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Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Stardate 57564.2
Friday March 13
1410 hrs

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex  ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

After getting some sleep and a regular amount of food, Thomas stepped out of the sonic shower at the gym. He had done his daily routine of maintaining his muscle mass and while he had been training he had wondered if he would reach out to Dewitt. Their short intermezzo before the Battle of the Apertures had left him with a hunger for more knowledge about how command figures worked. It was of importance to know how he could more effectively fulfill his job.

After having asked Thea where he could possibly find Jennifer Dewitt, Thomas had been given the answer that she was currently in a shop located in the shipyards. Thomas changed into a standard issue uniform before making his way back into the bustling shipyard. He relied on Thea to give directions and he enjoyed the forty minute walk to the tailorshop while taking in the sights of the Aldean Office Complex. The art here was sometimes impressive, yet to little interest to the pilot.

Eventually he arrived at a rather large tailor shop called L'Alde, it seemed like it specialized in Aldean clothing, more specifically chlamys. He browsed through the window to the various articles before entering the store, after having Thea confirm that Dewitt was here. Besides the hunger to learn more about commanding, Thomas still had a question for Dewitt. He wasn't aware of the events that led up to the so to speak coup aboard vector 01. Yet Dewitt had never told him about it either, he was curious why she hadn't and would confront her with it when given the chance.

The store looked empty at first sight. Colorful chlamys all around him with various attributes and items that could be used to decorate or suit them when worn. Thomas silently perused through the wears, hoping someone would come into the shop to greet him. Methodically he walked through the rows of clothing and items, only to realize that Dewitt wasn't exactly here. He wondered where the red haired woman would have gone too, his eyes glancing over the changing booths before he looked towards the counter. It also had a door leading to the back and thus Thomas walked over to it "Anyone home? Jennifer?" he called out, waiting a few more seconds to hear if anyone would reply or not.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
Fascinating, how salespeople of different species were so unlike, even if their common denominator was... greed, Dewitt supposed. The Federation did not deal with wealth in quite the same way, but she found that - sometimes - it was the craft of the trade itself that encouraged the kind of enthusiasm that the seamstress demonstrated.

Since the thirty minutes that Dewitt had entered the tailor shop, the elderly Aldean had barely breathed between the words of her hushed prattle. During the time, she'd been speaking about everything ranging from Klingon men to the delicate handiwork of the stone buttons which came from the far side of the barren planet of Aldea, segued through the topic of pastries, of all things! And through it all, Dewitt had been standing on a raised little platform in the back room, with barely any clothing at all, and being smothered with measuring tape and compliments on her figure. At that point, she was unsure if it had been the order of a top tier chlamys or the measurements of her body that had invoked such unbridled enthusiasm. On top of it all, Dewitt decided that there had to be some interesting story behind the lady L'Alde, because what kind of seamstress had gained the security clearance to work in a facility such as the drydocks? She had been meaning to ask, but she just couldn't get a word in edge-wise.

That's when the voice from the front of the tailor shop came, and the seamstress was just about to go shoo the male away before he entered the back door... but Dewitt heard her name and thought she might recognise that voice.

"Who is it?" she called, finally being able to say something, and when the answer came, she raised her eyebrows, knowing very well indeed who it was. "Let him in."

L'Alde's eyes darted to Dewitt's bare chest and thin knickers, before a knowing smile settled on her wrinkled face. "Very well then, I have the measurements I need so I will be picking out fabrics for you, dear."

The lady scurried out and mumbled something to the Wolf in her shop before she vanished into the aisles of cloth-rolls. Dewitt just stood there, her hands on her hips while she waited for Thomas Ravon to enter the back room. "On a first name basis, are we?" she said ruefully, not making any motions to cover herself up. Still smiling she raised her chin. "Just because we fucked doesn't mean you know me, Wolf. Is anything amiss?"

