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DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

[ Corridors | Deck 09 ] Attn: Ensign Vinata Vojona

Standing on top of a chair again, Rihen Neyah could not help but think of the work she and Lin Kae had done to save Selena Ravenholm's life at the end of the battle with the Calamity, no to mention all patients in Sickbay that relied upon the hologrid. Indeed, she had been repairing the holo-emitters then, but now, she had set herself upon a futile task. Part in curiosity, part in, well... her ambition had never really been to repair it, but the excuse of the diagnostic she was running was for a noble cause.

For while she was up on that chair and had her arms and head above the ceiling plates, she peeked down into the corridor from time to time. The omni-perspective surveillance system was beyond saving, Thea and the video-recorders blind to what was happening on the ship, but there was someone else that Rihen hoped to save.

The Level 3 diagnostic she was running yielded little more than how a massive power surge had - somehow - managed to fray all wiring and circuitry across the whole ship, overloading all the recording units and reduced kilometres of hardware across the ship into scrap. It certainly showed how effectively and brutally the Cala hologram - who had sneaked a ride on Rihen's shuttle in the first battle - had ensured that she wouldn't be detected when she boarded the Theurgy and managed to kill half of the past Senior Staff. Rihen knew how to fix things, but the task that the diagnostic set for her was too much for her to handle alone. No, she had a different task set for herself, since machinery was not the only thing she could repair.

When she peeked out from the ceiling for, perhaps, the hundredth time, she spotted him.

She had learned that the male Ovri would be taking long out of the way paths around the ship to get to his duties and his therapy in Sickbay, and likewise for when he visited the mess hall to get food. All other times of the day, he would be sequestered into his quarters. Understandably, given what Rihen had learned of his fate during the mutiny, but in learning what had befallen him, she had run her diagnostic, and she had set herself to the task. A task of repairing an alien man's confidence in himself.

"Hey!" she called to Nurse Vojona, giving him her blinding smile as she looked at him - meaning to forestall him passing her with her bright gaze. She was dressed in her thin, dark brown overalls and the Starfleeters in engineering had given her a combadge down on Theta Eridani IV, which certainly had helped her integrate with the crew. "Could you help me? I left my tools down there in the box and I can't let go of this loose coupling. Would you mind handing me a few of them?"

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #1
Vinata had not been handling things over all, in the time since the incidents of the mutiny he had been getting a lot of help, but he could no bear to be around people, he just could fin the confidence to trust people, after what had happened to him he was just scared that thing would go wrong and he would end up dealing with more suffering. Of course on top of that he also didn't want to be sen as some weak fragile thing that needed to be saved, it just made him feel so weak and helpless and he hated it.

As he walked he thought about what he would be doing for lunch this time, perhaps he would just grab the food to go and return to his room, he was having trouble fining places where he could sit alone without someone trying to talk with him, and sadly more often than not it as a man trying to hit on him...well a least he was getting a reputation as an Ice Queen among the male crew that was still oblivious to the fact he was a man. Oh well he could sort this out when he stopped having problems and could go a singe day without needing to per over his own shoulder to make sure no one was there following him.

As he turned a corer thought he saw someone else as there, but thankfully thy seemed to be busy with other things and from where he was he could not be sure that they had seen him or not. So keeping quiet he moved off to the side and he began to walk quickly as he tried to slip past Rihen without having to talk to her, but s he was about to pass her she spoke to him and he froze. His hands clenched int fists and he felt a chill run do his spine as he looked back up at Rihen as she asked him for his assistance.

Vinata looked down the corridor and thoughts raced through his mind as he thought bout just running for it, forgetting about Rihen and just avoiding the confrontation all together, but deep down he knew he couldn't s he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he reminded himself that how could he get better if he did not try and get better. Taking a deep breath he shakily walked over to the box of tools and lift it fro the floor and cradled it in his arms before standing under Rihen and speaking in a soft voice. "I-I have the box of tools...j-just let me know what you need and I will hand it up to you...but please make it quick, I would like to get back to...what I was doing." With each pause Vinata would glance about him, taking a look around him and seeing if anyone else was coming that might try and ambush him.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #2
Noting how Nurse Vojona stopped, even if it was reluctantly so, Rihen felt that it was an initial promise that she might manage to at least speak with him. She saw him pick up the box and step closer to the chair, and when she looked down she saw how he cradled the toolbox underneath his voluptuous chest. Rihen appreciated the individual beauty of all her patrons on Risa before she was exiled, and that appreciation remained with her even now, when trapped on an outlawed ship set on a course to save the Galaxy. Yet the Ovri male's chest had little to do with his beauty. No, the alien man was no less exotic in all his features, and it pained her how hurt he had been. He deserved better.

"Of course, I will try to be as quick as I can. I'm Rihen Neyah, and thank you so much for helping me out. You are a true gentleman. Your kind is hard to find of late, with everything going on. I am so lucky you walked by," she said with a genuinely kind smile. She might have omitted her intention to help him, but she suspected he would refuse her, so the omission was for his greater good. Surely he did not want to wallow in his hurt, right? She gestured with her free hand towards the box. "Would you mind giving me the gravitic caliper there? It's the one with the black handle and the cone. Thank you."

She started to manipulate the plasma flow to the omni-unit to see how bad the overload had been, running the energy through the circuitry very slowly and carefully - just like her approach to Nurse Vojona. "You know, I was in Sickbay just recently, before the battle and everything, and I heard you were hurt on Theta Eridani IV. Myself, I was trapped in a hull crane that was about to fall off the edge of this ship, or torn loose when it launched from Theta Eridani IV. When my injuries were treated, Doctor Maya suggested an event to lift everyone's spirit. So, with Captain Ives' permission, I arranged to hold Lohlunat on one of the holodecks. I don't remember seeing you attending, so I guess you were not properly healed up just yet, right? Handsome as you are, I would definitely have remembered seeing you there. Your colours are sure to dazzle any girl out there, especially in the lights of Suraya Bay by night. Oh, speaking of my home..."

She made sure to move on from making her compliments in order to not put Vinata on the spot and feel embarrassed, so she switched topic as she returned the caliper to the box. "I am not sure you know about Risia, but it's a wonderful planet that many journey to during vacations. Us natives, we want to share the beauty of our planet with the Galaxy and we live by some philosophies that I hold on to now, when things are looking grim for us. One aspect for us is the ontological truth - that we are free and the endings in our experiences are always and necessarily new beginnings. Another part deals with the existential questions: How can we desire to be what we are? How can we live our with passion maintained in spite of everything? What actions express the truth and passion of our condition? How can we act in such a way as to create the conditions that sustain and support the good of all beings, ourselves included? Can you hand me that metallic spanner there next?"

