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Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories

Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories

[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, Steelphoenix, Anyone Available (No PO)
Since her mobile emitter needed repairs, and Lin Kae was still in surgery after what had befallen him during the battle, Thea materialised in Below Decks through her ship-wide hologrid. It was not quite the same thing as when she used her emitter, the upgrades Kae had installed making her prefer to use it, but Thea had been used to the more 'numb' experience of being projected through a conventional holoemitter since her first activation date, so she just filed away the emotion of loss that had sprung from her emotion chip, and walked towards the woman seated in the back corner of the area.

While she walked, her digital eyes fell on one of the new passengers - a Kzinti male that had come aboard the Theurgy on the Allegiant. Since he was unarmed and had posed no threat to the small crew of the Yacht, the ultimate decision had been to let him go until further notice. Even if he had been told to, it seemed to Thea that he had yet to speak with the Quartermaster to arrange for accommodations until someone had the time to speak with him. With the battle just an hour hour past, and the full extent of her damage yet to be assessed, Thea suspected that none of the new civilian passengers would not be summoned until after she had entered the Azure Nebula.

There were others in Below Decks, she noted, but the atmosphere in the lounge was subdued. Defeat had that kind of effect, Thea surmised, since it wasn't the first time her crew had faced such. There were new faces there too, crew from the Resolve and the Orcus who were not entirely sure what to expect from the 'renegade' ship they were on. Upon nebula entry, Thea knew that Captain Ives and Commander Trent would address them all, and let them know about the Starfleet Command conspiracy, and try to organise the departments to include the new crewmates aboard Thea. Until then, which would be another two hours at least, Security had arranged for the new crew to move around freely in the public areas of the ship, encouraging them to be patient until further notice. The alternative had been to keep them waiting around her airlocks or transporter rooms, and that would not have been ideal. The new crew were not supposed to feel like prisoners, but for it all to work without it being a security risk, Thea had devoted 40 % of her memory to track crew movements and aid Security in their surveillance. With no vid-feeds of the public areas, all they had were her internal sensors and their patrols, which she helped keeping appraised of the situation aboard.

It was all handled in her background processes though, since her projection still walked towards the woman in the corner of the lounge. She stopped by her table and folded her hands behind her back. "Ensign Henshaw?" she asked, but it was a rhetorical question. Thea knew that it was the Captain's Yeoman. "Captain Ives sent me to make sure you were okay. He wanted to let you know you are not expected to return to your duties today, and that you should take your time. He has been appraised about what happened to you on the base. He sends his condolences, Miss Hanshaw, and you have mine too."

OOC: This thread takes place two hours before Chatper 01: Nebula Entry.

Re: Prologue: Washing Away the Memories [Supplemental]

Reply #1
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Anyone Available

It had been two good hours ago since Cameron had been beamed back upon the Theurgy.  The last image of her adoptive father flashing before her eyes before she saw the Aerowing approaching. It was something that'd keep coming back to her for now and probably in the future days to come if not months. On the table in front of her, Cameron had managed to assemble quite a line of bottles. Risan wine to be exact and four out of the five bottles had been emptied already. Cameron's uniform hung loosely, the vest opened up showing some more skin than usual. Underneath the vest however, she was wearing a black top. It roughly had the same shape as the standard issued PT tank tops. Instead of the usual uniform pants she wore she had opted for the skirt this time to allow herself some more movement.

Cameron had made a stop to her quarters before coming to the lounge, wanting to hole up there until the worst would've been over, yet inside her quarters she could almost feel the walls and bulkheads close in on her. Thus she opted for the bar as it was spacious enough and provided with a well supplied amount of alcohol to wash away the fresh scar in her mind. She had noticed Thea appearing in the lounge and had already confiscated a few bottles of Risan wine. She sighed as Thea came towards her, wondering if Ives would want her to appear before him for whatever reason. To be frank, her position as yeoman was something she could miss at this moment. Then again, that could've been the Risan wine speaking for her.

When Thea stopped before her and addressed her Cameron slumped into a half right seated position before she shook her head "Yippee..." she said with a sarcastic tone as Thea informed her that she didn't have to return for her duties today. What seemed to trigger her however was the fact that she conveyed the condolences of Ives and herself. "Really?" she blurted out and snickered "Condolences?..." she said a bit delayed before she frowned and shook her head "Why can't Ives makes them personally? Am I not important enough to do so?" she said a bit louder yet not loud enough for everyone to hear in the lounge. It would however turn a few heads. "I mean... Ian.... Ian was just a tool from the usurpers... A fucking DRONE!" she said now as she stood up and rested with her hands on the table as she looked at Thea. Her balance rather shaky as the sudden change of stance caused for dizziness in the young ensign's head. "My dad! The man I looked up to... Gone! He placed a phaser to my temple and I swear he would've just blasted my head off!" she shouted now in frustration as it all poured out of her.

"So screw the condolences! How can anyone even look at us after this mission?" she continued "We're fucking traitors now to the outside world! We have a death squad chasing us under the name of a task force and we lost so many good lives! For fucking what? Another hasty retreat to who knows where?!" she slumped back down in the sofa like corner seat and took another gulp from her glass "What's the point!" she concluded eventually before she refilled her glass, or at least attempted to as half of the glass was filled while the other half just splattered around on the table.

Re: Prologue: Washing Away the Memories [Supplemental]

Reply #2
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, Anyone Available

Chris was dressed in a fresh uniform, oddly enough feeling a need to wear it in the aftermath of everything that had happened as the strangeness of everything was slowly starting to creep into his brain...bad enough that he could only think of one "mental bleach" that could help clean his brain out.

Tali and T'Zantha on the Theurgy with him...Marcus commanding the ship that tried to kill them..Miles MIA with Kanti and Fasha KIA...

Chris shook his head even harder as he entered into the bar area only to be met full force by the young woman's powerful outburst of emotions the moment that he stepped into the room and he understood her pain after everything had happened but it was the latter half of the venting that caught his attention and drew him more into the room.

"I mean... Ian.... Ian was just a tool from the usurpers... A fucking DRONE!" she said now as she stood up and rested with her hands on the table as she looked at Thea. Her balance rather shaky as the sudden change of stance caused for dizziness in the young ensign's head. "My dad! The man I looked up to... Gone! He placed a phaser to my temple and I swear he would've just blasted my head off!" she shouted now in frustration as it all poured out of her.

Chris quietly watched his fellow ensign vent a tremendous amount of stress upon the ship's avatar as he made his way silently over to where she was, stopping long enough to pick up an empty glass for himself with a silent nod to Thea who he knew had the run time to notice him as he made his way over to where Cameron was.

"So screw the condolences! How can anyone even look at us after this mission?" she continued "We're fucking traitors now to the outside world! We have a death squad chasing us under the name of a task force and we lost so many good lives! For fucking what? Another hasty retreat to who knows where?!" she slumped back down in the sofa like corner seat and took another gulp from her glass "What's the point!" she concluded eventually before she refilled her glass, or at least attempted to as half of the glass was filled while the other half just splattered around on the table.

Before she spill all of the contents of the bottle, Chris quickly caught it before she could spill any more of it and gently took the bottle from her as he resumed filling her glass for her as a way of making his presence known to the young woman.

