Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive June 25, 2017, 02:17:24 PM Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive [ EMH Mk I | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]On Deck 07, a balding figure materialised in the middle of the Battle Sickbay, dressed in Starfleet uniform. Once the shimmer of his activation faded, he spoke."Please state the nature of the medical emergency," he said with complete disinterest, and then looked around himself. In the ward where he had been activated, there was a biobed, and a male figure rested on top of it. He was dressed in a patients' gown and a thin blanket, but the thing that drew the hologram's attention was the holographic screen that took up the front of the ward - obscuring the exit. On the screen stood the Chief Medical Officer of the Theurgy - the starship upon which the hologram served whenever activated.[Doctor,] said the Câroon on the floating screen, inclining his head to the hologram in greeting."Doctor," said the hologram and mirrored his tone in succinct greeting.[This patient has undergone surgery and is ready to be resuscitated. Because of the quarantine in Main Sickbay, and my inability to leave, I need you to administer 1 cc of cordrazine each to him, and scan him for further complications while I speak to him. Please keep another hypospray on hand if he is traumatised by what befell him before he entered stasis.]"I see," said the EMH, raising an eyebrow.The figure of the tall CMO folded his tattooed hands behind his back on the floating screen - dressed in a white lab coat. [He will be told of the present situation, and how it has not improved to any degree since he went into stasis. After all, we are still the elusive prey of Task Force Archeron, but a lot of people he knew are gone, and there will be a lot of unfamiliar faces in his department. At least together, they have somewhere to start on their path back.]"Very well, then," said the EMH with a light sigh and went to the tray that held the hyposprays. Without any greater enthusiasm, he prepared a dosage of cordrazine and stepped to the patient - inoculating them both. Then he stood aside, watching how the human came to, and left the Chief Medical Officer to speak through the vidcomm link.[Petty Officer Song,] said Dr. Nicander on the screen, [how are you feeling?]Taking the cue, the EMH picked up a medical tricorder and began to scan the patient while he spoke. Already, it longed to be deactivated again. Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 12:12:56 AM by Auctor Lucan 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Chapter 21: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #1 – June 29, 2017, 09:06:37 PM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Morgan groaned slightly as his eyes fluttered open, as feeling slowly returned to his body. He barely remembered what happened, nothing but pain and darkness. Out of the darkness of his clouded mind, the pieces began to assemble themselves. There had been an attack of some kind, that much he was sure of. The only other thing he could recall was a sudden searing sensation in his chest, like his own entrails were being burned alive, accompanied by a sudden flash of orange…?Reflexively, Morgan almost sat bolt upright in shock as he realized he had been shot. But as he did so, his body sagged, felt much heavier than usual, as if it were made of lead. He resigned to the weight of his own form, and slowly and laboriously lifted a hand to his chest. He could feel only ache there, as if his nerves had the memory of the wound and not the wound itself. He could feel a heartbeat… was it his? It didn’t feel very real, a perfect rhythmic sensation as the implant in his chest pumped blood to the rest of his mortal coil.As the feeling set in, his fogged perception became aware of the rest of his surroundings. The noise from the medical projection’s tricorder, the sounds of equipment. It was then that Morgan heard Doctor Nicander’s familiar voice. [How are you feeling?]He groaned in response, his throat feeling hoarse, yet at the same time somehow… different? “I feel…” He paused slightly as the act of speech hurt him. “I feel messed up. But…” Another pause as he gulped, his face winced slightly as he ignored the raw feeling. “But alive.” Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 10:12:11 AM by Auctor Lucan 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Chapter 22: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #2 – July 06, 2017, 11:56:54 AM [ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Watching the patient through the screen in his office, Lucan was trying to make an ocular examination of his condition. It was the best he could do from where he was, but he trusted the EMH that was scanning Petty Officer Song to alert him if there was anything amiss in the readings. When the patient had answered, Lucan raised the PADD with the man's medical journal and read it. "Well, I would say 'messed up' is a severe improvement from the condition you were found in, at least. I can assure you that you will leave us with a clean bill of health, and you may thank Thea for me being able to save your life," he said, and then lowered the PADD - making eye-contact with Song through the screen. "She was the one who detected the phaser fire on her internal sensors and made sure you were swiftly put into a stasis pod. There is no way around saying it... but you have been on ice for almost a month. We did not have the medical supplies needed to treat you. Because of this, and before we talk about your surgery, you need to tell me what you can remember."Looking at the EMH, Lucan saw that the hologram continued to scan the Petty Officer. The balding figure did not seem particularly interested in the readings he was getting, but Lucan knew he was more skilled than many gave him credit for. After all, one of his kind served on the Voyager for seven years, and made ground-breaking medical discoveries that were still being debated at Starfleet Medical."Start with your previous assignments in Starfleet before you came aboard the Theurgy," finished Lucan with barely any pause, "and then tell me what you can remember about this ship's mission, and what happened before you woke up here." 