After she got it, she returned to her work in good spirit and continuing to give him warm and kind smiles now and then while she spoke. "Our answer is our generosity in all things. We share our planet and ourselves with all, inviting the kindness of the same act by giving it unto others. We strive to make the best of people, and laud them in their individual measures of excellence in all things. So... I am so curious, what about your people? I hear rumours but I would love if you could enlighten me. Are Ovri men able to make women beside themselves with desire? And with such an extraordinary gift, are you generous with it in your society... or is it exclusive to partnership?"

She asked out of great desire to know, and it showed in her amazement about the rumours about the way the male Ovri turned heads wherever they walked, but also to help bring him to mind what his capacities were, and laud them as an ability to be cherished.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #3
Vinata was barely willing to take any part in assisting Rihen, but as she began to make small talk with him he started to arm up a little despite not saying anything. As much as he found comfort in his isolation Vinata was itching for conversation, for social activity to make him feel as thought he was not so alone, but so of the things that Rihen said made him wary of her. For she was trying to pass things off as though this was just a chance meting, but the way she talked made him wary, because unlike just about all of the crew Rihen knew he was a male.

This fact made his jaw clench up slightly as he took a slight step back and he scanned around him again before looking back up to Rihen as she introduced herself. As she asked for a tool Vinata silently picked it up and he held it out to her, he did not really know how to approach this situation, but he knew he needed to say something. "I am Vinata Vojona...but I would imagine you knew this already...After all I doubt you lead my gender without having learned anything else about me...especially considering mot people do not know I am a male."

He wen silent and watched Rihen work, taking special care to kept looking to make sure this was not some ambush at all, but his attention was turned right back to her as Rihen began to talk about the incident on Theta Eridani IV, and what she had gone through there Vinata shuddered slightly, his head shook back and forth as he began to banish his memories as if my shaking them off of his head, he did not want to remember, he did not want to think about the heat, about the screams as he laid there trapped and burning...alone and afraid without anyone to help him...NO! No it was not something he wanted to think about. Taking a deep breath he spoke in a cold distant tone. "I would rather not remember what happened in the triage center if you do not mind, for you it was some time ago, for me it was only a matter of short days, I s put in a medical stasis for my own good until the day of the mutiny."

Taking a deep breath he spoke coldly, but his voice sounded less distant, less like he was trying to avoid the conversation. "As for the...moon festival, I believe that as what my sister said it was. I was still suffering from sever dehydration and I had only just been brought back from death's door." He moved closer and looked up to Rihen. "And please stop with the flattery, I am fully aware that I appear female, it is part of the reason I do not spend much time around others appearance is not handsome, to quote many of the regular male crew, I am alluring." Rihen's attempts at compliments just felt empty, he had been seen as a woman all over and it had gotten to the point where he had begun to resent them, and with how Rihen had spent time to learn about him Vinata could not help but feel that she was trying to make him feel better. "But I would like to thank is nice to have someone notice me in some way outside of thinking I am a woman."

As Rihen went on about her people's philosophy and beliefs Vinata could not help but lose a little of his interest, he had no real idea what he could say here, but he still helped when he was called upon, handing over the spanner when it was asked for, but he still could not stop himself from scanning the area and looking out for possible traps. But as he kept listening to Rihen go on and talk about generosity among Rihen's kind he could not help, but feel that she was helping him out of her belief now. "Well your kind is very noble, and lucky to have such welcoming neighbors to this idea, the Ovri were not very fortunate with our own neighbors, first contact was a failed attack of our home world."

As Rihen began to ask questions about the Ovri and their genders and sexual habits he could not help but roll his eyes. "Well normally I would not talk bout such things, but for the sake of educating someone I will hare some information." He scanned the hall one last time before looking up to Rihen and speaking. "As for making our women desiring us, we usually desire the woman as always, in ancient times a woman in heat would gather a harem that would seek to father the clutches. In many cases the female would select multiple males with good traits, and due to the nature of a clutch the different eggs would have different fathers. More recently in our past there was a tie when males were much more desirable, but there were some who were the apex of breeding, they had scents that drew women in for sex, but they usually did not have any other skills, so we were cursed with a generation of sexually appealing, but generally worthless males that were a drain on our society, so as a solution we developed marks like the one I have. They showed an Ovri's skills, and it allowed for more desirable males to bred and bear young."

He sighed and raised one hand to wave things off before holding the box again. "In the end we lost their genetics for the better. And thus things have gone back to how they were, males flock to women in heat, males sometimes pair up with a single female, but relationships are not really a common thing, well at least on most of the colonized planets and the home world. Of course such pairings are beneficial for females, a males nurse like myself is in high demand for birthing clinics, the presence of makes during the birthing of an Ovri clutch is shown to decrease stress levels and make the process more relaxed. And males are more appealing around the developing young, it is why we are usually the ones left to care for the children when they are inevitably left in the care of the state. And to explain that, it is highly uncommon for an Ovri child to be raised by its birth mother, and even less common to know the father. We are instead raised communally by trained personnel. For us family is your clutch, or at least the part of your clutch that sticks together." None of this seemed to bother Vinata at all.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #4
To say that Rihen's plan to repair the Ovri man's confidence had begun without a hitch would not have been close to the truth, but despite an oversight or two, she was pleased to notice that he still remained and spoke to her. He joined in her idle talk about herself, her people and Lohlunat , and while mentioning Theta Eridani IV had been a mistake, he did agree to share some about his species and their culture. Truly riveted by what he revealed, Rihen had stopped working, listening and watching Vinata Vojona when he spoke about the roles the Ovri had in regard to reproduction.

"That is amazing, and not just in how your roles have developed back and forth, but how you have evolved to accommodate change so quickly." Rihen grabbed the edge of the opening in the ceiling and hung from it, dropping to the floor in front of Vinata as she continued to talk. "Reproduction is one facet of your sexuality as a species, but if you do not ordinarily involve yourselves with permanent partners, I would suppose that reproduction is not the only aspect of intimacy between your people, right? Even if the females do not ovulate all the time, they do indulge themselves in sexual activities, right? Carefree intimacy? On my planet, we call it Jamaharon."

Rihen folded her hands around the sides of the toolbox in Vinata's hands, and while not touching him, she spoke with her warm and friendly smile remaining on her face, heterochromatic eyes looking into the Ovri's dark retinas. She did not take the box from him, pausing as she held the box together with Vinata, subconsciously treating the situation as if Vinata was holding a horga'hn between them, and that he did not know what he was traditionally seeking by giving it to her. The inviting smile on Rihen's friendly face was hereditary to her species, an the practice of the ritual ran in her blood still. She would tell him what it meant without explicitly offering it, because he deserved to know what good it might do before choosing whether or not he wanted to partake in the rite.

