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Topic: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping (Read 2504 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

[Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan if you two want to join in, welcome to.

Peace and quiet, well as much as a shipyard's repair teams can give, which wasn't a lot. Since the Security Center had been taken at least once or twice, Adam wasn't sure, he could check the computer logs, the engineers still had much to do to restore it back to commissioning condition. The Master-at-Arms was nonetheless happy with some peace and quiet to get off the Adrenaline bandwagon.

Adam had been meaning to go through their equipment and check for any problems or repairs that may be needed. He'd start with weapons, larger rifles first then the smaller hand phasers afterwards. Sadly he didn't have the advanced technical and scientific knowledge to attempt to give any of the alien weapons the crew had collected over the many onboard battles maintenance or correctly learn how they worked. He'd have to leave that to the Engineers and Scientists for he could trigger an overload if he wasn't paying attention.

So with his goals formulated he walked from the exosuit storage into the weapons maintenance room, he pulled down the first rifle and walked back to the table before taking the weapon apart seemingly without much thought to how as he'd done it so many times during his Starfleet life. He glanced around for rags and cleaning solution, he growled when he realised he hadn't grabbed it from the equipment lockers on the wall in front of him.

Adam crossed to the lockers, received the cleaning solution and rags then walked back to his disassembled rifle and started the cleaning ritual. Before he knew it it was done and now he worked to put it back together again, it clicked into place seemingly in moments as this was an automatic task that he could shut off his mind and simply be. He got to the 8th rifle before he found he was hungry and grabbed the 9th, 10th and 11th rifles, the cleaning solution and rags before leaving weapons maintenance and walked to the Security lounge.

He dumped the rifles, solution and rags on the table in front of the replicator and stood there for what seemed like minutes still coming out of automatic mode. "Thea, may I please have a New York Cheeze Burger and fries with a large coca cola?" He asked.

"Of course Lieutenant," The A.I. replied cheerfully and the meal materialised, the burger took up quite a large part of the plate while the fries occupied the rest and the large tall plastic cup had bubbling on the top as it was carbinated liquid.

Adam grinned. "Thank you Thea," he said gratefully and picked the plate and cup up. He turned around and sat down on the chair he had pulled out after placing the weapons, rags and solution on the table. He got to eating the fries as he arranged the table so he could eat and work at the same time.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Security Centre | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] @Sqweloookle

Kai had been settling into his new role aboard the Theurgy over the last few days, but he quietly lamented the fact that it had been mostly paperwork so far. He looked around his office and was happy with the little touches he'd applied to the room. A few pictures here, a pineapple plant there, all combined to make it feel more like his office did aboard the Endeavour.

The large man raised his large frame from the chair slowly and eventually ended in a standing position. He stretched his muscles and joints out as he stood, realizing he had been sitting for far too long. Kai then decided to take a walk around the security centre for two reasons. Number one being to stretch everything out, but more importantly was number two. That one was to be close to his staff, to be seen as more approachable, and to be a 'man of the people' so to speak.

The first stop was to be the security lounge to grab a mug of raktijino. He wondered if maybe he was addicted to the stuff, but he quickly dismissed that thought as nonsense. He smirked to himself just as he entered the security lounge. He saw Adam Kingston sitting at the table, eating a meal. The cacophony of odours filled the room. Between the food that Kingston was eating, and the faint smell of a cleaning solution, Kai was pleased. It smelt like a normal starship again, rather than the smokey and acridness that had become the norm from his short time aboard the Theurgy.

As Kai approached the replicator to order a Raktijino, he saw what Kingston was eating. A giant hamburger with fries and a large drink.

Interesting choice, Kai pondered as his raktijino materialized in front of him. He picked up the warm and steamy mug and moved towards the table.

He pulled out a chair and lowered himself into the chair next to Kingston.

"Interesting choice for breakfast Mr. Kingston" Kai said to the man, chuckling before waving his hand in order to indicate he was joking before adding, "How is everything?"

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Security Center, Lounge | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @trevorvw

"Interesting choice for breakfast Mr. Kingston" Kai said to the man, chuckling before waving his hand in order to indicate he was joking before adding, "How is everything?"

Adam had noticed the Chief enter but he was in the middle of a bite, rather large one, of his burger and attempting to simultaneously using the other hand with a sonic cleaner tool to get all the grit and grease off the internal circuitry of the rifle he was cleaning. It was not going as smoothly as he had pictured it in his head prior to the decision to try it. Idiot! He thought as he finished the bite and had lost track of the Chief to only see that the big man was now seated across from him.

He quickly used the napkin to wipe the burger's juices from his face and smiled. "I needed something substantial." Adam laughed as he gave a one-hand salute after putting down his burger and the cleaner tool. "Everything is... somewhat peaceful sir," He added with a smile as he leaned back in his chair. "Congratulations on being named Chief, sir." He grabbed his drink and did a cheers motion with it before having a long sip.

