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Topic: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand (Read 3776 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Sun, Sea and Sand
STARDATE 57563.68
MARCH 13 2381
1500 Hours

[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Angel's Quarters | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lorelai

Stepping out of the shower, Alessia was feeling much more relaxed and refreshed than she had been an hour ago. While the pilot certainly loved her Valravn and flying it, spending 8 hours in it on a patrol where nothing really happened certainly wasn't fun, at least those hours counted towards her flight log, which was something. It had also given her the opportunity to fly with her new RIO, Asav. She had lost her original RIO during a recent battle only to have Vinnie Ferris fill in the role but now that Dev was back, Vinnie had returned to his rightful place. However with Sepheria dying during their last encounter, Asav had survived and was now flying with her. The Andorian seemed nice enough but it was a new relationship that would take time for them to gel better so the patrols should hopefully help with that.

As her thoughts swirled in her head, she thought about Dev. It was good to have her back and while the two would need to have a discussion about what had transpired between them that night, it wasn't something that Alessia imagined Dev would want to talk about at the moment, given everything she had been through recently. Although the two had spoken since she had returned, it had more been casual banter and things related to the Wolves. Alessia had heard from other people about some of the things the Savi had done to those who had been taken and well the obvious lack of ridges on Devyrie's forehead now was testament to that as was, on the flip side the more pronoucned ridges on Isley's head, the Savi having gone the other direction with him.

Alessia couldn't imagine what going through something like that would do to a person or the psyche, if it was her she'd probably not want to think too much about it and have as many distractions as possible. The advange of being a Wolf was that you usually had plenty of that with those 8 hour shifts. Dev however was currently grounded so she lacked that, perhaps Alessia could do something with her?

As the Spaniard took a few moments to think about it, a smile slowly formed on her face as she tapped her Combadge =^="Garcia to Okhala I was thinking about heading planetside, take a look around, maybe spend a little time on the beach, if you're free would you like to join me?" =^= she asked as she made her way over to the replicator to create some Aldean clothing. Even if Dev wasn't up to it she'd still need some for the eventual point that she headed down there so it wouldn't be a waste of replicator rations either way. She just hoped her friend would take her up on the offer, it would probably do the woman a world of good to have a nice change of least she hoped it would.

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #1
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Dev's Quarters | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Revan

Devyrie was in her quarters feeling somewhat anti-social. While she had attended the memorial service for the crew and had stuck around for the Wolves private memorial after that, she'd not been feeling up for much company. Vinnie had really been the only person she had spent time with and that was mostly because he came round everyday to check up on her. It wasn't necessarily that she didn't want to be around people but more that she wanted some time alone to process everything that had happened to her lately.

The fact that she hadn't been sleeping well might have had something to do with that. Most nights she'd been having nightmares of her time on the Versant, although the dreams changed every night. The first night had been a nightmare of her being raped by the Ovri that had caused her to wake with a jolt. She hadn't gotten back to sleep after that, the night after that was the death of her sister and last night she dreamed that she was still on that horror ship and that her return to the Theurgy was just a dream. Waking from that she had to walk around her room and touch more things than she would care to admit to in order to convince herself that it was real.

Counselling was probably something she should consider doing but if she did that they might ground her until she had worked on some of her issues and she wasn't sure she wanted that, not if she could avoid it. She'd give herself a week and if she hadn't made any improvements or her issues were starting to affect her work then she would book an appointment and take it from there.

She had seen Alessia briefly a few times and they had talked, mostly causal conversation or things related to the pack. While they both knew that they would need to talk about that night they had shared Dev really wasn't up for that conversation at the moment. The very thought of sex made her sick to her stomach with the memories of the Ovri still so fresh in her mind and even if she was okay with that, she wasn't sure if their one night stand was just that or if it had the potential to be something more. If it was she was in no shape to enter a relationship and if it wasn't then it wouldn't really matter if it took a little while. She supposed however that figuring that out was the whole point of their conversation, but she didn't know and was in no frame of mind to truly think about it. Luckily however it seemed as though Alessia was aware of that fact, as she hadn't mentioned anything about it once.