"Because the universe doesn't play dice with itself, Cameron." Chris said gently as he filled her glass to the proper level before filling his as well. "Yes we may be viewed as traitors by everyone now pretty much but in the end what happened simply showed me one thing and do you want to know what that is?"

Chris set the bottle down on the table and moved to sit in front of her and locked his eyes on her's. "It means that fuckers are scared, they know that we're serious about this shit and in the end  I have a strong feeling that you're going to be the one doing the cutting on the fucker who put that thing into your father's head."

A thought popped into Chris' head, something that his own father had tried to drill into him time and time again and was after a fashion taught to him by Paran in that camp all of those years ago and it took today of all days for him to finally understand what they had they were trying to tell him.

Chris set his glass down as he got up and took Cameron's face into both of his broad, calloused hands in order for him to get her to focus on him because if anyone needed was her at that moment.

"If you can understand anything then please understand this, Cameron. Don't hate your enemies, it clouds your judgement and makes you miss your chance to make the perfect target." he said to her, his green eyes meeting her brown ones. "Trust me on this."

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories [1800 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, DocReno, Anyone available

Since being released to his own recognizance, as it were, Deacon had taken the opportunity to explore what passed for 'public areas' aboard the vessel.  When he had ditched an exploding run-about for the presumed safety of an unshielded ship, he had little idea that it was but part of a larger vessel.  Still, it was smaller than the starbase, and even unescorted as he was, he knew the routine well enough.

That they hadn't skinned him or tossed him in the brig was a good sign, he supposed.  Of course, he could make the argument that he was -- technically -- a Federation citizen, but such technicalities felt forced, a contrivance, a legality, and he knew well the Fanged God's opinion on lawyers.

He'd sought out this corner of the ship because, at the time, it had been abandoned, and its expansiveness suited his tastes.  The first female had slipped in when he was behind one of the counters scrounging for some hint of food.  These Federation vessels made use of replicators for their rations.  It all seemed artificial, insulting, even, to one used to stalking and killing prey.  But it was something to which he had grown regrettably accustomed.  Eat one small house pet on a starbase and the whole of security was on alert.  And who kept such things if not for eating?

He tsked to himself as he scrounged.  Humans and their habits.  Had his parents lived, had he grown up with the humans, would he have had a pet?  It all felt so distant, so academic.  He barely remembered his parents anyway.  Foolish sympathy for a monkey and misplaced attachment to a female, his grandfather would tell him.  He'd gone years without thinking of them, and yet here, on a Federation ship, even the faintest of smells or the slight adjustment in the inertial dampeners, they all triggered half-memories, doubts, questions.  He disliked this uncertainty and it only seemed to be growing the further down this path he walked.

His ears twitched as the female shouted at the hologram.  Likely she thought her words overlooked by the few present, but kzinti hearing was keen.  He watched quietly as a male approached her, taking the bottle from her and pouring each a glass before sitting down across from her and taking her face into his hands.  Deacon lifted his head a bit, ears flattening.  Was this a mating ritual for humans?  He sniffed at the air but aside from the stench of fermented fruit-stock, he couldn't detect any signs of elevated hormones.

Finally he stood and turned to the replicator.  He would need to have words about proper food preparation in this place, but practicality would have to take precedence for the time being.  "Computer," he said to the display, "prepare roasted zianya... sixty-five degrees celsius internal."  He considered the number and determined that was the proper calculation for medium-well, at least that was what the overly nervous ensign on Starbase 84 had told him when explaining the replicator system.  "And tunuska sauce," he added.  At least the food would be edible, but nothing could compare to the taste of the fresh kill, dripping with the juice of fear from the hunt.  It took a considerable act of will for Deacon to stop salivating as the plate materialized within the receptacle.

He lifted the dish, giving it an appraising sniff, before walking it over to the table where the male and female sat.

Without preamble, he placed the plate on the table amidst the discarded bottles, his gaze starting first at the female and then moving to the male.  "She should eat.  She has consumed liberal amounts of alcohol.  It is unhealthy."  He placed utensils in front of each of them as if he fully expected his instructions to be followed.  "It is called zianya, a kzinti delicacy.  Although we prefer it less... charred."  He indicated the deep red sauce.  "The tunuska adds tang.  I am told that humans think it tastes of... barbecue?  I am uncertain of what a barbecue is, but there you are."  He rubbed his chin in consideration.  "I will have the machine prepare some grashi, too."

He turned and headed back towards the replicator.

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, Steelphoenix, Anyone Available (No PO)
While Thea's condolences were inadequate to Henshaw, the A.I. didn't know what else to say during the Yeoman's triade. She raged against how things had turned out at Starbase 84, and Thea knew that her sentiment was shared with a lot of the crew aboard her - new and old. Unrest was abound, emotions flaring. People were crying, shouting and screaming at each other in reaction to rumours about the false simulcast. The personal messages recorded for family and friends back on their home planets, deleted and unsent. The false message was being played on PADDs and computer consoles in the quarters, and messages filled with regret was being sent to department heads and fellow officers alike.

Yet seeing that raw emotional hurt up close... it was something else - making her emotion chip issue a deep, sympathetic response. She was no organic, and could merely grasp the theoretical impact of loosing two parents in the same day, and under such extreme circumstances. What she could relate to, however obscene it was that Cala had been her digital daughter, was loosing her.

She had meant to offer words that would undoubtedly fall short of helping the Yeoman in any way... when Ensign Slayton arrived and offered his words instead. Perhaps they were closer to what Henshaw needed to hear? Thea did not know, merely finding it odd how the Tactical CONN officer had put his hands on Henshaw as if he meant to kiss her. That was the last thing she needed at this point, wasn't it? She was emotionally vulnerable, prone to suggestion and distraction if her database references were accurate on synthehol and alcohol intoxication. The Ensign was not at her full mental capacity whilst inebriated, and if needed be, Thea would make sure she didn't do anything she might regret later. It was the least she could do for her. She opened her mouth to ask the pilot to remove his hands...

...when the Kzinti appeared, and completely disarmed the whole situation by offering a meal. Thea blinked at him, looked between the plate, Henshaw and Slayton, before turning and looking at the retreating back of the felnoid as he went to get more food.

To her credit, Thea believed she had begun to grasp some of the manners of the organics dwelling aboard her, but every day, she was subjected to a situation so unique and unprecedented she did not know how she would label it or process it for sake of future reference. Turning her brown eyes back to the two humans at the table, she opened her mouth once more, only to find the situation did not merit a request any more...

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, steelphoenix,  Anyone Available

Chris held Cameron's face and gaze for another couple of seconds before saying "Please focus on that, Cameron." before he very gently released her face and moved back to sit down where he had been before giving her the advice when he heard a slightly purring voice and he turned to which he couldn't help but blink at the Kzin that was bringing a tray of food over to their table.

Without preamble, he placed the plate on the table amidst the discarded bottles, his gaze starting first at the female and then moving to the male.  "She should eat.  She has consumed liberal amounts of alcohol.  It is unhealthy."  He placed utensils in front of each of them as if he fully expected his instructions to be followed.  "It is called zianya, a kzinti delicacy.  Although we prefer it less... charred."  He indicated the deep red sauce.  "The tunuska adds tang.  I am told that humans think it tastes of... barbecue?  I am uncertain of what a barbecue is, but there you are."  He rubbed his chin in consideration.  "I will have the machine prepare some grashi, too."

