence operative keenly - antennae angled forth. Jien did believe she could fend for herself if the Trill would opt to do anything rash, but she decided to indulge the Andorian's protective precautions. At least the woman had the sense to not bring a phaser into the brig.

Behind Captain Ives' and the Deputy's back, Doctor Nicander stirred, but there was no sound from him as he slipped off his bunk in just his uniform trousers - the holding cell muted to prevent the Infested from learning anything about what they'd be saying. The Doctor's pale grey eyes watched for a few moments, until he moved to wash his face in the other corner of his cell.

Re: Day 9 [0600 Hours.] Arrested Development

Reply #2
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zaryn had expected the conversation to go many different ways. Ives could have gave him crap about being a low down dirty pirate, chastised him for kidnapping several members of her crew, threatened to hand him over to the Klingons or the Aldeans...what he hadn't been expecting however, was for her to address him by his real name and rank along with a little bit of his history that sure as hell sounded like she was reading it straight from his personnel file.

Externally of course, he kept his expression neutral, even when she offered him condolences for his father, which was a little odd, after all it wasn't like his father had died recently...unless of course the Captain knew his father back then? He supposed it was possible, his father had had a long career in the fleet and Zaryn certainly didn't know much about the people his father knew. Still he pushed that thought to the back of his mind quickly to focus on what Ives was saying.

She continued by thanking him for his service and for not letting his father's death deter him from joing Starfleet. Oh she was good. She was very good. Throw out sympathy and follow it up with some praise and respect to earn some good will and try to lower his defenses. He had to give her credit but he'd been in the spy game long enough to not be swayed so easily by such words. Then came the introduction, not that he needed one but still it said something to the Captain's credit that she didn't hide or try and deny who she was, not that there would be any point to do so consdering that simulcast had gone out across the Federation already. He was far more concerned with how she knew who he was, either he was very bad at his job, which he knew wasn't true, or somebody somewhere had ratted him out and that wasn't so good.

Keeping his expression netural, the Trill listened as Ives continued speaking, telling him that he wasn't in any danger and that he would in fact be released as soon as they were done talking. She even went so far as to name drop Andersson's too. That was interesting but also raised a whole lot of other questions too, like why would Andersson be talking to Ives? Why would he give him up? Was he part of whatever tratious schemes Ives and the Romulans were involved in? Too many questions and not many answers, still if Ives were to be believed he'd get those answers soon enough and would be allowed to confirm them with the Admiral himself.

Still he listened as the Captain continued, mentioning that she too had been a part of Intelligence at one point. It was something he had been told briefly when the news of the defection had gotten out but just the basics to let other Intelligence operatives know that they were dealing with someone with the same training that they had. The fact that the Captain had been stationed on Aldea and had setup the safehouses there, more than likely including the one he had been using during his time here was something he did not know.

Even as he listened, his mind was filing away all the information he was being given to process. Ives finished addressing him by asking if he was willing to listen to her. At which point the forcefield lowered and an Andorian female stepped up beside the Captain, keeping a neutral stance but watching him like a hawk, ready to defend her Captain if he were to try anything. Not that Zaryn was that stupid of course, he was most definately at a tactical disadvantage, still he understood it. Not only that but the motion told him that Ives clearly had the loyalty of her crew behind her.

Behind the two women, the other person confined to the Brig seemed to stir, making no noise as he slipped off the bed and watched them for a few moments before moving to wash his face. Zaryn was a little bit curious about the man and why he too was locked up but that was most certainly not important at the moment. Turning his attention back to the Captain, he allowed himself a smirk.

"It's probably not going to be much of a suprise to you if I tell you that I am very well aware of who you are Captain, everybody in the Federation is." he finally spoke "No matter which form you take." he added with a nod to her current female apperance. Still he wasn't going to be a hostile prisoner that wouldn't serve him well, especially if he was to be freed after this, no point in doing anything to cost himself his potential freedom early. "Thank you for your condolences." he added.

Taking a moment to meet Ives' eyes, he tried to read her, not that he was expecting much, she was a trained Intelligence officer just like he was after all and was keeping as good a poker face as he was. "As for whether or not I'm willing to listen to what you have to say..." he began, shuffling onto the bed into a more relaxed and causal position, not giving anything away as he allowed his smirk to expand into a full on, friendly smile "...You have my undivided attention."