Already, in her confidence, she owned the scene more with her presence and her stare than with the lesser strength of her body. Dealing with politicans for two days straight had sharpened her rhetorics and cunning when it came to asserting her dominance in a room.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #2
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

There had been some stumbling emanating from the back room and the pilot was about to go investigate himself before he heard Dewitt's voice call out "Who is it?" Thomas halted his advance and replied "Thomas Ravon." It took another few moments before a woman, presumably the owner of the shop came out of the backroom door. She mumbled something to Thomas, yet the pilot couldn't quite get what she said. His eyes following her as she vanished into one of the aisles. The eyes of the pilot returning to the door as he walked to it and pushed it open.

When Ravon entered the back room he was surprised to see Dewitt in her current state of undress. Her torso bared and her groin covered up by a pair of thin knickers that would leave little to the imagination. For a moment Thomas thought how any other guy would've reacted to her presence like this, he was used to nudity and simply glanced her over before chuckling at her words. If anything Jennifer knew exactly how to push her thumb down on a certain spot and use it to her advantage. It was almost a virtue he would get jealous about.

"Nothing amiss... Miss Dewitt." he answered, adding the more official title to her name as a response of her rueful remark "I had some downtime and I wanted to find you. I was curious if the offer still stands about teaching me more about command." he said as he moved himself further in the room and came to a stop by a table which had most of the seamstress' measuring type and needles "I won't say I truly know you, not after we've... As you so colorfully described it 'fucked', yet I wouldn't mind getting to know you a bit better. " he stated.

The eyes of the wolf locked onto the red haired woman as he crossed his arms "Or shall I return on a more convenient timing?" he asked her with a stern look on his own face. He wasn't about to roll over for her as she literally had the high ground and was clearly in charge of the situation "Besides, I have another related question since the last time we spoke."

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
The Wolf had come for seconds, having found the first taste of her lessons palatable. Dewitt couldn't help but wonder if it was the methodology applied to the first lesson's curriculum that made him come back, but she just smirked at his words, remaining where she stood with her hands on her hips.

"Well, if you want more sex, this might not be the most opportune time, obviously," she said and stepped down from the raised little platform, ambling towards Ravon where he stood by the table. "If you can settle for a more... theoretical lesson, I might have some ideas for that, but pray tell, what is this question you have for me?"

Reaching Ravon, she stopped well within his personal space, her chest not quite touching his as she looked up into his eyes. She still had her hands on her hips. She was teaching him the second lesson already, even though he might not know it yet. The means in which she filled the room with her presence, commanded attention, and remained in control.

The difference, for him, was that he might have to use other tools available to him than she did. She had her assets, and he had his. She would just have to tell him what might work in his regard.

In the front of the tailor shop, one could hear the seamstress singing faintly as she browsed her rolls of cloth and picked out material for Dewitt's chlamys.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #4
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Thomas couldn't help but scoff and laugh as Dewitt was rather open if not blunt about things. Openly asking about wanting more sex, the wolf couldn't help it but to reply "Why I would beg to differ... You're already almost naked." he stated as his eyes flicked over her body as she came to stand well within his personal space. A natural instinct would've been to back up from the red haired commander, though this had been drilled out of Thomas back at the academy. He stood his ground and studied Jennifer's facial features as he waited for his question. Simply observing her and the way she seemed to be setting the situation to her hand.

In the back the seamstress was heard yet the silence between the two was palpable for a few seconds "You never told me about the situation on the bridge when we first met. I can't help but wonder why?" he asked her, his voice clear and his eyes now looking back into Dewitt's eyes. He broadened his shoulders, changing posture to a more intimidating posture in reaction to her invasion of personal space. By doing so his chest came to brush against her breasts, yet the pilot simply maintained eye contact.

Thomas was well aware that this might change the entire dynamic between them, though he wanted clarity. Did she have a reason to hold back the information about deposing Trent or were there ulterior motives for it?