Chris hadn't seen a Kzinti since he was a child..roughly around the time that his mother was pregnant with his sister Rachel..during a trip to visit family on Archanis Four and lead to one of the very few good memories from his father when the man taught him the difference between the Kzinti and the Mirak-the difference being that the Mirak where towering felionoids who where fierce fighters known for their vicious nature while the Kzinti where known for being more noble but just as savage as their distant cousins.

"Thank you." Chris said with a respectable bow of his head to the Kzin before taking a piece and dipping it in the sauce before popping it into his mouth to show Cameron that everything was fine as the tangy flavor hit his tongue.

After chewing and swallowing the piece, he picked up his drink and then he noticed Thea to which he offered up a salute with his glass before taking a sip of his drink in thanks before turning back to face Cameron. "You do need to eat something, Cameron, and then we can point out how the universe thought it'd be funny for the both of us to have familiar members try frak us over today. Fair?"

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ]

It was Slayton who had caught her from spilling Risan wine all over the deck as he filled her glass up perfectly before filling a glass for himself. Her eyes moving over to the ensign as he spoke now, the words being heard by her yet not getting registered by her brain at this time. The pilot that she had talked to during various missions sat himself down in front of her as she frowned and still wasn't that stable on her legs. She still wasn't sure what to tell the man as he suddenly placed his hands on her face. Her brow frowning as she placed her hands on his wrists as he spoke once more, this time the words seeping in bit by bit. "Trust? Who can we trust... We got betrayed by our own!" she bit back. Slayton let go of her face and she slumped down in her chair as the world seemed to daze and turn around her.

Suddenly however the Kzinti appeared at their table. His eyes going over Cameron first before going over to Husker. She looked at him and the smell of the food would normally smell delicious to the ensign. Now however the only thing she felt was her stomach turning as her insides refused to take it in. When she heard the cat like creature talk she frowned and laughed "I did NOT consume libe... Too much!" she defended herself  as her tongue came in a twist for a second there. "It was necessary!" she murmured, the most of her loud voice and rage subsided by now as she looked at the plate before her. She gagged for a second as Christopher tasted from it.

Thea was still present yet Cameron didn't know why. She had scolded the artificial skin of her full with insults and frustration. Regret soon followed however as she motioned to Thea "I'm sorry..." yet that was all that came out as Slayton told her that she really did need to eat. "Really? Why's that pilot?" she asked him now, her eyes roaming over him as she chuckled "Maybe you'll have to help me eat Chris..." she said on a low sultry voice, the alcohol stimulating certain feelings and overriding any social inhibitions she'd normally have. "Can you? Will you? Are you up for it?" she asked, almost daring the pilot to do so as she took her glass and one shotted it.

Her face pulled together by the aftertaste of the wine before she looked back at Slayton, her pupils dilated and her fingers playing with a loose strand of hair that came down the side of her face. "Tell me Slayton... How amusing did you find it? To fight against family? You haven't lost anyone yet have you?" she shot a rather cold and vicious remark at him. It was a remark she soon came to regret as she shook her head, realizing what she had said with the losses of the wolves never so high "Sorry, I didn't mean...." she whispered as tears began to roll from her cheeks.

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Anyone

Daniel walked into the lounge after having been dismissed from the conference room a few minutes ago.  Knowing what he now knew had taken its toll on him plus losing nearly his entire remaining squadron hadn’t helped matters any and now they were on a ship and labeled as traitors to the entire Federation.  For Daniel this was all too familiar, when he left his home he had been labeled a traitor as well, first by his family then a week later he received a message stating that he was no longer a citizen nor was he welcome to return home ever again.  Right now Daniel needed a drink, a very strong drink.  He had never been one to drink a lot, it tended to get in the way of flying but as of right now it didn’t seem like he was going to be doing a whole lot of flying so he might as well have himself a drink or two, or three.

He stood at the counter and ordered a bottle of Vat 69, a scotch blended whiskey from Earth’s past.  He knew that Federation databases contained thousands of different types of alcoholic drink.  As he was handed the bottle he took it and the glass and walked over to an empty table and sat down.  He could see another pilot talking to a command division ensign who was clearly inebriated.  A state he wished he could delve into right now but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to, probably not for awhile yet.  He also saw a Kzinti nearby, which was quite odd to see one of his species so far from the Patriarchy; he seemed to be trying to help the drunken ensign as well.

Daniel sat back and poured the scotch into his shot glass raised it up towards the stars and then downed the drink.  He assumed that at some point he’d get his pilots together for a proper farewell to their lost comrades but right now he wanted to toast them for their sacrifice alone because he had ordered them to their deaths and he had done so willingly.  The scotch burned its way down his throat as he stared out into the stars pouring himself another shot and downing it as well.  He poured another one but instead of downing this one he began to stare at it.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, DocReno, Havenborn, Anyone available

Deacon found himself standing before the replicator again.  Convenient thought it may be for personal use, it was proving woefully inefficient for the current conditions.  Another human had already entered and seized another bottle from the collection behind the counter.  Clearly there was a lack of discipline within this room -- on that needed to be placed in check.  "Grashi ," he demanded of the replicator, only to receive a series of beeps in response followed by the automated response stating that there were no entries in the replicator database for such a dish.

Grumbling under his breath, he held up his hands, his claws estimating the size of the burrowing creatures of his homeworld as best he could.  "This big, they... they are everywhere on the homeworld.  You have zianya but you don't have grashi?"  His tone was incredulous.

"Zianya was recorded as a proper ceremonial meal among the kzinti due to its frequent use in diplomatic encounters.  The database also includes recipes for vatach, tunuska, oolerg, and grik-grik," the computer intoned.

"Fine, fine... vatach, roasted appropriate to human consumption," he growled, without baring his fangs as displaying hostility to a machine was a waste of his effort.  "And the humans will require some vegetation... a side dish appropriate to their culture.  I don't care.  And water for the female, so she can chase some of that fruit stock out of her system."

Within seconds, the receptacle was filled with the items requested.  He lifted the tray of food and stared at it for a long moment.  "What is this?"

"Vatach Sauerbraten style, with braised red cabbage and pellkartoffeln.  Records indicate that this variant preparation was first introduced to Chzrowwr-Ambassador during a diplomatic envoy in 2292 and was reported to be a personal favorite.  And a large glass of water, 5 degrees celsius."

Shaking his head, Deacon turned back towards the table with the male and female, noting that the female was now crying.  He sighed inwardly as he stepped up to the table and placed down the new plate.  "The machine didn't have grashi.  It called this... sour-braten?  I am not certain what that is.  I will familiarize myself with it later."  He placed that water in front of Henshaw, finally directing his words to her.  "Drink.  You need to flush the fruit stock out of your system or you will regret your life decisions in the morning," he stated, even as he began collecting the remaining bottles of wine from the table in his hands and with the tip of his tail, leaving only the one in Slayton's grasp behind.  "And I trust you will be more judicious with dispensing the remainder of that one," he said to Slayton, casting a glance at the final bottle.

