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Alpha Centauri: Never the Same


[ Devyrie Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @YasyraTrill
The two daughters of Aurum i-Jelai Okhala and Shreya Okhala found themselves alone. Devyrie was reading Starfleet admittance information on a datapad in the backyard, the sun setting over the lush mountains. The wooden veranda was still warm beneath Dev's bare feet, and while Dev wanted to concentrate, she had a difficult time with Laurel out there, but she didn't have the heart to ask her to go inside.

It was the unsaid that stalled her tongue, which was usually quick to correct or admonish her younger sister. Dev knew that from the next day onwards, she might never have to yell on her sister again, and she never had to have Laurel tug at her braids just to tease her.

No, the unsaid fact was that it might be a long time since they saw each other again. Living on Alpha Centauri instead of Earth meant that she wouldn't be able to beam home for dinner. Alpha Centauri was too long away for a shuttle ride as well, so that would restrict everyday contact with mama, papa and Laurel to subspace calls.

Dev closed her eyes and set her datapad aside, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Why have you stopped asking questions?" she asked tiredly as the onset of twilight fell over the verdant garden around them. Dev did not admit that, while it had been utterly distracting, she hadn't really minded answering all the questions that popped into Laurel's head. She knew how tight-lipped papa could be... about everything.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #1
[ Laurel Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Perched on the edge of the veranda with her knees tucked under her chin, Laurel tilted her head to the side to get a better view of her sister.

She thought about how different they were, all of the times they had been asked if there were really sisters. She wondered about how her sister could take for granted her more mixes looks. She pondered on how much she would miss bothering her and how much she would miss confiding in her. And she thought about what her answer should be, honest, playful, sad? All were viable options but her big sister had been so tense lately she decided on a hybrid option. "You seemed like you were on the verge of asking me to stop. I don't want our last day together to end in a fight." She paused and then made a face, "You have that look on your face." a suppressed giggle snuck passed her lips, "You look like Papa." Her giggles over took her and she stuck her tongue out playfully at her sister, before springing to her feet and dancing clumsily out of reach.

"Come on, rinam! You've been sitting there for hours, let us go and see what mama is up to?" glancing over her shoulder, she pulled out her best puppy dog eyes, "Please?"

(OOC: Rinam is Romulan for sister :D Someone smart made a thing: )


Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #2
[ Devyrie Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @YasyraTrill
Sighing, Devyrie knew that she wouldn't get any reading done anyway, and got to her feet.

"Fine, let's go inside. I'll finish reading later tonight," she said and ran her hand over her dyed locks as she led the way into the spacious kitchen and the sitting area on the lower floor. She put the datapad on a side table and stretched looking for their mother, Shreya Okhala. "Mama?"

There was no immediate answer, so she was likely upstairs. The kitchen was cleaned up after the dinner they had eaten together. It had been a rather awkward affair, with both of their parents solely focused on Devyrie's survival off the planet that they were hiding on. They had already been told that their location on Alpha Centauri was screened by the Federation to prevent the Romulans from learning where Aurum lived, and to have her leave, after all these years? It was certainly a big deal. Devyrie understood the dangers, but it was not like she could be holed up her entire life, right?

"Did you say anything?" came a voice from the top floor, their mother busy with something.

"T'was nothing," said Devyrie and turned to Laurel, thinking about how she would have to continue living in that house for years to come, and with the word of unrest in the Alpha Quadrant, she suspected that their father would take extra precautions to keep Shreya and Laurel safe. He was very Romulan in that way. Paranoid to a fault. Seeing dangers everywhere, second-guessing every good news. It could be quite exhausting, even if Devyrie respected where he came from with his reasoning.

"You will be okay, right?" she said quietly to Laurel, realising what might become of the remaining family in the house. "You may have Papa's looks, but you take after Mama when it comes to playing with friends at school. You're sometimes even more human than she is. When I'm gone... Keep playing, but try to learn from our father as well. He knows so many things, and he really wants the best for us, even if you might not see it now...."