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
When the damn fighter pilot - likely consciously - shifted his stance enough to brush the chest of his uniform against the peaks of her breasts, Jennifer adamantly suppressed the slight shiver that ran up her spine. She tried to keep her face neutral too, focusing on his eyes alone, and she managed to just stay still and let her hands hang loosely at her sides. It certainly hadn't helped with Ravon pointing out that she was already fairly naked and ready for sex if he asked for it. Truthfully, if the seamstress couldn't return at any point in time, she might have done something... even if it would have tipped the control of the situation in the pilot's favour.

The question, at last, was the expected one, and she'd already given it some thought after they parted last. She hadn't expected it to come up in that particular fashion, but she smiled nonetheless to him.

"I am asking myself now... if you want the answer to be that I withheld that from you so that I could have sex with you... or if you'd rather want me to answer that my silence on the topic had nothing to do with that - that I just found you dashing? Knowing what you want the answer to be is a part of the first lesson I taught you, remember? What would you want me to say?"

Standing there, she slowly lifted a hand... to the front of his uniform trousers, and slowly unzipped them. She made no further advances, besides tilting her head a little bit and giving him a quiet smile. If he was going to stand his ground and remain impassive, she was going to make it a bit difficult for him. "Knowing what you want, however, is merely a part of the curriculum. The truth of the matter is, the event had not been fully investigated yet, and my guilt or innocence in doing what I did yet to be established. It was not until Captain Ives came aboard that Commander Trent was demoted for what he did and a new First Officer chosen."

Quietly, mischievously, Dewitt ran the back of her fingers against the opening in his trousers. "So you see, what was I supposed to tell you?" she asked quietly and looked towards his lips. "Was I guilty of fault? Was I not? All I knew was that I had been given the assignment to command the Allegiant, and that made our paths cross..."

The seamstress was singing still, and she was heard far away at the front of the shop, so Dewitt raised her eyes to Thomas... and slowly slipped her hand inside his trousers through the opening. "Something I certainly don't regret. You took well care of me, before the battle... and during it."

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #6
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Ravon had posed the question that had lingered in his mind for a few days now since their original meeting. The deposition of Trent had been a thing that was widely known now across the ship. Rather Dewitt was in the right or wrong about it was a side issue. Thomas wanted to know why she didn't inform it in the first place. Did she feel like she was in the wrong or did she simply fear the reaction of him? Alternatively, it would grant some insight in Dewitt's thought pattern.

The red haired woman easily boomeranged the original question to Ravon and the pilot couldn't help but laugh softly. She threw the first lesson back to him and Thomas gave it some thought as he was pretty convinced that he knew what he wanted to know from her. The actions of Jennifer however were unforeseeable at best. The pilot remained impassive as he felt the hand of the woman against his uniform trousers and his eyes didn't even dart downwards to see what she was doing. After he heard his zipper being opened Dewitt continued with the truth of the matter according to her.

Regardless of his posture and outward coolness, Ravon couldn't help but feel his heartbeat accelerate at the touch of Jennifer's fingers. The way she teased the opened trousers with the back of her fingers before she slipped her fingers in. She'd find his arousal growing as the feeling of a woman's touch wasn't easily ignored. Thomas remained on his spot as he could feel a shiver run down his spine as well, the seamstress still distant.

His eyes locked with Jennifer's as his lips curled into a grin "Tell me Jennifer... You scold me for calling you out by first name, telling me I don't know you. Which I can relate too." he said with a calm voice, playing this intricate game along "Though here you are hand deep in my trousers." he pointed out to her as his hand reached up and ran over her forearm. Whether he enjoyed it or not, he didn't mention before he continued to the original question he had posed.

"Regardless of your actions being legitimate or false by deposing Trent, I frankly wouldn't have cared when we first met. I just would've appreciated a heads up about it." Thomas said as his eyes peered into Dewitt's, his other hands slowly rising up as it made contact with her hip, tracing his fingers over the fabric of her underwear before his index and middle finger hooked onto the fabric by her thighs "Sure it would risk any further interaction with me or perhaps it wouldn't have changed the outcome. I do however prefer to be kept informed." his fingers tugged lightly against the fabric as he forced the panties down slowly before they'd drop to her ankles by the forces of gravity.