"Jamaharon is a force for change," she said with her playful and get angelic smile remaining. She took great pleasure in showing generosity to the people around her, and especially so if the hurt was too profound to forget easily. "Jamaharon is freedom without boundaries. It is the vital flow of love itself. We Risian have always cherished how you surrender to this primal love and desire, because it allows everyone to experience the love that creates all life."

Taking the box out of Vinata's hands when she finished talking, she put the box against her hip and held it there in a relaxed stance, fingering the edge of her overalls with her free hand. "I arranged to hold Lohlunat because even in these dire straits, and how grim our time on the run have been, the expression of love remain vital for both men and women to reclaim on this ship. Braving the odds, we must stand up and have full trust and confidence in who we are, and what we instinctively and passionately feel. If we allow the force of change to take hold, it means that everything can change in shared bliss. We cannot deny ourselves happiness because of the very strife we must overcome. If we would... we can never be free to be ourselves."

Slowly raising her hand, not wanting to startle him, Rihen looked into those large, dark eyes and lay her hand against the side of his head. "Thank you for your help, my sweet gentleman," she said, grinning to him in her open an unashamed way. Her thumb stroked the edge of his mark, having sought to learn as much about the Ovri as she could in her daring attempt to repair Vojona. Then she lowered her hand. "Regardless what others might think of you... you and me both know that you are a man, right?"

Looking down the corridor, it still lay empty of people. She looked back, hugging the box to herself with a carefree smile. "So... Can I walk with you a bit... or were you in a hurry?"

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #5
Vinata listened to the philosophy of Rihen, and how she felt about things as she talked about how she felt about Vinata's information, he was admittedly a little glad that the Risien had been very accepting of the Ovri way, so many of he other people had considered their habits to be wrong just on the merit that they had such a lack of investment in relationships and things like love. By the Stone Mother he still remembered the speech his sister had gotten from one female student about how love was the pinnacle of a relationship. Personally he felt love was nice, but wholly useless, he was a medical professional, he needed to be as unbiased as possible, honestly if he wanted close personal ties he could join the communal parenting teams and take on a clutch to raise as his own, be a father to them and remain close.

As Rihen talked more about her beliefs and put her hands on the box of tools Vinata shifted slightly and held the box much less firmly as he no longer wanted to handle it while he shared it with Rihen. But s Rihen spoke of the freedom of passion and feeling the primal move that bought about life Vinata raised an eyebrow, if that was what love was then the Ovri felt it all the tie during breeding season. But on top of all this Vinata was getting mixed signals as he felt a little like Rihen was coming on to him. But as she too her box back an their conversation seemed to be drawing to a close Vinata felt he should just get this over with and part ways.

Shrugging he smiled ever so slightly. "I would not know, on Dejino relationships are fleeting and unimportant, some Ovri make families, but it is not the norm. I myself have never had any relationships with females and I personally do not see much reason to pursue it, even less so now." He rubbed his neck and shifted a little. The compliments were getting to him, but as he as touched, on his mark, and as Rihen asked if she could walk with him things took a turn. He turned his attention back to Rihen and glared at her, Rihen had crossed a line.

Taking a step away from Rihen he swatted her arm away as his glare turned into a scowl, such an intimate touch was way out of line to say the least, it did not matter if she didn't know, she knew well enough he had been raped, everything she had done suddenly shifted to a paranoid and dark light, but first there was angry disgust. "Do Not, EVER, touch me like that! I know you do not understand it, but you know full well what I have be through, and you act so casual around me." He took a few steps away. "How would you like it if some stranger said hi and groped you, because that is essentially what you just did." It was not an exact explanation of how it had been, but it was as close as Cohen could think of on such short notice.

He backed away a few more steps and shook his head. "I do not want you walking with me, you just have some attraction to my "exotic" features. Do I fit some fetish you have? You know what, I do not want to know, just leave me alone." Vinata turned and began to walk away at a swift place as he went to the mess hall to grab a meal. He quickly began to calm down as he sat alone with his food, if Rihen was going to do this she was going to have to try again, and this time go a bit slower, and probably be a bit more forward with what she wanted.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #6
As Rihen's ambitions to help Vinata Vojona backfired on her, she could not do anything but stand there, wide-eyed and mouth agape as the Ovri backed away from her - hand still raised after he had swatted it away.

Belatedly, she realised that she could just have said she wanted to help him instead of trying to boost his confidence by letting her very real attraction to him show through. Moreover, she had been overconfident about her knowledge of the Ovri - having accessed the little date that had been accumulated in the Starfleet database. Vinata had told her what she had ended up doing, and the shame almost buckled her knees. Her life on Risia had been all about pleasing the patrons, and she had ended up doing the exact opposite. The pang of guilt only fed her belief that she had been exiled for a reason, and that was her poor judgement. Like she had gone too far in helping the patrons with their technical difficulties and ending up aiding in their crimes, she had gone too far in trying to seduce the Ovri. Seduction hadn't been the wrong method to boost his confidence.

"Oh, dear," she said and put the raised hand over her eyes, shaking her head, "I am such an idiot."

The Ovri had already left, and didn't likely hear her. She would have to think this through one more time, and perhaps she could convince him that her intentions had been honest, even if she had not been honest enough about them. Perhaps it would help to tell him that she wanted to help him, but after what she had just managed to do, he wouldn't listen to her. At least not anytime soon. With a sigh, she climbed up the chair to close the hatch, and to leave with the tool box held against one hip and the chair against the other.

"You are such a blockhead sometimes..."


Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #7
Vinata did not spend much time in the mess hall eating, he did not want to linger out along others, he did not like the way that they looked a him and it took so much effort to ignore everyone, to pretend that he did not care about the prying eyes, the looks of lust and desire, sizing him up like he was some cut of meat.

Finishing his meal Vinata took care of his tray and intentionally avoided some of the male crew that had been looking at him while he had been eating his meal. As he exited back into the corridor he half expected to see Rihen again, part of him even hoped he did...he might not have liked being touched in such an intimate place, but he felt like he had just blown up on her as a scapegoat for the pain that he had been least she had been kind enough to knowledge that he was a man and not a woman. It was almost depressing to think that he might have jut scared off the only person who had ever put some tie int knowing a little about him...had he killed his only possible friendship on this ship?

