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CH02: S [D06|0600] After Six

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado

After the Sword’s escape from the Klingon battlegroup, Tessa managed to sleep for almost five hours after collapsing in her bed before the nightmares brought her back to consciousness.  She couldn’t go back to sleep for she felt a driving compulsion to go to the fighter assault bay and survey the damage to her Valkyrie.  Dressed in a bright pink sweat suit, Tessa made her way out of her quarters to the turbolift. It wasn’t until she reached Deck Fifteen that she discovered that the real reason she had come was to count how many starfighters the Theurgy had left. 

She left the fighter bay when she realized that she was fixating on the empty spaces where fighters were supposed to be.  Chris, Khorin, Nate, Tali, T’zantha, they were all gone, either taken by the Savi or killed by the Klingons.  That wasn’t including the pilots and RIOs she hadn’t really gotten to know like Devyrie or Minjae.  Or the deck hands that she had gotten to know as well as siblings.  She had to get out there.  But first it was time to drop by the Deck Crew Lounge for a little snack…

The lights were dimmed during “night” time, just like aboard every starship, but the lights in the lounge were even dimmer, casting eerie shadows across the room.  Tessa didn’t bother to increase the illumination for she was closing her eyes to avoid crying.  She knew the way to replicator by heart so unless someone moved the chairs around. 

"Huh?" she cooed as she noticed what appeared to be collection of lumpy blankets  bunched up on one of the ‘L’ shaped couches in the corner closest to the replicator.  When Tessa crept closer, it appeared more like a short prone form concealed under a dark blanket.  Memories of the time that purple haired Boslic woman… what was her name?  Narik Cinsaj or something…  was murdered and found in the office shared by the Lone Wolves’ squadron commander and the chief of the deck.  Was this another body?  "Ooooh!” she shivered nervously as she crept forward in order to draw the blanket back and who was there.

Something red blinked alive and looked up at her from an eyesocket concealed in shadow. Suddenly, Tessa flashbacked to the Borg Response Training Sessions that had given her nightmares back in Starfleet Academy.  The Borg!  She had completely forgotten they were looking for the Borg!  ”EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” she screamed in a pitch that was high enough to break silicon based glass that could still be found in classical antiques such as collectible wine glasses or cabinets that stored a commanding officer’s model spaceships.  "Lights!  Computer, increase the room's illumination to daytime standard!  It’s … It’s you!” she gasped when the lights revealed a young woman groggily trying to free her legs from her blanket. ”Someone I don’t know!”

The girl's species Tessa couldn't place, but her nasal cavity stretched from her nose, up past her eyebrows, over her forehead to disappear in her short ebony hair that was cut in a bob.  Asymmetrical eyes blinked out from a round latte colored face.  One eye was brown but the other one had a silver iris surrounding a glowing red cornea, giving the impression that the chrome colored device above that eye wasn't an eyepiece but a biosynthetic implant, and that the eye itself was artificial overall.  No wonder Tessa had mistaken her in the dark for a Borg drone.  The girl was wearing a uniform akin to the kind worn by Starfleet engineering or security staff, given the yellow collar attached to the black and silver suit.  Despite the disconcerting implant, her face had high cheekbones, smooth skin, and full sensual lips, blessing the newcomer with beauty as well as a sophistication that was somewhat out of place for her seemingly tender years.

”Oh gosh, did I wake you?” Tessa blushed.  ”I’m so sorry!  But seriously, what are you doing here?”  Thanks to seeing shipmates with obvious biosynthetic body parts like Commander Trent and Petty Officer Taer, Tessa didn’t realize that the metallic eyepiece she had mistaken for a Borg implant was in reality a Borg implant.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #1
[Ensign Six | Fighter Assault Bay| Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

Six was quite surprised at how comfortable the couches were. And the blankets that came with them were a nice touch. She didn’t recall how long she slept. Only when she heard something approach did she reach the tips of consciousness.

The ocular implant activated as she opened the one eye that contained it. It did allow her to see in the dark after all. What she saw was clearly a woman who was scared the crap out of, and she didn’t blame her for getting scared; a red eye in the dark could scare anyone, but she never realized she’d scare someone this much.