"As for my efforts before and during the battle..." his hand trailed up her inner thighs yet stopped from touching her further "It was my pleasure and I'm glad you were satisfied with the provided services." he smiled as his legs tensed up to remain his posture while Dewitt teased.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
The admonition towards her silence about her actions, however playful in current context, did not go Dewitt amiss, much less the way he shed the last piece of cloth that covered her. A cheshire smile came to her at his boldness, but she made no move to hurriedly pull her panties up again. That would cede the control of the situation over to him. Instead, she acted as if it had been her plan all along, to sufficiently entice him to the point where he can't stop himself from wanting her. Instead, she carefully listened to the singing of the seamstress, making sure she was still far off in the front of the tailor shop.

"Funny. Before the battle, you struck me as the kind of man who could have sex without emotional attachment," she said in answer to his first comment. "After all, you didn't even know I committed mutiny before you fucked me, so you had no idea who I am. I stand up for what is right,  Commander Ravon, and put the mission and the survival of the crew over the flaws of a mere man in the wrong position."

She tilted her head the other way, their lips mere inches apart, and their breaths mixing between them. She suppressed the shiver that his touch rendered, holding his stare with her own. "Either way..." she said, and coaxed his hardened member out of his trousers with a twist of her wrist, "this is the second time I prove that my ability to make you hard doesn't mean you know who I am."

Dewitt gave him a playful little grin, and ran her nails up the underside of his member - teasing him with the slow movement. "Tell me... Do you always tell the women you sleep with about every little transgression you've made? Do you stop them and call 'wait, wait, you should know I was blamed to have attempted raping a fellow fighter pilot!'." Saying this, she chuckled at ridiculousness of it. She drove her point home, not bothering to tell him that he'd read up on him after their first encounter. It was plain anyway. "Funny how you didn't bother to tell me this. Just like you were proven innocent... so was I... so spare me your double standards, Commander. You are no better than me."

For emphasis, she wrapped her hand around him, and squeezed hard - beginning to stroke him in earnest... in slow but firm motions.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Her comment about him striking her as a guy who could have sex with no emotional attachment made him chuckle lightly as he shook his head slightly and looked her back in the eye. Perhaps she was right or wrong, yet his hand drew neared on her thighs fitting into the nape of her thigh as his thumb outlined the left lip of her sex with the aim to tease her even further, curious to see what kind of reaction it would bring from her.

Hearing Dewitt go on the defensive to account why she did what she did, the pilot licked his lips before he answered her "I never said that the given situation, you made a wrong call." his eyes gazing in hers "On the contrary, I think I would've done the same, though one can never be sure until faced in a situation like that." he shrugged as he turned his head slightly to get a better beat on where the seamstress was in the shop.

A slight groan escaped the wolf's lips as Jennifer dexterously coaxed his arousal out of their confines, his head quickly turning back to her as he laughed softly "Jen..." he said teasingly, using the first name and even shortening it to see if it would get under her skin or not "Any woman with  looks like yours and a hand down my trousers would get me hard regardless." he grinned as his thumb pushed in slightly more to the side, almost dipping into her sex as he restrained himself from giving in to the temptation.

Dewitt however teased on, until she opened a can of worm Thomas rather not have been reminded of. His eyes widened slightly, surprised she'd know about it before they narrowed again. The pilot remained silent as she concluded that he could spare her his double standards. A point she made quite clear as her hand wrapped around his erect state and squeezed down. A new groan elicited from the commander as he felt his muscles tense up as she began to work his length. His brain working quick to deduce she probably read up on his file, how else would she have known. Was this the point of her second lesson?