Re: Day 9 [0600 Hours.] Arrested Development

Reply #3
[ Captain Ives | Brig | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan @trevorvw (FYI) @Top Hat (FYI)
With almost a cocky smile, the operative appeared content to have a laidback, prone position on the bed, but Ives took the Trill's demeanour in stride, since she he likely thought he knew what kind of situation he was in. Little did he know what she would tell him, and whatever opinions he'd had about her would be disproven. There was also the fact that he'd be released, and he likely thought he'd be able to report on the Theurgy's whereabouts immediately. If the Deputy had any thoughts about the disrespectful gesture from Kolari where he'd be lying down during this briefing, she made no hint thereof as far as Ives could see. Little did he know his new assignment, so Ives cared naught, instead beginning to speak.

For quite some time, Jien spoke of the transmissions intercepted on Earth back in November of last year - five months ago - and how before she could act on the intel gained, they had been painted traitors by Starfleet Command, and the persecution across the whole of the Federation began. She spoke of how they'd always been on the defensive at every turn, protecting the truth they carried and being denied the means of communication with their pursuers, being under strict orders to not have their computers compromised by Thea. She spoke of Command feeding the FNN false information just to spur the crews in Sankolov's fleet in their pursuit, and relentless search for the Theurgy once they managed to go into hiding in the Borderlands. She briefly mentioned the time since then and before Starbase 84, since those intermediate events had little bearing on the situation such as Lieutenant Kolari knew it, and then explained how the simulcast sent had been doctored by a traitor aboard the ship - perpetuating the lies Starfleet Command and the FNN had been spreading since the traitor feared that the truth might send the Federation into civil war.

Right or wrong, the real simulcast had merely reached a few key individuals who could decrypt it, and one of them was Director Andersson of Covert Operations.

Lastly, Jien spoke of the Azure Nebula, and the halted Borg invasion, which was the reason why that sector had become a subspace dead zone. She also spoke of how the Endeavour had been destroyed by the Borg, but when they tried to warn Starfleet through Starbase 84 - before the battle took place there - Captain Hawthorne had suppressed the warning and let the Endeavour perish on its own. Moreover, there was also the pending galactic war that the Infested tried to incite in the way they antagonised the Romulan Star Empire - arming Donatra's rebel fleet with Federation high tech weaponry.

"I realise this is a lot to take in," she said at last, and changed... to his male form. The timbre of his voice was deeper, but the stare and the way he stood remained the same. "I ask you to consider something: If despite the odds of it, me and my entire crew of almost one thousand men and women - all Starfleet Officers - were truly Romulan traitors, why would we not try to cross the Romulan Neutral Zone before the turn of the year? Why did we spend three months playing cat and mouse with our brothers and sisters in Starfleet throughout Federation space? We have one of the fastest ships in the fleet. Why wouldn't we join with the Praetor's forces when we were right at the border - at Starbase 84 - instead going in the completely opposite direction, trying to hide in the Azure Nebula?"

He let him think of this, and slowly stepped into the holding cell, coming to stand next to the Trill.

"The Infested have - like the Founders did during the Dominion War - infiltrated the halls of power in the Federation, and they are seeding chaos so that they might undermine all order and civilisation." Jien turned his head to look at Nicander, who was undertaking some physical exercises to keep his health while in captivity. The Doctor represented the enemy, and perhaps Kolari might understand the subtext of his stare. "The enemy sees us as a suppurating wound upon existence, like we were not supposed to be. They possess us, existing in a state of flux, and cannot be detected by mere tricorders. The chaos beyond the zone of avoidance use our bodies to tear everything down. Through the hosts they pick, they retain a semblance of order, so that they can raze everything we've built since our species rose from the primordial soup whom whence we came. That, is what we're up against."

Looking back at Kolari, Jien sighed. "Andersson's new mission for you is that you join my crew, and leave the pirate gang you infiltrated behind. Chance took you to Aldea, but perhaps it was meant to be, if you believe in something like fate."

Deputy zh'Wann remained where she stood, not having moved an inch during the explanation - her antennae remained locked towards the intelligence operative. A silent affirmation towards everything that had been said.

Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #4
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

From his relaxed position on the bed Zaryn listened as Ives spoke, unravelling a tale of all the Theurgy's misadventures, if it was a lie it was certainly a very well written one but something told him that it wasn't a lie. Admittedly he'd had his own suspicions about the Theurgy, for one thing if they had defected to the Romulan Empire why stick around in Federation space? If it was him he would have taken the ship and high tailed it Romulan space as fast as he could.