As he began to walk away, he stopped and looked at Thea's holographic image, noting its artificiality to his senses.  Even his ziirgah failed to read her, which made her unnatural and uncomfortable.  "You should sit," he stated, finally.  "And I expect you won't have need of these," he added, displaying the wine bottles held in his hands and tail, finally turning back towards the bar to dispose of his bounty.

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
Seeing how emotional the Yeoman had become - switching between anger, coyness and regret - Thea was not sure she had sufficient social references to aid in the situation.

Of course she had references for the effects of alchoholic beverages, but they were purely medical, and they affected the organics differently depending on the individual. What a certain amount of alchohol did to one individual was never the same for another. She was far more qualified dealing with crew that were rational and adhered to proper Starfleet protocol, despite the quite varied experience she'd gained over the past months.

When Ensign Henshaw said she was sorry for her earlier outburst, Thea did smile and incline her head to her. "No need to apologise, but please, do not drink more else Doctor Nicander may have to empty your stomach and keep you under observation until tomorrow. Sickbay is both understaffed and occupied with patients that did not subject themselves to harm."

She heard a voice next to her, and realised that the Kzin had spoken to her after presenting the new food. "Thank you, and you are quite correct," she said and gave him a quick smile before he returned to the counter. She looked around, and saw a Tactical CONN officer alone by a table. Her internal sensors told her who he was, and she decided to introduce herself. She just hoped Henshaw would listen to reason and quit ingesting nerve poison.

So, she gave the two Ensigns at the table one last, unreadable look before she walked over to the human with filled glass. She cleared her throat. "Hello," she said to Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, "is this seat taken?"

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, steelphoenix, Havenborn,  0Anyone Available

Chris was about ready to let go of the lithe ensign's face but her brow furrowed as she said "Trust? Who can we trust... We got betrayed by our own!" in a very hard, biting tone.

Chris released Cameron's face and gently moved out of her loose grasp as he picked up his glass as he sat down. He rolled her words around in his head before taking a sip of the iwne, it's tangy fruity taste rolled around on his tongue and he forced himself to swallow.

*how does Marcus drink this stuff?* he thought to himself before sitting the the glass back down and leaning forward to look at the red-headed woman. "I trust you, Cameron. I also trust Thea, Ravon, Tessa, and a whole bunch of other people on this ship..hell I even trust Isley even though he's in Rawley's doghouse and I even would trust Rawley IF she would let me." he said in a crisp, calm voice. "Yes we were betrayed by one of our own but once we figure out how that happened things can be fixed and we will this fight as we survived the Calamity and the Vassar Stupidity as we will survive this."

After the two them interacted with the Kzin, his green eyes narrowed slightly when she heard the cat like creature talk she frowned and laughed "I did NOT consume libe... Too much!" she defended herself  as her tongue came in a twist for a second there. "It was necessary!" she murmured, the most of her loud voice and rage subsided by now as she looked at the plate before her. She gagged for a second as Christopher tasted from it.

When she asked im why she needed to eat, he was about to tell her when suddenly he became very aware of her eyes running over him as she chuckled "Maybe you'll have to help me eat Chris..." she said on a low sultry voice, the alcohol stimulating certain feelings and overriding any social inhibitions she'd normally have. "Can you? Will you? Are you up for it?" she asked, almost daring the pilot to do so as she took her glass and one shotted it.

Chris actually felt himself stop and blink at his fellow ensign for a moment and he couldn't deny that she was attractive and much like a counter point the women that he was usually spent time with and he could honestly see himself enjoying to spend time with a woman like Cameron one day...

..but not when she was half drunk and grieving for a beloved family member that had been turned into somekind of monster.

Chris was trying to figure out the best way to respond to her when his senses caught how she moved after she one shotted the contents of her glass with her pupils dilated as she slowly started to play with a particular strand that had come loose which had been hanging loosely against one flushed pale cheek..but there was something in her eyes that made him stop and it wasn't a good thing.

"Tell me Slayton... How amusing did you find it? To fight against family? You haven't lost anyone yet have you?" she shot a rather cold and vicious remark at him.

Chris felt his jaw clench as he felt his calloused hand grip his glass firmly to the point of it almost breaking in his hand and a very ANDORIAN thing was about to come from his lips when suddenly the quick burn of that thought became as a cool presence slid through his mind as he suddenly became very calm and slowly took a sip of his wine.

As he did  this, the relazation of what she had said suddenly dawned upon her as she shook her head as "Sorry, I didn't mean...." she whispered as tears began to roll from her cheeks.

"My oldest brother is command of the Starship Orcus, the same Orcus that showed up with a fresh fighter wing that nearly destoyed both us and the Lone Wolves..I saw what Commander Trent did to my brother's ship and I don't know if he's still alive." Husker said in a crisp, cool voice which was slightly Vulcan like.

"I watched Kanti..Gun Shy..a woman that I had spent time with the night before who was flying on Miles' wing suddenly just wink out of existance and then later, Fasha died in front of me as well and I couldn't do anything to save either one of them and no doubt Rawley is going to hate me for her death as well." Chris then went on, remaining calm and cool as he recounted everything before him. "During the flight from the Fderation I watched as Liquidis, a dear friend of mine who would've loved to have served on this ship, took a torpedo meant for mentor Paran.."

Chris actually felt a couple of tears slid down his face and he reached up to wipe them away angerly as he had promised himself that he would never cry over what happened during that time in his life but since Cameron had opened THAT door.

He sat down his glass again then leaned forward to focus his gaze on Cameron's. "Mark me and pity me not but lend me your serious hearing Cameron Henshaw. I can tell you a tale about my time as a prisoner of war that woull harrow up your soul, freeze your young blood and make every single knotted and combined locks of your hair to part with each strand to stand on end like a porcupine." he said in slightly more emotional tone.

"When I heard what you said when I came in here, I understood the pain that you're feeling right now better then you could possibly think and even after what you said, I would still stand by you and have you watch my back..but if you honestly mean your apologiy." Chris continued as the Kzin brought more things to their table and he indicated the food and water. "Then eat and drink, don't let your stomach win this arguement and I won't leave unless YOU want me to."

Chris then turned to the Kzin and nodded respectfully to the other man. "Thank you..but what do you mean that it didn't have Grashi..I thought the database was complete?" he mused for a moment.

When the Kzin asked him about the final bottle on the table, Chris bowed his head respectfully and said "She won't be drinking anyone under the table, I promise you that."

Re: Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor, anyone else

So, she gave the two Ensigns at the table one last, unreadable look before she walked over to the human with filled glass. She cleared her throat. "Hello," she said to Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, "is this seat taken?"

Daniel looked up to regard what looked like a human female but something felt off about her.  He decided that it was probably the stress of the day plus the two drinks he’d had so far.  “Not that I know of.”  Daniel replied to her as he motioned for her to take the seat across from him.  So much for a quiet moment alone he thought to himself, though he supposed that at some point there would be a mandatory stand down for the fighter squadron.  “I’m Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, SCO of the Grey Wolves stationed on the USS Res-.”  Daniel stopped talking as it suddenly dawned on him that he was no longer a Squadron Commanding Officer, his squadron was all but decimated save for a few pilots and a single Valkyrie and the Resolve had been destroyed.  “I’m sorry what I mean to say is that I’m Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, Starfleet Tactical CONN Pilot.”  He said as he finally picked up the shot glass and downed the contents.