"I suppose I'm to conclude that the both of us are in the same boat in that case?" he asked her with a low tone "Not so different after all... Perhaps I do know you better than you think?" his breathing speeding up as he couldn't deny that he enjoyed what Dewitt was doing to him. His thumb finally giving in to the temptation as it dipped into the woman's sex, it ran up as deep as it could inside of her before it went to the upper half of her sex before the pilot sought out the hooded nub of the woman.

"Alternatively, like you've said before... Just because we fucked doesn't mean you know me." he quoted her "Regardless, where does this leave us?" he asked her, wondering if her view on him had changed or not.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
Unable to stop herself, Jennifer's eyelids fluttered a bit when the fighter pilot began to rub her clit with that mischievous thumb of his. Still she did not kiss him, despite how close their mouths were. Jennifer was, of course, enjoying herself and the power play between her and the other Lieutenant Commander. It seemed, obviously so, that he was enjoying himself as well. It was... hard not to notice. The fact that the seamstress was in the other room made it all the more enticing as well, this risk of being caught...

Dewitt made no comment about him perhaps knowing her better than she thought, but when he asked where that left them...

...she heard the seamstress drawing closer again.

"I don't know where that leaves me... but it will leave you exposed," she said... released his hard member, and stepped away from him. She pulled up her panties mid-step, with a rueful smile on her lips as she expected the lady L'Alde' to appear within the next moment. She looked at Ravon over her shoulder, him likely having a lot more difficulty concealing what had been going on than she did. It was a source of great amusement, prevailing over the newly minted Commander and teaching him some tactics along the way.

"Miss Dewitt," called the seamstress, but she did not actually enter the room, "I did not find the cloth for the inner layer in the shop, so I am going to see what I have in stock. It might be a couple of minutes, dear."

Hearing this, Dewitt answered automatically, but her eyebrows climbed a bit just as her smile lingered. "Of course, take your time. I am in no hurry at all." The seamstress could be heard leaving through a pair of sliding doors in the front of the shop, and Dewitt turned fully towards Ravon again. "Then again... it seems I was wrong."

A few seconds, walking a knife's edge. Dewitt made no motion to finish what they started, expecting him explode into action. She'd welcome it, but it would also be his loss - giving in to circumstance. She just stared at him with a grin - the chance of circumstance favouring them... if he made the move at long last.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #10
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

The seamstress was coming closer and Thomas wondered just how long Dewitt would keep this up before the seamstress came awfully close. Again, the wolf wasn't afraid to show his body, nudity an accepted thing among the wolves, he didn't care with any one else would think of it. He'd find a way to talk him out of it perhaps? Dewitt pulled back and slipped her panties up again as she ruefully smiled at him. The pilot couldn't help but grin, though made no effort to try and fuss around with hiding his hardened member. His eyes were left on the door where the seamstress would have to come through. Counting to turn around just in time to prevent the woman from being too shocked.

The words he heard from the seamstress though left him with a grin as she announced her departure to check on more fabrics in the stock. Ravon waited until the woman was gone and as Dewitt announced she seemed to be wrong Thomas still stood where he was "Well... Exposure isn't a thing I'm bothered with." he answered firstly as his eyes crossed hers. He could tell she was making no move to do anything further and he weighed his options, knowing that with Dewitt, anything was probably a test of sorts.

He stepped closer, each step making his member sway as he came closer towards her as he cocked his head slightly "I do wonder what kind of fabric she'll find for you." he whispered as he gazed over her body and bit back the instinct to pounce her "Something soft like satin, to make it feel like a second skin against yours, one that you'd love to wear all day long or perhaps a rougher fabric to keep you on edge, one that stimulates all the senses..." he whispered as he reached out and traced his thumb up to Dewitt's lips. The taste and scent of her undoubtedly present on it as he was seeing how well her self control would be. The power play an addictive game once introduced to it. Their free time to enjoy one another however ticking away with each and every second.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
A small victory, in how the man stepped forward when the seamstress left, ceding Dewitt some leverage in the situation. This was, however, mitigated by the way in which he kept himself from throwing himself at her given the opportunity. Instead, he merely raised that thumb of his to her lips, making her taste herself on the digit. Oh, but he was learning... and he even utilised a ploy to speak of the garment she was being measured for - in how the fabric would feel against her skin. Well done, Commander....

