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Topic: Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Between Abductees (Read 2891 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Between Abductees

MARCH 12, 2381
1230 HRS.

[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix  
On the very same day as the Savi attacked the Theurgy, Ives had a visitor from the Kzinti, of all people. A defector unheard, who'd ended up on the ship after the battle at Starbase 84. Since then, with the Kzinti thread being taken quite seriously, a lot had happened. This was putting it very mildly too, and especially for the defector.

"Enter," Ives called, being in his male form at the time after the memorial service had been held. That was about two hours ago, and he had no means of knowing if the - now - former Kzin had heard or seen the shipwide broadcast from the new memorial terrace above the Arboretum. He rose from his chair and walked to meet the man. The quite human man, as it was, barring the tail.

"Proprietor," said Ives, and raised his hand to shake Deacon's. "I would suspect the Kzinti won't wait, despite how misfortune came our way. Stopped you and me both. At least the Borg threat could be averted, even if the cost was high. My condolences. Is there ought I can do for you?"

Of course Ives knew about K'Ren and his fate, and their loss at the hands of the Savi.

"Oh, and as sorry as I might be that I never got to meet my former First Officer again aboard the Versant..." he said next, frowning at the thought of Commander Nerina, and the unfortunate development at Niga that put her in stasis - only to be abducted out of that very chamber because of her hybrid blood. Now, they would never meet again. "...I was equally pleased when I heard she got to wed you and Ensign K'Ren - bringing some joy to an otherwise bleak situation."

Jien gave the Proprietor a faint smile, for it was time to look ahead.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #1
[ Deacon | En route to CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Deacon had to admit that there was some trepidation at the back of his mind as he headed towards the transporter room intending once more to make the jaunt to Vector 1 to meet with the captain.  While their first encounter had given him a sense of hope -- in as much as Kzinti allowed themselves such indulgences -- what had followed seemed an effort by the universe to dash such feelings in an ever increasing morass of despair.  He did not doubt the captain's sincerity, the drive to do right by those into whom so many had placed their faith and loyalty.  Deacon would not have done the same had he any doubt.

But he felt less himself now, and with it, a touch removed from his former bravado.  It was a passing phase he hoped.  Somehow he would come to grips with this violation of self and be better for it.  The Fanged God never challenged his faithful beyond their capacity.  It was a mantra he found himself muttering far more frequently of late, to himself, and to others.  In that, at least, there was some burgeoning sense of camaraderie with the rest of this alien pack.

He also regretted that he'd not had time to prepare a proper gift for the patriarch.  Since their return to the ship, he'd found himself distracted both in detailing the diminished supplies left to the lounge thanks in part to their renegade status preventing regular stocking, and also to the repeated holes punched into their storage holds from one assault after another.  K'Ren's recovery, as well, remained in the forefront of his thoughts, striving to find the difficult balance of fussing over her well-being post surgery and giving her independence.  It was taxing and quite contrary to his upbringing, but there were cultural expectations of him here that he had not been taught growing up, and secondary exposure was instructional but hardly preparatory.


The door slid open to reveal the captain's office, what he believes the others referred to as the Ready Room, although he was uncertain as to the point of the terminology.  "Patr... captain," he corrected himself, holding out the small plate with a neatly layered sandwich cut into quarters, a large, sectioned pickle placed to the side.  "We did not have much left in reserves," he stated by way of apology.  "It is fortunate that we have been able to dock."

"Proprietor, I would suspect the Kzinti won't wait, despite how misfortune came our way. Stopped you and me both. At least the Borg threat could be averted, even if the cost was high. My condolences. Is there ought I can do for you?"

Deacon paused, his mouth part way open.  It was an unexpected offer, that the Patriarch would expressly offer anything, even to a Black Priest.  His gaze shifted to the side for a moment.  During their abduction, he had hoped that his report had been secured by the Orion lieutenant that had been assisting him, but truth be told, the captain had hardly been in any reasonable position to receive the report and Deacon equally ill equipped to ensure its delivery.

"Oh, and as sorry as I might be that I never got to meet my former First Officer again aboard the Versant," Ives continued, "I was equally pleased when I heard she got to wed you and Ensign K'Ren - bringing some joy to an otherwise bleak situation."