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #3
[ Laurel Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

At her sisters question, Laurel looked down letting her braids fall forward as she stared at her own bare feet. Scuffing one foot she looked back up at her sister with a wry smile. "I'll be fine, sis. You don't have to worry about me." The her smile dropped, "It's just," she huffed out a sigh, "I'm not you. He'll be disappointed." Frustratedly, she pushed her hair back.

In the days that led up to her sister's departure for Earth, Laurel did her best to not think about what life would be like without her there. She had always known that Devyrie's presence helped temper their father's intense focus on protection, a bit. Having to split his worry between the two of them meant that they could get some relief when he was pushing too hard. It was unfair of her to think it, but sometimes Laurel wished her sister hadn't done well enough to get into the Academy. That she would just stay on Alpha Centauri and things could continue as they had all her life. And she would never admit it, but she was worried about her sister too. Laurel had a tendency to believe their father's paranoia quicker than Dev had growing up. As a result, although she tried to ignore it in favor of supporting Dev's discussions, her father's worries about exposer often ran away with her imagination.

"Honestly, he's going to be awful for awhile. He's going to be worried about you." She exhaled slowly and lent back against the polished banister of the stairs. "But it will be ok. I guess . . . I'll just have to be more like you." She shrugged with a plastered on smile.

Laurel moved to sit on the bottom stair and leant to rest her chin on her hands. "Do- Do you think you'll be able to come home when there are semester breaks?" Laurel queried. "It's just . . . you've always been here. It's going to be lonely without you . . .  I'm going to miss you."

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #4
[ Devyrie Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @YasyraTrill
Hearing her sister say that, it made Devyrie feel a small lump in her throat, even if she had told herself that she couldn't possibly feel bad about finally leaving Alpha Centauri behind. Still, there she was, hearing her little sister saying that she'll miss her, and she realised that it was not said because it might ruin the current parameters upon which the family functioned in a healthy way. No, it did seem like Laurel would actually miss her, asking her to come home when she could.

"Hey, hey, Lau," she said and walked up to her where she sat at the bottom of the stairs. She adjusted the folds of her baggy Centauri trousers and crouched down in front of her with a smile. For all their differences, visible or not, they were still sisters. She reached out and put her hand to her braided head. "I'm going to miss you too. Just as much as Mama and Papa. We've lived her for our whole lives, in this town, in this house, and we have gone to the same winter house all these years. Alpha Centauri will always be my home, for I have known nothing else since I was born, but more importantly, we are family. We might not look like sisters, but we are. How could I not come back here whenever I can?"

Having said this, she chuckled, removing her hand from her sisters' braids. "At the same time, if you were my age, wouldn't you want to see something else than this town, this house and our winter home? I know you'd leap at the opportunity as quickly as I am now." The smile of hers faded, turning a bit serious in her addendum. She looked around, and lowered her voice as she looked back into Laurel's face - her green eyes concerned. "Just don't tell Papa I said that, and don't tell him if you want to leave. Just do it when you have that right. Otherwise, you will have him worry for you every day leading up to then, instead of him being forced to accept your right to chose after you make the choice. Do you understand? It will be easier for you both that way."

Devyrie felt like she was betraying Papa, but she just couldn't let Lau feel she'd be alone in that house of theirs forever.

She had to have hope for something better.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #5
[ Laurel Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Laurel covered a sniffle with a snort of laughter, while shaking her braided head to dislodge her sister’s hand, “I’d go now if I could.” She bumped her shoulder playfully against Devyrie’s, “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous. You get to fly and see new planets and meet other non-humans and fly. Do you think you’ll make friends? You won’t replace me right?” She shook her head as if to clear the ridiculousness of the thought, “Of course you won’t. Don’t answer that that was a dumb question. The one about replacing me, I’m sure you’ll make friends. I mean,” she bumped her shoulder against Dev’s again, “you aren’t that bad.”

