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Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata stood in the turbolift alone as he rode between decks, he had just finished having an early lunch and was making his way up to his quarters so that he could spend some time relaxing and freshening up before he headed in to work. Vinata was a little excited to head in today, over the past few days he and Lucan had been able to get pretty close, after the intimate evening he had shared with his commanding officer and the work that they had done the day after had helped boost Vinata's confidence greatly. Not to mention the new friend he believed that he had managed to make while on his time off the day before, and today he would be in the Primary Surgical Suite working not that far from Lucan.

As Vinata thought about work he stroked his chin and frowned to himself as he remembered how his sister had rushed back into work, she had barely been free of her eggs for three days and she was already ready to get back to work, Vinata could only imagine how this rush was effecting Maal, the poor fool had likely intended to wait until the eggs had come to think about this, but for Hylota she had thought this out in advance, Vinata had been consulted on where a good spot to send the egg would be, together they had thought up three options, all would provide adequate care and would be able to keep the egg in cryo until such a time as the Theurgy prevailed or failed at their mission, in either case the child would be raised like any other Ovri unless Maal came to claim the child.

Leaning against the wall of the lift, Vinata began to wonder if Hylota would stick with Maal, would she try to be a mother? Or would she turn out like their own mother and just pursue her own goals and leave any children behind. Vinata shrugged to himself, it was not as though it mattered, no matter the outcome the child would be cared for and be given a chance to grow up free and safe, something that would be highly unlikely here on the Theurgy.

Re: Day 3 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #1
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When the turbolift stopped at one deck, the sliding doors opened for Nurse Maal - who stepped in with his wide shoulders brushing the sides of the opening. When he entered, his brown eyes did a double-take towards the other young wom- man in the lift, and the recognition was instantaneous. It was the individual that he had avoided - for his sake - since Vasser's mutiny. The memories were hard to dispel... the moments leading up to his own injury.

Maal's expression seemed a mix of horror and helplessness where he stood, unsure what to do. He could not reach Patrick from across the biobed and certainly not with Vinata between them, and he was not sure what he could do without alerting the mutineer about his plan to inoculate him. The fact of Vinata's plight weighed heavily on Maal too, and then there was the plight of his own genes and the primal response it was beginning to have to the sight of the Ovri's actions and body, male or not. Waiting for a better opportunity, he was forced to stand idle, compliant for the time being.

"Now get on with it," said Patrick and pressed the muzzle of the phaser between the alien's shoulder blades - encouraging it to bend over across the biobed and get started. Meanwhile, his free hand roamed the exotic blue and red skin underneath the loose gown - exploring Vinata's body thoroughly.

Vinata was breathing heavily and as the phaser pressed into his back he nodded and bent over as he was told. As he leaned forwards his breasts swung free of the now worthless gown and it practically fell off of him as he laid down across the bio bed. His breath was uneasy an he looked up at Maal as his body was felt up by Patrick, his eyes were not as panicked as before, but they were filled with disgust and shame, it was clear that he knew that he needed to do this to avoid death, and he did not blame Maal for what was going to happen.

Reaching forward Vinata took hold of his pants and began to undress him, working off Maal's pants enough, Vinata's forehead pressed against Maal's midsection hiding his face. But from the way his hands shook it was clear Vinata was in distress and as he finally got Maal's cock free Vinata spared no time and instantly slipped it into his mouth and began to suck, a familiar tingling accompanied the forced oral as the Ovri pheromones came in contact with Maal's skin.

As if caught in a nightmare, or a waking wet dream, Maal felt the male Ovri's lips seal around his ridged length and begin to move. Up and down, repeatedly, and knowing about the pheromones of his kind, Maal recognised that the heightened arousal he felt came from the Vinata's oral cavity. False or not, catalyst or effect, it quickened his Klingon blood and made him breathe heavily - made his rigid arousal that much harder. He wanted to put his hands on Vinata's bare head to encourage the movements, but he fought to keep his wits about himself. Because behind his back, he held the hypospray, and the last dosage of sedatives he had available. He could not show his hands to the Operations Officer that was groping the Ovri between them. He had to remain still... and stop shifting his stance in response to Vinata's heavenly mouth.

"Perhaps you like to warm up here first... before you can let me use the main entrance," murmured Patrick Andersson as he kneaded the thick digit of his thumb into the Ovri's ass - the back of his hand brushing against the short tail. The sight of Patrick's thumb working its way into Vinata roused Maal further, and he almost extended his hands to grab the Ovri's head - almost pressed his entire length into the back of his throat. Yet he held fast - only trembling in pending release, hating himself for being about to ejaculate into this poor victim's mouth. Desperately, Maal hoped Vinata was not being affected enough by what was going on to make his Ovri penis emerge. He suspected Patrick might kill them both if that happened...

Maal almost missed how Patrick replaced his thumb with the head of his hard cock - slowly beginning to push inside Vinata.

Maal felt himself beginning to come. He clenched his jaws in humiliation. Phasers were going off. Shooting. Maal's eyes widened. Patrick's head whipped around, searching for the source of the sound. The corridor. A few patients began to shout. Warm, Klingon seed gushed from Maal. Patrick stepped towards the door, leaving Vinata. Maal lunged out, caught Patrick's sleeve. Yanked him off his feet. His phaser went off. Scorched a line across the ceiling. Patrick was on the floor, cursing. Patients were screaming, running for the visitors entrance. Maal climbed across of the biobed next to Vinata, hypospray in hand. His movements were sluggish from the condition of his body. Patrick was scrambling on the floor to get his bearings, about to get up. Maal roared so that the bulkheads shook, leapt down upon him. The energy pulse caught his massive frame, and it was as if he had been struck over he head with a support beam. He thought he landed on Patrick's arm. Where was the hypospray? Clattering noise on the deck plates. It was the phaser, loose from Patrick's grip. Where was the hypospray? He tried to look for it but his body did not respond well enough. Something was wrong with his body. Patrick was shoving at him, coming loose, about to go for the phaser on the floor. Where was the hypospray?