The smile that came to the captain's lips still set Deacon partially on edge.  Smiles were a Human thing, but the baring of teeth was distinctly a hostile sign among KZinti.  Take a bracing breath, he reassured himself that the former remained true. "The commander was considerate in that regard," he said, genuinely thankful for her willingness to officiate given the dire circumstances.  "K'Ren and I had undergone a private devotion prior to the Savi arrival.  In light of our abduction, we felt it necessary to make such declarations public.  It has made for some paperwork since our return."  Humans often insisted that humor could off set awkward moments and this felt quite awkward.  "I expect the Quartermaster would give me his duties just to be rid of me."  He did not mean to gloss over the loss of Commander Nerina, but death was not a topic that Kzinti felt comfortable discussing, ironically.  Murder?  Hunting?  Absolutely.  But death brought with it the prospect of haunting, ghosts, the lingering spirits of others who should find their way to the Eternal Hunt yet clinging to the mortal coil, and dwelling on such affairs was leaving the door open for such things.  Kzinti, in their own way, were an overly suspicious lot, and even given his own studies into the religious beliefs of other races, it was just as difficult to overcome the beliefs of his people.

"Was Lt. Zeshryr..." he said, uncertain if he'd remembered her name as clearly as her green skin, "able to submit the report?"

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #2
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix 
At the question of the fate of Deacon's work, Ives didn't have any uplifting news.

"Unless you're already aware, Lieutenant Zeshryr perished at the third rendezvous point, killed in action against Admiral Sankolov's fleet before the Theurgy could reintegrate and escape the area. She will not be able to continue working with you in compiling the tactical data about the Kzinti's forces and war plans. That being said, even though the Savi got into our computer systems and obtained all the data they wished, they left the work you compiled intact on A'vura's PADD. It was discovered only yesterday, now that the dust has settled."

Having said this, Ives moved towards his desk and picked up the PADD in question, and with a flick of his finger, he transferred the contents to the viewport overlooking Aldea. The phosphors in the transparent metal window shifted and made it a viewscreen, and all the LCARS data filled it.

"Looking at the time-stamps of the progress, it would appear that the Lieutenant continued to arrange the intel you provided in an easily accessible way after we were abducted. It's difficult for me to tell, but I think she managed quite well. I do think you need to finish what you began, however, with the help of someone else in Tactical."

Jien handed the PADD over to Deacon to let him scroll through the categories of forces and numbers listed, as well as the coordinates of Kzinti bases, refineries and depots. Supply lines were there as well, along with the consecutive phases of the invasion that was being planned.

"How many more days do you need?"

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #3
[ Deacon | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

"Death follows the Pride too closely," he commented under his breath, gaze cast down to the deck at his feet.  Would that he could say it under better circumstance, but in a matter of a minute, he had now been appraised of two having fallen.  Bad enough had they been distant members of the crew, but these were two with whom he had worked and felt he owed a certain level of gratitude.  Lifting his eyes to the display, he persed his lips until they nearly disappeared into thin, bloodless strips.  He was as much frustrated with her death as he was that he could scarcely recall her features, aside from her green skin.

He released a sigh inspired part from disappointment and part from inconvenience, regarding the highlights against his own memory of his recounting.  "An hour, perhaps two," he replied after some consideration, his curiously British accent far more readily apparent in his voice.  "Primarily to proof read everything.  There weren't many details left to document.  Let us hope we don't run into anymore misguided racial purists while I do that."

There was a protracted moment of silence.  Deacon was lost in his own thoughts, wishing to say more things than he could reasonably coordinate with his voice until training and practice took the lead.  "Captain, I ... realize there is no Starfleet counterpart for what I am, but it is the job of a Black Priest to ensure the health and well being of the Pride, and first among them, the Patriarch."  Focusing his blue eyes on the captain's male features, he dared to continue, doing his utmost to measure his words, "I cannot and would not compel you to speak of things you do not wish to speak.  But, you were... separated from us for a long time on the Versant."

Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders, placing his hands behind his back in an effort to assume a stance he had so often seen the crew take before superior officers.  "If you wish an ear, ever, you need only ask, captain."  In his own experience, opportunities of confidence did not often exist with the ranks.  Lower officers might scheme or use knowledge of such things to better their own positions or lead to disrespect and discontent among those who should be commanded.  Deacon was distinctly outside the chain of command.  He did not necessarily expect that the captain would become an unrestrained fount of disclosure and insecurities, but he needed to make sure that the captain knew that he need not stand alone and self-consulting, whatever the result.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #4
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix 
Hearing that the Kzin had nearly been finished with his report on his people's plans of invasion by the time the Savi attacked them, Jien could but chuckle and nod, agreeing with the new Proprietor of Below Decks. "Let's indeed do so. You can borrow the conference lounge again, since it is available this afternoon last I checked. Depending on the contents, we might ask you for additional information over time, so it might not be that you're finished so soon. If anything, I reckon that the Senior Staff may have some questions."