As he finished it he looked at the woman.  “Where are my manners?  Would you like a glass as well?”  He asked as he relaxed in his seat some more, he hadn’t been able to just sit back and relax for hours and now that he had the chance he was going to take every opportunity to.  From the size of the task force that he had seen at Starbase 84 there was a good chance that one of those ships would be able to follow their warp trail and find them and then he’d likely be asked to help defend this ship, his new adoptive home.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
When offered a glass, Thea smiled and shook her head, sitting down opposite the Tactical CONN officer. "A pleasure to make your aquaintance, Lieutenant Havenborn."

He was one of many that had come aboard her during the battle, but the one that had held command over the Resolve's fighter elements. She had followed the tactical logs in real time, every sensor reading absorbed into her memory, and she had come to him because of the losses he'd suffered. Her own Lone Wolves Squadron had also lost many pilots, along with their Wolf Leader, but she hoped Havenborn would be able to make a public appearence along with the rest of the Resolve's Senior Staff.

"I'm Thea," she said and folded her hands on the table, with no rank, no title or positon mentioned, because she had none. She was, ultimately, a sentient function inside her platform: the starship itself. Perhaps the pilot would remember her name mentioned in the Battle Sickbay and on Deck 01, but she just happened to not mention her nature beyond her simple name.

"At 1900 hrs., there will be a public adress in the Fighter Assault Bay. Will you be able to attend?"

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ]

Chris seemed to be unaffected by the different angles Cameron tried to provoke him. The pilot sat before her like a monk basically and it very much en nerved the ensign across from him. Even when she went for personal attacks about not losing anyone in particular, she knew that he had to lash out at some point, yet the pilot remained ever so calm.

Yet his answer to that question came in full force to Cameron as he claimed his brother commanded the Orcus. She could only imagine how many wolves were left now at the costly battle at the starbase. She hadn't been running operations for the mission, yet from seeing the after mission reports, she knew the losses were high. High throughout the ship... His talley about lost friends and loved ones made Cameron pause. Her eyes looking over the undeniably good looking pilot as she knew she had pushed it too far. Tears welled up in her own eyes now as she saw him cry and she felt her stomach turn over once more.

The ensign was at a loss of words now as he had washed her arguments away with his words. "S-Sorry.." she murmured again under her breath as she wiped her own tears away now. "I-I di-didn't..." she paused as she closed her eyes and placed her hand on his, which was resting against his glass of wine.

She looked him deep in the eyes, her pupils still dilated and her lips parting as she wanted to say more but she couldn't. Her eyes slowly lowered to the dish in front of them as she bit her lower lip softly. Her hand slid off his, fingertips trailing across his skin before she poked the food in front of her and took a piece before bringing it to her lips. She poked the tip of her tongue against it to check if it wasn't too warm before she took a bite out of it and started to chew on it.

The small interaction between the Kzin and Slayton going over her head as the flavor pallet in her mouth exploded and her stomach indicated how much it needed the sustenance. She hadn't eaten a lot throughout the day. First off for the mission and now because she couldn't bear to swallow anything more than liquids. She looked up at Slayton now and kept chewing, still finding it rather hard to swallow down.

Her eyes went through the lounge slowly now as she saw Thea with a pilot she didn't know yet. Probably Resolve or Orcus she added as a mental note in her mind, doubting it would stick in her drunken state she was in. Finally she swallowed down the first chunk of meat before she slowly pushed in the rest of the meat she was holding in her fingers. Her eyes finally coming back to rest of Christopher.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, DocReno, Havenborn, anyone available

Before he left the table, he gave a curious look at the male who insisted that the database was complete.  Deacon gave a snort, the tip of his tail flicking dismissively, "Clearly not."  The man then said something about the female not drinking people under the table, prompting the kzin to tilt his head and cast a glance beneath the table, if only to be certain there weren't people hiding beneath with still more bottles.

Assured that his assumed duties were near to an end, he returned to the bar and took a seat before the replicator.  He'd already spent a good portion of his time here foraging only to find nothing akin to fresh supplies, and given his unplanned escape from the starbase before he'd so much as eaten left him feeling particularly hungry.  Whatever sense of urgency or nerves or adrenaline had worked to suppress his appetite for the past hours had worn off with a vengeance, and he doubted his current journey would prove long-lasting if he took it upon himself to snack on the crew.

Placing the bottles neatly on the bar, his ears twitched with amusement at the thought that half the crew likely expected him to be chasing them up and down the hallways with a knife and fork.  Strange that such an image would come to mind; perhaps another memory attempting to resurface?  He took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the implacable facade of the replicator.

"You are going to need some education on the complete kzinti diet," he said, knowing full well that he was carrying on a conversation with an inanimate object, "but in the meantime, I wish to try the... sour-braten... thing you just made."

The now familiar whine announced the arrival of a dish identical to the one he'd delivered moments ago.  Again, he gave it an experimental sniff before extending one of his claws to poke at the meat.  Lifting up a portion between his thumb and index fingers, he examined the texture with a critical eye before opening his mouth and giving it a taste.  The flavor of vinegar and spices seemed to dominate, suppressing some of the meat's more vibrant aspects, much to his displeasure.  This was, after all, meant to be a dish featuring meat and though vatach was hardly of the same quality as zianya, it wasn't something to be so thoroughly muted.  Was this common of human food?

He sighed, before taking another portion into his mouth.  The food was prepared, and though hardly to his preference, he was not one to waste a meal.

The room was, thankfully, relatively quiet, allowing him to catch fragments of the conversations being had by those behind him.  His ears pivoted and folded as he ate, shifting from one table to the next.  Eavesdropping wasn't, perhaps, a particularly endearing habit, but try as he might, he could not break his training to observe and take in everything around him, and often that meant eavesdropping as well.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #15
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, steelphoenix, Havenborn,  Anyone Available

Chris kept his gaze on the younger woman, more then a little worried about what she was going through in her head as she picked up one of the pieces of the Kzinti meal and tested it before nibbling which lead to her starting to eat a little bit of it as she started to look around slowly.

A part of him was trying to ignore the brief touch of her hand against his even though she was trying to offer up an apology for her harsh words but there was something in the way that she touched that drew up an old memory as the faint trailing of her tapered fingertips drew across his skin as she moved her hand away.

As her looking around the room ended with her gaze once more locking onto his, he could see those beautiful eyes of her's hiding something and then he saw something else as she swallowed the first bit of food before working on the next.

Chris then moved to sit next to her and took her free hand into his and laced his fingers with her's before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, never breaking his gaze from her's the whole time. "Chew slowly and don't rush, Cameron. You have drunken some pretty serious liquor in a very short amount of time which means that no matter how much your stomach is yelling at you to eat more and quickly, don't or you'll regret it."

Chris couldn't help but chuckle as a memory came unbidden to the front of his mind at which point he squeezed her hand again. "I wasn't laughing at you but at a memory which has a good story to it. You see, I didn't join the service when I was finished with primary school because I'm from one of those Oldster Families that you've probably heard know the ones that have had a member of it in Starfleet in one way or another since before there was a Federation?"