Six sat up groggily, rubbing her normal eye, as the lights came on. She saw the woman in full view. She must’ve been a few years older than she was, but other than that, she looked like someone her age. She also was in a different uniform; she noticed the grey tones. This had to mean she was one of the pilots on the Theurgy, one of the Lone Wolves? She kept staring at Six, but Six was too used to that; if people weren’t taking the fact she was a former drone, or if they weren’t taking in her beauty, they were taking in how she was an entirely different species of her right. It was understandable; there was only one other Brunali in this neck of the woods and that was Icheb. She imagined anybody who came from the Delta Quadrant indigenously would’ve drawn heads.

Neelix and Kes, the latter of whom she had heard of but was long gone, would’ve drawn plenty of heads in the Federation. Although, due to the life span of the average Ocampa, Kes would’ve been buried in the Federation.

When the woman blubbered apologies, Six merely shrugged. But the second question made her perk up. She should’ve anticipated it.

“My apologies, Lieutenant,” she said, noting the pips on the woman’s collar. One bright, the other dull, that meant she was a junior grade. But junior or otherwise, a Lieutenant was a Lieutenant. It’s also a reason why she referred to lieutenant commanders like Stark as “commander.” It saved time on the wordiness.

“I must’ve been very tired, tired enough to crash here,” she said. “There were blankets here, but I should’ve realized it wasn’t the right place to sleep. The fatigue in itself is curious; my booster pack can keep me going for days without a regeneration alcove. What could…?”

She stopped. Now that she thought about it…

Of course. The enhancements. The extended database

Or rather, the extended database laced in her underwear. She had recently been making custom underwear, laced with nanoprobes and Borg technology to create different databases, in the same way an ancient USB is an extended drive system for and of a computer. They were designed to better enhance her efficiency as a hacker as well as to contain viral matrices in the event of an emergency. She had been crafting a meager few when she wasn’t meditating or playing the twenty-fourth century Sacajawea.

It then occurred to Six that somehow, much as the extended databases in her undies enhanced her efficiency, they must be draining her bodily energy, hence the fatigue. That’s not going to do.

“Crap. I’m going to need caffeine,” she said.

Reaching the nearest replicator, she made her request. “One cup of the Neelix special…make that a pot, and at average non-fatal heat,” she added, changing her mind at the last second.

Once the pot materialized, she took it and guzzled the whole thing down. She was in definite need of caffeine, and it especially helped to have it in a blend like a bit of home.

She blinked a few times, the caffeine rush bringing her totally awake. She turned to the blond woman.

“I don’t think I’ve introduced myself,” she said. “My name is Six. If you’re wondering why it’s a number, I’ve named myself in honor of Seven of Nine. I used to have lived on the Starship Voyager; I happen to come from the Delta Quadrant, by the way, if you don’t know my species.

“I gather you’re one of the Lone Wolves?” she inquired. “I met one when I was coming off. I don’t think she likes me. Short, bald, makes Boudicca look appealing. But I’m sure not all the Lone Wolves have, to coin the human expression, a ‘bark worse than a bite.’ I'm still new to the Theurgy, by the way; I used to be posted on Starbase 84. I came on the Allegiant through Vector Three. Everybody else is still relatively new to me, with exception to a few people, like Commander Stark and Lieutenant Yukimura. I gather you've been a part of the Theurgy's mission from the beginning?”

She did feel curiosity on the matter. True enough, most of the people around her on the "Stallion" were just as new as she was, all refugees from Starbase 84. Only a few weren't recent additions. As far as she could tell, the people who had been with the Theurgy from the start was Commander Stark and Petty Officer t'Jelliau. She got the impression about Stark first when she found out her former boss, Captain Ziegler of the Cayuga, was, in fact, the Theurgy's former first officer. Six assumed it was a different ship Stark and Ziegler served in, but it didn't occur to her that Ziegler used to be Theurgy's XO. As such, Six felt curious. She felt that she would find a better place on the ship if she had gotten to know people who weren't recent additions as she was, if, in fact, they had been veterans, even if they had been a part of the Theurgy's mission from the start, perhaps longer.

Of course, Stark was far away at the moment and wouldn't have a good time for a girl-to-girl moment. As for t'Jelliau, well, they might have a good comradeship, but it's highly unlikely the blond Romulan would be a friend to Six. Now that she was on Vector Two, the "Sword," perhaps there could be more veterans that Six could get to know, even if it was this frightened Lone Wolf.