It was his last thought before darkness claimed him.
Remembering it all in seeing Vinata, Maal thought that the public humiliation for the nurse must have been keenly felt, just like his own. Hylota had barely forgiven him for what had transpired between him and her brother. but in the end, she seemed to have respected that it was not his choice - that he had forced to do it. He had merely complied out of fear for what the mutineer would have done otherwise, and with his hidden hypospray, he had hoped to subdue the human. Instead, he had failed, and according to the reports, Vinata had finished what he started.

"Nurse Vojona," he acknowledged, barely able to keep his eyes away from those lips of his, clearing his throat and folding his large hands behind his back, he stood idle - looking into the doors that had closed behind him. "Deck 11."

The turbolift acknowledged his request, and the awkward silence settled in the lift, until Maal felt compelled to break it.

"My apologies... for what happened...."

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #2
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As the door opened and Maal got on a little uneasily Vinata was not sure he should say anything, he knew that Maal had beaten himself up over having been forced to rape him, and even more for having failed to save Vinata, but to him, Maal was being much too harsh on himself, his own mind remembered events differently to Maal. He did not see it so much as him being raped by Maal so much as them being forced to rape each other, neither of them wanted to do it and they were being forced at phaserpoint, Maal was just as much of a victim as he had been, but due to how events had played out the two had not been able to spend time together. Vinata still could not find the right words to begin a conversation with Maal though, thankfully he did not need to find them as Maal broke the awkward silence.

Vinata nodded to Maal at first. "Nurse Maal, a pleasure to see you again." As Maal then gave his shaky apology and left it to hang Vinata looked to the other man and he reached out to put a hand on Maal's shoulder. "You have nothing to apologize for, do not think I have forgotten everything that happened that day. You nearly died to try and save me Maal, you and I were forced to rape each other, my actions actually managing to bring you to such a shameful climax." Vinata sighed and waved it off. "It does not matter, what does is that you immediately tried to seize an opportunity to try and save us both, you took a life threatening blow and gave me the opening needed to save one regret is that I could not maintain myself long enough to try and stabilize you, that it fell on others to save your life." Vinata sighed and shook his head. "Neither of us remember that day fondly, I feel that the least we can do is forgive each other for our own failings that day, that we might move on and better ourselves." Vinata smiled at Maal. "After all you have a future child to think about, how would you like them to see you? As the confident nurse or the one lamenting his past, you should move on from this Maal, become an even greater man. do not keep me as a weight holding you back, for whatever it is worth yo are forgiven for all that you were forced to do."

Re: Day 3 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #3
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When the Ovri male began to speak, Maal had not expected the sympathy and understanding. He had judged Vinata prematurely, based on his initial reaction to the mutiny and what had befallen them, and thought he still resented him for what had happened.

Instead, Vinata proved to have understood the greater picture, one that Maal wasn't even sure he fully grasped himself. He spoke of the child, and Hylota, and urged him to move on, and all he could do was being stupefied by his large-minded attitude about it all. Maal did not have an inkling about what might have caused Vinata to be so magnanimous, but he was relieved that the Ovri had moved on. Before the mutiny, Maal had never been with a male of any species, and he was too ashamed to admit that he found himself remembering those last moments too often, reliving the ordeal in equal shock at his own reaction to Vinata's oral ministrations and how the revulsion towards that incident was not complete.

Yet in a way, the notion that he didn't relive the event in abject horror was an even greater shame to his honour. How could he even consider the pleasure derived from such a vile act, and even now, find himself looking at Vinata's moving lips in a way that he shouldn't?

When he cleared his throat, the sound rumbled in the small lift, and he found himself much too close to the Ovri when facing him. He swallowed, and tried to think of someone else, knowing that it had been the Nurse' pheromones that messed with his thoughts back in that recovery ward. "You are correct," he managed, clenching his eyes shut and running a hand through his short hair. He had more to say, but the trip would be over any second. "Thea, could you halt the turbolift, please?"

There was a chirp of acknowledgement, and when the lift was at a stand-still, Maal folded his brawny arms across his chest, self-conscious in the Ovri's presence. Truthfully, he wasn't sure where to look when he spoke, his eyes returning to that mouth and the exotic skin of the alien male. Of course, the prominent bust also drew his eye, but he tried his best to just look Vinata in the eye - those large, dark eyes deep enough to get lost in. Perhaps this was a mistake?

"I still believe I have plenty to apologise for. It was not honourable. I failed to subdue the mutineer. He could have killed you. Almost killed me. It is not easy to try and move on. To forget the two-fold shame. Not only did I fail to protect my fellow staff and the patients, I... I was roused by you, even under such horrible circumstances. The shame is not just in the failure, in allowing it, and failing to end it, but because..."

He could not bear to articulate it, eyes flicking to Vinata's mouth anew. He tried again, clearing his throat. "I was with your sister, and I should not have let myself react to you the way I did. It shamed all three of us... and it shames me now too."

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #4
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Maal stated that Vinata was correct he thought that would be the end of it then and there, he smiled and nodded as he looked to Maal, but as Maal stopped the turbolift and the two men stood there in the confined space Vinata realized everything had not been as cut and dry as he thought, he forgot that not everyone thought of things in the same manner that the Ovri did, not everyone tried to remove themselves from the situation to think it over.  In Vinata's mind Maal had been just as much a victim as he had been, but not he was having to consider that Maal might feel as bad as if he had been part of the mutiny.