As she thought about her friend, packmate and one time lover her Combadge chirped and said woman's voice came through, asking her if she wanted to join her down on the planet and take a look around. For a brief moment Dev's heart leapt into her throat, with everything she had just thought was this how Alessia was going to bring up that conversation? Shaking her head, her white locks flowing from side to side with the motion, Dev decided that probably wasn't the case and that she simply wanted to head down to the planet and wanted some company.

It took a few minutes for Devyrie to come to a decision before tapping the metal badge on her chest to reply =^="That sounds like a nice idea, I could  do with a change of scenery." =^= she replied.

The two women agreed to get ready and meet up outside Alessia's quarters, which was only a short walk down the corridor from her own and head to the transporter room together. Dev knew the rules for travelling to Aldea and replicated herself some Aldean clothing and got dressed, making herself look presentable. While she still hadn't fully gotten used to her new Human appearance she had made a little improvement in that area, although part of that might have been due to the fact that V-Nine's offer to reverse what the Savi had done to her was still there, all she had to do was get over the fear of letting something created by them mess with her DNA again, something that was easier said than done.

Shaking her head to banish those thoughts, this was meant to be an opportunity to explore a planet with a friend and hopefully take her mind off of all of that stuff. Heading out of her quarters she made her way down the corridor towards Alessia's quarters where the two Wolves would then head to the transporter and do some exploring. 

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #2
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai 

The two Wolves had met up not long after Alessia's original message and, having retrieved their Aldean Communicator and paperwork to trade had beamed down to the planet in the Ibai Besi Promenade. Considering it was the most popular landmark and centre of the city, it seemed the most logical place. They could take a good look around the city, perhaps do some shopping and it lead to the beaches, all good options for two fighter pilots looking for some good R&R.

"It certainly is a beautlful looking City." the dark haired Wolf said as they made they way down the promenade "I honestly can't remember the last time I was in a City it's been that long." she added as they continued making their way towards the many shops that she could see just ahead of them.

Taking a glance over at her friend and sister Wolf it was still a bit unusual to look at Dev and not see those Romulan ridges of hers jutting out of her forehead anymore. It was in reality a small thing really and yet it did change her apperance more that one would think it would, especially considering they were not as prominant as a full blooded Romulans were. Despite her now smooth forehead though she still looked enough like her former self to be identifiied. Alessia couldn't imagine what that must be like to look in a mirror at your own reflection and have something so promenant a feature no longer there. She had yet to hear all of what Dev had been through on that ship, but that violation alone was enough to make Alessia hop in her Valravn and blow up as many Savi ships as she could for revenge.

This however was not meant to be an outing to talk about whatever horrors had occured on that ship, this was about an afternoon of rest and relaxation for both of them. Should the conversation end up there if Dev wished it then Alessia would listen, if not however then she would do her best to give her friend and good afternoon. Realising that she had been looking at her for a while now without saying anything, she smiled.

"So what do you want to do? Hit the shops and see if we find any souvenirs, maybe some beachwear and hit the beach? Try out some local food perhaps or just walk around and take in the city? Personally I don't mind any or all of the above."  she asked, leaving it up to Dev to decide what they did, not knowing what mood the woman would be in for.

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #3
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea | ]
Attn: @Revan

They had beamed down at the far end of the promenade in order to avoid causing any disruptions or any large scenes, after all they weren't supposed to be giving away too much information about who they were. Even from their current position, the City looked rather beautiful. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, it took Dev by surprise by how different actual fresh air smelt in comparison to the recycled oxygen they usually breathed on the Theurgy and in their fighters.

As the duo started walking down the promenade towards the shops, Dev listened as Alessia spoke and had to agree that it had been a while for her too since the last time she had been in a city. "I can't remember the last time I was either now that you mention it. Then again we do live on a starship and our jobs are to fly fighters so I suppose it makes sense really." she replied.

Ahead of her she could see the various shops coming into view and was wondering what kind of things they might find. However that thought didn't last too long as she caught Alessia looking at her out of the corner of her eye and turned to look at her, expecting her friend to ask her something, yet her fellow Wolf remained silent. The longer it went on the more Devyrie started to think that Alessia was studying her and her new appearance, feeling herself starting to get uncomfortable and regretting her decision to come. However almost as soon as the thought occurred to her Alessia spoke up asking her what she wanted to do.