OOC: This supplemental was an idea I had brought up with Doc. I had the idea that it would be Tessa to wake up Six, in this interesting fact: In real life, Jennifer Lawrence and Zoe Kravitz were friends (J-Law's Hunger Games co-star, Lenny Kravitz, who's also Zoe's father, is often referred to as Mister Kravitz by J-Law). Granted, I learned this on IMBD, but this fact gave me the idea for me to talk to Doc about the supplemental. I felt it fitting for the characters with the particular faceclaims to meet up.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #2
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado

Tessa blinked as she tried to follow along.  If Six came from the Delta Quadrant, why was she serving at Starbase 84? Did the Voyager bring her here or did she mean the Resolve?  And who were The Seven of Nine?  Matyrs from her planet’s history?  And if she was named after the sixth one, why didn’t she just have a normal name, a name normal for her planet anyway?  Perhaps her people didn’t know the names of the Nine?  Seven of them apparently had died, was it for a religious reason or did they prevent a planetary Armageddon?  And right now, did any of that matter?

”What?  Um, oh yes, I’ve been serving aboard the Theurgy from the beginning,” Tessa assured the newcomer, ”and you needn’t worry about Evelyn Rawley.  She hates everyone.  She talks that way to everybody.  I’m sure she doesn’t mean it.  That’s just the way she deals with the stress.  We’re all a little um... touchy these days.”  Tessa decided not to mention the heartache and paranoia nearly everyone aboard the ship had been suffering from since the Theurgy fled Earth last year.  She especially didn’t want to mention the number of times people had their minds taken over and did unspeakable things to each other either. 

“Er, um, when I asked what you were doing here, I just meant sleeping in the deck crew lounge, not what you were doing on the ship.  Sorry.”
  Tessa had expected Six to say something along the lines of her quarters being damaged during the confrontation with the Klingons and was completely unprepared for the infodump that Six had provided.  Apparently, after more than a week aboard the Theurgy, Six was finding it easier to just get her origins out of the way rather than endure the awkward questions that everybody aboard was sure to ask her.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #3
[Ensign Six | Fighter Assault Bay| Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

Six let out a brief chuckle at the question made by the blonde.

“Oh,” she said. “I may have mentioned it already, but I was very tired. Even with running on what one can commonly call a battery. It acts as a substitute to my regeneration alcove until I can set one up on this vector. In any case, it seemed some enhancements I made to myself to increase my efficiency as a hacker seems to drain my energy. I must have been so tired I couldn’t go to sleep in the crew quarters on the Allegiant; I can’t help but be curious to see what this vector is like. I’ve been busy setting up my forensics lab on Vector Three since I’ve been on board. Missed a crap load of things.

“When I say hacker…well, officially, I’m a forensics officer, but I’m a skilled hacker. I’ve used those skills to help save the crew of the Resolve. Those same skills have helped contribute good odds in a recent battle Vector Three has had with Asurians, along with the Starship Cayuga. I can’t take credit of course, I wasn’t the only one who helped make the odds better for the ships.

“I can understand if everybody’s touchy these days,” she added. “Besides the fact we’ve lost some of the crew to the Savi, the Borg have been seen in this nebula. Who knows where they can come up next.”

Even as she said it, she wondered why she didn’t hear the Collective’s call in quite some time, but she was glad she couldn’t. The least she heard from the Collective, the better.

“Might I ask your name?” inquired Six. “Actual name, not just your fighter callsign,” she added with a smile. “And, also, what do you wish to know about me? I am somewhat new to the Theurgy.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #4
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado

"Might I ask your name?  Actual name, not just your fighter callsign.  And, also, what do you wish to know about me? I am somewhat new to the Theurgy."

That was a good question.  Asking her what her people were called seemed awfully rude.  Asking about regenerating alcoves seemed creepy.  Was that a term for bed?  Was she a nun back on her home planet?  Did Six come from a civilization ruled over by a totalitarian government, and was that why she left, never to return?  If there was one thing Tessa noticed in the last few months was that with very few exceptions, people didn’t end up on this ship because they led good lives.  And right now there was only one way she could foresee any way to avoid going mentioning an unpleasant topic:  Talk about herself as much as possible.