If it was true that there had been Borg in the Azura Nebula then these Starfleet officers had done their duty despite the circumstances and saved them from not just one of their fiercest enemies on their own but if Ives was indeed telling the truth about these so called parasites then they were in a lot of trouble and having to deal with the Borg on top would have probably meant the end of the Federation and that was already sounding like it was the case, assuming of course the Captain was telling him the truth.

Unfortunately he hadn't been in contact with his boss or anybody else from Starfleet in quite a long time so he had no knowledge either way but if he was indeed to be released then he'd be able to check.

The Trill remained silent as Ives spoke more on these parasites, comparing them to the Founders infiltration during the Dominion War after shifting into a male form, not that Zaryn batted an eye at that change. He'd served on DS9 and seen Odo shift into other things before and he'd squared off against a changling once or twice during the war too so that wasn't a shock to him, those parasites though....he frowned for a second as something stirred in the back of his mind, something he'd read about in an old report.

Zaryn noticed how Ives had glanced over at the other man in the cell opposite him and glanced over, was he one of the infected? It certainly seemed like it based on the look Ives had given him.

The spy had to admit it was starting to beleive what Ives was telling him. Granted he wasn't stupid enough to blindly trust the accused traitor but it was hard to argue with the explanation nor the inconsistancies everybody had been told about the Theurgy over the last few months.

He was however a little surprised when Ives informed him that Andersson had reassigned him to the Theurgy and arched an eyebrow  "Oh really?" he asked. Although admittedly the fact he'd been caught had kinda already screwed up that particular mission anyway, if Ives had indeed talked to Andersson then it added more credibility to her story, especially considering Andersson was one of the only people who knew he was on Aldea.

"If that is indeed true, what will I be doing on this ship exactly? I'm very much a pretend to be somebody else and sneak into places I'm not supposed to be kind of Intelligence Officer and that doesn't exactly sound like the kind of person you need in your current situation." he asked. Engineer, pilot, Security Officer, medic he could understand but a spy of his skillset that was a little different. Although thinking about it knowing Andersson he'd keep this transfer out of the offical record books meaning that Zaryn would be one of few people who could in theory walk onto a Federation outpost or Starbase and not be questioned too much, unless of course Andersson was eventually taken over as a host in which point he'd be just as screwed as the rest of them.

On the other hand while he was indeed an undercover operative he was a skilled tactician and knew his way around a computer so it was possible Andersson assigned him more for those skills than his undercover ones, regardless he was curious to know what exactly Ives would have planned for him considering it had been a long, long time since he had served on a Starship...hell it had been a long time since he'd been himself on an assignment thinking about it.

Waiting for Ives to reply, he glanced over at the Andorian standing beside him. She hadn't said a word despite keeping her eyes and antennae locked on him. He'd noticed that even with her silence she hadn't objected to anything the Captain had said, which either meant Ives was indeed telling the truth or that she was just a loyal officer who supported her Captain.

Returning his attention to Ives he smiled "Of course even if what you say is true, I'm sure you'll understand if I don't simply take you at your word Captain and check in with Andersson myself to verify all this, off ship of course." he added. For while Ives had indeed said he would be released the Captain didn't exactly say he was free to leave the ship, once could after all be free from a cell and still be a prisoner and Zaryn had spent far too long undercover to take anybody at their word nowadays.

Re: Day 9 [0600 Hours.] Arrested Development

Reply #5
[ Captain Ives | Brig | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan @trevorvw (FYI) @Top Hat (FYI)
The surprise Jien was met with when he said Kolari had been reassigned to the Theurgy made him smile faintly, but the follow-up question about what the Trill do aboard made him speak in answer.

"To tell the truth, it was Andersson who selected you from his available resources, so I suggest you ask him what he had in mind when he picked you," he said, and even Ida smiled a bit at the turn of the conversation. Jien continued, however, saying, "I have ideas, however, ranging from field work to surveillance tasks in a shipboard manner. Immediately, however, we could use your skills to help assist the Aldeans with the protection against the pirates that have come to nest in the ghost cities. As much favour as you can give us in the eyes of the Aldeans and the present KDF forces, the more favourable they will be in the repairs of our ship. Moreover, aside from myself and a scarce select few, we do not have many Intelligence officers aboard."