During the interim of silence, Jien walked back to his seat at the desk, and by the time he was seated again, Deacon had begun to speak of the Savi ship and the experience they shared. The Kzin was clearly concerned on Ives' behalf. The query stirred... images from Jien's memories, none of them pleasant. The offer had it's share of facets, of course, in terms of counselling and the question of confidentiality. Could the Kzin be trusted to speak with about those experiences? Perhaps, perhaps not, but either way, the former Priest had fought to liberate Jien from the Scion's Nest, so after a couple of moments of thought, he spoke.

"Being a Chameloid, my nervous system is merely an imitation of that of a Human's. While emulating forms if a part of my nature, I do have the control to adjust such things. It would not serve me to have fully developed pain receptors, and this served in my favour while I was imprisoned. What might have left most Humans broken, has left me with disturbed dreams... and loathing of darkness."

It may have been an understatement, since the darkness and the sounds of the Scion's Nest would likely stay with Jien for the rest of his life. The gleam of chitin, the clicking voice, and the terrible intelligence of his tormentor. The degrading acts, and the sadism of an Infested... oh, but it would linger.

"Thank you for your concern, however. It is well appreciated." Jien smiled faintly despite the topic of discussion, and the memories that had been stirred. "Compared to yours, my fate at the hands of Semathal qi Versant was a mild one, I'd say. Then again, it may be my own nature speaking, finding your solid states a matter of great wonder as well as a source of concern on your behalves."

Jien paused, before asking what would come next for Deacon. "Have you considered the offer that the Savi android has made?"

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #5
[ Deacon | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Deacon listened respectfully, quietly.  Whether Ives had disclosed the whole of the matter or not, he had chosen to disclose something, and that gave Deacon a sense of purpose, a tenuous grip on what he'd been.  It warmed him and gave him strength in a way that mere words and platitudes could not.  It was a feeling of trust, even a small one, and he would not forget it.  Bowing his head at the end of the admission, he had but one thing to add.  "I cannot speak of what you experienced in the darkness, but your people came for you in that same darkness."

He narrowed his eyes, his tone momentarily predatory, "And we killed that which held you captive.  The Patriarch gives strength to the Pride... and from the Pride, endurance.  Support.  I have not know you long, captain, but I recognize the unfailing loyalty you evoke from those around you."  He straightened himself, tilting his head slightly giving the faint impression of a smile even though such an expression yet eluded him.  "Afterall, I gave you my oath, did I not?"

"Have you considered the offer that the Savi android has made?"

At this, his expression soured notably, the cocky half-smirk drawing up into his lips, the corners of his mouth pulled tight.  "Hrn... the artificial Savi."  He was quiet again for a moment, as if assembling thoughts that had been jotted various corners of his mind but not fully compiled.  "It was... helpful when K'Ren was injured, and you have given it a place among the crew..." he began, his tone more practical than optimistic, his lack of labeling V-Nine by her indicated gender more inline with his tendency to refer to Thea by her full name than any intended disrespect.  "Since arriving, so much of my life has been upended -- more than I could have ever anticipated.  My position, my citizenship, these I suppose I expected.  Even returning to my hybrid status... I suppose even that wasn't surprising in the end.  But now..." his voice trailed off as he stared at the back of his hand, discernible from any other human hand only by the sharpened, claw like nails that tipped his fingers.

Shaking his head, a deep breath escaping his lips, he added, "K'Ren and I have decided to ... stabilize our lives as they are now.  For all I know, I could go to sleep a human and wake up a targ at this rate."  His gaze had once again wandered towards the decking, but it rose once again.  "No.  If this is what I am, then I will come to terms with whatever... whatever this is."

He straightened his shoulders once more, taking another bracing breath.  "Which... brings me to a request."

"On homeworld, I am sure you can imagine the rather... singular bias by which I learned about humanity.  I... only remember bits and pieces of what my father once told me, but that was a lifetime ago.  I would ask your permission to attend a... what was the word?... a university, but I know that we don't have such opportunities under the circumstance.  And..." he held up his hands as if to emulate holding a phaser, "I speak seventeen languages and yet I find my skills and talents somewhat lacking.  I thought, perhaps some... practical training?"  In truth, what he wanted was anything, everything to help distract him from his own wandering mind.  Dwelling on that which troubled him could only lead to a darker place and he wanted and needed to feel useful.  He was not Starfleet and so was already at a marked disadvantage.  Simultaneously, he was barely Kzinti, so what he had relied on growing up was no longer so reliable an option.  If he was to survive this new stage of life, he would need new skills.  In this moment, the dichotomy of his nature was revealed, the careful facade of the Black Priest giving way to the youth needing guidance himself.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #6
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix 
While Jien wasn't entirely convinced that he invoked the same degree of loyalty that Deacon spoke of - having lived through Vasser''s mutiny - he still appreciated the sentiment with a faint smile an by inclining his head. Memories of the battle in the Scion's Nest surfaced for Jien, when the near-human spoke of how Semathal qi Versant had perished at the hands of those who rescued him - Deacon being one of those among them. Many had died, but the survivors had lived to see Heather restored to life by the Voice.