”Well um, my name is Tessa Lance, that’s two names,” she began as she held up two fingers.   ”My people have a surname, that’s the family name that follows a genetic line,” she added in case the concept of family was foreign to six,  ”And a given name in order to designate an individual  in a given genetic line.  In my case, my surname is Lance and my given name is Tessa.” 

Let’s see, should she ask Six about her family?  That would be mean, since Six’s family, assuming she had one, was all the way out in the Delta Quadrant and she would never see them again?4\

”We also have middle name, because by now there are an awful lot of Tessa Lances out there,” she continued.  ”In my case my middle name is May, so my full name is Tessa May Lance.  My flight designation is Wolf Three, and my callsign is Goldeneye.” 

Boy that must have sounded confusing.  Tessa never thought that something as simple as a name would be so complicated.  I guess when they said that people were complicated they weren’t kidding.  Even the labels used to identify them were more complex than most people realized.

”So I’m guessing that Six isn’t your only number… I mean name?  How many decimal places is it anyway?  I mean, there must be millions if not billions of people on your world, and the original Number Six must be some historical figure by now.”

OOC:  I don’t know how this scene will end but I don’t think it will end with Tessa and Six in the same room because Six’s next shows up in Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0620 hrs. ] Grudge and Seek that starts with Six walking down a corridor alone.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #5
[Ensign Six | Fighter Assault Bay| Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

Six chuckled at Tessa’s words. She met plenty of misconceptions about ex-drones in her time, but the idea that she was the sixth of her world or something similar? It was a first.

“I don’t know whether or not you are familiar with the Starship Voyager,” she said. “There was another ex-drone aboard at one point. She calls herself Seven of Nine because that was the drone designation she was given, and given her unfamiliarity of her individuality, she’s stuck with the name ‘Seven of Nine’ ever since. I call myself ‘Six’ in honor for her; Seven was a good friend of mine, a good mentor as well. We’d almost easily be sisters,” she added with a smile.

She replicated another cup of coffee as she spoke and took a sip. Then she continued.

“You can call me Noor if you wish, Tessa,” she said. “People often find it comfortable to call me by my actual name, sometimes. Six is just my official, shall we say, designation. I don’t recall whether we have surnames on my home world or not,” she added with a shrug.

“My recent post was aboard Starbase 84. Some of my crewmates evacuated to the Theurgy from it as it went up in flames. A few of them I accompanied on the Allegiant; I was on Vector Three at one point. My alcove was back there, and…”

She suddenly remembered. She realized there was something she needed to do when she woke up.

“Oh. I just realized: I need to set up a new alcove somewhere in this vector. I run on a booster pack for the time being, but I will need a place to regenerate as soon as possible. And it’d be prudent for me to set up an alcove in each one of the vectors.”

She took one last guzzling sip of caffeine and made for the door…before realizing she was unfamiliar with this vector at all.

“Um, Tessa, can you show me where the nearest turbolifts are? I’m greatly unfamiliar with the layout of this vector.”

OOC: Well, we can still keep on a bit of chatting with Six and Tessa as Six leaves. :) The idea of the supplemental came about as an idea of Fife's. I figure that this post would precede "Grudge and Seek," and that supplemental would then precede "A Drone and a Ghost Walk Into A Bar" where Six and Rawley argue in the Whetstone Lounge. But yeah, in any case, Six and Tessa would likely separate at the end of the post.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #6
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado

"Um, Tessa, can you show me where the nearest turbolifts are? I'm greatly unfamiliar with the layout of this vector."

”Oh um, there’s one right down at the end of the hall,” Tessa replied.  ”Just go out the door and turn left,” she added as she pointed towards the door.

Just before Six left the room she heard a frantic wail from the pilot behind her.

”Oh I can’t stand it!” Tessa cried.  The quirky pilot was waving her arms around like she was either conducting a symphony or warding off a swarm of insects.  ”I know that it’s really impertinent but I’ve got so many questions!  Who are you?  Where are you from?  What is the name of your home planet?  What are your people called?  Why did you leave the Delta Quadrant?  Did you flee a totalitarian government?  Were you a heretic?  Did you really used to work at Starbase 84?  Why do your people use numbers instead of names?  Is six really a number where you come from or is it a just a name in a foreign language?  And who is Seven of Nine and how did the both of you get to be aboard the Voyager?  Are your people called Exdrones or is ‘drone’ a term for ‘proletariat’ or ‘peasant’ where you come from?  And if you came from Starbase 84, how did you find yourself aboard the Theurgy?”