Rounding a corner he closed and walked another long path through the ship hoping that he would encounter Rihen on his walks, hopefully she could keep her distance ad thy could just talk, he would not mind that, a nice friendly conversation for the first time since before the incident at the triage center. perhaps it would be nice to try and talk to someone again, make some recovery...but he needed to avid contact, it was just too strong of a trigger right now.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Meanwhile ]

Rihen had not taken the turbolift to another deck, instead heading back towards Main Engineering to return the tools she had borrowed when she had volunteered to run the diagnostic on the surveillance system. Yet on the way there, she smelled something familiar, and she stopped in her tracks, knowing what was amiss. Thirty meters away from Engineering, she had picked up the smell of a burned out EPS relay, and it was likely the elusive cause for the complaints she had heard from some of O'Connell's staff. Something about them not finding the last blown relay on the deck after the sabotage. Thoughts of the Ovri fell away as she dropped the toolbox next to the bulkhead and sat down on the deck plates. Down there, she tried to open the overlooked maintenance panel, prying her fingers behind the edge to loosen it. It was stuck.

"I have to cut it open..." she mumbled to herself and picked up a pair of protective goggles from the box along with a small welding torch. Before long, she was fully committed to the work ahead of her. She had her overalls unzipped as always while she worked, and the heat radiating from the welding torch brought a sheen of sweat to her skin. When she finally managed to get the maintenance access open, the heat from the blown relay had been confined inside, and only now rolled out over her. She shielded her face with her arm, groaning from the heat that accosted her, but no more had the grate swung open than she picked up the tools she needed to remove the destroyed relay. She would have to run another diagnostic first to ensure that she wouldn't get herself killed in the process, and she would have to do it without any LCARS system to help her - the readouts shown on her diagnostic tool.

At the point when she was found, she was sing-songing numbers to keep track of the process while she switched the chips around below the relay, looking at the parameters displayed on her tool after each change she made. She was on all fours, her bottom and her legs outside the maintenance access, and did not notice anything going on outside the small compartment she was working in.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #9
As Vinata came across Rihen as she was working he slowed his pace, and looked to where the woman was working. He stared at her and contemplated walking away, but he decide against it. Walking close and waiting he listened to the singsong little bi of numbers that Rihen as using to keep track of the work she as doing and h simply waited for her to complete her work. As he waited he gazed down over her body, taking in the curves of hr rear, she had a nice figure, one that he would not mind admitting being a bit envious of, he liked her figure and thought about how he would not mind to have hips like her, but as this came to mind he shook his head and sighed as he rubbed his temple as he just waited.

As Rihan finished with the repairs she as performing Vinata cleared his throat and gave Rihan a moment before he spoke. "I took a moment to think during my lunch and despite he inappropriate nature of your actions, you were trying to do something right, and it was nice to be treated like I was not a sexual object for a little bit." He sighed and shook his head. "What I am trying to say is I would like for us to try this again, I get the feeling you simply did not know as much as you thought when we first interacted, I feel that you probably want the best, and since I need to improve, I feel that we should start over and try and get to know each other." Vinata could feel his heart beating rapidly as his stress and anxiety did him no favors.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #10
Rihen was on her way to climb out of the maintenance access when she heard the voice behind her, and as startled as she was, she banged her head a little on the way out.

"Ouch," she said and blinked with her mismatched eyes at the Ovri - the last person she had expected to approach her. Got back on her feet quickly with a mouthful of apologies that she had not been able to give voice to when he left her in the corridor. Vinata, however, was the one that opened up before she got a word in, with him having realised how she was still ignorant about a lot of things in regard to his species. As he spoke, Rihen felt more and more relieved about not having hurt the man's feelings too badly, and that he was still willing to speak with her. It gave her the opportunity to explain herself as well, if nothing else.

"Thank you so much for coming to find me again and I am so sorry that I offended you, Vinata," she said, her not being Starfleet naturally using the Ovri's first name, if that was even how they considered the order of their names in their culture. She clasped her hands before her chest in almost a pleading motion. "The Federation database was not as informative as I had thought, meaning as I were to avoid exactly what I ended up doing when I approached you. I should not only apologise for touching you that way, but for not being entirely honest about my intentions when first speaking with you."

She sighed, raking her hand through her short, blonde hair - slightly damp with the perspiration from her work behind the overheated maintenance panel. "Reading about your species, I was intrigued, and fascinated, and my heart bled in knowing what had happened to you. I heard about you the first time when I repaired the holoemitters in Sickbay, same day as the mutiny, and I just couldn't stop thinking about you." Rihen wiped her brow with her sleeve while she spoke. "My intentions were to reach out to you, and in the spirit of my people, try to comfort you and speak with you. For some reason, I thought that you would feel accosted if I sought you out in a direct manner, so that's why I tried to be circumspect in my approach, only ending up making an utter fool of myself instead. I am not good at this, not at all, because back on Risia, we used the tradition of the horga'hn to know which patrons to approach or to leave alone, and without those statuettes, I am left to my own poor guesswork."

Sighing, she put her hands on her hips and smiled to the Ovri man, so glad that he had come all the way to find her. "I want to get to know you too, Vinata, and I don't mean to be some counselor, but a friend - someone that you can rely on outside of your old crewmates, and who wants nothing else than repair your confidence as a man, and to speak with you about my people's philosophies. Not to impose them upon you, but to give you new perspectives. Being Risian, I could also share my experiences about all these new species around you, and how different they all must feel depending on the company they are in. You might feel out of place, but believe me, I know them all intimately, and they are not so alike as you might think."

She paused, chuckling as she realised she had poured herself out all over him. "Here I am, babbling on again. Do you have time and desire to speak with me for a while now, or should we meet later?"

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #11
Vinata listened to Rihen speak, a faint smile spread across his lips as she apologized and spoke of her intentions to try and be a good friend to him and give him some companionship and comradery here on a new ship after being transferred over to the Theurgy while in an incapacitated state, in truth he was relieved on the inside that he would not have to go it alone any longer and that he would be at least able to claim one fiend in his life. In all honesty, after all he had gone through, Vinata was craving the ability to get close to someone, and Hylota had seemed more distant than ever, he could tell that he felt guilty, that she had failed him to some deep level and she could not bear to face him with her guilt.  He just ha to give her time, and with a friend he would be able to take things a bit easier he hoped.