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Chapter 22: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #3 – July 06, 2017, 08:40:22 PM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]A month. An entire month of his life, wiped away. The shock hit Morgan slowly in his groggy condition, but he felt it nonetheless. As the photonic doctor continued to scan him, he tried to focus on Nicander’s questions. At least this might provide some grounding. He squinted as he tried to repcall details. “Um… My first assignment was aboard the USS Profundity, Sovereign-class, NCC… 73829,” he intoned, “My second was aboard the USS Hypatia, Nebula-class, NCC-73021… Then it was the Theurgy.”Morgan paused a bit, momentarily distracted by a memory from shortly before the incident. There was shouting, flashes of orange, he was struck in the head- “Uh, the Theurgy’s mission is-” Flashes of running, rounding the corner to find- “The Theurgy’s mission is to defeat the parasites which have… infected the Federation and Starfleet command.” His memories became clear as he said this, yet unbeknownst to him he spoke to the very beast that him and his crew sought to defeat. “The last thing I remember… Uh, I was working on some systems near Below Decks… I think someone was attacking, someone with phasers that is… And I ran and I turned a corner and-” He stopped and shuddered. “And someone- a member of the crew I think- he had a phaser and… I think he shot me?” 2 Likes Liked by: Auctor Lucan, Triage
Re: Chapter 22: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #4 – July 12, 2017, 12:58:31 AM [ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Listening to the quite attractive NCO on the screen, it became clear to Lucan that while his injury was similar to that of Lieutenant Command Nicole Howard's, Petty Officer Song had not suffered the same blood-loss to his brain. Even while newly awakened, he could still recite his full service record and recalled with some detail what had befallen him. These were excellent results, and Lucan smiled when the man finished talking."By the winds, it seems you have a good memory, and the injury did not degrade that in any way," he said and then lifted the PADD in his hand again, speaking while reading the full results. "You were indeed shot by a phaser beam and it entered your chest cavity. You suffered neurological damage and internal burns to both your lungs and your heart. For a full recovery, you needed a biosynthetic heart and a rebreather replacing your trachea. Luckily for you, we were able to grant you both replacements after we had acquired such at a Starfleet weapons and research facility. The extensive surgery was not easy by any means, and the EMH is scanning you now to verify that there are no signs of irregular cardiomyopathy or respiratory issues post-surgery."As if on cue, the EMH on the screen turned his eyes to Lucan and shook his balding head. [The patient's condition is better than expected after a stasis resuscitation, and his new internal organs are on par with their specs,] he said, and even though these were good news, they were delivered with a bored intonation, [I detect no sign of biosynthetic rejection, as rare as it might be, but I think it's the excellent health of the patient before the incident that shows in these results. Given present conditions and the Level 2 quarantine in one of the medical bays, I recommend he is granted medical leave and return tomorrow for a check-up. He has already been under observation for several hours, and nothing suggests he will have any issues getting back on his feet. I would recommend that he is off duty until the morrow, however, even though he should report to Chief Engineer O'Connell.]Nodding in concurrence with the EMH's assessment, Nicander looked towards the engineer with a smile. "I think you may have a lot of questions before you leave, but I concur with the Doctor. Tell me what you want to know, and I will answer as readily as I can." 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Chapter 22: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #5 – July 14, 2017, 03:01:54 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]While Morgan could recite his service record, the concentration certainly hurt his head and he laid back to stare at the ceiling. So he had an all-new heart and lungs, this was certainly a change in his life. He muttered softly, “So I guess cardio is useless to me now…” as Lucan and the hologram went over his conditions.Morgan breathed in, gathering the strength to him as he attempted to sit up. “Right… so… a whole month…” He observed, “I guess I do have a lot of questions, sir, but honestly… what do I even start with?” He paused slightly before continuing. “Is Captain Ives still alive? What happened to cause everyone to go crazy? What happened after that? Am I-”Morgan cut himself off as he felt his head start to swim. Steadily, he attempted to continue, “I guess… Well, to be honest sir, a general recap would be helpful…” But in the back of his mind he knew that he would have to spend more time in-depth investigating what had transpired since the incident which had landed him in stasis. He wondered if anything had happened to his sisters, were they still safe? Did anyone peek into his collection of novels? And… Were any of the people he called a friend… still alive? Or, did he once again miss a massive conflict which had raged while he was gone? He remembered how he had found out that so many of his friends had sacrificed themselves during, how so many of them had fallen victim to the Jem’Hadar while he sat in that frozen wasteland. No matter, now, he reasoned, now is the time to find out. Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 04:31:13 PM by Hastata-Nerada 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Chapter 22: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #6 – July 17, 2017, 11:43:44 AM [ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | CMO Office | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]The comment about not needing cardio any more had drawn a small smile on Lucan's end. He supposed he could tell him the wide brush-strokes, even if he would be getting a full briefing in due time."I can assure you that Captain Ives is still alive, and still in command of the ship, even if that has been contested at a point or two since you were put in stasis," he told he human engineer on the screen in front of him, "As for the crewmember that fired the phaser, whoever it was, he - or she - was infected by a mind-altering virus from the Niga planet. It came from the flora, and the ship was at great peril, everyone almost being infected by it. We have come to call it the Niga Incident, and the details of it is quite... graphic, so I will spare you those for the time being. You will, of course, be briefed in full, just like anyone else returning from stasis. The important thing is that we got through it, and everyone were cured. Those infected can't even retain memories from their time as infected, so whoever did fire that phaser wouldn't know what he or she did to you."Coming to lean against his desk, Lucan folded his arms. "After Niga, and a brief... visit by an alien entity that didn't stay more than a couple of hours aboard, we encountered the USS Harbinger outside the Azure Nebula. They had left Task Force Archeron behind to join our cause, having uncovered the truth about Starfleet Command by other means than ours. Unfortunately, we had no more than shook hands than we had to fight alongside each other against a..."Lucan could not help but to chuckle, running a tattooed hand over his face and raking back his unkempt hair. It all sounded so silly when recounted in such brief words. "Against a starship that the enemy sent from the future. As absurd as it sounds, it seems that the enemy possess means of time-travel, but they are as much in the dark about what may happen since we survived the Niga Incident. This ship, the USS Calamity, manned by an entirely holographic crew, almost destroyed the Theurgy and the Harbinger both before it had to make a tactical retreat, and we landed on Theta Eridani IV in the Acamar System. We conducted repairs in hiding together with the Harbinger for a week, before the Calamity found us agai-"[Attention Main Sickbay. Medical emergency. Patient incoming with low pulse and fading life-signs. Please stand by while a site-to-site transport is issued to Isolation Ward 01. Energising in five, four, three, two, one...]"Thea, deactivate EMH and reactivate him there. I will be there as soon as I can."The EMH vanished at his command, and Lucan was alone with Petty Officer Morgan. "I am sorry, duty calls, but a nurse will be with you shortly and help you with a uniform so that you can be on your way. Report to O'Connell, and I will contact you soon."Then, Lucan closed the vid-link. 2 Likes Liked by: Triage, Hastata-Nerada
Re: Chapter 22: Alive | Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Reply #7 – July 19, 2017, 06:00:30 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Upper Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Morgan lay there after the screen shut off. He didn’t really know what to make of what just happened, and he honestly entertained the idea that he may have just had a stroke. Honestly he probably was. Neat. This might as well happen at this point. He briefly moved his fingers in the air in front of him. Seemed normal, so no stroke. Grand. The door hissed open and he saw Agria walk in. He smiled weakly, it was good to know that the graceful Troyian was still alive and well. As she helped him stand, she only sighed a couple of times as she patiently answered his questions. When she brought him his uniform he looked incredulous.“Seruously though,” He exclaimed, “Time travelers? If another time traveller shows up, so help me I’ll jump straight back into that stasis unit myself!” He hung his head. “I’m sorry… it’s been a bit rough.” Throughout the rest of their conversation, Morgan was distant, his usual defensive mechanisms relaxed for now. Sure, he complained, and balked, and snarked, but in the end Morgan was worried. Would engineering be the same? The people he had bonded with years ago- it felt like only yesterday- would they be the same people? Did everyone change and he did not with them? He steeled himself as he finished the touches to his uniform. He thanked Agria for helping him and marched through the door, out of sickbay, and towards engineering to report to O’Connel. He thought about the people he left behind. He hoped they missed him, even if just a little.~FIN~