She let out a put upon sigh before she allowed a mischievous grin to slip through. “What do you think the odds are on convincing Papa to let us come visit you on Earth?” A thoughtful look crossed her face. “Hmmm I should start planning the defense for that case. I like that plan actually. If we can get Papa to go somewhere else and prove that it isn’t crawling with Romulan spies, maybe he will finally be able to relax a little. All of this worry can’t be good for his overall health.” Laurel continued to ramble to herself for a few moments. “Maybe if I bring it up during one of our camping trips. He’s always in a better mood on those.” Her eyes became slightly unfocussed, her mouth moved silently as if she was physically mapping out the scenario. Just as suddenly she snapped out of it, her hopeful, hazel stare coming to rest on Devyrie , “What do you think? I think if you and Mama join me I might be able to succeed.” She smirked triumphantly, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #6
[ Devyrie Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @YasyraTrill
Hearing her ideas and optimism made Devyrie put on a polite smile, because she knew that for all her enthusiasm, their father would never allow it. There was no chance he'd risk going to Earth, much less with the only family he'd have left in his care after Dev joined Starfleet. "Maybe," she said, though, not having the heart to disappoint her, "we can always try, but I think it is best you don't get your hopes up. You know how Papa is."

Their identities were already protected by Starfleet. As much, Dev had learned. Mama Shreya used to be in Starfleet Intelligence, and she would often try to make Papa Aurum see that the measures put in place were adequate to keep Devyrie and Laurel safe. To that day, Aurum had been second-guessing her, claiming that the Tal'Shiar had more access to Starfleet's secrets than they let on. It was one of those perpetual arguments that they never settled, and sometimes, Devryie had thought it might make them separate. She was glad they hadn't, but for the state of deterrence to work, Shreya had conformed to a lot of Aurum's terms.

At least the family was together, and they had spent their childhood on Alpha Centauri in peace.

"If you, someday, decide to leave... and even join Starfleet, do you know what you want to do already?" she asked, unsure how much her younger sister knew about the divisions in Starfleet. "I have read that you can pursue a career in science, medical, engineering, operations, and even piloting shuttles and ships, large and small. Is th-"

She was interrupted by Laurel, who already had her answer.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #7
[ Laurel Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Laurel deflated slightly, she had always known when her sister was simply humoring her. She knew that Dev was right as well, it was a distant dream that their father might let them go to Earth to visit. Especially with Devyrie already exposed without his protection.

Her demeanor sparked back up however when she asked about Starfleet though. The last three years in a row her mother had given her a model starship for her birthday, for them to build together. Her father hadn't really approved, said it would give her foolish ideas. But she loved them and since building them she had become obsessed with the design and function of the ships she built. Even more curious than the design  was how they were flown. In her spare time at the library, Laurel read all she could about space flight and propulsion systems, and the great helmsmen and women of Starfleet since it's founding.

"CONN, I want to fly. See everything and be right in the thick of it. Dependable on the bridge of a Starship to get us where we're supposed to go!" She beamed at her big sister, jumping to her feet and making a soaring motion with her arms.  Then winced as sound from upstairs reached them. "Sorry." she whispered, lowering her arms and walking further into the house away from the stairs where their parents might hear them. "Ships are just so cool. I can hardly wait . . . engineering would be acceptable as well, I suppose." She adds as an after thought as she steps up to the replicator to get a glass of water. After taking a long pull from the glass she gestured to the replicator, offering to get Devyrie something as well, before asking, "What do you want to do at Starfleet? Besides blow them all away with how smart you are?" she teased good-naturedly.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #8
[ Devyrie Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @YasyraTrill
Her pointed eyebrows rising, Devyrie came to realise just how much her little sister had dreamed of leaving, perhaps even more so than she had done herself. How did she know so much? Had she been doing a project on Starfleet in grade school? Was this her own research? Dev had expected to have to explain all the divisions and departments on the PADD she had put aside, but no... apparently Laurel was more or less as knowledgeable as she was on the topic.