Chris took a breath and wondered why he was telling her this but then opening himself up was a good thing Ameyla had mentioned to him once not such a long time ago. "I was working on a cargo ship operating out towards Orion and Klingon space when I actually got as heavily drunk then as you are now with my reason being I had lost a cousin that I was very close to when the Klingons attacked Deep Space Nine, Tim did a hell of a job because he managed to take out two klingons before a third cut him down." he continued as the memories of the days leading up to his drunken escapade ran through his mind. "The Auriga, the ship that I was on, stopped at a station that was old enough to be from Kirk's age and I went to the bar and just started drinking...and drinking...and did I mention drinking?"

Chris looked at the attractive young woman and wondered if she understood the story thus far or the fact that he was doing the very thing that he had mentioned to her..he was showing her trust which is something that she needed right now. "I don't remember much after about the eighth glass because I told the bartender to give me the kind of stuff that would knock a Gorn on it's ass but when I came back to reality, I was apparently making out with a green orion girl but before I could even start to wonder what was going on her boyfriend hit me which in turn started a bar fight."

Chris then without realizing it brought up his free hand to rub the right side of his jaw slightly as what memories he had of the bar fight actually caused his jaw to ache in a way that he hadn't felt in a couple of years.

Chris then shook his head and continued with "I must have passed out during the fight because the next thing that I knew I was looking up into the face of mentor and a man who I can honestly say was like a second father to me..was looking down into my face and he asked me simply and flatly if I recalled anything fully about the night before to which I could only say no which at that point he took a couple of steps back."

Chris smiled as he gently released Cameron's hand with another reassuring squeeze, this one a little bit more tender then the other two, and got up to stand before her, his gaze never breaking her's still, and in the best approximation of an older Andorian man's voice said "*GOOD*!..Ah, your first hangover. I remember my first hangover...well, that's not true. If I remembered it, it wouldn't have been a real hangover."

Chris then went back to sit down next to Cameron and said "That's the first time I have told that story to anyone..hell, the first time that I've been able to talk about Paran to anyone but I'm glad that it was you, Cameron." he said before giving her a warm smile.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ]

Cameron didn't register the pilot switching seats before he came to sit besides her. She felt his hands entwine with hers as he kept looking her in the eyes. She honestly though couldn't remember him shifting seats as she had been dreaming a bit in the moment while she was chewing. His advice was heard and once she had swallowed down the first piece she offered back to him "This isn't my first drunk party Chris..."

She felt the squeezes in her hand as she took another piece of meat and started chewing on it. Chris began his story about his past. Her gaze going back over at him as he spoke and told the story. Her eyes looking in his as he kept on talking and her mind wandered off to another place. The drinking had lowered her inhibitions entirely. Mentally she was a wreck and she felt like she needed to rebel. Rebel against everything Hawthorne had learned her. The values he had given her that he deemed important. To what cause? The man had been overtaken to a parasite? He'd probably have killed her and he was responsible for the death of her stepmother. Somewhere deep down, Cameron was happy that Lisa wasn't here to witness it. It would've broken her heart entirely and possibly lead to her demise as well.

Chris had stopped talking now and Cameron had to admit that she had heard very little of it. Parts had sunken through, yet her mind had been occupied with other things. She saw Chris stand up before he impersonated the Andorrian "*GOOD*!..Ah, your first hangover. I remember my first hangover...well, that's not true. If I remembered it, it wouldn't have been a real hangover."

She smiled as the pilot seemed to have opened up to her. Her heart racing as the alcohol was starting to run more rampant through her system now that the solid food was starting to get in it's early stages of digestion. As he sat down, Chris looked more relaxed and smiled warmly at her. Her eyes kept looking in his as she felt the need for affection. She wasn't sure how to show it to the man and she placed her arm over his shoulder, leaning in slowly as she leaned in more and pressed her lips against his. It was a sloppy kiss and the aftertaste of the Risan wine would definitely be tasted on Chris's lips.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #17
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan (Cameron)

When Cameron smiled back at Chris, he felt felt more then a little warm as the strong alcohol was already starting to hit his own system as he stopped to take two long pulls from his own glass before sitting it back down when suddenly the last thing he expected did.

Cameron placed her arm closest to him around his shoulder and he felt her lean figure press against his which caused that feeling he had felt before when she brushed against his hand to come back even stronger but at that moment he thought that she was simply snuggling up to him happily as someone that knew she was safe with and was now simply enjoying his company.

That was before her face entered his line of sight and her lips met his in a strong electric tingle as she kissed in a sloppy way.

Chris' body reacted in shock for the whole of a couple of seconds before it realized what was going on and he slowly started to return the kiss with the arm that was now slightly resting behind her encircled her lithe waist and pulled her in closer to him as he moved his head ever so slightly which turned her sloppy kiss into an actual one.

A big part of him understood what the kiss was for possibly-partly a need for affection in the aftermath of such a horrible event mixed with a desire to be reminded that she was still alive...

...mixed with too much drink.

As he slowly started to pull her more into his lap, the more martial side of Chris' mind snapped to the for front and as much as he wanted made him stop.

Chris broke the kiss and looked into Cameron's eyes, searching for something as the two where now somewhat more face to face before he leaned over to the left side of her neck and gently kissed the graceful curve of pale flesh there before whispering into her left ear "I live the decision up to you, Cameron." as he ran one of his hands up her legs it was here that he discovered that he had actually not noticed the fact that she was wearing the skirt version of the standard uniform as his fingers touched bare skin to which he could feel the lean muscles underneath her velvet smooth skin which made his attention to her heighten as his fingers traced the curves and dips of the muscles there before stopping at her mid-thighs.

He stopped there despite fighting the urge to show her more affection because they had both been drinking with her a little bit more heavily then him but still he couldn't deny that something was powering this attraction between them..maybe it was the wine or the simple need for someone alive to hold after seeing so much death, who knew..but he kept his resolve firm as he wanted her to know that it was her choice, he respected Cameron enough for that as well as he liked her as a person which meant leaving his hands on the outside of her thighs, ready to move her if she wanted him to. "But only if you want to, but if you need me...all you have to do is say so."

Chris blinked at that which made him question internally why he had said that as he moved his head so that she could look into her eyes again. 

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #18
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor, anyone else

Daniel nodded as she declined his offer and downed the contents of the shot glass.  He knew that he’d probably only be able to have one more shot in all honesty.  If by some chance one of the Starfleet ships managed to track them he was sure that the fighter pilots would be needed and he’d need to have his wits about him, well at least most of them anyway, with everything that he’d been told he wasn’t really sure what to make of it right now, all he knew was that he needed this far more than he needed anything right now.

She had the same name as the ship’s computer and while that was a little weird he’d seen things that were far weirder than a simple name coincidence.

"At 1900 hrs., there will be a public address in the Fighter Assault Bay. Will you be able to attend?"

“Yes, I will be in attendance along with the Resolve’s remaining crew, what about yourself?” Daniel said as he poured his last shot.