As Rihen began to apologize for talking too much Vinata smiled and waved his hand in a calming motion, his eyes closing in a happy expression."No no it is alright, I have little problem with you talking at length, I very much enjoy listening to others...but yeah you fist attempt wen over as well as the initial Human Klingon relations. Good intentions, but not enough research into the other culture to avoid misunderstanding and insult." Vinata rubbed his am and let out a sighed before looking down the hall. "Listen I feel a little antsy out here in the open, and I can tell you have to wrap up your job, so how about you just come over to my quarters when you are finished with you work...and with washing up, and the I would be more than willing to host you and have some time together." He smiled and reached out for a hand shake with the Risian.

After they shared the customary sign of trust Vinata looked back down the corridor. "Well I am gonna go to my room, I will wait for you there, just come when you feel like." He blushed slightly. "Kind of weird having some woman company...considering how close our positions in our culture are perhaps you could share some of the things women do in your culture, and I could share some about Ovri men. I get the feeling you would really like to know more about my culture considering how much you were willing to look into it on you own." He smiled and a slight blushed spread across his cheeks. "Well until then I guess." He waved and then began to walk away quickly to his room whee he would await Rihen's arrival to his rather spartan and simple room, devoid of all decorations and personal possessions.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #12
Rihen shook Vinata's hand with a a blinding smile on her face, so happy about coming through to Vinata and already looking forward to visiting him after she had gone to Engineering and reported that the last elusive plasma relay had been taken care of. "I will just be a short while then, having to tell the other grease monkeys what I have been up to, but then alpha shift is over and I will come to you. Thea can help me find your quarters, and I'm dying to hear about the men of your world," she said and couldn't help the delighted little laugh that bubbled up her throat, so excited that the Ovri wanted to speak with her. "I promise I won't be long!"

Having said this, she shut the grate and waved to the nurse before heading to Main Engineering to do the paperwork and speak with the crew there.

[ Twenty Minutes Later | Junior Officers Quarters ]

When the door to Vinata Vojona's rooms opened, Rihen was still in her overalls and looked at greasy as she had when they spoke last, but it did not took long before she explained why. "Hi there! Hope I didn't keep you waiting. Listen, you wouldn't believe it, but I got into an... 'argument' with my sonic shower the other day, and since then, I have not been able to fix it, try as I might. You would believe that a fixer like I could fix it, but thing is, I used to bathe in lagoons in Suraya Bay, and an old copper tub on Nimbus III, so I never saw one of those contraptions before I came aboard this ship."

Putting a hand over her forehead and raking her fingers through her hair, she continued with a chuckle. "Yesterday, I managed to borrow a Senior Officer's bathroom to get myself ready for the day, and would you believe it? This Simon Tovarek guy even had a bathtub in there since he has that position... what do you call it? Chief Science guy? And what's more, his shower had running water too in case you wanted it. Meanwhile, I am stuck - like you probably are - with that death-machine that tries to shake your skin off and vaporises dirt as if it was put on fire. I'm babbling, sorry, long story short, my sonic shower did not like me trying to make it work somewhat more pleasantly, so I am currently without a shower. Normally, I'd go to the gym and do it, but would you mind if I borrowed yours? Oh, and perhaps you can tell me which of all those setting I should use? Please, I have really delicate skin and the normal setting makes leaves me completely raw, so it would make my life aboard so much easier...."

Jokingly, she clasped her hands before her chest and gave him a pleading face. "I promise I won't take long to shower either, leaving you waiting for me and all. Three minutes is all I can stand in one of those anyway, promise."

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #13
As he was left to return to his room Vinata waited around for Rihen, he was a little excited for having her coming over to spend time with hi, but as time went on he began to get a little worried that he had not decided to come after all, but he pushed that aside as he told himself that he was being paranoid and within a few more minutes he heard the sound of his door add he spoke. "Oh um come in come in." He got up from the floor where he had been kneeling waiting for Rihen to arrive. As she came in he could not stop from smiling, despite what was being said he was just so happy to have company again, having someone there to be with him, to have a friend for the first time since he and his sister were given the learning opportunity on the Harbinger and their lives had been sent down this rabbit hole.

As the slightly dirty Rihen came into his quarters Vinata just smiled, it was so nice to have company, but as Rihen began to explain the situation and the things she had found out about the bathing situations on the ship Vinata simply nodded. "Well that kin of thing makes sense, you reward those who are in command, they get the luxuries and if we want them we must advance and push ourselves." He smiled a bit more. "And I completely understand the dislike of the sonic shower, I personally have it on the lowest setting, it takes a bit longer, but on my skin it is less uncomfortable." He motioned to the bathroom. "You can help yourself, you can also use one of my personal possessions. It is a special humidifier, it puts a mist of water into the air that helps soften my skin during my showers, it might make the experience a bit more comfortable for you." He shrugged.

For he most part a crewman's quarter were usually rather spartan, but they had at least some decoration from the owner, but Vinata's room was devoid of decoration, he had nothing to display, only some practical possessions he kept stored way, and with his sudden transfer he had even lost some of his things that had been left on the Harbinger...and now were likely atomized with the loss of the ship.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #14
Rihen was really relieved to hear that she could borrow Vinata's shower, even if it was a sonic one. She stepped towards the door after she indicated it for her, and she couldn't help but sigh in relief that the Ovri didn't have any objections even if they had just met. "Thank you for understanding, you are such a life-saver, I..."

Then she realised that Vinata had said something about a device of his own, some sort of humidifier, and she paused in her step. Since she had shrugged her overalls off her shoulders on the way to the bathroom already, she grabbed the front of them in a fist to preserve a modicum of modesty in the Ovri's company, even if her shoulders happened to be bare. She did not wish to startle the man by exposing herself more than she usually did since she had already screwed up by touching his mark. The reason she stopped was evident, and she gave the man an embarrassed smile. "Umm... Since I ended up breaking my own shower trying to make it work for me, I would hate to do the same to your mist-making machine. Also, I am not sure I want to touch your shower's settings, so do I just power it up with a voice command without further instructions? It will use your preferred setting then, right?"

She stepped into the bathroom then, the sliding door opening, and looked for the humidifier of Vinata's since that could just very well be the thing that could make the experience in a sonic shower somewhat more pleasant. She had no idea what she was looking for, but she noted the lack of personal affects as she looked around. She had learned about Vinata's hasty transfer after Theta Eridani IV, and she hoped he hadn't lost too much in the battles fought since then.

She couldn't wait to get out of her clothes and clean herself up a bit, and as she turned and looked at the Ovri, she realised that she might be covering her bosom needlessly with her grip on the front of her overalls. Vinata was likely just as used to her curvaceous body as he was to his own, but she was not going to take any chances of offending him. "Sorry for glancing at your body like I just did, I just realised that I might be covering myself needlessly after all, since its not like I am hiding anything you haven't seen already - my skin only less colourful," she said with a good-humoured laugh, shaking her head at the ironic situation of their genders and the situation they were in. "Seems no matter the colour and genes, we are at least kindred spirits when it comes to these sonic chambers of mild torture, that's for sure."