Spent after that intense release of emotion, Tessa slumped and panted for breath.  When she spoke next it was in a quieter, more reasonable, somewhat embarrassed tone.  ”Sorry about that, I know you probably get tire of answering all these questions.  It’s just that your replies raise more questions than answers that’s all.  I guess I’m a bit too conventional to be any good at seeking out new life and contacting new civilizations, huh?”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #7
[Ensign Six | Fighter Assault Bay | Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

Six was taken aback by Tessa’s barrage of questions. She never had somebody blurt out so many curious questions before. Nevertheless, she managed to take in Tessa’s questions. She smiled warmly at her.

“Probably, Tessa, but that doesn’t mean you’re useless on the Theurgy,” she said. “You’ve done great things with the Lone Wolves, I can imagine, even if your bark is softer than your bite. Come and walk with me to the turbolift, please, and I will answer as much as I can.”

As they walked, and as they entered the turbolift, Six answered Tessa’s questions to the best of her ability, pausing the turbolift to do so.

“As to who I am, I am called Noor, but I often prefer to be called Six. I’m from a planet called Brunali, in the Delta Quadrant, and my people are also called Brunali. I left the Delta Quadrant not from a totalitarian government nor was I a heretic. A friend of mine, and a fellow Brunali, Icheb, he was used by his people as a biological weapon against the Borg, and succeeded once he was assimilated, and when we both found that out, we left with Voyager, disappointed as we are with them. Other than that, I know nothing much about my people, though it'd probably be easy to forget if I detest their decision so.

“I really used to work on Starbase 84. It was my first post after the Academy. As one of the refugees from the starbase after it was destroyed, I feel grateful toward the Theurgy for saving us, which I regard as another reason to join them.

“My people do not use names instead of numbers, it’s a common misconception among ex-drones, especially from species previously unknown to the Federation. I remember Icheb had that same reaction but in different tones, like, ‘why don’t you have a number?’ It’s generally out of how Seven of Nine’s reputation and fame upon Voyager’s return.

“If where I come from you refer to Brunali, no, Six isn’t my number. From the Borg, probably. It’s no name or translation in a foreign language.

“Seven of Nine was a former drone, like me, but unlike me, her link to the Collective was severed. She used to be a human named Annika Hansen, and it took her a long time of getting to know her human side to know that. You see, she came on Voyager in unique circumstances. The Borg were in conflict with a race they called Species 8472, or as they called themselves, the Undine. Voyager provided a means to push them back into fluidic space, their point of origin. I came on Voyager with Icheb and a number of other children who survived from the virus distributed to the adult drones on the Borg ship we were on. And, no, ‘drone’ is not a term for proletariat or peasant where I come from, although it’s easy to refer to me, Icheb and Seven as ex-drones, but probably difficult to refer to Jean-Luc Picard as an ex-drone, too.

“As for Starbase 84, I came aboard with many others from the starbase when it was destroyed, along with the Starship Resolve. I assume you were among the fighter support when the starbase was destroyed. I believe,” she added, checking the crew manifest with her artificial eye while her normal eye remained on Tessa, “there can be some personnel you may ask about on that subject, like your fellow Wolf, Krystal Tancredi, or Eliska Bremmer from Security.”

A thought just occurred to Six when she said it.

“Speaking of Security, it just occurred to me, perhaps I should report to my department head for a debrief,” she said. “I believe that would also be the ranking officer of this vector, Commander Wenn. I’ll have to get that order of business before I look for a place to set up a regeneration alcove.

“I hope I’ve answered your questions, Tessa,” she said, “and if you still feel curious about me and Seven and such, I recommend you look her up and her findings on the database. I imagine Starfleet has a great deal on Seven and on Voyager and its discoveries in the Delta Quadrant in the general database since Voyager’s return.”


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #8
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Turbolift | Between Decks | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado

As the bionic Brunali shared her singular and eldritch background, Tessa’s topaz yellow eyes glazed over.