The request to verify with Andersson was expected of course. Putting his hands on his hips, Jien nodded.

"I thought you might, of course. You can decide where and how you want to do it. My only concern is that you might do something rash, as in broadcasting our location in a manner which might compromise the safety of my crew and this ship. Andersson has already given me the encrypted subspace frequencies that lead directly to the astral eddy and the buoy," he said, which ought to tell Kolari another circumstantial thing to reassure him that Jien was telling the truth.

"So, it matters not if you visit one of my old safehouses here, or some other location of your own making. Thea - our A.I. - will be able to listen in. I'm telling you this, not as a warning to keep your information on a level of discretion equal to the threat to the Federation, but because you would trust my crew and I less if you learned that we could hear you afterwards. Moreover, the first time we made contact with Andersson - unable to do so unless we actually visited the astral eddy - he told us to give you this code, which I am sure you'll remember from your pre-mission briefing."

It was the abortion code, which was the official manner in which Kolari were to be told that his mission had come to an end.

"Beta-Epsilon-Sigma-Niner-Alpha," he said without ceremony, BES-9A being the specific protocol of termination for the infiltration mission of Kolari's. "You may, of course, leave your report of your findings within the Silver Shadows to Andersson when you report in... but it might be he'll be more interested to hear you'll be able to use the knowledge to aid us here, protecting Aldea Prime."

Having said this, Jien stepped out of the cell, and turned to face Kolari for a few final words. "Lieutenant zh'Wann will take you to one of the Transporter Rooms, and have you beamed down wherever you want to go down there. She has the instructions you need to report back here once you've verified your new orders. Forgive me if I might seem bold in saying so already... but welcome aboard the Theurgy, Lieutenant."

Then, Jien left, while Ida remained behind.


Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #6
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zaryn paid close attention to the Captain....his new Captain as he spoke, evidently he would have to ask Andersson why he had been picked for this Op, as for Ives it was good to know that the Captain had at least a few ideas in how to use him, anything from field work to surveillance task aboard the ship, two things he could do with few problems, although he would always choose field work first if given the opportunity. For now however it seemed that he would be helping the Aldeans with the protection of their ghost cities from the pirates. He caught the faint smile the Andorian Security Chief had made at the shift in the conversation, although she remained silent and stoic next to her Captain, not that that surprised him too much.

The Trill couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the irony of that considering he had been one of those very pirates raiding those old cities just a day ago. "Of course Captain, I'll do whatever I can. Although it is possible that a few of the Aldean Security Forces might recognise me as one of those very pirates but I'm sure I can talk my way out of any trouble." he replied. He also made sure to note the fact that the Theurgy currently lacked Intelligence Officers which might very well mean he'd be thrown in at the deep end.

He was relieved to hear that Ives would allow him to contact Andersson from wherever he wanted, including off the ship, not that he showed any reaction of course, beyond a simple nod of understanding as Ives continued to tell him about the Astral Eddy and subspace buoy the Admiral had setup, a standard practice but one that certainly added to the validity of the Captain's claims. The final nail in that coffin came when Ives told him his mission abort code, something that only Andersson would know.

"Thank you Captain, I'll be sure to do so." he said then paused for a moment thinking as Ives said about using his information to protect Aldea. "Well I can certainly use the knowledge I gained on the pirates and how they operate to help them."

Standing up as Ives stepped out of the cell, he nodded when he was told that the Lieutenant was to escort him to the transporter room and have him beamed down to wherever he wanted to go, as well as the instructions for when and how to report back once he was done. He gave the Captain a small smile when he welcomed him aboard "Thank you Captain." he replied before turning his attention to the Andorian.

"Nice to meet you Lieutenant." he said as he slowly stepped forward and out of the cell.

Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Brig | Deck 07 | Vector 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan
When the Captain left, Ida glanced hir way, but her blue eyes and antennae soon returned to settle on the pirate gang infiltrator. When he spoke to her, she inclined her head.

"Likewise, spy," she said with a quick smile, and while she had little fondness for people of his profession - the reasons for it numerous by then after all the crew had been through on the account of spies and their betrayals. She turned her head and led the way out of the brig, setting an efficient pace. "Call me Deputy. Most of the crew does. Open up."