OOC: I changed the number of the title in this thread to Part 3 instead of 2 since I started a new thread that take place between this one and Part 1 chronologically.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #15
Vinata smiled softly. "Well among the Ovri nudity is not taboo, of course I do not have nipples as you do." He motioned to his bosom with a soft smile. "Honestly I do not care so much about it around women of you mammalian races. It makes me feel as tough I am safer, or at least close to being among men of my kind." He shrugged as he walked into the bathroom and over to an egg shaped device. Placing his hand on the top the pressed down and it clicked, as he pulled his hand off the device opened up a inch around the middle and the whirring of a fan started as the machine began to vent moisture into the room.

"There, just give it a minute to start up and it will make the room fairly humid before too long. Just push it closed and it will turn itself off after that." He smiled and chuckled softly. "I personally feel the added moisture make my skin less sensitive to the vibration of the sonic shower and lets me relax as it cleans." He ran a hand over his bald head. "Of course when you finish the shower I do not know what we will be doing next..." He began to fidget with his hands and looked down to the floor and then back to the door.

"I guess I will leave you t the shower, it is already moist enough in here as is." He was turning  slight purplish color at his cheeks, the Ovri was blushing as he looked away from Rihen and the air made his skin look smooth and slightly glossy as he stated to have a sweet scent about him as the very humid air carried his own natural pheromones in the air. Deep ow he wanted to shower with Rihen, to share the space with someone who shared his figure and made him feel a little more comfortable.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #16
Rihen listened to the instructions for the humidifier and was relieved that it was such a simplistic and user-friendly device. Already, the air in the room was affected, and she enjoyed the feeling of being somewhere else entirely than in a regular junior officer bathroom. What was more interesting was how Vinata said that nudity was not regarded with any kind of stigma in his culture, and she accepted that explanation as a permission to get out of her clothes - especially since he said it was making him feel more safe. The experience in the Recovery Ward must surely have done a number on him when it came to other mammalian men, and if she could help in any regard, she would.

"I don't know what we can do next either," she said with a bright smile as she let her overalls drop to the floor - sliding out of her shoes with practised ease afterwards. The air felt marvellous against her tanned skin, and she ran her hands u and down her own sides in contentment. "I suppose we could just have a talk..."

She trailed off, picking up something strange in the humid atmosphere in the room. Unerringly, as if pulled towards it, she looked at the texture of Vinata's skin in the misty room. there was a certain scent present that had not been there before, and she swallowed where she stood, cocking one hip and hugging herself with her arms. Her mind had strayed to how it might be to indulge in Jamaharon with Vinata... but she did not know if it would offend him. He seemed nervous, and she bit her lip to keep herself from letting her words stray.

"You need not leave, if you don't want to," she said, almost making her voice sound carefree and casual, an undertone of desire not able to be completely hidden. Unless she was a poor judge of character after leaving Risia, she'd say he wished to join her, but she was not going to take any chances. To take the edge of the suggestion, she turned around and stepped into the sonic shower. "Since it's not like I have something you haven't seen before, I'd love your company. We could still talk while I get this grime off me, right?"

Inside the shower, she closed the transparent glass wall of the stall and turned to the settings panel, which was too bereft of buttons and valves for her taste. "Um, Thea? Could you please activate shower?"

[Sonic shower activated. User specific settings applied,] said the computer voice, and it resulted in the sonic shower activating Rihen's settings... which were those she hadn't been able to fix.

The shower began to whirr in an almost deafening way, and the pulsing vibrations assaulted Rihen - making her cry out in a mix of surprise and horror. "No, no, no! Deactivate shower!" she called belatedly and quickly retreated out from the stall - her back, buttocks and breasts reddened by the minute lashings they'd got. She took deep and steadying breath and turned towards Vinata, a sheepish smile coming despite herself as she fingered the glass door. "You see? Can you please activate it instead? My settings are locked since I used my spanner on my own shower - trying to fix the hardware. Now, the lowest settings doesn't get any better than that... "

She was feeling light-headed when looking at Vinata, and she couldn't help but biting her lip and keep looking at him as she made her plea for his aid.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #17
As he was invited to stay and then to help with the shower Vinata smiled softly and he let out a soft chuckle as he nodded. "light, just give me a moment." He smiled softly as he crouched down and unclasped the boots he wore before stepping free of them and then slipping out of his own uniform, it was a bit of a jump in trust, but he felt Rihen was trustworthy, she was not doing this to be sexual, but to make him comfortable, and if she was trying then he could do his best and try. So, he took hold of his clothes and slipped out of his uniform.

As his uniform was removed and the colorful male stood there looking at Rihen she could see every detail of his body glistening in the humid air of the bathroom. His vibrant skin colors were all the more vibrant as his moistened skin show with a sheen in the lighting of the bathroom. Vinata smiled and walked up to Rihen and got into the sonic shower with her, his smooth body looking odd as he had no nipples and his genitalia was hidden away behind a smooth slit that was easy to miss. And as he got into the shower he smiled softly before getting behind Rihen and he spoke. "Activate sonic shower, Ovri settings."

With that command the sonic shower began, the hum of the sonic showers stated and the slight tingle of the shower was much more tolerable than it was before. Granted it was working a lot less quickly than normal settings would provide, but it was a much more tolerable feeling and Vinata soon was putting his hands on Rihen's shoulders and began to rub. "I find that rubbing your skin helps you feel much less of the vibrations of the sonic, and it helps wipe the skin clean I find." He smiled and rubbed Rihen's body, showing a bit more investment and an attempt to built more trust between them.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #18
When Vinata removed his uniform, the subtle scent grew more potent. Rihen's thoughts about how her user-specific shower settings had to be based on the calibrated output of the shower in her own quarters fell from her mind - like the garments fell from the Ovri male in front of her. She didn't know what to say as the exotic specimen of a man joined her inside the small glass stall of the sonic shower, and that faint scent became even more potent from their close proximity. The humidifier was working wonders to the atmosphere in the bathroom, and Rihen stepped back to give Vinata som room, and to allow herself the opportunity to drink in the sight of him.

She was surprised at the lack of a male phallus, but she'd had Andorian patrons before, and knew that some species had retractable phalli. His chest was - most commonly - that of a woman's too, and the ample size of his bosom rivalled her own. Yet no more had she the chance to look at the nurse before he stepped in behind her, and she had to accommodate his wish to get out of her sight. Before she realised that he had spoken, he had activated the shower for them.