Respectfully Vinata remained silent as he let Maal vent, allowed him to get the weight that had been on his chest off at long last, it was indeed long since past the time for them to reconcile after what had happened during the mutiny. It was stranger still to hear how Maal felt he had brought shame on both Vinata and his sister over what he had done, over how he had been so aroused by what Vinata had been able to do, this made Vinata blush a little as he rubbed the back of his neck and let let a sigh. "Yeah I apologize for that, I was simply doing as I was threatened, I should have tried less and let you focus, I have considered that my actions were responsible in part for  the situation we ended up in." Vinata did not want Maal to be hurt over this, but as Maal said that he was still feeling shame Vinata caught the direction of his eyes and he blinked as he looked to Maal, the wheels in his mind turning.

As Vinata thought he came to the right conclusion he looked into Maal's eyes and spoke. " still feel that there is an attraction to me as well?" Vinata cocked his head, he was afraid Maal might go into denial over this so he quickly followed the point up.  "You should know that among the Ovri open relationships are very much the norm, you should not feel that you must be limited to Hylota, she would never force you to remain with her.  If you have a desire that you wish to say you can share it with me if you want, I will not let it slip if you do not want it to be known." Vinata smiled gently at Maal, he wanted the other man to be comfortable  with him.

Re: Day 3 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #5
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Maal was indeed about to raise his voice in utter denial, objecting to the very notion that he'd actually not been able to rid his mind from the event because of Vinata, but the other Nurse forestalled him.

That Ovri had open relationships was, of course, nothing Hylota had told him, and he wasn't even sure they were in a relationship. Maybe? They had a child together, so they had a mutual responsibility, and in Maal's sense, that was pretty much a relationship despite how new and strange it was. But that Hylota wouldn't hold it against him if... Was that true? Could he be sure Vinata wasn't being too presumptuous about his sister's feelings?

Then, his eyes widened and he cursed turning from Vinata. Why was he even thinking along those lines? It was wrong of him... He was weak, his conduct dishonourable. He might be raised amongst humans, but he had the honour of a dog if he even... He worked his jaw, looking at the Ovri, breathing deeply. He realised he might seem imposing, quite aware what his Klingon heritage might signal to others because he had always been so different on Earth.

"This is not your fault, please, I just..." He growled, working his hands at his sides. "Ovri might be open to such things, but they are more rare where I come from. My native people stay with their mate, but I was not raised there. So I am not truly Klingon. My apologies, this is just... highly irregular."

He blinked, feeling like the only way to soothe things over, to show the Ovri that he wasn't a threat, was to answer, he supposed. But how? The words stuck in his throat. "I remember it," he said, well, of course he would. That was not the point. "When I see you. The memory prevails despite the foul intents that begot the act. It preoccupies me, both the shame, as I said... And the... "

He was not prepared to say it. "I see it again, often, unable to rid it from my mind. My reaction to your 'treatment' lingers, even when you are not there - stirring me at the mere thought." If he had said as much, then there was no use denying it. His fists works at his sides, and he had to look away, baring his teeth as he spoke. "I have even pleased myself at the memory, despite how I shouldn't."

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #6
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata rubbed his temple as he listened to what Maal had to say, the way he carried himself and acted projected such frustration and pent up aggression. In Vinata's mind he could see that Maal was this way because he was constantly angry with himself, frustrated with his inability to move past what was the cultural norm for his people. "Look I can understand your stress, you feel as though what happened with you and Hylota has made a bond, and that might be so, but an Ovri relationship is fleeting, most only last a few years. We move on and pursue our passions, create new relationships and just keep moving, for many women that have multiple clutches of eggs, the father is rarely ever the same not to mention the parents moving on by the time the children are fully grown. You need to understand that to Hylota your sense of honor and devotion is misplaced, I do not doubt she will encourage you to seek someone more capable of a healthy relationship with you."

As Maal began to talk about the events that happened during the mutiny and how he still could not forget the things that Vinata had done to him and how he still fantasized about the pleasure that Vinata had provided, this made him a bit shocked, he had not realized that he had such an effect, a part of hi wanted to suggest that it might be his Klingon biology and the desire for power and control enjoying the submissive position Vinata had been in, but he figured that might be counter productive to the end goal, Vinata held his chin and looked to Maal as he thought for a moment about what was said, not saying a word. In some cases it was a good idea to wean a person off of their desires, let them get small doses and let them get acclimated to it before ending the exposure.

Vinata nodded to himself as he decided on his idea and he looked back to Maal. "Well Maal as strange as it is to hear that you are fantasizing about my mouth, I must admit I can understand where you are coming from, I have fantasized what it would have been like to have shared my bed with you willingly, but we do not have time for that, instead how about we work something out to help you get over me. We both keep this desire between us, and I will willingly offer you my mouth, if need be we can do it nightly, but as time goes on we will wean you off of it, let you get your fill and then work you off of your desire, does this plan sound agreeable to you Maal?"

Re: Day 3 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #7
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
There was no end to the stupefying things that spilled from Vinata's lips, and Maal could but stand there and blink at the Ovri. Not only was the other nurse saying that - he too - had indulged in fantasies about him, he was also saying he was willing to share his bed, even if there was no time for it. For Maal's good conscience, he was even willing to keep it a secret.

As much was already more than Maal could truly handle in so many sentences, but what truly stilled him was the idea that Vinata saw it as treatment, meaning to remove himself from Maal's mind over time, and seemingly willing to do it for Maal's sense of honour. What followed after that was just pragmatism about when and how to go about it, and Maal felt... trapped. He had already said too much, and Vinata had yielded him every opportunity to act on his shameful desire, so what was he supposed to do then? Back-paddle and try to denounce his own words as a temporary bout of insanity? Should he correct himself, lie, and say he hadn't meant a word of what he'd said? That would not be honest towards either of them, would it? Would he add lying to his shame, when Vinata was trying to help him?