She didn't say it out loud, however. She just smiled with her green eyes, and obliged his wish by wrapping her lips around his thumb. Taking her time about it, she left him with anticipation, before she used her mouth to its full capacity, sucking hard upon the thick digit while she slowly pulled her head back. She let his imagination run with the hinted action, before she spoke. "Either way, I'm confident she will find something 'satisfying'."

The mischievous grin she gave him lit the short distance between them, and she wondered if he was going to yield to the opportunity or not. "So, will you leave me to my business now that you've received my answer to your question, or is there ought else you wish to do before you return to your duties? I would reckon you have a couple of minutes if you had anything else on your mind."

Saying this, she put her hands on her hips and raised her chin, remaining where she stood. Of course she would not mind if he suddenly moved to finish what they'd started, fine a man as he was and more than equal to the task of pleasing her, but control was a difficult lesson, and there were no shortcuts in showing what it was about. "Either way you want to continue... it seems to me you're well aware how to seek and maintain control of a situation. In this regard... I have little more to teach you. Well done, Commander Ravon."

Jennifer tilted her head just so, the warmth in her stare belying how she found him a good listener in learning his lessons. With her head tilted, it was easy for him to claim the spoils as well, should he decide to kiss her at long last.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #12
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Dewitt seemed pleased as the used digit was brought to her lips and her smile was both enigmatic as cute to see. Her green eyes locked on his before she wrapped her lips around the thumb and sucked hard upon the digit. It served as a rather profound stimulant to the pilot, whom's erect member twitched as his mind ran over the possible things Jennifer could do with something else in her mouth. She was playing him and he knew it. She pulled her head back eventually and her comment about the seamstress finding something satisfying made him smirk.

Thomas his question had indeed been answered, perhaps not fully to his heart's content though it sufficed. Thomas took another step closer, bringing him back well into the personal bubble of Dewitt as again his manhood brushed against her leg. "Oh, I have a couple of things on my mind that I'd like to do." he answered her "Not sure if mere minutes would do the trick though." he grinned as his eyes were locked with Dewitt. She complimented him though on his ability to maintain control and the pilot gave a nod of appreciation to the woman.

It seemed this was all she could teach him and the commander pursed his lips for a second before nodding "In that case I'd like to thank you for sharing your skill with me." Dewitt had tilted her head and it seemed appropriate now to give in to the dance they were having for a while now. Slowly Ravon brought his hand to cup Dewitt's cheek before he stood on his toes to reach her. His lips connecting with hers as he gave her a kiss, his other hands slowly running down her ribcage before coming to rest against her hip, his digits slowly digging into the fabric of her underwear once more before he broke the kiss "Did you have anything specific in mind?" he teased her as he licked her lips whilst his hand lowered the fabric once more.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
The intimate dance resumed, with Ravon claiming the spoils of victory after their short little battle of wits. Jennifer raised her arms to wrap them behind Thomas' neck, kissing him in full while he removed her panties once more. He seemed keen on finishing what they had started, judging both by his words as well as the way he brushed against her leg. There was little time, and yet he was so polite about his wishes. To his credit, for sure, since Jennifer sensed that he respected her not just as a fellow officer, but as a woman. He did not wish to take advantage of her, or do something without her consent. Was this a lesson learned after the accusations towards his actions against Lieutenant Rawley?

"No," she said against his lips, her green eyes slitted as she answered his question about if she had anything specific in mind. "Just fuck me already, and hard."

With little time to spare, and her own needs mounting, she wanted naught more than the wolf savaging her before the seamstress returned. There was no time for further foreplay. The dance of wits and needs, framed by her lesson about control, had taken them up to the point of no return. Either he left now, or he made good on his innuendoes. He was a fun lover, and if there'd been more time, she'd welcome some more dancing, but right then and there?