Echtand, who allegedly gave his life to restore the Savi to what they used to be. Mere clandestine explorers. Watchers and scientists, who meant no harm. Hard to believe given what the Theurgy crew had lived through when the Scions led the species as a ruling caste.

It seemed Deacon harboured some distrust towards the Savi android, and Jien could hardly blame him because of what had happened to his pregnant wife. The Lone Wolf from the Resolve. Hopefully, the two would have another chance at happiness. Moreover, they had accepted their new appearances and bodies, and while Jien said naught in comment - the question having been a mere idle one - he knew that if they changed their mind, V-Nine would no doubt readily assist them.

The request might not have been expected, but it was something not difficult to arrange.

"Thea, could you join us, please?" he said and stepped away from Deacon.

[Aye, Captain. A moment.]

There was a shimmer in the air of the ready room, and Thea materialised, likely having used a site-to-site transport for her mobile emitter. She stood there with her hands folded behind her back, shoulders squared, and looked towards Ives when he went to sit by his desk. "How can I assist?"

"Proprietor Deacon here wishes to learn more about the Federation and Starfleet, and not just in terms of protocol, but culture and social customs as well. This is something you could help him with, isn't it? Be it through the intercom and your database. Do you have any such features in your original programming?"

"I do, and I still have access to those," she said with a smile and looked towards Deacon. "I have been programmed with a multitude of instructional courses that covers these topics, so I am indeed able to help in that regard. You can start whenever you wish, and I will provide the data verbally as well as in written form, as long as you keep a PADD of your choosing linked to my database. Will this suffice?"

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #7
[ Deacon | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Deacon inclined his head to Theurgy as she manifested.  He supposed it made sense that she would be the one to offer such opportunities but presenting it to the Captain seemed appropriate rather than usurping a potentially vital resource for a personal desire.  "Y-yes," he said, inclining his head again, "thank you, Captain.  Theurgy."  He still couldn't bring himself to shorten her name.  As he understood it, she was the ship, in sum and total, and her form was aught more than an intellectual choice.  The familiarity of calling her 'Thea' was very alien to him.  Perhaps this was one of those things he might learn about humanity.

"I wouldn't be averse to... publicizing some sessions," he then added.  "There are others not of the Federation who might benefit such explorations.  And conversations between averse viewpoints are often as instructional as..." he paused, realizing he was hijacking what was, in effect, a favor.  "That is, if you don't mind," he added flexing his hand towards Thea and in part towards Ives as well, unsure as to whose consent would be necessary at this point.  "It need not be all.  Self-study is more than kind."

This would certainly alleviate his intellectual needs.  He was certain Theurgy would have access to a wide variety of topics he might find interesting -- he would need to remind himself, of course, that this was an effort to counter educational biases he'd endured as a child and not merely an excuse to delve into Iconian archaeology or the derivative phonetics of Golic and Rihannsu, but he certainly wouldn't deny himself such opportunities should they present.  Some topics were enjoyable as they were.  "If... if you have an itinerary of introductory topics, I would be eager to review them."  Admittedly, not here.  He would certainly not waste the Captain's time as he picked among topics to educate himself.  But, there was the other half of the question, not yet addressed.

"The doctors have advised that I will require some physical therapy.  While I am pleased to have my claws back to some degree, my comparative... inadequacies during our most recent fire fights lead me to ask about more Starfleet... more practical... methods of combat."  His gaze shifted from Ives to Thea and back once more.  "Is that something I may learn as well?"  The question was caught between a request for permission and an inquiry of appropriateness -- could Thea teach him such things or would this require more hands-on training?  "I will memorize and adhere to all regulations regarding weaponry," he said, uncertain of such a statement was necessary, given his understanding of ship-wide protocol on the matter.  But still it bore affirming.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #8
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix @Sqweloookle 
The requests were not so odd, and most of them well within scope of what the down-time at Aldea would allow.

"Please, call me Thea," said the A.I. interface while Jien had gone to seat himself by the desk. Thea was well able to speak for herself and answer his queries.