"I..." he cleared his throat, the sound reverberating between the walls of the lift, "I think this is madness."

They were, however, beyond the point of no return already. At that point, it was less shameful to accept the Ovri's offer of treatment, and have faith that he was not lying about Hylota's viewpoint as a mate and mother of his child. What reason had Vinata to lie? Hylota was his sister, and Maal knew how close they were.

"Yet I... I see merit in your treatment," he said, and blinked, wondering what came next. "I... When should we...?" Would they truly be so bold as to use the lift? Wouldn't that be highly irregular and preventing the rest of the crew transportation? He realised that Vinata might just have suggested that very thing, and he found himself responding to the notion already - his hearts beating faster in his cest. "I mean where do we..? Do you..?"

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #8
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Maal made his belief that this subject was madness clear Vinata could not help, but feel that the more prudish nature of other cultures was to blame for this matter. Of course as he eventually decided to reluctantly take VInata up on his offer for relief, Vinata could not help, but smile to Maal, he felt as thought this would be good for the both of them, they would be able to work out some stress, and it would also give Vinata a small outlet to take his mind off events on the ship between now and his next shift. As Maal asked about the lift and where they could continue this Vinata smiled to Maal. "Well we could both go up to Deck 8 and go to my quarters and I could see to servicing you there, then you could make a detour back down to Deck 11."

Vinata looked upward and spoke to the Thea. "Thea resume lift and take us to Deck 8 please." With that Vinata looked to his fellow nurse and gave a gentle smile. "The thing you need to keep in mind about the Ovri, Maal is that our culture developed out of what was once a pleasure focused civilization, sex and pleasure are not seen as taboos. We understand that too much can be hazardous and that a healthy balance between sex and work can help build strong bonds, I hope that despite our past interaction at phaserpoint we can move past that and both heal, hopefully even grow close, I would not mind becoming friends with you. You are a respectable man, you might get a bit flustered, but I feel that is from how consistently you have been being pushed into highly emotionally taxing situations, I feel some pleasure for the sake of relaxation might just be the perfect thing for you Maal." Vinata gave a hopeful smile to Maal and waited for Maal's final decision as they came to Deck 11, Maal could get off here, head to Sickbay to meet up with Hylota now, or he could stay on and head up to Deck 8 with Vinata, it was up to Maal.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #9
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Maal was granted a few seconds to contemplate the offer, yet he was bound by his word, so when the lift stopped at Deck 11, he glanced out into the corridor, hoping not to be seen. It was as if he was shirking his duties because of his own lack of self-restraint and shameful fantasies, but he was on his mid-shift break, so the guilt was baseless, and he took a deep, shuddering breath as the lift started to move again.

"I... understand what you mean when you talk about your species," he said, picking his words carefully since he would offer counter-argument to something he had no right to question. He was a Starfleet officer, and cultural diversity was taught to him years back. That the Ovri culture did not match his own was of no consequence. It did not make it wrong, just different, and in accepting difference - the understanding that founded the Federation - he might have found a way to move on from Vasser's mutiny. He had never imagined Vinata would be willing to help him, so as he looked at the Ovri - actually looked him in the eye - Maal inclined his head. "Thank you."

The lift stopped at their destination, and feeling a bit numb, not fully having processed what was happening, he followed Vinata's lead, falling into step with the digitigrade gait of the other nurse. The momentary silence was extremely awkward to Maal, and he was not entirely sure how to break it either. Vinata had spoken about friendship and pleasure for sake of relaxation, and the former he was accustomed to, but he was raised that the latter would mean more than mere friendship. It felt highly irregular contemplating something consensual between them when the first time had clearly not been that at all. Another thought he had was that, perhaps, what had happened between him and Vinata's sister might just have made that incident during the mutiny more shameful for him.

"At the time of that mutiny... I may have had a predisposed opinion about Ovri. My... interest in your sister made me, perhaps, more susceptible to the... impressions you left me with, which still linger to this day. Before it happened, before the mutineer forced us to..." He cleared his throat, the anticipation making him lightheaded. "I may feel this shame because I had already thought of you in that context, before it happened."

Then, they were there, outside the Ovri's quarters.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #10
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Maal remained with Vanata and the doors closed on Deck 11, Vinata could not help but smile softly at the other male that shared his turbolift as they continued up to Deck 8. As Maal spoke of Vinata's words and he thanked him, Vinata did not know all of what was going through Maal's head, but he did share the mentality that this would help them move past the mutiny, that the two of them would be able to close the wounds between them and maybe even form a friendship, while most females did not bond with their children some males did make an attempt, and perhaps for Maal's sake he would try and be involved, after all Uncles were a thing with other races, and they could be involved with family.

As they got to Deck 8 Vinata stepped out first and gave a smile to Maal. "No need to thank me Maal, this is as much for you as it is for me. I hope that today shall be the first major step in getting our lives back to what they were before the mutiny. And who knows we might end up as good friends when this is over. Personally I would like to at least try and keep an eye on your child when you get it back. They would be my niece or nephew correct? Don't use those terms very often, among the Ovri the children of a sibling are not all that important in your own life." As Vinata took the lead through the deck he did not realize that he was catching Maal's eye as his hips swayed with each step.