She just wanted him, and she felt that she wouldn't need much to be gratified as well - all the anticipation making her a bit light-headed. Thus, going from a standing position, she wrapped her legs around his waist as soon as he'd got the last piece of clothing between them off her. Hungrily, she kissed him while he had to carry her whole weight, and wanted nothing rather than him taking command - at long last.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #14
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Dewitt seemed rather aroused herself as her arms came to wrap around his neck and her lips pressed eagerly against his. Her green eyes looking as venomous as ever, a trait he quite enjoyed about the redheaded officer. Her wishes were made clear to him and the wolf couldn't help but laugh at her words as he deepened the kiss. Dewitt shifted her balance and came to wrap her legs around his waist as time was of the essence now.

Ravon kept up with her kisses, his hands supporting her by holding her by her bum, squeezing and feeling up the soft skin before he placed her down on the stand she had been on during their fun little game. He broke away from her and the lust in his eyes was evident as he licked his lips. He left Dewitt laying there for a second before he shifted his hips, his arousal slipping right into the prize he yearned for. With a hard thrust he plunged his manhood into her sex as he watched the powerful thrust ripple through her body before he set up a frantic pace. The sound of flesh being slammed against flesh filling the room as one hand came to rest on her full breast as the other covered her mouth. Allowing her to moan out if she pleased, yet preventing her to draw any attention should anyone else enter the store.

The wolf obliged to the commander's wishes as his bucks remained hard, deep and rough. He kept standing straight as he couldn't help but form a cheeky grin on his lips while he claimed the spoils. His index finger and thumb beginning to tweak with Dewitt's nipple for a few seconds before using his full hand to mold and fondle with her breast.


Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
After all the tension, the gradual buildup, the reward could not have been sweeter.

Ravon was a fun lover, and what did it matter that he had some shortcomings - rather inexperiences - when it came to his role as a Commander? He lived through the battle against the Borg cube, so for all she knew, he was a good enough in a warp fighter cockpit. Right then, it couldn't have mattered less. She wanted him for other qualifications entirely.

And as he claimed her at long last upon the podium in the tailor shop, he lived up to all her expectations. There was neither time nor wish for further foreplay. Thankfully, he covered her mouth so that her cry was stifled. Any sound she made was dampened, but that didn't stop her from digging her nails into his arms and shoulder. To bite his middle finger when he teased her with his other hand. With her green eyes, she dared him to even think of stopping.

With all the anticipation finally getting its reward, it did not take long before the euphoria smote her mind blank, and she arched her back like someone possessed whilst the seizure lasted. She dug her heels into his back to keep him from escaping her, until the the aftershocks began. During these tremors, she saw that she might have drawn blood with her nails, but she hardly thought that would stop Thomas from finishing what they'd begun.

She shook her head to get his hand off her mouth, and with red tresses of hair across her eyes, she almost growled to emphasise her satisfaction. "Come on," she hissed, "I'm not made of glass."

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #16
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Oh if anything, Dewitt did not disappoint. Her body arching almost unnaturally when he claimed her and he could hear her outburst of a scream being muffled against his hand. He could feel the sting of her nails digging into his skin, the burning sensation which would normally make him aware that blood was drawn, yet he didn't care nor stop at it as he simply bucked further and harder. Dewitt's hips were locked around his back, allowing for no escape.

Eventually she shook her head and he moved his hand away after she had daringly looked up at him. Her growl making the wolf laugh as he slowly came to a stop to tease the commander even more. His manhood still hard and eager inside of her as he looked down at her, his eyes burning with lust as he seemed to be contemplating on an impromptu idea "Aren't you?" he teased her as he reached down and tapped her rear. A crooked grin appeared on his lips as he anticipated and licked his lips.