The Borg.  Six had been assimilated by the Borg, and had lived to tell about it.  How?  From what Tessa had heard, as soon as they inject you with those nanocritters they rewrote the neurons in your brain, turning you into a space zombie almost immediately.  But Six was different wasn’t she?  Did she carry the virus her people used as a biological weapon against the Borg, was that why her Borgification could be reversed?  That eyepiece… was it Federation or Borg technology?  And why didn’t she call herself ‘Noor’?  Why use her drone name?  Did she even remember her old life before Borgiciation, or was she turned into a Borg when she was very young? 

Every time Tessa thought she ran into someone on this ship with the worst childhood she had ever heard, she always seemed to meet someone new who could top it.  It made her almost feel guilty for growing up in a happy and nurturing environment.  In the meantime, it was important to make sure that she didn’t start things off with Six on the wrong foot.  Six probably told everyone she was a former Borg drone just to see how they’d react before taking the risk of getting to know them.

First things first.  Don’t say anything about Six’s robotic eye.  The eye that didn’t match the other one.  The eye that told everyone that Six had once been one of the shambling robotic undead.  The eye that marked her as an former enemy of all sentient life.  Whatever you do don’t stare at or say anything about the eye!

”Eye, eye, eye,” Tessa burbled as she stared at the silvery chrome eyepiece attached to Six’s face and the eye that didn’t match the other peering out from beneath it, ”Eye… gotta admit that’s quite a story,” she continued as she slowly shook her head without taking her topaz yellow eyes off Six’s eyepiece.  ”Eye… didn’t know about Seven of Nine and the Voyager,” she sputtered guiltily.  ”Eye... mean that eye... did hear about the Voyager,” she corrected herself, ”but eye... never got any specifics.  And eye… thought that stuff about Captain Picard was all stories,” she admitted, as she struggled to find something else to talk about.

”So um… catch you at the Whetstone Lounge later?” she asked awkwardly.  ”The replicator isn’t working in my quarters but a lot of us go to Below Decks or the Whetstone to be social when we’re in the mood,” she offered.  ”We can have a proper breakfast there.  Eye really need to go back to my quarters and change, oops, sorry,” she blushed as she remembered why Six was sleeping in the Deck Crew Lounge in the first place.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0600 hrs. ] After Six

Reply #9
[ Ensign Six | Turbolift | Between Decks | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

Six was noticing how much Tessa seemed to be referring to her ocular implant, but it was understandable. People often had varied reactions to it, but some people she encountered had ocular implants themselves. She smiled warmly at Tessa.

“Sure, hopefully I’ll see you at the Whetstone Lounge, Tessa,” she said warmly. “I may drop by after my debrief and after I find a place to set up a new regeneration alcove; I’ll need caffeine to keep up my energy. Lots of it.

“Oh, and it’s okay about the ocular implant,” she added warmly. “I get that a lot. Some people don’t mind it, but then again, I’ve met plenty of people with ocular implants, some looking well enough like real eyes to pass off as one. But I find this particularly unique,” she added, tapping against it. “It can run scans, make recordings, all kinds of variable things. It even has an X-Ray. Makes Federation-issue ocular implants look like monocles compared to mine. The right kind of people, or the wrong, would give an arm and a leg for advanced technology like that, as they say on Earth.

“Okay, so…well, I don’t know the layout of the Theurgy very well,” said Six, feeling a little awkward herself, but kept up the smile to show her good nature. “Computer, where might I find the Theurgy’s Security Centre?”

[The Theurgy Security Centre is located on Deck Seven.]

“Very well. Proceed turbolift to Deck Seven.”

As the turbolift went moving again, Six extended a hand for a handshake at Tessa.

“It’s good to meet you, Tessa,” she said. “Perhaps I’ll see you at the Whetstone. I look forward to, well, whetting my whistle,” she added with a smile; she liked bringing up expressions and terms of Earth origin. She picked them up at Starfleet Academy, and enjoyed how they sounded.

She liked Tessa, despite her nervous outlook. It was nice to see that not every pilot in the Lone Wolves behaved like a grunt the way…Rawley, was it? In any case, Tessa looked like the kind of person Six could find a friend in. Especially as she got to know the Theurgy more.

Reaching Deck Seven, she departed and made a gesture of goodby at Tessa. Six made a note to remember to meet up with her and get to know her some more. If she was one of the original crew of the Theurgy, it would be worth trying. She proceeded to the Security Centre, looking forward to her debrief. She wondered what Commander Wenn would be like.


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