What did she want to do? It was a good question. That combined with her own silly thoughts that her friend was judging her or something caused a delay in her reply as she mentally cursed herself for thinking such a thing in the first place. "Well we're near the shops so we might as well take a look around and see what they have, it will be interesting to see what kind of things they sell and if there's anything that takes our fancy. After that I wouldn't mind grabbing a bite to eat and sample the local food. Although if we're going to the beach we might want to purchase some beachwear too, just to be on the safe side." she replied, realising that all she had really done was repeat the Spanish woman's ideas as answers.

The two friends spent the next hour shopping in the various shops and market stalls, where she purchased a couple of nice hand crafted statues. Admittedly she didn't know what they were of but they looked nice and would go well in her quarters. Along with the statues she purchased several Aldean shirts, skirts and dresses that had caught her eye in one of the clothing stores they had gone into as well as a few pairs of beachwear.

After their shopping expedition was over with the two Lone Wolves continued down the promenade towards the seafront during which Devyrie spotted several Aldean men looking her way and checking her out, causing a small shudder to run through her body. It probably wouldn't be noticable to anybody other than Alessia assuming the pilot was paying attention to her but the last thing Dev wanted was that kind of attention from anyone. Pushing the thoughts out of her mind however she smiled as she noticed that scent of salt gradually increasing the closer they got to the seafront and smiled. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach." she said with a smile, finding herself actually looking forward to it.

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #4
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

As the two women walked and talked Alessia couldn't really counter what her friend had said, they had both decided to become fighter pilots and that meant that unlike the other career tracks that at one point or another would go on away missions or down to planets, their missions were always in space usually, the only time they got to go planetside or missions were generally if they had to land for some reason, which was rare. "That's a fair point, can't complain though I certainly love flying, especially the Valravn. Speaking of which I heard they gave you Sephiria's old one to replace yours, any word on when she'll be spaceworthy again?" she asked.

As the two contined getting closer to the store fronts as they walked, ALessia listened to Dev while also taking in the sights around her, Aldea really was a nice looking City. When Dev suggested they start with a shopping trip before grabbing a bite to eat and possible head to the beach, she grinned and nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. the raven haired beauty responded.

They must have spent at least an hour shopping in various stores and picked up a few things. Alessia had purchased a few bikinis, t-shirts, tank tops and a few other items of clothing and while Dev had purchased some Aldean statues that Alessia couldn't for the life of her figure out what they were, she had found a few cool model ships of various designs that she couldn't resist buying. While the Spaniard wasn't the biggest collector of such things, her quarters were quite sparse of decorations and they would brightly the place up a bit.

After they had finished shopping, the two women continued to venture down the promenade in the direction of the beaches. While they went Alessia and Dev both seemed to catch the eye of some of the males. Not that Alessia could blame them, they were both two beautiful women that did somewhat stick out in comparion to the Aldeans. Moreso Dev consider that hairstyle and it's white colouring, both of which were very unique around here. Glancing over at her friend, it seemed like she wasn't too comfortable with the attention, but she was handling it well, Alessia would keep an eye out though just to make sure. As for her, while she didn't mind some attention she wasn't particularly in the mood for companionship and she'd had a good...well great evening with Evelyn and Lillee a few days ago that had scratched that itch for a while. Besides this was meant to be an afternoon with a friend, not that she wouldn't necessarily forego a little flirting if someone were to give her the attention, just for fun.

"I went to Risa during our last shoreleave before we were assigned to the Orcus but that was a while ago." Alessia replied as they got closer to the beach, at least she assumed that they were based on the sea air smell that was starting to assault her senses and sure enough they could see the ocean appear over the horizon ahead of them. "Well there's the beach, do we want to head there first and then find some food or find food and head to the beach?" 

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #5
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dev nodded and smiled "You're right, I love flying my Valravn too, always have and yes we've been given Seph's Valravn, I hate that we had to lose her but at least her old bird will keep fighting." she replied, not really wanting to think too much about death and loss today. Luckily their conversation continued and topics were switched with enough relative frequency and fluidity that it was easy to avoid and thankfully the two friend did not have awkwardness between them, at least for now, something that Dev was thankful for.