As fast as he had plunged him, he pulled his hips back, popping out of Dewitt and his hands were quickly brought onto Dewitt's body. He aimed for the element of surprise, a moment of unawareness on Jennifer's side to comply with what he had in mind. The pilot made quick work of her to turn her around. Her breasts being pressed against the podium she was standing on and her legs being kicked apart to spread. He kept her pinned down with one hand on her back, right between her shoulder blades before he smacked her ass once more "I'll be the judge of that..." he crooned before he guided his cock back between her folds and planted himself back into those warm depths once more.

The pilot's thrusts were a whole lot harder and rougher now as he took Dewitt without mercy. His hips slamming onto her rear time after time whilst her breasts were grazed over the podium she was laying against. Thomas groaned and moaned in pleasure as he drilled into the redhead. His hand moving away from her shoulder blades and onto her red hair. He rolled the locks in between his fingers and tugged hard against them as his cock began to throb inside of Dewitt, his climax closing quickly now as time was still a critical factor.

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | L'Alde Tailor Shop | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Nolan
While the aftershocks still lasted, Ravon took her at her word, and turned Jennifer over there on the small podium, so that he might finish properly.

She'd spurred him on to the point where he could get what he wanted as quickly as possible, and she certainly didn't mind the continuation. It wasn't like she'd be able to reach that state of heightened euphoria right away, but she thoroughly enjoyed how he finished himself. She even helped him along, rocking back to meet him and siphoning that culmination out of him by shifting her hips with each thrust. Of course, with him holding her down, and later pulling her hair, there was little more she could do than to hold on and relish the sense of fulfilment he was giving her.

Once he did finish, she was panting still, and grinned back at him while his climax lasted. She felt the molten heat of him inside her, filling her core and reminding her of the first time they'd been together in her quarters, just before the battle at the apertures. "While you did good this time," she said ruefully, and swatted away the hand that held her hair so that she might turn to look at him out of the corner of her eyes, "I do believe I have more to teach you."

A candid invite, to see her out once more. Once he finally vacated her, she turned round and gave him another grin. "So, find me again, whenever you fancy another lesson, Commander Ravon."

There were sounds from the tailor shop, and it appeared the seamstress was about to return.

Not too hurriedly, Jennifer picked up her panties and slid her legs into them. By the time she rose to her feet on the podium, she pulled her undergarments on, and folded her hands behind her back. She appeared, all of a sudden, to be model customer, the only sign of what had happened being her slightly elevated pulse and the light bruising on her knees.

"Good bye for now, pilot," she said, a knowing grin given to him when the newly arrived seamstress wasn't looking at her. "Until next time."

Re: Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?

Reply #18
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Aldea Shipyards | 'L'Alde' tailor shop Aldean Office Complex ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Even in the position Thomas had brought Dewitt in, the commander did her utmost best to make the act as pleasurable as she could. Thomas' hips slammed into her bum over and over again as his cock was buried deep inside her core and as she rocked back and seemingly siphoned for his release, the pilot couldn't hold back any longer. He rewarded her with the warm sticky reward as he had thrusted himself deep in her and slightly bucked on as if his body still needed to continue the movements.

Jennifer was panting, yet began to talk once more as she swatted his hand away. The pilot smirked and let go of her hair as his hand trailed along her back , keeping himself buried in her just a little while longer as his hands came to rest on her hips, feeling up her skin. She told him she had more to teach him and the pilot couldn't help but laugh "Is that so? What will my next lesson entail in that case?" he asked her teasingly. A fraction later he stepped back, slipping out of her and grunting lightly before he took quick work of covering himself back up.

Ravon gave a slight nod at the invitation and he licked his lips "Will do commander... Or can I call you Jennifer at this point?" he asked her with a rueful smile of his own. The sounds of the front door indicating that his time here would be over quite soon. Her words made the pilot grin before he nodded at her "Until the next time commander." he answered her before taking a light bow and taking his departure. He crossed the seamstress by the counter of the shop and gave her a wink "She's all your madam."


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