"Oh, you're too sweet. I'm sure there are plenty more smarter people there in Starfleet," she said with a small chuckle as she walked up to the replicator. "Green lemon tea, please."

After the chirp of acknowledgement and the shimmer from the machine, Devyrie spoke again. "Actually, that doesn't sound so bad, what you are saying," she said, even if she wasn't entirely sure if she'd seek the thrills or follow in their parents footsteps, trying to get into Starfleet Intelligence. In a way, she didn't want to live in fear her whole life, and in order to lift the yoke of unease about what the Romulan Empire might do to her and her family, she wanted to head straight for the front-lines of the cold war that still raged between the Federation and the current Praetor. She was, however, second-guessing herself, also thinking that she could also screw up, and put her family in more danger than ever. She respected the inherent risks of the careers their parents had chosen, and she did not want to end up like them.

"I do like to work independently, however, and I am not sure I would feel at ease on the bridge of a starship. So many people, so many risks. So many chances either of them might make a mistake, because they are tired, or just overlooks something. I end up thinking I could be the one that makes the mistake, and I would end up with the repercussions solely at my feet - the blame all mine. I am not sure I'd be able to do that... Not in that way. I need more... control."

It was the closest thing she had admitted to being the control freak that Laurel always teased her to be, and she gave her sister a pre-emptive mock-angry look as she picked up her tea and sat down by the table. "Haven't you thought about becoming a spy, just like Mama and Papa? You certainly can't let me see any friends alone, at least."

She could always tease her back, of course.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #9
[ Laurel Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Crossing her arms in a defensive stance, Laurel looked at her bare feet in thought, "I- I love mama and papa, and I know they love us, but I'm already so nervous and shy of everything. I don't want to feed those tendencies. I - I don't want to end up the way they feel all the time. Like everything and everyone is a threat. I want to believe that beings are good and we can live and work together, if not peacefully, then at  least successfully. I want to go knew places and see new things and not be afraid that some Romulan boogieman or some big bully is going to jump out and destroy us."

She sighed and shook her head in frustration, "The problem is, that I know they are there. Papa taught us too well to not believe that. But a part of me wants to not have to be on the alert all the time. Let someone else help me and feel good about relying on others every once and awhile. To rely one assignments and know that someone else will have my back in a situation . . . That would be such a relief. Papa stresses so much- I can't imagine living my whole life that way.

Running her hands through her braided hair she turned around to look back at her big sister. "Does that make me a bad daughter? Am I ungrateful? Maybe, I should rethink it.” She looked up at her big sister, fear in her wide hazel eyes. “He’d be disappointed if her knew. Forget I said anything, OK?” She moved to leave the room no longer interested in bothering her sister.

Re: Deleted Scene: Never the Same

Reply #10
[ Devyrie Okhala | The Okhala Residence | Alpha Centauri ] Attn: @YasyraTrill
Hearing her sister lament the situation in the family, and how she did not want to end up like Papa, it made Devyrie's heart ache a bit for her. They both knew how it would be after Dev left, no matter how much she tried to encourage and help Laurel, and knowing that her sister would take the very first opportunity to leave Alpha Centauri when she came of age, Dev also knew how much she would suffer in this peaceful "prison" they had shared on the planet.

It was, perhaps, a bit unjust to call it that, because they were as free as the other young men and women at school, free to roam the town they lived in. The difference had been that they'd never been off planet, never having vacation to other spots than those found on Alpha Centauri.

Watching Laurel go, Devyrie sipped her lemon green tea and wondered how it would go, wishing she could do more for Laurel, but at the same time, she would not stay one more day than she had to. It was her turn to leave the nest, so to speak, and soon enough, it would be Laurel's turn as well.

All she could hope was that Mama and Papa would find a way to deal with their shared anxiety, and that they would try to help their daughters even if they were no longer home.


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