As their shopping spree had ended and the two made their way towards the beach, Alessia spoke about how that last time she had been to a beach was on Risa during her last shore leave before the White Wolves had been assigned to the Orcus. Truthfully it hadn't been that long since that original transfer had happened but given everything that had happened since then, it certainly felt like a lot more time had passed since then, everything had been so simple back then. "Risa is a lovely place, I'll have to go there again sometime once all of this is over with." she replied, leaving the If we survive and aren't arrested part of the sentence out of it. "I say we hit the beach first and then find food after, it's already 1600 hours, don't want to waste the last few hours of sun right? she smiled.

The two women made their way along the rest of the promenade and down towards the beach, which was certainly a beautiful place. The ocean stretched out for miles along the coastline from what she could see, the fresh sea air filled her lungs and the sounds of the waves lapping against the sand was harmoniously peaceful. If it wasn't for the loud noise of the people it would have been perfect. Perhaps they could find a quite, less populated part of the beach all being well.

Looking around, Dev spotted a changing room area and pointed it out to Alessia "Looks like those are the changing rooms." she said as she started making her way over towards them. They had to pay a small fee in order to rent a locker for their stuff, which was removed from the funds assigned to their communicators. While each person was given an individual cubicle to get changed in, the lockers themselves were lined along the walls a little similar to how the Wolves locker room was arranged, something that was familiar to both women.

Heading into her own cubicle, Dev placed down her bags and started removing her clothing until she was naked and shuddered slightly, although whether it was due to a slight breeze that passed through or a brief flashback to the last time she had been naked on the Versant and with the Ovri. Closing her eyes and trying to remain calm, she took a few slow, deep breaths and opened her eyes, it was over with now and she was fine. Reaching down into her bag she retried one of the new bikini's she had purchased and put them on, starting by stepping into the bottoms and pulling them up and then the top, slipping her hands through the straps and clipping the back before finally removing the sandals she had also purchased and slipping them on and neatly folding her own replicated Aldean clothing into the bag.

Stepping out into the locker room, she was a few seconds quicker than Alessia it seemed at getting changed and made her way over to her assigned locker, opening it and placed her bag inside. Hearing a cubicle open behind her she turned to see Alessia emerge and before she could think about it, her eyes glanced down over the Human's body, noting her physique and the bikini that Alessia had purchased, a brief mental image of the woman being naked the night they had shared together flashing through her mind.

"N...nice bikini Alessia, it looks good on you." she managed to get out as her eyes returned to the other woman's face with a small smile. Unlike her, Alessia had apparently stored her bags in her locker before opting to get changed by the looks of it as she had emerged without hers. She just hoped that Alessia hadn't noticed her somewhat blatantly checking her out. 

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #6
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

Alessia nodded "I'm sure she wouldn't mind you flying her, but yeah it sucks that she was one of the ones we lost, at least her Symbiont survived, she'd be pleased about that. Hopefully we'll find a host for it sometime." the Spaniard replied. It was a small consolation but at least a part of Seph would live on going forward.

As they made their way past the last few rows of stalls out of the market and down towards the beach, the duo discussed the last time they had both gone to the beach, with Alessia starting the conversation and listening to Dev as she spoke about her last time and smiled, with a nod "It certainly is, and who knows maybe if you do I'll join you if you don't mind the company, perhaps even see if we can drag Logan along with us." she grinned, nodding when Dev suggested they head to the beach now to take advanage of the last few hours of daylight.

When they arrived at the beachfront, Alessia had to admit that she was impressed as she looked out over the sand, the salty sea air, the sounds of the waves crashing against the shoreline, it was pretty damn relaxing and peaceful she had to admit and reminded her a lot like Risa's beaches. She could see herself spending a lot of time here on her downtime.

The pilot was brought out of her thoughts when Dev pointed out the changing rooms and nodded in agreement as the two made their way over. After paying the fee and each getting a locker, Alessia watched as Dev immediately headed into one of the cubicles to get changed while she crossed over to her locker and placed her bags inside and retrieved the black bikini and sandals that she had purchased, making her way to her own cubicle to get changed.