Though Adam knew he'd be a great Chief of Security, he kind of knew it would be way too much work. He liked it simple and Master-At-Arms was a position that held authority in certain situations of combat and can assume Chief if ordered to do so and without the administration side to it. He grinned, he had a feeling Kai shared his view on at least the administration side. Both were men of action, most of Security personnel were people of action, well Adam knew he was but he could be wrong about Kai or any number of his fellow Security personnel.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Security Centre Lounge | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Sqweloookle

Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the half hearted one handed salute that Kingston had given him. The man had even put his burger down to do it, before he also had congratulated Kai on being named Chief of Security. Kai had become used to being called the Chief on board the Endeavour, however it was still taking some getting used to on board a ship as substantial as the Theurgy.

"Thanks Adam. I just wish it had a bit less paperwork involved" Kai chuckled at his own comment.

The large man took a sip of his drink as he watched Kingston take another bite of his food. There was a silence in the room, which Kai enjoyed a bit before he decided he'd get to the real reason for finding his Master at Arms.

"Peaceful huh? I can change that for you if you'd like." he said which had caused the other man in the room to look at him with an inquisitive look.

"Not to beat around the bush, but we've had a request from the Aldean government to investigate some of their..oh what did they call them..ghost cities? Nothing concrete yet, but they said they'd be in touch if they need it. I've told the XO that my department can handle it. I couldn't think of a better man for the job than you. What do ya say?" 

Kai had known the answer to the question before he had even asked it. Of course Kingston would gladly take the potential mission on, and thankfully he'd do a great job at it. The large man had come to realize over the past year, that it wasn't only what he did, but what his department as a whole did.

It's easy to look great when you have good people under you.

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Security Center, Lounge | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @trevorvw

"Not to beat around the bush, but we've had a request from the Aldean government to investigate some of their..oh what did they call them..ghost cities? Nothing concrete yet, but they said they'd be in touch if they need it. I've told the XO that my department can handle it. I couldn't think of a better man for the job than you. What do ya say?"

Adam scoffed, Ghosts! Bah! He thought, though considering all that the crew has been through he couldn't just quite not disregard such a notion as there being no ghosts. He grinned though. "Well now you've gone and done it, of course you can count on me sir." Adam laughed then gave another one-handed, two fingered salute before he grabbed his burger for another large bite, this time keeping his mouth shut as he chewed quickly.

After swallowed and had a large gulp of his drink, he added. "When do they want me to start sir?" He asked with a smile as he put the burger back down again then grabbed his servette and wiped the burger remains from the sides of his face. "May I take Rivard and Tucker?" He asked a moment later after considering who'd he like to join him. "Though I know Vansen will want to come along so her as well." Adam chuckled as he knew she'd never hear the end of it if she wasn't involved in a ghost hunt.

"What will you and zh'Wann be doing?" He asked, he wasn't sure if he could get away with surnames but they all had to form a family and unless it didn't interfere with their duties he saw no harm in it. He respected both his superiors, and Adam knew, well hoped, they recalled that he did.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]


Adam had been asking if it were okay for him to take certain people with him on the potential mission. The names he threw out were all good people and Kai had no problem with Kingston taking any of them. In fact, this reaffirmed Kai's decision to select him to lead this mission. He knew that Adam had the desire to do these sorts of missions, but he could also be trusted to not overstep his boundaries and not take unnecessary chances with the people under his command.

When he asked Kai about what zh'Wann and Akoni would be doing, Adam had clearly caught him off guard. The truth of the matter being, it was none of Kingston's business.

"Deputy zh'Wann and I will have other duties to attend to...unless you feel like you need one of us supervise you?"

Kai had mentioned Adam feeling he might need supervision, even though he knew that Adam wouldn't feel that need at all. He said it mostly as a joke and partially to dissuade Kingston from asking questions that Kai didn't need to answer.

Kai listened to the man, to no surprise, deny the fact that he needed supervision. The large man started laughing near the end of the answer that came out of Kingston's mouth. He tried to hold his laughter in as long as he could, but couldn't hold it any longer.

"Once again, this mission may not even come to fruition, but I wanted you to be prepared in case it is needed." he paused to give Adam time to say anything, but when nothing was said, he continued "If there's nothing else, I have to get back to my paperwork..unfortunately".

The large man proceeded to finish his coffee and then looked at Adam to see if the man had anything else to talk about before he left him to his lunch.

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Security Center, Lounge | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @trevorvw

"Deputy zh'Wann and I will have other duties to attend to...unless you feel like you need one of us supervise you?"

Okay, that peaked Adam's interest and slowly raised one eyebrow. The Chief got defensive real quick, clearly Akoni misunderstood what Adam was asking and now had received some juicy gossip but knew better to ask about it, especially when it was about the person or persons he was currently talking to. He coughed to cover his social harpy and clarified. "So you and Deputy zh'Wann aren't coming down to Aldea to partake in the fun?" He asked then continued, "of course I don't need you or the Deputy babysitting me, I'm a big boy now," he laughed to show it was a jest then continued.

"But I was under the impression you were placing the whole- well majority of -the department on assisting the Aldeans with their-- What's the word I'm looking for..." Adam glanced down then back up. "Policing I guess? So I'll take Rivard, Vansen and Tucker with me unless you have other orders for them?"

Adam grinned as another thought came to him. "We can use our exosuits under Aldean attire right?" He asked hopeful.


OOC: Locked at the request of trevorvw since he has no time to continue this.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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