"Oh," he said when the vibrations caressed her, eyes heavy-lidded from the way Vinata was affecting her. Vaguely, she remembered the Ovri's pheromones, and chalked her lack of composure up to that attribute of the species - the scent explained. Orion and Ash'reem patrons, among others, used to have such an effect on her. She was about to say that the shower was better than expected, but Vinata's hands were on her shoulders - his rounded fingertips massaging her - and it took her breath away.

"Yes-s, that is truly distracting," she managed, swallowing, and couldn't help but touch herself too - following his lead. She rubbed her own sides, and then ran her hands up to cup her own breasts - feeling the peaks hard underneath her palms. She tried to take deep breaths despite her elevated heart-rate, to try and touch herself without making any strange sounds. Vapour was rising from her fingers - the grime vanishing as if on fire. She felt like she was on fire, but of an altogether different kind. She used to be the ones that seduced patrons, and she remembered tact and composure for those who were shy, but it was not she was was seducing Vinata now. No, unwittingly, he was seducing her, and she had to restrain herself for his sake. His fingers worked wonders to her shoulders and back - wherever he touched feeling like a blessing.

"Here, let me help you now," she said and turned around, gently putting her hands on his shoulders as she faced him - applying her thumbs on his skin. She looked him in the eyes first, smiling while she did the sides of his neck and the top of his shoulders. Then, she worked her way down his sides - her eyes attending to the ministrations she made. She laughed a little as she worked, biting her lip. "I envy you, Vinata. If I only had your kind of skin... your kind of curves."

She couldn't stop herself from arching her body to meet his smooth hands when he touched her, and to run her hands over his globated breasts - seeing the vapour rise between her fingers. He had made her wet, and she was silently hoping for him to touch her there - the apex of her legs aching to be touched. "This is the first time I really... really enjoy a sonic shower. Then again, I suppose that any activity shared is an activity better experienced..."

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #19
Vinata tensed up for just a moment as Rihen's touched his skin. the feeling of hands against his ski, the feeling of closeness to another sentient being, it was all just so strange, and yet comforting and nostalgic. As Rihan ran her hands over Vinata's curves, caressing his body and massaging his faux breasts, Vinata's breathing slowed and turned more even as he let his eyes close and his hands moved over Rihen as his mind fell back to simpler, happier times.

As his eyes laid shut Vinata's mind drifted, flowing back to the times in his youth, his evenings with his many clutchmates, the countless other young boys raised together in the commune. He remembered the shoes together, the playful teasing and splashing. He even remembered his teens, as their bosoms had grown in more defined, the casual caressing that they would share to help with the tenderness that came with the growth of their breasts. It was a comforting and relaxing sensation that helped Vita relax. Of course as Vinata was lost in thought Rihen spoke and sapped him back to the shower.

As Rihen spoke of her envy of Vinata's figure he could not help, but let out a slight dry chuckle. "Oh I do not doubt it, even among my own kind I was considered well endowed, this however did lead to much awkwardness and unwanted attention since I have left home." He sighed and shuddered. "I-I sometimes wish I was not like this." He shuddered and his lip quivered, despite how strong he was acting, Vinata was still scared, still hurting. He could not keep things bottled up forever, and even with the help he was getting he was still needing more.

Tears beg to fizzle away as Vinata began to cry, before he pulled Rihen in for a firm embrace as he began to whimper and cry. "I-I am so scared, I am so scared of what might happen to me, of what people are thinking, of what their stares mean. Oh Rihen, I am terrified of the all, of every other member of the crew. I do not know if I can get over it." He took deep breaths and sobbed."P-Please, I just need someone I can hold close, like one of the friends I used to have back home." He shuddered as he held Rihen close.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #20
The reaction of the Ovri made it plain that he was still hurting, and Rihen compassionate heart bled for him when he bemoaned his regret and his fears for the people around him and what they thought of him. He confessed his need to be close to someone, and without delay, she hugged him tightly - their wet bodies pressed together. She felt a lump in her throat at the thought of what Vinata must be feeling, and she rubbed her hands over his back. The pheromones that the Ovri emitted had her thoughts leaden, and she could not do anything about how hard the peaks of her breasts were when pressed against Vinata. This was not about her, it was about her patron. Her own desire had to be put aside.

"People look at me the same way, believe it or not," she said, stroking the back of his head in the embrace and laying her cheek against his shoulder. "Personally, I find confidence in how people desire me, and I do not begrudge them looking, since their desire is honest. It is a natural thing among all species, we Risians have learned. In that way, I would be more cautious if people were hiding their desires for ill intentions, since then, pure honesty would be lost. Oh, people might try to hide their thoughts out of a sense of respect too, or because they don't want to hurt the feelings of their loved ones by looking, but with time, it is easier to discern which is which."

Rihen raised her head and looked Vinata in the eye, running her hands up his neck and rubbing her thumbs over his glistening cheeks. She smiled to him, trying to encourage him through the way he had been blessed, making his advantages overshadow the hurt that had been caused him. "Let them look, I say, and take pride in the body you were born with, for it is a thing of wonder, and not something you should think lesser of just because it was taken advantage of by a man crazed by Vulcan touch. You are not ruined, not spoiled. Not unless you allow yourself to think you were."

Their bodies were beaded with water from the humidifier, and Rihen ran her hands over his skin - feeling the wetness under her palms as she caressed the Ovri in the way he wanted her to. She spoke again as she cupped his bottom in her hands, pressing her body to his again. The smile she wore was hopeful, that he would hear her and not refute her people's teachings. "The mutineers have been cleared for duty, their minds restored to them, and they regret their actions too. They were not themselves. There was this Klingon security officer who almost killed himself for what he had done when he had been subjected to mind-control." Poor Zaraq, he had refuted her offer to help him, but perhaps he would conquer his guilt one day nonetheless.

She hugged his waist again, shifting against him and putting her head against his shoulder. "You needn't fear the looks people give you now, when that evil has been banished from the minds of the crew. Their appreciation of you is honest, just like I appreciate you - even if I have had the opportunity to speak with you, and they have merely come to like your physical self. If you speak with them, I am sure they will like you for whom you are too."

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #21
Vinata took a deep shuddering breath as he was held by Rihen, relishing in the feeling of another person pressing close to him. But as he was encouraged and told how it was nice to be gazed upon in such intimate ways, he could not help but let out a resigned sigh. "I-I do not share your sentiment sadly...I...I just feel weird with it all still...I might be able to handle it better if I we to have some company through it. I feel safer when someone I can trust is with me." But as he was told about how the people who had been converted to the mutiny had been rehabilitated, Vinata froze up and just stood there rigidly before he spoke in a soft tone.