When she was done, Dev was already in hers and was waiting for her by the lockers. As Alessia made her way back over to her locker, Dev commented on her bikini, although there was a slight stutter to her voice, which Alessia choose to ignore, even though she had seen Dev check her out. Choosing to smile instead "Thanks Dev, yours looks great on you too." she replied, hoping that her own visual examination of her friend had gone unnoticed as she placed her own clothing into the locker and closed it. "To the beach!" she announced with a grin as the two made their way out of the changing room. 

Walking along the soft, warm, yellow sand the two Wolves continued to walk along the beach until they found an little section of the beach to themselves and sat down. "I can't remember the last time we actually just sat down and relaxed." she said as she looked out over the ocean, watching as the crystal blue water lapped back and forth, small waves ebbing and flowing before settling down. "It honestly feels like we haven't actually stopped moving since we were told to pack up the Valravn's and report to the Orcus, seems like that was years ago now."

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #7
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dev nodded and gave a small smile "Yeah I'm sure she wouldn't, still doesn't feel right yet you know. I suppose your right about her symbiont though, do you think the new host, should we find one will join the Wolves?  They'd have Seph's knowledge right?" she asked. It was entirely possible after all, however a part of her felt that it would be a little awkward to fly with the new Arn Symbiont and not have it be Seph, much like how she felt having her old Valravn currently.

Still she smiled when Alessia said that perhaps she'd join her on Risa if they ever got the opportunity "I would welcome your company any time." she replied and laughed at the mention of dragging Logan along "Somehow I don't think we'd have to drag him anywhere. Even if we weren't all as close as we are, he's a guy and who would turn down accompanying two beautiful women in bikini's to the beaches of Risa of all places?" she continued to chuckle as they walked.

Hondartza Luzea Beach

Having found a little section of beach to themselves, Dev sat down next to Alessia, taking a moment to settle in and breath in the ocean air and take in the sounds around her. The waves lapping against the beach, the sound of the birds chirping, it was so peaceful and relaxing, something that she most certainly needed. Taking a quick glance over at her companion, she could tell that Alessia was doing the same thing and followed her friend's gaze out over the ocean.

"It certainly has been a while, at least it feels like it anyway." Dev nodded in agreement, both in response to the statement about how long it had been since they just did nothing and relaxed as well as the feeling that they hadn't really stopped moving since transferring aboard the Orcus.

"Life certainly was simpler back then." she said "At least it seems like it was looking back. Get up fly for a bit, report on what was going right and what needed adjusting, rinse, repeat. A lot less threat of dying...well unless something went wrong with the ship, which was a possibility but I'd say the odds of it happening were far less than they are now and of course our evenings were free to do whatever we wanted, those were the days."

Glancing out over the ocean, Dev watched the waves rise and fall and crash against itself and the sand, taking it all in while thinking back on their days test flying the Valravn's. While she would admit that even then there were some dangerous and not so simple days, in comparison to the situation they were in now and the threats and experiences they had already faced and experienced, in comparison to back then those test flights were far safer, at least she thought so anyway.

Re: Day 03 [1500 Hrs] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #8
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

"I'm sure it is, give it time though and I'm sure that will pass as horrible as that sounds. As for if the new host will join the Wolves, I don't know, they'd certainly have the knowledge to do it but I don't think we have enough fighters for that at the moment but you never know." Alessia replied, smiling when Dev said that she would welcome her company on Risa were they to ever make it back there. Not that she doubted for a second that Dev wouldn't have minded of course, but still. Like Dev had, Alessia couldn't help but laugh at her response to Logan joining them. "I can't argue with you there, his certainly is and we certainly both are." she chuckled.

Down on the beach, Alessia was pulled out of her thoughts as she watched the ocean when Dev spoke and turned to look at her, taking a moment to notice the lack of forehead ridge, that was still going to take a little getting used to but nodded "Well they say time travels fast when you're busy, and we've certainly been that lately. Hopefuly sorting out this whole clusterfuck of a mess we're in will be sorted out just as quickly." she replied.

Alessia listened to Dev as she continued to speak about how life was simplier back then or at least seemed like it and she couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Yeah, yeah it certainly was. We all knew the risks that come with being a test pilot but the opportunity to test fly these things was hard to turn down, who would have thought it would have lead to this? Still you, me, Logan and a few of the others are still around so that's something. We'll have to arrange a get-together or something at somepoint and hang out like we used to."