As they neared Vinata's quarters and Maal brought up the point of how his actuons during the mutiny might have been influenced by the feelings that Maal had for Hylota, this made Vinata smile a little as he looked over his shoulder to give a sly grin. "So you are saying that you had a thing for the Ovri after my sister showed you just how wild the sex could be?" He chuckled a bit. "Well I cannot blame you the Ovri were once quite the pleasure oriented race." As they arrived at Vinata's room he took a deep breath, he might have brushed it off, but he did feel a bit uneasy that his sister might have been the reason for Maal's interest, he worried Hylota might turn him down on a relationship, and then Maal might turn his focus to Vinata in an unhealthy manner. He closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath, he needed to give Maal more credit than that, he was his own man, not some child.

Vinata opened the door to his rather simple room and walked inside. "Come on in Maal. I guess for what it matters we do have options on where we can do this. You can lay or sit on my bed." He motioned to his bed, well made and recently cleaned, he had taken special care to ensure no one would learn of what he had done with Lucan there. "There is also the desk area, you could take a seat and I would pleasure you...or we could take this to the sonic shower to ensure no evidence survives." He chuckled at the last statement, in the back of his mind Vinata wondered just how much sex he would have in his shower.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #11
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When Vinata had spoken about the unhatched child he'd begotten with Hylota, Maal realised that Vinata was already an integral part of his future, so it made a lot of sense that they were taking the initiative to overcome the incident that lay between them. Yet at the same time, what would happen between them in doing so was so different from what Maal had been taught; what a sound relationship with a sibling to the woman he was in a relationship with was. He had merely been able to nod in affirmation to what the Ovri told him.

Once inside Vinata's quarters, and with his thoughts still caught on what kind of a species the Ovri had once been, Maal was presented with a some choices. He could not shake the feeling, that it felt as if they were conducting some kind of business transaction. As if he was requesting a specific program at a Ferengi holosuite in some port. It was not the case, yet it felt so... impersonal. The mere promise of what was to come was making him hard in anticipation, but he was not sure how to conduct himself. What did stand out, when Maal thought about it, was how Vinata had said not to thank him, but that the interest was mutual.

So, breath quickened, and his hearts beating faster, he came to lean against the edge of the Ovri's desk, with his large yet steady hands on the desktop. "If... this is as much for you as it is for me," he said quietly, back-lit by the Azure Nebula outside the viewport in Vinata's quarters. "Then I assume you have a preference of your own?"

He thought his voice sounded thick as he watched the other nurse move in the Nebula's light, stirring at the sight, and wishing there was no clothing on the Ovri's body, just like that fateful day in the Recovery Ward.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #12
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Maal made his way into the room and went over to the desk Vinata followed along behind him and listened to what Maal had to say. Vinata rubbed his chin as he looked around his room. "Well considering you likely have a time restraint on how long I can keep you, I guess I should take the option that would be the fastest for you." Vinata approached Maal and motioned to the chair for the desk as he put a hand on Maal's shoulder. "You can take a seat and I will get a bit more presentable for you. I doubt you find these rather bland uniforms all that provocative." With that Vinata walked over to his bed and began to disrobe, undoing his boots and stepping out of them, stretching his toes out as he stood barefooted on the floor of his cabin.

Vinata kept his back to Maal as he undid his uniform and slipped out of it, opening his collar and working his uniform off of his shoulders, exposing his bare blue back as he slowly worked his hands from his sleeves and let the uniform hang around his hips. Reaching up Vinata stretched out, he wanted to give Maal a good show, make him feel less bad about fantasizing about him, this time Maal would see Vinata in a safe setting not under duress. Spreading his legs apart a bit Vinata slipped his hands to his hips as he began to push his uniform down, rocking his hips back and forth as he did it, he wanted to make a good show at the least.  Vinata took his time working the uniform off of each leg before he folded up his uniform and set it on his bed, with that he turned around to face Maal and smiled to the other man. "So, are you ready for me Maal?" Vinata gave a reassuring smile as he walked forward, his hips swaying as he walked, his bosom bouncing lightly with each step.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #13
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When offered, Maal took his seat on the chair next to the desk he had been leaning on. Quietly, he watched Hylota's brother disrobe, the display more than enough to quicken him as he sat there. He began to breathe more deeply, his Klingon lust animating him even if he remained where he sat. His instincts, as Klingon, was to bite and to exert violence when matng, but he had since long learned the lesson of being gentle with females.

Only now, this was no female, as much as it seemed to be. Ovri were peculiar in that sense, but since he had been with Hylota - who had the powerful build of a male physique - the notion of being intimate with a male that appeared mostly female gave him no pause. Well, at least no more than usual, since he remained awkward about anything of the kind.

When Vinata stepped towards him, bared and showing that he was ready, Maal couldn't find the proper answer. It was a flaw of his, to not find the right words. The sight itself made it no easier, of course, as his brown eyes took in the sight of the bared Ovri body in the light of the Azure Nebula.

"I... might be," he said, his deep voice reverberating in his chest, and he could feel his heart beating fast. He caught himself being fully dressed and supposed that he should do something about it. Belatedly, he was getting back on his feet, and began to pull at his own uniform, shedding his jacket and unzipping his undershirt. He had no idea what he was doing any more, so he let the chips fall where they might.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #14
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata let out a cute melodious giggle as he looked to Maal as he tried to strip down quickly. Vinata stepped forward and put his hands on Maal's. "Here, allow me to help you, you look so flustered that you might rip your uniform in your rush." Vinata shook his head but still smiled as he moved Maal's hands away and continued where he had left off, undoing his uniform and helping to strip him don to so that he would be able to accept the pleasure that Vinata would be providing soon enough.