The posted Brig Officer nodded to her and pushed a few buttons, opening the first door of the gateway out of the brig. While the man contacted the Aide in the main area of the Security Centre to authenticate the release of the prisoner, Ida glanced towards the Starfleet officer they had found in the most unlikely of places. "Since Starfleet Command sent the fleet after us, we've been through a lot. You'll likely have plenty of reports to read, but because of a mutiny, we have a strict no-weapons policy unless our duties require armament. Therefore, you will not be getting any pirate-ware weaponry back. Personal items of such nature are permitted on a case-to-case basis, and should never leave your quarters unless explicit permission is given for it. Moreover, we have an agreement with the Aldeans that are very firm on that point. If you go on shore-leave, you are to bear no arms in Aldea Prime, on the penalty of all of the crew having their permissions to beam down rescinded... and this crew truly need to unwind."

Herself included, she'd learned.

By the time she'd finished talking, the Aide had opened the other end of the gateway, and they stepped into the lobby of the Security Centre. Ida inclined her head to the posted officer and led Kolari out into the corridor. This, while she continued to speak with the Intelligence officer. "After you've beamed down to report in, you will need to contact us to get back here again, and to do that, you need a new Aldean issue communicator. Here."

She unpocketed the hexagonal little datapad and handed it over to the spotted pinkskin - her eyes still looking ahead in the corridor while they walked. "It works just like a combadge, and you can ask to be beamed up at any time. I suggest you meet with the Quartermaster on Deck 10 after that to get accommodations as befitting your rank, and replicate a uniform. Your reports will be waiting at your computer terminal, and you can submit your first report to Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn, telling him the first steps you recommend for Security to deal with the pirates in the ghost cities."

Ida glanced over to the man next to her with a raised, white eyebrow. "Might I suggest a shower and a shave as well? I am sure you can look re presentable underneath all that." A small quirk to the corner of her lips took the edge of her statement, she hoped, even though it was a very earnest recommendation.

Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #8
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

"Likewise, spy." The Andorian had said with a quick smile, causing him to smirk, despite the fact he was great at reading people, something in her tone had told him that she wasn't really a big fan of someone in his line of work and made a mental note to ask her about that someday. Granted he had met a few people in his time that didn't like people like him but it was always interesting to find out why as most people tended to have different reasons.

As they walked through the brig towards the exit, he listened as she continued speaking, giving her a nod when she informed him that he could address her as Deputy as most of the crew did. The Trill took notice of the fact the security officer was contacting the Aide in the main area to authenticate his release, the last thing he wanted was to have to have a misunderstanding as to why he was wandering freely on the ship.

At the Deputy's mention of having plenty of reports to read he inwardly groaned, one of the perks of deep undercover assignments was the fact that you rarely had to read many reports but shook his head and focussed on what the Deputy was saying.

"Right so no weapons on board, no weapons planetside or everybody get's booted off planet and the standard rules in regards to personal effects." he said with a nod "Shouldn't be a problem as pirate-ware weaponry, at least what I had isn't anywhere near as good as Starfleet standard and the only personal effects I have are the toys us spies get to play with." he said with a grin.

 Bythe time she was finished they had been cleared from the brig into the main lobboy of the secuity centre where he was led out into the corridor. "This is weird, it's been....many years since I last served on a ship, yet alone as myself...that's going to take some getting used to." he muttered. "So branded traitors, hunted across the galaxy and a mutiny to say the least, you guys really have had a rough go of it." he said as they made their way down the corridor. "For what it's worth the little I had heard I had my suspicions about your story, like the fact you didn't run off to Romulan space the second you could, seems like the most obvious thing to do if you'd stolen the ship for the Rommies, I imagine there are others out there who thought the same, then again I'm not exactly up to day with the goings on in the Federation, my job what it is and all." he added.

 "So my fellow inmate back there..." he said, nodding his head back over his shoulder in the direction they had just come from "...I'm guessing my the Captain's reaction he's hosting one of those parasites?" he asked, giving the Andorian a chance to respond as they continued making they way down various corridors.

When she handed him an Aldean communicator, he took it but couldn't help but chuckle as she explained to him how it worked "While I appreciate the tech lesson Deputy, I've been on this planet a lot longer than you have, I do know how these things work but it's adorable that you think I didn't."  he said with a grin, that he hoped she could tell meant he was only messing with her.