"I do not feel any better from that...the ones who touched me, the one who raped me...I...I killed him with my actions, I fired a phaser into his chest at close range and killed him." He shook his head. "And after that I had a man brutally killed right on top of me...I could feel the blood flowing over me, the jolts as he was shot over and over...I felt the life leave him as his pulse died down and I could not feel anything coming from his body any longer...those that hurt me died, and both died in a very close and shocking manners." He shuddered and began to sob again. "I am kind of scared that I am blamed for their deaths, that my actions got those two men killed."

He took deep breaths and looked down to Rihen. "I feel like an outsider...and I do no know how I can get back in, such looks of lust just confuse me an make me feel unsettled...I just do not know what to do with myself sometimes...Hylota is getting further into her position..I feel as though I should just apply myself to m k as had as she does, make that the focus of my life...but even she had people tat she is getting close to." He sighed...lie was just getting so confusing these day. If only things could have been like they were before, making casual fiends with his fellow students, not having to worry about death, and not having to fear the stressed out desires of the rest of the crew...but perhaps Rihen could help him through this.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #22
As much as it hurt Rihen to hear about what Vinata had been through, it also sounded like he was in some stage of grief over it too, and that he was slowly going to reach the stage of acceptance. Until he did, however, she knew she had to be there for him, and let him be as close to her as he wanted to. It was hardly a sacrifice n her part, given how much she enjoyed being so. She also had to safeguard the slow progress towards his acceptance, so that there would be no more cause for falling back into the dark place her patron had been in after the mutiny. There was one thing she felt she had to be honest about, however, since she did not want to be caught withholding something from him again. He needed to know how he made her feel.

"Well, perhaps you should take after your sister, because I enjoy your company, and would very much like it if you got close to me," she said and chuckled, running her hands up to his shoulders while she looked into his eyes with a smile. "Even without managing to read about your people, I have experience with the Orions, and the way they affect their surroundings with something called pheromones. I should tell you that there might be another reason people act the way they are around you... and that is because you make people close to you feel really... really good. Even now, you make me feel good, just being this close to you, and I enjoy it a lot, so I would not want you to stop even if you could..."

She said this and lay her head against his shoulder again, feeling his body pressed against hers and running her hands over his skin. She saw that the humidifier was making warm water pearl on her shoulder as she hugged and caressed him. "I'm telling you since I know you want my honesty, and not propriety through omission... Sharing this shower with you makes me curious, wanting to learn more about you, even to learn how to please you... and how you could please me in turn. I find myself thinking about how you mate with the females of your species, and how you and Andorian men have something in common... Something hidden from the eye."

She said this and chuckled, leaning her head back to look at him - not shameful at all about speaking of Jamaharon and wanting him to know that. At the same time, she wanted to respect her patron's feelings about the topic. "I will not speak of that again if you do not want me to... I just wanted to tell you how you make me feel as a woman, that's all. Honesty is best, right?"

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #23
Vinata listened to everything that Rihen had to say, but as he was informed of the effect that his pheromones had been potent enough to make Rihen wanted him more, and then of course there was how she spoke of wanting his cock. This made Vinata nod and smile softly. " is not something I usually do...but I guess I would be alright with getting closer to you." He nuzzled in close to Rihen and let out a soft chirp before closing his eyes and relaxing. He had not doe something like this in a long time, a never with an alien woman before, so Vinata wanted to make sure that this was a special moment,and that h did not mess things up, so he focused ad refused to give in to his urges right away.

Taking a beep breath Vinata began to chirp more, getting his heart rate up and beginning a process that caused his protective slit to loosen and part as his cock began to slip out. The Ovri cock was larger than most and had an unusual shape to it, with a pointed tip and the length of the cock broken up into segments by bulbous knots that seemed to give Vinata some basic level of control as the cock was able to move in more complex ways than a human's would.   Smiling Vinata pulled back a bit to allow Rihen to see his cock, a bit of confidence filled his face as he smiled to his companion. "I know it is not what you usually see, but...well I want you to get to know me better too."

Vinata was smiling, but internally he was terrified, self doubt d worry had his mind screaming that this was a terrible idea, that he was going to be rejected and left alone for being too alien for another race to enjoy, that the things said to him were simply done out of a sense of decency and not a true sense of compassion. Vinata did not really know how to go about this entire ordeal, he just hoped that he would be accept by Rihen and from here he would be let her take charge and see how much she truly was invested in him.

Re: DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]

Reply #24
When Vinata reacted the way Rihen hoped he would, instead of refuting her desires like she feared he might, a shuddering sigh of relief coursed through her - making her lean on the Ovri male in their embrace. It was fascinating, how he began to chirp like he did, and she smiled as she lay the side of her head against his neck - feeling the reverberations of his sound through his glistening frame. She did not know what he was doing, exactly, but she enjoyed the sound he made, and she ran her hands over his back and neck. She felt light-headed from his presence, and she couldn't even remember the last time she had felt so keen for engaging in Jamaharon.

Then, he parted a little from her, and it became quite evident what was happening. The sight of his Ovri penis made her gasp, but not in fear. Oh, no. She had enjoyed patrons of many species, and she grinned to him in delight as she saw it slide out of him. "That's amazing, Vinata..." she said, her voice almost shivering from anticipation. "You are so big..."

Slowly, she reached out to touch it, for she deemed he wanted her to - that she would lead the way. She just hoped she wouldn't do something he didn't enjoy. The first Jamaharon with a new species was always somewhat a trial-and-error thing, so she would make sure to continue slowly, and try to gauge whether or not she did it well as she went along. To begin with she ran her fingertips along the bulbous length, feeling the texture, looking for any bodily response to her touch. It seemed almost prehensile to her, and she bit her lower lip as she looked up into Vinata's eyes. "I would like to taste it, if I may?"

She said so, and was already sinking down upon her knees in the shower - her free hand running down the front of Vinata's body as she did so. Once she was down there, there was no hiding the enjoyment in her face as she looked upon his alien member - both of her hands caressing its sides with open palms. She couldn't resist it, leaning in with pursed lips to kiss its pointed head. She could not quite describe the taste as she let her tongue slide out across the head, but that did not stop her from licking it. Soon, from base to tip - her tongue grazing the ventral side of his hardness while she looked up at him in the light of the shower.

"I like it," she said to him, a hoarse tone to her voice as she gave him an elated grin from where she sat. Only then did she begin to try and take more of him into her mouth - mismatched eyes peering up at him in the fog from the humidifier.

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