It did  not take much time to finally strip Maal down, but once he had been liberated from his clothes Vinata gently guided him back and encouraged him to sit. "Come Maal, sit down and relax, it is time I show you what I can offer when we are not being forced, allow me to show you the pleasure that you deserve." With that Vinata leaned in close and kissed the tip of his cock while one hand reached up and began to gently fondle his balls. As this went on Vinata continued to kiss Maal's cock, trailing kisses along the length before he let his tongue out and let it wrap around the base of Maal's cock before he lucked upwards, letting his tongue swirl around Maal's length and tease at the tip of his cock before Vinata opened his mouth and allowed Maal's cock to slip past his lips as he began to suck on Maal's length, keeping a firm hold on hos length while at the same time keeping the fondling of his balls, allowing extra pleasure to be felt all while doing his best to keep himself in a alluring position.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #15
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Unused to being serviced in quite that fashion, Maal did pause and let Vinata take control of the situation, since he was - indeed - a flustered fool in the face of such anticipation. His body was bared from its uniform before he tore the fabric, and he took deep breath to still the fiery urge in his Klingon blood. Eventually, he had been undressed, and when asked to seat himself, he did, feeling quite self-conscious about the entire situation - not just in regard to his own arousal.

That was when Vinata began, seemingly taking great delight in repeating what he had done to Maal during the mutiny. Then again, he did not do it the same way. This time, it was more elaborate, not just giving Maal the bare minimum of what had been required of him. No, the Ovri used his tongue in a fashion that Maal had not experienced in quite the same way. Oh, he'd been with Hylota, but this was... It seemed like Vinata was thoroughly enjoying himself. Seeing this, it eased his own guilt about having confessed to his daydreams about the blue-and-red skinned nurse - reliving that nightmare through a lens of attraction.

It was truly as if Vinata tried to siphon the semen out of him, and Maal made a groan that sounded more like a growl. He reached out to run his hand over the Ovri's neck, enjoying the texture and feeling the neck-muscles work in the motions he made. He could hardly credit his eyes, even if his sensitive member confirmed what was truly happening. This, yes, this was better than the Recovery Ward.

"T-This is extraordinary," was all he managed, grunting as his ridged phallus twitched in answer to Vinata's lips and tongue - the warm confines of his mouth. "Is... is there anything I can do for y-you?"

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #16
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Maal's mind strayed to remembering the horrid events of the mutiny that they had lived through, as they began to be viewed less terribly and began to be pushed out of mind. It was not a complete fix, but it was the kind of progress that Vinata was hoping would be happening. He could only imagine the suffering that Maal felt with how isolated he had been and with all the stress that he had with Hylota's pregnancy and his own injuries from the mutiny, Vinata was sure it had all been rather harsh and difficult to handle, so the least he could do was try and help his fellow crewman.

Unlike Maal, Vinata had been able to get help, to have people that he was able to confide in and work with to get over his stresses, in truth the memory of what he had done the night before with Doctor Nicander was still fresh in his mind and was part of the reason that he did not want to use the shower or the bed, both had been used for his sexual matters far too recently for him to feel he should use them again, that and in this position at his desk chair they would be able to finish up quickly and Maal would be able to get on his way once more.

As Vinata sucked along the length of Maal's cock, swirling his tongue and doing his best to keep the other man stimulated, Vinata looked up at Maal as he asked about there being anything that he could do for Vinata, this made him pull back and smile up at Maal. "Well you could massage my forehead and touch the mark, for the most part I want you to relax and enjoy yourself, this is meant to be a good time for you, so just sit back and enjoy yourself." Vinata gave Maal a playful wink before he returned his tongue to Maal's length and began to pull it back into his mouth once more as he stimulated the other man.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #17
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
To sit back, this Maal could do. To relax, it was difficult, the tensions still there for him, but what Vinata was doing to him did serve to help ease those tensions. To touch him?

Aye, the mark. This he remembered from Hylota. Ovri did fancy their heads being stroked, and so he reached out with one large hand and put it on Vinata's bare scalp. The weight of his hand accidentally pushed Vinata's mouth further down along his length, and Maal gasped as he felt the crown of his hardness push into the back of the Ovri's throat. As gratifying as it was, he realised he had disrupted Vinata's pace. "My apologies," he breathed, a shiver coursing through his entire body and making the musculature under his skin ripple in reaction.

To make up for his error, he did begin to stroke the other Nurse's head with his thumb. Maal rubbed it across the mark upon his forehead, outlining the outer shape and then grazing across the center image. Meanwhile he did this, he could see past the Ovri's head too, mesmerised by the way that bottom of Vinata's rocked back and forth with each movement of the fellatio. Gradually, he was relaxing, enjoying himself... almost getting a bit carried away. While his cock only grew harder, throbbing in eager response to its fine treatment, and Maal rubbed Vinata's mark with his thumb, he found himself leaning forward a bit, so that his free arm could reach for that beckoning derriere he saw.

Before he knew it, he was rubbing Vinata's firm buttocks along with his mark, his three lungs shallow in breath, and his Klingon desires awakening. He remembered, from the Recovery Ward, how the mutineer had pushed a finger into Vinata, and how - as horrifying as the situation had been - the sight stayed with him still. Maybe Vinata...?

His Klingon rousedness had claimed him, and against his better reasoning, not knowing the Ovri's preferences, he soon let his middle finger slip down between those firm buttocks. He prodded the sphincter that had beckoned so for him, and his ridged cock answered in growth, the girth filling Vinata's mouth even more.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #18
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Maal got a bit aggressive and suddenly thrust and broke the pace Vinata gagged for a moment as the cock pushed to the back of his throat, this made Vinata glare up at the other man, he had agreed to help, but he had expected to be allowed to take things at his own pace to ensure that this remained pleasant for the both of them, this was a two way street they needed trust to ensure that this did not become something toxic, thankfully Maal seemed to realize his mistake and apologized for his sudden outburst, this got a moan around his cock from Vinata to show that he forgave Maal for his lustful action.