Still he nodding in acknowledgement when she instructed him to report to the Quartermaster to get issued accommodations and a uniform, not to mention the many reports he would have to read would be waiting for him on his terminal and who to submit his first report too.

At her comment about taking a shower and shaving he arched an eyebrow, even though she did see the small hints of a smile at the corner of her lips "While I wil certainly take the shower, I'm pretty sure my facial hair is within Starfleet regulations the last I checked. Or is that simply a personal preference of yours you'd like me to adhere to?" he asked with a grin of his own.

Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Brig | Deck 07 | Vector 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan
Ida had merely inclined her head while they walked down the corridor in response to the observations about what the Theurgy had done after Starfleet Command branded them traitors. She thought that it had to be quite a relief to just focus on a personal mission and distance oneself from issues beyond that assignment alone, not having to bother with the larger machinations of things. She offered no challenge to this aloof point of view, instead having answered the next comment on the prisoner they left behind.

"Correct, that's our former Chief Medical Officer. Technically, he is one of the Infested, but evidently something happened to him that allowed him to regain his sanity and self. The Science Department is working on a way to free him entirely from the thing inside him. Progress unknown."

Rounding an intersection, she had smiled with the corner of her mouth when he made a glib remark about the Aldean communicator, but made no further comment on it. She did raise an eyebrow at him when he suggested that she'd have a personal stake in whether or not he did something about the pinkskin fur he'd let grown on his face. She chuckled and shook her head when they entered the transporter room. "Whether I like it is not the question, but if you prefer to look a bit more civilised or not. I suppose that's up to you, within regulations as facial hair might be. Take it for a mere suggestion, now that you don't have to blend in with brigands in the Beyond."

She gestured towards the posted Transporter officer, allowing Kolari to specify where he wished to beam down, but before he stepped up on the PADD, she continued.

"That being said," she commented and folded her arms underneath her chest, the quirk at the corner of her mouth returning, "I am fairly sure you'd look more presentable if you shaved. For a spy, that is."

Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #10
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

"The Chief Medical Officer huh..." the Trill said, taking a moment to think before nodding in somewhat approval "Makes sense from an infiltration perspective, especially as a parasite, you get to take genetic scans and samples of a vast array of Federation species, see how we all work, test for viable host compatibility assuming compatibility is an issue for them." he added, although he was more more thinking aloud at this point than talking to the Andorian specifically.

Shaking his head to push the thought out of his mind and focus on the conversation as they made their way into the transporter room, he smiled "Fair enough, although in some cultures facial hair is a sign of elegance and sophistication...I can't think of any off the top of my head at the moment but I'm pretty sure there's a few out there. I will however take it under advisement." he said. Thinking about it, he could indeed shave it off as he had no feelings on it either way, it just helped make him look a little different than the last image of his in his personnel file.

Ida gave him a moment to talk to the Transporter officer and headed over to the console, giving the officer coordinates just outside the city limits, he had a few things he needed to pick up that he'd scattered around the area for safe keeping and the trek would be a lot less time consuming from the location he had picked.

Thanking the officer, he turned and started making his way towards the transporter pad only to stop when the woman addressed him again, commenting again on how presentable he'd look, for a spy and smirked at her "Ah but the idea of being a spy is to look less like yourself incase someone recognises you and that's a little harder to do with half your face covered in hair." he countered as he stepped up onto the pad. "Then again, who knows Deputy, perhaps the next time you see me I'll have shaved it all off and be more presentable looking." he smiled.

Re: Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Brig | Deck 07 | Vector 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan
The trade of remarks with the spy was actually quite enjoyable, Ida found and she couldn't help but smirk right back at him. Perhaps it wouldn't be entirely off-point to continue the carefree banter with the spotted pinkskin.

"Who knows, indeed?" she said and folded her arms underneath her chest while she smiled to the man. "I expect that I'll find out soon enough if you care to look more presentable for me or not."

She had timed it, of course, with the transporter lock that the officer by the duty station made, so that there wouldn't be any time for a comeback. The spy vanished in the shimmering light of the transporter beam, and as soon as he was gone, she turned to the officer at the station. "Keep a lock on his transponder, and expect him to make a request for a transport back here once he's finished down below. Make sure he gets help to find the Quartermaster after that."

"Aye, Deputy," said the officer with a smile, and Ida turned on her heel and left.


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