When she was finished speaking, beyond a small nod of acknowledgement from the white haired woman beside her, Dev remained quiet. Watching her friend, there were so many things that the two needed to talk about. What had happened between them that night, if it meant anything or if it was simply two friends caught in the moment and wanted some fun or something more. Then there was what had happened on the Versant. Alessia didn't know much about what had happened outside of the obvious genetic changes and she'd heard about Dev's sister's death but that was about it. All of which must have been awful for Devyrie, however Alessia knew that sometimes people didn't want to talk about things so soon after they had happened. God knows she didn't want to after her own brother had died yet alone having all that other shit on top of it, that could take a while to process and if that's what Dev needed then Alessia would give it to her.

"How are you holding up?" she asked softly. "If you don't want to talk about that's fine, I completely understand but if you ever want to talk, you know I'll always listen, just say the word." she added before returning her attention to the ocean, the two women sat in silence as they took in the sights and sounds of the beach.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #9
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

"I know what you mean, I guess time will tell when it comes to a host should we happen to get a Trill one day to join with it and go from there." she replied and chuckled at Alessia's reply about Logan.

As the two spoke on the beach, Dev nodded in agreement "I certainly hope it's over quicker, I know it probably won't be but it would certainly be nice." Considering how short a time they had actually been involved with the Theurgy, everything physically, mentally and emotionally made her feel so much older and like so much more time had passed than actually had.

When Alessia started speaking about the old days back at Luna, she found herself nodding in agreement at everything her friend had said. "Yeah and I mean it's still the same now when it comes to us willing to risk our lives for the greater good flying our birds but I just never thought we'd be flying them against our own people. Even more so that we're just trying to save them from a threat they know nothing about, it's hard sometimes you know?"

A silence fell over the two friends as they each seemed to look at each other but lost in thought, most likely thinking about all the things that they had been through recently both as a pack and the two women individually. Thinking about it things had been rather similar between them more than just the fact they had had their one night of passion but she had lost her sister and Alessia had lost Leon. She had never really met the man but she had known that the two had gone way back and that Alessia had had feelings for him, feelings that might very well have blossomed into an actual relationship and she had lost her sister, both had been through a lot. While it wasn't a competition, Dev knew that thanks to the Savi and everything that had happened to her on board that hell of a ship, she won but it wasn't a victory that she really wanted to have.

The silence was eventually broken when Alessia spoke up and Dev felt her heart leap into her throat when the Spaniard asked her how she was holding up? There it was. She didn't want to talk about it, it hurt too much. It made her stomach still do high energy turns inside herself and made her swallow for fear she might throw up. Alessia did say that if she didn't want to talk about it that was fine, offering to be there for her if and when she eventually did, not that she would expect anything else from the woman.

"I'm..." fine[/] is what she was meant to say. To brush it off for now and avoid talking about it, avoid acknowledging it and telling her friend exactly what horrors she had been subjected to on that ship. I'm fine, two words that was all. "I'm...struggling Alessia, really bad." was what ended up coming out of her mouth, with somewhat of a choked sob.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #10
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

Alessia watched her friend as she started to reply, only to cut herself off. The Spaniard was sure that Dev was going to tell her that she was fine and that everything was okay, it was what Alessia might have done in the same situation, even if it wasn't true. What eventually came out of Dev's mouth was a choked sob and a confession that she wasn't fine and was in fact struggling quite a bit.

"Hey..." she said soft and shuffled over towards the other woman, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and lightly pulling her against her in a sideway hug. "...It's okay. Given everything you've been through I'd be surprised if you were, I know I wouldn't be but I'm here for you, whatever you need."

Alessia hated seeing anybody she cared about having a rough time and always wanted nothing more than to cheer them up and make things better if she could and yet right now she didn't really know what to say or do. She had heard some talk about what had been done to those on the Allegiant, but it had also sounded like each individual had experienced their own individual events too.

The most obvious had been the genetic splicing, Dev and Nathaniel were the two prime examples within their pack that Alessia had seen so far although she knew there were others. On top of that in Dev's case however was the loss of her sister and the death of another officer on their way back to the Theurgy on the Reaver, although that hadn't been Dev's fault.