As Maal began to rub his thumb along the mark on Vinata's forehead the male Ovri let his eyes close as he savored the feeling of the tracing finger, letting the digit rub along his slightly scaled skin, the symbolic meaning clearly not lost on Maal, Vinata could only assume that Hylota had explained it or at least shown some level of interest at what had been done to her, in the end it did not matter, all that mattered was that Maal understood what to do. So in turn Vinata returned the act with what Maal wanted, taking a deep breath Vinata leaned forward, taking Maal deeper into his throat before he let out a croak around the cock, making the length of the member tingle with stimulation.

Vinata was a little naive of what was happening, he put too much faith in others being like himself, so as he got Maal more and more aroused he did not consider the Klingon desires and he remained ignorant of the things that were coming his way as Maal leaned forward and reached his hands to Vinata's ass, he remained ignorant of what was coming as he was rubbed and touched, but as Maal slipped his finger into Vinata's ass his eyes opened wide and he moaned in mild shock as he relaxed around the finger as it slid into him, it felt so strange, sure he had taken Nicander up the ass before, but a finger felt different, more slender, harder, it was rather strange, and oddly arousing as Vinata shuddered and moaned as he continued to suck and stimulate Maal's cock.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #19
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Maal had caught himself entirely too late when touching Vinata's rear, only realising what he was doing when the Ovri reacted. His own eyes widened, and he dared not breathe, thinking he had erred. The apologies were on his tongue, where he'd blame his Klingon genes getting the better of his upbringing, and that he'd never do something like it again.

But instead....

...Vinata had begun to moan all the harder, punctuating the stimuli of his croaking. Eyes still wide, not daring to stop rubbing his mark, Maal realised that the other Nurse was actually enjoying what he was doing. Just like Vinata was taking him closer and closer to a point where he'd climax - his fantasies relived - Maal was actually doing something that stirred the Ovri as well. So, with this in mind, Maal continued, taking more liberty as he reached across Vinata's back and prodded his rear. He had large hands, and good reach, so after a few thrusts, he could fit his whole middle finger inside Vinata.

Maal caught himself grunting in answer to the motions of the Ovri's nimble mouth and tongue, the vibration felt through his loins. He realised he'd fallen into rhythm with the Ovri too, his finger keeping pace with the movements along his ridged member. In short order, Maal was reaching a point where he struggled not to come right into the other Nurse's throat.

"I won't last," he said in warning, about to shed his seed, "if you want me inside you, you better climb into my lap... else... ngg..."

He bit his strong jaws together, looking down at the Ovri's face for an answer.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #20
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata worked diligently, letting out moans and shuddering as he took the penetrating finger the feeling of the thick firm digit moving inside of him, sliding along his internal walls, rubbing along his sensitive insides, pushing against his prostate with each pass, it made Vinata feel so good. He could feel his cock pushing out as time went on, the length firming and pushing its way out of its concealed internalized position, it all felt so good as Vinata swirled his tongue around Maal's cock, letting his firm and powerful tongue massage Maal and pleasure his powerful length, the moans adding tingling sensations along the length that were quickly massaged away as Vinata's tongue moved and rubbed back over every inch of Maal's cock.

As Maal began to get closer and closer to his climax and even let Vinata know he began to wonder how he should continue from here, he did like the idea of taking Maal up his ass and getting a nice big load inside of him, it made him feel oddly nice when Lucan did it, but then again if he gave his ass over Maal might realize that Vinata had given himself to someone else recently, and he might even figure out he had slept with it was better to just take Maal orally, let this be focused on "Healing". So Vinata kept licking and sucking, giving Maal as much pleasure that he could, it was a small shame he might not be able to get off before Maal had to leave...of course he coud just beat it off in the sonic shower, he had already taken enough of Maal's time, Maal was on the clock after all.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #21
[ Nurse Maal | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
From his vantage point, Maal could not see the Ovri penis emerge from out of Vinata, and if he had - despite his experience thereof - he could have reached for it. As it were, he did continue knead his finger into the other Nurse while getting head, and since Vinata seemed to enjoy himself so much, he did have the presence of mind to introduce a second finger as well. Judging by the ease in which the Ovri could accommodate one finger, it was apparent he could take two.

Yet no more had he begun to do so when his own climax couldn't be contained any more. The Ovri knew what he was about, and there was a point where no one would be able to conserve himself. That point of no return was upon Maal, and since Vinata did not wish to stop and indulge himself, Maal cried out at last - trying as he might to keep churning his thick fingers into the Ovri.

When he came, his seed pumped into Vinata's waiting mouth, his Klingon semen entering a second Ovri. Maal roared in contentment, unable to deny himself the guttural call of satisfaction. His Klingon blood was strong, despite his upbringing, and with his free hand - earlier stroking the Ovri's mark - Maal seized Vintata's entire head. With his large hand wrapped around the bald alien's scalp, he pushed his ridged girth deep into Vinata's throat - the semen continuing to pump into him with each lasting moment of his climax.

Only when he came down from the heights of euphoria did he realise what he was doing, and immediately released Vinata - an apology in thought and in the look on his face, but his voice failed him at the moment.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #22
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Vinata was mildly frustrated with his choice to not focus on getting off, instead he was going to have to take care of himself before he had to go into work his shift, he could not risk taking up more time, but for the love of the stone mother did Maal have to pleasure him like he was, the constant fingering of his asshole was getting to him, he could feel the intimate rubbing against his prostate and it was making it so hard to focus at moments, but this might have been for the best. With his mind lost in a haze of pleasure Vinata was able to let his body move on instinct, sucking softly and working his tongue along the length of the cock, pleasuring Maal in a natural manner.