“Also I’ve noticed that the Theurgy seems to have quite a few civilians onboard.  That’s not something I expected from a warship of this caliber.”  Daniel said.  He didn’t know much about the ship in all honesty but after witnessing what it was capable of he considered it to be a true warship, in his mind Starfleet had only produced a handful of ships that could be classed in such a way and this ship definitely was at the top of the list.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #19
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thea, Nolan, DocReno, Havenborn, anyone available

Deacon could feel the male and female at the first table becoming more amorous even as he could hear them make their hesitant and feeble protests.  Humans seemed far too eager to copulate without reason.  Of course, were be to be given half a reason to breed himself, he'd be a fool to disregard such an opportunity, but mating for no purpose?

He shook his head. Likely this would be another strange custom with which he would need to come to grips. As much as he would encourage the couple to refrain from such acts while inebriated, he realized he was hardly in any form of position to make such a statement.  He'd done as much as he could in providing food to break up the non-stop imbibing of the female and why she would likely regret her choices this night come morning, at least morning would come.

Casting a half glance over his shoulder at the second table, he was even more perplexed that the other male was carrying on a conversation with the hologram.  It was this behavior that confused him the most as it seemed as fulfilling as debating with the replicator -- a thought that brought simultaneous amusement and chastisement as he glared at the replicator against which he still held some minor sense of irritation and aggression.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose with his claws, he smirked inwardly. When among the monkeys, he mused, allowing the thought to trail off incomplete.

"Computer," he stated with a pointed glance towards the empty receptacle, "prepare an Earth meat dish suitable to a human male that can accompany hard liquor."  A moment later, a plate containing the requested meal appeared from nothing. 

Deacon lifted the plate and examined the contents, making note of yet something else he would need to try when time and appetite permitted.  The hologram, likely, required nothing, but if he was to feed one table, he should see that both are tended.

Stepping up to the second table, he cast a momentary glance to Thea -- one that if he were so inclined to provide praise for doing as he'd instructed, would likely have conveyed such approval -- before turning to the human male.  "I asked the replicator for something appropriate to feed you.  I am not certain what it is, but I trust it is suitable."  He placed down the plate containing a steak medium-well with a baked potato and asparagus topped with a pat of melting butter.

"This place would be better served with fresh rations," he commented, "but it would require some modifications to ensure appropriate storage and cooking.  The replicator is like eating military rations... all perfectly suitable and mediocre, but no flair and no flavor."  He stopped himself, realizing his dissuasive tone, before pushing the plate a little closer to Havenborn.  "But please, don't let that stop you.  It's all still very... um... nutritious.  I suppose."

He turned and began to walk back to the bar once more.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
When asked if she would attend the briefing, Thea smiled a little and shrugged. "I might make a brief appearence... Perhaps 'in and out in a flash' would be the appropriate idiom," she said in jest about her photonic nature, feeling a bit of a bouyant mood come over her.

At first, she couldn't identify the cause for the feed of her emotion ship, but then she realised that while the mission hadn't been accomplished, and there were several things troubling about the development, she had faced over twenty other starships at Starbase 84 and come out of it largely intact. Of course she had multiple hull breaches and she needed a lot of repairs, her EPS grid strained to its limits and her deflector array overclocked in order to reach safety as swiftly as possible, but she was still flying - more quickly than ever - and even if the organics aboard her had a hard time coming to terms with the defeat, she still apprechiated the odds of potential success. There was still hope, for if they would learn the decryption key, then more people than Jona's contacts would be able to see Ives' true message. The simulcast had been sent, albeit at great expense, but that meant it was out there - all across the Federation. Now, it just needed to be unlocked for the viewers.

Lieutenant Havenborn was talking about civilians, however, preventing her from saying what she felt. Instead, he paid her a compliment - such as it were - calling her a warship of high caliber... but she didn't quite agree with the label. She thought herself more than just purposed for such a vile thing as 'war'. "Multivector dreadnought," she corrected him with an embarassed smile, "purposed for exploration, diplomacy and deterrence. I am mor-"

She was interrupted by one of the civilians, namely Deacon - the Kzin coming over with a plate of food. She met his golden eyes, him staring at her for a moment out of the dark fur of his face, and she came to wonder what he thought about her digital nature when he saw her. She had limited references about the Kzinti in her database, but being a young male - as far as her internal sensors could derive data about his life-sign - he might only be guilty of applying the intrinsic value of females for his own species unto the female gender as a whole (organic descent or not). Perhaps, with new data about other species gained, the Kzin would see her differently in due time.

Havenborn received the plate, along with the critique towards what laid upon it, and then the felnoid left again. Her eyebrows rose as she saw him leave, and Thea wondered how it came the Kzin felt responsible to feed the people in the lounge. Regardless his reasons, it was certainly helpful given the fact that Edena Rez passed away after the symbiont was transferred to Amelya Duv. That piece of data was something she did not wish to devote any memory to, for it would threaten to make the feed from her emotion chip hamper further conversation with the fighter pilot.

"Well, as you can see," she said and looked back at Havenborn, "it can be helpful to have civilians aboard too. This - the Below Decks Lounge - is the one open for all ranks. The others are the Spearhead Lounge on Deck 14, the Amidships Senior Crew Lounge on Deck 15, the Wardroom Officers Lounge on Deck 16 and the Garden Terrace Diplomatic Lounge on Deck 22, in the Arboretum. Most of these areas are run by holographic staff, but some have civilians too. Besides the recreational areas and the new additions to the crew, there are also a few civilian scientists and contracted programmers aboard, but the absolute majority aboard are Starfleet personnel."

Pausing, she looked to see if he was eating or not, then added, "So," she said with a smile, "how do you like me so far?"

She failed to realise her turn of phrase might have a double meaning, merely referring to herself as the starship the Lieutenant had ended up on.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #21
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 28 - Below Deck Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan, steelphoenix, anyone else

"I might make a brief appearence... Perhaps 'in and out in a flash' would be the appropriate idiom."

Daniel chuckled a little bit at that remark; he wasn’t quite sure what she meant honestly.  Maybe she was only going to show up for a little bit before having to attend to whatever duties she held on the ship.

"Multivector dreadnought, purposed for exploration, diplomacy and deterrence. I am mor-"

"I asked the replicator for something appropriate to feed you.  I am not certain what it is, but I trust it is suitable."

"This place would be better served with fresh rations," he commented, "but it would require some modifications to ensure appropriate storage and cooking.  The replicator is like eating military rations... all perfectly suitable and mediocre, but no flair and no flavor."  He stopped himself, realizing his dissuasive tone, before pushing the plate a little closer to Havenborn.  "But please, don't let that stop you.  It's all still very... um... nutritious.  I suppose."

Daniel looked at the plate and then back to the Kzin.  He had read about the wars that the Federation had fought against the Kzinti and while he’d never taken part in those wars he couldn’t help but feel a certain hostility towards him, though that might be his fight or flight response acting on instinct since he wasn’t really that comfortable yet.

“Thanks I’ll give it a try.”  Daniel said before the Kzin left before turning his attention back to the woman across from him who had started telling him about the other lounges found on the ship.  He supposed from how well she knew that information that her job was some sort of information contractor, though why you wouldn’t just use the computer for this kind of information was beyond him.  He was definitely going to have to check out the arboretum; he had grown up in a domed society, arboretums were commonplace amongst his people and thus whenever he had a chance to visit one he took it.  It was always a nice reminder of his home.

"So," she said with a smile, "how do you like me so far?"