Still it was clear that just those things had been more than enough for anybody to have to deal with, yet alone if there was anything else that had happened over there that she didn't know about. God she hoped there wasn't.

"If you want to talk about it and get it all off your chest go right ahead. If you just want to cry and let it all out and not say a word that's okay too, whatever you need." she said softly as she lightly rubbed Dev's arm in comforting support.


Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #11
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

When she felt Alessia wrap her arm around her shoulders, she smiled slightly, allowing herself to be pulled into the side hug and tilted her head, resting it against the other woman's shoulder and nodded at her words.

"I know you are, thanks it's's been rough." she sniffed, her body shuddering slightly at the memories of her time on the Versant. "There are so many horrible things that happened over there." she whispered, sniffing and bringing her hands up to rub her eyes and wipe away the tears as she looked out over the ocean.

"I woke strapped to this table thing and one of those things asked me to make a choice and then removed my Romulan DNA, I passed out after that. The next time I woke up I was in a room with another member of the crew I think, one of the Ovri...the Savi had drugged us, or at least had drugged him and the Ovri....r...raped me." she whispered. "I tried to fight, tried to stop it but I couldn't, the Savi just watched it happen like he was observing some experiment. It ended eventually and I was a mess.... Dev told her friend, feeling the woman's grip on her tighten slightly in a comforting embrace.

She continued to tell Alessia about being unaware of beaming naked to the others until she had cleared up a bit and had found her sister and the tale of their planned escape.

"I should have told her to come with us. I shouldn't have made her stay hiding in that small space. I killed my sister. she sobbed.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #12
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

Alessia held Dev and listened to her as she spoke, feeling a mixture of anger and sadness at what her friend had been forced to endure. As if being strapped to a table and having half of her DNA removed was bad enough but to then be drugged and raped on top of it and gave her a gentle squeeze. She had heard about the events that had happened on the ship but Alessia had no idea that something like that had happened, although given everything she had heard about the Savi it certainly didn't surprise her. The fact it had happened to her friend however angered her greatly, but she tempered that anger because it wouldn't help her friend at the moment.

"I'm so sorry Dev, that's awful." she whispered softly, continuing to hold her as she moved the conversation onto her escape, where it seemed that life wasn't done beating her down as she told her about how her sister had died. "Hey no Dev, you didn't kill her, you had no way of knowing what was going to happen and keeping her there by the sounds of it was the safest place she could have been, I probably would have made the same decision if I was in your position." she added, rubbing the woman's back. "And I'm sure your sister wouldn't hold you responsible, nor should you, it was those Savi bastards that are responsible, for everything that happened to you."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #13
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Burying herself deeper in Alessia's embrace she held onto her friend tight, grateful for the support as she let all her emotions out. She listened to the words of her friend as she spoke and while part of her knew what Alessia was saying was true, she also couldn't deny the fact that she had been the one to tell her sister to stay in that vent either, both her and the Savi were equally to blame for what had happened.

"I'm still the one who told her to stay in that vent and left her as a sitting duck. Even if the Savi were the ones that....that killed her I was the one that told her to stay there, that's on me and I'll have to live with that." she sobbed.

Taking a few moments to just cry into her friend's shoulder, her mind replayed everything that had happened on that maker forsaken ship. "I hate this. I hate that I was taken, I hate that I lost half my heritage, I hate that I was...violated as some sick scientific study, but I can get passed that, I can....but my sister....I don't know how I can get over that, how I can forgive myself for telling her to stay there."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #14
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

Holding Dev tighter as she felt the other woman bury herself deeper into her, she remained silent simply holding her and gently rubbing her back to comfort her. Listening to the woman whenever she spoke, the guilt clearly something that would take a long time to get over. It pained her to see her friend in such a state, especially when it was her sister who had died, that was the far worse tragedy.

Alessia did have to agree with her that could certainly get passed all the other things that happened to her but wasn't too sure how she could help Dev get over the loss of her sister and the role she played in it, but she was at least going to try?