Things got a bit more intense though as Maal neared his climax, his movements seemed to grow more aggressive, his rubbing more firm on Vinata's brow and also along his prostate, the sensation made waves of pleasure surge through Vinata, his body shuddering and his cock twitching as it dripped silently with Vinata's arousal. His own breaths betraying his lust as he took long breaths as Vinata let his tongue work only to exhale and let out lustful chirps and croaks, the vibrations adding ever still to the stimulation that Vinata offered through his tongue and the constant suction, it all working to the ever nearing climax.

As Maal was finally pushed over the edge Vinata leaned in a bit closer as he tried to avoid dealing with a mouth full of cum, but this only got Mall going as his hand suddenly began to tighten, the pressure non Vinata's head was not uncomfortable, but it was clear he was not in control here as he was pulled into Maal's groin. As Vinata's face was pressed firmly to Maal's crotch he shuddered and fought to suppress a gag as the thick member pushed into the back of his throat. The sensation of Maal's cum surging down his throat made Vinata tense and tingle, it was an oddly pleasant sensation to say the least.

As things began to wrap up and Maal came back to his senses, pulling back and releasing Vinata's head, Vinata was able to suck and pull off of Maal's length. Clearing his throat Vinata looked up at Maal and smirked. He could see the shame on Maal's face, he needed to see that this was alright, that Vinata was not so weak and frail. "Got a bit into it there I see. Glad to know I could get you into the mood like that." Vinata let out a chirping chuckle. "You certainly have a thing for the Ovri." Vinata got up and stretched before he sat beside Maal. "So, I hope you feel a bit more comfortable around me, and less shameful about seeing me in a sexual light. Because honestly, as an Ovri, I like it a bit rough." Vinata kissed Maal on the cheek, a hopefully comforting and tender action, Vinata was still quite horny, but he did not want to keep Maal for too much longer.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #23
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
While catching his breath, Maal watched Vinata to make sure he hadn't been hurt. Quite on the contrary, the Ovri seemed quite pleased with the development, uncontrolled as it had been in the end on Maal's part. The other Nurse even leaned close to kiss his cheek in an almost prudish way, but Maal couldn't help but notice the state that Vinata had been left in. Sitting next to Maal, the Ovri's phallus swayed in its rigid state, even leaking from what Maal had done to Vinata. It seemed obvious that the Nurse was in need of sexual release too, but content with being left unattended.

"You are generous and kind," he rumbled as he got down from where he half-sat on the edge of the desk, and turned to face Vinata - his chest still heaving, sweat beading his brow. "Yet so am I... At least... I will try to be."

Having said this, he stepped up between Vinata's spread legs. He ran one brawny arm underneath a digigrade leg, and pulled him close - their breaths suddenly mingling between their faces. Maal was not about to leave Vinata wanting, so he seized that odd, alien member with his fist, and pushed his cock deep inside Vinata's anal passage. His ridged length had yet to become flaccid, still heard and quite sensitive. He grunted at the new tightness he felt, but he would give the Ovri as much as he could before his body failed him. Either he would come a second time, or his arousal would fail him because of what Vinata had done with his mouth, but either way... there was no time to waste.

He had little experience with phallus play, but he knew what he liked for himself. Thus, he stroked Vinata hard, and gave no mercy to his tight sphincter either. If Ovri liked it 'rough', then that was something Maal could give him, even if his own brutality surprised and scared him. Vintata would simply have to hold on to something, and accept how Maal would show his gratefulness.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #24
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Maal chose to seize the situation and repay the favor that Vinata had given by bringing him to a climax, Maal easily caught Vinata off guard and was able to get control of the situation. Vinata was so aroused and feeling weak after his ordeals that he quickly caved to Maal's actions, allowing himself to be moved and repositioned to suit Maal's wishes. Vinata panted, his cock glistened with its natural lubricant, small beads collecting and sliding down along the length of Vinata's cock as he looked up at Maal, the light of the nebula played across Vinata's skin as he watched, his hands placed high on his chest, resting on his chest, just above his ample bosom as his heavy breathing made them rise and fall in a even rhythm.

Vinata allowed himself to lay back as Maal lifted his legs and moved them apart, exposing Vinata to him and allowing Maal to slide his cock into Vinata's anus, the saliva that Vinata had coated it with coming in handy as it served to lubricate Maal's cock as he pushed into Vinata. Vinata whined and shuddered as he did his best to relax around Maal's thick cock, allowing it to slide in as smoothly as possible. Vinata luckily did have a bit of a love for roughness with his sex, and as Maal took a firm hold of his cock Vinata moaned loudly as he shuddered and looked to Maal lustfully. "W-Well if you are feeling confident enough I guess I-I would not be opposed to this." Vinata moaned as the sensation of his cock being rubbed began to get to him.

Vinata was so close, his cock tingled and practically buzzed with pleasure, the sensations running from each segment of his cock, as each finger passed offer it, the tight warm hold, the slippery sensation from his natural lube, it was all so intense. Vinata found his focus slipping, his vision getting unfocused as Vinata struggled to maintain himself, all while each thrust from Maal sent fresh waves of pleasure through Vinata as the Klingon cock rubbed along his sensitive insides, pleasuring the prostate and stimulating the tight ring of Vinata's behind. It honestly did not take much to send Vinata over the edge, only a short fucking and Vinata began to chirp in pleasure before suddenly croaking out in pleasure as he climaxed, his thick seed spraying out of the head of his cock, splattering down over Vinata's chest as he laid there panting and looked to Maal with a smile. "Y-You truly are amazing Maal."

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