"While I may not arrange for group sessions, feel free to arrange for such if that's in your personal interest to do so. My curriculum and material is made for intercom and PADD usage, and both may be utilised either individually or in a group. I would believe you could use either of the two holosuites in Below Decks to host these sessions, correct?" she asked with a smile, her hands folded behind her back and keeping her shoulders squared while she answered.

"As for weaponry and combat training, while I do have a modicum of material, it's all for theoretical learning. I think you ought to speak with the Security Department, and specifically the Master-at-Arms, who can provide better better tuition and guidance. Junior Lieutenant Kingston is, after all, the one who trains the Non-Commissioned Officers in Security."

Ives spoke up next, addressing the weaponry issue. "We have had mutinies aboard, so weaponry use is restricted to Starfleet personnel only, in the line of duty. I am afraid that even with a qualification in terms of phaser or other weaponry usage, you would only be granted access to such weapons in case of an emergency. All weapon lockers aboard require an authorisation to open, and your clearance would be registered when used. Abuse of such a clearance would quickly lead to have your clearance withdrawn. The Master-at-Arms is the one to grant you this authorisation, and this only when you can adequately handle the armament available."

"Shall I inform Kingston of your interest in weaponry and combat training? I am unaware how available he is for such sessions, but it wouldn't hurt to ask." Thea waited for Deacons answer before looking at Ives. "Was that all?"

"Yes, thank you Thea." Having said as much, the A.I, projection vanished from the Ready Room. Jien gave the former Kzin a faint smile and changed... to her female form. "Thank you for stopping by, and good luck with compiling the last of the data. I will speak with you at a later time, Proprietor."

OOC: One last from you? :)


Re: Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #9
[ Deacon | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Deacon looked from Ives to Thea.  "Th... Thea," he said with a look of apprehension.  True, it was not uncommon for Kzin to acquire new names as they gained renown for the Patriarch, but humans had a tendency to overly familiarize one's name in such a way as to diminish the significance.  And though the AI could select such an identity for itself, it still sat somewhat uneasily with Deacon who still struggled between identifying himself by his Kzinti name or the Human name given to him at birth.  He'd still not quite found a comfortable answer, merging them only by matter of convenience when forced to.

"Yes, thank you.  Perhaps a schedule of.. symposiums?  Lectures?" he considered in response to Thea's recommendation of using the holosuites.  Would save him time in transit and give him a modicum of comfort and control, both of which he could appreciate.

In response to the matter of weaponry, he nodded quietly as Thea offered an alternative to her own more theoretical lessons and Ives, in turn, gave a basic rundown of weapons protocols aboard ship.  "Yes, captain.  Only in defense of the pride... crew," he acknowledged with a nod, "and only with the appropriate authority.  Thank you."  Turning his attention back to Thea, he added, "And you.  Yes, please, at Master Kingston's convenience, of course."

As Thea departed and Ives assumed her feminine form, Deacon knew that the time for their session had come to a close, still, as he parted, he paused, indulging himself once more.  "Captain," he said over his shoulder, his voice constrained once more to his more practiced tone, "Klingons and Kzinti share several things in common, and an appreciation for recognition is high among them.  I am familiar with several Klingon delicacies and no doubt, some appropriate ingredients can be located planetside without minimal fuss.  May I recommend a... Glorious Feast... as they might say?  I can arrange something suitably diplomatic for the Chancellor and his men, if you wish.  Just let me know.  And I'll look into the quality of the local gagh just in case."

With that, he inclined his head and stepped out, pulling up the unfinished report on his people and taking a sigh as he reviewed the details and the gaps yet to be completed...

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Between Abductees

Reply #10
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix 
The former Kzin made a great suggestion to strengthen the ties with the Klingon Empire before he parted, to which Captain Ives inclined her head in parting.

"I will let you know when and if this is an option, and I will make sure that you are made aware in reasonable time to prepare such a feast. As of the moment, I am unaware when or if the High Chancellor will be available to visit the Theurgy."

Privately, Ives wondered if inviting Martok aboard was a good idea so soon after the battle with the Rotarran, in which they had lost many crewmembers to Martok's cunning tactics. At some point, they would have to cross that bridge, but the question was whether it was too early.

Once more, Ives regretted having been abducted by the Savi, for yet more reasons than the direct ones. He believed he would have been able to convince Martok that the Theurgy held no blame in the death of Drex, but of course... nothing was certain. Wenn Cinn had done his best, and pulled through - bringing the Theurgy out of harms way in a tactical retreat.

I hope you are with the Prophets now, old comrade.


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