"Dev you had no idea what was going to happen and given all the fighting that was going on, keeping her out of that was probably the best decision you could have made. Hell I would have made the same decision too if I was in your position. Something horrible happened but what was the alternative? I'm sure your sister wouldn't want you blaming yourself would she? ." she whispered softly.

Taking a moment let her words sink in, Alessia eventually spoke again. "As for the other stuff, you'll get past that I'm sure, as you will your sister given time. You being taken you had no control over, you were plucked right out of your fighter, no way you could prevent that. As for losing your heritage you had no say in that either but you do have a say in getting it back if you want. Even if it's a machine designed by those same people, I'm sure nothing bad would happen if you wanted it reversed." she added, giving Dev a gentle squeeze although choosing to forego commenting on her sexual assault for obvious reasons, the girl had enough to deal with as it was.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #15
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dev hugged Alessia tight, grateful for the support of her longtime friend. As she listened to her friends words she knew the woman was right, she didn't have any idea what was going to happen to Laurel yet at the same time it was her decision to leave her there, it was also the safest place for her to be in the moment. Of course knowing that and being able to forgive herself for it were two entirely separate things.

"I know you're right and no Laurel wouldn't want me blaming myself but knowing it and doing it is a whole different thing, but I'll try." she replied softly.

She also couldn't argue with her over her abduction and the lack of control over it. Like Alessia said, she had literally been taken out of her Valravn while it's shields were up, no way to avoid that, nor did she have any control over her genetic alteration and even though Alessia hadn't brought it up, her sexual assault she had little control over as she had been drugged as well as the Ovri had been.

"I know you're right about everything else too, I just need to do things to make me feel in control again." she said and nodded when Alessia mentioned that she could get it back, she shuddered at the thought of having something designed by those things altering her again, but at least it would be her choice and the Captain wouldn't have let it stay aboard if it was a threat. At the moment however, she wasn't ready for that but perhaps one day in the near future that would change.

Pulling away from her friend, she looked out over the ocean and smiled slightly, wanting to change the subject "Vinnie tells me he flew as your RIO for a time, what was that like?" she asked, curious as to how the two had gotten on.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #16
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia  | Hondartza Luzea Beach | Aldea ] Attn: @Lorelai

Alessia held Dev and gently rubbed her back, offering the woman as much comforting support as she could. She was pleased when Dev said that she knew she was right about what had happened to her sister as well as that she wouldn't have wanted Dev to blame herself for what happened. Yet at the same time she knew all too well about knowing something and being able to do something about it were completely different things. The spaniard also knew the need to do things to make her feel in control again, especially after all she had been through.

"Well if you need help with anything you let me know, I'll be happy to help in anyway I can." she said softly, loosening her hold on Dev when she felt the other woman start to pull away from her and smiled when she asked her what it was like flying with Vinne.

"He's a great RIO, we got along really well and I can see why you like him so much, although I'm sure he's more than happy to be back flying with you." she chuckled "I just hope I get along just as well with my new RIO as I did Vinnie, my old one was on the Versant with you but he didn't make it sadly."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand

Reply #17
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Being in Alessia's arms brought Dev a lot of comfort, comfort she certainly needed. It also brought back memories of their night together, something else that she had enjoyed but the two had yet to talk about. That would have to be done at some point she was sure but now probably wasn't the best time, and even if it was there wasn't really a good segue into it from their current line of conversation.

Nodding against the other woman's chest, she wasn't surprised that Alessia would offer her help "Thanks Alessia, I'll let you know if I do." she replied as she pulled away, listening and smiling as Alessia told her about how it was to fly with Vinnie as her RIO. Not at all surprised that the two of them got on so well.

"I'm glad you two got along so well and yes he is a great RIO. Thanks for taking care of him while I was gone. As for him being happy to be back flying with me, that's probably true but he had nothing but nice words to say about you too." she said with a smile, although it did fade slightly at the news that her old RIO had been killed on the Versant. Even worse was that to her knowledge Dev had never seen the Andorian.

"I'm sorry Alessia, I didn't know. I don't think I even saw him over there, not that I was in much state at first to pay much attention to anybody." she said, with a slight shudder as a memory of what happened there ran through her mind.

Forcing herself to move on from the topic of conversation, she smiled softly "At least we get some downtime for the most part, I certainly could go for more days on a beach like this."


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