Daniel was a little taken back by this question, he wasn’t really sure what she meant by that.  “Well you seem like a nice young woman who knows quite a bit about this warship.”  He stated.  “You're definitely very likable and I honestly wouldn’t mind talking more.”  Daniel said as he drank his last shot and then slowly started to eat the food in front of him, starting with the potatoes, mixing the butter in.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #22
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Husker (DocReno)

The ensign just gave herself to the man in her drunken folly. Her judgement completely out of the way as the alcohol had taken over every fiber of her body. Rationally, there was no way of thinking that whatever she did was consensual as she was just completely out of it. Her sight was woozy and her senses numbed down by the Risian wine. She had succeeded in her goal to feel less and cloud her mind so it didn't have to remind her of the atrocities her father had committed while being infested. She didn't have to think about how much her adoptive mother would have suffered at the hands of him nor did she have to the pain of losing every bit of real family she ever had. Hopefully, those people would be reunited in an afterlife of sorts. Yet Cameron was stuck in the here and now.

She could feel the slight pull of the pilot as he gave her the impression that he wanted her on his lap. The ensign complied willingly in her intoxicated state as she stood up and just rolled on her heel to come crashing down into his lap. Her rear planted firmly against his groin as she wiggled it just as faintly as she could. Her rear nestling into his groin as she closed her eyes as the world was spinning around her, she let out a gibberish giggle.

She heard that he placed the decision with him and she smirked before shrugging "I'm in no condition to decide Christopher..." she mused, spilling some truth past her lips as she arched her back, her hips grinding slowly against him as her ass was used to grind down against him. She reached behind her, her hands raking through his hair as she whispered to him "What would you do with me?"

She tilted her head slightly so she could just see a bit of his eyes as she curled her lips "What do I need to say Christopher?" she asked him, her voice sultry yet heavy as her eyelids became more heavy as well. She laughed a little to hide it and kept moving her hips, even when Christopher's hands had moved underneath her skirt as he felt up her smooth delicate skin.

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #23
[ Ensign Christopher "Husker" Slayton| Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan (Cameron)

As Chris gently caressed Cameron's satin smooth skin, the grinding on his crotch quickly had the reaction that she was apparently seeking as he became very hard and had to fight himself to keep from doing anything right then and there even as his own drink lowered his inhibitions as well, he had occasionally seen Cameron on their old posting and...

"I'm in no condition to decide Christopher..." she mused, spilling some truth past her lips as she arched her back, her hips grinding slowly against him as her ass was used to grind down against him. She reached behind her, her hands raking through his hair as she whispered to him

As she ground her ass against him, Chris couldn't help it as he took her thighs in his hands and started to ground himself against her ass as his mind tried to reason with the fact of what was going on-neither one of them was in the right mental state at that moment to do anything serious like full on decision making.

"What would you do with me?"

"Take you back to your quarters or mine..hold you, kiss you, worship you, help you." he whispered softly back as he leaned in and gently kissed the pale slope of her neck before nuzzling it. "Neither one of us needs to be alone tonight."

The words escaped his lips in a low husk, while they were partially fueled by the drink and by a desire to help her as he understood what she had been through today..he was right, neither one of them needed to be alone tonight.

She tilted her head slightly so she could just see a bit of his eyes as she curled her lips "What do I need to say Christopher?" she asked him, her voice sultry yet heavy as her eyelids became more heavy as well. She laughed a little to hide it and kept moving her hips, even when Christopher's hands had moved underneath her skirt as he felt up her smooth delicate skin.

"Say that you want me, Cameron.." he said back to her in the same tone as he inched his fingers up a little bit more towards her ass under the skirt. "Be honest with me and I'll be honest with you."

Re: Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.]

Reply #24
[ Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
The fighter pilot answered Thea readily enough before he began to eat what the Kzin had brought him.

"Well you seem like a nice young woman who knows quite a bit about this warship."  He stated.  "You're definitely very likable and I honestly wouldn't mind talking more."

Thea reacted to the first part of what he said, namely what he insisted on calling her - this being the second time. Her emotion chip fed her with irritation, and while she heard what he said next, she couldn't refrain from correcting him again, now with a little more emphasis. "Exploration, diplomacy and deterrence. A multivector dreadnought purposed to keep the peace, not a 'warship'," she said with a hint of indignation, but she took a deep breath, trying to ignore the datafeed from her emotion chip. If only Lin Kae had been able to repair it before he...

No, this was not the time to review the memory of her visit to Sickbay. When she'd projected herself there, she had found Rihen Neyah there as well. The room had been bustling with people, and Thea had been surprised the Risan had gained entry to the area in the first place. Yet as she came to stand next to the blonde, short-haired engineering specialist, Thea had not made any comment. The two of them shared a bond to Lin Kae, perhaps different in nature, but equally strong. For the Rihen Neyah, Kae had been the reason the Risan came aboard Thea - circumstances as rare as they came - but as for herself...

You gave me freedom. You unshackled me. You fine-tuned my subroutines.... You made me more than what I were when I was first activated. You gave me a sense of touch, and you let me step outside of my hull - building me a mobile emitted out of the goodness of your heart. Yet most importantly... You believed in me when I went against Ives' orders, and stood up for me when I implored the Senior Staff to save my daughter. From the depth of my soul - for you gave it to me - thank you, Kae... Thank you.

The sadest thing were that the very emitter he had built for her was now as broken as he was. Lin Kae had looked so peaceful behind the glass of his stasis chamber. Rihen had been crying next to her, and Thea had reached out, hugged her close... even if she found tears rolling down her own cheeks. Even her digital tears would not have been the same without Lin Kae, and now, his fate had made her cry for him.

The grief was instant as soon as she loaded the memory, only an hour having passed since she left Sickbay and Lin Kae's stasis unit behind, so Thea's next words to Lieutenant Havenborn were coloured by her personal loss. So, that he had called her a warship a second time was not the true reason she excused herself. "I'm sorry. Thank you, but I am needed elsewhere. Enjoy your meal, Lieutenant, and we are bound to speak agin soon. I am only a voice command away, after all."

She stood up, and swallowed the lump in her throat, and as she walked towards the exit, she raised a hand to wipe the corner of her eye. She saw that the fighter pilot from the Harbinger was still trying to take advantage of the intoxicated Yeoman, or was it  the other way around? She paused, as if she was about to go over there, but then she saw that another fighter pilot was about to head over there, so she decided against it - confident that the Ensign's temptation to take advantage of the Yeoman would end before she did something they'd both regret.

Instead, she came eye-to-eye with the Kzin, and she cleared her throat. She had meant to leave, but realised there was another task at hand - the distraction welcome.

"Your service to my crew at this dire hour is commendable, Mister Deacon," she said, swallowing and refusing to load the memory of Lin Kae's face in the stasis pod again. Where was the bouyant hope she'd felt for the mission before? Why could these emotions not be more selective in nature? "Thank you. As I review Lieutenant Commander Dewitt's report, it seems you are a benefactor in more ways than cuisine. She recommended that you were to be given accommodations in wait for your meeting with Captain Ives. The Quartermaster's logs do not indicate that you've arranged for quarters yet, and I suppose he has been entirely too busy to contact you since there are so many aboard me that needs the same. Is this correct?"

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